The Howie Carr Radio Network

A Tale of Two Trials plus Trump takes the Jersey Shore | 5.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie's been locked in to the Karen Read trial all day. Meanwhile, some of his listeners have had their gaze on the Stormy Daniels trial in New York. No matter which is your pick, Howie's got updates. Tune in!

Broadcast on:
13 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The non-white portion of the Trump coalition, it was 13% in 2020. Look at this now. It's 19%. So the Trump coalition is becoming more diverse. The problem is Juliet's peeps are like East Coast rappers, and my posse is representing West Syed. Just like my boy is Tupac and Biggie, you know what I'm saying? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Silence of the left. Has anyone ever seen the silence of the left? The late great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. The census teacher once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some father beans, and a nice cayon tea. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last thing? I'm having an old friend for dinner. She's going to eat a friend. That was kind of supposed to be the last line when you ruin it. I'm going to say it again, and then hang up quickly. I'm having an old friend for dinner. What? Oh, my god, this-- Rump swabs hacks and moon bounce beware, it's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car. 844, 500, 4242, 844, 500, 4242. You know what I'm tired of seeing the cayron on the Fox News channel that says "Star Witness." Michael Cohen, "Star Witness." How about convicted felon? How about serial purger? Good Lord, "Star Witness." What a joke. 844, 542, 42. I'm watching the cayron read trial today. That's about-- I'm giving you a tease on our poll question. A lot of stuff to get to here today, all sorts of disasters. They announced Friday night after deadline that they're-- they've decided to ruin another small Republican leaning town, Norfolk, the town of Norfolk. They have a closed prison. It's got razor wire above it, still. It's been closed for a while, base date correctional center. And they're going to move in 450 criminal illegal aliens as of June 15th. These are the illegal aliens that have been living in Logan Airport. It's like a basement that just keeps filling up with water. And they refuse to fix the problem, which is shutting the border or sealing the basement, whichever one you want to talk about. So it just fills up, and they shift them out, and they wreck another town and another neighborhood with putting all these illegals in these areas, destabilize another formerly middle class area. And then it fills up again. And I just keep-- every time I read-- well, we're going to move them from Logan Airport. How many times you've been at Logan Airport dropping somebody off, and you're just there for two seconds. Or waiting for somebody to come out. And someone from F Troop, a state trooper, comes over and bangs on your car, who had, hey, go there. But then you're an American citizen. You're a taxpayer. You're a law-abiding citizen. They treat you like crap. If you're a fentanyl dealer, a gangbanger, a teen mom, pregnant teen mom, looking to go on the doll forever, you're welcomed with open arms by the Healy administration. It's just a wonderful thing. And she says she can't do anything about it. And Marhealy, she was on TV yesterday. I guess she gone to Rome yet or not with Michelle Wu. You know what my-- it's the best kind of trip to Italy, a free trip to Italy. It's on us. It's our pleasure, governor and mayor, our pleasure. But she went on TV before she left her if she's leaving now and said, I don't know why everybody's so angry. Half of these people in these homeless shelters are Americans. How come all the ones we know about, they're 100% illegal aliens? Where are the Americans in these homeless shelters? See where they are. They aren't anywhere because they aren't there. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. We're now in the Father's Day mode. And we have a special deal here at the Howie Car Show of Father's Day special. You can order my book, read all about-- Paperboy, read all about it. $24.95. And if you order the book right now at, click on store. You will get a free mystery t-shirt. We have a lot of-- we have a lot of t-shirts. I'm wearing the Donald Trump t-shirt. They're after you. I'm just in the way. This is one of the t-shirts. I'll be changing the t-shirt every hour for the next few days. So you can get the free t-shirt, free mystery t-shirt. Just list your size. All sizes available. Some more than others, if you want to get a double XL, I would say, move fairly quickly. But we have t-shirts of all sizes from S all the way up to double XL right now. So just order. Paperboy, read all about it. It's a great gift for Dad if he doesn't have what a great gift for yourself. And you get the free t-shirt to go along with it. So it's basically, it's almost a two for one deal. and to click on store. 844-542-42. People are saying, what a disaster this Caron read trial has become. Brian Albert was an absolute failure for the Commonwealth. I think they knew he was going to be a failure though, didn't they? I mean, they just want this thing over with so they can blame everything on the-- oh, the jury was tainted by the evil turtle boy. And we couldn't get a conviction. So then they just let all the-- past the gravy Morrissey, the district attorney, when seeking the perps will leave no stone unturned, except the one they're hiding under. If you want to hide something real good, just stick it in one of district attorney meatball Morrissey's law books. I mean, the fact that they think they can get a jury to convict beyond a reasonable doubt is absurd. It's always been absurd. I mean, again, you have to get 12 people, 12 out of 12-- not 11 of 12, 12 out of 12 to agree beyond a reasonable doubt. I mean, if there was any question, and I don't think there was, I mean, there should be no question after today. I mean, the guy, Brian Albert, he said he lied. I mean, it's just amazing. Cut 18. What did you do to get ready for bed to settle in? I went upstairs and just lied in bed. The TV was on. I was just kind of watching TV. He lied in bed. And today, he certainly told conflicting stories. He seemed that he lied today on the witness stand, but he admitted lying, and he lied in bed. You know, I went to high school in this state, too. You had to know the difference between lie and lay. It was expected. The grammatical thing to say would be, I lay in bed. L-A-Y, lie is the present tense. Lay is the past tense, OK? I don't mean to be a, you know, a pedagogue about it, but that's it. 844-542-508. What happened to the 7,500 family cap? I wrote a call about it yesterday, starting out with the statement from the Norfolk state rep, which he began his thing to whom it to all citizens. I regret to inform you. And I thought to myself, that's like a telegram during World War II to a serviceman's family telling them their son has been killed in action. I regret to inform you. That's the way they began those telegrams. But you know what, the news may have may not have been quite as bleak and tragic, but it was terrible news. I mean, he talked to-- he said, there's going to be a strain, a strain on the public schools, you think? King Philip, regional middle and high schools, the Norfolk town schools, police and fire. It's just really bad. But I also, in my column-- and again, you can see it at Just that's right there on-- you can check it and go down. It'll pop up quickly. I went down, they've got this new reform package, supposedly. And they're going to start sending out letters in June. But of course, say they're going to give you a 90-- they're going to give the illegals 90 days to find a new place to flop. But if you're pregnant, you get another 90 days. And so you just keep kicking it down the road. Then if you get another 90 days, you get it down to December. And oh, that's the holiday season you can't throw them. And the cops-- the cops don't come in and bust them for committing crimes in the flop houses. You think the cops are going to evict them onto the street with every George Soros, a goateed, Birkenstock wearing, goateed, slimy lawyer, public advocate saying, this is racist to throw them out on the street. It's racist to make anyone from Haiti or Venezuela have to get a job like an American. 844, 500, 42, 42, 802. How much pressure from the deep state are the 12 jurors in New York City under it to produce a conviction? There are a lot of pressure. But again, it's got to be 12 out of 12. I just can't see it. I can't see it. And now they're starting to say, even on CNN, they're saying this would be an acquittal if this were in any sane jurisdiction in the country. But of course, it's not. That's the problem. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillows $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillows or stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set. Each is available for an astonishing $25 per item. Yes, you heard it right, just $25 per item during MyPillows $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it also at the unbeatable price of $25. In making its debut, the premium MyPillows with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code HOWE for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code HOWE. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code HOWE. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car is back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today's poll question is brought to you by Local Silver Meant, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Local silver Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which big criminal trial are you following most closely today? The Trump trial in New York, the Caron Reed trial in Dedham, neither I'm working or neither I don't care about either trial. I'm following Caron Reed. Caron Reed, 29%, 24% say Trump's trial. Really? I'm surprised. 25% say they're working and 22% say they don't care about either one. All right. 844-500-4242 Limerick Guy says this scam trial was never about convicting Caron Reed. It's about design to get both an acquittal. And for the real people, the real killers to get away with murder. And it looks like it's going to work perfectly. Idlimerick Guy has obviously been watching the Caron Reed trial. I mean, if there was any doubt about the reasonable doubt, it was removed today. I mean, they haven't even gotten to some of the other terrible prosecution witnesses. Like Jen McNabb, who Brian Albert described, she's like a sister to him. And Brian Higgins, the guy that's got the federal proffer. You notice the judge didn't let the defense bring up the fact that they have a federal grand jury. 844-500-4242-919 says Birkin Stocks with Socks Howie. Yeah, that's what we'll be. And they'll all have New York accents, too. All the lawyers will have New York accents. 844-500-4242. If there's a hung jury in New York, will the jurors have to say publicly what they decided guilty or not guilty? No, what will happen is if there are any reporters left, and there are a handful left in New York City, unlike Boston, they'll get a list of the jurors, call them up, and maybe someone will tell truthfully what the votes were and it would be great if somebody would like the guy from Lebanon, the guy that came over in 1980, I assume he's a Maronite Christian that was driven out by the Muslim slaughters of Christians in the late '70s in Lebanon. He's the guy who's hung on and was the one angry man who prevented this conviction in this kangaroo court that I'd love to see him step forward. But again, he'd be docked, he'd be destroyed. He'd have to move out of New York City. He wouldn't be able to live there. But I think it's going to be like more like four or five of them are going to-- they're just going to say, I know he's a bad guy, but if they can do this to him, they can do it to anybody. As the t-shirt says, and again, the t-shirt's available right now, it's free when you buy Paper Boy, read all about it. Not guaranteed you'll get that t-shirt. It is a mystery t-shirt. It's a mystery t-shirt. We have all sorts of t-shirts, 844, 542, 42. I wish I was following the read trial, but I'm late to the dance, and it would be tough to get caught up. It's not that tough, really. Just listen every day when we have a turtle boy on. The wrap ups in the paper aren't great, but they'll give you enough to work with. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Howie, yesterday I was watching Channel 5 with a hotel heli on there. Yes. And she said, as far as homeless veterans are concerned, we have more than enough openings for homeless veterans. Now, it was about a month ago, I read in the Boston Globe, that on any given night in Boston, there are up to 250 homeless veterans sleeping on the streets in Boston. So, you know, if I had a hammer, I probably would have thrown it through the TV screen when she said that. Well, how about Tom, Tom, how about just the larger lie that, oh, half the families in these shelters are American citizens? That's total BS. Show me, you know, we talked to Dave the Coast. You know, he's the state rep from Kingston area where they have the comfort in, and they have like 140 rooms, and there's two or three American families in there, Tom. That's it. And I would assume that it's not much different than in any other of the shelters. And I talk to people in some of the shelters, and it's like in East Cambridge, where the courthouse is, right there on Cambridge Street, the old probate courthouse. There aren't the Americans living in there. It's all Haitians. You know? Same thing in Tom. And I would love for you to get Sean O'Connell, the mayor of the city on there, because those people have been there since July of last year. They are not working. And this myth that you hear on NPR stations that, oh, these are the people that are only willing to do the jobs Americans are unwilling to do. They're layabouts. Right. Can be a break. I know. I know. They're not working. And even if they could work, Tom, they wouldn't be able to make enough money to survive on their own. They're still gonna be on welfare. I mean, in a best case scenario, we're still gonna be giving them basic housing subsidies, food stamps, mass health, which is Medicaid. It's free in America. Exactly. Exactly. 844, 542, 42, 860. What would you be talking about without this care and rethinking? I'd be talking about the foreign freeloader flop houses. I'd be talking about the Trump trial. I'd be talking about the fact that, apparently the US has known for weeks, if not months, where the Hamas butchers are hiding out, but they haven't told Israel. Do they realize that Netanyahu says that has been saying from day one, the war doesn't end until we get Yaya and the other guy? If they knew where Yaya was, the Americans, should they have told the Israelis wouldn't that end the war? We'll be talking about the fact that the UN has halved the number of civilian casualties in Gaza. In other words, they've gone to the Israeli number rather than the terrorist numbers. I'm how we are. Oh, no Grace, your birthday again already? What do you want to do? I want to go to Aviva Traceria. Which one? How about Hanover, one of their newest locations? Great, I'll even give a free copy of my new book, Paperboy, Read All About It, to any listener who spends 20 bucks at Aviva Traceria in Hanover while we're there. Friday, May 31st, from noon to six. Make your reservations today at or call 978-692-9050. It's my favorite remote of the year and I can't wait to see everyone. (upbeat music) Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-508. I get a book and a piece of cake. If I spend 20 bucks, you're practically paying me to show up at Aviva Traceria. Yes, we are. Exactly. Yes, you've got it fast. And you get to celebrate my birthday. That's right, so it's May 31st, Friday at the Aviva Traceria in Hanover. Which I was able to go to a couple of weeks ago for an early Mother's Day brunch and it's a really beautiful location. Everybody there's wonderful. And it's always one of the really fun remote tally because it kicks off the summer season. Right, and I did the, I was at the Aviva Traceria on Saturday night and rent them and it was great. I had my Italian sandwich. Very good. And the chips, I saw you had the homemade chips. That's true, I love the chips. Delish. Five Oids says I drove by Legacy Place on Saturday late morning. All you see is Haitian looking people in large groups walking up and down the road along the mall from Fox 25. I go to Shaw's and Rainham near the Flop House Hotel in Rainham on Route 44. And they're all over the store with a hotel van transporting them. Yeah, there's an E. Yeah, are any of them looking for work? I don't think so. And they keep talking about all they get. Oh, we're going to force them to move out. Where are they going to move to? Where are they going to go? And you know, you get an extra 90 days if you're pregnant. So guess what? Guess what? You also, that's for the women. If you also get a 90 days if you're looking for work. I mean, as I said to my column yesterday, that's a scam going back to the 60s, back to the great society with Lyndon Johnson. Oh, I'm looking for work. You just get, you just go, you just say, oh, it's that day. I got to put in for the, for my next check. You just drive down the road and you just pick three places and you say you applied for the job there. Yeah, this is, but this is a, these are huge stories because people are angry about this. I posted the letter from the Norfolk state rep. I tweeted it out on Saturday morning. Saturday, as soon as I got it, I tweeted it out. I think I broke the story or I was, or I maybe, maybe one of the TV stations had it for late Friday night, but I had it. I think first tweeting it out. I've had over 70,000 people hit that story. That's huge for me, you know? And there's, it's getting big hits on the, on the website today to my column that I wrote for the, for the Sunday Herald yesterday. Click on it and check out the, check out the special Father's Day deal. We got all kinds of good deals. Aviva Triteria for Grace's birthday, the Father's Day deal with the book and the t-shirt, all kinds of stuff. So right now we got Grace with the news. Yes, Interesting story out of California that may raise gas prices up to 50 cents. That's a 50 cent increase. That's not, that's not an interesting story. That's a horrifying story. A long standing emissions reduction program may lead to a 50 cent increase in gasoline prices within two years in California, according to a little known state and air quality. You have another reason not to go near the formerly golden state. I don't think people needed another one, but yes, they have it. According to a little known state, air quality regulator report. So the report for C's gasoline price increases due to the low carbon fuel standard reforms that were created in 2007, likely raising by 47 cents next year in 52 cents by 2026. So again, just something for people in California. Another reason to vote for Trump to try to get the regulatory state under control, at least on a federal level. Yeah, a lot of graduations this weekend, Howie. Columbia University had students rip their diplomas on stage during commencement while wearing zip ties and holding. That's good because it seems to be the problem if they ever came to me to apply for a job. I'd rip up their diploma too. And you also saw Duke University that Jerry Seinfeld, a lot of people walked out of his commencement address. He's been very outspokenly supportive of his. I didn't know. He had two kids that went to Duke University. You know, he was one of the people that was there for Mike Shiszewski's last home game. Oh, really? Yeah, when they got their ass kicked by UNC. It was one of the amusing side lights of that great victory a couple of years ago. He did visit the kibbutzes after October 7th, his wife, Jeff Seinfeld, has been very vocal about her support for Israel. So it's not a huge shock that people walked out and were booing, but it seemed like, and this is a point that somebody brought up on social media today, that if you took the amount of people that walked out versus the general student body, there was so much more support for him being there and so many more people who wanted to see him. But, and then people were criticizing the media for-- The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Yeah, for running with these stories about these kids who were acting up, but it's like, I hate to defend the media, but that's kind of the nature of it. Like, you are going to-- Well, I thought the most interesting graduation ceremony of the weekend was at the Howard University nursing school. Yeah, that was amazing. Where they had a riot. They had a riot. They thought it was, it was George Floyd and they were looting a liquor store or something. They busted into it, busted into the auditorium. That was a crazy story because they didn't have enough-- Space. Yeah, they underestimated how many seats they were gonna need. Another big story today. FBI probes whether Iran, Envoy, Malley committed crimes and handling of classified info. How long have they been working on this story? This guy goes back to what the Clinton administration. And, you know, he's been, he's been planting basically Iranian assets. I'll be, I'll be kind, I won't call him spies. I'll call him asset. He's been planting Iranian assets in some of the most sensitive agencies there are, including the Pentagon. Yeah, the FBI. And they remain in the Pentagon. This is from Politico. It says the FBI and how you'll catch this. The FBI is investigating whether the Biden administration's Iran, Envoy, Rob, Malley moved classified information onto his personal email where it may have fallen into the hands of a foreign actor, according to a person briefed on the case. Remember when they said that Trump had had secret documents that could have fallen into foreign hands? And then it was, and then like a month later, they run this. It was a huge story for like a day or two days. And then a, you know, a week, a month later, they say, oh, those were just the similar markings, but it had nothing to do with any secret documents. But it didn't matter. But yeah, the lie had gone around the world. Well, the truth was still getting its pants on. Yet this story is getting no publicity. This is a guy who's been a basically a spy, alleged spy in three Democrat administrations, a guy who was born in Egypt. Why do they have these people that are born outside the country in, you know, suspicious places? Not everybody who's from Egypt is a, is a, an Islamist. But I mean, it doesn't make it a little more likely. - Well, the part of this that I find kind of amazing, and we were talking about this earlier how we, in regards to Michael Cohen, because he's testifying today and trying to say that the reason Trump wanted to go through this Hush Money payment was to make himself look better if he ever campaigned versus what Trump's team is saying is he was trying to protect his family. And Michael Cohen is claiming he knows what Trump's actual intentions were. And it's this weird thing in the press where if it's a Democrat, they're able to know whether or not you intended anything to be nefarious. And then you're able to get away with it. Like think back to Hillary Clinton, right? So she knew that what she was doing was egregious. - If you're a Republican in general in Trump in particular, remember the Mueller report? We can't find anything to tie him to Russian collusion, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was innocent. - Yeah, we can't prove that he's innocent. - Yeah, again, again, didn't you learn in school? You can't prove a negative. That's why you have to prove guilt beyond the reasonable doubt. It's the only fair way to go. - Well, I thought this, this is weird too, it says, and the question of whether Mally acted intentionally or mistakenly if he is found to have done anything inappropriate. And I was thinking, this goes back to Hillary Clinton where James Comey came out with that long explanation of what she was doing with classified information. And a lot of Republicans were trying to argue, hey, listen, ignorance of the law, not that we think Hillary was actually ignorant of anything. And you could say the same about Rob Mally as how he just mentioned, he's been in this for decades now. But even if we were to play that game, they were ignorant, they didn't know you weren't supposed to download classified documents onto your personal cell phone. Allah, Rob, Mally, ignorance of the law is no excuse. - Didn't Mally go to high school? Not of course, not in the United States of America, but in Paris with Blinken, I believe he did. - Yeah, and I'm sure he knows all of the rules about what you're supposed to do with yourself. - And by the way, another thing about the Trump case today, Cohen testified that Trump was falsely accused of knocking up some woman at Trump Tower, right? It was total false. And Trump goes to Cohen and says, I want you to handle this. It's his lawyer. What are you supposed to do? You're falsely accused and you're in the public eye. What was he supposed, is there something sinister about having someone handle it for you? - That's why they're called fixers. - Right, or lawyers. - He's not a good, he's not good at either of those jobs, no, because he also recorded Trump in order to bring the conversation to David Pecker from the National Enquirer. What about lawyer client confidentiality? You're recording your client so you can get some soup for the National Enquirer? - Is New York a two party or a one party state? I don't know. - That's a good question. I think it might be one party, but it could be wrong. But yeah, so Michael Cohen, all of the updates from the trial today are really, that was from what I saw the biggest bombshell was that he recorded Trump without Trump knowing in order to give it to David Pecker at the National Enquirer. Like some lawyer you are. And also what Fox keeps showing, which I'm happy they are showing this. And I hope that at some point the jury can see this. They keep showing cuts of Michael Cohen on TikTok, wearing his Trump in jail shirt, and saying all these crazy things on. So Michael Cohen can say whatever he wants, he's a convicted liar, he can say whatever he wants. - Cereal. - Cereal liar, perjurer, he can say whatever he wants. He can go on TikTok. He can sell merch of Donald Trump. And if Donald Trump comes out and says, seems like there's a lot of conflicts of interest here, he gets fined $1,000. - I thought it was, it's a one party state. So he's in the clear there. Unlike the situation in Florida, with that woman who called up the Secretary of State's office in Georgia and would trend to frame Trump. Florida's a two party state. Meaning that both parties have to agree. I think Massachusetts is a two party state as well. - Yes, I believe that is true. Howie, one last thing for you. I know you hit on this earlier. You'll probably get to it soon. US sites intelligence offers Israel's supplies to limit Rafa operation. I think all you have to know from this story is in the first line. The Biden administration working urgently to stave off a full scale Israeli invasion of Rafa is offering Israel valuable assistance in an effort to persuade it to hold back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group's hidden tunnels. To which I'm sure Israel was thinking, wait, if you guys have this information, why didn't you give it to us earlier? - How many times has Netanyahu said, the war isn't gonna be over until we get the guys who started this? So leads me to believe the war could be over by now. - Yeah, but also, and I talked to Ben Weingarten about this. If anyone wants to check out the podcast, his point was, they don't want Israel to win the war. They do not want Israel to take out Hamas. Now they're dangling this. And Ben Weingarten made a good point. He said, if this isn't true, that's almost worse. Like if they don't have this information that could help Israel, our ally, that's even worse. 'Cause now you're saying, do what we want and back out of Rafa for this information that we actually aren't gonna give you. So this is how we treat our allies now in the United States. - I'm glad the Israelis are not giving in to this most cynical corrupt black male attempt. And it's not gonna help Biden either, you know? - Yeah, well, did you see now that I was thinking of doing the DNC convention? They're gonna do like a hybrid COVID-esque Zoom-style virtual convention. - Joe Biden, our nominee, direct from his iron lung in Rahoboth Beach, Delaware. - I used to get emails sometimes during COVID of these events, how like these political, you know, political fundraisers or gals, and it would say, do you wanna pay like $50 to go on a Zoom conference of this gala? And I was thinking the whole point of paying for this is so you go have maybe one free drink and meet some people. You're gonna pay 50 bucks to sit in front of a screen. That's what they want the DNC to be. It's like you sit in front of a screen and you watch Joe Biden from afar. - No, thanks, it's painful enough when it's sort of free and it's just costing you something on your electric belt. - I would love to see the ratings though. I would love to see how many people tune in for that. - All right, thank you, Grace. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242, I'm Howie Carr. - Leave a message for the big guy. Call the chumpline. - 844-500-4242. - Press two and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at five to catch the best messages of the day. - One of them may be yours. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) The Howie Carr Show is back. (dramatic music) - 978 says Fox is reporting the reason Biden finally gave the Israelis intel on the hostages is so they can free the American hostages to get Biden a boost in the polls. - He hasn't talked about him for what, seven, eight months now? - And now we're now we're supposed to start seeing these really, he's, we'll start thinking that he's really concerned about them. Another 508. Let me get this straight. Brandon is offering BB valuable intel, but BB is not supposed to use it to smoke the savages. They didn't give it to him. If they gave it to him now, aren't the leaders of Hamas in Qatar, how do we get them? No, some of the street leaders or field leaders like this guy, Yaya Sinwar and his lieutenant, they're supposedly in the tunnels in Rafa. They, the sort of the, the ones who have nice manicures and don't get their hands dirty, you know, butchering Israelis. They're in Qatar, but they're being forced out of Qatar. They're being, or they're being told to leave. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. Listen, I have a great time to celebrate. I went late to see Donald Trump. Yeah. I cannot see that too much, but he was wonderful back. You also, I make friends and one guy and a couple, beautiful couple, me and my wife, we went down there. And he said, "Hey, listen, we want to make you friends." And we talk, talk, talk, talk. He invited me for a dinner in a restaurant. And I said, "Wow, beautiful couple." He said, "You know, I pay and they're going to come with us. We're going, we follow us, we're going, we're going to a big restaurant, beautiful restaurant." And I mean, they were people United, people that were publishing or United. It was a huge, it was a huge rally. I mean, you know, he was, he kept telling, give a shout out to all the people who couldn't get in. I guess you were outside, Mr. Garcia, with your wife and the other people. - No, we was, and it was too far. We was in the back, all the way in the back. (laughing) It was hard to see it, so many people. - Yeah. - Crow. And so many crow, at least 90 or 100,000 people was there. - And everybody was really happy and excited and they weren't a good mood too, weren't they, Mr. Garcia? - Yeah, a couple by us, a dinner, a beautiful dinner. And I never see cost about $360 or the dinner, I think. - See, this is what it's going to be like for all Americans. You know, maybe you won't get a free dinner, but you'll get, you'll get maybe a free appetizer if Donald Trump is elected, everybody's going to do better. It's going to be like the first administration, right? - Yeah, hey, hey, hey, somebody give me a... How far is Wildwood from Newark, Mr. Garcia? Oh, he's gone, that's too bad. Eight, four, I thought he was quite a ways, maybe not. I don't know, I don't know where Wildwood is. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, 'til I like the way Trump said we got a chance we're going to take Jersey. I don't know if I believe that or not, but it would be great. And speaking of New Jersey, the Menendez trial is starting today, Bob Menendez's trial. I think he's familiar, no, at least being, he was invited by the Southern District of New York, so maybe he's going to be tried in Manhattan rather than Newark. He's been tried at Newark before, he got a hung jury. It's all he needed, I'm how we car.