The Howie Carr Radio Network

What About Chloe? Brian Albert's Testimony Called into Question | 5.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace has your daily dose of the Karen Read trial after a weekend off. Tune in for a change in the timeline and a questionable testimony. Oh, and where's the German Shepherd Chloe?

Broadcast on:
13 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. You know, there's so many trials going on. The trials and tribulations of the United States of America in 2024 that sometimes a few of them get lost in the shuffle, they slip through the cracks. And I refuse to let that happen above Menendez 'cause gold bar bub, it's gold. He's too important to me and I think-- - I love gold. - Jared, I think that if we ignore his story and what's going on with this bribery case, we're also in a way where slamming Cuba as a whole in his Cuban heritage because that's what he told us, right? That any treatment of him is just a reflection of, I'm trying to think in inherited generational trauma of being a Cuban American. I don't really know, but I just know that I'm not gonna let this one slide. We are going to get to Bob Menendez and how he's planning according to reports, according to what I've seen to turn on his wife, the love of his life, that we did an entire segment one time about the romance between these two, Nadine and Bobby. And it was, Jared, there were karaoke songs, there were diamond rings, there were-- - Yeah, but it was the wrong diamond, I guess that was kind of the wrong foot, you knew it was doomed from there. - Do you think that's where she thought, and this is what I thought? - That was it, yeah, I think that might've been the-- - You make one mistake. - You know what that is, she got the ick, she got the wrong diamond and she was like, hm. - If you'd gotten the right diamond, you wouldn't have had to hoard all those gold bars. - But he sang that song from, what's that movie, the greatest showman, never enough, he sang that in karaoke to Nadine, like these two were built to last. If you thought Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade were gonna go the distance, then they were even more so, they were even more in love than Fanny and the cabin man, Nathan Wade. So with all that being said, (upbeat music) ♪ Two little designs could hold the world ♪ ♪ But it all never be enough ♪ ♪ Never be enough ♪ ♪ For me ♪ - All right, gift guy, get to work. - Honestly, it was never enough. She wanted a Mercedes, she wanted money, she wanted diamonds, she wanted, you know, she wanted it all, so no way. - She just wanted to heal her generational trauma. - In a way, it was a poetic song and it really, it was emblematic of their relationship. But I actually, Jared, I wanna go to a different movie right now, not the greatest showman. I wanna go to the silence of the lambs. If the silence of the lambs is ever in the news, I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to talk about it. And this one just fell right into my lap. So Donald Trump does this-- - I ate his liver with some father beans and a nice cayenne tea. - You know what is interesting-- - The great John Voigt move? - You know how we talked, Jared, about Trump's playlist at Mar-a-Lago? - That was a great, it was a really fun story. I think it was in Axios. It went through like all the hits he likes to play. It gave us an excuse to play all these songs. And I would say that Trump doesn't have great taste in music, but I love his taste in music. Like every single song that he likes, it's very theater-coated. He's a theater guy at heart. I loved all these songs. They were hits. - I had November rain stuck in my head for four days. I was not upset about it. It was like the village people. Abba, you know, just the Phantom of the Opera. Jesus Christ, superstar. And it turns out, Trump and I also have very similar taste in movies. Because during his Wildwood, New Jersey rally with 100,000 people there, don't fact check me Daniel Dale. I'm pretty sure I read that in a few different outlets. It was 100,000. He's gonna come back with the exact number. He decided to go on a rant. Now, at first, Taylor and Matt were listening to this rant in the green room. And I heard this, and I said, he's talking about sounds of the lamps. He's talking about Hannibal Lecterers. He calls him the late, great Hannibal Lecter. Which prompted me to ask Jared, was Hannibal Lecter based off a real person? Because the actor is not dead. - No. - The actor Anthony Hopkins is very much alive. So I don't know the late, great, that part's confusing to me. But he goes on this whole rant about silence of the lamps. And at first, I was like, oh, is he talking about Hannibal Lecter because of Joe Biden? Because Joe Biden said his uncle had been eaten when his plane went down in New Guinea. - Boozy. - Uncle Bozy was eating my cannibals. But no, it turns out he was going on his rant about mental asylums and insane, insane asylums and mental institutions. And you know what's interesting is, when he did go on this rant a few weeks ago, I thought to myself, what's the difference? What are the difference between those two things? In this speech, in this rally speech, he decides to elaborate on that and explain and expound on what is different between an insane asylum and a mental institution. And that is where the silence of the lamps comes into play. Take a listen. - Silence of the lamp. Has anyone ever seen a silence of the lamps? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last thing? Excuse me, I'm about to have a friend for dinner. There's a sport doctor, what about? I'm about to have a friend for dinner, but Hannibal Lecter, congratulations, the late, great Hannibal Lecter, we have people that are being released into our country that we don't want in our country. - It was a long way to get there, but you know what? I, again, what a fantastic movie. And Jared, it gives us a chance to discuss, because I want to tell you something right now. Everybody has different moments in that movie that they think are the scariest moments. But one moment I go back to a lot is when the woman he captured is in the weird underground tunnel thing where he's sending the lotion down. And Jody Foster, spoiler alert, if you haven't seen it, it came out in 1991, so this one's on you. How he blocked your ears. So they are lowering down the lotion to the tunnel. Or I'm sorry, this is after. Jody Foster gets in, she finds out who Buffalo Bill is, she gets in and she's down the basement. This before he shuts off the lights. And she looks at this young girl who's been captured and she goes, I'll be right back. Just get the whole time, I'll be right back. And the girl looks at her and she goes, what the hell you mean, you'll be right back? And I always remember that moment because I thought I'd be the same way. Like if I manage to stay alive in this weird tunnel cement basement thing and someone shows up and they go, hang tight. Just chill there for a minute. I would be like, no, you're not going anywhere. You're staying with me. That part stuck out to me. But there are so many. I mean, it's Jared. That movie came out in 1991, okay? My parents went to go see it in theaters. My mother still to this day talks about how, when they left the theater and dad, I know you're listening. I'm not trying to slander you here. But my dad thought it would be funny. He like hid behind the car or something when she was coming out of the theater and then went, boom, tried to scare her. My mom cried in the car. That's how shaken she was. I don't think there's been a movie since that is the same level of scariness but also an interesting riveting plot, like suspenseful. - Yeah, I'm trying to think the very first alien movie in 1979 with Sigourney Weaver. - I've never seen alien. - That did a fantastic job of suspense, tension, terror, creepiness. Like it, you really, you felt like trapped in that ship and they did a really good job with that. That's the only other, that's the one that, when I think of movies that really just were like frightening. That was it for me. - You know, it's a good movie that I recently saw and I'm so, I mean, everyone knows this. I'm like 10 years, 20 years, 30 years behind the game. But I finally saw Zodiac with Jake Gyllenhaal. That was very good. But you know what I like? I have something that I love about movies. You know the part of a movie where the music shifts and the lead character starts to piece things together and goes like, hold on a second. Wait, bring me that photo. Hold on, rewind. And they start to piece and the music gets, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, and then maybe they'll put together that somebody in the past that they had talked to actually knew more than they were supposed to and they are actually involved in this blah, blah, blah, that part of a movie, I love so much. My husband now, if we catch that in a movie, he'll pause it and he'll say, how much are you digging this? Are you going out of your mind? I love when they piece it together. - Like when P.W. Herman got to the Alamo, realized there was no basement in the Alamo and he even let on the whole time. - The late, great P.W. Herman. He keeps saying that about Hannibal Lecter. You can tell he loves the movie. - Damn Jeffrey Cuban, at least P.W. Herman was in an X-rated movie theater. - Tom, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Tom? Oh, Tom, we just lost you. But like that kind of thing that Trump has at those rallies, do you think you'd get the same effect if you're doing it via Zoom? Like Joe Biden wants to do with the DNC? - I'm inside by side. Or he could just come up with props like he could wear the mask, the Hannibal Lecter mask on Zoom, take it off and just start doing this speech. He does want, you can tell he does want to just talk with the audience at this point. Like he definitely gets, he's doing the same thing. He's hitting the same comments every single time. Okay, illegal immigration, inflation. But it's like an artist when they get up there and they talk to the audience. At a certain point, you get a little bored, you want to mix it up a little bit. - Well, and I mean, again, like whatever, it's Trump, it's wacky, it's who he is. We enjoy it. But can you even imagine Joe Biden, like you've seen it when he tries to do this and he winds up telling Piefer Dream stories about ending gang war in Philadelphia or Marianne in the sunroom with the hamburger meat. Like, can you imagine if he tried to engage talking about him, well, he'd call it a talkie, but if he tried to talk about movies? - Oh, no, it would be a disaster. Now I'm just thinking of "Sonzil" and the other part of that movie that always gets to me and is so scary is that song they're playing when they first show him down the basement with the creepy, like weird robe on that he has and I think it's "Wild Horses" or something. It is the scariest song. (upbeat music) - Yes. ♪ I'm crying over you ♪ - Whoever made that movie, diabolical. 844-542. - Oh, Tom's back, let's see if we can grab Tom. Tom, can we hear you now? - Yes, thank you for taking the call, Grace. Hey, number one, I wanted a call about that rally. That 100,000 people in New Jersey showing up for Trump, that's a heavily blue state. And the other thing, while I was listening to you on hold, when you mentioned the silence of the lamb, if I go back, I don't know, what was it? Six or seven years ago when Bruce Jenner came out as Caitlyn Jenner, all I could think of in that scene was Buffalo Bill looking down at that girl in the well. - No, we don't want to say that. We have no key, I just say. - No, no, no, we don't want to, and you know what, I'm actually, Caitlyn Jenner has been on the money with a lot of this transgender stuff with athletes and sports and stuff like that. So I don't want to come out Caitlyn Jenner, not on this Monday afternoon. You know what is something I never thought I'd say? I can't wait for my next end disappointment. Hear me out, the team in Perfect Smiles makes everything perfect. From teeth cleanings to total smile transformations, the stain of the art equipment and the dedicated experts at Perfect Smiles will deliver the smile of your dreams. Another thing that you'll love about Perfect Smiles, Dr. Houghton is an expert, and that's great, because it's great to have someone who knows exactly what they're doing, but he also has an unbelievable bedside manner. He's going to walk you through it. He's going to take this at your own pace. It's a big decision when you want to do something with your smile, and they don't want to rush it. They want to make sure that you know exactly what you want and that they know how to deliver it. I know how he's going to Perfect Smiles this week. It's always one of his favorite stops, because you feel good when you get a teeth cleaning there. They really do an excellent job. It's very gentle for anyone who gets a little bit skittish about going to the dentist. They're very gentle. And like I said, it's state of the art. So anything that's going to make the process easier, they are investing in, they already have in their offices and they're working with. So here's what I want you to do. I want you to just get the ball rolling. Take the first step. Go to and find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's Change your smile, change your life. Again, that's You can also read or watch Howie's video testimonial there and see what a great job they did for Howie. We'll be right back. We'll talk about Bob Menendez. We'll continue to take your calls. And I think we should revisit this Jen Psaki story because I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Jen Psaki lied in her book. Why wouldn't she lie in her book? She lied for months and months and months when she was press secretary. What's the difference? Now she's getting a big paycheck for it, but she's trending on Twitter and people are bouncing and seizing and weaponizing. And you know, Jared, that's kind of our job. So we are going to circle back to Jen Psaki's lie and hit it one more time. We'll be right back after the break. (upbeat music) - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Ernest, you're next up. Go ahead, Ernest. - Good afternoon. I like to mention two movies that still to this day. I remember, especially when I sprouted a kid and I saw him, tripped me out. Was the ending of the original fly, the fly where he smashed him with the rock helped me, helped me, he's in the webbing now with the human head in the body of the spider and the twilight zone to serve man. My mom will reference the twilight zone every once in a while. She said there was one where the humans, and I'm probably gonna butcher this, but the humans were brought to some planet where they were the ones who were being watched. Like they were the ones that were being observed, almost like animals in a zoo, but it was like the opposite. Like the aliens took them in to watch them or something like that. But she'll bring up Twilight Zone stuff. - A lot of good Twilight Zone episodes. - The fly, is that more sci-fi? I'm not really a sci-fi guy. - Well, the Jeff Goldbloom when they did the '80s was a little more sci-fi, but the fly, it was like one of those horror creature flakes. - That sounded like a be up your belly. - The original fly was pretty good. - Thank you, thank you for the recommendations, Ernest. We appreciate it. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results. Speaking of movies, a lot of movie stars and our poll question today, whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern, Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. So learn more about Silva and Salinas at, that's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is who's your favorite Trump celebrity endorsement? Kid Rock, John Voigt, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, or Snoop Dogg. - I'm gonna say John Voigt, I'm gonna stick with, I'm gonna stick with my first pick. - John Voigt is up to 18% now. There are a lot of people who have watched Anaconda National Treasure. Well, the show's been going on, they have it in the background. James Woods still in the lead at 32%, 25% for Kid Rock, 20% for Snoop Dogg, 18% for John Voigt, and 6% for Dennis Quaid. - Sorry, Dennis Quaid. Yeah, how he did mention to me that I forgot someone, and it's actually, it's a double offense because I met this person when I was at Mar-a-Lago, and that would be Don King. Celebrity endorsement who supports Donald Trump. I met Don King. I didn't even really, this is how rude I was. I didn't even really meet Don King. I had my eye on the prize of meeting Donald Trump that I kind of just ignored Don King and to shake Donald Trump's hand like, so can I get a selfie with you? And then later that night when I called my parents and told them I got to meet the president, I said to my dad, there was somebody else sitting at the table with him in Melania. He had on a denim jacket with a tiger sewed it to the back. I think his name was Don King and my dad. My dad said, what? Don King? You didn't even say hi to him? I said, no, no, I was two. I had my Trump londers on. That was, you know, you have a mission for the night and that was it. All right, so I did want to talk a little bit here about this book by Jen Psaki. She's got this book out and it's called Say More. And one of the lies since the Civil War. I'm sure if we wanted to, if we wanted to put our fact checkers here at the Howie Car Radio Network on top of this, we could find more than one, just basing it off of her track record. But the one that has seemed to have caught on like wildfire on Twitter, where she's trending, is that she wrote that Biden never looked at his watch during the dignified transfer of the 13 US service members who were killed in Afghanistan and that he only looked after the fact after the ceremony had ended. (bell rings) - That is false. - Yeah, that is false. And also like it's a very easy thing to debunk. It's not something where, you know, maybe she's adopted this mindset from Joe Biden where they really don't think anyone has access to videos, except for them. Like we're not able to just look up the dignified transfer. We can still look it up now. I know it's been a few years, but we can still look it up and watch him looking at his watch, plus the family members of the soldiers of the service members confirmed it. There was one father who was so upset by it that he actually talked about it after the fact in an interview. He said he was disgusted that he kept looking at his watch. And then the other part of this is that he went up to the families and he kept talking about his son Bo, which Jen Psaki did say she had to tell him that talking about his own loss was not well received by those families that were grieving their sons and daughters. He clearly did not take note of that, though, 'cause he kept doing it even now to this day. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. (upbeat music) Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I wanted to read you a little bit from the Boston Herald's account of what happened during, so far during the 10th day of testimony in the Karen Reed case. It says the 10th day of testimony in the Karen Reed murder trial began with a rapid fire cross examination of Brian Albert, the owner of the home where John O'Keefe lay dead or dying on the yard in the early morning of January 9th, January 29th, 2022. So we already heard from Chris, and I think that Chris and Julie Albert were extremely nervous. One, because it's clear none of these people have been practicing what they were gonna say. Like none of these people have synced up stories or made sure they're on the same page or even gone over their own accounts. Like that's something they do with, that's something your lawyer usually has you do. And it's not because they want you to lie, but it's because they don't want you to be caught saying something that contradicts your statement. So you do kind of drill it into people before they get on the stand. This is what happened. This is how you answer. It's just prepping your witness. I don't think any prep work went into this. About as much prep work went into this as Kamala Harris when she's going to an event, you know? They give her the PDB and she puts it to the side and she says, "Thank you very much. "I will get to that later." And she never gets to it. But failing to prepare is preparing to fail, as I always say. It's one of my mantras, Jared. So it says, "All that chaos on the front lawn, "you never came out to assist in any way whatsoever. "Did you, Mr. Albert?" That was Alan Jackson. That's one of the defense attorneys. Jackson was questioning Albert's testimony on Friday that neither he nor his wife had heard Karen Reid screaming hysterically as first responders testified in the first week of trial, nor the commotion of those first responders. He also said that he hadn't seen the police in ambulance lights because he was asleep and the curtains were shuttered in his bedroom, which is upstairs and has the windows closed to the left side of the yard where O'Keefe's body would be found. And they did have today a graphic of the home, like a recreation of the home that they were using in court. But that to me is, I've heard of being a heavy sleeper. Some people, Jared, it takes a lot. Like there will be some warnings where, for example, we'll say, "Did you hear that thunder last night?" And depending on how I'm sleeping, maybe or maybe not. But this to me is so outside the norm and the noises you would be hearing, like someone's screaming, unless you have noise canceling headphones in and you have-- - Or sound machine going or something. - Even then. - Yeah, I've been doing this since '99, so now I have to sleep with the sound machine now. I can't sleep in a quiet room anymore 'cause I've had headphones on for 20-something years. - You've been doing what since '99? - Radio. I've had headphones on for 20-something years, so I'm pretty sure I have to-- - But you've been sleeping. I was always going to do it for then. - I'm Rip Van Winkle and that's what the kids call it. So I get to sleep with the sound machine on, but even-- - But do you think there was people on your front lawns? - Even with my machine on, I can hear somebody knocking on the door downstairs, like-- - But I don't know if anyone was knocking on the door down. - No, but I mean, I'm saying I can hear that, so I can certainly hear sirens, yeah. - Yeah, it says, but Brian Albert is also one of the three people that defense attorney David Yannetti identified as being in 34 Fairview Road when he alleges O'Keefe was onsite and had motive and opportunity to kill O'Keefe. That doesn't make any sense. Why do they write it like that? The house Brian Albert then owned with his wife, Nicole Albert. I think that was a messed up, I think he meant to put Albert in there. The defense has developed a third party killer theory in his alleged, a massive frame up job to ensnare their client. So I think that's a typo in the Herald, but I think what he meant to say was when he alleges that maybe Albert, Colin Albert, was there. The other two Yannetti identified are ATF agent Brian Higgins. Now Brian Higgins was brought up a lot today. He's actually a pretty big player in this, who was a friend of Albert's and allegedly had a romantic connection with Reed in Colin Albert, Brian Albert's nephew, Chris Albert, who we heard from last week, his son, whom Brian Albert testified under cross Friday was a large athletic teenager who played on the football team. Also playing into the defense's theory is Chloe, a 70 pound German shepherd, mixed that the Albert owned for six or seven years before re-homing the dog in May of 2022, just months after O'Keefe died. Defense attorneys have suggested that wounds on O'Keefe's arms could be dog bites and that the dog participated in attack on O'Keefe in the home's basement. After court on Friday, Jackson made some comments that he didn't believe that the Albert's wouldn't have heard the commotion outside your bedroom. Not least because of Chloe. Now here's the other thing, Jared. I've never had a dog. Not when I was younger. Not now, I've never had a pet dog. I did have a pet, Bunny Rabbit, which is a story for another time 'cause I don't wanna get emotional on the air. That's one of my rules. I don't get emotional here. But I've never had a dog. Have you ever had a dog, Jared? - I'm very allergic to dogs now. - Okay. Can you see if Taylor or Matt can come forward to the mic? - Well, I don't think Taylor's ever had a dog for a pet 'cause he hates dogs. - No, no, Taylor has. Taylor had, wasn't his dog named Kramer? I guess we could bring Howie to the mic with Roscoe. I'm just trying to figure out 'cause I'm not a dog owner. If you have a dog and they start barking, do you, that's a definite wake-up. Like it doesn't matter what kind of sound machines you have on, it doesn't matter. If there's a dog in your house that's going berserk, which I would assume a German shepherd who's had kind of trouble in the past, if the German shepherd sees police sirens, a woman screaming on the front lawn, like is that the whole point of having the dog at that? Is that, they alert you to these things? - Yeah, chances are pretty good as nine, seven, eight points out. Yeah, the dog would have been barking at that point on the commotion. - I would think so. Otherwise-- - I mean, if they flip out over a skateboard going by, I would think this would take up a little bit of space. - The mailman in Cantons, like this one doesn't get you going, I come by every day and you lose your mind. Defense attorneys have suggested that wounds on O'Keefe's arms. So this is after Albert said that Chloe was barking because she heard people downstairs. He also answered yes, hypothetically, that Chloe would perceive O'Keefe as a stranger if she encountered him. Jackson also brought up Albert's fight training. Albert agreed that he had hand-to-hand combat training from his time in the military and had defensive tactics trainings as a Boston police department officer. He also said that he has boxed before it has training in that. Now, today, we got a lot of information about the butt dial and I wanna read you this. Jackson questioned Albert about what would have become the notorious butt dials. Multiple phone calls were placed between Higgins, that's the ATF guy, an Albert in the early morning hours, beginning with a call Albert described as an inadvertent kind of like a butt dial to Higgins that lasted one second. Kind of like a butt dial. Other calls would come later, each lasting a matter of seconds. Jackson peppered Albert with questions to establish the timing and the whys of these calls, leading to a heated exchange. "We're both guessing here," Albert said. Jackson responded, "I think only one of us is trying to guess." And so today I was texting turtle boy 'cause I knew he was gonna be in court during this and I said, I just wanna read you guys exactly what I said. I said, "What is your biggest takeaway from today?" And at that point, it was Brian Albert. "From today so far, just so I can tell the caller "is what you're thinking." He said, "What's happening right now? "He's being so evasive and lying "about why he destroyed his phone." And I said, "Great, thanks." I'll relay that to people. He said, "And wow, this is wild." He just accidentally said Proctor was in his house January 29th. Morrissey, the DA, said he was never there. He then corrected himself. And then turtle boy texted me again and said, "Oh man, they're destroying his butt dial lie." I think a lot of these older people in this case, they're not old, but the Alberts, Julie Chris, Julie Chris, Brian, his wife, who I think is Nicole, and then the McCabe's, they're hoping that people have a very minimal understanding of technology. Do you know when you work with people and some people have, the younger people do tend to know how things work. And then sometimes they'll be like, or here's an even better example. You'll call somebody, and then they say like, "Oh, there's a glitch, I lost your call." They're hoping that they can get away with the glitch excuse. I'm like, "Oh, I don't know, the phone just called itself." That doesn't happen. The phone just doesn't do something like a butt dial. You either butt dial or you don't. The phone does not have a mind of its own. - This isn't Alec Baldwin's gun. It doesn't just go off by itself. - Right, they're all kind of giving us the Alec Baldwin defense. And I would say, "Consider the source, consider the source." But here is where I really am kind of zoning and now is Bryant Higgins, this ATF agent and his part in all of this. I think Bryant Higgins and Colin Albert are big players in this. And I think the other part of it that Turtleboy did tweet out, which I agree with him, he goes, "There is no way that the prosecution "is gonna wanna put Colin Albert on the stand, "but the defense will." But if this is what we're getting from these other people, let me read you, Turtleboy's tweet. If this is what we're getting so far from this testimony, they're not gonna risk putting Colin Albert up there. They won't be able to deal with that. Here are some of his tweets today. He said, "Alan Jackson is painting a picture "for the jury, Brian Albert could easily kill someone "in his house and drag him to the front lawn "to frame Karen Reed for murder. "His training as a cop would allow him to know "what sort of evidence to get rid of and how to get rid of it. "The jury isn't stupid. "They see what's going on here. "If they wanted to get rid of John's body from the basement, "the easiest way to do it without being detected "would it be to bring him out of the bulkhead "into the backyard." And he also said, "Just like his wife, Brian Albert said "that Officer Lang got it wrong in his report "when he reported that the Alberts told him "that Caitlyn Albert left at 12.15 "when she really left at 1.45. "Jackson is putting it in the jury's head "that the Alberts are willing to lie "to protect the younger generation of Alberts like Colin." Now, I am, I think out of all of the people who I'm excited to hear from, I would say it's a tie right now between Colin and Jennifer McCabe. Jennifer McCabe, obviously infamous at this point for the Google search, and then you have Colin Albert who a lot of people think based off his social media presence and what we know that he already had beef with John O'Keefe and that he was a little bit of a hothead and that could also play a big factor. Let me just read you this last thing he wrote about Colin Albert. He said, "Yep, after seeing how rattled "Brian Albert is right now by Alan Jackson, "there is no way the Commonwealth can call Colin Albert "but the defense will." Now that is something that I wanna see. Last thing here about Bob Menendez, 'cause we're just trying to cover all these trials. Bob Menendez is expected to get personal in his corruption trial defense. So he's got a long list of excuses as to why he had the gold bars. I love gold. He's going to reference his trauma that is the result of his father committing suicide after he refused to pay off his dad's gambling debts and he is also going to, I think, what I've heard is he's going to try to push his wife under the bus, try to blame her for some of this. The senator had pushed for separate trials for himself and his wife even before her medical condition emerged as a scheduling conflict. If his wife were on trial too, this is from the Wall Street Journal, the optics of placing responsibility on her wouldn't play well with the jury. That's kind of my question is that if he gets up there and tries to say that he didn't know the true nature of the dinners with the Egyptian officials or why people were giving her gifts, like if he really tries to plead ignorance on this, Jared, and just sells his wife out, which I don't put past him. I mean, he's a shady, shady guy. But if I'm a juror, especially if you have female jurors, I'm sitting there going, "This piece of crap." - Look, I was just trying to deal with my generational trauma, booking cabins, you know, and then she goes and does all this stuff with Egypt. I'm a victim of circumstance, your honor. - And it's like, I don't want to say that she's intellectually not up to par with him because that's already a low bar, but I don't get the sense that Nadine is the brains behind the operation. I do get the sense she wanted the Mercedes, she wanted the diamonds, she wanted to live the high life. I mean, other than the halal meat provider guy, she didn't have influence with people the way Bob did. So, how could she be? - Other than the halal guy. - It said it says, "I never thought I'd..." - Yeah. - Other than the halal meat dealer, the senator and his wife had no influence over Egypt and the gold bar scandal. - Other than the halal guy, she is 100% innocent. We'll be right back with how we card, don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is "The Grace Curly Show." (upbeat music) - What did you do to get ready for bed, settle in? - I went upstairs and just lied in bed, the TV was on. I was just kind of watching TV. - That was Brian Albert today in his testimony and we're gonna ask how you about that in just one second. But first, today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise. With inflation, food and energy costs rising, families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key and our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. So Howie, this is a big part of the Karen Reed case that I find, it's too much for me to suspend my disbelief. The people are inside their house, there's cop cars outside, there's chaos, there's a woman screaming that she could have hit someone and these people don't wake up and they don't go outside and they don't check it out. Now, the reason I bring this up to you is because you have a dog right now, a pug. But you have had bigger dogs in the past, you had a lot of poodles, right? - Yeah, I had one poodle, one big poodle. - What was the name again? - Well, Princess was the big poodle and then there was a miniature poodle named Frisky. - Now, if Frisky or Princess heard commotion outside, would they start to bark? - Yeah, well, absolutely. - Yeah. - Do you think, sir, that a German shepherd could start to bark? - Well, this dog, they admitted today that she had a record, she'd bitten two people, sent them to the hospitals and she was rehomed along with the cell phone and the family and everything else. - A lot of rehoming going on. - And Brian Albert's life. But so, no, there's no way that the dog wouldn't have started barking. I mean, the people next door, 32 fair of you were woken up by all the commotion. And he claims he wasn't, it makes no sense, but nothing in this thing. I mean, how about the butt dials? I mean, that's absurd. I mean, this isn't like you're talking about changing freon in an industrial air conditioning. You know, nobody knows how to do it unless you do it for a living. I mean, everybody's got a cell phone. You know what it's like. - Yeah, well, that's what I was just saying. - If my cell phone is over on that chair, I'm not gonna butt dial it, right? I mean, it's just, it's ridiculous. It's an absurd story. - You know, Jared, your comparison to Alec Baldwin with the gun, it went off itself is actually pretty apt right now. I did wanna tell you one more thing though, 'cause you're gonna be talking to Turtle Boy later so you guys will cover this. - 433. - But I did wanna ask you if you have any comments on UNC, your alma mater, deciding to dissolve their DEI program. - Yeah, UNC has done a pretty good job all the way around. I know the faculty kind of bleeped the bed when they said they wouldn't give out the grades. If they didn't restore all the students, all the foreign terrorist students. - But that was a smaller portion of the faculty that's on board with punishing these hooligans. - Right, and also the frat was good, and they turned down the cold. What's her name, the woman who wrote the 1619 series, which was all BS. They were gonna give her a 10-year job and they rescinded that offer. So UNC has actually done pretty well the last few years. - And don't forget home to the frat boys. - That's what I mean, the frat picapify. - Yeah, they did pretty well too. Yeah, so howie cars coming up next, he can talk about UNC dissolving their DEI program, and he's got turtle boy at 433, plus so many other things to talk about. We'll be back tomorrow, everybody. See you then. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)