The Howie Carr Radio Network

Brian Albert Testifies in Karen Read Trial while Michael Cohen Takes Stand in NYC | 5.13.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Whether you're a local lover or on the Trump train, there's a juicy trial in store for you today. Grace covers the latest out of the Karen Read murder trial happening at the Norfolk County Superior courthouse as well as the Stormy Daniels hush money fiasco in Manhattan.

Broadcast on:
13 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. Live from the Ibiza Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. It is Monday and we have two major stories that we're keeping an eye on. Also just a lot of side stories, a lot of fun little tidbits for you. But I would say the two big ones revolve around two major witnesses that we're hearing from today. Brian Albert and Michael Cohen. That could have been a poll question. Who do you trust more? Brian Albert or Michael Cohen. I want to start with Michael Cohen, this national story. He's testifying today and the biggest bombshell that I've seen so far, he's saying a lot of things that we already knew. Like, oh, I was Trump's bully, you know, I was his fixer. Okay, is this supposed to be news to anyone? Yes, I thought. I'm sure you were one of many fixers in bullies that Trump would sick on people. That doesn't surprise me. But the biggest bombshell that I've seen so far is that he recorded a 2016 conversation with Trump to give to David Peckert, who was the editor of the National Inquirer about hush money relating to Karen McDougall, the other person involved in all of this. I think she was a model. And again, nothing says lawyer, client confidentiality, like recording your client in order to hopefully sell it to a tabloid rag. That's a lawyer I trust. All right, you're ready for this bombshell? This guy hires me to handle money and I handle money for him. Boom, guilty. Yeah, and it's just an opportunity for every person who's had this is like the season finale or the series finale of Seinfeld, where every person who wanted to air grievance against them could show up and take this stand and just explain why Jerry's a very, very bad man. Like this is the same thing. You get to go up there. You're not proving that there was any sort of crime. You're not leading us any closer to it. Every day, I think someone's going to bring us closer to this, closer to the plot line. And no, every day we seem to get further and further away. So it's just a chance for anyone who hates Donald Trump to get up on the stand to air out their hatred for orange man. I would say this though, this hush money trial is a very, very expensive and highly publicized way of doing that. It's a very expensive therapy session. They should have just given, they should have said, you know what, listen, Michael Cohen, listen, stormy, listen, stormy Daniels. Here's what we're going to do instead. You guys clearly can't prove that there was a crime here because again, if you want to prove the crime, and this is Jonathan Turley today, brag has to show merchant. That's the judge in this case, that someone claimed to have evidence directly tying Trump to an intentional fraudulent scheme to conceal a crime. It's the intent to defraud and they have not done that yet. So what they should have said at the outset of this is instead of going through this whole circus, it's going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money. It's going to prevent Trump from campaigning. We're going to give you all voodoo dolls, give you all voodoo dolls, the porn stars get the voodoo dolls, the purgers get the voodoo dolls and they'll be of Trump and you can stick your pushpins in him all day long and then we'll call it a day and hopefully it'll be cathartic for you. Hopefully you get it out of your system and you can move on with your lives. See what Donald Trump's tech team, like the people that run truth, social or like his media crew, whatever it is, they need to set up a website. Like virtual dart Donald or it's just Trump's picture on a dartboard and people could subscribe and throw virtual darts at him in the media and profit off of it. They need to get out this anger and I just wish there was a way to do it. They didn't cost me money. You know what I mean? Like I wish there was, but I think it really goes back to the point of they don't want Trump campaigning. This is a huge race. Don't worry. Your federal tax money isn't involved in this at all. My money is going to gender studies, hamster wheels and Pakistan. Okay. My money's going to the good stuff. My money's not going to this, but you know what Jared? It's funny because you mentioned last week it seems like they're running out the clock like they're getting people up there and they're just seeing how long they can stretch this out for. Oh, okay. So you, uh, then you talk to Karen McDougal and what kind of suit were you wearing at that point? Yeah. What was the weather like? Huh? Do you have anything for lunch that day? They're just trying to keep him there as long as possible and they're trying to make it so that he can only campaign three days a week, but I will say he's certainly making the most of those three days. Do you see this weekend? Yeah. Wildwood. Yep. Over one or close to 100,000. I don't want to say over because then Daniel Dale will come out of retirement and say, excuse me. It was not over 100,000. It was 100,000 on the dot. 100,000 people in New Jersey of all places showed up for Donald Trump. And the polls, you know how Biden keeps telling us the polls, bad polling. That's what he calls it now. This reminds me of when you go out with someone, they get hung over and they say to you, I'm not going to call out this person who, who, who's tried this before, okay? But I'm friends with somebody when they get ahead of their skis. And the next day they're feeling hung over rather than, rather than take a little accountability Jared and say, I consumed too much last night. You know what they say? Dirty taps, that bar we were at had dirty taps and that's why I'm feeling sick. And I will look at them and go, I drank from the same tap as you and I feel fine. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, it's dirty taps. This is the same thing with Joe Biden. It's not that he sucks in the polls because he sucks. It's because the polls suck. Like, oh, it's bad pulling. Read the polls, Jack. Read the polls. First, you're supposed to read the polls, Jack. And then you, we did read the polls. He said, sir, we read the polls and they are not looking good for you. And then he said, oh, those are bad polls. Those are, you can't trust those polls. Well, I got more bad polling for Joe Biden surveys by the New York Times, famously right wing New York Times, Sienna College in the Philadelphia Inquirer found that Trump, this from the New York Post was more popular than Biden among voters in Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania that that's not good. So I will say Biden led among voters in only one battleground state, Wisconsin. So you'll always have Wisconsin. You can hold on to that. Well, the bad polling is just nonstop. Now the other trial that a lot of people are focused on, especially here in New England, a lot of New Englanders are zeroed in on the Karen Reed case and Brian Albert's testimony has been going on today. I did text Turtle Boy. I said, TB. What do we think? One o'clock. It does get a lunch break, but here's the thing, when you get a lunch break, you do want to eat lunch. You know, he does have to eat something to get through this. And so he said he's going to try to work it if he can. But because of that, I said, it's okay if you're not able to get on. I know people will be able to listen to him on how we show. Hopefully we can get him on tomorrow. I said, what is your biggest takeaway from today? And he said, all of the stuff that's currently going on right now, if you're watching the testimony involves Brian Albert destroying his phone. It's a little Hillary Clinton-esque. I don't know if they all have the same, like destroying a phone to me, it brings me back to the Zoolander where he says the files are in the computer. Oh, yeah. And so they try to crack open the computer. When someone says to me, oh, he destroyed his phone, I'm at a point in my life. I don't even know what that means. It's like physically destroyed it. I would assume everything is somewhere in the cloud or in the web, but it exists somewhere. You can't actually destroy it. The only time I've heard of that, I remember Tom Brady, didn't he take a hammer to his phone or was that Hillary Clinton? Tom Brady did destroy your phone during the whole deflate gate thing. He borrowed Lawrence O'Donnell's hammer and he went to town. Hillary. Bleach bit. Bleach bit. The servers and some phones were in there too, I believe. It feels like if you're going to try to destroy your phone, which I don't recommend. I think it's kind of a pointless effort. It's a fruitless endeavor. But if you're going to do it, you've got to go bleach bit. You can't. Here's the thing. Just the sense I'm getting from the people testifying in this case, I don't think anyone's using bleach bit. I think when they say they destroy a phone, they physically are going at that phone. The president said Karen Reid ran over the phone. That's a good point. So last week for people who weren't following this, Brian is the homeowner. Brian's brother Chris and his sister-in-law Julie were testifying last week. This week, he's up on the stand. You know what really surprises me? I wanted to have Mark Salinas on as well because I always love his take on Karen Reid and on all these cases. I was going to ask him with a hush money trial. I was going to ask him about Bob Menendez. I was really going to try to get in as much as possible. But the question I had for Mark Salinas and for Turtle Boy is I just, it's not even a question so much an observation. I would have thought that they would have had these timelines tightened up. Because whenever I watch a movie about, like if I ever watch a courtroom drama, it seems like part of the prep work is making sure you all have your timelines synchronized so that you're not giving away the game and that you don't mess up. And I thought that they went over this stuff over and over and over again. I'm getting a vibe from the Alberts, from the McCabe's, from the paramedics, that there wasn't a lot of preparation in this. Everyone got up and kind of, and the reason I say that is because today, Aidan tweeted this out. Turtle Boy, he's at Brian Alber accidentally just said that Michael Proctor was inside his house on January 29, 2022. Michael Morrissey, who's the DA, said he was never there. Then he suddenly couldn't remember if the lead detective was there the day a dead cop was found on his lawn and the jury isn't buying this. That's what Aidan thinks. Aidan doesn't think it's going to pass the smell test with the jury. But again, that goes to, we're talking about 24 hours in which you have to know it, you have to know it minute by minute. You've got to be like me that one time I went in with the multiplication tables and I had it on lock and I knew in that third grade class that no one was going to come close. It's like a shining moment in my life. I've got these memorized, even if it was just fleeting, but you've got to have it memorized. You can't be going, "Oh, well, he was, oh, oh, I guess he was." You can't be figuring it out on the stand. That's insanity. And also, let's talk about the fact, something that immediately stuck out to me and everyone else who's following this. If there are cops, like I know what it's like to live in a suburban town on the south shore, okay? If there's anything going on outside, we're checking it out. Not alone cop cars, you know, a bunch of hoopla. He's saying he slept through it like, "Oh, it's insane that there's a dead body on your front lawn and you don't come outside." But now that I've lived in a house for a few years in a little cul-de-sac, it's even less believable to me because if so much as a cop car drives down my street, I take a peek out and I look at my neighbor and I say, "What was that about? What do you think that was? Is there something going on in the neighborhood?" It's like, "We're all bored out here, we're all looking for something. You're telling me you've got multiple cop cars on your front lawn and you're just chilling? You're not going to come out and you're a cop?" No. That's the part of this that really doesn't add up, but there's so much. And Turtle Boy just texted me a few things that really stuck out to him, so I'll be make sure, I will make sure to relay those to you. 844-542-42. We've got people who want to talk Trump, people who want to talk Aaron Reid. You will get to it all when we come back, don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Yeah, Turly's Pizza Day in the New York Post is this may be the week Alvin Bragg's case against Trump falls apart. It's been held together very, very thinly. It hasn't been a strong case to begin with, but I do agree that putting TikTok star, my Michael Cohen on the stand, who so clearly has an axe to grind with Trump, but at the same time, it's weird because then he'll talk about how much he loved working for the Trump family and the organization, and it was like a big family, and, you know, he's kind of reminiscing. He's a bit all over the place, which doesn't surprise me, but some people want to discuss this, so let's go to the calls here, Jack, you're next up, what's going on, Jack? Okay, whenever I hear about this trial, I just, I think back to Clinton impeachment. Now, the last one, I had to give him a pass because I believe he must know Jason Alexander. All right. Oh, I'm sorry, Jack, he had some good points there, but your connection was not good. The craziest part to me about the Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, Hush Money thing, is how we have these people, and I understand no witness is ever going to be perfect, and you can poke holes in people's version of events, but when you have people who are called serial purgers by a judge, yeah, when you made your bones, like when you're known to the public as being a liar, then to me, I would quote my girl Nancy Pelosi, false and uno false and omnibus. Why should I trust anything you have to say? And something else that I would quote here is it reminds me of when Stephen Nelson was asking Jen Psaki, story about her today too, Jared, get ready for that, about the White House dogs biting everybody. And he said, if you guys are going to lie about this, what else are you lying about? It's like if you're willing to lie about all the small things, if you're willing to lie, especially in a court of law once, I would probably guess that you're willing to do it again. And you could say the same thing about Stormy Daniels, not because of the, it's not the exact same situation, but one thing that she did say, which I thought was very telling, and Ellie Honig thought it was very telling on CNN, is that she was asked about the money that she owes Trump. She's court ordered fine to pay him, I think like $500,000. And she said she's going to ignore it. So it's not like this woman has a deep respect for her legal system or the court of law. And if you're willing to, if you're willing to disregard a court's order, then how are we supposed to believe that when you take the oath before you get up on the stand that you, that you lend any credence to that, like you probably think that's just as stupid as the money you owe Trump that you're ordered to pay him back. Let's do the poll question though, and then we'll play some of the sound because again, when CNN is saying you don't have a strong case, that's a problem. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas. Like I said, wanted to have Mark on today. He's got a very busy week, so he wasn't able to do it, but I always trust Mark. He's a great guy, and it's a small law firm with a proven track record of big results. Whether it's family law, criminal defense, or some other legal concern, Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. He did say to me, Jared, that it pains him to say no. Like he had to be in court today, and he said, if I didn't have to be in court, I would love to be on. So that made me feel a little bit better. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who is your favorite Trump celebrity endorsement, Kid Rock, John Voigt, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, or Snoop Dogg? Okay, the reason I thought of this was Morning Wire today, the podcast, they had David Marcus on, and he was talking about a conversation we have quite a bit, which is, do these celebrity endorsements help? Do they do anything? Do they move the needle? Because we know that Trump doesn't have as many celebrities even close as Joe Biden. These celebrities tend to go for Democrat nominees and or incumbents in this case. I would say that with, with all that in mind, Trump's got some, you know, they listed off some of them this morning, and I thought, you know, he's got some pretty heavy hitters. I always make fun of him and say Scott Baio, like C-Listers, which he definitely does have a lot of C-Listers, but he also has some bona fide hitmakers with that, with that being said. I'm going to go with John Voigt. John Voigt is right now at 14% in this poll question. Number one is Kid Rock at 32%. James Woods at 24%, 12% Snoop Dogg, 9% for Dennis Quaid, and once again, John Voigt is at 14%. I don't know. I would put John Voigt above Kid Rock. John Voigt. John Voigt. John Voigt. Yeah, the actor, not the dentist. That's what David Marcus said this morning, but I would say, Jared, I would put John Voigt over Kid Rock, and I like Kid Rock, but I just think he's got, he's a little bit more old school Hollywood. Kid Rock is like, you already know that he doesn't give a bleep. John Voigt, I think, is taking a big risk by supporting him. Yeah, I mean, John Voigt's always kind of been in Trump's corner, but I don't see him shooting a 12-pack of Bud Light with a machine gun the way Kid Rock was. Yeah, he's a little bit like, you don't know what to do with him. Dennis Quaid was a bit of a surprise. What about Randy? Because he's, you know, but Dennis surprised me. Full of surprises, those Hollywood types. When we come back, we're going to play some sounds from CNN, and we're also going to talk about Israel, and Hamas, and what Joe Biden is up to with holding information from BB Netanyahu. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thrathria studio. He just texted me, which I do agree with, and said James Wood is my number one pick for Trump's celebrity endorsements, because he's by far the smartest of the group. And he's been there since the beginning, too. And he is also unafraid. Like he goes on social media, and he will take on, I mean, he'll take on Hillary Clinton. He'll take on Bill Clinton. You go after the Clintons on social media, you're really, you're running in dangerous territory. I wanted to ask you this though, because celebrities are the topic du jour today. Steve Buscemi got punched in the face. He was like in mid Manhattan, midtown, and he got punched. He's this big black guy. And I was thinking about this because when I saw the photo of him, I was like, what, what do you associate Steve Buscemi with? What piece of art when you see Steve Buscemi? What do you think of? I think of Donnie and the Big Lebowski. I think Billy Madison, when he's got the lipstick. Oh, yeah. He's putting a lot of stick on his face. That's what first comes to mind. I know, but they always put him in his boardwalk empire star. I'm like this, but I associate him with it. But, but fair. I mean, that was probably his biggest role. I mean, he's got a bunch of little roles. When you think John Voigt, this is how terrible my taste in TV and movies are, when you think John Voigt, what do you think of? I honestly, I probably know a John Voigt film, but I could not name one off the top of my head. National treasure. I'm sure he would. Okay. I never saw him. His body that that is what I associate him with either national treasure or Ray Donovan. He was in Ray Donovan. Okay. See, I haven't seen Ray Donovan. All right. I want to give people a little bit of an update here on 89, but well, that's the cuff. It means the one I want. I know that they're in convertible right here and I had interesting. Had a few more miles on it, but previous owner was John Voigt. John Voigt. The best is when he finds out he's a dentist and he spells his name J-O-H-N and Jerry goes, I'm sure he just misspells his name sometimes with an H. Yeah, great scene. I wanted to, Jared, talk a little bit about Brian Albert. He's testifying today and there's another part of this that's interesting. This is Turtle Boy's tweet. He said, "Anyone who owns a phone knows that Brian Albert is lying through his teeth about how easily and often he accidentally seems to butt dial people." So that means everyone on the jury. By now, they've all figured it out. Turtle Boy just texted me and said he's getting destroyed on this butt dialing defense. It's just being taken apart. Hopefully we can get Turtle Boy on. You can take a little break from the lunch situation and give us some more info. But yeah, again, the thing that I'm most taken by is how unprepared these people seem to be. They did not get their story straight. Their lawyers did not prep them in a way that is making this case something you want to sit through if you're an Albert or a McCabe. 844-542-42. Also, since we were just playing all those signfel cuts, do you see Jerry's signfel this weekend? He gave the commencement address at Duke and the pro-Palestine protesters walked out. But here's my thing. If you're going to walk out, walk out. They walk out. They bring out their signs. They boo. They do this. No, no, no, no, no. You're going to walk out. Get up and leave. You make your statement. We all know we'll miss you so much. That much I can assure you, we will miss you. But get out. And the Babylon Bee put out a headline. They found the organizer behind the pro-Palestine walk out of Jerry Seinfeld and it was Newman. 844-542-42. We are going to talk Israel. We are in a little bit with Ben Winegarden. But I wanted to read something else because Jen Psaki has a book out. It's called Say More. That's what her book is. I would have thought it would be called Context is Important or Circle Back with Jen Psaki. She's really not using the Circle Back. She's not. She's dropped it. She's left it behind. But did you see? She has to edit it now. For all future reprints have to be edited. Psaki, do me, baby. She lied. What? Yeah, Jen Psaki lied about Joe Biden and how much he checked his watch at the dignified transfer after the botched withdrawal on Afghanistan. That's the Joe Biden lie. They picked up from her. She said. Yeah, but it ticked off the families, the Gold Star family. So they all came out and debunked it themselves. They weren't waiting for Daniel Dale or Glenn Kessler to show up and defend them. But it says that in Psaki's book, she claimed the president looked at his watch only after the ceremony had ended. And the Gold Star families have long said they saw Biden check his watch multiple times during the dignified transfer. So that was an easy here's here's the other part of it too is like it's so easy to debunk these things. They have video of it. She does go on to discuss how she told Joe Biden that he should stop bringing up his own losses when he's dealing with grieving families and how they do not appreciate it. And it comes off as insensitive. And that shocks me that she even had the wherewithal to bring that up to him because it is true. But I just assume that everyone tells them when he's done, you did a great job. Keep it up. Because he keeps doing it over and over again eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Let's play a little bit here from CNN where we're seeing this Michael Cohen trial. We obviously don't have cameras, but we're getting updates from Fox. Now they're talking about the access Hollywood tape. Cohen is trying to claim that the whole idea pushing the narrative of oh, it was just locker room talk was Melania's idea that she gave that idea to Trump. That's what Trump told Cohen. Okay. So that's a campaign finance charge again, relevance, like what is the relevance of all of this? It's all the stuff that happened so long ago. I don't care if you guys want to rehash it. I mean, isn't that what podcasts are for like if this is all it is is a rehashing of old stories, then you can start a podcast. Michael Cohen, I'm sure he already has like use this information, which there might be an audience for and start a podcast, but to tie up someone who's running for president with this nonsense of this time period of these events, the clearly you were obsessed with and Stormy Daniels is obsessed with. They're like stuck in this time of their lives where they interact, interacted with this guy and they hate him so much to use up an actual trial for this is such an utter waste. Yeah, I mean, what like Cohen testifies about Stormy Daniel's story. Can we just like find a crime and look for it? Alvin Bragg, Alvin Bragg Jared is like, dude, I am trying my best. Okay. I was hoping at this point it would have shown up, but it has not and you can obviously tell they're trying to make it difficult for Trump to campaign. But with what he's working with, he's doing a pretty bang up job. And I think it helps him that it's not like he's going up against a guy who is spending every single day possible on the campaign trail. Biden has been pretty incognito thus far. Let's play for read. Zaccaria, Zaccaria on CNN. This is cut to please. And the trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base who sees him as a martyr and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe that his prosecutors are politically motivated. This happens to be true, in my opinion. I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump. A majority of Americans are skeptical that Trump will be able to get a fair trial according to a CNN poll. Yeah, I don't think there's any doubt about that. And this idea of if his last name wasn't Trump, that this would not have been brought, is 100% true. But the ironic part is that on Friday, I saw a cut of Joy Reid and she was talking about how Trump is the luckiest man in the world and he gets away with everything. And I was thinking to myself, well, he doesn't blame anything on time traveling hackers last time I checked. But she's trying to say he gets away with everything. And anyone else would be put in jail by this point. And it's like, I would argue that if there was anything, even remotely plausible as far as putting someone in jail, if that was in Trump's closet, he would be in jail. Like no one has had their past, every transaction, every business deal, every email, every perfect phone call, run through with a fine-toothed comb more than Donald Trump. And if this is the best we can come up with, he's actually led a pretty legal life. It might not be, it's a little tawdry, it might not be for everybody, but he hasn't really broken a lot of laws as far as I can see. And you know what I think if most people had this amount of scrutiny on their lives, there would be a lot of things that they could be thrown in the clink for in a lot more than Trump, a lot more than they've been able to come up with for Trump. Jared, you've got your browser. No, this is interesting. Apparently, Cohen now, Michael Cohen recalls learning of Daniel's story on October 8th, 2016, during a meeting, that's a month before the election. Did they read some type of settlement in 30 days? He's campaign fuzz, like, what are we doing? Well, it's also anything he tells us. How are we supposed to do it? That's right, serial purger. Yeah, it's like, don't get yourself so worked up because there's a really good chance you just lying. And there's a good chance that, you know, he's going to go home. He's going to make a TikTok with you trying to sell a Trump t-shirt and that it's all just part of the line, 844-542-42. When we come back, we'll take your calls on this. Also Kamala Harris on the campaign trail, she's now taken up just cursing, just swearing to try to make maybe this is a way to show people she's authentic. It's one of my pet peeves, Jared, when you try to, some people curse and some people don't. And if you're not someone who curses, you shouldn't try to curse because... The heckin' dang, I'm not. It just, it doesn't read as authentic. Yeah, it's just, we've seen this before, we've seen this on CNN, on MSNBC. They'll bring out a curse word to show you, like, no, I'm really, I'm big mad. I'm not messing around. I don't even care if my boss gets mad about this. I'm saying this swear word on TV. And it just always makes me kind of squirm and go, "That wasn't necessary. Kamala Harris absolutely was pulling one of those when she said that you just sometimes you need to kick that bleeping door down. She doesn't strike me as someone, Jared, who behind the scenes is cursing a lot." And that's actually not, that's not a bad thing. Oh, I get a sense she is. You think so? Oh, yeah. Well, if you had to deal with Joe Biden that much, how could you not? Yeah, yeah, maybe that's why she's always had a loss for words, because the word she's really wanting to drop is like an F-bomb, and she knows she can. And now maybe they told her, they said, "Hey, whatever you got to do, just do it." And that's what she's settled on, is I'll just start dropping curse words. Spring means more flowers in Sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens, Jared, you are very familiar with that. Can hear in your voice, but you've got your little special secret device that helps you. Yes, the Eden Pure thunderstorm, it is great whenever I have a sinus allergy headache, which is very similar to a migraine, I'll go in a room, I'll turn on the thunderstorm and within minutes I'll already start feeling better, helps to mitigate that, gets me back on track so I can do the day. It's great because it actually eliminates the allergens and the pollutants that are in the air the same way it does with odors. It doesn't cover up odors, it actually eliminates them. You know, I even said last week, I made some homemade french fries, which were great, but the next day, oh my gosh, the kitchen was terrible, but turn on the thunderstorm, turn on odors gone. I love it for odors, I love it for allergies, it's a great investment. Yes, absolutely, and a three-pack special is such a great deal, I want you guys to take advantage of it. Go to and use code GRACE3, that's Use code GRACE and the number three, you can enjoy this beautiful time of year without having to reach for the tissues. When you go to, code GRACE and the number three, don't forget the code GRACE3. A lot of people upset about our lack of knowledge on John Voight movies. Yeah, no, I appreciate it, and I'm familiar with some of the titles of these movies, but I really... I know deliverance, not because I've ever seen it, but I just know that because it gets referenced. And I actually haven't seen Midnight Cow, I realize I'm an older soul, but I haven't seen Runaway Train, I haven't seen Midnight Cowboy or Desafile, I'm familiar with them. Well, not the very first Mission Impossible movie. I saw it, but I wouldn't be able to remark upon it. Deliverance is yummy, yummy. Yeah, the dueling banjos, the creepy kid that John, Senator John Kennedy said Biden was popular then. Oh. He was less popular than the creepy banjo kid. We were just thinking of two different things because you said that one, and I said someone compared Joe Scarborough to that person at some point, and I can't remember one. Also did not see Anaconda, but thank you for that injury. Again, national treasure. Don't sleep on national treasure. Some people said Steve Buscemi was in the Sopranos. Yeah, he was Tony Sopranos cousin. Oh. He went to jail when Tony didn't. But it did both. I didn't watch all the seasons, so... Oh, okay. I didn't ruin anything for you. Yeah, no spoilers. Yes, Tony's cousin. We'll be right back. We got more to talk about. We've got a lot more sound as well, so don't go anywhere. We're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Only 33% of Americans said they approved a Biden's handling of the Israel Hamas war, which is now opposed both by people who think he is too soft and people who think he is too hard on Israel. Meanwhile, Republicans seem to be uniting behind Trump. Whatever opposition he faced in the primaries has largely melted away. Yeah, this is very, very interesting. And the other part of it too, Jared, that I want to get into when it comes to Trump versus Biden, is that these rallies are, they're not slowing down. You know, a few weeks ago, I was talking to Sean Spicer, and he was actually, he was kind of grilling Christagal on why Trump would go to Wildwood, New Jersey. And obviously, he knew, listen, he's a little tied up, he's got to be close to New York, but is this really the best use of his time? But I do think that any time he has a rally and it's at a place that's big enough to hold 100,000 people and 100,000 people show up, it doesn't matter where it is. It's a smack on the Biden administration to say, look how enthusiastic people are. Look how much they want me back. Look how much they do not like what you're doing. Trump said at one point during this rally, I think we're going to win New Jersey. I think we might win every state because he's doing such a bad job. And I thought it's not, it's not a bad move to just continue to pound the pavement and tell people he's doing a horrible job and I could do better. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing. It's always great to look for a greener pasture, but when you get there and the pasture is completely dead, then you're like, maybe I'll go back to the pretty green pasture that I had. Right. And that is a very, very unique part of having two guys running who both have four years under their belt. You have a way to compare. Obviously, things change based off the time period, but still, when you think about what Trump was dealing with and what he was able to accomplish despite the investigations, despite the pandemic, I think that it becomes very clear to people that we might be better off with Trump back in the White House. And a poll actually showed that a lot of young people think they would be better off under Trump. And I find that to be pretty amazing for two reasons. One is because these young people are constantly watching TikTok, they're constantly watching social media and everything is very much slanted towards Joe Biden as much as it can be. And two, the young people that we see on Fox on all these channels are these radical progressives who are walking out of Jerry Seinfeld's commencement address. That is not the majority. I think it's very slim. I saw a statistic today of how much those kids represent the student body at Duke. It was like 0.0000 something. They are not, they're the loudest, they're the most obnoxious, they've got the most props with them, but they're not representative of the rest of their generation who are concerned about buying a house, who are concerned about groceries, who are concerned with getting ahead in, you know, in financially. And I don't think those kids are represented enough and that could be a big shift for Donald Trump. We talk about the pendulum all the time. And I remember I said this in 2016, one of the biggest things is you had eight years of Obama and people who came up under Obama, like a lot of the kids that grew up in that era and came of age in that era, you know, they saw Obama, they liked him, they had that kind of mentality. If we'd gotten a Hillary, it would have been eight more years of that in an entire generation would have been kind of brainwashed into that, but Trump broke that up and then you had an alternative and you had four years where kids were growing up and it wasn't all just leftist craziness. It was like, okay, well, this, some of this makes sense. So you kind of had a little break. You had a little break in the brainwashing of the youth from the Marxism of Obama. And even though now Biden's back, that four years of people seeing a different perspective really, really bodes well for future generations because they're not all as crazy as Obama. Like a lot of people idolized Obama, they shared his views on everything. These kids, they saw somebody else and like, you know what? Yeah, I like that. That's not insane to me that, that yes, a girl is a girl. That's not insane to me. Yeah, this is from the New York Post, nearly 70% of voters polled said that the country's political and economic systems need a major overhaul and only 13% of Biden supporters believe he would be able to bring about such change during his second term. Well, it's that and it's also how often do you think we're going to see Biden in a second term? Like we barely see this guy now. If he wins a second term, he said to the press this weekend when he was leaving church, they said, oh, you know, what are you doing for Mother's Day? And he said, I'm praying for all of you because you need help. Like, he hates these people now. You think he's going to give them any time if he wins a second term? We'll be right back with more Don't Go To Her. [MUSIC PLAYING]