Front Porch Radio - Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price

Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price 5-14-24

Broadcast on:
14 May 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM and WKRM Radio. Your hometown news broadcasting from the Debbie Matthews Nashville Realty Newsroom in Columbia, Tennessee. I'm your host, Tom Price. Today is Tuesday, May 14th, and we start with local news. Murray County Public Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, May 14th, as cleanup efforts continue following last week's tornado. 12-month employees should report to work. Murray County Public Schools will reopen on Wednesday, May 15th. If you live in or near the affected areas, please look out for transportation updates regarding buses on Wednesday. All graduations, athletics, and extracurricular performances will occur as scheduled. The Boys and Girls Club will be open at Mount Pleasant and Marvin Wright Elementary Schools, as well as the Boys and Girls Club Wain Street and Teen Center locations. As homeowners begin rebuilding after the devastating storms that crossed Tennessee last week, the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance is reminding consumers of disaster recovery tips, including advice on hiring contractors as they move forward. Here's some helpful tips. Remember that a contractor's license is required before bidding or price negotiations when the total cost of the project is $25,000 or more. Make sure the contractor is properly licensed. Write down the license number and verify that it is legitimate by visiting Get several bids and check references before committing to a contractor. Be wary of contractors selling repairs door-to-door and those who use high-pressure sales tactics to get you to make a rash decision. Generally, do not pay more than one-third of the cost up front and make sure you have the terms of payment and writing. If you're dealing with a company or person who promises to remove debris from your property, ask them to list the services they will provide in writing and share that your contract provides for you to make an inspection and approve the work before making the final payment. Keep a record of your property damage in any repairs made to your property. Take photos of any repair work you believe was not done correctly. And to file a complaint, visit and resource resources dash services. In the days following Wednesday's storms, now reporting more than 240 homes damaged, Murray County residents continue to pick up the pieces while taking comfort in the hope to carry on. Of the homes damaged by the reported EF3 tornado, about 40 were considered a total loss initially, especially in some of the most affected areas, just off Bear Creek Pike. These included properties on LeCia Road, Old Highway 99 and Blackburn Lane, where one fatality was reported. John and Valerie Bernhardt were among those on Blackburn Lane who nearly lost everything, while also enduring a night of intense fear, not knowing if they were going to survive. We don't really know what to do, but we are alive and very grateful for that, Valerie said. We're definitely going to be making a few Walmart runs since we lost everything, she said. The house currently sits in ruins with bricks, portion of the roof and other debris in piles, as well as damaged vehicles and all of their household possessions strewn about the lawn. The only piece of the home still standing is a four walled room where the Bernhardt sought refuge as Wednesday's tornado hit. We were on the ground in front of the washer and dryer, and that's the only thing left standing, John said. It was well fortified, but the roof is gone and things were hitting us. We were just sitting there holding each other, and I'd ask her every minute or so if she was all right. The Bernhardt's recalled exactly what it was like the moment they realized a tornado was about to strike their home and having to take shelter immediately. We were in the kitchen cooking supper when we heard the first alarm on our phone, but we didn't pay any attention to it, wasn't really worried about the storm and hadn't been through a tornado before, Valerie Bernhardt said, "Then I noticed it was getting dark, which seemed off, and then I heard the noise, a very loud noise," she said. Huddling together in a small four walled room, they held each other and prayed, all while getting pelted and hit with debris flying through the home. "He sheltered me and has a big bruise and a knot on his neck and back, and I was totally unscathed," she said, "but I was praying constantly because I felt like we were going to be lifted up and thrown out. It was just so powerful," she said. Once the storm had cleared, the couple fortunately had not become trapped within the home or suffered any major injuries, despite getting a little roughed up. Mostly, it was the total shock and seeing their once luscious and scenic property now all but destroyed. "I looked up and said, 'That's the sky,' because I could not believe there was no ceiling anymore, and her house was totally destroyed," Valerie said. "I just about lost it, and then I saw there was nothing there," John added. The storm also damaged a nearby electrical tower just across the street, part of which resulted in a mass power grid outage. The tower has since been fully restored. "We were just sitting there praying, hoping that we'd make it," John said. "We thought we were gone. You just never expect something like that to happen. We were just thankful to God that we were able to stand up and walk out from it," he said. Of the items damaged and destroyed, Valerie said she was able to salvage some of the really important stuff, like photo albums and other family heirlooms. The photo albums were in an office behind the front wall, which is still there. It shielded some of them," Valerie said. "So most of my photo albums were saved, which is wonderful," she said. Though they have been longtime Murray County residents, the Bernhard said they had only lived at their Blackburn Lane home for about a year. John said the home, which encompasses seven acres, was meant to be a place to relax, walk through the woods and have a nice, quiet piece of land to retire. This was her grandfather's farm, and this was to be our retirement home. John said, "It was my hobby just going out, cutting trees and clearing paths, finding ways to get around out here," he said. While the home is considered a total loss, there is hope to rebuild once again, though it will likely take a long time between insurance, damage assessments, recovery and construction. In the meantime, the Bernhard say they are staying with relatives and are looking to move into a town home or an apartment for the time being. We've got insurance, though the price of the house has gone up since we built it, which took about two years, John said. So it might come up a little short on the house, but we've got enough personal property insurance that I think if we can do something, if we can do without some stuff we had, we can come out okay and get ahead, he said. The Bernhard's, like many other affected families in the community, also continue to receive support over the weekend. This included donations of food, water and other supplies from local churches, volunteers and neighbors. There are all kinds of people driving around now that they can get in, and we've got a lot of people helping us, John said. It's the most terrifying thing we ever saw, and we hope we never see anything like it again. You hear about it all the time, but until you sit there and go through it, you just don't understand, seeing your whole life gone. The Murray County School Board approved last week raises for all employees to be reflected in the budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. A 2.5% raise for all employees in a 50 cent raise for those who would benefit more was considered by the school board, amounting to $154.1 million. Some board members voiced concern, particularly Michael Fulbright, who said he was not a fan of doing different raises for different groups of employees. I think we're just setting ourselves up for a lot of mass confusion, and potentially some hard feelings from employees, Fulbright said. The alternative would be a flat 2.5% raise across the board for all employees. School board Vice Chair Jackson Carter concurred with Fulbright. You're looking at a 2.5% and the 50 cents, and I think that's just setting the stage for people to wonder, why did I get this and not this? And that's a lot of math that we're going to have to explain, Carter said. We preach equality and equity behind this board pretty frequently, and I think that we have the option to do this and create confusion, or within a couple of pennies, do something that is the same for everyone that is equitable, is equal. And I just think that's probably what we ought to do, he said. School board chair Will Sims voiced his support for the measure, pointing out that someone making $14.62 an hour would only receive a raise of 36 cents under the flat 2.5% raise. They're at the bottom, and they're gonna get the bottom portion of the raise again, and the golf widens with that straight percentage raise, Sims said, the vote passed. Four nays came for board members Austin Hooper, Jackson Carter, Michael Fulbright, and Steve McGee. Next, the board voted on the food services budget separately, including the raises in question. The first motion was to approve a 2.5% flat raise for all nutrition employees. Board member Austin Hooper justified his decision to put the motion forward. While he acknowledged it was a difficult decision, he reminded the board that they're already running at a deficit and are not choosing to run on an even larger one. I'm not opposed to raises, but I am opposed to spending money that we don't have, Hooper said. The vote did not pass. Board members Betty Kinzer, Jamil Brown, Kristin Scholl, Michael Fulbright, Wayne Lindsay, and Will Sims voted nay. Another motion was introduced to approve instead a 2.5% increase or a 50 cent increase in wages for all nutrition employees, depending on which would better benefit the employee in question. The motion passed with three nays coming from board members Hooper, Carter, and McGee. The full school operational budget, as well as wage increase proposals, will go to the county commission for approval. The commission can either send the budget forward or be sent back to the school board for further adjustment. Spring Hill Fire Department responded to a reported apartment fire early Saturday afternoon. The fire was contained to a balcony of the affected unit investigation found that discarded smoking materials in a flower pot started the fire, which spread to a plastic rocking chair. The fire was held in check by the sprinkler system until Spring Hill Fire Department units arrived to complete the extinguishment. No extension into the building or other hazards were found. Murray Regional Medical Center announced today that it has been recognized as a 2024 Patient Safety Excellent Award and Outstanding Patient Experience Award recipient by Health Grades, the leading resource consumers use to find a hospital or doctor. These achievements place Murray Regional Medical Center among an elite group of only 79 hospitals nationwide to achieve both awards and the only one in Tennessee. Murray Regional Medical Center was also named among the top 10% in the nation for patient safety and outstanding patient experience in 2024. This recognition reflects the dedication of our care teams to provide safe, high quality care paired with a patient centered experience said Murray Regional Health CEO, Dr. Martin Cheney. From using best practice, clinical protocols proven to result in better patient outcomes to our investment in state of the art technology, we are committed to being the trusted source for health and wellness in the region, he said. To determine the nation's premier hospitals for patient safety, Health Grades evaluated risk-adjusted, complication and mortality rates for approximately 4,500 hospitals nationwide. Health Grades analysis revealed marked declines in patient safety throughout the country, particularly among the nation's lowest performing hospitals. As a result, patients who seek care at hospitals, receiving the 2024 Patient Safety Excellence Award, like Murray Regional Medical Center, have a significantly lower risk of experiencing one of the four leading patient safety indicators than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals. They are in hospital fall, resulting in fracture, approximately 52% less likely in excellence award-winning hospitals, collapsed lung due to a procedure or surgery in or around the chest, pressure sores or bed sores acquired in the hospital, and catheter-related bloodstream infections acquired in the hospital. Similarly, Murray Regional Medical Center outperformed its peers based on feedback from its own patients in order to achieve the 2024 Outstanding Patient Experience Award, survey questions focused on patients' perceptions of their hospital care, from cleanliness and noise levels to medication explanations and staff responsiveness. The measures also include whether a patient would recommend the hospital to friends or family and their overall rating of the hospital. "We're proud to recognize Murray Regional Medical Center for their commitment to ensuring a best-in-class hospital stay for all patients," said Dr. Brad Bowman, Chief Medical Officer and Head of Data Sciences at Health Grades. Murray Regional Medical Center's success demonstrates the patient safety and patient satisfaction go hand in hand, and we look forward to their continued leadership in these critical areas of patient care," he said. "Where you are treated matters, which is why health care, health grades rather, is committed to providing the most scientifically accurate information about doctors and hospitals, with data insights not available anywhere else, to learn more about health grades, measures, hospitality quality, visit The Murray County Commission and Murray County School Board met this month to discuss the possibility of opening a future facility to serve as a central office for both entities. The Murray County Commission currently holds its meetings in main operations at the northeast corner of the downtown Columbia Square, while the Murray County Public Schools headquarters at 501 East 8th Street, and conducts meetings at the Horace O' Porter School at College Hill. "Having a central office is a need of ours, and something that we've needed for a while because we are out of space," School Board Chair Will Sim said. "We're in an old building that's been retrofitted to work, and we make it work, but it's not exactly what we would build to house a central office," he said. "The idea to combine county and school operations under one facility has been a topic of discussion going back many years. This was the first time both boards could join together in more than a year to discuss how, or if, a project like this could be accomplished." This would not only involve locating the right property, but also coming to a mutual agreement that this would indeed be the best solution for both parties as well as the community. "There's a really strong desire to move forward with this," School Board Vice Chair Jackson Carter said. "I think it benefits everybody in the community for us to do something somewhere, and it makes an insane amount of sense to place our school and county offices in close proximity. That way, if someone has business, you know where to find us." Board members spent much of the meeting discussing the potential benefits in addition to having county and school under one building. For one, the new facility would address the county's current office space issues and allow for an estimated 26 additional classrooms for students," Murray County Superintendent Lisa Ventura said. "These are employees that are county-wide, but we don't have any space for them at our central office," Ventura said. "They have classroom space that we are using as offices, sometimes with multiple people in those classrooms. Other than Highland Park and Baker, I can't think of a building that does not house a county-wide staff member that we wouldn't pull up into this complex," she said. Commissioner Ray Jeter added that much of, much like Murray County Public Schools, the county also operates in an older building that we've made work, but that an ongoing maintenance is becoming much harder, not to mention, more expensive. "I think this is a great idea and has the potential to save a lot of money," Jeter said. "We're going to have to build these buildings in Murray County at a certain point in time in its history, very soon history. Whatever it looks like, it's a benefit to the county, a benefit to the people of Murray County," he said. "No votes were taken during the meeting, but a few properties were considered, such as the former McDowell Elementary School at 714 West 7th Street. Another issue is whether the facility should be one building or split into two, with one serving for the county and the other for schools. A move to a new facility would also open up real estate in the downtown square, which could open opportunities for new businesses and expansion, especially as the New Murray County Judicial Center continues to develop. "To me, I'm really concerned as we make decisions moving into the future of selling this 25% of the square in what it does to our downtown businesses," Commissioner Gabe Howard said. "It's 35,000 square feet sitting on 23 acres, and if you're really good at throwing a baseball, you can from three of the largest schools in Murray County," Howard said. "It also has a pool system that is primarily used by schools in Murray County. While I'm all in on selling the 25% of the square, we need some revenue-generating businesses. That's tax property. That's sales tax. Personal, tangible property. Lots of tax revenue generated on the square. Hopefully, we can get a boutique hotel here in our downtown district," he said. Howard added that another potential property to consider would be the Muletown Rec Facility at 1446 Oak Springs Drive. At the meeting's conclusion, board members took a poll for three suggested locations, though no official vote was cast. However, all school board and commission members said they would be in favor of the project in general. The McDowell property was clearly the winner with 22 members voicing "in favor," while two members were in favor of the county parking lot and one for the Tom J. Hitch property. And now your hometown memorials, sponsored by Oak Synacles Fino Home. Mrs. Cheryl Denise Hickman-Nannon Lovett, 67, retired from Stan's restaurant, and a resident of Spring Hill died Wednesday, May 8th in Murray County. Funeral services will be conducted on Wednesday, May 15th at Oak Synacles Fino Home. Barrio will follow in Joan Cemetery. The family will visit with friends on Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the funeral home. Billy Gower Dial, 83 of Brentwood, formerly of Kalioka, passed away at Summerfield Health Center on May 10th. A short graveside service will be held Friday, May 24th at 1 p.m. at Friendship Cemetery in Kalioka. Visitation will be held on Saturday, May 25th from 1230 to 2, followed by a celebration of life at 2 p.m. at Brent Haven Church in Brentwood. Jonathan Patrick St. Clair, 49, a resident of Kalioka and an employee of Adient in Pulaski, died Saturday, May 11th in Decaturville, Tennessee. The family will visit with friends on Tuesday from 4 to 8 p.m. at Oak Synacles Fino Home. graveside service will be conducted on Wednesday, May 15th at 10 a.m. at Friendship Cemetery in Kalioka. hometown memorials is sponsored by Oak Synacles Fino Home, serving with dignity and consideration for over 150 years. As years go by, people may tend to forget just what a funeral is really all about. At Oaks and Nichols, we believe it's first and always a special remembrance of someone you love. We start by listening to your needs and desires. If you're unsure, we can help, gently, professionally. At Oaks and Nichols funeral directors, we haven't lost sight of why we're here, to serve Murray County families in the ways they prefer. And why Matt and Susie Sowo believe the way to honor tradition is with a specially personal service. We believe your traditions, your customs, your rites of passage are very important, but we also believe in taking care of your personal wishes as well. At Oaks and Nichols, we try to do more than just the expected things, so the service you receive honors your heritage and is uniquely yours, and we invite you to experience the difference. Oaks and Nichols funeral directors, 320 West 7th Street in Columbia, since 1856, people you can rely on. For your southern middle Tennessee weather, we will have cloudy skies today, followed by thunderstorms in the afternoon. Gusty winds in small hail are possible. The high will be near 75 degrees, with winds out of the south at 10 to 15 miles per hour. Chance of rain today, 80%. Tonight, we can expect scattered thunderstorms, then partly cloudy after midnight. The low will be around 60 degrees, with light and variable winds. The chance of overnight rain, 60%. Let's take a break. When we come back, we'll cover state and national news that affect you. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. Debbie Matthews grew up and lives in beautiful Coolumbia, Tennessee. As a realtor, she is well-versed in homes, neighborhoods, development, and schools. She wants to share her love of her home state with others to help them find just the right place to raise a family, open a business, or develop a dream. From luxury listings to land, she can handle it all. She is the current leading producer, Nashville Realty Group Contact Debbie Matthews Realtor at 615-476-3224. My dad used to tell us that all the time. But family first wasn't just something he'd say to us. It was how he lived every day of his life, and it's how I try to live mine too. At Shelter Insurance, our agents are dedicated to helping provide personalized auto, home, and life protection that puts your family first. For auto home, life, or business insurance, Sea Shelter Agent Tommy Hyde Jr. at 388-2009. Are you thinking about a new fence? Maybe you need a pole barn. Then you should give Sands Fence Company a call that's 931-309-1644. Will Sands has built his business based on the principles of honesty, quality, and integrity. Sands Fence Company has been in business for over 20 years, providing the community with farm, residential, and commercial fencing, as well as pole barns and buildings. Call today for a free estimate, Sands Fence Company, 931-309-1644, 931-309-1644. For 40 years, the Jewelers bench has worked hard for their customers and provided the highest quality jewelry at the best price. They keep going back. Recent renovations have allowed them to expand their inventory. More high quality jewelry, custom vintage and estate pieces, and professional jewelry and watch repairs. They also buy gold. The Jewelers bench, still here, still great service. 808-Troughtwood Avenue, Columbia. This is Trey Hancock with Dixie Equipment, sales and rental. We sell ASV and Wacker Nordstrom equipment. We also rent a wide variety of compact equipment in the middle Tennessee area. Come see us. We are located in Columbia, Tennessee at 200 East 16th Street. You can call us at 615-969-0118 or visit our website at We have been in business for over 42 years and we would love to help you turn your project into reality. Some people are just obsessed with their lawns. They'd cut their grass with a pair of scissors if they could. Bikes are gravely. They don't have to. You see, gravely makes not only the best built and most comfortable lawnmowers. They also leave your house looking like a dog on country club. So whether you're a commercial landscaper wanting the best or just a perfectionist homeowner, you can't do better than a gravely. See our full line of gravely products at Murray County Equipment 1075 North James Campbell Boulevard in Columbia, Tennessee or check us out on Facebook. Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today. I'm WKOM 101.7 and WKRM 103.7, your hometown source for news and information. I'm your host, Tom Price. And now news from around the state. Today, the Tennessee Department of Education is highlighting the multiple pathways available to support third and fourth grade students who may benefit from extra learning supports. Additionally, new and updated resources are available to support districts and schools as they work with families in determining the best pathway for their student. As districts and schools begin to have essential conversations with families of students who are not yet proficient, we will continue to provide resources and supports so they can make informed decisions about their students' education, said Lizette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education. "I appreciate the dedication of Tennessee's district schools and educators to providing families and students with the best pathway to set them up for future success," she said. In 2021, Governor Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly passed two key pieces of legislation to ensure all students have the support they need to read and perform on grade level. Third grade students who score approaching expectations or below expectations on the English language arts or ELA section of the TEACAP assessment are able to get essential learning supports from their school for free to ensure they are ready to move on to the fourth grade, including the TEACAP retake opportunity, free summer camp, and/or tutoring in the upcoming school year. Additionally, the law was updated this year to provide families of fourth grade students who participated in free summer camp and tutoring with an additional pathway to be promoted to the fifth grade. For additional information about Tennessee's third and fourth grade acceleration strategy, visit Let's take one last break when we come back. We'll cover the final story of the day. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee today. Turner and Osborne Tire Company 1016 South Main Street in Columbia. Good call at 931-388-6822. They've been doing business since 1947 and in their current location since 1964. They provide the best tire and mechanical work at some of the best prices in middle Tennessee. Hey, they're official Michelin and Goodyear dealers and they've got all kinds of brands as well. Stop by and see Walker Vining and his professional staff or check them out online at Turner and That's Turner and Living with a war and joint can be painful and frustrating. Leave your joint pain in the past with a joint replacement procedure at Murray Regional Health. Our joint replacement program has been recognized in the top 10 percent of the nation for medical excellence and patient safety. Thanks to our highly skilled and experienced surgical staff who perform progressive procedures for the knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, and ankles. For more information, go to Murray Regional Health, where clinical excellence meets compassionate care. Have you ever wondered if your insurance needs can be personalized? This is Hunter Carey. Our team specializes in planning your insurance needs to get you the best possible solution. State Farm is the largest home and auto insurer in the country. I love bringing that to my hometown. Born and raised in Columbia, I'm grateful for our close community ties. We offer help with home, auto, and life insurance for everyone in our community. Our office is located at 909 South Garden Tree across from the fire station. We're also online at That's Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today and now our final story. Rapper, singer, actor, and producer Childish Gambino has announced his return to the global stage with the 2024 New World Tour. He will be stopping in Nashville at Bridgestone Arena on Sunday, September 1. Musician Willow Smith, who uses the stage name Willow, will accompany Gambino on his North American tour dates. Gambino has not globally toured since 2019. When he hit the road to support 2016, this is America Tour. Tickets go on sale to the public on Friday, May 17th at 10 a.m. You can get them by visiting That's all for this edition of Southern Middle Tennessee today on Kennedy Broadcasting WKOM, WKRM Radio. If you ever miss a part or all of this broadcast, you can listen to it anytime or read the transcript online by visiting It's always there for you. I will be off for the next few days. My friend Chrisia will be filling in for me. I will be back next week, however. I'm Tom Bryce. Thanks for listening. Be safe and have a great day. [Music]