The Howie Carr Radio Network

Owned by China & the Chump Line | 5.14.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Tune in as Howie and his VIP guests hear the Chump Line live for the first time.

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14 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Bogo is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie Bogo. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. He is an admitted perjure. He is an admitted liar. Just remember. It's not a lie. If you believe it, then I have to pose, Michael Cohen. I have met with him a number of times to prepare him. Yes, I'm a changed man now. And it's all because of pathological liars and anonymous. Why? I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah, every day. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Just for journey, Alvin Bragg was watching from the spectator section on the prosecutor's side of the room after being publicly called Fat Alvin. Hey, hey, hey. Now Trump said he could not call former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Well, well, if it isn't a junk food tweeter. A quote, fat pick. You cannot call him a fat pick because you're not allowed to use the fat word. You know, you can use almost any word, but you can't use the fat word. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. We're here, and we have the VIPs with us for the first time this season. We're happy to have them with us. And we were enjoying it. How was the Chinese food? It was good. Excellent. Everybody liked it. Only about less than half of them are back. They're still chowing down. It was good. Yeah, no, it's good. It's good to be back. It's good to have VIPs in the studio again. I like working the crowd. Working the crowd. 844-500-4242. We got a lot to get to today, including the situation where they're bringing in another-- turning a jail into a flop house in Norfolk. And say, just the latest, it's not going to be the last, I don't think. Today's Chump Line, though, it's time now for that. Today's Chump Line is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. [MUSIC PLAYING] If anybody checks to see where Kendra Lara was, the Knight John O'Keeffe supposedly got hit by this car. [LAUGHTER] That's a good one. How soon they forget, I can already tell people if you're getting-- Kendra Lara is the one who got into the crash on, I think, Center Street. And Jamaica Plain, she was driving-- Boston City Council are driving unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured car. And she had a seven-year-old son with no restraining device. And he got smashed in the head when she whipped into a house, not just into another car, into a house off the street. Then she retired from the City Council due to ill health. The voters got sick of her. Come on, man. I adopted father, center, stand in the way, was a World War II veteran. Not many people know this, but he and Bob Do were mortally wounded during the D-Day attack on Pearl Harbor when Arnold Hitler and his German kamikaze and we'll see them with chopsticks. Thank you, everybody. This way, I'll press call first. The only thing he forgot to work in there was cannibals. He was with Bob Dole and Senator Inouye when they were in Italy on mountaintops. And they were mortally wounded during World War II before they served in the Senate. And after being mortally wounded, they were eaten by cannibals. Or was it Hannibal? Today's chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation, - I think KJP was trying to say the broad board is where some of those Columbia law students go for entertainment. (laughing) I mean, again, most college graduates, I was gonna say high school graduates, but I think high school graduates too, should know, shouldn't they just as a part of American history, Brown versus Board of Education? De-segregation ruled a unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court, the Warren Court, 1954. The beginning of a desegregation of schools? Petiful, petiful, she's broke, you know, she's broke, she talks about breaking grass ceilings. The big glass ceiling she's broken is that really, really stupid people can now become White House press secretary. - Indiscriminately firing a barrage of 226 rounds into the neighborhood will get a big shame on you, waving a maga flag at a rally in DC 26 years. (beeping) - Yeah, this Ute, the Ute was depressed, so he just decided to go outside and he fired an AK-15 or an AK-47 or an AR-15, I'm not sure which one he had, but he had a, he fired at 15, 25, whatever times into a neighborhood, a crowded urban neighborhood, and he, he got a slap on the wrist. - Hey, are we, isn't everybody in main cousins? (beeping) - I shouldn't have known that was common. I'm not gonna mention my extended family. It is a very, very, very extended family. What can I say? - Well, reversing economic trend of a fascist dictator like Donald Trump has been my priority and we are winning the battle against prosperity. My administration has been fighting inflation by reducing real household wages and personal savings. (beeping) - They've succeeded, if that's the, if that's the goal, they have succeeded more than somewhat. - With this retrial, it doesn't take a gumshoe to figure out what they're really trying to do. Come up with a lie, they know on that slide, so the real killer can go off into the blue. (beeping) - Yeah, I mean, this is their, this is their one shot at the apple. There, there is not gonna be a second trial here. And I don't think, I don't think there's a chance in hell that they're gonna get a conviction. I mean, again, this is, this was day 11 of the trial and they haven't produced a single witness that ties Karen Reed to the death of John O'Keefe. It's just all defending the McAlbert families against, against being involved in the, in the death of John O'Keefe. It's the craziest trial I've ever seen in that regard. - Say Ed, did you see that Jake Sullivan is pushing Israel for a ceasefire with Hamas? - You are correct, sir. That ceasefire would be about as effective as Sullivan's comb over in a gale force wind. (cheering) (beeping) - There are worse comb overs in DC than Jake Sullivan's. - Was it just me or did James Carville look like Freddy Krueger on TV the other night? - He, he looks more like him every day, I think. And he's becoming more and more hysterical too, every day. He's just screaming and yelling, dropping the f-bomb. Who does he think he is? Kamala Harris? - In addition to retracting the watchgate live Dover, Jen Psaki also had to edit her claim that Brandon's never stumbled, nor fallen down in public either. (beeping) (laughing) - Yeah, she, she is so bad. What is her journalism experience, by the way, to have an even a weekend show on MSNBC? Oh, it's the same as everybody else on MSNBC, which is to say no experience whatsoever. - A new poll indicates Joe Biden has a 100-point lead over Donald Trump with unregistered, but likely, Palestinian voters. (laughing) - Merrick Garland had a press conference today. They're gonna be cracking down on misinformation and disinformation. Is this the beginning of the campaign to shape the electoral field for the November elections? I'm somewhat apprehensive about this. Just as I'm apprehensive about bird flu. You see, they said there was an outbreak of bird flu in Colorado, and again, nobody was saying, "Oh, am I gonna die from the bird flu?" They just could say, "How soon until they use this "to shut down everything?" (upbeat music) (beeping) - That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. - All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time. Every weekday, the Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press two for the Chumpline, leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time. Each weekday, if you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every evening, weeknights, we have one. It's posted around seven p.m. every weeknight. It's called Chop Chumps. It's the second Chumpline of the day and it's where we put all the messages. We didn't have room with time for just now. Again, the number is 844-542-442. Press two for the Chumpline. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation, Hey, Hawley, isn't everybody in Maine cousins? (beeping) The state of Maine didn't come here to be made sport out, okay? I'm Hawley Car. The Hawley Car Show returns after this. (dramatic music) - Hawley Car is back. (upbeat music) - I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Hawley at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their geeze of dream sheets, go to and use code Hawley for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which group does Biden speak most condescendingly to? - Catholics, Jews, Blacks, Latinx, or union members. - I'm gonna say union members. - 9% say union, 3% say Latinx, 12% for Jews, 17% say Catholics, and 59% say the Blacks. - All right. By the way, we sold out of the cohort republic. That's the fastest we've ever sold out of those. It's a great place and I'm very happy we sold out in. And if you got one, you got a good deal and visit cohort republic at all of their four locations this summer or this spring. 844, 542, 42. I should mention this story about this teen gunman. Teen gunman, I'm reading from the Daily Mail, who sprayed DC neighborhood with 26 rounds from an AR-15. That's where AR-15 is released on bail by self-confessed woke judge. Judge Lloyd Nolan Jr., Lloyd Nolan Jr., he freed a eute, a teenager named Amante. Not Monte, A Monte, A Monte Moody. He's accused of a sleeping neighborhood with bullets. And the guy is a, he's a big George Soros fan. He's a self-described woke magistrate judge on the superior court. And he peppered a street with 26 rounds. This is DC. Don't they have the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, maybe with the city of Chicago, which also seems to have a problem with gun violence. It's funny, the more you restrict the second amendment, the more problems you have with people who don't really follow the gun laws. Although perhaps, you know, perhaps I'm jumping to the conclusions, perhaps Amante Moody's weapon was duly registered with the District of Columbia. He peppered a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2.30 AM on April 22nd. Nobody was injured or killed in the shooting spree, which unfolded just over a mile from the US Capitol. Despite the chaos he allegedly caused, Nolan granted Moody pretrial release in home arrest. I'm sure, I'm sure he's learned his lesson. There won't be any more problems with Amante, Amante Moody. 844, 542, 42. Let's play another couple of Biden cuts. We got a couple more Biden cuts to get to here. Cut five. - 'Cause we're not gonna let China flood our market, making it impossible for American auto manufacturers to compete fairly. - He's gonna protect American auto. Okay. And so this is obviously reaction to what Trump has been saying, which is what everybody who studies the auto industry has been saying, which is that if Biden gets back in, there isn't gonna be a US auto industry. They're gonna, China's gonna flood the market with cars built in China and in Mexico and Chinese plants, and they're gonna undercut all the American manufacturers, including Tesla, and that's gonna be the end of the industry. But hey, it'll be good for the polar bears. Not so good for Michigan or Ohio or the United Auto Workers, but great for the polar bear. And maybe the penguins, though, down at the South Pole. And now here is, again, this is Democrat projection. This is, he is the saying, accusing Trump of doing exactly what he's doing. Cut seven. - America can continue to buy. - Americans, I wanna make it clear, notwithstanding what the other guy's saying. Can buy any kind of car they want, whether it's gas, electric, or hybrid, but we're never gonna allow China to unfairly control the market for these cars, period. - No, Trump is saying if he's put back in the White House, you can have your choice of any kind of car. If Biden is reelected, he wants to get rid of internal combustion vehicles. I mean, that's what his energy policy is. And it's not approved by Congress, it's approved by green regulators in DC. And it's, you know, I find it really significant what Clarence Thomas said the other day, talking about the District of Columbia. He said he and his wife like to get out of the District of Columbia because the most horrible people in the world are hanging out in the District of Columbia. And he said they pride themselves on how terrible they are. Here's the exact quote. People in Washington pride themselves on being awful. I think that's really a good way to put it. And if you watch cable news for more than 30 minutes on CNN or MSNBC, you'll know he's exactly right. When you leave DC, Clarence Thomas said, you get to be around, excuse me, around regular people who don't pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree. That's, I think that's accurate as well. 844-542. All right, we will be right back with more here on the How We Car Show. I'm How We Car. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500, 42, 42, 844-500, 42, 42. You know, there are a lot of stories that aren't being covered, obviously, as you well know. And there's an interesting one in the New York Post. You know, the marine base in Quantico, Virginia. It's my cousin named Carr was assigned to that when he was in the Marines way back when. And it's also the location of the FBI Training Academy, which used to be run by a guy who used to tip off the Winter Hill Gang and Whitey Bulger to people they needed to hit. Guide by the name of John Vino Morris. He used to deliver tapes to the Winter Hill Gang too of the mafia people. That's why he got to be director of the Training Academy 'cause he taught him how to be corrupt. But anyway, on the morning of May 3rd, two men in a box truck pulled up to the front gate of Quantico Marine Corps Base, 35 miles southwest of Washington, D.C., and tried to lie their way in claiming they were Amazon delivery men. Can you guess where the story's going? Especially the fact that you don't know what you never heard this story until just now, unless you read the New York Post. After skeptical military police channeled them to an area for secondary security inspection, the driver hit the gas in defiance of hall to orders, much like being in the West Bank at an IDF checkpoint. And tried to barrel the truck into the base's town center. Quick thinking MPs put up road barriers to stop the truck. The Marines ended up citing the two for trespassing them, for trespassing on federal property. We know this only because of a report in the Potomac local news founded in 2010, quote, "to help people understand what is happening in their local communities in Northern Virginia," unquote. Yet the reporter, Kelly Cienkowski, who broke the story, focuses on her local readership. She shocked the story hasn't gotten more national attention. Cienkowski, after she broke the story, cited multiple anonymous sources who told her one of the two individuals in the truck was a Jordanian foreign national who, quote, "recently crossed the southern border into the United States." Was he on his way to Norfolk or Kingston or Shrewsbury? And also one of the people in the truck, they didn't say which one, is on the US terrorist watch list. After citing the two men for trespassing, the Marine Corps turned them over to ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The big question in the room that has gone unanswered for more than a week after Cienkowski reported the story is, of course, this one. Did illegal border crossers from the Middle East just try to attack a US military base? Many more questions deserve answers too, but the federal government has gone, "Mom." She, the reporter said, "This is a story in the New York Post." What really blows my mind said the reporter is that no other media have followed up on this story after a whole week has passed. It really doesn't blow her mind. She, I think we all know why. It's not good for the narratives. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm just looking to see if there's anything here. That's okay. Dana, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Dana. - Hey, thanks, Howie. You gave me a perfect lead-in because the story that didn't get any time on the media was eight cops got shot at, four of them killed. - We're talking US federal marshals. In Charlottesville, I think. - Oh no, Charlotte, North Carolina, Charlotte, North Carolina. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And that story got dropped off the news like a big lead Zeppelin out of the sky. - Right. - I mean, I, we don't know. I don't even know what the guy's name is. We don't know what the other people that were with this guy that shot. It doesn't say-- - Well, any scary rotor story about it for the federalist. And he said that the problem is, as you probably guessed, Dana, is that the shooter was black and the cops were white. And the shooter was killed, too, so it's just kind of taken, it's a clean ending to the story. Remember, I think it was last week Biden was in North Carolina and he mixed up all their names. Stop me if you've heard this one before. And he said, "I've spoken to the husbands and the wives and husbands of the slain officers as if these guys were gay." You know, I mean, they weren't. I mean, it doesn't matter if they were gay or not, but you know, I mean, why couldn't he have just said, "I've spoken to the spouses." If you gotta be PC, don't go totally overboard. But I mean, that's why, Dana, you know that, right? - Yeah, but I still don't think that it's such a big story. How can they just drop it like that? - Well, I mean, look at what happened in Chicago, look what happened in Chicago with the black teenager who pulled out a gun on the cops, fired at the cops, actually wounded a cop, and then they shot him and killed him. And the story was white cops, not white cops, just cops because the copy shop was black, but they said cops shoot black teenager in Chicago. And they neglected to mention, or they only put it in like the 15th paragraph, that they only returned fire after he had actually shot and wounded a cop. But that was a huge story, Dana. - Yeah, we got a great media, that's all I can say. - Yeah, it's disgraceful. And again, I mentioned this earlier, I tried to find out today the names of the hippie Nazis, the UMass Amherst, who were arrested, 130 of them arrested. And so they've started arraigning them. And so I call up the District Attorney's Office out there, they call it the Northwestern District, and they said, well, this is all we've got, is a press release. And it just says, court arraigned 21 today in connection with UMass protests. So I said, this is very interesting, where are the names? And they send me back a statement, we don't have the names. What are they, who are they arraigning men? John Doe 1, Jane Doe 1, a Monte Doe, who's being her, if they don't have the names, how are they arraigning people? This is just, and you know, how am I the only, am I the first person to ask for, ask for the names? You know, I mean, the papers out there are shot in Western masks, but there are newspapers out there, just like their newspapers in Boston, and surely someone is interested in getting these names. 844, 500, 42, 42, it's being reported. Now prosecutors are saying they will not call any other witnesses in the Trump trial, the egregious Trump, the egregious Trump trial. Yeah, it is egregious, how about outrageous? Pete, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Pete. - Yeah, hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. You know, it's amazing. Joe said, and I remember when he said it, he said, China's gonna eat our lunch, come on, man. Well, guess what, Howie, China's been eating our lunch under Obama, under Joe, but they never ate our lunch under Trump, okay? - Yep, and yeah, I mean, obviously he's responding to this, and you know, she wouldn't, let's play the KJP cut again. A reporter's asking her if he's changed his stance on China tariffs because of Trump cut 15. - So in July of 2019, then candidate Biden said the tariffs on China are abusive policy. Has the president changed his mind and now believes tariffs work? - So look, I'm not, I'm not, I'm gonna be really mindful. I'm gonna let, and do, and do order. You'll hear directly from the president directly from us. - And do order. - So don't wanna get ahead of that. - Not do time, do order. - I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. - Trump can speak in complete sentences, however. Cut three. - I wanna start by saying that on the electric vehicles that Biden is pushing down everybody's throat, even though people don't want him. He wants to put a big tariff on China, which is the suggestion that I said, "Where have you been for three and a half years?" He said, "It doesn't have a long time ago." But they've also gotta do it in other vehicles and they have to do it on a lot of other products because China's eating our lunch right now. And they went away from what I was doing. They're eating our lunch, so they have to do it on much more than electric vehicles. And they have to get going fast, but it should've been done three and a half years ago. I did it, I started. And then they started playing games and it was very bad. Very bad for the auto industry. And Michigan, the auto industry is doing very poorly because jobs are starting to lead. We're losing, you know, with the electric vehicle, man, they're gonna be made in China. They're all gonna be made in China and also in Mexico owned by China. - Yeah, it's as simple as that. And Biden, here's Biden in 2019. He is, you know, when Brandon has got that, what a hundred million dollar "investment fund" from with the red Chinese and he's getting the three-carat diamond ring, you know, (knocking) room service. Oh, I didn't order this three-carat diamond ring. - Oh, it's just a measure of a token of our appreciation. Cut four from Biden. - Iowa farmers have been crushed by his tariff forward China and no one knows better than the folks in Iowa. He thinks that being tough is great. Well, it's really easy to be tough when someone else absorbs the pain. - That was then, and now he's for the pain. And 980 says, he's talking about what happened in Quantico. In the army out in Iraq, we saw this stuff all the time. We're testing the security for an actual attack. Yeah, I think that's it. And, you know, and if this were in the headlines, if people were seeing this, you know, everybody would see, would be seeing that they need to increase the security at these bases and probably elsewhere as well. I mean, you know, they've had three years now of unfettered access to the southern border. Can you imagine how many terrorists sleep or cells are in the country now? And they're just waiting to go. I wonder if the Democrats are saying, wait, can you wait? Can you wait? It's gonna hurt Biden. It'll be so, it will be such a riper target if we can just get reelected. Then you can just do whatever you want. We'll help you. Well, they won't help, but well, you know, doing nothing is helping in its own way, isn't it? 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. He's Howie Carr. 844-542-42 Limerick Guy says if those hippies were at UMass, where Maggar Republicans having a protest on campus, you would have known their names instantly. I wasn't expecting to get the names, but I wasn't, also though, I wasn't expecting to get the runaround with them telling me they didn't have the names. That's quite a district attorney's office. You know, they make Mike Morrissey in Norfolk County where we are. Look like he's a real cracker jack cop, you know, with this Karen Reed case. At least he knows who the defendant's name is. 844-542-42 J.D. says imagine if our army bases were allowed to be armed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what happened down at Fort Hood, Texas. Obama took away all the guns, and so they were helped a Palestinian terrorist who everybody knew was a bad guy, but he had to be advanced through the ranks. DEI. Brian, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Brian. Howie, if I watch MSNBC, they say that the prosecution is doing a masterful job of building a case brick by brick. And then when I turn it on, Fox News, they say that there's no crime and it's a total force. Not a lawyer, I don't know what the hell to believe. Where can I get the straight story? Both sides are full of crap. Yeah, I think you just got to pick and choose what you take to the bank. I mean, does it really, but Brian, let me ask you this. When you go on MSNBC, can anyone coherently describe the crime that Donald Trump has accused of committing? Yeah, especially can, that this corroborate that. No, but what is the underlying crime? Brian, what is the underlying crime here? Falsifying documents. Like documents aren't falsified all the time. Why are they allowing him to talk about, to co and on the stand to talk about what happened in 2018? When this is supposedly about fixing the 2016 election and no payments were made until 2017 and oh, by the way, the payments weren't illegal to begin with. And oh, by the way, Trump was, by Cohen's own admission, taking Cohen's advice. So how is that a crime for Donald Trump to take the advice of his crooked lawyer? He thinks entirely differently. You would think they're covering two different trials. This isn't a real trial though, that's the thing. I mean, it's like the Karen Reed case in data, in a different sort of way, but you have a prosecution, which is not prosecuting anyone. It's defending the people who are supposed to be witnesses, even though they weren't witnesses. It's just, you know, we're in, we're in Bizarro world. Some of the VIPs are old enough to remember the old Bizarro comics from the 60s. I mean, that's where we are. Everything is upside down. Thanks for the call, Brian. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, the age of terrorists over, is that terrorism is all gone, right? I mean, Howie, the Boston Marathon bombers came here legally, and we all know the damage they did. They've cost, although, we probably lost a couple hundred people if the medical personnel weren't there that day. And probably over a billion dollars in damages. And here are the other students of the colleges wearing the PLO headdresses. And in Otto Scorsini, was he was fair power to people who preyed Yasser Arafat, the terrorist of techniques. I mean, we only agreed to do it now that we were, when he saw about years ago on September 10th, Howie, with the borders wide open, with, I just hate to imagine who's here now. It must be just the great danger. I remember on September 11th, I thought to myself, you know, the silver lining in this horrible dark cloud is that we're finally going to shut down illegal immigration and letting in and terrorist immigration, just wide open immigration of terrorists. And David, it's gotten immeasurably worse, hasn't it? Without a doubt, Howie. Obviously, we've got people 170 countries directly come from Afghanistan and Yemen. Oh, they got some really radical people coming here. And they don't like these with Palestine. Yeah, and they're sighted for trespassing. Trespassing. They tried to take down marine base. I'm Howie Kar.