The Howie Carr Radio Network

When all the witnesses didn't see anything: Turtleboy reports | 5.14.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

The Karen Read trial rages on at the Dedham courthouse, and Turtleboy calls in to share the latest. He believes the strategy of the prosecution is to stall and bore the jury. Tune in to his recap, and see if you agree.

Broadcast on:
14 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Bogo is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie Bogo. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. He is an admitted purger. He is an admitted liar. Just remember, it's not a lie. If you believe it, then I have to pose, Michael Cohen. I have met with him a number of times to prepare him. Yes, I'm a changed man now. And it's all because of pathological liars and anonymous. Why, I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah, every day. Live from the Matthew's brother's studios. Just with journey Alvin Bragg was watching from the spectator section on the prosecutor's side of the room after being publicly called FAP Alvin. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, hey, hey, hey. All Trump said he could not call former New Jersey governor Chris Christie. Well, well, if it isn't a junk food tween. A quote, fat pick. You cannot call him a fat pick because you're not allowed to use the fat word. You know, you can use almost anywhere, but you can't use the fat word. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. [MUSIC PLAYING] 844-542-42. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. And today is the first day of having VIPs in the studio again. Give yourselves a round of applause. And thanks to Eric and Tom from Cohog Republic for coming in. And their gift certificates are going fast. And it's a great place. And get down there. And even if you're not from that area, you're going to be down there this summer. Falmouth do Bedford-onset Woods Hole. And so stop on by pick up a gift certificate. And again, we have the special deal, the Father's Day deal. Get a copy of Paper Boy. And then you get a T-shirt. Well, I forgot to change my T-shirt. During the break, I'll change my T-shirt to a new one. I'll do it in the privacy of my office. I don't want to turn anybody on with my abs. 844, 542, 603. I heard CNN stole your idea and did a dramatic reading of the Hush Money Trial testimony. I think that would be more like the three stooges rather than Masterpiece Theater. I don't really think there's a lot going on in that trial. 844, 542, 42. But people are giving me grief about my cousin, Billy Swift. He's not really my cousin. He's a cousin of a cousin. And so one says, just because he was born in Portland, Maine, that makes him-- you guys are all cousins. It's not that bad, OK? Come on. It's a very big family. Let me just tell you something. The car, Swift, McDonald, Mavadonas, Gribben family did not come here to be made sport of here this afternoon. All right. First thing is, Grace has started a new feature she's doing. She's bringing back tweetbeat. And so if you go to, it's on the front page now, and she just repurposes some of the biggest trending tweets of the day. And one of them involves Mayor Adams of New York City. He says crazy stuff sometimes. Sometimes he speaks the truth. Other times he speaks nonsense. Today, it's just kind of wacky stuff. It's like a weird uncle at a Thanksgiving dinner when he's had too much to drink. Yeah, today he's had too much to drink, apparently. So apparently there's a shortage of life guards in New York City as we move into the spring and summer season. You throw up the bat signal for Joe Biden? So Joe Biden is not available this summer season. But so he's got a new idea for who should be the lifeguards in New York City. And Grace put this out in a tweetbeat. So she's got a link up for it too. And if you want to listen to this, cut 19. The states, those jobs that we are in high demand, we could expedite. How do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers? And at the same time, we need lifeguards. And the only obstacle is that we're going to give them the right to work to become a lifeguard. That just doesn't make sense. But if we had a plan that say you have a shortage of full service workers and those who fit the criteria, we go to expedite you. If you have the experience that you are a nurse, which you have a nurse, a shortage, and we would expedite you. And that's the same with lifeguards. So we have all these eligible people waiting to work with the skills we need to fill the jobs. But we unable to allow them-- Do we really think that we want the illegal aliens in the pools? Have you been reading the Herald the story? We've been trying to pry out of the Middlesex County district attorney's office about what's about a guy in one of the shelters out there. I don't think you want this guy around young kids. I don't think you want any of these people around young kids. You know, Mayor Adams, I know contrary to your belief, they didn't all swim the Rio Grande to come in here. Some of them are being flown in. And the Haitians haven't been in Haiti for years. It's just that they were in Chile or Peru, and they realized the welfare was better up here. So that's why they're here. So is Jane Swift my cousin? No, Jane Swift is not my cousin, not in the least. No, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. So let's play a couple of Brandon cuts here. This is, again, at the-- these are the remarks on his agenda-- I'm reading from the White House press handout-- to promote American investment and jobs. This is in the Rose Garden today, the Rose Garden. Cut 8. These are those tiny computer-- all of you know this, but for the public, those little tiny computer chips, smaller the fingertip, that power every day live. Everything from smartphones, the automobiles, the dishwasher, satellites. Look, American vented these cheaps, but over time we stopped making them. Is that why the birds were cheaping? In honor of American vending these cheaps, microcheaps. We've got to bring microcheap manufacturing back to the United States of America. Just cracking up the VIPs. It's your letter word, jobs, J-O-B-S, jobs. And they're in the big union, the I-E-B-W, which I sometimes call the I-B-W. And what did he call the AFL-CIO last week, the LCI? Yeah, something like the L-C-I word. That's because he's a union guy. You know how you know he's a union guy? He has a pair of work boots. Cut, too. And Halley Stevens is here? No, I guess she-- there you are. You did make-- they told me you might not be on make. I'm sorry. All right. Is Hal-- is it Hal Stevens or Halley Stevens who's there? Or is it Hal Halley Stevens who's there or isn't there? Cut, Ted. I made sure the most advanced American ecologists we develop or invent can be used by the-- can't be used by the Chinese government to undermine our national security. That there's what you call a Freudian slip. Excuse me. Freudian slip. Let's hear that one again. It went by fast. I made sure the most advanced American ecologist we develop or invent can be used by the-- can't be used by the Chinese government to undermine our national security. Nonetheless, they give-- Nonetheless, they give Hunter another $100 million. Tom, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Tom. OK, hold on. All right. Let's see. Cut 9. For years, I've heard many Republicans even Democratic friends say China's not on the rise. I shouldn't be-- China is on the rise. America's falling behind. I've always believed they got it wrong. 40 is flipped. We don't need them. We're going to build our own microcheaps. And you know what? It's going to be built on the cheap here in the US. I'm not going to have any Davis Bacon law to hold up and make our cheaps too expensive on the world market. 844, 542, 42, 207 says, maybe we should expedite airline pilots. And how about surgeons while we're at it? We're going to get those expedited airline pilots and surgeons soon enough. Why do you think all the billionaires who don't pay their fair share are hiring private planes? It's because they've heard about what's going on in the commercial, the airliners. Dan, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Dan. You there, Dan? [INAUDIBLE] Yes, if anyone's trying to find out why all the Democrats are in Italy, why they're woo, they're atoms, the lovely governor of Mac, all decided to go to Italy at the same time. Because they're devout Catholics, they want to see the Pope. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to ride this rigatoni into the sky. [MUSIC PLAYING] You know the old joke is the Pope Catholic? Now it's a debatable point. Nothing's changed with the bears in the woods, though. Tom, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah, I'm retired IBEW member. And if I go back-- [LAUGHTER] I worked in-- oh, we're losing him. I'm a member of SAG, or as Joe Biden calls it, gas. After a-- I'm a member of after a gas. Sorry, Tom, call back if you want. 844-500-4242-802. Do you really think Brandon is going to be on the ticket in November? I don't know what the alternative is now. I think it's too late. I think they're-- he's baked into the cake. As baked as he is, he's baked into the cake. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houten has brought on two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam. Both have their own specialties in dentistry. This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienists at Perfect Smiles are the best, the very best. Dr. Houten and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advancement in dentistry. And the hygienists have all the latest equipment, so it's not the arduous teeth cleaning process that it used to be back in the day. Don't procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. Whatever you need, they can get done for you. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houten, Ty, and Sai. I think you will be very interested in what you hear. Get your mouth in good working order for the summer and all the celebrations that come in the summer., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. [MUSIC PLAYING] I love my pillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which group does Biden speak most condescendingly to? Catholics, Jews, blacks, Latinx, or union members. And he speaks condescendingly to every one of those groups. Yeah, all of the above. But we don't do all of the above, because that would be 98%. I'm voting for union members. 9% say union members, 59% say blacks, 16% for Catholics, 13% for Jews, and 3% for Latinx. Hey, don't you remember that the Latin-- didn't he say Latinx were afraid to get vaccinated because they might get deported? Something like that. He's played Despacito on his phone for them. Yeah. Terry, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Terry. Hey, good afternoon, Mr. Car. Hi. I heard you mention the name Gribbon. Yes. Just recently as being in your family lineage. Do you-- being from Portland, do you remember the Ken McKenzie show? I sure do. I knew where this was going. Yes, that's another one of my cousins on my maternal side. I think there was a-- my grandmother was an O'Neill and another O'Neill woman married to Gribbon. Yes. Well, she was the-- This one is Betty Gribbon. Betty Gribbon was kind of like the mini pearl of the Portland market back in the '50s and '60s and into the '70s. Right, Terry? That is absolutely correct. Yep. I remember that child-- that child. I remember that show as a child. My grandparents wouldn't miss Ken McKenzie. You couldn't drag him away from the TV. Yeah. And Betty Gribbon was one of the favorites. Yeah. You know, we're both showing our age by remembering my cousin Betty. Betty Gribbon. Check her out. She's online. You know, you can read about her on the internet. It's G-R-I-B-B-E-N, I believe, right, Terry? It's with an E. I believe so. Yeah. I believe so. Thanks for remembering her, Terry. I appreciate it. 844-500. I took the test. Actually, one of the Gribbons came to one of my remotes in Maine. He looked just like my father. It was really weird. I guess it was her-- I don't know if what relation it was to Betty, but it is kind of inbred around there. There's no question about it. Mary, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mary. Well, Howie, I have to say that in regard to which the students are the most obnoxious husband and I had to experience this weekend. We went to Providence Road Island to babysit our grandchildren while the parents went to a wedding. Right. So we put up to the Hilton in Providence. We didn't even get out of the car yet. And a couple, a little bit disheveled looking, but they were occasioned, OK? White students, just looking kids in their maybe early 20s. Hi. And the guy goes, hey, can I have a couple of bucks for my girlfriend? So I yelled over my husband because I was closer to the building and he was right there in the driver's seat. I said, move along. And I got out and went in to check in. And it didn't end there. The female then said to my husband, you know, you have to support the homeless people. And you guys are on vacation. So you should have some extra money to give us. You know what he should have said? I am supporting the homeless people. I work for a living. Thank God I wasn't there for what she said. Howie. Unbelievable. Oh, no. I don't know, where is Buddy Cianci when you need him? You know, with a flaming log to restore order to the teaming masses down in Providence. Thanks for the call, Mary. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Tom's back from the I.E.B.W. Or should I say the I.E.B.W.? Go ahead. Yeah, and by the way, I made a really good career out of being in the I.E.W. And if I wind the clock back to the mid '90s, I was working in Portland, Oregon. And all of those computer chip plants they built back then, that was all private money. The jobs at Biden's talking about now, they're federally subsidized. It's borrowed money to create these called manufacturing jobs. Right. And the other thing too is, Tom, they have put in so many DEI requirements in these jobs that the companies don't even want to deal with it. Even with the tax breaks, they're saying, no way. We're going to keep doing it in Taiwan or somewhere else offshore, because they can't deal with all this nonsense of hiring people that aren't qualified. Yeah, and by the way, through marriage, I have a grandson-in-law who's in the Army and one who's in the Navy. The other one is Lieutenant the Navy. He's getting out after two four-year hitches. He said he can't take it any longer. And the other one that teaches you a lot of drive tanks. He just-- Yeah, who can take it? Thanks for the call, Tom. We'll be right back with Turtle Boy. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542 42, the Caronary trial, day 11 today. And Datum, she's the woman, the 44-year-old woman who's charged with murdering her boyfriend. In January of 2022, by backing into him, running him over while she was drunk. And he was in a driveway. But all the physical evidence indicates that she couldn't have hit him and killed him with the car. The FBI has had reports that from accident reconstruction experts saying that's not the way it could have happened. The FBI, the Justice Department, has got an investigation, a grand jury investigation, going into the way this is being covered by the state prosecutors and the state police. And it's just a real mess. And Aiden Kearney, turtle boy, AKA turtle boy, he's a blogger who's been on this case from day one. And he's involved in it. He's been charged by the district attorney with all sorts of silly, ridiculous crimes just to keep him out of the mix. And he's been checking in with us to tell us what's going on. And a lot of us are watching it. A lot of people that are listening to me right now are probably what we're watching it. Today wasn't like a blockbuster day, but it was still kind of interesting. It seems like that everybody who lives in Canton, you have to be born there to live there. And if you're under the age of 35, you have to live with your parents. Yeah, that's true. I did notice that trend. I mean, I was thoroughly entertained by it. Especially with Tristan Morris, that's the guy from the video in South E. And he's got a couple of weeks ago. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's a real charmer. He'll put it right into that family. Real charmer that guy. But, you know, he didn't know that he didn't know the difference he goes, did you pick him up at one 45? I don't know what time. Well, was it nine p.m? He's like, I don't know, I don't know what time. And his story makes no sense just to review like, so he said he had to plow that morning at three in the morning. So he left, he was with them for dinner, and then he left to go home in Easton. And she was going to, you know, stay out. The girlfriend. Yeah, afterwards. Yeah, the girlfriend. The girlfriend, the girlfriend who lives in the house where the guy was, the cop was found dead outside of. Yeah. Correct. And so she was going to get picked up. Our daughter, she was going to stay there. That was obviously the plan. Like the guy who was going to wake up at 3 a.m. to go plowing. She used to live there. She used to live there, that's right. And so then all of a sudden, he picks her up at one 45. So even though he was going to wake up at three to go plowing, so what changed? I mean, is it possible a murder happened in the house and that suddenly plans change? And she needs a ride to get home and get picked up. I don't know. And then then how about that Julie Nagel woman? I mean, she's a real peach. She gets up there. And her brother, by the way, is a star witness for the defense, which is a little bit awkward because he's the one that puts Karen Reid in the car by herself outside the house. And John is not in the car or outside the car. But she is the only one who claims that she saw anything. But she didn't see a body. She can't say that she saw a body because then it's like, well, why didn't you call the police? You know, she left with Jennifer McCabe. Why didn't you call police? And so she said nine months afterwards. She wasn't questioned by practical nine months afterwards. And she said today, from the stand, that she thinks that she saw a six foot black blob. But whatever that is, a black blob she saw. It might have scared a normal person to see a six foot black blob. But not her because she was admittedly drunk. Yeah, she was admittedly drunk. And she didn't even tell anyone. She didn't make a big deal about it. Like, what's that gigantic big black blob? What? It happens to be right around how Paul John O'Keefe is. So basically what she's doing there is she's saying that she saw the body without saying-- because if she says she saw a body, then the next logical question is why didn't you call police? But if she just saw a black blob, and then the next day, it's like, oh, yeah, maybe that was the body. She's the only-- because they need somebody. They needed somebody to say that they saw something. Because all of these witnesses didn't witness anything. All of them. That's the theme of this trial, is all the witnesses didn't see anything. And they're the ones on trial here. Like, we don't even talk about Karen Reid. Yeah, this is-- this trial is backwards. You know, they're not even introducing any evidence. The prosecutors are the defense team for the McAlberts. It's crazy. I've never seen a trial like this. Brian Albert had to be-- was the first person to bring his lawyer in yesterday. They had to stop court to bring in Greg Heading, the guy that was-- couldn't be Rachel Rollins in a primary, as they're getting the answer by the establishment. They bring that loser in. And he's got to sit, because-- and it's the first of many to come. You know what's going to happen with Jim McCabe. You know, Kevin Radington's going to be there for that. You know what's going to happen with Michael Proctor. You know, his attorney's going to be there for that. And the jury's not stupid. They're listening to these people. None of their stories makes sense. None of them saw-- All of the prosecution witnesses have lawyers of their own. It's all of them, all of them. And so, yeah, I mean, it's going to be wild that, you know, then there was the nurse that came today. She was also in the house, and she came home with Jennifer McCabe. And, you know, she said that she was in the passenger seat. So they would have gone directly by where John's body would have been if Karen killed him, right? So we've been lying right there. She told the grand jury, the federal grand jury, we found out today that she has spoken in front of the federal grand jury, that she said that she saw a grass on the ground. So if she sees grass on the ground, there can't be much snow cover in the body. It would be impossible for them to miss. What were they calling the grand jury today? Because I was in and out of it today. What were they calling it at another hearing again today? Yeah, the secret meeting that we weren't at, and the kind of wolf wasn't at it. The secret meeting-- it's a secret meeting. Well, I guess it is a secret meeting. It's like, they make it so obvious that they're talking to federal grand jury without actually mentioning the federal grand jury. Because they always refer to it as, you know, the hearing that we weren't at, and the commonwealth wasn't at, that you testify that. Like, and I guess the jury has no idea that they're referring to a federal grand jury. Like, they have no idea how controversial this is. Unless, of course, they're, I mean, I find it hard to believe that not one of these people is a little bit curious and goes home and, like, read that one a little bit, you know? Right. Some of the stuff, though, you know, I'm starting to notice on social media, a turtle boy, that a lot of people are saying, well, I'm coming to the conclusion that one reason why all of this testimony is so confused and conflicting is that everybody was totally trashed, and that this appears to be their lifestyle down there. Everybody is totally trashed all the time. And they're driving around, Brian Albert, the cop. He's like, I was trashed, and he was driving around. I guess that's OK. I love the-- I love the description. Somebody was-- one of the witnesses today was asked, well, how was everybody drunk? And the answer was, no one was tipping over. I never heard that before, did you, a turtle boy? I guess it was slow and ate and can't. And then another one was saying, were you a drunk man? And she goes, some would say. And again, that sounds like a lyric from a country song, doesn't it? It really does. It really does. But, you know, and then she got up there. Caitlyn Albert got up there with a pre-written, like, definition of what friends are. Yeah. Because she knew that she was going to get asked about Caitie McLaughlin, the lion firefighter, who said that she's just in the queen and suffer. And they got all these pictures. And by the way, did you hear how many times David Yanetti throws in these subtle shots at other witnesses? It confuses them a little bit. Like, for instance, she has Julie Nagel today. He goes, oh, yeah, have you ever been in a hot tub with somebody who's not your friend? Yeah. She looks at him like he's got two heads, and she says, no. OK, thank you. You just keep putting it in the jury's head, that if you're not friends with somebody, you shouldn't be in a hot tub with them. Right. Caitie McLaughlin. Yeah, I like to do what he said. He said, so here's a picture of you when this other Caitlyn or Katie in a bikini years. And he puts the bikini. I never heard of-- but of course, when you think of people together in bikinis, you think that's very relaxing, right? Those are people you trust. But he's just getting the point across. But of course, they objected, but it was too late. It already planted the bikini thing in their mind that they were in the hot tub together. But you're right. That guy Tristan Morris, he's a real piece of work. The Snowplow driver, who lives with one of the Albert girls. He's going to fit right into the family. I mean, the questions that he was being asked were basically the same questions I was asking him in Southeast. And he said he was going to knock my block off or something like that. And that's what these people do. That's what the McAlberts do. When you get on their nerves, they resort to violence. It's the oddest thing. I can't imagine what could have happened in John O'Teeth if you walked in the house and got a little lippy with maybe somebody like Colin Albert, who, by the way, must-- Colin Albert, to these jurors, must be like a mythological creature. Because every single witness is asked about Colin Albert. Like, when he was Colin Albert, what time did Colin Albert leave? And there's no way-- I mean, I would think they wouldn't be dumb enough to put him on the stand. Because I've heard this kid talk before. He's not the brightest bulb in the world. And he's not like Uncle Brian. He's not going to keep his story straight and remember the script, like the rest of them. Well, he hasn't been a cop for 30 years. I mean, that's why Brian Albert learned. I mean, he wasn't the best witness either. I mean, he lied within the first 45 seconds yesterday. About how about though Tristan Morris, this guy, this plow driver who attacked, basically attacked a turtle boy at Castle Island in South, a couple of weeks ago, when they said, have you talked to anybody about this case? And he keeps going, no, I never talked to nobody about this case. I never talked to anybody about this case. And then they kept asking him the question. And he says, I was just-- he says, I wasn't interviewed. I just talked to the DA. That was great. I never did any interviews there. I just talked to the DA. What did you think that was? A meet and greet, but it's for crying out loud. And I noticed that the first time they ever talked to him was on May 7th. My interaction with him was on May 2nd. I bet you that wasn't about Cara Reid. I bet you that was about to try to jam me up on more witness intimidation. I can smell it from here. I mean, this is what these things, because he's a witness. I guess I can't talk to him. You know, he came up and talked to me in public. And you had a witness, and he didn't. You need a-- you're in public now. You need a witness with you. Wherever you go. I know. That's why I keep everything I do. I'm like, I don't want to take any chances with these people. 9/7/8 says the-- People are going to come present. One of our-- a textor says, the only time we heard Cara Reid's name today was when the judge said, good morning tour at 9 AM. I know. Not even kidding. Like, none of these people saw Cara Reid. None of these people interacted with Cara Reid. They didn't-- none of them heard screeching tires, or heard a thud, or heard somebody screaming for help, or anything like that. It's just the most damnedest thing. It's like all of these people were at a place where a murder occurred. They're all allegedly witnesses to it. And none of them saw anything. It's just so bizarre. And in their entire-- like, when Lally questions them, he's just trying to explain why they couldn't have heard something. So how long was the music in there? Oh, pretty loud, huh? OK, well, that's probably why you didn't hear the cara about that. OK, that makes sense. I mean, it's just like they're creating reasonable doubt for the witnesses instead of reasonable doubt for Cara Reid. It's bizarre. 3-3-9 says, so all these 25-year-olds are getting loaded with 60-year-olds until 2 AM on a week in night. Yes, that's-- I mean, that's a good summation of it, isn't it? It's very strange how the two generations of McAlberts kind of like come together and hang out and don't mind each other's comedy. That's just bizarre. Yeah, everything about these people. 781, this is a good question. Can the working folks see reruns of the daily trial activity? Is anyone rebroadcasting this on YouTube or anything like that? Yeah, yeah, you can just go to law and crime or court TV. They have the full stream and you can watch them afterwards. OK, so-- You want to rewind live, you know? Yeah, yeah, it's-- There's all kinds of channels that do recaps if you don't want to sit and watch the whole thing. But they're right, yes, that's right. Yeah, there are, but I mean, a lot of the recaps are really bought into the prosecution thing. I watch these people come on or I read what they write, the meatball groupies. And I don't know what the hell they're watching. They're, oh, they're really killing it, the prosecution. And what are they talking about? They're in denial, how they know that. Denial's not just the river of South America. These people are-- they know it's not going well. They know it's not going-- they can tell themselves it's going well if they want. But traditionally, to convict someone of murder, you should kind of focus on them and explain. They still haven't explained the scratches on his arm. Like, how are they going to explain that to a jury? That's what they should be doing right now. I think they're going to give that a good leaving alone. The Nile's in Africa, too. I'm just correcting you just so I don't have to get corrected on the Trump line, 83 times. Oh, OK. It's a joke. I know. I know. I know. An animal-house-type joke. Who's coming up? When are the heart of the lineup, the number three and number four hitters coming up? I'm guessing your boy Higgins is going to be tomorrow or Thursday. Oh. And I think we're going to see Jennifer McCabe and Matt McCabe and Ali McCabe, and if they're brave enough to bring Colin Albert, I think we're going to see him all. We're going to have the next crew. And then after that, we're going to get to the state police in the medical examiner. And then we've got to get to lighten them the defense kits to go. We've got the plow driver and Ryan Nagel. It's going to be a great time. The accident reconstruction isn't. I'm looking forward to Brian Higgins, you know, the Fed. I always like to hear from the Fed, especially when the Fed's got a proffer from the feds. All right, we've got to take a-- we've got to go. Where can people see you at Turtle Boy? Where can people watch you and keep up with you? [INTERPOSING VOICES] or @doctorturtleboy on Twitter or Turtle Boy Live on YouTube. All right, OK, talk to you soon. Talk to you tomorrow. Thanks, Aiden Kearney, Turtle Boy. Spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3 pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie3. He uses them in both his home and office, and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchi has one in every room at the Nauson Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. The Eden Pier 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters, and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, and so much more, you need the Eden Pier Thunderstorm 3 pack. I have them all over the house. Back in stock now, order now at Use code HOWE3. That's the number three, and get yours now. That's code HOWE3. I'm HOWE3. Listen to the HOWE car show from anywhere. Hey, Jabs, what sauce or is this? Go to and click Listen. To start streaming HOWE live in crystal clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. You're listening to the HOWE Car Show. 844-542-42-978 Texan, my brother's a veterinarian. I showed him the autopsy photos. This is of John O'Keefe. He had no idea there was a dog involved in that house. He took one look at those photos. And there are all these marks on John O'Keefe's arm. And he's obviously got some kind of scratches. And he's wearing two layers of clothes because it was a winter. So it obviously wasn't caused by this supposedly being hit by the car. So how did he get these cuts, lacerations they call him on his arm? And the guy says his brother, the vet, took one look at those photos. And he said those are from a dog bite. He knows because in his 30 years of practice he's been bitten, scratched by German shepherds dozens of times. They're really laying the groundwork for the defense witnesses on the dog. They were asking these heavily imbibing 25-year-olds today, saying, you like dogs, right? Oh, yeah, I love dogs. How about Chloe, the dog? Gave Chloe a good leaving alone. Nobody wanted to get near Chloe. And a couple of the defense witnesses are going to be people who were bitten by Chloe. It apparently Chloe headed in with an added out with another dog, too. We'll be right back on Howie Car. (upbeat music) You