The Howie Carr Radio Network

J6 Closed Hearings Open Can Of Worms, Plus 2A Tuesday | 5.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

A teen in DC is getting special treatment from a self-described "woke" judge. Plus, Toby Leary on the importance of protecting yourself.

Broadcast on:
14 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. I appreciate you all tuning in today on this gorgeous Tuesday afternoon. I was just, I was just talking to Howie during the break and he said the latest is that Cohen felt like Trump wanted him to lie. What is that whole thing about, you know? - Guilty, guilty, guilty. - Facts versus feelings. I don't really give a flying, you know what, about what Michael Cohen felt. Because honestly, Jared, sometimes he-- - He had the craziest look in his eyes. - I could tell by the way he was looking at me that he totally wanted me to lie. He didn't even have to say anything. We both understood each other so well. We were on the same wavelength. - But that's part of this too is like, if I had to take a guess on whether or not Michael Cohen has a good sense of things or if he picks up on people's emotions based off just the history of his life, I'm going to say that I don't think his instincts have led him in a lot of the right directions thus far. Hey, it's still early, you know? You still have plenty of life left hopefully. So you can prove me wrong later. But up until this point, Michael Cohen, I'm not so sure you've got the killer instincts that we need. And if I'm Trump and you're my lawyer, I'm going to say, why don't you just double check with me next time, don't go off of feelings you have. You know, there's a lot of things Michael Cohen's bad at. He's obviously bad at being a lawyer. He's obviously bad at being a liar. Did I mention he's very bad at being a lawyer? Decent a TikTok from what I've seen. He knows how to operate TikTok. But I don't know if mind reading was part of his LinkedIn resume. Like the lawyer for Donald Trump, we know that he botched that. He was recording his client to show it to the national enquirer. So right there, that's strike one when it comes to his lawyer credentials. But I would also say that when you're a lawyer and you start telling people, I just read your mind and I felt like you wanted me to lie. If I'm your client, I'm going, don't do that. Why are you trying to read my mind to make your decisions? Why don't you just, I don't know, ask me. And when you ask me, here's another tip. Don't record the conversation because you're my lawyer. I guess that's asking for too much. Now, I did want to mention one other thing here, Jared, before I get to this teen gunman in DC, he sprayed a DC neighborhood with 26 rounds from an AR-15, which typically you get an AR-15. I think if this gunman were a white person, things might be different, but typically if you get an AR-15, the left is all over this. You know, they want to ban AR-15s, they want to take them away, they're weapons of war. But in this case in DC, this gunman, a Monty Moody, is going to be released on bail ahead of his trial because a woke judge decided and, you know, the woke judge has a very loud presence on social media. Same as Colin Albert. He's been very vocal in the past about his social justice beliefs. And he's utilizing that in sentencing this young man who sprayed 26 rounds on an innocent neighborhood full of people who were just sleeping. They had the audacity to be sleeping at three in the morning. Well, he was trying to spray them with bullets. And the crazy part is that the conversation that would typically be about how dangerous these AR-15s are, no one cares if the AR-15 belongs to this young man who's trying to kill an entire neighborhood in DC. They care if you're trying to use your AR-15 to go hunting or something. Then, you know, we got to deal with the Kevlar vests and the deers and all that. You know, what do the Constitution say? The Constitution didn't say you can own a cannon. All these different things. But this young man wants to go out and spray people with 26 rounds. There's no problem there. He should be out before lunchtime. Now, I am going to get to that, but I actually wanted to start with some cuts from yesterday because Biden and Harris were at a joint event, Jared. And when they first got out there to speak, Joe told us something that, so frightening. I just need to play it first and then I'll give you my reaction. This is cut one. My name's Joe Biden. I work for Kamala Harris. (audience laughing) I asked her to be my vice president, but I knew I needed somebody smarter than me. - I know that's a joke, but it's, there's certain things you shouldn't joke about. You should not joke about Kamala Harris being smarter than you. Because, Joe Biden, you've got a lot of flaws, man. Your mind is slipping, okay? You're corrupt, you're mean, you're thin-skinned, get a lot of issues. But to say that you're not as smart as Kamala Harris, I think you're selling yourself short. - Dare I say it? I'm actually going to come to Joe Biden's defense on this one and say, hey, now, hold on a second. You're a terrible slouch. Don't say it about yourself. You are smarter than Kamala Harris. - My mind's going blank now. The other part of this, Jared, is what was this event for? 'Cause I know he read off a long acronym. You know how earlier, so earlier today, in case anyone missed this, in the first hour, it happened around 12.30. Biden goes out to the Rose Garden. It couldn't have been more than five minutes. He goes out to announce that he's suddenly three and a half years in, he's had an epiphany. He's had a eureka moment where he's decided, you know, I know in the past, I've said that Trump trying to put tariffs on China was just him being a tough guy, and it was a horrible decision, but turns out, right before another election, I'm gonna do the same exact thing. So that's what he was at the Rose Garden for. And we took a little bit of it live, and I had mentioned to Jared, I said, you know, you'd think at this point that someone on the Biden team would say, listen, listen, I'm old man. When you get out there, just start the speech. We have written on the top of the teleprompter, thank you all for coming. Just go with that and get into the body of the speech. Remember how we kept hearing about how they're reducing the amount of time that he's gonna be out there for, like they're shortening the speeches? I didn't know how that was possible, because the speeches are already like three minutes. So unless he comes out and delivers a two minute speech, I don't really know how you shave things off. When we were in theater, we used to do run-throughs, and they would say, we gotta shave off a minute. We gotta shave off a minute. It's hard to shave off a minute. So I didn't know how they were gonna do that with him. But I have an idea, don't have him go out and try to introduce every person living and dead in the audience. That would save some time, him fumbling around. Debbie Dingell, she said. And Debbie smiled at me, 'cause there's nothing a woman loves being told more than to smile by an old white man of all things. But yes, he goes out and tries to introduce everybody. The other thing, if I was on his team that I would suggest, is let's stop having him read off acronyms. The acronyms, he's got a lot of bugaboos. They're top three for him. So can I have cut three, please? - And we secured the largest increase in Pell Grants in a decade. It matters now nearly 40% of NAH, N-H-P-I students. - Now, the correct acronym, I guess, is A-A-N-H-P-I. - Yes, this event was for Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. - He says N-A-A-H-N-H-P-I. Now-- - Yeah, that's not it. - Would you say that's an improvement? I wanna play cut three, 'cause this is a flashback. So we're gonna compare these two. Play cut three for me, three A. - By the deep family ties and herities and the values reflected in the A-A-A-N-H-P-I, I-I-I-I-I. - Yeah, I'm gonna say the last one was better. The I-I-I-I-I didn't help. - Guess to say it? - You know what you have to do in some situations is even if you know it's wrong, you just gotta say it and then move on and just let people correct it later. Like no one's gonna call 'em out on the stage, so just say whatever you think. Let people fact check it later. So that was Joe Biden. - P-I, I-I-I-I-I-I. - But I had to mention that that he says Kamala Harris is smarter than he is. I thought the whole point of choosing Kamala Harris was the Peter principle. That as bad as Joe Biden is, when people get wind that she might be taking over, everyone becomes Jamal Bowman and starts pulling the fire alarm in a panic. We gotta open these doors! We gotta get out of here! It's happening! You know, I remember watching the political analysis after the, after the Robert Her report came out, right? So the Robert Her report comes out and they say, "Oh, Joe Biden," you know? He had all this classified information and he did all these things wrong, but he's so old, he's so feeble, he's so weak, that he would never stand trial, so there's no point in actually charging him with anything. And after that report came out, Jared, suddenly we get wind from the White House that Joe Biden's gonna make a statement at like eight o'clock. And I think they let people know about it a few hours before. And I remember watching the breakdown on Fox in Dana Perino, who I really like and who has always has a very measured approach to things. She made this point that stuck with me. She said, "For two hours there, the American people, "we're contemplating the possibility "that Joe Biden was gonna come out at eight o'clock "and pass the torch to Kamala." And they didn't like that feeling. And to give them that feeling, Jared, pretty close to an election, that's not a feeling you forget. If you're in limbo for two hours and you're thinking, is she about to become the president of the United States and your stomach drops? You can recall that later on and you can go, "Next time around, I don't want to have a situation "where I'm terrified of the VP taking over. "I'd rather have a little bit more confidence in a VP." When we come back, we're gonna talk to Toby Larry. The number is 844-542. Get on the lines now to talk to Toby. And something I definitely want to discuss with him is this crazy story out of DC. A Washington DC judge, Lloyd Nolan Jr. has sparked backlash. This is from The Daily Mail. After releasing a teenager, a Monte Moody accused of spraying a sleeping neighborhood with bullets from an AR-15. Now this judge is described as, self-described as woke. He's a magistrate judge on the Superior Court of DC. And he ruled that a Monte be released on bail ahead of his trial. So this 18 year old peppers a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2.30 in the morning on April 22nd. And the judge grants his pre-trial release and home arrest. Now what's so stunning about this to me is that typically, if you get all those factors, if you get an AR-15, 26 rounds, this is something that the left will be very passionate about. They would feel like this is why we need to ban AR-15s. This is why we need to confiscate everybody's weapons. Across the country, confiscate the weapons. But you have this, and besides The Daily Mail and maybe the New York Post, I don't really see anything about it. You wouldn't even know this occurred in DC. It is about a mile away from the Capitol, which brings me to the point of, maybe if a Monty Moody had on a MAGA hat, perhaps if he had a Trump flag with him while he was doing this, maybe then there would be some jail time. But from what we're seeing right now, that's not the case, he's not a praying grandma, so he's not a risk to anyone, except for, of course, the people sleeping in the neighborhood at 2.30 in the morning who woke up to 26 rounds of bullets being sprayed at their homes. We'll talk to Toby Leary about that when we come back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silverman, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at local Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which witness are you most excited to hear from in the Karen Reed trial? Colin Albert, Brian Higgins, or Jennifer McCabe? I'm gonna say Colin Albert. Colin Albert is at 32% right now. Jennifer McCabe in first place wired wire at 43%, 24% for Brian Higgins. Very close though. I've gotten a few texts from people who are saying they're interested in hearing from Jen McCabe. Joining us now is Toby Leary from Cape Gunworks. Toby, thank you so much for coming on the show. It's always a pleasure, Grace. Glad to be here. I wanted to start Toby with this insane story before we go to the callers out of DC. Let me just read you a couple of the details here. A Washington DC judge has sparked backlash after releasing a teenager, 18 years old, accused of spraying a sleepy neighborhood. This is about a mile away from the Capitol with bullets from an AR-15. So there are 26 rounds at 2.30 in the morning. He was targeting a car of four people and he just decided to let loose with this AR-15 on this neighborhood and the judge has decided that a Monte Moody, this is the 18 year old, that he can be released on bail by this woke judge. I wanted your response, Toby, because typically if there's an AR-15 in the news, we're hearing a lot about gun control, about putting more laws on the books. In this case, this young man uses an AR-15, tries to kill, you know, I don't even have the count of how many people were in that neighborhood at that time, tries to kill all of these people and it's nothing to see here. How does that make any sense? - Well, obviously it doesn't fit their narratives, so they want this one to be broom swept away, but they simultaneously up in New York, and then we talked about a couple of weeks ago, Dexter Taylor has received his sentencing and guess what he got? - Right. - Pretty. 10 years in prison for having the audacity to build a firearm in the privacy of his own home and not possess a state license or permission for what to do it. Nobody got hurt, he wasn't trafficking guns, he wasn't spraying neighborhoods with AR-15, he was building them for his own personal collection and interest, and he was a 53 year old software engineer that has no prior criminal record or history, and they wanna make sure that he doesn't see the light of day for 10 years. She could have sentenced him to the minimum, which is three and a half, which is bad enough, but instead the judge was very upset and angry that she was mocked on social media, and so she gave him a stiffer sentence, and this is the same judge grace that said, don't bring up the Second Amendment, that doesn't apply here, we're in New York, so it's unbelievable, but yet simultaneously down in D.C., you've got 18 year old kids riding around, spraying up neighborhoods that get bail, and this guy was sent directly to Rikers Island when he was convicted last month, pending his sentencing hearing, so it's just, we live in this matrix world where, you know, reality isn't what you see, it's what somebody tells you it is, it's unbelievable. - Yeah, and you know what told me my first thought was when I read this story is that oftentimes after a tragic shooting, the response from progressives in Congress is, or in the Senate is, you know, we need to abolish AR-15s, or we need to confiscate people's AR-15s, these are weapons of war, and you and I always discuss how unrealistic that is, that you're gonna go around the country and be able to confiscate all of these weapons, and, but here, something that seems more realistic to me is that if someone uses an AR-15 in this irresponsible way and sprays 26 rounds, then you put that person in prison and you make sure that they're not putting people at risk, that seems out of those two options, the more doable to me. - It certainly seems like the most logical thing to do, absolutely, and that's the kid who should be sitting in a jail pending trial, and one sentence put away for 10 years, but no, he's, just give 'em bail, let 'em go out, and they know more, that's the way they treat the real criminals, but guys like Dexter Taylor or you and I, if we ever ran afoul of the law, they would lock us up and throw away the key. - Right, I'm curious if Amonti Moody has a gun license, or as an NRA member, we'll wait on that. Toby Leary's coming up next. Get on the lines now to ask him all your questions, it's 844-542-42, we'll be right back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show, it's so funny 'cause we have VIPs in here, because how he's starting back up with his VIPs today, and it's not their first time in the studio, and I said, "Oh, it was the last time you were here," they said, "we were here two years ago," and so I'm trying to put it together in my head, because everything becomes such a blur, and I said, "What was happening two years ago?" And they said, "How he lit a piece of paper on fire "in the studio?" And I thought, I remember that, but why? So I went into Howie's office, and I said, "Why did you light a piece of paper on fire two years ago?" And he said, "I don't remember." He said, "I remember lighting it on fire, "I don't remember why." Taylor was the one who reminded us, it was a mask, because two years ago, that was COVID, like you guys were probably the first people back in here, so that was when Howie decided I'm lighting this mask on fire, and then it turns out the mask, it's not a great material to light on fire. It gets a little dicey, starts to smell weird, we probably turned on a thunderstorm afterwards, but yes, I do remember that, we got the VIPs back in here, we've got Toby Leary on the line, what a day we're having. Let's go to Steve, you're next up with Toby, go ahead Steve. - Yeah, it's hi Toby. I had a question, is for somebody who's probation, the Commonwealth, they're not allowed to handle firearms, what kind of defensive weapons are available to something in that situation, if any? - Good question. - Yeah, great question Steve. The best thing is probably to get a chemical agent, like a burner, pistol, B-Y-R-N-A, a very good Massachusetts-based company. We do sell their product here at our store, and/or pepper spray, plus you could always carry a knife or whatever, but I would just say the best that is probably to get the burner pepper gun, it's called, and they're legal in all 50 states. So if you're a prohibited person or on probation, can't carry a gun, that'd be a good way to go. - Toby, have you noticed at all that in certain states, the pendulum starting to swing when it comes to gun control and really just an interest in people taking advantage and using their Second Amendment rights? And the reason I bring that up is because we saw that in Dorchester recently, residents there were not happy with their representatives, they felt like they had to jump through too many hoops to get their gun licenses, and anyone who's had a gun in the city of Boston knows that it's a hard process. So have you noticed that in any other states, are there any blue states or purple states where things are starting to shift and the residents are starting to take more of an interest in arming themselves? - Oh, yes. I don't know that definitely in blue states and purple states, obviously the red states always felt that way and like they're guns, but we're seeing almost COVID level of classes here at Cape Gunwork. We're doing about five, six classes a week for licensed to carry classes. And so there's a ton of people each week. And so it's huge, really. So that means just in my shop alone, Grace, we're probably certifying anywhere from 100 to 150 people a week. - Wow. - So if you extrapolate that across the state, I'm sure everybody else's classes are very full as well. I know of one gun shop in Massachusetts that does a class every day. So that's seven class a week. And in some cases, two per day, they live in a much, well, their shop has been a much more dense population area than ours, but still that's probably hundreds and hundreds of people a week in Massachusetts, not known as the bastion of gun collecting or arming yourself of no capital of the country. That's for sure for those reasons. But people, I would say the middle, you get the hard right that are pro-gun and the hard left that are anti-gun. And the people in the middle are, in theory, they like the right to keep in their arms. They're like, this is a very good right that our founders acknowledge no one would ever say, like you don't have a right to defend yourself, right? Except people on the lunatic fringe. And then so for that reason, they understand that their right to keep in their arms is a very important right. But in states like Massachusetts, the barrier to exercise that right is very high. And a lot of people don't bother jumping through the hoops just 'cause they don't feel threatened. And it takes something that triggers them to actually get motivated. We saw that with COVID and we saw it with the riots around the elections and BLM rallies and everything else. And now we're seeing people who are very nervous about the open border situation. When we have stories coming out of New York City with that kid who shot up Times Square, who is a legal alien out on bail, surprise, surprise, who have pained a firearm and shot a tort. And while he was attempting to shoot a security guard on in a gun-free zone. So that like checked 100 different boxes all in one event. And so people are like, looking at that going, I don't recognize my country anymore. I guess I do need a gun, you know? And a lot of these people would have normally been like, "Why do you need that?" "You don't need that." Like, I don't even lock my door at night 'cause they live in a nice area. But if they, you know, now they're starting to say, "Man, I've had some family grace "that are extremely left-wing liberal family. "Come to me at like Thanksgiving and be like, "I need a gun." - Really? - Okay, yeah. I'm like, "Okay, no problem, I'll help you out." But they're like, "This place is not," you know? And so, and that's one thing I like about what I do because I don't judge you. I don't care why you want a gun to protect yourself. If you want a gun to protect yourself, I want to be your guy. I want to be the gun shop you come to for training and to make that purchase. I don't get into the politics of it as much other than what I have to because it is a very political issue in this day and age. And unfortunately, the people who believe in the right to keep in their arms but aren't very right-leaning, typically that's down on the list of importance at number eight or nine on a one to 10 or maybe 11 or 12 on a one to 10, whereas people who mean a little to the right might be four or five. So anyway, I know that's a long convoluted answer, but the short answer is yes, people are starting to take their own personal safety very seriously. - Yeah, and when you say that about your relatives, Toby, who are more liberal, it actually is a shame because even my reaction, I'm like, "Oh, really?" Because I'm sure there's a little part of you that feels vindicated, like, "Oh, now you want a gun, huh?" Well, what happened? "Joe Biden, say it's not working out for you, "this whole Joe Biden thing." But then I take a step back and I go, it really shouldn't be a partisan issue. Wanting to protect yourself shouldn't be political. That should just be something that we all have the right to do when we all should utilize. And you just brought up New York City, which is funny 'cause I wrote this down to mention, Steve Busceini was punched in the face. He's a New Yorker, he's very proud New Yorker. He's very sad to see what's happening to the Empire State. He was walking down the street and randomly punched. This is a trend, a really grotesque trend that's been happening in New York City. And specifically, it's been happening to young women because I think that these violent offenders see these young women and they're probably, I hate to assume things, but sometimes young women, I know for myself, you're on your phone, you got a million things going on, you might not have your head in a swivel, and they're sitting docks or easy prey. They get sucker punched in the face by these random people in New York. And I think there's something about that Toby, too, that's having an effect on people in this country where it's not just the crime, it's the style of crime, it's how random it is and how evil it is that have people nervous. - Yeah, you're 100% right, Grace. It shows that the evil is on, you know, preying on innocent people and our government who could do something about that doesn't. And that really proves one point, and that is that I think that they look at us, I don't know if I can honestly say they hate you, but it certainly seems that way when they could do something to make you, you and I safer on the street, but they don't, they target people like me or you or whoever else is a lawful, peaceful citizen. And look at us with the same, and yet the criminal element continues to get this revolving door justice system. And, you know, we could talk for hours about that and give you all kinds of analog, you know, situations of where that happened on every day, every day in America. And really you and I are the ones that suffer the most because the politicians or the elite are living behind their stated communities and their personal security guards, but the average person can't afford that and we're left to fend for ourselves, but make no mistake, we are our own first responder. I just saw our video today, Grace, where this was down in, I believe it was Georgia, a woman called 911 saying some guy just kicked in her back door of her house, and she had the 911 operator on hold. The police took 17 minutes to get there. The headquarters was five blocks away, but get this, they went to the wrong house, they blamed it on auto-correct. So the police went to the wrong house, the dogs come out of the wrong house, the officer shot the dog. And meanwhile, by the time they figured out they were at the wrong house, more than a half an hour had elapsed. And some innocent dog got shot, but all I'm saying all this to say that poor girl who called 911, expecting the cavalry to come to her aid because the police station was five blocks away, didn't come, they never showed up. It was over a half an hour later before they even figured out they had the wrong house. And so, I'm not trying to scare people, but it is time that we take our own personal safety to heart and realize you're the first, your own first responder. - Yeah. - We're gonna, yeah, and that's really what it comes in. - Really well said. Toby Leary, tell people where they can find you and where they can visit you, and also where they can listen to you. - Yeah, thanks Grace. Every week we're here on The Grace Curly Show at two, 15 through 20, and I'm happy to be here and champion the second amendment to all your listeners. We'll also do a show on Wednesday from four to six called Rapid Fire. You can tune in for that if you go to, just sign up to be alerted whenever we go live. We do shows all the time. And then Sunday we have a local radio show on WXDK, which you can tune in to on the iHeart Radio app. That's from noon to one on 95-1 WXDK, so that's also called Rapid Fire. And that's a call-in show, a live call-in show. And then we'd love to have you down at Cape Gunwork. You can visit us on the web, But if you make the drive down or come to the shop, we'll show you around. You can take a class, get your life, and learn how to shoot your gun, shoot on the range, shop in the pro shop, and we'll take care of you there. And we also have a big event, if I may, real quick, that's happening Thursday and Friday for Heroes in Transition, and the Nicholas G Gonzalez Fund, called the Top Shot Invitational. You can go to and sign up for that. There's still some openings for the golf tournament on Friday and the shooting tournament on Thursday. So that's gonna be amazing. You don't wanna miss out on that. It's worth a drive, so. Thanks for having me, Grace. I appreciate it, and we'll see you next week. - Thanks so much, Toby. We appreciate your time. I know you're very busy. I wanted to mention here, and this is a big story at a Massachusetts, and when they announced that the Bay State Correctional Center was going to be, it was decommissioned in 2015, recently a lot of people thought this is gonna be converted into a shelter for illegal aliens. And now, it turns out that prediction has come true. The reason I bring this up though is 'cause I was reading, and I'm actually, I'm not gonna call out the outlets, local outlet, and I'm not feeling mean today. Not feeling vindictive, despite what the last three hours might have you thinking. But I'm reading this article. It's a local story. And I thought to myself, sometimes I like to envision if an alien came down, okay, and just showed up here in Massachusetts and was reading this article. They would have no idea why there's an influx of people. They would just think there was suddenly like a population boom in Massachusetts, 'cause it's talking about how we have this need to have all these families, and the overflow facility, this shelter. We need to bring in all these people. It's not until you get like 10 paragraphs in that it mentions this sense. State officials said families who stay at the site will be subject to the 30-day engagement requirement. That's all fine, that's all well and good. Then you get, no, I'm sorry, I gave them too much credit. It's at the very, very bottom of their story. It says that state officials said approximately half of families in the state's emergency shelter system are newly arrived immigrants, translation. For those of you who don't speak BS media outlet, that's code for illegal aliens. And it's like, that's the story. You're not telling people, I always thought, I'm not really a journalist. I write pieces about media and I have fun with it, but I'm not like an investigative journalist, but I do know enough to say, what's the story here, what's the lead? The lead is we have an open border and there's not enough places for everybody to stay. They're putting these limits on things, they're saying, you can only stay for 60 days, you can only stay for 90 days, as if that's gonna happen. You can only stay for six months, then you gotta go. The story is we have a porous border that people are coming into this country, unvetted and they have no place to go. And so a place like the Base Day Correctional Center is being converted to house all of these people. But because of the euphemisms and the vagueness of these stories, you would have no idea. If I was an alien, I'd be like, I don't know why all these people are here and I don't know what's going on with this facility. It's strange. So why are we burying the lead all the way down to the bottom of the article? There's a reason we don't have room for people and it's because Joe Biden hasn't secured the border. 'Cause he's very humane and very compassionate and this is the result of that. When we come back, we're going to talk to the man who lit the mask on fire, Howard, Lawrence, Carr, you do not want to miss it, we'll be right back. We're going to ask Howie a little bit about the Karen Reed case today because he's been watching it. So don't move, we'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks. Get a new GMC Yukon now at TuxTrucks.GMC in Hudson, Mass. Enjoy the luxury and premium finishes of a 2024 GMC Yukon Denali Ultimate or Yukon XL with Super Cruise and Max Trailering. Shop online at Howard, you've had a very busy day. You're keeping an eye on all of these trials, including the Karen Reed trial. You're writing columns, you're still on top of the local news. You're a multitasker. - Yeah, we're going to have Marcus Vaughn to stay ref from Norfolk on tonight to discuss the latest flop house that they're going to put in where the old prison was. - And I'm just-- - Right on the Walpole line. So it's going to, so they got to screw up the regional school district. So you're not only screwing up Norfolk, you're screwing up Rentham and Plainville that are in the school district and it's right on the Waltham line. So Waltham's, excuse me, Walpole. Walpole is going to have to deal with all these 911 calls just like Norfolk. I mean, it's just a regional destabilization. - And nobody got a vote on it. That was part of the article in WCVB. They said, you know, these representatives, they're getting a lot of-- - They gave it-- - Marcus Vaughn just told me he got a heads up Friday night that he put out the letter that I tweeted out on Saturday morning. And since then, no one returns his phone calls. - Oh, and the phone don't ring, Marcus. Come on now, Howie Carr's coming next. - She said roll, God, you know. - Don't go anywhere. Howie Carr's got a great show planned for you. I'll see you all tomorrow. (upbeat music)