The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Trial & Marc Salinas | 5.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Attorney Marc Salinas breaks down why the Hush Money case against Trump is so flimsy. But does he think Trump will get a fair verdict? Plus, the evolving timelines of the McAlbert bunch never cease to amaze.

Broadcast on:
14 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BoGo offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACEBOGO. Live from the Ibiba Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. You've heard one of our sponsors, Silva and Selena's on the air and Mark Selena's from that law firm is joining us now to talk about all of this craziness that is going on in the news. With a variety of different cases, I wanted to actually start Mark before we get into the Karen Reid of it all. I wanted to start with the Trump hush money trial. These cases are focused on witnesses. This case in particular is focused on witnesses with very publicized pensions for lying. They've been recorded lying in the case of Michael Cohen. He's a convicted felon, one of a federal judge, actually called him a serial perderer. Stormy Daniels, the porn star, her accounts of these events that she's talking about have changed or evolved several times. So Mark, my first question is, how strange is it to have so much time and energy focused in a trial on witnesses with massive credibility problems? It's so strange that you would wonder why the prosecution would ever bring the case to begin with. Michael Cohen is their star witness. And the epic beatdown of him is about to begin right now on cross-examination. Their whole case depends upon the jury believing that these expenses that Donald Trump made were not legal expenses. And who's going to explain this? Cohen himself. It's so strange. You have a disgraced, disbarred lawyer who is convicted of perjury and has a propensity for lying that the prosecution has to rely upon. And even stranger grace, we've listened to his testimony the last couple of days. This is a guy. He's a lawyer telling his client what to do. And his client, Donald Trump, followed his advice. And the DA's office is now arguing that Donald Trump committed crimes by following his advice. But they didn't prosecute Cohen. It's just bizarre. Yeah. And also, and yesterday, Mark, when I know you were tied up, we're going to have you come on to discuss the the bombshell news that Michael Cohen admitted to recording his client and then bringing it to the national inquirer. I mean, you're a lawyer, Mark. I can't think of, you know, you hear about lawyer, client confidentiality. But talk about a breach of trust. Talk about somebody with no moral compass. You have a client who you claim you're part of this family organization. It's like a family. You liked working there. And this is how you repay him by secretly recording him and then bringing it to a tabloid. This he is an embarrassment to the legal profession. And no one believes that he recorded Donald Trump to help him with some of his efforts to do this hush money situation. The reason why Cohen had recorded Donald Trump is that Cohen knew that he was on the oath with Donald Trump. He recorded him because he wanted to have leverage over Donald Trump in the event that Donald Trump didn't repay him for either his legal fees or the money that was paid to store me Daniels. Because remember, if you follow this, what Cohen did is Cohen advanced the money to store me Daniels. And he's getting worried that maybe Trump isn't either going to pay the legal fees or reimburse him. So that's why he's recording him. No one's going to believe that he recorded him for some other reason. But that says something about his character. And I would stand up there and my closing arguments and say you can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. And what is really disturbing to me is you wonder if this is now crossing the line that these prosecutors are sub-borning perjury because they know he lied before. So what are they going to have him testify to at this trial? And if they know what he's testifying to is false, then the prosecutors have some serious problems with their law licenses too. Yeah, really well said. And Mark, the other part of this that I want to talk about is the speculation from voters over whether or not Trump can have a fair trial in Manhattan. I would honestly question whether he can have a fair trial anywhere at this point. He's so well known and he's such a polarizing figure. But obviously in Manhattan, anywhere in New York, you're dealing with an extremely liberal demographic. But what would you say the chances are, Mark, that these jurors are hearing the salacious details from Stormy Daniels and the circus from Michael Cohen. And they're able to distinguish between the irrelevant, maybe interesting gossipy pieces of news here. And they're able to put that aside and focus on the crime or lack thereof. You know, it pains me to say this. And four years ago, I wouldn't have said this, but I don't trust the judicial system when it comes to Donald Trump. And I don't trust this jury at all. So would it shock me if they came back with a conviction? It wouldn't. But what I do know is that there are so many problems with this case. And every day, there's a bigger legal hurdle for the prosecution that if there is a conviction, this will most certainly be overturned on appeal. But we'll hope that the jury, maybe the jury will get this right and see what this is all about. And what Donald Trump says is right. This is becoming an obvious political witch hunt. No one else would have prosecuted this case. The Department of Justice passed on this theory that it was a campaign violation. And now Alvin Bragg is just trying to bring it back to punish Donald Trump. That's what he ran on. Yeah. And the only thing I would add, Mark, is that you just need one in this case to get a hung jury. You just need one person to say, but you don't want to hung, you don't want to hung jury. You don't want the hung jury because what happens in that, this needs to be unanimous. If you end up with the hung jury, then the prosecution needs to make the decision, are they going to retry Donald Trump? And this could drag on for even more years. Oh, yeah. Well, here, that was kind of part of my other question. So let's say they all decide, yes, Donald Trump's guilty of what I couldn't, I couldn't even explain it if I had, you know, the rest of the show. But yes, he's guilty. And then like you said, it's going to be appealed, but we wouldn't, he wouldn't be exonerated or, you know, the appeal process would put us somewhere after the election. If I had to guess, is that true or do you think it would move faster? So here's what the choice, there's what would happen. If he found not guilty, the case is over. If it's a hung jury, that's a mistrial. The DA's office either has to cut bait on the case or retry him. If he's found guilty, then in a criminal case, the judge has a decision to make. Are they going to go directly to sentencing, which conceivably could be a jail sentence, or what the defense will do is they're going to say, we have viable issues on appeal. We want the sentence on this criminal case stayed pending the appeal, and this could drag on for years. Wow. Okay. Now I want to switch gears here, Mark. We have so much to cover. Let's switch to Karen Reed and this case that so many people across the country, but specifically here in New England are following the timeline here is so important, trying to figure out who was in the house the night that John O'Keefe allegedly was run over by Karen Reed. Their surveillance photos of the bars they were at that night, cell phone data of who's calling who. All of these technological advances that we have now make it pretty easy to either, you know, track somebody's story or debunk somebody's story about what happened. Yet here we have all these witnesses from Chris Albert to Caitlin Albert. Everyone, even the paramedics have very evolving stories. There's been a lot of inconsistencies. As a lawyer, Mark, do you think it's unusual to get to this point in a case this many years out and still have witnesses changing their stories on the stand? Yes, it is unusual. You're always going to get some changes in the testimony over time because, listen, we're all human, memories fade, small details might be a little bit different, but the problem is it seems as though the testimony is evolving so much that there's enough there that the defense attorneys can argue that these witnesses are lying. And a lot of this, you know, when you're trying a case, you appeal to the jurors' common sense. That's one of the themes in any defense argument. And what they're going to say is we have all these timelines that don't match up, and it seems that not a single person that was coming in and out of those houses saw a six-foot person, a dead body on the ground in the driveway and 42 pieces of kale-like glass on the ground. No one saw a thing. It just doesn't add up, and this falls into the theory that they have here that Karen Reid was framed. Yeah, and I was going to actually go with that for a little bit because, you know, as you know, it's just, it's all about reasonable doubt. And in this case, it's very bizarre because you have all of these witnesses if you want to call them that, but nobody actually witnessed John O'Keefe getting hit. How strange is that that we have a case where no one can really place Karen Reid there at the time running him over, but they're all, it almost seems to me, Mark, when I watched this, like the people, the McCabe's and the Alberts, that they're on trial, they're trying to prove their own stories here. I think the momentum is very much on the defensive side. The momentum is on the defense side because the case and the theory of the prosecution defies common sense. Great. If I was sitting in your living room and talking to you about an accident that I had, I was backing out of my driveway and I accidentally hit something, you'd say, "Oh my gosh, that's terrible. Was the person hurt?" But you wouldn't see, there was all this damage to the car that really doesn't make sense with this type of incident. And also, the defense is arguing that the type of injuries that the person had are not consistent with a motor vehicle accident. Think about it. If you're backing out of your parking space and I was standing behind your car and you hit me at a low speed like this, would it result in broken tail lights in my death? Probably not. It doesn't make sense and that's what the defense argument is going to be. And Mark, my other question is about the autopsy because like you just said, when the feds came in and they recreated this scene with a car, they don't think that his injuries were consistent with what a car would have done. But we haven't seen these injuries and I'm curious, does the jury get to see them? They've kept this autopsy pretty much under wraps. But we're dealing with a murder case here. Are they going to be able to see photos of John O'Keefe and the bite marks or not bite marks with scratch marks and some of the things that the defense is alleging doesn't look like a car accident or being run over by a car? Are they going to be able to see that? Well, unless the judge has moved to as excluded the evidence, which I highly doubt, the autopsy report is going to come in. And the autopsy report in conjunction with the testimony of the person that conducted the autopsy will show what their findings are. It will also show the pictures from the medical examiner's office. So all of that information and that report is likely to make it to the jury and then the jury is going to have to decide. Well, wait a minute. I mean, if you get hit by a car, is this the type of injury that you're going to have? And is it going to be in these locations? Or is it more consistent with some other type of event, like a fight that occurred? And it looks like that's the theory that the defense is going with. Yeah. And on that theory, this third party culprit, Colin Albert's name gets tossed around a lot. And there's a lot of attention being paid to him. He's got a pretty a pretty heavy social media presence. He's he's had a lot of social media posts in the past. Now he was his whereabouts. The night of John O'Keefe's death are a big part of this trial and this cross examination. But I wanted to ask you, do you think based off what we know about Colin Albert, like I said, he's got a little bit of a a temper. He's a little bit unhinged. Do you think that the Commonwealth puts him on the stand? And if they don't, but the defense does, do they then at that point have to say, well, yeah, we have to question him because we have to get our side of the story out there. Yeah, there's going to be a cross examination. It's going to depend how far does the defense want to go with that? Now they have to be real careful. They want to paint them to be a thug. This guy who's kind of capable of doing such a thing. But you don't want to be put in a position where it looks like you are trying to prove that somebody else did it. If the DA's office does not call him, the defense may just decide not to call him either. And then argue in front of the jury say, why didn't we hear from him? This was an important witness in this case. The reason you didn't hear from him is because the prosecution didn't want you to hear from them. And remember, the burden of proof is on the Commonwealth. It's not on the defense. So you cannot hold that against the defense for not calling him. You need to ask yourselves, why did the prosecution not want each one of you on the jury to hear his testimony? We'll tell you why. Well, Mark Salinas, we really appreciate you coming on. I know you're so busy, but you are such a good source for all of these things. Mark, tell people where they can call you and where they can find you if they have questions of their own. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Mark Salinas, E F Q, my law firm up in north the end over s s law team dot com. That's s s law team dot com. Thanks. Great. They really love coming on the show. We love having you. You're able to break all this stuff down, which I know is it's kind of sometimes it gets confusing for people and we're dealing with so many different cases all at the same time. I found the Karen Reed case to be the most interesting of all of them. But I do want to keep an eye on the trush the Trump hush money trial just so people have an idea of how ridiculous this is because it's a former president. The justice system is being weaponized against him and it's all in an effort to keep him off the campaign trail and to maybe get him branded as convicted of this crime so that hopefully, like the Russia collusion hoax, this is just another way to have a storm cloud over Trump's head. I don't know if it's going to work as much anymore. I think people are sick of the storm cloud, the hamstringing, they're catching on to it. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, you can also mean more pollen and allergens. Jared, you suffer from allergies and lately you've also been cooking stuff up in your kitchen, which can leave a lingering odor. Yeah, I made homemade french fries because the boy is crazy for french fries and I would grate tasted great. But the next morning when I went down into the kitchen, it did not smell great. So I plugged in the thunderstorm and I turned it on because I know just like it does for my allergies, what it's going to do for the smells of my kitchen is it's going to ionize the air. It's going to create a super oxygen, which is going to eliminate those odors, those allergens, those pollutants in the air. It's not going to cover them up. It's not going to make things smell floury. No, it is actually going to eliminate them. You're going to have an absence of those allergens and pollutants and you're going to have an absence of smell. It's fantastic. Yes. So whether you're like Jared and you're a top chef and cooking up these delicious french fries or if you're grace and you just put it in a frozen pizza and somehow you burn it, this is a great way to get rid of all of those odors. Like Jared said, musty basemen smells, allergens, pollutants, it can tackle it all. So here's what I want you to do. I want you to get the three pack special. Go to and use co-grace3. That's Get your hands on this. Use co-grace and then number three. Say hello to spring and say goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today and do not forget the code grace3. We'll be right back. You're listening to the grace curly show. For all the New England Young Conservatives out there, NEYC is having their spring fling Sunday, May 19th at Aviva Tractoria in Hanover from four to six p.m. Make sure you check that out. If you're a young person, you're looking to get involved in politics, have some civic engagement. That is the place to be Aviva Tractoria in Hanover from four to six on Sunday, May 19th. And I was able to go to that Aviva in Hanover just a few weeks ago and it is spectacular. Also going to be the location for my birthday bash on May 31st. Yeah, I've really been on their bolognese and their passes lately and I've neglected the farmhouse pizza. I need to get another one of those pretty soon. I forgot how much you love the farmhouse pizza. I love the farmhouse pizza. Yeah, you'll have to get back to that, Jared. Don't worry. There's always time. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is which witness are you most excited to hear from in the Karen Reed trial? Colin Albert, Brian Higgins or Jennifer McCabe? I'm going to say Colin Albert. I'm going to stick with him. My mom texts me and she's like, no, I'm all in on Jen McCabe. I think that this is going to be something to watch, but I'm still, I'm sticking with Colin Albert. He's got a very loud presence on social media. You know, I sometimes I struggle and it drives me crazy because I'm trying to read more. I'm trying to get better with these words. I said to Mark Cleanness, he's got a heavy presence on social media. That doesn't make sense. I just meant he's very prominent on social media. He's really documented all of these ups and downs in his life thus far. And so I think that's going to come back to bite him. I think he's got a temper, which always is interesting to see on a stand. And so yeah, I'm sticking with Colin. I'm going to stick with him for the rest of the show. So actually pretty close. So Jennifer McCabe is at 43%. Colin Albert is at 32%. And Brian Higgins is at 25%. Brian Albert, though, he's kind of the dark horse in the situation because he's the only one who's not connected either through blood or marriage. What did I say? You said Brian Albert, who is a person? There's just so many. Sorry. I meant Brian is the ATF guy. He's not connected through marriage or through blood. So he has a reason to start singing and flipping. If you know, that's even a possibility, I think he would be the one to do it. So we'll keep an eye on this. I'm sticking with Colin Albert. You know what I just saw, Jared? I saw a headline from Stormy Daniels because, I mean, now her whole career of getting Trump has just been revived. It's just been reenergized. She told reporters or there's some report out that she wore a bulletproof vest to court. You know what's amazing to me? Here's what's amazing to me. It's like these people spend all day long drawing up cartoons of Trump and jail to wear in their t-shirts, talking about sending Trump to Alcatraz, talking about, you know, Kathy Griffin has the the the bloody Trump head and the cover of the magazine. They they salivate at the thought of Trump being assassinated. They talk about bombing the White House. All of these people who hate Trump, it's just it's like entertainment to them to fantasize about Trump being in danger or being harmed in some way. And yet in their delusional imaginations, they are also the victims. They're plotting. They basically have Buddha dolls of him in their bedrooms and they're pushing him with pins. But in their minds, they're also the ones who are in danger. They hate Trump so much. They want to see him put in prison. But yet they also want you to know at the same time, I'm the one you should feel sorry for. I'm the one who's being attacked. Although to be fair to Stormy, she is a woman in New York. So she probably is going to get attacked. I didn't think of that. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone. The cross examination of Michael Cohen has begun. This is just a complete circus. And as I just mentioned, now Stormy Daniels is saying that she wore a bold proof vest because she was afraid of being attacked. And let me let me first say I always want everyone to be safe because we make a lot of things here. But I don't want anyone to ever be in danger or not. But the left has a habit of joking around about Trump being in danger and how funny it is. You know, let's hold up a fake bloodied head of Donald Trump at the White House they had in the press briefings. They had this head of Donald Trump floating around that looked like it had been beat up. Johnny Depp made a joke about Trump being assassinated. Madonna said she wanted to bomb the White House. I mean, the list goes on and on and on and on. You've heard it all before. At one point somebody was somebody in Congress that they want to eliminate Donald Trump. Like he should be eliminated. So it's happened a million times. And yet she's the one who's saying, I'm in danger. I'm in danger. And I hope she's not. I hope she's not. I don't want anyone to be in danger. But it is ironic that they all they do all day is attack Donald Trump. And then they also want to play the victim. Like everybody wants to be a victim all the time. It's amazing. Now, Lawrence O'Donnell has been covering this. This is, I don't know if this has replaced the Russia hoax for some people. It's that was, you know what though? Maybe it does. They filled themselves with such thin gruel with the Russia hoax. And they allowed that nothing burger to satisfy them for so long that now their stomachs have shrunk. They don't require a lot. And this is okay. The Michael Cohen testimony, the fact that they have a porn star and a serial perderer up on the stand, that's enough to keep these people going. It doesn't take much to keep the hamsters spinning on the wheel. So this is what Lawrence O'Donnell was saying about this trial thus far. I want to go to cut 19. The deep perversion of Trumpism that is on display in moments like that is that extremely overweight people at Trump rallies. And I mean even more overweight than Donald Trump laugh at that use of the word fat as if they are living on some other planet where harsh adjectives only apply to people they don't like and can't possibly apply to themselves such as the madness of Donald Trump, which apparently contains enough contagion to infect many millions of his followers. So he's talking about how Trump called Alvin Bragg fat. And you guys know that here at the Grace Curly show, I don't try to shame anybody for their looks. But I will say this, if we're going to talk about contagions, there's a contagion an MSNBC of people talking in this way, Jared, that is so self-indulgent. It constantly seems like they're narrating some audiobook. This contagion of fat people not thinking they're fat. It's like, this is what you're focused on. There's nothing else going on. You know what someone should tell Lawrence or Donald about the Karen read trial? Because he obviously needs something. How about tell them about the border? Say Lawrence, there's a situation at the border, okay? Bill Melugin's been on it for a couple of years. It's completely overrun. Maybe you should focus on that. I understand that Donald Trump calling Alvin Bragg fat is taking up a lot of space in your brain. But if you could just make room for some other things, the world is on fire. The world is on fire. But the fat jokes are number one for his priority list. It's fat jokes number one and number two is describing how Stormy Daniels is dressed with the modesty of a nun from head to toe. That's what's going on at MSNBC. I actually though, I don't even want to talk about that because as I said, this this Michael Cohen Trump hush money thing. It's not only is it stale, but it's such a sham. There's no actual crime. No one can tell me what the crime is. Alvin Bragg can't tell me what the crime is. The lawyers in this case can't tell me what the crime is. So I really, I have nothing else to give. You're clearly not Lawrence O'Donnell in the courtroom who saw what the crime is. Oh, he did. When this Cohen delivered all of the essential elements of the criminal charges against Donald Trump in his testimony, he didn't elaborate though. You know, you know what Lawrence would tell us, just trust me. You don't need to know what they are. You can just trust me because I heard it from Michael Cohen. I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from Michael Cohen, the serial perderer, according to a federal judge. So you can trust not only can you trust the liar Lawrence O'Donnell, but you can trust the person he's hearing it from Michael Cohen. What's wrong with this? Talk about a weak change, Jared. I don't know where in this chain the message could get lost. I want to switch though to January 6. And here's why. Cash Patel was at one point, the chief of staff at the Department of Defense. And he is insisting. And this is this is a topic that we talk about every every few months. I don't think it gets enough time spent on it. And it has to do with January 6. And how long it took to deploy the National Guard and why it took so long to deploy the National Guard. And I think it surprises people when we talk about these cases that this is an investigation that I do want to be reopened when Republicans have a stronger control of things in DC. I do think that if Trump comes back into the White House, if we have control of the Senate, we should open up some real investigations into January 6. I'm not talking about the Nancy Pelosi, you know, she gets to pick which conservatives like Liz Cheney get to be on the Blue Ribbon Commission. I'm talking about an actual investigation into the pipe bombs, into the National Guard, into what they knew and when they knew it. And I think it's important because I think there's a lot we're not being told. And so does Cash Patel. So this is from Red State. And Cash Patel insists that recent closed door congressional testimony demonstrates people at the highest levels of government willfully ignored an authorization by the former president to deploy troops to the Capitol on January 6. And we were just discussing when it comes to this Karen Reed case how with technology, with emails, with phones, with messages, it's very, it's very easy in a lot of ways to get to the bottom of something. Yeah, there's a lot of he said she said, but at the end of the day, the phone records don't lie. You know, we have emails, we have texts. And this feels in the same vein, something where if you sat everybody down in a room and you said, you called him at this point and told him to do this, we have record of you emailing so and so the night before, why didn't this get done? It could be hashed out. Like this doesn't seem like something that has to be a giant mystery about who knew about it. So Ryan D McCarthy, okay, Ryan D McCarthy, the secretary of the army at the time, the time of January 6, the worst day since the Civil War, since the Civil War. It's the Civil War, Jared. It's the worst day since 9/11 since Pearl Harbor. Is there anything I'm missing? Those are the big three, I think, that it's worse then. So Ryan D McCarthy, remember that name? According to this closed-door testimony, according to Cash Patel, he failed to deploy the National Guard to help Capitol police restore order and instead made a series of phone calls to lawmakers and members of the media. Because, you know, you've got this once in a lifetime, earth-shattering democracy engulfing riot. That is the worst thing, as I said, since 9/11, according to Kamala Harris, who's smarter than Joe Biden and everybody else in DC, it's the worst thing ever ever. And what does he do? He calls up the media, makes some calls to his lawyer friends. Weird that that's your instinct. Weird that it's so bad. You're so convinced, Jared, that Mike Pence, what do they tell us? Like Mike Pence was on the verge of being, "Oh yeah, his head was practically in the guillotine." Yeah, and Nancy Pelosi's desk, someone had their feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk and he had the horn-swoggle guy with the, with the weird helmet on running around. It was, we were seconds away from our democracy being killed. Our democracy was gasping. It's the last breaths before we got this thing in control. And with all of that going on, with this, with the country hanging in the balance, Ryan D McCarthy calls lawmakers and members of the media. Does he think Jake Tapper is going to be able to get it under control or maybe Jim Acosta? We got to get Jim Acosta on the scene. This is the worst day since Pearl Harbor. Who do we need to fight this? Wolf Blitzer. So he calls up the members of the media and he calls up lawmakers. And he was reportedly phoned three times with a request to deploy members by General William Walker and then the, who was then the commander of the DC Guard. So three calls during this country destabilizing moment, he's getting three calls to deploy the National Guard. Okay. And Dean, this is Brigadier General Aaron Dean, says the guards, he said McCarthy was in the building, but he wasn't available. It's a bad time not to be available. Now, on top of that, this is from the New York Times. On top of that, the military had adopted a particularly cautious approach. This is the paragraph to me that I circled it and I said, we're going to talk about this on the air because you know what? I'm going to read it first year. I'm going to see where your mind goes because maybe we always say we're on the same wavelength. We're going to test. We're going to put that to the test. This is from the Times. It says, on top of that, the military had adopted a particularly cautious approach to deploying the National Guard with several top commanders openly worried about the optics of such a mobilization in part because of concerns that President Donald J. Trump could misuse the guard and they approached the situation as akin to sending troops into an overseas war zone. What is that? What is that reminiscent up to you, if anything? Thoroughly modern Millie calling China or to let them know in case calling his counterpart in China and saying, just so you know, you have my word, and I'm paraphrasing it. I'm just imagining what the early modern Millie saying, but you don't have to worry. He's crazy. Don't listen to him. And again, that's not your call. That is a breach in the chain of command. I don't care if you think Donald Trump's got the nuclear codes in hand. You don't get to decide what you do based off what you think he might do or how about how you think what he does is perceived by other people? Like you don't get to play goalie for how you think the media is going to handle it. Oh, I got to block this and block that. We're not going to send out the national. We're not going to deploy the National Guard because it might be perceived as though he's mobilizing this for the wrong reasons. This isn't the bachelor. You don't get to look into his mind and decide if he's if he's using the right reasons to make his decisions. He's the president of the United States. That is, you know, one of my favorite commercials, Jared. Geico. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. These people have such high opinions of themselves and the deep state, you know, they they really love the deep state. It means so much to them that really, if you're president, you're just a figurehead to them. Like, sure, you want to deploy. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. The military had adopted a particular cautious approach to deploying the guard with several top commanders openly worried about the optics of such a mobilization. In part, because of concerns that President Donald Trump could misuse the guard. Who are these top command? That's my next follow up is let's talk to these top commanders. Let's talk to them and forget these closed door. We can't jeopardize things, keep everything. No, let's talk. I want to hear from them. If you thought it was so important that you disregard an order from the president of the United States to deploy the National Guard, then explain to us why you felt so strongly. Explain to us why you thought that you knew better. Because clearly, if if then, if we're going to follow the logic of people like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and AOC, who was really terrified when this whole thing was going down, she was more scared than Stormy Daniels. If we're going to follow this logic, then these top commanders have to answer for the fact that they put our democracy in the greatest jeopardy it's ever been in. And that's on them. That's on them. Your fear over Trump misusing the National Guard or the optics, your fear of the optics had our democracy hanging by a flippin threat. How do you respond to that? It's just it's shameful. That's what it is. It's shameful. By the way, don't forget to go to, click on store, get a copy of Paperboy. And when you buy a copy of Paperboy from now until Father's Day, you're going to get a free mystery t-shirt while supplies last. I say that because we do these deals and everybody hops on it and then we run out of t-shirts. I don't want that to happen to you. So if you can do it sooner than later, it's probably going to be better. You know what's happening. I never thought I'd or you know what something I never thought I'd say, Jared, is I'm looking forward to going to the dentist. You don't say that often because a lot of people they think about going to the dentist, they think about being uncomfortable. Maybe they get scared that it's going to hurt. But when you go to perfect smiles, you don't have to worry about any of that. Now, hear me out. Everybody at perfect smiles from the second you walk in, you're going to see Melissa at the reception desk. You're going to talk to Stephanie. Everybody there is awesome. And then of course, you're going to get to talk to Dr. Houghton. And he is the best at what he does. Not only does he use state of the art equipment, not only is he incredibly passionate about delivering the perfect smile to each of his patients, but he's also a very nice person. He's got a great bedside manner, which is important to me. And I'm sure it's important to you. So if you are someone who either wants to get your teeth cleaned or wants to get your smile totally transformed from point A to point B, perfect smiles as you covered, they're going to walk you through this process. And they're going to make it a process that's uniquely yours. So whatever it means to you, whatever the dream smile that you've thought about for years, they have you covered. They're going to make it happen. And you don't have to take my word for it. I really don't know why you wouldn't. And I actually find it a little bit offensive that you wouldn't. But if you insist, go to perfect, check out the video testimonials and you'll see it for yourself. These gorgeous smiles that are just beaming. And it changes people's entire confidence level. It changes how you interact with other people. And it's just something nice that you should do for yourself. So get the ball rolling. You don't have to figure it all out today, but just take the first step. Call Perfect Smiles. You can trust the team at Perfect Smiles with your smile. Go to perfect That's perfect Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. The other part of this January 6 story, which I know now people are texting in about and Millie's involvement and not deploying the National Guard. The other part of it that I wanted to get to is there was an insane shooting in DC. It was like a little little over a mile away from the Capitol. Okay. And this young, this 18 year old fired 26 rounds at a neighborhood. And he's already been released from prison. He was in and out. It was, you know, it was the revolving door. You come in, yeah, hey, how you doing? You have a cup of coffee, and then you get to leave. And I'm going to talk to Toby Leary about that case because it's amazing how well two things. One is if you're a praying grandma who goes into the capital for 10 minutes with a Trump hat on, you're going to end up in prison. But if you're a mile down the street and you have an AR 15 and you shoot 26 rounds, then you don't have anything to worry about. But it's kind of twofold because it's one, it made me think of the January 6 riots and the double standard, the way the legal system is used if you have a MAGA hat on versus if you don't, if you just have a AR 15, which is I guess a lot less dangerous than a Trump flag. But the other part of it too, and this is where we're going to talk to Toby in the two o'clock, is this isn't the same area full of the same politicians who are so adamant about gun control. They want more gun control. They want to make things more difficult for law abiding gun owners. Then you get this 18 year old, a Monte Moody who has an AR 15 and he's just shooting at random 26 rounds and they have no desire to put that person in prison, which to me, like if you said to me, oh, we're going to, we're going to confiscate every AR 15 the United States. I would say that's not possible. But if you said to me, when someone shoots 26 rounds off at a neighborhood, we're going to put them in prison for at least a month, I would say that seems doable. That doesn't seem like something that would require a complete overhaul of the Constitution. Just keeping someone off the street after they fire 26 rounds at an entire neighborhood of people who are just sleeping in their homes. I would say, yeah, now you're talking about something that could actually get done. That's weird. I thought Pete could walk his dog because it was so safe. That's what he tells us. Can you believe it? Pete Buttigieg, transportation secretary, might have been wrong on something. And one other thing I wanted to mention, we'll get more into this story when we come back. But remember how yesterday I told you Jen Psaki's got this new book out? I'm sure you all have your copies already. And she said that Joe Biden didn't check his watch during the dignified transfers. Well, some of those gold star families, they might be suing Circleback Saki. We'll talk more about this when we return.