The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Yuge Pivot On China, Plus Cohen On The Stand | 5.14.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

The Karen Read trial continues. Plus, Michael Cohen is on the stand again and the prosecution's "star" witness is a dud.

Broadcast on:
14 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. And happy Tuesday to all of you. Hope your week is off to a great start. We have a fabulous show planned today. We're actually going to be discussing the Karen Reid trial with Mark Selena's also Donald Trump's hush money trial in the news. We have a lot of questions for him. I told you yesterday, Jared, I reached out to Mark Selena's to kind of go over all this stuff. And he was going to have to be in court. And then he emailed me this morning and said things got pushed off. I'm available, which is awesome. Because a lot of this stuff, yeah, you're following it. And I'm specifically thinking of Karen Reid. There's a lot of details involved. But I keep going back to these questions about witness preparation. Like what these lawyers are doing or failing to do. I was just talking about this with Howie. You would think that the McCabe's and the Alberts and the boyfriend, Tristan Mars, you would think all of these people were on trial for murder. That's the dynamic that's set up there. Very defensive. They don't have their story straight. You know, the defense in this case is chipping away at their stories. And they're trying to combat this narrative. And I think that the momentum is 100% with Karen Reid's defense team. They seem like they're the prosecution. And the prosecution gets up. And it's very weak. They don't even seem to move anything along. So we're going to talk to Mark Salinas about that today in the Karen Reid trial. It was very focused on the comings and goings of people at 34 Fairview in Cannes. 34 Fairview Road. The night that John O'Keefe supposedly was run over by his girlfriend at the time, Karen Reid. This is a party house. There's a lot of people coming in and out of that front door. And it's the spot to be. Now, Caitlyn Albert, daughter of Brian Albert, was testifying today. Brian Albert is the homeowner. And she's on the stand. And she's explaining how her boyfriend-- this is what stuck out to me. She's explaining how her boyfriend, Tristan Mars-- he's also the gentleman who got into beef with Turtle Boy at Castle Island. They were at Sully's. Turtle Boy went third on his lunch break. And he filmed this interaction that they had. Well, he was just trying to enjoy, probably. I would guess Turtle Boy, Sully's. I guess he got a hot dog in fries if I had to. I can't confirm that. But they get into this back and forth. And you can watch it on his Twitter. It's still there. So Tristan Mars-- this is Caitlyn's boyfriend-- he goes with her to the bar in Cannes. And I know they went to two bars. This is waterfalls. He goes with her to the bar. Then he leaves to go back home. And he lives in Easton. Because he's going to have to plow snow in the morning. In the morning being like 3 AM-- that's when he's going to get the call. He does snow plow. That's not his day job, but he does it on the side. He's expecting to get a call to start plowing at 3 in the morning. So he's kind of on standby. And as you guys know, in New England, one day you can expect, oh, we're going to get a ton of snow. We're going to need you to plow, and it might not happen. So he's on standby, so he leaves the bar to get rest before potentially having to plow at 3 in the morning. And then he comes back to come pick up Caitlyn Albert from her parents' house. So it seems to the untrained eye, someone who's not from Cannes-- I don't know how these people operate-- in my world, it would seem like if your boyfriend says, I'm going to have to plow tomorrow at 3 AM. I'm going to go home to get some rest. I say, goodbye. Good luck tomorrow. Be safe. I'm not calling that person to come get me later that night. I'm letting that person rest, and I'm probably staying at my parents' house, especially if it's snowing. But that's not what happened. She calls him, he comes back. Now, he was asked, what time did you come back to pick up Caitlyn Albert? And he couldn't tell you if it happened at 9 p.m. or 1 in the morning, which is also-- A bit of a difference. A bit of a difference, something you kind of remember. But again, we don't know these people's night lives. Maybe every night is like, maybe you're out to line, maybe you're out to 130. But he has no idea what time. And he was big on the, I don't remember. Which actually, I think, is going to bode better for him because the people who do think they remember-- Chris Albert, Julie Albert, Caitlyn Albert, all these people who are trying to appear as though they've got the timeline down, they're messing things up left and right. Chris Albert put Colin Albert in the house when he wasn't supposed to be there. So the people who are sticking by a timeline, that's not really helping them. I would have just done what Tristan Morris did, which is, I don't remember, I don't remember. He doesn't even remember who was at the bar that night. He doesn't remember who he was with. And so that is kind of his, I would say, his tactic. But, yeah, somewhere between nine and one. And a lot of the questions are, if Caitlyn Albert left the house at that point that she's saying she left the house, there would have been a body on the front lawn. There would have been pieces of taillight. There would have been a shoe or a hat. There would have been all this stuff. And she didn't see any of that. So we're going to talk to Mark Salinas about this. I do not think it's going well for the prosecution. Believe it or not, I don't think these witnesses are made of the right stuff to handle this. And speaking of, this is actually a great segue. Michael Cohen is also on the stand today. It's just something in the air. So we have Michael Cohen, he's on the stand, he's testifying against Donald Trump in this hush money case. And every chiron I see, it says, Michael Cohen says, he falsified records. Michael Cohen says, you know, he lied about this. He lied about that. I'm thinking, and this is the guy we're trusting with the entire case. The whole case is hinging on the serial purger, the convicted felon, Michael Cohen. And he's telling us, I lied about this. I lied about that, but he's up on the stand. And then I get wind that he is prepared. Like, you know, I keep criticizing these people in the Karen retrial for not being prepared, for not going over their stories, getting their story straight, all these years later. I mean, they've had years. But I can't accuse Michael Cohen of not doing his homework because it turns out representative Dan Goldman, if it's a day that ends in why Dan Goldman is usually grandstanding on TV and making an ass to himself. But he's been busy recently because he's been helping Michael Cohen get ready for this trial. Can I get cut 22? And I have deposed Michael Cohen. I have met with him a number of times to prepare him. Oh, boy. I don't know, Michael Cohen, if that was a good move. There was no one else you could find for this. Dan Goldman was a big player in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. I'm not sure if it was won or if it was the sequel. I don't know if it was the original or the sequel, but he was a big time lawyer trying to get Trump with that impeachment trial. Didn't work then. So I guess he's getting involved with this. You have to ask Mark, how normal is it for a sitting Congress person to prep a witness for a civil trial? I'm sorry, criminal trial. Yeah, but you gotta remember who the trial is again. No, I get it. It's against Trump. So it doesn't matter if it's unprecedented. Ah, all right. 'Cause you know, Dan Goldman absolutely has no ties to the Biden White House, sir. Dan Goldman is thirsty. Dan Goldman just wants to be, I don't know who he's, I think he's trying to be like the next Adam Schiff. So he's trying to get in on this. And again, out of all the lawyers Michael Cohen could go to, he's like, I'm wanna find one who's just as bad as I am. I wanna find a lawyer to prep me who is just as much of a liar as I am. And he did it. I mean, congrats, man. Was Bob Menendez not available to give you a run through? Was Hunter Biden not available for a little preparation session? We're gonna get to Hunter in a second too. But yeah, so this is the latest from the Hushman. It says Michael Cohen is testifying about invoices, check stubs and checks for 2017, admitting that the description of the check stubs were false statements. He testified that payments earmarked by Donald Trump's company as legal retainers were actually for the reimbursement to me of the Hushmani fee, to Stormy Daniels, plus a bonus and other non-legal related fees. Never met, I, you know, I will say this. I think, you know how Stormy was on the stand and she was talking about spanking Trump with a magazine and the whole, all the salacious details of their love affair, of their one night stand. I actually think that Donald Trump having sex with Stormy Daniels and all of the embarrassing details that she has brought forward in this trial and has been bringing forward for the last however many years talking about. And by the way, her story keeps evolving and changing. Her story is like the story, the Alberts and the McCabe's. It changes every few days. But I think that that is less embarrassing for Trump than the fact that Michael Cohen at one point was his lawyer. Is that a fair? Would you agree, Jared? - Yeah, he is-- - He's the worst lawyer ever. - He is in the Scaramucci class of embarrassing associates. - I'm glad you brought up Scaramucci, actually. 'Cause you just gave me an excuse to read this headline, which made me laugh out loud. There's a headline in the Daily Mail about Scaramucci. Oh, I can't find it now. It says something like Scaramucci thinks that JD Vance and someone else are sick of Vance for Donald Trump and are embarrassing. And I was like, oh no, Scaramucci doesn't have a high opinion of JD Vance. How will he sleep at night? Moral compass, Anthony Scaramucci. How long was he in the White House for? I don't know who has-- - It was 11 days. - Who has tried to milk their brief limited contact with Donald Trump more? Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, or Anthony Scaramucci. I mean, they have all made a mountain out of this molehill. And Scaramucci is not alone in that, but yeah, so Michael Cohen, that's the craziest part to me. And it does kind of go back to this feeling I have about Trump, which is he needs to have a better picker. You say that, you know how, Jared, sometimes you have friends, like women, sometimes, and men, they just always have a habit of like picking the worst partner or picking the worst person to fall in love with. And you're like, ugh, how do you keep choosing these duds? That's how I feel about Trump. I'm like, come on, man, you know, we're playing in the big leagues now, you gotta pick better people. It frightens me that he hired such a sleaze bag for so long, the worst lawyer ever, with all the money Trump has. And this is, and I understand you could say, hey, it could happen to anyone, but it's happened a lot with Trump. So that's my, that is my plea to Donald Trump if he becomes president again, is like really, you gotta vet these people, okay? You can't go based off, I got a good feeling, 'cause your feelings are oftentimes leading you astray. But I would say that is more embarrassing than the Stormy Daniels, Torrid Salacious, Details, National Inquirer, all that stuff. What's more embarrassing is that he had Michael Cohen on the payroll for as long as he did. All right, breaking news, the caravan on Fox. Cohen, I crafted false invoices and statements. - Wonderful. - Tell us more, sir, about how you live. That's all we get from him now. I was like, I lied about that. Oh, no, I lied about that too. Okay, great. When we come back, we've got so much more for you. And really what I wanted to talk about, but we got sidetracked here. That's the story of my life. We are going to get to Joe Biden's major reversal when it comes to China. He's talking very tough on China. He's going to put massive tariffs on China in hopes that that will convince Trump supporters that he is actually taking a stand against China three and a half years into his term. It's got nothing to do with, this is like the menthol, Jared, the menthol band. It has nothing to do with the upcoming election. He is just making good on his promises. - It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him. - China was eating our lunch, then they weren't eating our lunch, and then they were eating our lunch, and then he became president for three and a half years, and I'll tell you what, they're eating our lunch again, so he's going to come back and make sure that they stop eating our lunch. - Get hungry after walking 17 million miles up at the bed and playing, Grace, come on. - I wouldn't know. I haven't had that experience like Joe. - You need to save me for the day, you know? - We'll be right back. We'll take your calls 844-500-4242. It's the Grace Curly Show. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, so contact him at Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which witness are you most excited to hear from in the Karen Read trial? Colin Albert, Brian Higgins, or Jennifer McCabe? - So Brian Higgins is the ATF guy, and I was listening to Turtle Boy on with Howie yesterday, and they were going back and forth on Brian Higgins and the possibility that he could flip, which does make sense if the third party culprit is real, and that story is what actually happened, and something happened inside that house, I think it's most likely that Brian Higgins would flip because this Turtle Boy pointed out he's the only one who's not a family member, or related in some way, and he was probably looking around saying, these people are gonna stick together, they're not gonna have my back. So I'm very interested in hearing from him. I'm very interested in hearing from Jennifer McCabe because of the Google search, and there's a lot of technological footprints that are going to make Jennifer McCabe's testimony, I think kind of a sticky, sticky wicket. Like I think she's gonna have a hard time explaining a lot of things, similarly to Brian Albert trying to explain the butt dial. When technology's involved, it's hard to walk away from it and pretend like, oh, it's just accidentally called somebody and blah, blah. This defense is good at walking people through the technological aspect of this case, but out of all of them, Colin Albert, I think is the one I'm most looking forward to hearing from because he's got a history of being a hothead, he's got a history of being violent on social media, and a lot of the speculation around this third party idea is that he already has beef with John O'Keefe and that maybe something kind of erupted that night and the family's trying to cover it up. That's just a theory. And I think the most interesting people so far on the stands are one, are the witnesses that get very edgy and frustrated. I think if you have a temper, you're the worst kind of witness, but you're the most entertaining to watch and you can reveal the most. So I'm gonna say Colin Albert. - Yeah, Colin Albert seems like the weak link of this testimony, but he's in second place right now at 29%, 27% for Brian Higgins and Jennifer McCabe is in the lead at 44%. - Yeah, that makes sense. That does make sense to me. Yeah, calling someone the weakest link out of this bunch is really a low chart. - I mean, every chain has a link. - Yeah, someone's got to be the weakest. - Even the plastic ones at an ice cream shop, you know. - All right, when we come back, I wanna talk about Biden and China because this is from the Daily Mail, it says Biden slaps 100% tariff on $18 billion worth of Chinese electric cars in bid to woo Trump voters in Rust Belt. In bid to woo Trump voters in Rust Belt. And here's what I'm gonna tell the Trump voters in the Rust Belt, who according to Joe Biden's brilliant strategists are vulnerable to being wooed by him. I'm gonna tell you guys something. However dumb you think Joe Biden thinks you are, I can assure you he thinks you're dumber than that. Because if he thinks that three and a half years into his presidency, he's gonna turn around to these people and say, "I made up on China." And they're gonna go, "Oh my gosh, we like Trump 'cause he was tough on China, but this guy, this guy, took him three and a half years. And by the way, what makes you think? If he can flip flop on this, he couldn't even get a story straight during the campaign in 2020 about whether or not he was gonna be tough on China. But do you think he's going to remain this way if you elect him? Like he's gonna do this for four years? It took him three and a half years to even do it now. You don't think he's gonna revert back to his old ways if he gets in the White House again? I'm wondering if he's gonna say, "We're gonna be tough on China." Hunter, we're gonna tax that diamond. We're gonna look into this diamond. We're not letting these guys eat our lunch anymore. Hunter got the duty free. We'll be right back with Biden on China and so much more, don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone. Oh, Jared, I'm gonna ask you here. You gotta guide me in the right direction. Biden speaking live, do we go to it? - Well, Janet Yellen, the front row is the murderous row here. (audience laughs) Treasury Department, Julie Su of Labor, Catherine Tai, our nation's trade representative and outstanding members of Congress as well. From Michigan, Debbie Stappanos here, Debbie, welcome. And Halley Stevens is here. No, I guess she, there you are, you know, you did make. They told me he might not be able to make, I'm sorry. All right, the Congresswoman, Debbie Dingell. Again, you smile, Debbie, it's okay. And Lisa Sotkin, well, you should be, you're responsible for a lot of this. Thank you for joining us as I announce a series of actions to make sure American workers and American business and corporations can compete and win in the industries of the future, 'cause that's what it is about. - I think we're good, yeah. - You know what, that was a greatest hits album in like 30 seconds. - Well, Jared, I was just thinking while he was speaking and I understand because when my brothers were-- - In the term speaking loosely. - Yeah, when my brothers were younger, their school did this thing, I think it was like declamation or something and you have to go up and you can make a speech. And before you would start, you would always introduce yourself to everyone there. You'd say members of the faculty, parents, like that was part of the opening and that's how they taught people public speaking is you acknowledge the people there. So I understand the approach of that. I understand saying when you get there, you say hello to everyone. I would think that someone in the Biden camp at this point would say we can cut out acknowledging the people there because he's going to butcher all of their names, slash all of their titles. Like he's not going to be able to get everyone's title right. He's gonna start calling out people who are dead. So maybe we skip that part and just, maybe even we just do a thank you all for coming. Thank you all so much for being here. But every time he gets up, it's like we're gonna go through every single human that I see with my eyes and I'm going to try to either come out with your name or something. I'm surprised he doesn't do the Michael Scott, bald, fat, freckle, Michael Scott goes through everyone and says, okay, black lady, long hair, bald man, I'm surprised he doesn't do this at that point. - Yeah, but great, so we cut that out, how we're gonna get these topical references to the 1927 Yankees, murderers row. Oh, what would we do without that? Hey, total side note, Red Lobster, not doing well. They just shut down 50 stores and I asked everybody about it in the green room. I said, are you guys Red Lobster people? And I've never been, I've seen the commercials. You know what people really like from Red Lobster, the biscuits, the cheddar. - Cheddar bay biscuits, I think they're called. - Yeah, but it was overwhelming, the Red Lobster hate that just came out of that green room. - Well, yeah, I mean, if you're in a lobster rich region, like we are, yeah, it's kind of, it's like the fast food of lobster. When we have so many great lobster places, like how we said, I think like if you're in Arkansas, okay, great, you don't really, you're landlocked so you can have frozen seafood, they're not particularly great. - Yeah, well, people are sad. People are, you know, New Jersey, there's a lot of people who are bummed out about this. So my heart goes out to all the Red Lobster fanatics. We don't have any of them in this office. - No, we do not. I wanted to mention, Jared, that we've kind of had this evolution. There's so many evolutions taking place. And if you don't open your eyes to it, you just might miss it. There's been an evolution on the polls of Joe Biden. And I talked about this a little bit last week because he gave that interview with Aaron Burnett. So if you haven't been following the way this has been happening thus far, it started with people acknowledging this poll that came out that showed that Democrats would prefer a different candidate to Joe Biden. Joe Biden was asked about it and he said, "No, that's not what it says. "Check the polls, Jack." People did check the polls and the polls kind of kept saying same thing. They were all pretty negative for Joe Biden. And then that's when he moved to your reading the wrong polls. When he was with Aaron Burnett last week, 'cause on Wednesdays, he packs in. He's a very busy schedule on Wednesdays. Apparently it's leaking over to Tuesdays. Things are getting pretty nutty this close to the election. But he has his interview with Aaron Burnett and he switches it to bad polling. You're looking at bad polling. Now, a poll comes out, okay? It's a survey and it's from the New York Times, CNN poll. And this is what the Biden-Harris HQ Twitter account puts out. It's like they're official, you know? This is all the staffers at the Biden-Harris administration. Is it the New York Times will release their poll. It's consistently slanted toward Donald Trump. Does anyone think Donald Trump is leading in Nevada by double digits seriously? Seriously? And now we're on to, it's just fake polling. So we've gone from- - At the MAGA New York Times. - We've gone from check the polls to bad polls to fake polls. And the obvious next step, which I'm actually a little disappointed that the Biden team hasn't come out with this yet, Russia has infiltrated these polls. This is Russian misinformation. It's got all of the earmarks. A New York Times poll that has Putin written all over it. Why haven't they jumped on that yet? - Scarborough's gonna be calling them the Moscow Times. - And since we're talking about these polls though, that this explains all these pivots we're seeing from Joe Biden. So if I'm gathering this correctly, if I'm getting this right, he thinks that in this next six months, he's going to reverse everything he's done and we're all gonna pretend that it didn't happen. You've been so proud of all of these things. And you know, Jared, that was their biggest issue in this administration is that they didn't have the ability to pivot like six months in, for example. Because a lot of this stuff, it built up over time. You look at the border and this was an increase over years and years and years and years. And every single time it was record breaking. But if someone had just, you know, slammed on the break six months in and said, listen, I know we reversed all these Trump policies, but we've got to reverse them back. It's like Michael Scott with the vasectomy. Snip, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap. We got to go back because this is gonna be a problem for us. And we can't do this for three years. But they refuse to do that. The hubris is unbelievable. They have no ability for self-reflection. So they kept going. They push forward with these terrible ideas. The Inflation Reduction Act, an open border, you know, trying to reduce crime by eliminating any sort of charges against people in these big cities. And there was never a moment, a may a couple where they could say, this isn't working. We have to do something different. We were wrong, it's not working. Let's try something new. But they waited and now they're gonna try three and a half years in. Listen to what Donald Trump had to say about, Joe Biden's sudden tariffs on China. Let me have Trump outside the courthouse, cut 10. - I just wanna start by saying that on the electric vehicles that Biden is pushing down everybody's throat, even though people don't want him, he wants to put a big tariff on China, which is a suggestion that I said, where have you been for three and a half years? They should have done it a long time ago. But they've also got to do it in other vehicles and have to do it on a lot of other products because China's eating our lunch right now. And they went away from what I was doing. They're eating our lunch. So they have to do it on much more than electric vehicles and they have to get going fast. But it should have been done three and a half years ago. I did and I started, and then they started playing games and it was very bad, very bad for the auto industry. And Michigan, the auto industry is doing very poorly because jobs are starting to lead. We're losing, you know, with the electric vehicle and they're gonna be made in China. They're all gonna be made in China and also in Mexico owned by China. - Yeah, and these tariffs are, it's a slew of new tariffs. And he just mentioned Michigan, the former president mentioned Michigan. It's, they're hoping this plays well in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Joe Biden is in desperate need of a boost. Every single poll, I just told Jared, I said every time Fox shows a clip of James Carvel, I don't know if this is for his podcast, but it's usually him in front of a white board, melting down, like that's-- - Looks like a public access TV show from the '90s. - That's his podcast, is him in front of a white board yelling like, this isn't going well, this is worse than I thought, he's very angry. And so everyone's kind of in panic mode, so they're hoping that what these new tariffs that Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania will kind of see a little bit of hope on the horizon and say, maybe we can stick it out in another four years with this colossal disaster. But to really understand how much of a flip-flop this is, you have to understand Joe Biden's reaction when Donald Trump was imposing tariffs on China, this is cut 11. - Iowa farmers have been crushed by his tariff forward China, and no one knows better than the folks in Iowa. - He thinks to being tough is great. Well, it's really easy to be tough when someone else absorbs the pain. - It's really easy to be tough when you're desperate for votes, I guess. It's really easy to be tough when you will do anything to try to win reelection. Think about all of the stances that Joe Biden allegedly had when he came into office that he is now trying to back away from. I keep going back to the menthol cigarettes, but that was a huge one. We heard that ad nauseam. Oh, yeah, ban menthol cigarettes can ban. And then two weeks ago, it was like, we can't afford to lose any more black voters, so he's not gonna do that anymore. And now a guy who said it was very easy to be tough when you weren't absorbing the pain is doing the exact thing that he criticized Trump for. And his press secretary, Karine John Pierre, has no response either. Can I get cut 12? - So in July of 2019, then candidate Biden said the tariffs on China are abusive policy. Has the president changed his mind and now believes tariffs work? - So look, I'm not, I'm gonna be really mindful. I'm gonna let and do order. You'll hear directly from the president, directly from us, so don't wanna get ahead of that. - She never wants to get ahead of anything. Way more comfortable just letting everyone else, every other department, every other news outlet cover things before she'll even go near it. She will refer you to this person, to that person, she will not answer a question. But I do wanna give Karine John Pierre a little bit of credit today, 'cause we always love, she puts a certain twist on words that we're all pretty familiar with. She has her own style. And in the past, Jared, one that I always loved was the Nord Stream pipeline, became the Nord Stream pipeline. We had the Nobel Peace Prize, became the Nobel Peace Prize. And today, she was supposed to be celebrating, or not celebrating, but acknowledging the anniversary of Brown versus Board. And this is what she came out with, this is Cut 12. Or I'm sorry, Cut 13. - We are indeed commemorating the landmark broad V-board of education. - Broad V-board. - Broad V-board. - Broad V-board, got it, okay. And that was, I don't know what broad V-board was, I know brown V-board was. - Did you miss this by that much? - You can't separate students on the basis of race. I don't know what broad V-board was. And maybe she can refer me to the broad department and I can understand it better. Maybe there's some expert out there who can help me, 'cause I don't wanna get ahead of it or anything. But I would love to know what that is. Again, it's not that I think I'm brilliant, and you all know I'm not brilliant. But I do occasionally go to Google and just double check things before I come out and talk about them. And I'm not the White House press secretary. You know what I mean? It's not like any of this stuff. She had this in her handy-dandy notebook. She had this in her binder. - Yeah, nobody brought it up. Nobody brought it up. She just decided to bring it up with you. - It wasn't a trick question. I was like, no, ask you a question. You're just talking. Who's trick-talking, you know? When your tongue betrays you. We'll be right back. Actually, let's take a call here. Tom, your next up on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Tom? - Hey, I got an email from Senator Joe Manchin. And just for the record, I'm registered to vote in West Virginia, even though I own a house up here in Massachusetts. - Okay. - And this was all from Joe Manchin's webpage. And it says, "Administrations final 30D EV tax credit rules and doses made in China." So here's my point. Me being a union member, me knowing what Trump did with regards to the tariffs and the trade war with China, listening to the idiots on NPR saying, "Oh, this is really bad for America." Donald Trump and his tariffs, getting into a trade war with China, okay. Well, what is Joe Biden doing now? He's singling out tariffs. He's doing exactly the same thing that Trump did way back when. And these same rump swabs of NPR will not be criticizing him. And like I say, the average rank and file union member is not stupid. And we don't need high-priced lobbyists, finger wagging at us, that somehow we're awful people and traders to the labor movement. If we vote for Donald Trump, he's the first Republican that ever demanded that China stop their practices with regards to stealing our information with regards to dumping goods on this country that are heavily subsidized by their government and need that to remind you, you're not old enough to remember, but Japan did exactly the same thing through the '60s and '70s. And in the 1960s, stuff that was made in Japan was junk, it later got turned into very, very good products. Why? Because the Japanese government subsidized their industries. And that's exactly what China's doing again. I wanna go back to China here for a second, because you're talking about how when Trump did the same thing, it was treated differently by the media. And I would just wanna remind you that the media is not going to take any of this Joe Biden's slander. Like, yeah, when Trump did it, it was bad. Because when "Orange Man" was imposing tariffs, it was because he was trying to be tough and he was trying to get us into a trade war. And when Joe Biden does it, it's 'cause he's trying to win an election and he's desperate and he's a loser. And so this is what he needs to do to gain some traction with people in Michigan or people in Wisconsin or people in Pennsylvania. And straighten Joe is not gonna miss an opportunity to try to maybe get a stranglehold on a few votes. That's the explanation. You know it, I know it, I don't need to explain it to you. - The notoriously fickle Trump voters and supporters. - I know, they're like, you know what? I gotta put my MAGA hat down. Joe Biden just talked tough on China. And I have a feeling he means it this time. - Now that I can't vote for Liz Cheney, I guess I'm gonna have to vote for Joe Biden. - Well, Trump goes, oh, you know, they're eating our lunch. Joe Biden has told us before we could pull these up, Jared, the flashbacks. He went from they're eating our lunch, they're not eating our lunch. He can't even decide that. He's very confused about the lunch aspect of it. Lunch bucket Joe, he doesn't know, is our lunch being eaten by China? I mean, today it is in the Rose Garden. Yes, they're eating our lunch. We need to do something about it. Who knows what will happen after November if he gets in there again? Suddenly it's like our lunch is fine. Stop panicking about the lunch. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Thanks for the call, Tom. Don't go anywhere. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. (dramatic music) - This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - If you guys are liking this shirt, just know if you buy a paper boy today, you will get a free mystery t-shirt. - Today through Father's Day. - Today through Father's Day. So you've got a little bit of time, but I would suggest doing it today. Make sure you get it done, and you'll get a mystery t-shirt when you buy a copy of Paper Boy. I wanted to mention, I'm getting mixed reviews on the guys, and to be more specific, a lot of VP contenders, and other people, members of the GOP, standing behind Trump outside the courthouse. I had a friend text me today and say, "This is stupid, they shouldn't all be standing there." They look weak behind him. I don't agree with that. I think that a lot of these people, JD Vance included, who did a great job, they know Trump has this gag order, so they're gonna go out there and they're going to explain to the American people why this is such a sham, even if Trump is also explaining it himself. But what I would give people is this as a little bit of criticism. They should coordinate, because they're all wearing red ties today, and it looks like a school uniform. We don't need to all be wearing red ties. Let's coordinate, let's mix it up a little bit, it looks a little ridiculous. We'll be right back. (upbeat music)