The Howie Carr Radio Network

Steven Camerota's unfortunate take on immigration & the Chump Line | 5.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Broadcast on:
15 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." "Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show." Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. The sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. We'll make my day, pal. Is an audience a deal-breaker for you? Oh, oh yeah, oh yeah. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. They're fighting not just for Ukraine, but for the free world. "The music's bad and you should feel bad." You refer to President Trump when he left the courtroom. You said that he goes right into that little cage, which is where he belongs in an effing cage like an animal. Do you recall saying that? I recall saying that. It's a dramatic rating, Abby. Boy, you guys are not sucking me into the story at all. I'm just telling you, for your own benefit, I'm very aware that I'm watching a play right now. "Rumb swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's..." "Howie car." 844-542-42. I changed my shirt. I was wearing a let's go brand-in shirt. Now I'm wearing one that's cheaper to deport than support, and we're giving these t-shirts away free. If you buy a copy of Paper Boy, it's our Father's Day special. Buy Paper Boy at Click on store and you'll get a free mystery t-shirt. Just send us your size and you'll get a choice of t-shirts. This one could be make gas cheap again. I'll be wearing a make gas cheap again in the next hour, but it's a good deal, and we also have some gift certificates left to Jake Rooney's, I'm sure, in Harwichport. 844-542-50. I'll get certificates for 25 bucks. I'll be appearing there on the Friday before Father's Day, so get your gift certificates now to come down and see me right before Father's Day in Harwichport down on Cape Cod. Apparently a lot of people like Steely Dan, Taylor, on the text line. Bruce from the Mets is a big fan. Arden says she's seen him seven times. I've never met anybody that's not a Steely Dan fan. Everybody likes Steely Dan. Some people don't know him, though, or just are in different stuff. Who doesn't know Steely Dan? I don't know. I never hear much talk about him, really, honestly. Well, they stopped making albums a little while ago. Maybe you heard about it. Well, one of them died, I guess. But, you know, it's, again, I was very happy to be able to play Show Biz Kids a little bit today. And again, that was due to the fact that we got some really good cooperation today from the clerk's office in the Eastern Hampshire District Court in Belcher Town. They sent me all the hippies' names who've been arraigned so far in the rioting going on at UMass Amherst. And there are so many of them that they're just arraigning 20 a day. So tomorrow, tomorrow is called. Albert takes the stand. I'm hoping that there'll be a new email from Belcher Town with 20 more names. We get seven days of this. Well, we've got three days already. So, yeah, we've got enough. Yeah, three or four more, definitely. Three or four. And as soon as Emma comes in, I'll say, here's the last Emma. It'll be tough to beat Sky Blue, though, for sure. But thank you to the clerk's office in the Eastern Hampshire District Court for helping me out. A lot more than the DA helped me out. I'll tell you yesterday. All right, time now for the Chumpline. I know what you're thinking. Did he say five stupid things? Or did he say six? Well, to tell you the truth and all this commotion, I've kind of lost count myself. But you've got to ask yourself one question. Do I sound stupid? Well, do I punk? No, you can't, you know, some of the VIPs were talked that they miss the Wizard of Oz with Ted Kennedy. And you know, you couldn't really ever tell how many there were. It was, there was not that you're admitting after all these years, the game was rigged. No, I didn't say I said the decision of the judges is final and I'm and I'm the judge. But that doesn't mean I'm not infallible. It was it was as least the at least as legitimate as the license plate lottery that I used to run. And that's why I have a four digit license plate now, because everything was totally legit. And the guy the guy went was from Deerfield, just like me, but I got it from and went to Deerfield Academy. It's an amazing string of coincidences. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. What was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. Hey, Ollie, I think the Wildwood Trump rally at 10D numbers were highly overestimated. You can't count the 20,000 FBI agents infiltrating the crowd. Ha ha ha ha ha. There was an inspector general's report from Horowitz, you know, an Obama appointee came out this week and they said that it's pretty clear that there's been political persecution of conservative FBI agents. I mean, again, why is that story getting a good leaving alone in the mainstream media? I wonder. And now another excerpt from Paper Boy, My Life and Media, as read by the author. I remember my first kiss like it was yesterday. It was after math class during my freshman year at Deerfield and the first time I kissed a girl was a few years later at a party in Portland. Unfortunately, I soon learned it was a family reunion, which makes sense. Some related to pretty much everybody in that city. Nevertheless, if FDR could kiss his cousin, Elder Roosevelt, then no one should be giving me grief for my actually not a youthful and discretion with my cousin, James Swift. Sometimes there's a modicum of truth in in his readings to put the lie across. Today, there was not a shred. That was one abject lie after another. So Biden wants to debate Trump stipulating nobody in the room. Wherever Biden speaks, there's nobody in the room. It'll be a problem for Trump, though. The lights are on, but nobody's home. Actually, the lights are barely on either. Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2016. And now he's acting like he wants to piece of me again. Well, make my day. Bell, I hear you're even free on them days. Mink my day, Bell. I love that. We haven't heard that one for a while, Bell. The Biden campaign has agreed to a presidential debate, but with no audience. In other words, a rum full of Biden supporters. You know, a couple of textors mentioned that today, that is pathetic as Biden sounds. What about the applause and the the support he gets in those rooms? I mean, as muted as it is, there's still people out there that think he's all there. One sure way to raise Kamala and Kankle's hackle is just ask them a question that they can't tackle. First is the blank stare followed by the glare. And then you guessed it. Here comes the vapid tackle. Yeah. Yeah, you could see that one coming, but you know, when I blame you, that's part of that. That's that's how the poem has to be written. You remember, let me get this straight. They remember 60 year olds were reparting with their 20 year olds. They remain someone ends up dead. They remain. It gets covered up. They remember who are these people? Kent and Kennedys? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The McAlberts give new, new meaning to the old phrase, Kmart Kennedys. And by tonight, Brandon won't remember challenging Trump to any debates and claiming, never said it, which is also confirmed in Jen Psaki's book. Yeah. You know, I wouldn't be surprised to be tries to add let me say, well, you know, we could have the debate on Thursday, because I get you'll get the days mixed up. He won't remember that Wednesday is the day where there's no trial. I guarantee if if he gets out there and they, he escapes his handlers. Did you see him try to make a joke about jumping off the stage? Did you see that Taylor? Yeah, he didn't verbalize. Don't jump. He acted it out. No, I, that's what I mean. Yeah, I wasn't saying we should have it. Cause why? But he goes to the edge of the stage and then pretends that he's going to jump off. Sometimes I wish we had video capability. The biggest beneficiary of turning off Donald Trump's mic during a debate will be Donald Trump. Let Brandon ramble. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. You know, sometimes he, a couple of times in that last debate, Brandon was on the edge of stepping off the stage. And in Trump just bailed him out. He almost tripped on his way up as well. Yes. It was today. Yeah. Today he did. Oh, I didn't see that. He tripped over a step, but he caught himself. Those damn steps. Well, I thought, I want to think, can't they put a ramp up everywhere he goes? But I don't know if he can make it up the ramp either. That's the, those ramps can get a little steep. Joe Biden, when he walks on stage for the debate, hey, I said no crowd. That's just the moderator, Mr. President. That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. Huge. That's it for the Chumpline. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time every weekday, the Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, press two for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. The messages that we didn't play and or that we didn't have time for just now, we tried to repurpose in a second Chumpline every evening. It's called Chop Chumps. It's available at around seven o'clock every weeknight. You can get Chop Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. I know what you're thinking. Did he say five stupid things, or did he say six? Well, to tell you the truth and all this commotion, I've kind of lost count myself. But you've got to ask yourself one question. Do I sound stupid? Well, do I punk? Now that you ask me, yes, you do. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. He's Howie Carr. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is is there going to be a Trump versus Biden debate on CNN on June 27th? I think not. 74% say no. 74. It's steady then. That's okay. I'm surprised. 844, 542, 42. And in the crush of all the other news, there was a primary last night, a very amusing primary in the state of Maryland. And you know, Hogan is running. The former governor is he's the Republican candidate. He's a rhino. But he's the, I guess he's the favorite now. But Jamie Raskin, the Groucho Marx, the pirate guy, was he was going to run. But he was afraid to run against this guy named David Tron. Because he's another congressman who was, he owns, he and his brother own Total Wine, which is I think the biggest liquor retailer in the country. And it's, they've really done an amazing job starting out with nothing in Pennsylvania. But he's of course a big lib now and everything. And worth a worth two and a half billion dollars. So he spent $62 million on the primary campaign, 62 million in Maryland, not a large state. And he was crushed. He was crushed by a hack, a hack Democrat, a woman of color named also Brooks. And of course, he's the one who made a racial slur and a congressional hearing in February. Remember that? Yeah, I can't even repeat the word. It's just the, it's just really, it's crazy what he did. But I mean, this is, this has got to be a recent record. Anyway, he couldn't spend $62 million in him, in a medium-sized state and couldn't even get out of the primary. It's just, just amazing. I mean, you talk about profiles and futility. This guy, David, David Trone. Do you know how many, do you know how many fireballs you got to sell to have $62 million in disposable income just to dump into a, a pathetic race? 844, 542, 42. James, you're next with how we car go ahead, James. Hey, how we doing? Hey, good. So, yeah, I wanted to talk about the text messages because I believe that there was stuff definitely deleted or altered. And it's because if you're looking at the screenshot they provided, it shows you when you start a new day. January 28th at 1154, Colin texted her. And so at 11 55 p.m., even though she texted only 15 minutes later at 12 10 a.m., no things, things, January 29th there. So as a test, I took one, I took some text messages from my mother, happened to show May 5th and May 4th. I deleted the May 4th text and the entire date just disappears. Doesn't pop up there anymore. And actually, I posted on one of Turtle Boys things on Twitter. So it's their people have been retweeting and liking it. And it just show, and it just shows you that something was altered or deleted because that date has to show up when the new day starts. Yeah, this whole trial is crazy, isn't it, James? I've never seen a trial like this before, where the prosecution comes out. And they're not even trying to, it seems like this is 12 days in now, 12 days of testimony. And there's nothing about Karen Reed's guilt. They're defending the operations. You wouldn't know who was the defense and who was the prosecutor. Right. And all the witnesses that are being called to the stand, they all have lawyers like they're the defendants, right? And then you got the, now the jury knows, we knew all along, the jury knows that the feds are crawling all over this case. I've just, I've never seen anything like this kind of case. But I think they just want to get through it and just say, hey, Turtle Boy tated the jury pool. The jury was stupid. It's their fault. It's a miscarriage of justice. Now, now can we go back to the all you can eat buffet at the Quincy house of pizza with, with, with meatball Morrissey. Thanks for the call, James. Kate, you're next with how we car go ahead, Kate. Yes. Hello. Hi. Yes. I just wanted to say as an independent, I just feel like the Trump thing should be really careful because I feel like it's a trap. It's a trap that they're hoping Mr. Trump will just lose his temper. It's a trap. They shouldn't take it lightly. It's a trap. But you know, Bugs Bunny was always being tracked by Elmer Fudd. I mean, Elmer Fudd is a mastermind compared to Joe Biden, isn't he, Kate? How are they going to, how can you execute a trap when Joe Biden is the, is the ringmaster or the, you know, the guy who's pulling the trigger? They've, they've, I think, I think Trump, Trump's got to be praying that it comes off. That's why I don't think it's going to come on. I'm how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 500, 42, 4844, 500, 42, 42. We're trying to get on the, the spokesman for the Center for Immigration Studies. They've got a new report out about the number of illegal aliens that are, that are working. And you're not going to be surprised to learn that, that they're, they're not, most of them aren't working. And a lot of them aren't looking for work. Surprise, surprise, right? Meanwhile, as we wait for that, New Mexico, three illegal aliens from Guatemala pleaded guilty or been convicted of gang raping a deaf woman after kidnapping or in Santa Fe, New Mexico in June 2021. Another illegal accused of being the ringleader is reportedly fled to Guatemala. All right, with us now is Steve Kamarata. And he's the, one of the authors of this report by the Center for Immigration Studies about how many illegal aliens that have come into the country are working as opposed to how many aren't working. Can't say we're surprised, but Steven Kamarata, what are, what are the results of your, of your survey or your study? Yes. Hi, well, we're looking at the data that the Census Bureau collects every month for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And it may surprise people, but it turns out that illegal immigrants and legal immigrants do, do respond to the survey, there is some undercount. But the bottom line is that if you look at the roughly 5 million people who've said that they came in the last few years in the data, about 46% were working, and the other 54% were not working. Now, most of those are not actually unemployed, but they're not even looking for work. You have to actively begin. I'm shocked. So, but the Democrats keep telling us that they're all coming over here to only do the jobs that Americans won't do, which is a phrase that was coined by a Republican president, but it's not true, is it? No, I mean, there's a lot to unpack there, but no, it's not because, remember, this is a human population. So there are all kinds of people in this, some are children, some are elderly, some are disabled, some are caregivers, or others with no ability to work, or are interested in doing so. So it's a mistake to see immigrants one dimensionally. Oh, they're all workers. No, they're human beings. And lots of human beings are not going to work. And so, although the immigrant population has grown dramatically in recent years, it doesn't mean that they're all going to be workers. That is just a gross over-simplification. And what's important about that is it reminds us that immigration affects everything from schools and hospitals, to politics, to the labor market, of course. But immigrants are people, and so they have a broad-ranging impact on our society. But you know, Stephen-- It's not enough to say, "Oh, they're workers." But Steve Camarada, why would we be letting-- We all understand some people don't work, some people don't work, whatever their ages or backgrounds. But why would we be letting people into the country who don't work? I mean, as a society, we want people who are going to add value to society, who are going to increase the wealth. Why over half of these people aren't working. And somehow, they're able to sneak into the country illegally. They have the ability to do that. But as soon as they get into the country, they either stop working or they just become criminals, like these Venezuelans in New York City who assaulted a cop, and now they're all getting brief sentences if they're getting jailed at all while some woman who prays outside an abortion clinic gets five years in prison on the same day this happens. Right. Well, here's the thing. It's not reasonable to expect them all to work. So even if you-- for example, even in our guest worker programs, they can often bring in family as well, because it's just not realistic to expect everyone's going to work. But I do think it's important to recognize that fact and to then understand that if you tolerate, in this case, widespread illegal immigration, or even if you have large-scale legal immigration, it affects everything in your society. It is just not enough to say, "Oh, well, they're all workers, or they're all going to work." That is always wrong. And it would be wrong in any human population. And I think that's really I think the most-- But I mean, we realize this. The people listening to this show, we realize that it's a net drain on the country. I mean, you're saying that they do add value in some cases they work. But overall, the illegal immigration is a net drain on the society in every way imaginable. They're having a meeting-- You're from Massachusetts, right, Steve? Steve? No, I actually grew up in New Jersey, but I live in North Virginia. Okay. I'm sorry. I thought you were from-- I thought you had a background in Massachusetts. There's a town meeting today, a town of 11,000 people in Massachusetts. They closed the prison down about 10 years ago, because it was-- it couldn't be code violation for prisoners. And now they need this space for illegal aliens, mainly from Haiti. They're going to-- It's a town of 11,000 people. They're going to open up this filthy prison and put 450 people in there, overwhelm all public safety, all first responders. They're going to overwhelm the school systems. And the town has no recourse whatsoever. It's just terrible. They have to come up with a new budget every few months. It's breaking the back of the Massachusetts state government to provide all this. It's up over 2 billion-- maybe even 3 to 4 billion dollars to pay just for illegal aliens. And none of them work. Right. So obviously, if you're going to-- there's short-term costs, and these things are big. They can have an enormous impact on schools or your hospitals or other forms of social services. Overall, the reason that illegal immigration is such a large fiscal dream is that most illegal immigrants, at all, with the vast majority, have very modest levels of education. And no matter how much employers tell you, they want to bring in workers with modest levels of education, it means bringing in low-income people. And people who don't make a lot of money tend to not pay much in taxes, even if they are paid on the books. And they tend to use a lot in social services. And in the case of the illegal immigrants, this tends to grow over time, especially when they have US-born children. If you had to put it into a bumper sticker, there's a high cost to cheap labor. And employers never see it, and they're not very concerned about it. They're just fixated on the idea that they're going to get a worker. And they don't think about the broad implications for American society, or even specifically the implications for public coffers. Do you really think, though, that the majority of, say, Democrats are concerned about workers are just trying to get more people onto the voting rolls to continue the welfare state? And expand it? Well, I think, yeah, there's always Democrats you might think that way. But I think that most Democrats, they just see a very narrow window or one aspect, which is that they see, in some cases, desperate people fleeing desperate circumstances. And that can be true in some cases. So the vast majority of people have jobs, and they have a life in their home country. They're just in search of something better. But for Democrats, that's how they see it. The impact on American workers, the impact on the broader society, they don't think enough about, I think. And I think that that's why it leads them to permissive policies. Now, you're right, there are some who say, well, this is going to be good for us in the short, and certainly in the long run, these folks are going to vote Democratic. And that can be true in many cases. But I think it's probably more of an ideological than just a politically instrumental thing. And that's what makes it really hard, I think, for the talk to Democrats, because anybody who disagrees with them and says, look, you know, we need to think about the broad interests of our country. That person is immediately suspect because they're mean-spirited or worse. They're just motivated by racial and epic admin. On the other hand, you know, it's been like almost almost a year now since the governor of Massachusetts said, you know, we've got a big problem here. And it'd be really great if all the liberals in Massachusetts could open their homes and take in some illegal alien families, you know, from either from Haiti, or, you know, or Venezuela, or the Congo, or Afghanistan, you know, and do you know how many people have taken her up on that offer, Steve? I think one, one out of all these great liberals? Yeah, very few. It's nothing. Yeah. I mean, so, you know, and they got if only if only every home that had a hate has no, a hate has no home here, sticker, you know, you know, sign in the front yard where to take in, you know, 20 or 30 of them, you know, the problem would be solved and Norfolk wouldn't have to reopen the prison and wrecked all the public schools. Right. No, it's a fair point. People tend to be very permissive and liberal when the costs and impacts are borne by others. But if you ask them to take that cost and deal with it, well, then all of a sudden it's not possible and they can't do it. So it's a fair point to say, look, you know, maybe we should force those who are advocating this policy to bear the burden and stop, you know, putting it on this small town or stop, you know, or let them experience the kind of job competition that less educated, lower skilled Americans experience, or those who have to send their kids to overcrowded schools, or those who can't get into the hospital emergency room because it's so overwhelmed with immigration. I mean, all those, that seems reasonable. That's all Ron DeSantis was doing when he sent the plain load to Martha's Vineyard last year. Right. And it didn't, it didn't stay there long. They immediately shipped them out. It was the greatest 44 hours of their lives until the National Guard arrived with their, with long rifles to get them off the island. Yeah, they, that's it. And there are a lot of vacant homes. Yes, there are. And now, you know, now the seasons have turned and there are a lot of vacant college dormitories. And yet all these great liberal colleges like MIT won't even open up, won't even open up their gymnasium facilities to let them take showers in there. They won't even let them in. They have to bring in, they have to bring in trucks. I mean, you think MIT, I mean, they're, they're having all these pro Hamas demonstrations on the campus, but nobody, nobody wants to let the, no one, they want to think globally, but they don't want to act locally. It's amazing how that works. Isn't it Steve? Whatever happened to the good old days when you had to have a sponsor to come into the United States. And the sponsor had to sign a binding affidavit that you wouldn't become a burden on the state. That would save us probably about 150, 200, 300, maybe even a half a trillion dollars a year now if we still had that in effect, wouldn't it? Well, when we're talking about illegal immigrants, the reason that doesn't apply, of course, is that they don't have a sponsor. What we would need is a enforcement approach at the border. Yeah, we'd have to go after the employers who hire illegal immigrants. We'd have to make sure that illegal immigrants don't get everything from driver's licenses to in-state college tuition. But we do, but, and most of all, we would need an administration, you know, the statistic show that 3.3 million people were purposely, as a matter of policy, released into the United States. These are all what we call in amissible aliens or more comically illegal aliens. They were either prolonged, they're either applying for asylum. There are several things. They're unaccompanied minors being released to someone in the United States. None of that is required by the law. That is a policy. But what's important on this is, if you had a wall 100 feet high and no one crossed illegally that way, it wouldn't matter if all the people who are encountered are released. And that's what's going on at the border. It isn't the lack of a wall. It isn't the lack of a border patrol. So that can matter in some areas. And we know that lots of people are still crossing just right into the United States illegally. And I could go over those numbers. But if you're releasing millions of people that you do catch, then the wall is meaningless, as is our laws. We just need to start mass deportations to use President Trump's term. And we need to cut off all welfare, just like the old days. Used to be, used to be people would call me when I'd say illegal aliens were on welfare. They'd say, you know that's against the law, Howie. And I would say, really? Have you seen the interview with Barack Obama's aunt? She's bragging about it on TV that she's an illegal alien on welfare. But those seem like the good old days, because that was an exception, Steve. Now there's tens of millions of them on welfare. But what we have estimates for how we know from the survey of income and program participation, which we can do a good job of identifying the illegal immigrants in the survey. And people who admit, you know what they're using now very often, though, not always. First off, illegal immigrants are allowed to get certain programs, whether it's free school or on your way. In addition to that, illegal immigrants receive a host of benefits on behalf of their US-born children. And there are a number of states like California, Massachusetts, and so forth that do specifically, yeah, offer right benefits to illegal immigrants. So when anyone says that illegal immigrants don't use welfare, that's just simply wrong. Now, that doesn't mean that they don't, that someone in that family isn't also working. And that's important to know. But that's back to my point is the high cost of cheap labor. Someone might work, but they're still so poor that they and their children can receive a host of social services. All right. Stephen, Colorado, thank you for being with us. Where can people go to read up on the Center for Immigration Studies? Yes, everything we publish is free of charge. You can just download it. It's at, like Center for Immigration Studies. Thank you, Steve Kamarata from CIT, from Center for Immigration Studies. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. Howie Carr is back. 844-500-4242. So migrants charged in attack on New York Police Department cops in Times Square. They're all offered plea deals, including one who was re-arrested. So he's an illegal alien living in a shelter. He gets arrested for attacking a cop in Times Square. They let him go. And he was nabbed the last week for ripping off ripping stuff out of Macy's in the flagship Macy's in Harold Square. His bail was posted by an activist, Brooklyn Priest. Isn't that nice? But they've all been offered a year to six months in prison for attacking cops. Meanwhile, a pro-life activist was sentenced yesterday to 57 months in prison for her participation in a peaceful pro-life protest at one of this capital cities, Washington's most controversial abortion clinics. Lauren Handy, 30, was kneeling and praying at an abortion clinic in D.C. And she got almost five years in prison. And these illegal aliens that attacked the cop and one of whom has since been re-arrested, they're going to do six months to a year if they do anything. Even if they were all working, there's a dual system of justice here. And it's not just for Trump. It's for everybody. Everybody who's on the wrong side of the political, and this group that this anti-abortion woman belongs to, progressive anti-abortion uprising, it's a left-wing group that's anti-abortion. But she's on the wrong side of the abortion issue, even though she's a moonbat, and she's still got to go to prison for five years like she was in the capital on January 6th. I'm Howie Carr.