The Howie Carr Radio Network

TURTLEBOY talks Allie McCabe's texts plus Everything about the UMass Hippies that exists online | 5.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie gave Emma a special project this morning, a forensic assignment. She presents to the listeners what she found out about the hyphenated hippies arrested a UMass. Tune in for the story of Blue Sky's tax delinquency and several poets, writers, and actors. Then, Aidan Kearney joins the show to give his daily Karen Read murder trial update.

Broadcast on:
15 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word "Howie" BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. The sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. Not exactly like he wanted to debate me again. Will make my day, pal. Is an audience a deal breaker for you? Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. They're fighting, not just for Ukraine, but for the free world. [MUSIC PLAYING] The music's bad, and you should feel bad. You referred to President Trump when he left the courtroom. You said that he goes right into that little cage, which is where he belongs in an effing cage like an animal. Do you recall saying that? I recall saying that. It's a dramatic rating, Abby. Boy, you guys are not sucking me into the story at all. I'm just telling you, for your own benefit, I'm very aware that I'm watching a play right now. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. George Mendoza from Monica's brought us a huge spread. We could have provided food for all the hippies that were arrested at UMass Amherst on the other day. Of course, they wouldn't be eating meat most of them. But oh my god, it was good. Everything is great. Thank you so much, George, for Monica's for bringing in the spread. I don't know, the VIPs are not drifting back in here very fast. I wonder why. All right, thanks again, George Mendoza from Monica's. And we'll be in touch about the lawsuit against the city of Boston. And I hope you do get some pictures of Michelle Wu in doing some outdoor dining in Sonoma, the eternal city. All right, 844, 542, 42, Colin Albert is on the stand here or was on the stand at the end of the murder trial in Datham. And we will have Turtle Boy with us shortly. I think the session is over for the day. Court is over for the day, I would think. So they just put him on at the very end of the day. Give the jury something to think about all night with the prosecution questioning. But anyway, there's another court case. It's slowly unwinding in Western Massachusetts and Hampshire County. And that's the dirty hippies that were arrested at UMass Amherst protesting, protesting in favor of genocide against the Jews in Gaza. And so yesterday, we tried to go through the DA's office in the Northwestern district, as they call it. And they said, well, we're prosecuting the cases, but we don't have any names. We'll call the clerk's office. And so I call the clerk's office this morning, and they came through beautiful, beautiful. And I'm going to-- I'm just so happy that we got all the names. And so as soon as we got all the names, I like to give people assignments, especially when they like to do things, make them happy by working. And I knew Emma would like this assignment. So what did I tell you when you got to work today, Emma? You said, Emma, I have a forensic assignment for you. And I said, oh, you want me to stop people on the internet? I will surely. I will surely look up these people's linked ends. And it was, as we anticipated, a treasure trove. It just kept giving and giving. It's too easy and predictable. What these people do for work, what these people like to study, if they do work, that is. They're pronouns in their bio. Oh, yes, plenty of they/them's. By the way, someone said yesterday, how many of them have hyphenated last names? Well, we only have, I think, 40 out of 120. They're doing about 20 a day. So for the first 40, if you had the number three, you win. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would, sure you would, yeah. All right, so just what do you got, Grace? Grace, Emma, what do you want to lead with? All right, we'll start with a hyphenated name. We've got Ian Powell Palm. He wasn't forthcoming with his pronouns, but he does-- Ian Powell Palm. Powell hyphen Palm. You know, there was an old colonial family, very prominent Massachusetts Boston, the Royals. I would have preferred to be Ian Royal Palm as in Royal Palm. Nice. Ian Powell hyphen palm is a poet and musician, currently splitting his time between-- Oh, it's like his name. He's splitting his time like his name. He was unemployed. Yes, but-- so I do have a couple bars of this poem called "Gender." Do we need a harpsichord or any-- no, I mean a harp with it. If we have something, I watch him exit the field, two halves of a boy slung over the shoulder. Two halves of a boy, that was quite a hit. The night burned like a blue asterisk in the back of my throat. His hands were-- Like a blue asterisk. His hands were stained green with bird song. His hands were brutalized with our undoing, soft and bloody, like the shaved, skin of a lyric, none of us, whatever. Oh, man. That's really potent weed. Yes, so he is the co-editor and co-founder of a literary journal, "Rejected Lit Mag." So he's got something going on, he's got hobbies. Now we need some bongos to go in. He's a beat poet. Does he have a goatee? No, I don't think-- No, goatee's clean shaven. OK. Next up, let's do Saul Shana Brook. We're not sure, so there were two Shana brooks who were arrested. We're not sure if they are related. One posts videos of himself rollerblading, doing tricks with his rollerblades on the internet. But Saul-- That's a recurring theme. Saul is quite accomplished. He has an engineering PhD, and he likes to put his work with social justice. And so he's-- Of course he does. He's created these databases, and one is a database of edible plants. So he's educating the public. I mean, like, you know, can I eat a tomato? I'm going to have to look that up. I'm about lettuce. This second one-- Peas? Peas are OK. Go ahead, throw him in the pot. This second one, he's creating a nonprofit to help form public access food forests in Western Mass. Now, that's not what you think. I told you that downtown Wellesley, there's a gap that was abandoned, and we're creating a public access food forest. It's called Shake Shack. Nice. So I looked it up because I had no idea what this public access food forest is. And it's usually in an urban area where they take a parking lot that is kind of in shambles. And remember when the Chas in Seattle and someone gave them seeds? Why are they calling it a food forest? I mean, we used to just call it garden plots in the South end. I used to walk by one every day. And when the Herald was down there-- Yeah, so it's just going to be-- It's just going to be a commune where you can go pick some crops. It's just a hippie name for the public gardens. Yes. OK. He also-- he's inspiring a model using community control to prevent gentrification. Oh, an inspiring model to prevent gentrification. You know what you do? You put a foreign freeload or flop house in there. No problems with gentrification. It's very inspirational. Here's the one that you said you're going to have to look into this one, Blue Naomi Sky. So we're going to respect they are also a gardener. They do organic-- [MUSIC PLAYING] It won't be necessary for her to turn her love my way after reading her social media. Blue Sky's organic practices and endeavors work with the plant's fungi animals. It works with the plants. Yes. So I thought to myself-- Just the edible plants or the unedible plants? Are you not allowed to weed if you're gardening, but you're working with the plants? She said she-- I love working with plants more than just about anything. They teach me so much, and I am honored to care for them. The plants teach your stuff? Yes. OK. And she also wants everyone to know she uses they, them pronouns. We actually have some sound because she films herself doing everything. Sometimes she is not fully clothed. Here's some sound of her talking about her tax delinquency. This is cut 11. Good morning, you all. I just left the post office and mailed in my taxes. This is something that I've been feeling extremely anxious about and dreading. I'd be too. Same. But ultimately, I didn't choose to be a tax refusal this year, and I wanted to read the letter that I sent in with my completed tax fraud. Please share it with me and the plants. We do have the letter. Next cut, please? To whom it should concern. Every morning, I wake up and bear witness to a genocide that is bankrolled by my government. Someday is the grief I've been experiencing. She didn't gather. She's made it impossible to share it. Is that what she said? Or are you great? And no, it's not just oppression. There are images and sounds I can never unsee, never unhear, unspeakable horrors. Surely you've seen them too. As I write this, they come flooding into my mind. I feel sick. My face pinched in pain. A drop in the ocean compared to those living and dying through it. Poetic. Doctor, doctor, give me the cure. Give me the cure. It's war and violence. I recognize that I have very little personal power in this horrific situation. Every day, I wish it were a dream that some magic would end it and somehow heal the lives that had been irrevocably traumatized by it. Instead, it's tax season. And I am asking that money to the government, knowing that more than anything else, it will be used to support these kinds of atrocities. ♪ You, my blue sky, you're my sunny day ♪ She goes on to say that she's going to work with all of her might to lower her income so that her taxes will then be lower. I think that could be arranged in the court. Where do they put the female prisoners now that they've shut down MCI framing him? She's a they them. Oh, where do they put them? I don't know. Howie, this is my favorite one. I might butcher this name. Sigred Schmaltzer. And she's an author. So she's, she-- Sigred Schmaltzer. Her work's a kind of on the Schmaltzer side. She writes children's books about Chinese-- China. She writes about China. Socialist Chinese agriculture. I know what kind of stuff I like to hear about it from Chinese stuff. Yeah, like, "Hey kids, would you rather eat hop on pop "or a mall?" ♪ Everybody was powerful ♪ ♪ And washed in ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ Those kids were fast as lightning ♪ Did she have any books about Kung Fu fighting? No, this one is called a red revolution, green revolution. Scientific farming and socialist China. Her children's book is about a young man who enters a community and convinces them that their pesticide practice is wrong and saves the day. Does she know what the great leap forward was when Mao tried to revolutionize agricultural processes in China? I think there are 60 million people died. I'm pretty sure-- Is there any, are there any books about that? No, I'm pretty sure this was all done in the Lorax. Like, "Oh, kids are not going to want to read about soil "and wasp and moth." That's pretty exciting stuff. Who, what other, you got someone named Feliciano, I heard, was also involved in this. Yeah, there was an arrest of a guy named Feliciano. I know some of his music. Is this the same guy? David Feliciano, they them. ♪ I'm a baby like my wife ♪ ♪ I'm a baby like my fire, yeah ♪ ♪ Find a sad night ♪ He's open to work. He lets everybody know that. He's open to work, I'll bet he is. He added that little hashtag on LinkedIn and his interests include the US Department of Education. How about the guy who had the lawyer with the weird name? Oh, the child actor? Yeah. Yes, I'm going to butcher this one too. Kiv Legon de Montebello. Yeah. So, he's been in some climate justice movies. Climate justice, that's a big genre. One's called Run-Off and one is called A Scientist's Guide to Living and Dying. And his parents do this. His parents are all, so the movies that he's interacted with, his parents are all so. ♪ Show business kids making movies of themselves ♪ ♪ You know they don't give a fuck about anybody else ♪ ♪ You know you don't ♪ You don't get to use showbiz kits by Steely Dan in too many ways in this show. Yeah, look, I can get behind the poetry and you like to write, and that's all well and good, and we need more of that, but it's really not hard to not write it. All right, okay, thank you. Thank you so much, Emma, I appreciate it. Thanks for writing my column for Friday too. Give him a big round of applause. Thank you. (applause) Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza for a limited time dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. 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Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. - Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at HAWY Car, is is there going to be a Trump versus Biden debate on CNN on June 27th? - No. - 74% say no. - I still can't believe 26%. I thought it was the most scattered voting in the early minutes, but it's still hanging in there. People really think this is going to come off. I don't see it myself. 844-542-42. Jerry, you're next with HAWY Car. Go ahead, Jerry. - HAWY, can I talk to Taylor for just a quick second? - I'm here, Jerry. - Taylor, I'm behind the wheel of my car so I can't stand up and do this. So I'll just give you a round of applause for working in silly Dan. - Give it to HAWY because I had nothing to do with that. Give it to HAWY. - You don't think he's a Steely Dan fan, do you? Come on. - What are you talking about? I love Steely Dan. - I love Steely Dan. Steely Dan's a great band. I'm scared it might be their best album. - You know, Show Biz Kids isn't as good as my old school, which I think is their best song ever, but it's a great tone. - They just re-released Gout Show, the whole album. - Yeah, all of this stuff. You know what I think I like about Show Biz Kids? They got the Steely Dan t-shirts. I always liked that when they have references to themselves, whether it's Cool in the Gang or Bo Deadly or Steely Dan. That's the sign of a really hip band, in my opinion, Jerry. - Well, Kid Charlemagne was a great song. - I was just gonna mention Kid Charlemagne about the LSD dealer who tried to escape and ran out of gas. Is there gas in the car? Is there gas in the car? - It's, they were just a hay 19, you know, firefly. Even the later songs were fantastic. Just a, it's just an incredible band. And you know what, when I heard that the kid was in the, it was in his parents' movies, that was the first thing I thought of, Jerry. Probably be my, I think it's my first chance. It'll probably be my last chance to work Show Biz Kids into the show. - Yeah, I would be surprised. - And you know what, you may be the only guy who appreciates it. - Well, Holly, like the true artist, you will only be appreciated once you've moved on so we can take the model, pull it with you, I said. - Yeah, I can wait for that day. I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be a legendary figure. I don't wanna be somebody who's remembered after his passing. You're gonna remember me now. I'm doing fine though. Thank you, Jerry. Eight, four, four, 542, 42. When we come back, I think we'll have Turtle Boy, and he's all set, I think. I hope he's all set. I don't think they're gonna run it late today, but it's the beginning of prime time in the Karen Reed murder trial. I'm Howie Carr. (upbeat music) (machinery whirring) (upbeat music) Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Eight, four, four, 542, 42. Another wacky day at the Karen Reed murder trial and datum, and with us to tell us what was going on is Aiden Kearney, AKA Turtle Boy, and Colin is not on the stand, right? It's his sister that's on the stand. Am I right? - No, Colin's on the stand right now. - He is. Oh, he-- - Colin, did they end it with Colin on the stand? He's got Alan Jackson tomorrow, that's what we're waking up to. - Oh, so they finished the direct examination of him? - Yeah, so that Lally got his softball questions and now the real questions start tomorrow. Before that, he doesn't have a sister. He's got a cousin's cousin, Allie McCabe, who went for him, and boy did she put on a show. Turtle Boy is officially into the arena, by the way, Howie. Judge Bev made her first blatant error in this, which is completely reversible by allowing Allie McCabe to cry on the stand about Turtle Boy. Like, she said that the defense, no apologies, that the door was opened to talk about Turtle Boy, but the door was opened by Lally himself, the prosecutor, who basically asked her about it, so he's been harassed, and then just opened the door for her, and they're just, oh my God, someone emailed my school. She's a real Nelson Mandela, she really is. She's kind of really tough. She's had a tough hour, you know? Oh, no, people are so mad at me, 'cause I drove home again for my medicine, and then my mom googled, I want to try and cold, and they're so mean to me, 'cause of that, you can't be mean to that, McAlpert, man! And she cried, it was so fake. - Well, she's, you're charged with witness intimidation, she's intimidating you, isn't she, or trying to? What's the difference? - I mean, yeah, I mean, the state is intimidating me, and the police are, you know, like, the other one's doing the intimidating, they have all the guns, not me, you know? It's like, I'm not the one intimidating, I'm just reporting the facts here, and peacefully protesting, and they're calling that witness intimidation, it's a joke, but she, I think, they have been telling us for months now that they can prove Colin Alvar was not in the house, because they have life-360 data showing that Alan McCabe picked him up at a certain time, or whatever. So the life-360 data came out in court today, and it showed that she lied, she said she was home by, like, 1225 after dropping him off, and the data shows are driving miles and miles, until, like, 138 in the morning, and it's just, everything she said was proven false, and they confronted her with the life-360 data, and her response was, nope, that's a mistake, nope. I mean, that was the same response to the Google search. - Yeah, hose, hose long to die and cold, yeah, they said it was wrong, yeah. - Right, does that's a mistake? Just like Michael Langk's, what he put in the report that the Alberts told him that Caitlyn Albert left it at 1215, that was a mistake too. Everything is a mistake with these people that got some in trouble, they just lie and lie and lie. I cannot believe this is happening, and there is no way the jury is buying it. They see what a horrible family business is, horrible family full of liars, and they're being exposed, and no one's buying their garbage. - I'm looking at a quote that you tweeted out from Ali McCabe, "Colin wasn't in the house "at the same time John was there." Haven't they all testified John was never there anyway? - Yep, this is the first. - So this is another contradiction, right? - Yeah, but she'll say that was a mistake. Oh, it was a mistake. Everything that gets these people in trouble is either a mistake or not real. It's just unbelievable. - Yeah, what did Clinton used to all of a sudden? Mistikes were made. - Mistikes were made, a lot of them. She actually said that she was not there at the same time that John O'Keefe was there, so thank you for admitting that John O'Keefe was, in fact, there. I mean, she just got up there when confronted with a life 360 data and says, "No, that's wrong." - Did she cry after, about you after or before she was confronted with the data? - After, after. - Oh, so there it is. There it is. - Yep, afterwards. Yep, she had to break, like she got exposed. - Did she have an onion in her purse? - Yeah, I mean, that was their move. This is what these people do. They did a horrible thing. They covered it up and then they cry about being victims. Turtle boy, oh no, turtle boy, mean to them. He's writing about what horrible people we are and the things that we've done, and he's exposing us. And he's making me sad. That's what happened in the court. And there's no way that Jerry bought that. Absolutely not. - You know, I just keep thinking that I keep thinking about this in terms of an athletic game. You know, when you have the lead, you know, if you're a football team, you run it, you don't pass, you just run out the clock. If it's the old days in basketball, you had the four corner offense, you know, which lost Carolina the national championship one year. But in this case, the prosecution, they're putting on all these, they earlier, they were putting on all these boring witnesses. They were like trying to run out the clock and put the jury to sleep, but they're behind. They've already lost the case. You'd think they'd be like lightening it up, throwing, you know, Hail Mary passes. They're not doing any of that. - So who did they bring on today? They brought on Ryan Nagel and the two other people who were in the truck with him. At the same time, the Karen Reed arrived there with John O'Keeper or second afterwards. And all three of them greatly helped Karen Reed by saying what they've already told police. And that is that when they got there, they saw Karen Reed alone in her car. And that John O'Keeper was not inside or outside the car, which only means he could be inside the house. And that her car was not damaged at all. All three of them said that. And it's like, and one of them, Ryan Nagel, who was his sister yesterday, who got there and she was inside the house. And his testimony contradicted his sister. Give me an awkward Thanksgiving. Release one person in that family is honest. And it's just like, you start hanging out within the Galbrake, you turn into a totally different person. - I like too, so the couple of those 25-year-olds that they had on the stand today, they're saying, now they invited us in, but you know, who wants to be in there? You know, they didn't have to say with these drunk 50-year-olds. You know, they've been drinking steadily for 30 years. - I mean, doesn't that say a lot that like the 25-year-old was tired? They wanted to go home 'cause she was responsible. But Jen McKeib, who have two much younger children at home alone are like, now let's keep partying. The night is young, let's go. - I wanna play this, I wanna play cut from Ryan Nagel here. I'll just listen to this and get your take on it. Go ahead. - 23 by individuals not associated with the commonwealth. - Gentlemen, I can't go to my door, but I did not speak to him. - When I refresh your record of the regular election, do you remember talking in May of 2023 with anybody about the 6th? - I don't know, 2023 may have been the feds. - Okay, let's- - I'm trying to- - Just leave my question- - No, I understand. - What do you talk to by anybody? Don't say who, just tell me if you were done yes or no. - Yes, I believe so. - Okay. - The feds, I thought they were trying to keep that out. - Aidan. - Yeah, it's like they actually put their own, the commonwealth's witnesses are the ones bringing it in. He's like, "Oh yeah, I talked to them." I mean, how can they keep it out? So now the jury for the first time after they heard Ryan Nagel say that was officially put on notice that the feds are taking this bogus investigation that they are the jury on. And they heard that, they can't unhear that. They know that. This is not normal for the feds to be investigating an investigation. And again, Ryan Nagel and Heather Maxson and Richie Deivitt, those are commonwealth witnesses. What good did they think their testimony was gonna do for their case? All of them were at the exact place in time when the alleged murder happened and none of them saw anything. And the best part was when, I think it was David Yannetti asked him, you know, did you see Karen Reed run anyone over with their car? Wow, he objected. Like, "Yeah, that's literally what you're trying to prove." (laughing) He wouldn't read someone over your car. It gets asked according to your checks. Like, why would you object to that? 'Cause he knows the answer. He knows it never happened. Everything anything like it. Be like Perry Mason getting the guy to confess and then saying, "Your Honor, I'm gonna stop "the cross-examination right here." You know, we don't want to. It's just, you know, I don't understand what they've got going. Well, why don't you tell us about what happened? There's more of this sideshow melodrama going on with all the observers. What happened today? - Yeah. Although, one sec how, hold on, wait a minute, hold on. - What's up? - Uh-oh. - Okay, that's good. Bye-bye. - So, being a double duty as an award-winning journalist and award-winning dad, so. All right, so the former actually WRKO radio personality Jessica Machado the other day, I was standing in line with her and she was assaulted by this goofball named Grant Smith Ellis on the courthouse stairs and she, I mean, I witnessed the whole thing that dead and police were called. They were supposedly following the summit. They're turning the absolute chaos in the media just to get one of the coveted 10 spots in there. She apparently went down to fall river district court today and got an order on him. - But restraining order. - There's a cut, a restraining order, yeah. Which isn't that easy to get in HBO. So, she got one which prevents him, luckily, from attending court proceedings unless he could somehow get this vacated, which he tried to do with his chicken scratch handwriting, which I don't think it's gonna work, but they should probably do something about, she's actually under investigation, Howie, by the state police because she tweeted out information about the jurors that was completely legal. She tweeted out, she was like observing the jurors, juror number five, she used to be intently watching him and said, "Oh yeah, it looks like Mr. McGoot." She described them physically. And that's not against any rules. - Yeah, I mean, all this stuff that everybody's been doing since the dawn of time, you get a column out of that, watching jury selection, see what questions they're asking. It's easy pickings, especially in a big trial. This is ridiculous. So, what's gonna happen with Collin? What was he asked about yesterday? Or today, excuse me. Yeah, what's he asked about today? - I mean, it was just Lally asking him like, "So, what time did you get home?" "Oh, I got home at 12, 25." Well, that's not what your father said. Your father's on the bar, on video at the waterfall bar, leaving there at 12, 14. He says he walked home, which puts him home no earlier than 12, 21. He said that he then said he waited 25 minutes before you got home, which brings us to 12, 46, right? So, your own dad says that that's untrue. Your timelines are all off. And we got this life 360 data now showing that he rushed over somewhere at 12, 29 to go pick someone up. I wonder who that could be, over at Fearview Road, and drives them back to his house. I mean, it's just so obvious that we got a missed call with, I got a screenshot of a missed call. And how about the fact that what was led into evidence? Did you see the screenshot of it? - Oh, yeah, the texting. Can you hang on for one more segment? We're already getting calls about this. Allie, these texts, you know, these cell phones, smartphone companies, if everybody were a McCabe, they would have even more money than they already have, 'cause everybody got rid of their phone calls after this. - Ever, if they're all upgraded. - All right, 844-542-42, we'll be right back with Turtle Boy, I'm Howie Car. - Become a Howie Car Show super fan. - Subscribe to Howie's newsletter, and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Car Show. Just add to your name and email at (dramatic music) (upbeat music) - Howie Car is back. (upbeat music) - 844-542-42. I think I got one of the McAlperds on the text line. He's just screaming in yell. He's lost all respect for me, and how dare you have a chuckle about this, et cetera, et cetera. You've been through this, Turtle Boy. You have much more than I have. - Oh, I'm used to it. The McAlverd mafia heats when you bring up facts and whatnot. You just have to blindly believe that the death's really care and lead was behind this whole thing. And if not, you're just a bad person, and they're not listening to you anymore. - Yeah, well, tell us about these texts, that these screenshots of these mysterious texts that apparently have been erased. Somehow, Hillary Clinton's style. - So back in the summer, July or August, there suddenly became a push to get Colin out of that house, like to prove that Colin wasn't in the house. Even though it wouldn't matter if he was in the house, if John O'Keefe was killed outside the house. But they really wanted to get Colin out of the house, and they've been doing this PR campaign and trying to prove he's not. And this hack reporter Gretchen Voss wrote this, McAlbert, Puff piece in Voss magazine, in which she claimed that they showed her evidence, right? That Colin was out of the house. Well, that evidence was the screenshot that you saw in court today. It's a screenshot of a text message from Allie McCabe and Colin Albert, in which he said, he's like, come pick me up. It doesn't fit where come pick me up is. And at 1210 a.m. she goes, I'm here. And he goes, okay, but where is here? Where does it say the 34 Fairview Road is at? Like, are you at 34 Fairview Road? Or are you picking him up to bring him to 34 Fairview Road? It doesn't say. And the best part is that after that conversation, they don't talk again until February 20th. That's when the next text messages. These two people who are allegedly at a house where 10 minutes early, 10 minutes later, a man is murdered, a Colin's neighbor nonetheless. They don't ever talk about this the next day. You're like, oh yeah. - And they're like practically brother and sister. I was listed during that part of it. Yeah. - Yeah, they don't talk. They don't ever came up the conversation about it. And so basically, it's just so obvious to anyone who owns the iPhone or any phone knows how easy it is to delete messages and then take a screenshot after the fact. And it's not a thing to get the real stuff. You gotta download the data from the phone, right? You gotta do the data extract from the phone. That's how you get it. The police never asked for that. They're like, yeah, show the screenshot is sufficient. So I figured that Auntie Bev, you know, since she's not allowing pictures into evidence of Katie McCloslin partying with Caitlin Albert 'cause they can't be authenticated, I figured she wouldn't let this in, you know, 'cause she likes things to be authenticated. But she did a screenshot of a text message that was reportedly between these two people and which nothing was erased from it at all was just allowed into evidence. Auntie Bev is a hack. She is almost like, I hope the FBI is closely watching her or what she's doing right now. And what she's done to me, Howie, I don't know if you noticed this today, there was a new order allowing me back into the courtroom when Michael Proctor and Yuri Bukaki go with, when they testify, I'm allowed in there, even though I'm being charged with witness intimidation, get them because they're cops. So that's an interesting thing too. She's kind of overruled her own rule and just knew we were gonna feel it with it. - Yeah, I saw that. She, this whole thing is such a, 617 says, most jurors are smarter than we think. They've heard multiple witnesses say they're lawyered up. Everybody knows that's not normal. And now you got the feds, you got all these, all these. And then one of the other witnesses almost said that he was interviewed by the G-men or the feds, you know? But they stopped him before he could say anything. So what's gonna happen tomorrow with Colin Albert? How, how soon are they gonna, what are the big things that people should be looking for tomorrow morning? - Well, he's gotta go against Alan Jackson, he was the best in the country at best. He's going, he has Colin Albert. This kid is not, he's not the brains of the apparition. Let me tell you how, you should hear his poetry, it's interesting. But you're gonna hear tomorrow, Alan Jackson is gonna cut, this kid, I can't believe they let this kid take the stand 'cause he's really dumb. And they're gonna, Alan Jackson's gonna catch him and lie after lie after lie. Like, he caught Brian Albert in a lie. And Brian Albert's the smartest one in all of all these people. - Right. - And that's saying something. So they're gonna get this kid to, you know, trip him up on something. I cannot wait to see what Alan Jackson has tomorrow. But whatever it is, I know they're gonna be very prepared. They're gonna catch this kid in some lies and they're gonna make him look dumb. - So how many witnesses, are they still gonna put on a proctor? Well, they have to put on proctor, I guess. And they, what about Higgins? Is he gonna, what is Higgins? - I thought Higgins, I thought we were gonna hit Higgins today. But, you know, we didn't want to hit him. - Higgins is the ATF agent who's supposedly got a proctor from the feds, meaning he's got a deal to testify. In a case, you know, if I knew someone in a case had a proffer, I wouldn't go on the witness stand or I'd go up there and, you know, say, I'll take the fifth on everything. - Yeah, I mean, well, they gotta call him up eventually. They're calling all the people who are in the house. He's, they got him and they got Matt McCabe and Jen McCabe. Those are the big three that they're missing right now. Somebody's gotta go, I mean, Colin Albert's not gonna take all day tomorrow. They're gonna get somebody after him. And it's gonna be one of those three, he's gonna be the next one up. That's my guess. So whatever it is, it's gonna be very exciting. You must be Phoebe. - All right, and where could people get you? -, or ask Dr. Chero Boye on Twitter, or sort of real live on Rumble. Turtle boy live on rumble. I'm Howie Carr.