The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden does the Road Work plus Defend the North End with Jorge Mendoza | 5.15.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

It's like training for a prize fight, Howie says. Biden is gearing up for the June debate against Donald Trump.

Broadcast on:
15 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word "Howie" BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. The sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. We'll make my day, pal. Is an audience a deal breaker for you? Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. When I hear some of my colleagues thump their chest and say that they back the blue, but then they're going to call it January 6th, convict, a hostage. That's not back in the blue. That's back in the coup. The other thing about TV dinners, you don't have leftovers. You have reruns. You referred to President Trump when he left the courtroom, you said that he goes right into that little cage, which is where he belongs in an effing cage like an animal. Do you recall saying that? I recall saying that. It's a dramatic rating, Abby. Boy, you guys are not sucking me into the story at all. I'm just telling you, if your own benefit, I'm very aware that I'm watching a play right now. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon baths beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. You know, number one, I don't think there's going to be a debate. I'm going to just make that the poll question. Especially on June 27, I just don't see it in the cards. How many takes did he have to do to just issue his chat? Challenge to the president of the United-- to the former president of the United States. Took multiple takes. And you know, it's not like it was a lengthy per-or-ration, as they say. He wasn't reciting the Gettysburg address even, you know, which is-- Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. The sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal. I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dates, Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays. What do you do? And then, then he finished it. When he finished it, he goes, Wednesdays? That's spaghetti night, isn't it? He has no idea. What a joke. 844, 542, 42. So he was in fighting trim. I wasn't thinking about leading with the Biden cuts today. But since he-- he's got to-- it's like training for a fight, a prize fight. You've got to get out there. You've got to do the road work. You've got to have a sparring partner. So he's out there today. He's working at it. And he's got a lot of stuff going on here. So Taylor has marked all the really good ones. But I see one that really just gets me right here. And this is with Yahoo Finance. And I'm going to lead with number 15, Taylor. Every time you respond to a call, execute a warrant, conduct a traffic spot, there's a tremendous risk. Every time you execute a traffic spot. I mean, I thought this Lexi was about confusing one or two letters. I mean, he's flipped the letters around. There's an O in the middle there. Every time you conduct a traffic spot. But he's also got number problems, as always. So I saw this morning on the internet, I see. Biden screws up what inflation rate was. And I said, that was from like last week, wasn't it? But guess what, like the Tibetan plateau visit, like so many things, he's repeating himself. Cut 16. Inflation has gone slightly up. This was at 9% when I came in. How does he-- Very fake this. Where is it? Where does he get this? People say, well, maybe they're giving these reasons. He can't remember. If you told him two minutes later, he would go out there and he wouldn't be able to remember what he said. 844-542-42. So again, here he is again with Bo. This was today at the annual peace officer's memorial service. You know what he did it again today with Bo, cut 13. I know hearing the name of your husband, wife, father, mother, son, or daughter, brother, sister, brings it all back as if you got that news just 10 minutes ago. That black hole in the middle of your chest, you feel like you're being sucked into. It's like losing part of your soul. I know when my son, Bo, spent a year in Iraq, came home with stage four, Glueblastoma, he was going to die and he did. I know what it's like. I mean, everybody has lost members of their family or people they were close to, right? So why is he continuously comparing Bo's death to any, any other event? If somebody was struck by a comet, he would, he would, he would go to the funeral, or he might try to go to the funeral and say that he'd reminded him of Bo's death. I mean, it's 844-542-42. Let's play that now this is the AA-N-H-P-I. Asian American, what does the NH stand for? Native Hawaiian. Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders, gala. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders, gala. Now he's-- I thought Hawaii was a string of islands in the Pacific, but the more letters, the better. So I mean, well, he is a Hawaiian, too, you know? I mean, well, he's an adopted Hawaiian. He was adopted by Daniel Inouye when he was two years old and Daniel Inouye went from one of the concentration camps set up by the Democrats to fighting in Italy, where he and Bob Dole were mortally wounded on the same day, and then they were eaten by cannibals. On different mountaintops. Different mountaintops. And Joe was there on each of those mountaintops at the same time. That's right. When they were mortally wounded, as he put it. But anyway, so he was back there with, again, with the AA-N-H-P-I gala. Cut one. For 30 years of empowering AA-N-H-I-P leaders all across the government. No, no, no, no, no. And I didn't know this woman was still around. I thought that this was the woman who took Marty Walsh's place. She presided over giving out, I think, $60 billion in fraudulent COVID relief. $60 billion in California, when she was the labor secretary, out there, has had some kind of hacked job. And they bring her in as the number two person at the labor department. And then Marty Walsh leaves. And she takes over. But they can't get the votes because she's got all these problems. But I guess she's still the acting labor secretary. I thought when Trump would try to make someone an acting secretary because they couldn't get the Senate votes after 90 days, they had to leave office. But I guess that doesn't apply when it's a Democrat. Cut two. Acting Labor Secretary, Julie Soo, Julie Soo. Julie Soo, Julie Soo. One of them, does she know Marcia Fudge? Is she still at-- is she still at Hunter? Did Fudge move on? Oh, cut three. Correct them all for the science and technology. Where's our inertia? Stand up, kid. I like that dress. Let them see your gown. I'm just going to touch it for a second. Let me pull this out for you. What if a little person of either sex walks across the stage during the quote, unquote debate? What would happen? Biden would just follow him off with his hands out. Trying to grab him. Cut five. We increased Pell Grants by $800 a year. The largest increase in a decade, which matters to 40% of the AAAN/HPI students they rely on Pell Grants. The AAAN/HPI? AAAN/HPI. Cut seven. We're lowering cost. We're expanding opportunities with your help. We're protecting freedoms. That's in stark contrast to my predecessor's view and of you. Look. My predecessor's view and end of view. It didn't say-- I know it didn't say end of view on the teleprompter. That was an ab-lib, as Ted Kennedy used to say. Cut 10. They want to undo what they finally got done. And then what we finally got done is to make up for it. They want to give power back to big pharma. May we quote you on that, Mr. President? Get ready, pal. Cut 11. So we can provide child care, paid leave, and so much more. Chair, child care. Is that like a restraining seat in a car? The stool. That's a chair child. A chair child. All right, 844-55. He's ready. They ought to have a debate tonight. Unfortunately, Biden could fly up and meet him at the courthouse. Unfortunately, there's no trial today. In New York, there's plenty of trial going on in datum. 844-542-4603 says he surprised. He didn't say, I can't, I drank a Hawaiian punch. I think a Hawaiian punch came in when he was well into his 30s, you know, back in the 1950s. 844-542-42, I'm how we car. Get ready, pal. How in your two cents is easier than ever? Call Howie at 844-542-42, or text the word Howie, followed by your message to 617-213-1066. He's Howie Car, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Nana or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. And usually, I don't do the same poll question as grace, and this isn't exactly the same. But I'd say the big question today is the debate, isn't it? So, Taylor, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, is there going to be a Trump versus Biden debate on CNN on June 27th? No. 71% say no. 29% think there really is going to be a debate, okay. Maybe, I hope I'm wrong. 844-542. Oh, Lord, this is, what a, what a day. Cut 12. Every time you put on that shield and walk out of the house, your family wonders if that call will come, or if they'll get that terrible call somewhere during the day or night. They'll wonder if they'll get that call, or if they'll get that call. Again, can, maybe we quote you on that, Mr. President. Dave, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Dave. Howie, I don't really see any advantage for Trump in debating Biden to tell you the truth. What? If the polls are accurate, and it continues to gain momentum, what, what, he's not going to change anybody's mind. What advantage is there in it for him? I mean, he has to debate him just even if he was frightened, but he's been saying he's senile. You just heard the cuts. He's obviously senile. He couldn't even issue the debate challenge without 15 jump cuts on the, on the videotape. Dave, do you think he can handle a debate? I don't think he can handle a debate. I think what's going to happen is the Democrats will lay down all these conditions for under what, under which it has to be. Right, well, that's what I'm saying. He's not, there isn't, there isn't going to be a debate. They'll figure out how about this one? Bird flow. I'm not going to debate a convicted felon. I, you know, the secret, I wanted to debate him, but the secret service, they're responsible for my security. I have to defer to them. And they told me there's a, you know, there's a chance that, you know, a convicted felon could commit and so, and what if he, what if he is acquitted? Well, he was tried. They don't charge you if you didn't do nothing. I mean, then I, there's, they'll be an excuse. They'll be an excuse. He got a flat tire. One of the VIPs said, would you host the debate? I said, absolutely. Look at the door into the studio here. They can wheel the iron one right through. (audience laughs) I'll put, I'll put Dr. Feelgood right over there in that chair. And he can give me a shot too, but I, but I don't want the full dose. (audience laughs) I don't want the dose that you give Biden. I don't, you know, I would key, I think most people would keel over. I wonder what, I really wonder. Just, not, I'm not a pharmacologist, but I just wonder what they give him before they send him out. And whatever they, whatever they're giving him, however much they've emptied the dose, it's not working. 844, 500, 42, 42, 508. I want to sell a bridge to that 29%. (audience laughs) I mean, the debate will happen. Quint, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Quint. - Hey, Howie, I was thinking of this debate coming up. It's gonna be like a championship boxing match where the champ being Trump is fighting, you know, Biden and like the, like a boxer's fighting the guy and he's beating him so bad. And the referee just isn't calling the fight. And then the boxer looks at the ref and says, you know, call the fight. You know, I, you know, stop the fight. I'm beating this guy so bad. And that's how I see it's going to be. It's just, I can't, you know, he was kind of, I think Trump was a little aggressive that last. - Oh, I agree. I agree totally, Quint, he would have been a lot better off if he had just, if he hadn't interrupted Biden. 'Cause as we've all seen in the four years since then, and even before then, if you just let him talk, he goes off the rails. He just starts, you know, dribbling and drooling. And it just, it never works out. I mean, they want to undo what they finally got done. And then what we finally got done to make up for it. - You heard it, folks. Even though you're watching it on CNN, there's no way they can put a shine on this sneaker. This guy is senile. - Think about what you think about. - They would be doing him a favor if they shut off the mic so he couldn't then erupt him. Really, I think, but again, it's not going to happen. I can't, I just can't imagine it happening. And you know, when he says he won the debates, I mean, you know, that's like it a way in. Rob the last time, and then all the boxing writers go, man, he's punchy, he's more punch drunk than we thought he was if he thinks he won that last fight. You know, they took him out of the last debate on a stretcher, basically. Remember when he said that? I'm going to end oil. I'm going to end oil and Trump interrupted and said, did you hear that, folks? Did you hear that? That's out of his own mouth. He's going to kill you in Texas and Pennsylvania, Louisiana, he's going to end fracking. 844-542-42, I'm how we car. - These are facts. Check them out. (upbeat music) Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Oh, we got some VIPs in here today, and we got some food from Monica's. George Mendoza's bringing in some food they just brought me in. It looks like it's an virgin of an Italian sub. It's got turkey on it. Bacon. Oh boy, pepperoni. Delicious. Of course they just brought it in just as I went on the air. (audience laughs) - That's not stopped you at other times. - No, I know. 844-542-978, this is a good one. Trump should have only one demand for the debate. Both candidates must submit to a drug test. (audience laughs) That would be more than appropriate. I remember when the NBA started doing the drug tests. And Pete Vessi, one of my favorite all-time columnists from the New York Post with the NBA columnists, he said, "I think it's legit. "I'm willing to submit to a drug test "before I write my columns." (audience laughs) - But then don't you bring in the element of the wizinator? There's a lot of room for, like I feel like we wouldn't be sure if it was accurate. - They should just go in the room together. (audience laughs) - They can both keep an eye on each other. - That's right, exactly. - Exactly. - Yeah, all right, it's time now for Grace with the nose. (upbeat music) - Senator Bob Menendez's Manhattan federal bribery trial launched today with opening statements. He was wearing a suit and a pink tie, and he was taking copious notes. - A pink tie. - Yeah, it was a nice tie. - I got pink ties, that's okay to have a pink tie, but I don't think on the first day of your felony trial. - I would agree, you have to wear something more somber to show people like, "I'm very sorry for the girl bars." Maybe a deep navy tie or something like that. He also did have a lot of-- - How about the colors of the Cuban flag so he could stress his refugee background, which led to him-- - His intergenerational-- - becoming a border. - His intergenerational trauma. - Yes. - He just pointed to the tie. - Yeah, I'm a Cuban refugee. I know I don't speak Spanish, but just bear with me on this one. - He also did have on his Senate pin. - Oh, wow. - Which I think was part of the investigation. Remember, they went in and they found the gold bars, and then they found money, I think, stuffed into a jacket that also had that pin on him. That was a big part of the story. But he was taking copious notes, which you've been in a lot of courtrooms, Howie. Do you find that, does that make the people watching the trial think, "Oh, this person's on top of things. They're taking notes?" Like, if you saw a gold barbob scribbling away on his little legal pad-- - No, I don't think it's necessary. I don't think it's necessary. - It's like, you're not making any of the decisions, you're sitting there. - Yeah, I remember whitey, you know what, whitey dead. - Why? - He just stared at you, Bob. - That, I think-- - And sometimes, and then sometimes muttered under his breath. - That could be, like, he's memorizing your face. That would scare me more. - Right. - Another big story today, blue Minnesota is now in play for Donald Trump, according to a new poll. So there's so many polls out there that have Joe Biden in a complete panic. You guys probably saw the swing state polls recently. - Well, yeah, that's what this whole debate thing is all about. - Yeah, five out of six of the swing states are favoring Donald Trump. The only one Biden still has is Wisconsin. But this poll out of Minnesota shows that Trump is ahead and it's within the margin of error. And keep in mind that Biden won Minnesota in 2020, I think by seven points. - So this is very bad news for Joe. - We were just doing a, during the break with the VIPs, what is gonna be the excuse? And I was, again, I suggested bird flu in the last segment. And Officer Mark's just got a good one. My money is on another urgent Ukraine crisis. Yeah, well, remember Clinton did that. Clinton, the night before the impeachment vote, that Friday night before they were gonna, the House was gonna vote on Saturday, they bombed the aspirin factory. - A janitor gave his life to try to stop, and Baghdad gave his life to try to stop the impeachment vote. And of course it didn't work. - Yeah, I wonder, like Jared said today, oh, maybe he'll use the Hunter excuse, you know, my family. He has us in turmoil with these trials that he's dealing with. - Well, that's, there's another case, Grace. I mean, there's so much stuff happening here today. Politico has a story. It's Biden is in turmoil because he's afraid that his son is going to go to prison. And I thought to myself, this is just another sign that he doesn't have a mind left. It's a federal charge. He's the president of the United States. That means he can pardon the guy. What is he, and he's depressed and afraid that Hunter's gonna go to prison? - And he also wants us to feel bad for him, that he, it's like, oh, this trial, Hunter's trials are weighing on his mind. Well, you think Trump is actually in a trial and he can't campaign? Do you think that's weighing on his mind? But when it comes to Trump, it's such a funny joke for Biden to throw out in that, in that cut up video where he said, I heard you're free on Wednesdays. Like it's ha, ha, ha, but when it's his son, oh no, we gotta move heaven and earth to make sure Joe Biden's psychological, you know, whatever is okay. - Yeah, I know, and then this, this whole thing about, they ask the Trump people, are you gonna make a big deal out of the gun trial? And they say, you know, we've got the, you know, we've got the narrative on the Biden crime family. We don't need guns and cocaine. - Yeah. - We're just gonna go with this. The tens of millions of dollars in bribery from corrupt foreign sinister nationals. - And I thought that was smart when I read that it made me happy because it doesn't matter how much we find it amusing that Hunter Biden took all these photos and filmed himself. Like this guy filmed himself doing everything. It's great to read laptop from hell. It's great to reference him for our sake and for our audience, but it clearly does not move the needle for people who aren't paying attention to this stuff. So for Trump to see that and go, I'm not gonna focus on Hunter. I'm gonna focus on how this guy is destroying the country. I think that's a smart move. - Yeah. Yeah, and he just, you know, in some cases, he does, you know, if something's not working in the, working as a line, he's like a comedian in that sense. Like, you know, where's Hunter? That worked for a while. That was great if, you know, when it yelled out at the rallies, but it's, you know, it lost its impact over the months. - Yeah, and there's plenty of other stuff to talk about. - Is George here, George Mendoza? Yeah, we, George Mendoza's here from Monica's. We can, you don't mind sharing the microphone. - No, absolutely. Actually, I'll move over and I'll go check out the spread. If that's okay. - That's, that's all right with me. And thank you, Grace, 'cause we've got a cheap bastard deal coming up, we've got the, we've got the hippie update from, from UMass Amherst at four o'clock turtle. We got so much stuff going on. George, put on the mic there. - Put on the mic? - No, probably, excuse me, put on the headphones, excuse me. So, George Mendoza's here from Monica's in the north end. Then you brought in some great food for us today for the, for the, for the VIPs. What do you got for us? - Oh, we got some great stuff. We got some homemade raviolis, stuff with prosciutto, ricotta and spinach in a little bit of cream with some fresh tomato sauce on top. We did a northern classic, a little chicken parmesan. We also have some ricotta with sausage and broccoli raviolis, some fusilli with tomato sauce to go with the parmesan. We brought you a nice antipasto from Monica's Mercato. And we also brought you some of the famous sandwiches, the subs. - That's what I got. - That's what I got. - From Monica's Mercato, a couple of different ones that do very well. - You sure you brought enough? - We brought, we brought a good amount. We brought a good amount. I was warned. - Everyone, everyone. - Everyone shows make you hungry. - Everything you mentioned sounds really great, George. And thank you very much. How is it going? I know you come on sometimes and talk about your hassles. And I guess even our own people are kind of turning against Michelle Wu, the mayor, trying to stop you guys from having outdoor dining when everybody else in the city does. - Yeah, she runs the city like an outsider. She doesn't run it like a custodian. And that's a big problem. Boston is suffering, the nothing is suffering. We're suffering economically. It's a terrible time for the nothing without Ado Patios. And it's just out of spite that she's shut us down. Part of her experiment. A true Bostonian that will be running the city instead. We'll not be doing that to Boston. - You know, the crazy thing is, you know, she's going to Rome and she's gonna eat in these Italian restaurants. But she's literally across the street in City Hall. She looks out at you guys. And she hates you. I mean, I don't know how else to describe it. - She doesn't like us. And I tell you, I find that this is just a spin on what's going on, you know. She does have a lawsuit in her hands that we filed in federal court. This is just a spin on it. She wants to go to Italy. She wants to continue to talk about her family's husband's Italian roots. - Right. - When she has a complete respect for the people in the North end. She does not understand. - I didn't know her husband was half Italian until they filed his lawsuit. - Exactly. So it's just a little propaganda, you know what I mean? Something that her father-- - Next thing she's gonna be saying is, someone in his family was eaten by cannibals. - Yes. Yeah, there you go. Absolutely. It will be another form of defense, you know, so. But, you know, we're deep into it. We have a 220-page complaint. There is six very strong counts there. We want the same thing as everybody else has in Boston. We want equal rights to operate our businesses that are granted to us under the 14th Amendment. And we're not asking for anything else. - Do they have any outdoor dining in Chinatown? Or is there anybody doing it? Or is it-- - I just want to ask me that on the text line the last time you were on. - I don't know if there's many places doing it. I'm sure there's places with patios that have, you know, existing patios that do it. - But they're not forbidden from doing it. That's the difference. - No, they're not forbidden from doing it. - They're not forbidden from doing it. - Shut it down. - There you go. Yes, yes, don't know. But, no, it doesn't make sense, you know? The Italian culture is the culture of outdoor dining. You know, we go to Europe, the streets are flooded with people. - Yeah, she's going to see that. - Yeah, she's going to see that. She's going to go to Sulmona. She's supposed to be in Sulmona and town that there's a lot of north enders are from Sulmona, from Abruzzo. And again, it's a spin. The other thing that she's doing is she's trying to divide everybody in the neighborhood. You know, they are constantly calling. We did a 3-1-1 campaign with our banners in the north end. They didn't know like that. You know, they don't like it when we want to put our message out there. They like to control the message. And again, they like to falsify the information that the city has against us. None of the things that they bring up are true. The 3-1-1 calls are not true. The congestion is equal to other parts of the city. We've done all the proper exercises that business people do to rebut her on what she claims and what the city claims. - 7-8-1 says you guys should send a tracker over to Rome to get a picture of her dining outdoors. - A bit of it, we'll take on that mask and women to do it. - Yeah, we got a couple of things on Appars League that we're doing, but regardless, we're going to keep on bringing the topic to the forefront of the media to make sure that people hear about us. Everybody loves the North End. Everybody remembers when Boston was a working-class city. And we had just a little remnants of that. And we are under attack. You know, defend the North is our site where you can learn more about our post. - What is it again? - Defend the North - Defend the North End. - Yeah, and there's a means to sign a petition there, to look at our complaints. You can read it, it makes a great read. And we hope that people are paying attention and they realize we're a part of the city, a very important part of the city. Italian Americans have made great contributions to Boston and to the country. And it's extremely unfair to be treated this way. - All right, we really appreciate you being here, George. Thanks for bringing in all the food. We mean a lot to us. - My pleasure. - And we'll see you down at the mailroom manager and I'll be down there and see you at the North End. - Thanks for all your help. - Thanks. We appreciate it. Thanks, George. - Thank you. - 844-542-42. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just have to stream what you want, when you want on demand. You also don't have to keep your favorite radio station on all day to hear a particular song or show. You just can play me or Grace when you want it, the click of a button on your phone. The same rule applies to real estate. 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I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. [♪♪♪] ♪ It's Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal. ♪ ♪ Oh yeah. ♪ ♪ Sounds too good to be true. ♪ Oh, no, it's real and it's a steal. ♪ You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie Store ♪ ♪ For another Howie Carr cheap bastard deal. ♪ Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. All right, this is a Cape Cod restaurant in my neck of the woods in Harwichport. Jake Rooney's Tavern and Family Restaurant. There's something for everyone at Cape Cod's favorite, Jake Rooney's. They have an expansive menu filled with local favorites like fish and chips, the ultimate burger, which is stacked between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Sounds like something about the Big E. And much, much more. Jake Rooney's also has plenty of live entertainment throughout the week, including trivia and karaoke nights. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Jake Rooney's Tavern and Family Restaurant for just $25. Get yours now at and click store. With us now to tell us more about Jake Rooney's is Kate Lomas, General Manager. Kate, thanks for being with us. And we look forward to doing our remote down there next month. - Hi Howie. Yeah, we're looking forward to it. We can't wait to see you on June 14th. - That's right before Father's Day. So, you know, this is a great time. Get your gift card right now and you can come down for the remote. Tell us about the stone grill dinner. Kate, that everybody loves at the Jake Rooney's. - The stone grill is unique to Jake Rooney's. We started it a couple of years ago. My father, who founded the restaurant, went and saw it in Australia and New Zealand and brought it back here to America. And it's a 750 degree stone that's heated in a special oven and it comes to your table with the meal cooking on the stone. And because it's so super hot, it's sealed in all the juices and the nutrients. So it's healthy and delicious. It's amazing, people love it. - And you know, the great thing about Jake Rooney's is, you know, some places on the Cape, they actually closed during the winter and other places, things get very slow. But you guys have the live entertainment all the time at Jake Rooney's, right? - Yeah, Jake Rooney's were open year round, 365 almost a year. And we have the trivia and the karaoke. We also have live music on Saturday nights and we have Gina who sings Sinatra on Sundays. And we even have paint nights on Mondays. - What night's on Monday? - Oh, paint night. - Paint event is what it's called. There's an instructor who's amazingly funny and he tells you paint this line, paint this line, and by the end of the night, you've got your own painting to take home. And in the meantime, you can have good food and drinks. - Oh, so it sounds great. It's just a good place to be. And it's always got a good mix of the regular, the locals are in there. It's kind of a Harwich port tradition, a neighborhood type place. But you're also, if you're not from there, you're just visiting in the summer like I do, it's still a welcoming place. It's just a great, great place to go. - Yeah, I think everybody feels comfortable here, whether you live here or you're around or you're just visiting for the summer. And we have good food at a good price. - Yeah, and so what would be your, give me your top two entrees at Jake Rooney's and Harwich port? - Well, I have to say the fajitas are very popular because they're super dramatic and it's a delicious meal and it's a little bit larger for just one person. So you can actually share it if you want. That's usually chicken or steak on a sizzling platter with fresh peppers and onions and a little cheese, soft with sour cream and tortillas to make your own fajitas. - Boy, this is really a food hour we're having here on the Howaway Car Show. First Italian food and now-- - How do steak tips, which are your favorite? - Oh, steak tips are fantastic. You guys do a great job with the steak tips. And again, it's a very warm atmosphere in the place. It's got plenty of seats, but it's kind of cozy at the same time. It's just a good place. Jake Rooney's tavern and family restaurant, it's right there in Harwich port. And we are gonna be there on the Friday before Father's Day and we'll be doing the show from there. And so now's a perfect time to get a $50 gift card for just 25 bucks. You can use it. You can use it as soon as you get it, but you can save it until Father's Day weekend and use it when we're gonna be down there. We're gonna have a, we're looking forward to it. We're gonna have a great time. Kate, I look forward to seeing you next month and I look forward to seeing everybody at Jake Rooney's in Harwich port. And again,, click on store and get the cheap bastard deal. $50 gift certificate for just 25 bucks. I'm Howaway Car. (upbeat music) (dramatic music)