The Howie Carr Radio Network

Eric Adams Wants Illegals To Lifeguard | 5.15.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Ladies and gentlemen, the Mayor of New York City has solved the migrant problem. Train all of the "newcomers" as LIFEGUARDS!

Broadcast on:
15 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace Standup. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. (audience cheering) ♪ So in love with you ♪ (audience cheering) - When was that? - It was 2012. - Was he on like Stephen Colbert or something? - No, he was campaigning at the Apollo Theater. - Oh my God, I would think I would remember that. I guess everyone sang a little ditty at some point, but Andy Blanket, I think he's just pushing it. Sometimes you give people a pass one time, you go, okay, he knows how to play the guitar, we'll let him sing one time. But you have to have rules in place. Otherwise, people, they start to take advantage. Jared, you give people, it's like you give a mouse a cookie. You give people a little bit of room, man. - Give an inch, I think they're a ruler. - They really do, and that is clear. And it's also, I mean, I'm all for having a little bit of fun once in a while. But we keep being told how dire the situation is in Ukraine and how much money they need. And to me, having one of our diplomats, dressed in jeans at a bar on a guitar, singing Neil Young, it's just, it's not sending off, it's the optics, and I hate to be such a stickler for optics, but the optics of that are just not great. - And I mean, if you really want to get down to it, that is the second most powerful person in the free world. - He's rocking. - And I mean, he's rocking in that said free world. However, yeah, the secretary of, I mean, the vice president is the vice president, but really the secretary of state is really the second most powerful person. - Yeah, no. - In the free world. - It's a big job. - Rocking our other ones. - It's a big job, and it's one that you should be happy with having without having to try to moonlight into something else. You know, we always talk about that, how it's okay to just have one job and focus on that. And if you're not doing a great job at said job, then definitely save the passion project for your time off. Like, save that for your vacations, Anthony. And also, if you're gonna do it, you gotta sound good. Like, if you're going to do it, it has to be amazing. Anyway, though, I wanted to actually get to a cut here, Jared, that you were going to play yesterday. Jared very rarely comes in and tells me, like, I need to play this cut, this cut is so good. But yesterday, you did get a cut of the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams. He's been on point with a lot of things as a blade. He's had some good moments, especially when dealing with the craziness at Columbia, at some of the schools in New York, talking about these protesters, talking about how disgusting it is that they're taking down American flags. He actually referenced an uncle of his, who was a veteran, who fought for our flag. And I have been finding myself, as of late, agreeing with Eric Adams, nodding my head along, saying, you know, this guy, if this guy didn't give Joe Biden a hard time about the open border, he could have been a contender. You know, if he had just kept his mouth shut, he might have had a big career ahead of him. I don't think that's gonna happen anymore. Now all he has ahead of him, Jared, are big investigations into him. But his last comment, this is why I never get, I never go too far on the Eric Adams train, because there's always a derailment. And this was his comment. So I guess New York City is having a shortage of lifeguards at some of the pools. Joe Biden, keep that in mind. I know that that's kind of where you made your bones. And the great thing about Joe Biden is, you wanna talk about moonlighting. With Anthony Blinken, you get a secretary of state, and you get a guitarist, and you get a singer. With Joe Biden, you get a lifeguard, but you also get a bodyguard. You get somebody who takes on corn pop, who takes on the bad dudes. What did he say, Jared? He was slamming the chain against the cement of the pool, and he was ready to go hand-to-hand with corn pop. - Yeah, that is exactly what happened. - Yeah, so this is-- - And he apologized and everything was cool, but-- - He could, he could be someone who you might wanna keep in mind. But Eric Adams was discussing this shortage of lifeguards, and you just gotta hear the rest. Those jobs that we are in high demand, we could expedite. How do we have a large body of people that are in our city, in country, that are excellent swimmers, and at the same time, we need lifeguards. And the only obstacle is that we're gonna give them the right rope to become a lifeguard. That's just, doesn't make sense. ♪ Racism, racism ♪ - I was told that you can be black and you can be racist, and I have to imagine that this falls under that category, saying that the illegal aliens who are here are great swimmers, alluding to the fact that some of them probably had to cross the Rio Grande to get here, I would say that that's not, you know, subtle racism, that's just kind of in your face, right? - That's rough, that's a rough cut right there. - What would you say, though, Jared, if I asked you, what do you think is worse? Cathy Holkel, saying that black kids in the Bronx have never heard or don't know what the word computer means, or Eric Adams, saying that illegal aliens who crossed into this country should be able to be lifeguards in New York City because they are excellent swimmers. Which of those two is better in your mind? - That's pulled you by, that's where a murderer's rode. - Yeah. - Of statements. - I'm gonna say Holkel's was worse because Eric Adams, it was a dumb thing to say, but I don't get the sense from him that he's racist against the illegals. I get the sense Cathy Holkel is racist against black people and she said that, so I'm gonna give the nod to Holkel on that one. - So you're giving him the benefit of the doubt? - I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that, you know, he's, again, he's been a regular person, he's a police guy, like he's been around regular people, Holkel's been a hack forever, he's been around regular people, regular people joke about stuff, so I kind of give him slightly less racism. - You're giving him the intent versus impact, where he's like, the impact, not good, very cringe, but the intent behind it may be not horrible. Well, since we're talking about illegal immigration and that cut went everywhere, everybody who's talking about that, I just shouldn't have. - Yeah, it was a tough one, but like he'll survive, he's a Democrat, like it's not gonna tank. The only, the reason he's not gonna survive is not because of that comment. The reason he's not gonna survive is because he keeps being critical of Joe Biden's open border. That is something you don't do. You're not, if you're critical of Joe Biden, you're gonna end up in a gold bar, Bob Menendez, Eric Adams style situation. If you keep your mouth shut and you pretend that Joe Biden's doing a great job, you will be fine. You know, you will be part of the protected class of these far left progressive nuts. Now, I did wanna mention here that today, there's a story out from New York Post that Biden plans executive order to shut down border once crossings reach 4,000 per day. So a lot of these things, Jared, feel like things that could have happened earlier, were that we waited three and a half years. I'm almost getting the sense that the polling has a lot to do with this. That it's not because Joe Biden feels that it's the right time or, you know, that this is something he believes in. It's just they're in full panic mode because I think specifically, because of that New York Times poll showing that in five out of six swing states, Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump by a lot. And also that the one state he has is Wisconsin, but the other five, they're just, it's been, they've been trending towards Trump. Trump has a lead in those five states and he's had a lead for quite some time. And I think the longer it goes on and the closer we get, they're starting to hit the panic mode. - Yeah, and we didn't like play this, but for Reid Zakaria the other day, we played the clip that he said, you know, I don't think this trial would happen if the name wasn't Trump. In his monologue that he gave on his show there, he also said the only cultural issue, according to polls on which Joe Biden is winning is abortion. But when abortion was sent back to the states, it doesn't have as much of an impact on a federal election as it does on state elections. So the only cultural issue he has might not have the same impact as it had in 22. And immigration is the number one cultural issue. So yeah, that's why he's panicking and trying to glom on that he's doing something about it. - And also keep in mind in 2022, Roe versus Wade was overturned and every Democrat took to the streets. Like you had Elizabeth Warren, she had a drum and, you know, she had a marching band behind her, she ran out. Every single Democrat was melting down. It was like when Trump won in 2016, they were all horrified. They couldn't fear monger loud enough. They couldn't exaggerate. There was no hyperbole that was enough for them. You know, women were going to die and women's right to be taken and all these things. And the further out we get from that, Jared, and I didn't think it was gonna have a huge impact in 2022. I really thought because the decision that come out a couple months before the election, I thought by the time it gets here, it's gonna fizzle out. I was wrong, I was wrong. It was a very powerful issue for voters. It brought out a lot of young people. It brought out a lot of women and it motivated the Democrats. I will say now we're what? Almost two years out from that, dare I say that it wasn't as drastic a decision as people thought it was gonna be, that when this did go back to the States, and I'll give you an example. The women in Massachusetts who were freaking out, who were apoplectic about this decision, you can still get an abortion in Massachusetts. Like if you're in a state, and if you're in a state where they have a stricter ban, you got Gavin Newsom. You got all these governors who would be so happy to bus you to a state that will give you an abortion. So the further out we get, I think people are starting to go, okay, well not, it wasn't as disastrous as I thought it was going to be. If that is your big issue. - Yeah, and for all the people, the Elizabeth Warrens of the world and the other Democrats that were speaking out, this is terrible, women are gonna die. They have not commented on it in the two years since the midterms. So clearly, it's just a fear-mongering issue that they trot out. Like they haven't come back with, hey, here's a report of or a list of, or a number of how many people have died because of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. - Well, that would require like facts, you know? - Right, and again, I'm not saying that they're, you know, I'm not saying it hasn't happened. I don't know, but I'm just saying, they have not thrown it in my face. So my inklings, my feelings on this, or maybe it's not happening like they said it would. - Yeah, if you don't see something 24/7 running on CNN that could make Republicans look bad, there's a good chance that it hasn't happened, because if it did happen, as you just pointed out, that's why- - I mean, we had the COVID counter under Trump on CNN. - Right, and that's why I laughed when KJP's out there saying, well, the pandemic, and you know, he went, when Biden came into office, he was dealing with a lot of things, 'cause he wants you to believe that the vaccine hadn't been created when he came into office, even though it had, he had already received it. He wants you to believe that he came into office with 9% inflation, even though it was 1.4%. And the reason I can assure you, you don't even have to follow this stuff to know that nothing he's saying is true, is because if it was true, if there was 9% inflation when Donald Trump was president, I would have that number burned into my skull, because it would be absolutely, there would be books. Jim Acosta would have a book, 9%. Like, there would be podcasts that 9% affect how Donald Trump's inflation broke me and our democracy. It would be everywhere. Andy Blinken would have a guitar. ♪ 9% inflation ♪ It would be everywhere, but it wasn't. And remember when Joe Biden and all these other people were trying to explain the supply chain crisis to all of us, peony brains, like yours truly? They were saying how complicated it is, how none of us can understand the supply chain crisis. And then sometimes they try to float this idea that those problems were happening when Trump was president. And it's like, no, no, no, no, no, I would remember that. I would remember that because I would be hearing about it, non-stop, 844-500-42, here's a little bit of local news for you, because today in the Karen Reed case, they have the dog experts. And whenever people can bring up their own experts on these niche things, it's like, they really can. It's like statistics, it's like these percentages. People can make anything work for them. So I haven't been following it as closely, but I did want to give you all this update. Speaking at a climate summit at the Vatican on Wednesday morning, Governor Maura Healy, this is from Boston Herald, announced that Massachusetts is partnering with a social impact investing firm to launch a climate technology workforce training fund, shooting for an initial $10 million combination of public, private, and charity dollars it can loan out. It's all anthropic. Wow, okay, cool. So here I was saying that this whole climate summit at the Vatican was a waste of money. Don't I feel foolish now. I'm happy she went. Now that she could make this, this isn't an announcement. You could make on Zoom, Jared. You can't say, hey, we're launching a $10 million climate tech workforce fund without having, without being at the Vatican. Otherwise you lose all the juice, man. You gotta be there for that. And then she goes, and now we bring out Andy Blinken, rock on. Yeah, 207 texted and didn't Blinken threatened to withhold the heat if they didn't let him place that. Damn it. Just block your ears and not along like everybody else. We'll be right back. We got a lot more. Don't go anywhere. Pye, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) It seems that again, in this Karen Reed case, that the prosecution is calling witnesses that are only helping Karen Reed and only helping the defense create this reasonable doubt that they need in order to help their client avoid a guilty verdict. Because today they had Heather Maxson, who is Ryan Nagle's girlfriend, or she was in 2022. They must have broken up since then. And Turtle Boy tweeted, "Just in case the jurors weren't convinced "by Ryan Nagle and Heather Maxson, "who confirmed Karen Reed's tail light wasn't broken. "And John O'Keefe wasn't inside or outside the car. "They decided to call Richie Dee to the stand "who said the exact same thing." So a lot of this just doesn't seem, I thought Morrissey, I thought this team had a tighter case here. They're really falling apart. As much as I didn't have faith in this case to begin with, as much as I didn't think that they were gonna be able to prove by any stretch of the imagination that Karen Reed ran over John O'Keefe, I will say I'm surprised at just how bad of a job they're doing. - And it does seem, and I can't remember if somebody said this already or I heard it somewhere, but it really does seem like they're using this to basically make their case that they didn't do it. - Yeah, it seems like they're the ones on trial. - These are the reasons why we didn't do it. Instead of, hey, this is what, this is the evidence we found that indicates to us that Karen Reed did it. But no, it's like, okay, make your case as to why you didn't, I think it was turtle boy who said that 'cause they were under and if they were gonna get, the FBI was gonna bring charges against them after this. But it's like they're making their case as to why they didn't do it instead of making the case as to why she did it. - Yeah, because there's no witnesses. There's no one who witnessed Karen Reed running over John O'Keefe. So right there, they have a major problem. And the other part of this too, Jared, is that the third party culprit that the judge originally said, hey, you can't bring it up in the opening statements, but you can't allude to it here and there, this has dominated the trial. And I think most people, if you're just watching this and you haven't been following it the whole time, that is what you're thinking. Like if you're not aware of this guy's the prosecution, this guy Lally is, you know, versus this person versus Yannetty versus, you're just going, are all these people, the McAlberts, like are they on trial? Did they do this? And again, it just goes to show you how weak this case against her was. And I'm starting to think Morrissey might be sitting there and going, I regret going down this road. Because again, you look at all of this, you look at what a disaster the crime scene was and how it was handled. You have a dead cop on somebody's lawn and nothing was the way it should have been. Nothing was the way the investigation, the follow up, nothing happened that should make the Canton police, the Boston police, anybody there proud. And so I just don't think they ever in a million years thought it was going to get to this point, that they had to defend every single decision they made. And it turns out every single decision they made was sloppy and weird and bizarre. And it's really coming back to haunt them. 844, 542, 42. We'll be back with the poll question and also Biden's worried about Hunter and it's causing him psychological torment. We'll talk about that one for the back. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Everybody's texting in their advice for Donald Trump in the lead up to this debate that has now been set for June 27th, which Jared has informed me is a Thursday. And it's going to be on CNN and it's not going to be the commission on presidential debates, they missed out on this one. We know you wait for it every four years and it's literally the only reason you exist, but we're gonna give it to somebody else. Joe Biden has some sort of extra grind with the commission on presidential debates. He doesn't feel that Chris Wallace and Kristen Welker and all of these other people gave him a fair shake. Even though they let him go on and on and lie and bring up the letter signed by the 51 X Intelligence Agents confirming that Hunter Biden's laptop stories had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation. That wasn't enough. They weren't quite hackish enough for Joe Biden. So he's mad, he's gonna give it to somebody else. And it's gonna be on CNN though, June 27th. I don't know who the moderator's going to be. I don't know if we have confirmation on that, but I will tell you this. One of the textures said, Jared, they said, "Donald Trump should have cannibals in the first row." (laughing) And that's the thing, that's part of it, is Joe Biden said, "No audience. "He does not want a live audience." We all know why. He's afraid that Trump is going to get cheered on, that Trump's gonna get laughs. We've seen that happen before. And he can't stomach it. He's too thin-skinned and he's too much of an ego maniac to be able to handle that. His pride, his hubris is too big. But you know what I just remembered? This is talking about a flashback. I forgot one of the most baller things Trump ever did. Remember when Trump brought in Bill Clinton's accusers to his debate with Hillary Clinton? And everybody's jaws dropped. Because that's when you really knew, oh, he's not playing this game of all's fair. Like, or will be this little bit of, oh, politeness. He's playing the all's fair in love and war. I'm going scorched earth on you. I wanna win this, I don't care what I have to do. We had never had a Republican like that before. We had Republicans who talked big games, but then when push came to shove, they played nice. When he brought out those accusers and he was posing with them and he had all of them, remember? He had them all at the table for the media and he brought in the media. And they were just taking picture after picture after picture. And the picture was obviously worth a thousand, try more like a million words. But that is when as Republicans, we thought to ourselves, you know, this could actually be really fun. This could actually be really fun to have somebody who's like a honey badger and don't give it, you know what. - Yeah, and that's what they, that's the thing. Whenever they talk about, you know, Donald Trump is gonna end democracy. He's gonna throw people in jail. He's gonna do this, he's gonna do this. A lot of us kind of wanna see these corrupt people thrown in jail. Like, I would be happy to see Nancy Pelosi throwing in jail, like, I'm not gonna scream about the norms of the country. Like, yeah, he's gonna take revenge on the government. Yeah, but it's you guys in the government. I'm okay with that. - Jared, I had a friend who called me up the other day on my way into work and he said, I hope he goes. I know I keep using this expression, but I hope he goes scorched earth when he gets in. And I hope he is petty. I hope he goes back to that New York City courthouse and says, hey, remember how you guys tried to screw me? And it was a meat locker in here? Yeah, well, we're confiscating the air conditionings. Like, I hope he is at that level because who wouldn't be? It's human nature. He's been getting screwed over. Joy recalled him the luckiest man on earth that he gets away with everything. This man has at every single part of his life dissected over and over and over again. He's had entire crimes just created out of thin air. The Russia hoax was a complete farce. It was a fantasy that they created around him. I don't consider that lucky. Has anyone ever tried to frame you before and set you up and have a coup on your presidency? Because I wouldn't consider that very lucky. You know, it's a shame. I can't remember who tweeted it, but I keep going back to this tweet. One of the network people tweeted out, Donald Trump has promised revenge on the government if he gets elected again. And somebody replied, man really knows how to read a room. Yeah, and also, Jared, you know, people keep replying to those things because they'll be headlines like Donald Trump says if he becomes president, he's gonna deport all the illegal aliens or he's gonna build a wall. People keep replying underneath it and they keep saying, I'm already voting for him. Stop trying to convince me. I'm already on his team. And you're right. It's like, yeah, okay, great. Two thumbs up. You got me, man. I got no issue with that. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial, or land. JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 80521 0111 or go to JJ with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is Biden has challenged Trump to two debates. What chance do you give the debates to actually happen? See, I said 50%, but my listeners and my textures and everybody who goes to and votes in these poll questions, you guys have always been pretty on the money with these things. And you all think it's like zero percent. So I might have to switch. What is my option? Is zero to 25? - Zero to 25, 25 to 50. - I'm gonna switch my vote. - Yeah, zero to 25, well in the lead at 66%, 25 to 50 at 19%, 8% each for 50 to 75 and 75 to 100. Here's what I definitely don't think the Biden team thought was gonna happen. They thought that they could put out this video with like a million jump cuts of Joe Biden pretending to be Clint Eastwood. ♪ Let's go, let's take on your challenge ♪ ♪ Make my day ♪ And they thought Trump was gonna come back and his team was gonna say, "Well, no, we're not gonna do this, "we're not gonna do that, we need a live audience, "we need this, we need that." And instead Trump put out a true social being like, "Great, let's do it!" ♪ We'll make my day pal ♪ I think Biden was hoping. I'll say I'll do it, but I'll put in all these rules. He won't wanna do that. And then I can say I offered, but he said no. But instead Trump's game. Trump knows exactly what I said earlier, which is there's no losing in this situation for Trump really. You're on the stage with a train wreck. You just have to be there. It's even, we talked about the other day, we played a clip of Joe Biden in 2019 talking about Trump and sending aid to Israel. And Jared and I both have the same reaction. Nothing to do with the content of the cut, nothing to do with what a reversal Biden has had since then. Our reaction at the same time was wow. Even since 2019, Biden has declined rapidly. It is so much worse than what it was. And I thought it was bad then. I used to tell people, you gotta watch Joe Biden, you gotta watch him for five minutes, it's really bad. It is, now all you need is 15 seconds and you get a sense of how bad this is. So I really don't think there's a way that Trump can mess this up. I've said that before though. So keep in mind, I've said that before. Derek, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Derek? - Hey Grace, I think President Trump, in response to Biden challenging him to a fight, President Trump should challenge Biden to a cognitive and IQ exam and let him battle it out in that manner. And furthermore, during the debate, that's what I think President Trump should do is look up the questions that a psychologist would ask during a cognitive exam and potentially like bring some ink block cards and do an IQ test during the debate. I think that would kind of get the Biden on the defensive floor. - Yeah, I put him on the ropes. Yeah, it's funny because Joe Biden will not do a cognitive exam. We've already suggested that the American people have asked about it. Doocy's asked KJP about it. He's not going to do that. And his go-to is usually, he wants to challenge people to push up contest because for some reason in Joe Biden's mind, if he can do more push-ups than Donald Trump, then that means he's a better president than Donald Trump. Again, reason for a cognitive test 'cause I'm not sure how they're too correlate. But he's not gonna do that. But I also, I really do stand by the fact that as long as Trump gets out there and keeps us cool, you know, gives himself a 10 second rule. Just calm down, don't lose your cool. Then the rest will take care of itself. That's the beauty of Joe Biden. Let him take care of himself. I do, thank you for the call, Derek. I do want to play a cut here, mostly because Jared is, again, he's very into the sound lately. He really wants me to play this. And it's Lawrence O'Donnell. So do I have to prep anyone for this? 'Cause last time I played Lawrence O'Donnell talking about Stormy Daniels, I'll say it, it was borderline inappropriate. It was a red like some sort of weird porn script. So I want to make sure it's lunchtime that people aren't gonna get too upset. - No porn in this one. No extreme fat shaming of Trump supporters who were infected with the Trump contagion. But just kind of more insane lunaticing from Lawrence O'Donnell, who I think has officially not only lost the plot, I think he's lost his mind. - He's crossed into Keith Oldman territory. - Yes. - Okay, well, I just want to point out that something I neglected to say last time we were playing those cuts of Lawrence O'Donnell, 'cause I didn't realize it. I thought he was just going based on stuff he was reading. He's in the courtroom for this hush money trial, correct? Like he is sitting there. - Wait, he's in the room. - So that's why he's using all these descriptive words and trying to break down the setup and the clothes and the atmosphere. He's acting like a sketch artist. He wants to set the scene for us. So take a listen to Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. This is cut eight. - Donald Trump has insisted after first being sleeping that he is not sleeping. He is just resting his eyes. But no eyes need to be rested the entire day. Even 77-year-old Trump eyes. And Donald Trump, who is so aware of everything his face is doing when, for example, taking a mug shot or being on public display in any way, leaves his face with his eyes closed, in tortured, elderly shapes when he drifts off into his closed eye space. His mouth shifts from its preferred scowl to the look of a collapsing old building. The mouth loses all shape. The lips become unrecognizable by the wrinkled curves that they take under those closed eyes that stay closed today, longer than they have ever stayed closed in that courtroom. - Okay, this is-- - More than 10 minutes of the time. - I gotta stop here. He's putting me to sleep. I'm gonna close my eyes. Imagine watching MSNBC, I'm gonna close my eyes. You know what they're reminding me of? It's like in theater. It was like a monologue or maybe some slam poetry where afterwards we're all supposed to go. Very good, Lawrence. Very good. I love the part about the curves and the dips in the eyes. And by the way, Trump does fall asleep according to the media, according to Maggie Haberman. He falls asleep during these trials. Can you blame him? I mean, he's heard like the rest of us. He's seen this film before. You ever turn on a movie you've seen like 16 times? I'll give you an example. Here's a movie that is always on in my family. The Godfather or Goodfellas. Any of those with casino. My mom watches casino a lot. If that's on and I'm on the couch, I'll give it. I'll give it the college try, and they're great films. But after you've seen them 15 times, you feel like it's okay if you doze off. He's heard from Stormy Daniels. And guaranteed though, to give Stormy credit, her stories do change more. So there's a little bit of the element of surprise. What's she gonna say this time that was different from the last time? What is she gonna say on trial that was different from when she was on with Bill Maher? You know, that kind of thing. But Michael Cohen, I don't know why he needs to be awake for that. To listen to Michael Cohen lie, you can just go on TikTok when you're lying in bed and you can watch Michael Cohen lie as much as you want. So I don't really blame Trump for falling asleep. And I think Trump, I think Trump pretends to fall asleep because he thinks it's gonna drive people crazy. And based off that very strange monologue from Lawrence O'Donnell, I'm gonna go out in a limb and say mission accomplished. I think it's working. I think they're losing sleep over Trump pretending to be asleep. That's the world we're in now. Ben, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ben. - Hi, love you, show. - Thank you. And I make this comment as someone who spent much of his life as a Democrat and is now planning on voting for Donald Trump in the coming election. I think what separates Trump from Biden fundamentally is that he's a businessman and he looks to hire the most qualified for positions, whereas with Biden, everything is based on identity. - Yes. - And with that in mind, I would like to see Donald Trump, I'm not peeing on JD Vance because I think he had a very troubled youth. And I think that those things do impact at some level, even if it's not immediately apparent. Your outlook on Mike. But I love Vivek, Ramiswami. I think he's extremely capable, not the greatest knowledge in the world about practical things because of his success. But he does the best job of explaining Donald Trump's positions. When I hear him speak, it's very often, I respond the way I hear you speak. It's a very practical, realistic assessment. And he does the best job of explaining why Trump, a lot of these issues are not really significant. So I'd like to see him as a vice president. I just put that out there. - Yeah, Ben, the two people you just mentioned, JD Vance and Vivek, Ramiswami are two people on a very special list that I keep of Republicans who can go on networks, go on a show like with Jonathan Karl or George Stephanopoulos and handle it beautifully. They do an excellent job. They have their points ready. They know what they're going into. They know that it's not going to be a fair interview and they operate with that knowledge. So two guys who are great at handling the media, and you're right, if you're Trump's VP, that's a big part of your job, it is important. As far as eliminating JD Vance from the list because of his troubled youth, I would disagree. I think a lot of people, and I can't speak from experience. I had a lovely childhood, so I don't know. I don't know what that's like. But I think it's unfair to say that because he had a troubled childhood that he can't be an excellent VP. I mean, from what we've seen, it's tremendously successful. He's very smart. He seems very level headed. And I'm sure that it's given him a different kind of wisdom, like it's shaped him in a different kind of way and not necessarily in a negative way. What I will say about the Vikram Swamis, I think the problem with Vivek versus JD, if you're looking at this from Trump's POV, is that, well, first of all, JD Vance is a Senator. And second of all, the Vikram Swamis very flashy. He's very flashy. He's very attention seeking, and I don't say that as a negative because there's a lot of people who are attention seeking, and it's not a bad thing. One of them is right behind this microphone. I don't equate it with necessarily being a bad thing. But I think Trump in this situation doesn't want that for a VP. He wants somebody who's going to be solid, go on the mainstream media, handle it without taking away the attention from him. You know, back to the base, we're getting a lot of text. You know, Biden's going to get the questions at a time, and it's not going to help him. It's not going to help Biden. Oh, no, they don't want to at a time. He gets the list of people to call it, and he can't even get the names right. Jared, it's like when they would give me extra time on a test, and I'd be sitting there going, this wasn't this. I mean, extra time, for example, if you get extra time in a geometry test and you don't know how to do geometry, a lot of luck that extra time is doing you. I would sit there like, can I hand it in now, please? Just put me out of my misery. I'm not going to figure it out with the injury time here. Just wrap it up, eight, four, four, five, hundred, forty, forty-two. We'll take the rest of your calls when we come back, and we got a great guest joining us at 205. She was new to the show the last time she came on, and she did a bang-up job, so she's going to join us again. Don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. I don't have time to go to the calls right now. It's too short of a segment. I will take your calls in the two o'clock. We have a great guest, Caroline Downey from the National Review, joining us to talk about UNC doing away with DEI, and also all of these protesters wrapping it up, calling it a day, heading out before they really made any sort of progress. You know, the Harvard-- Wait, wait, the war's not over? Jared, at the Harvard encampment, I keep seeing these headlines. Oh, they reached an agreement. They reached an agreement. So I'm looking through the papers going, what's the agreement? Like, what do they get? Harvard's agreeing to have a discussion with these protesters about the Middle East. Call me crazy, but that's not really an agreement. That's the lead-up to an agreement. I think they're wrapping it up because it's summer, summer, summer time soon. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]