The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Bring-it-On Moment: Debate Set For June | 5.15.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

It's finally happening! Biden has challenged Trump to debate, only with one catch. Grace reports on the fake tough guy vying for a second term, and she doesn't mean Donald Trump.

Broadcast on:
15 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly show. I can't believe it's Wednesday, but here it is. We're halfway through the week and we have a phenomenal program prepared for you today. Thank you all so much for joining us. We've got tons to get to first up though. Something we've been waiting for for a long time. The presidential debate, supposedly, is happening. - Oh, oh yeah. - We have a day. We have Mark your calendars. Get out your biggest Sharpie and Mark your calendar after Joe Biden put out a strange, highly edited. But I don't think he puts out any kind of videos now that aren't highly edited. He needs at least 15 jump cuts per 30 seconds to put out a video. He put out this video, very tough guy, very Clint Eastwood, accepting Trump's debate challenge. I wanna play this before we discuss. Here's Joe Biden. Cut two please. - Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. The sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. We'll make my day pal. I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dates, Donald. - I hear your free on Wednesdays. - And the free on Wednesday saying is a dig at him 'cause that's a day where his trial is on recess. So Joe Biden's throwing that in. Make my day pal. And he's acting like he's the one who really wants to debate. Trump's been putting up a podium at his rallies inviting Joe Biden. So Trump's whole mindset on this since the beginning has been anytime, anywhere. Let's do it. Biden is pretending that that's his mindset, that's his rules. His is actually more like, let's debate, but I have a lot of conditions. You know, there's a lot of boxes you have to check. - So he said, you know, I understand you have Wednesdays free and the Biden campaign merch store is selling free Wednesdays t-shirts as a dig at Donald Trump. So they scheduled this debate on CNN for June 27th, a Thursday, which is- - 'Cause nothing makes sense. - Peak Biden. Yeah, but you know what the crazy part about that is? - Leave me in the school, you're on Saturday after school. - He keeps taking these digs at Trump having to be at this court case. And I actually think it's a really dumb move because you're just reminding people that the whole purpose of this trial, this sham, I would call it a kangaroo court, Jared, but I'm friends with the kangaroo community. And I don't want to throw them under the bus. I don't want to get them upset. That's an insult to kangaroos. They have some, there's some laws among the kangaroos. It's not a banana republic. But this is such a sham of a mockery, of a sham of a mockery, of a sham. And by Joe Biden constantly making light of it and poking fun at the fact that Trump has no time to campaign like a normal presidential candidate would, is just highlighting how he's weaponized the justice system against his political opponent, how he's doing what they always accuse Trump of doing. Hypothetically, if you vote for Donald Trump and he becomes president, he's going to attack his political opponents. He's gonna jail journalists. You know, he's gonna become a dictator. What is Joe Biden doing? He's making sure that Donald Trump cannot campaign. And the American people I was reading this the other day, I think it was a Newsweek. It was this whole story about how the American people with everything that's going on right now, with the open border that is wreaking havoc on our country, with sky-high inflation, with wars breaking out all over the world, we deserve a traditional presidential campaign. We deserve to hear from both of these people. We deserve that they should be able to go and campaign wherever they want, just like it's always been. And the fact that Joe Biden thinks it's cute, thinks it's a little punchline, that he's not allowing the other candidate in this race to do that is to me, it's sickening. To me, it's disgusting. It's like slapping us in the face with it. You know, I'm not allowing this guy to run a traditional campaign because I'm too afraid, I'm too intimidated. I know that I'm outmatched here. So I'm instead going to use the powers that be to attack him and hamstring him and keep him in this dingy, cold, meat locker, style courtroom in New York City. It's dirty pool and people know it. And he keeps trying to almost, what would the word be, Jared? It's not like, it's like he's trying to make merch off of this. Like you just said he has the t-shirts, but he's trying to monetize or even make it amusing what he's doing and it's not. It's really at its core, it's really, really dishonest and it's cowardly. That's the other part of it. He's afraid. So he gets out there and he tries to pretend like, "Make my day, punk." "Make my day, pal." "Pel, I'll go at you." And the part of it that is funny is that he actually has a lot of contingencies. And this is not a JJ Manning style auction where you get no contingencies. He's got a lot of contingencies. He's got a lot of things that need to be, a lot of teas that need to be crossed, a lot of eyes that need to be dotted before he gets on a stage with Donald Trump. Before he gets on a stage with pal. And I want to go over some of them. So one, well, first of all, they don't want the, this one makes me laugh. They don't want the commission on presidential debates to have control of this. They don't want them to be able to organize it. Norms, grace, norms. I will say that's got to be a big blow to that organization. Considering it's the one thing that they do is organize the, you know, Jared, you could even say they wait four years for this moment. And Joe Biden just took it away from them. - It's like telling the IOC, ah, yeah, we're gonna have somebody else do the Olympics this year. - Or the IRS. We're gonna have someone else tackle the taxes this year. You guys hang tight. Thanks so much. But we brought in a private company. They're gonna handle it. It's like, what have we been waiting for? What have we been gathering for? I don't know how many meetings the commission on presidential debates have. I know it's a nonprofit. I don't know how much it costs to run this thing. But if they're waiting around for four years for their big, it's their big thing. And then you take it away from them? That's got to hurt. And also, the part of that I don't get Jared is what did they do wrong? Like Joe Biden, but per his own video, his own edited little TikTok or Instagram, whatever he put out, he won the two debates. He just declared it himself, right? 'Cause he can declare himself the winner. So he decides I-- I mean, he did it with the president's. Right. He was chosen, he was selected. So he's gonna select himself as the winner again. He says, I won those two debates against Donald Trump. Then why do we have to kick out the commission on presidential debates? If you won, if you won so handedly, why are we kicking out the group that organized it? And by the way, what did they do to tick you off? How could they have been more accommodating towards you? They had like Kristen Welker and Chris Wallace moderating the debates. Did they not pick people who were hackish enough? That can't be the issue. Did something happen behind the scenes that I'm not, behind the scenes that I'm not privy to? What went down? Why aren't you happy? The last debates were a joke. They were designed, they were choreographed and curated to make you look the best they possibly could. Guaranteed, it's heavy lifting. Even for the commission on presidential debates, they're not miracle workers. They're a non-profit. There was only so much. They don't have a magic wand, as Obama would say, but they did the best they could. And according to you, it worked, you won. So why are we changing that? That's number one. Then the other part of it is that he wants to move the debates up earlier, which I think Trump has said that he's down for that too. So that's not a problem. Donald Trump just wants to have these debates. And here's the big one though. Televised studio debate, no live audience. And when the speaker is done talking, their microphone gets shut off. Now here's where I'm going to the callers. Here is where we're gonna have a conversation. Because, let's go over both, okay? The no live audience, that gives away the whole game. That is such a giveaway of what they're afraid of. That Trump's gonna gain the momentum. He's gonna get people laughing. He's gonna work the room. We saw that. We saw it more when he was debating Hillary Clinton, than when he was debating Joe Biden. With Hillary Clinton, that was Trump before the swamp beat him down a little bit. And so he had a lot of levity and a lot of zingers. But I think that he might actually have that again, because he's had a four year break and he's had time to deal with all of this. So I don't think they want that. They don't want that moment like we had at the town hall with Trump and Hillary, where she was talking about how, if Donald Trump were president, things would be so bad. He turned around and he said, "If I was president, you'd be in jail and the whole crowd went crazy." And it really did start to turn people from feeling like this guy could never be president. It was a moment. The pendulum was swung when Trump stood on that debate stage or the town hall stage. People started to see him in a different light. They saw him next to Hillary Clinton and they thought, "Damn, this guy's handling this. This guy has what it takes." So they don't want that. They don't want a live audience. They know Joe's going to get flustered, especially if Trump gets a big laugh. The one I want to talk about with the audience, though, is the cutting off of the mic. Because I think that this could actually hurt Joe Biden and I'll remind you all that last go around, they had two debates. And what is always my biggest issue with those two debates? I actually credit one of those debates for being a major, major reason why Trump wasn't able to win over more people. And that was that he didn't let Joe Biden talk. He kept interrupting him too much. And I got messages from people who really liked Trump, who were texting me and going, he's making Joe Biden seem sympathetic because he won't let him talk. He's running over him. He's too aggressive. He's too angry. He needs to let Joe Biden talk so people can see what we're dealing with. And what I will say here is for Joe Biden, it was great because he kept getting interrupted. And then it seemed like, oh, if only Trump hadn't interrupted him, he would have finished his thought and it would have made sense. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That is the big misconception. If Trump had let him finish his doc, Jared, you know what he would have ended up doing? He would have interrupted himself. He would have done one of those classic, "Oh, I'll stop here. I won't get anywhere." Anyway, I won't go there. He would have done a lot of that. But Trump cut him off so to the untrained eye to people who aren't obsessed with this stuff, who don't watch it all the time, they're thinking, "Oh, well, maybe if Trump hadn't, you know, cut him off with the legs there, he would have been able to finish his thought and he would have made a good point. And if you know Joe Biden, you know that wouldn't have happened. And so I actually think that this whole thing about the mic, shutting the mics off, I think it could be a big plus in Donald Trump's column. But I'm willing to debate it with people, okay? I actually have the commission on presidential debates here in the studio and they're organizing this. - This just means it's gonna be up to CNN and their anchors to actually take out the flag and start chanting for Palestine instead of other people interrupting if there's no audience. - Yeah, I don't know what, the no-audiencing. And I also think that could help Trump too, because you're just gonna get this silence and you're really, people are really going to have to just listen to Joe Biden, which I think is incredibly uncomfortable to watch somebody, like yesterday, a friend of mine sent me a cut of Joe Biden talking about big pharma, talking about prescription jugs or something, one of his passions. And it made me sad, like I just-- - Perscription jugs. - It was one of those cuts where just 30 seconds of him rambling and I didn't laugh. I just was kind of like, oh God, there it is. And people do need to see that. And I think the silence and the cutting off of mics is gonna put that all on full display. So we're gonna talk about this. I wanna know what you think. And also, it's kind of our poll question of, is it even gonna happen? They say it's June 27th. By that point, Jared will have a verdict in this hush money trial. I wouldn't put it past them if they say, he's a convicted felon, he's not gonna go up, Biden can't legitimize Donald Trump by going up on a stage. I have not, that possibility is still in my mind, that he's gonna back out at the last second. And they're gonna use some sort of excuse. So I wanna hear from you, the number is 844-542. Taking a lot of calls this first hour, don't go anywhere. - Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. - Oh, absolutely, I've been trying to get, you know, he's issuing it, I wonder whether or not he shows up. Because, you know, he also challenged me to golf. So I'm a very good golfer, he can't hit a ball 50 yards. He said, I'll give him three a side. But he knows he'll never play. This is sort of like that, I think. But I hope not, 'cause I really think he has to debate, he might as well get it over with. Probably should do it early, so that he can, you know, he's not gonna get any better. - You know that, but June, September is great. - It's a down factor for him. - Yeah, I think June and September is great too, but I agree with Donald Trump. That was the former president on with Hugh Hewitt. And I agree with Trump. I'm not convinced that he means it. I think that, you know, you know, it's kind of a telltale sign. When you're challenging someone to a debate, and you're like, yeah, I'm willing to do a debate. And then in the video you put out, there's like 15 jump cuts. It doesn't give me the sense that live, live in person, you're gonna be able to do a really bang up job. But that's just, maybe I'm just a little bit of a pessimist. Maybe I don't have, you know, Jared, I keep the faith, but I don't spread it. And that's the most important part. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Like I said, you want no contingencies, they're the company for you. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111, or go to with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden has challenged Trump to two debates. What chance do you give the debates to actually happen? I'm still going 50%. 6% of the audience says 50 to 75% in the lead at 68% zero to 25%. Oh, really? Okay. 25 to 50 has 18% and 8% say 75 to 100. I think that a lot of people don't think it's gonna happen. I think that Trump's right, that he's so convinced. But here's the situation. Well, you know, I'll save this. I have an idea of how it could not happen, but I also, I don't understand how if Trump gets acquitted and you know, the jury does come back and says, listen, you know, whether one person or the whole, the whole jury says we can't, he's not guilty, we can't, this is insane. Like Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, all of this nonsense. Then I really think he's out of luck. Then I think he's bleeped out of luck because how do you deny it? Then he's saving grace as if Trump gets convicted and he says, I can't legitimize going on a stage with that guy. Lisa, what do you think? You're next on the Grace Curly Show. Hi, Grace, he's my voice. I'm having some allergies, but I thought I could get through this point at least. And I think you're right, if Trump is sound guilty, God forbid, Biden will say, I'm not going to debate a felon. And also, I think even if Trump agrees to the moderator and the cutting off of the mic and the 75 seconds response, which I think he should do because once he's on stage, when all those things happen in front of however many million viewers, Trump can say, Biden has to depend on the moderator and the rules to try to win this debate because he cannot do it on his own. Right. And that I think is going to be so obvious. And then if Trump says it, like not before, don't say it, but he should say it during the debate. If Joe Biden shows up, I think you're right. So he'll either say, oh, I'm not debating a felon or I have COVID and I can't do it. But he can't do that twice. So if they agree to debate, I think Biden will at least have to do the first one. I hope you're I hope you're right, Lisa. And you just made me think of something else. Because there's a whole thing of shutting off the mics. It's kind of like accounting the votes. Who's in control, Jared, of the big button that shuts off the mics? Now, what it would what it should be is it should be automatic based off a clock. But I want to see the clock. Yeah, you might say, Grace, you're paranoid. Like you sound like a conspiracy. There's I don't care. I want to see a giant clock in the background counting down the seconds. And then the second it hits, I want the mic off. If this is a situation where Kristen Welker is in charge of once he gets to 30 seconds, ish shut off the mic, I got a feeling they'll let Joe Biden go for 45 seconds and they'll cut Trump off right at 30. But that's just because I've been around the block a couple of times. I've seen this before. I'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. We are going to go back to Joe Biden in a second here and this debate situation. And if you want to call in and discuss and give me your theory on what you think's going to happen because I'm sure there's something I'm not thinking of. The number is 844-542-42 and the text line is 617-213-1066. But first, I have to deliver some real heart-wrenching news. And if you're driving pullover, because this one's going to be a tough one to still make, OK? You've heard that if Trump wins the election, and I know you've heard this before, so take it with a grain of salt, that Cher and Chelsea Handler and Whoopi Goldberg, that all these people are going to leave the country. And we always ask, is it a threat? Is it a promise? Can we get it in writing? Are you sure? Don't get our hopes up, please. My little heart can't take it anymore. If you say you're going to leave the country, you best leave the country. But they never do. Trump won in 2016, and none of these people gave up their citizenship and went on a great journey somewhere else. And so I tend not to believe people. But when I read this headline, I had to stop for a second and take a beat. And I really thought to myself, is the country going to be able to withstand this loss if hypothetically it does happen? Stormy Daniels' husband says they'll likely flee the US if Trump is found not guilty in Hush Money trial. [SCREAMING] Yeah, this one's tough. Well, first of all, I didn't know Stormy Daniels had a husband, so I'm still wrapping my head around that. But then the idea that if they don't get the verdict, they want that-- And that's something I noticed about Mr. and Mrs. Stormy, is that depending on the verdict, they are either going to be cool with it and stick around and maybe make another book about it and maybe monetize it. Or Stormy did the last time. She's just going to disobey a court order and keep going on this Get Trump witch hunt. But to hear that Stormy Daniels' husband, who's also a porn star, this is a match made in heaven. These are two porn stars that married. His name is Barrett Blade. Doesn't say porn star in the New York Post. It says adult performer. He teased the potential move as he-- He means he's not a star. He's whatever the league minimum is. He's just a player in the league. You're right, though, because with porn stars, it feels like everybody gets that title, but maybe not everyone should. Just because you're in that industry-- He's on the porn roster, but he's not a porn star. He's not a star like his wife. OK, understood. He says Barrett Blade, Stormy Daniels' husband, says the porn star pair will likely flee the US if former President Donald Trump isn't found guilty at his hush money trial. How will we move on from that? Will the Republic survive this great experiment? Hangs in the balance. You thought January 6 put our democracy at stake. You wait till Barrett Blade and Stormy Daniels hit the pavement. Then you're going to see a real issue. I want to hear from Barrett Blade because, of course, there's a lot of free time now on CNN that there wasn't before. Now that Michael Avenatti can only do the occasional Zoom call-in on CNN, they decided that, listen, we've got to find new people. Jeffrey Tubin's not as available. So who can we bring in? We'll bring in Stormy Daniels' fellow porn star slash husband, Barry Blade. This is what he had to say. This is cut 7. If Trump is found like not guilty, I think there's-- I mean, either way, I don't think he gets better for her. I think if it's not guilty, we've got to decide what to do. Good chance we'll probably vacate this country. Please say it in so. Please say it in so. Is there any wiggle room? Can we talk you out of it? Is this negotiable? Is this set in stone, Barrett? Mr. Blade. That is a good name, though. I get the sense that maybe neither of these names are their actual names. I know Stephanie Clifford is her real name. I wonder what his is. Unless you think it's Barrett Blade. I don't believe it is. A lot of the porn people will take names. That sounds pretty cool. You really don't want to call him a porn star. You really don't want to give him that-- I mean, he might be a porn star. I've not heard like Stormy Daniels. She was in a couple mainstream films because of her porn fame. Yeah, you reference those a lot. Yes. But Barrett Blade, I've never heard of. John Holmes, everybody knows John Holmes. That's a porn star. Barrett Blade. OK. You have a high bar. So listen, Barrett Blade. You're going to have to try a little bit harder. It's not just an update for everyone. And really, I just hope the jurors, Jared, don't let that affect their verdict. Because I don't want them all deliberating after this case is done and saying, listen, we don't think he's guilty, but we also can't lose Barrett Blade. What will we do without the Bladester in the US? And now, what I want to switch to-- speaking of stars, speaking of people who just have the it factor. Did you see Antony Blinken was in Ukraine? And I guess it's just something we do now. We send-- He was in the trenches with the troops during this awful war, correct? We send our leaders. We send our political hacks to Ukraine. They're either there for a photo op with Zelensky, where they're giving him a diploma that says how much money we're-- oh, here's another $60 billion. It's a giant check. Look, he just won the US Open. Yeah, they stand next to it. It really looks like Wheel of Fortune. And they also have a tractor behind it. And they're like, and also this tractor, this water ski. And so he's standing there. And that's usually what happens as they go. Zelensky's in all green, monochromatic, very stylish. And they give him a giant check. And then he says, thank you for the check. And while they're still all holding it, he turns to the camera. And he's like, this is not going to be enough, by the way. That's usually-- he's not very subtle about letting us know that thank you for this, but also we're going to need more. And so what Blinken did this time was a little bit different, Jared. He brought his musical talents to Ukraine as if-- He doesn't just listen to Spotify. He lives Spotify. As if they haven't been through enough. Now they have Blinken there. Hey, listen, we're footing the bell. They've got to put up with Anthony Blinken's one-man show on Broadway, if he demands they do. My name I used to have this. I bought this stage time, Bal. I paid for this microphone, Mr. Green. Mr. Zelensky. Mr. Green, because Zelensky's all in green. Yeah, so yeah, you're right. I mean-- Part owner of the club, I guess we all are. He gets to sing his song. This is like when I was a young-- when I was young, OK? And my parents would have their friends over for dinner. And it was like, God forbid, they all just enjoy a nice dinner. I have to come downstairs and say, I will be performing a song from Wicked. And you will all listen to me sing it. And they're like, oh, God. This is the sound of music. Yeah, this kind of up. Will not leave us alone. Everyone's like, oh, good job. OK, go to bed now. Please leave the adults alone. No, no, no, no, no. We're not even in Act 2 yet, people. Have a glass of wine. During Act 2, the robot falls in love with the My Little Pony. So this is Anthony Blinken. He's going around being like, now you all have to listen to me sing. And that's tough. That's tough for anybody. And so he's doing this jam session with a Ukrainian band at a bar. Can I have cut one, please? They're fighting not just for Ukraine, but for the free world. And the free world is with you, too. So maybe we can try something? Yeah. He is, Michael Scott. I didn't think it was with you, too. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Now, am I crazy, or has he done this before? Maybe not this song, but I've seen him perform live. I've seen him perform live twice now, and that's two times too many for someone who's not a professional singer. Like, nobody asked you to sing. Nobody wants this. I'm just amazed that the acoustics were so good in that bombed-out city. I'm surprised that-- I'm surprised that they don't just say to him, listen. You know what? You guys have done enough. I'm the secretary of state, but I'm also the secretary of rock. Of rock. I can't decide if it's just that the sound is not great of the recording, or if there's someone there who's a little pitchy. I mean, I'm not one to be Randy Jackson, but it doesn't sound-- it sounds like they could have used one more round of practice. And you know what the other part of this, too, Jared? My Nana used to say this. My Nana was a very wise woman, and she-- when I'm told me when I was younger, she said, at the end of the day, everybody wants to be a singer. And it's true. Like, deep down, everyone thinks. Everyone thinks of that moment of, oh, I'm at the wedding. The band doesn't show up. They look at me, and they say, we need someone to step in. What can you do it? Can you get by? And Annie Blinken is just doing that in Ukraine on our dime. And it's like, dude, get a karaoke machine or go to karaoke in your free time. But don't bring this other-- you're embarrassing us now. You're going around, and you're embarrassing us. Is this America being back? Annie Blinken and Jeans and a Ukrainian bar singing Keep on Rockin' in the Free World, which I know I have horrible musical tastes, but I'm not crazy about that song. Province of Karkiv, more like karaoke. It's just strange. And also, Red State pointed out, oh, I'm sorry. Town Hall pointed out that there is something ironic about him singing Keep on Rockin' in the Free World when Zelensky canceled the elections in Ukraine. And I do think that's-- Not to mention that. I mean, it's Neil Young. It's a pretty anti-American kind of sarcastic song, much like born in the USA type of-- Wow, this is really full circle. Wait, so Annie Blinken sings Neil Young in Ukraine. Annie Spotify Blinken. Neil Young tells Spotify they can't play his music because he doesn't like that Joe Rogan talks about the COVID vaccines in an honest way, which we're not allowed to do. And just recently, Neil Young said he'd go back on Spotify. He turned his back on that whole thing, Jared. He made a big stink about, I'm not going to legitimize this space that lets Joe Rogan-- have freedom of speech and talk to regular people. And now he's gone back on it and decided, you guys can have my music again. It's funny how this all connects. Speaking of-- So for everyone honest, the battle of karaoke. Very good. Well, the other part of this is that, since I just brought up COVID and talking about Neil Young and all these things, the Biden administration is leaning back on the pandemic. They're starting to get really desperate. And Peter Ducey was talking to Corinne John Pierre, and they were talking about why there is such a little enthusiasm for Joe Biden as he's running, as an incumbent, why people don't like him. And she did lean heavily on Putin and also COVID. And so when we come back, we'll play that sound for you. It's 844-542. 42, get on the lines now. We've got a lot more to get to. This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] A bit pitchy, dog. I wonder if Joe Biden's going to say another contingency for these debates. I need Annie Blinken to get at least five minutes of playtime. OK. He's going to be able to come out to the National Anthem, like Jimmy Hendrix if Woodstock. Our democracy depends on Blinken being able to shred. Yeah, 904 says honestly, what is with these left-wing politicians thinking they need to sing? Remember when Obama sang years ago, and everybody thought it was so cool, or Bill Clinton playing the saxophone? They are so desperate to be cool. I know Bill Clinton and the saxophone thing, because that became kind of a pop culture moment. But I don't remember Obama trying to sing. I don't remember it either. I feel like I would remember that. You probably did. Yeah. Well, I think people just, in general, people love to think that they can sing. Also, now I'm getting a lot of text about the debate. 978 says a debate is just an opportunity for biased moderators to debate Trump. Their questions are attacks and speeches. Yes, but we also-- we know that going in. That is just-- like, life is unfair. It's not going to be on the level. You've got to know that going in, and you've got to make it work for yourself anyway. Because the only other option is not having the debates. And I think it's very clear that no matter what they try to do, no matter how much they try to tilt this and put their finger on the scale for Joe Biden, it's not going to work. He's beyond that. He is beyond help. They're trying to carry water for him, but there's too many buckets. They can't do it anymore. So I really don't think that even if it's not 100% fair, which, of course, I'm not under the illusion that it's going to be, but even if it's not, I still think Trump comes out looking good. Because he's debating someone who can't put a sentence together. He's debating someone who just-- 904 says Obama saying Al Green. Interesting. 617 says here are my thoughts. Joe Biden is a coward. Maybe they don't want an audience because they don't want any audience reaction, or maybe they don't want any witnesses of what is actually said. Will this be broadcast live? How will we know they won't have a 20-minute delay so they can doctor what is actually said? I think it's going to be live. I think we'll know. And 484 says there has to be an audience. I hope that Donald Trump insists on that. I think Donald Trump, again, just wants to get in the room with Joe Biden and just wants to have something. And as long as Joe Biden opens his mouth, I think it's going to look good for Trump. Now, I did mention KJP. I did mention this question that Peter do see through at her because a lot of these polls, Jared, they not only show that Joe Biden is trailing in swing states, but a recent poll that just came out from Minnesota is a real problem for Joe Biden. Because what you can really take a lot from, as much as I don't trust these polls, it is very telling when you have a state like Minnesota, which if you look at 2020, Biden won that state by 7.2%. Right now, according to the polls, he's up by two points. And we know what that means. That means that's within the margin of error. And that's a big problem for Joe. And so because of these polls, and also just people's general sentiment and how people feel about the economy, how they feel about their safety, how they feel about the last four years, it makes sense that the White House is hitting the panic button. But take a listen to KJP's response when Ducey asks why Americans are down on Joe Biden, this is cut 10. Why do you think Americans are so down on President Biden right now? What do you mean? I know you don't like to talk about polls like the 5 of 6 swing states that he is losing right now to somebody who is a criminal defendant. But more broadly, it doesn't seem like anything you guys are doing is making him more popular. Why do you think that is? So you mentioned a criminal defendant, your words not mine. So I want to be super mindful about how I answer this question, because obviously that criminal defendant is also in the race for 2024 election. So I'm going to be super mindful there. Thanks for walking us through that. She always has to tell us how mindful she's being and how clear she's being. If someone always has to tell you how clear they're being and how mindful they're being, they're probably not being either of those things. Let me have cut 11 where she really gets into the meat of the excuses. I will speak more broadly to what's a broad verse board, perhaps. The American people are going through. Like we understand. We are sensitive enough and open minded enough to understand that this is not just this country, but globally, people have had to deal with a pandemic and coming out of that pandemic. We understand that even, you know, you think about gas prices and because of Putin's war, what that has occurred, that led to gas prices increasing. And the president had a lot to deal with when he walked in. A lot. Oh my gosh. They're trying. This is going to really test how gullible American voters are, because Joe Biden came in as president and sold Democrats and independents on this idea that he was a moderate candidate. And for the last three and a half years, he has done absolutely everything to set this country on a mission to destroy itself. All of his policies have been far left and radical. And now three and a half years in, he's telling you, and his mouthpiece, KJP, is telling you, he's reversing course, he understands, he sees the problems. And if you buy that and give him another four years, that's on you, baby. We'll be right back.