Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 77

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15 May 2024
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Ayan, Vav, Ummad Bayes, two legs from the bottom, Kihat Damar Rava, I put a triangle around Rava's name on Ayan's Ayan Zainamar alla from the third line, second word I put a triangle on that Rava, there's another one, three lines later, I put a triangle around that, and four lines later, third to the last word is a Rava, that's a triangle series of Rava members, which comes off what we were talking about at the end of last year, Kihat Damar Rava, similar to what Rava said, Hai Man Daugar, Agiri, Larafka, if you hired workers to plow your field, and Asumitru Malaymayya, however there was rain, probably over night it came and it filled the field with water, it can't plow it, well it depends, colon, E, ice, squiggle and on the word, E, Sirela R, A, May orta, if you gave them a tour and showed them the particular piece of land, already other previous evening, then if they show up for work, we'll say the Paolim, the loss is going to be the Paolim's, basically they should have known not to come to work and once they already saw the field it's almost like it's, well it's their mozzle and therefore they're not entitled to wages, however low Sirela R, May orta, if the boss had not showed them the specific plot of land that they were going to be working on, then say the Balabayas, the workers show up, like the piece should have gone and stopped them from stopping all the way out to his property, and therefore if he didn't do that, because how are they supposed to know which property it is, the Yavluhu, Kaipayo-Battil and then he has to compensate them like an unemployed worker, basically an unemployment sort of compensation. Vama Reva, another Triolan Reva's name, Haiman de Oguraguri-Lidavla, if somebody agreed to hire a worker, to Davla is to water, so to go to a water source, take buckets, and bring it to wherever has to be watered, and then it turns out Vasamitra, that between when they had this understanding and when there's just come to work, rain, fella, underlined Vasamitra, say to de Poelim, well the Poelim, they don't have to come anymore, they're not entitled to a work over us, Nahara, if the reason why the field was watered already when they showed up is because some stream overflowed and filled the field with the water, it needed, well, say to de Balabais, that would be the loss of the Balabais, because like how are the workers supposed to know there's some sort of stream that runs along the field, and like it would overflow its banks. He knew, obviously the boss and he should have let them know not to come to work, the Yavluhu and therefore he has to pay them Kepoibato, like a worker who has not got any work, in other words like unemployment. Vamaravai, Toronto of his name, Jaime de Ogara, Guru Ladabla, if he hired people, agreed that they would come and they would water, the thing is the Opossak Nahra of Pagaduma, so they started working, and like carefully through the day, the river runs dry, well, it depends, colon A, Eliovid, de Possak if it's highly unusual that the water source should run dry, then say to de Paul them, like the boss couldn't have known that one to tell them, and therefore the workers they lose their wages because it's like some sort of act of heaven that they can't continue, they lose whatever percentage of the wages they would have gotten if they continued to work in the afternoon, B of de Possak if it was very common that water source would actually like run dry, then it depends if their locals are not, colon A, bin A, matz, if they are locals in town, then say to de Paul them, because the people in town know what goes on in town, they know that they should have been expected to know that that water source might not last for the day, however love bin A, matz if they ain't from the city, say to de Balabais, there's a Balabais is a fault because only he could have known and should have let them know that, Vama Rava, the last triangle Drava, Hai Manda Agaraguila, Vidita, let's say hard workers first on to do work, Vishlima Vidita Vapalkadhyumma, you hired them I guess for the day and then but the work that you had for them was finished already and it's only noon only halfway through the day, so Iis lei of Vidita, if the Balabais says other work, deni hamini, that's either easier than the original work that those workers started that day doing, i nami te kava, so it's similar, ma fka vohu, he can tell them alright guys, we gotta go do this other thing, however de kashimini, if all the work that he has is work that's more difficult, lei ma fka leu, he can't give it to them, but nice to them, scar and michalamini has to give them their rightful compensation, now the kamor has a one second of mine, what do you mean he has to give them like full compensation for the rest of the day, question mark kamma, lase of lu kapayabatal, why don't we, why wouldn't he give them like a poll, like the balance should be just like an unemployed worker who gets a less amount, well here's why, because kikama rava, rava was stating his den, in a case we're talking about specifically the ahlushi de michuza, the strong men of michuza and the strong men of michuza have to be constantly working their muscles and their strength, the elo avdi, because those types of workers, if they're not like constantly working, haulshi it actually weakens them, and therefore it can't just tell them to go sit and twiddle their thumbs, that that's actually negative for them, period. ahmammar, we go back to the brisa we had on the previous ahmud, and we analyze it step-by-step, now we had in the second image, more and more in case, makhokus the robonner of dosa, seems and we'll see right now, ahmammar, it's a quote, it goes for a line and a half, this quote of the previous brisa, "shaman lohim," said the robonan, so we make an assessment, again the case was, if they didn't start the job, but if they started the job, in other words it was a kablan, it's not a an hourly wage, it was a job that they had to do, then we make an assessment, "shaman lohim esmasha osu," that which they did, "kaitzad," question mark, "then dah-dah-dah-dah, the brice continues, "hi yawfa shisha den yum naisan lohim salah," if the work still left to be done, they, they agree that they would take eight for the whole job, the work still has to be done, it would be require paying someone else six, so you would assume that they'd get, well what's eight minus six two, however nice limb salah, they get a salah which is four zoos, now that's interesting, they still get, if they only did have the job, they still get half the wages, even though to finish the job would be more expensive, yeah, because kasaviraban and I boxed the robonan, and this is going to be, ah, in concert distinction, two about ten lines later after the two dats is ribbedoisa, we boxed ribbedoisa, so now we're going to be going through the robonan part of the tonicama part, so to speak, of the previous brice, the robonra of the opinion that actually yawfa playa la la yawena, when you have a worker, a daily hired hand, he always has the upper hand, so to speak, and therefore if he agreed, let's say, work all day, and then halfway through the day, he stops, he's entitled to half of the wages, if that's the work that he did, even if it would be more expensive to hire someone else to finish the job, the brice continued for a line, I put right angles in, oh, yigmarumu la tambuluchetaise line, or they could be given the option, you know what, just finish the job, and get the original amount that we agreed upon, which is to sell up, so then where's his puito, like, yeah, of course, if you finish the job, he gets the full agreed upon salary, well, says that tomorrow low, it's not so simple, rather, srij, it's necessary in the following case, the ikr avedeta, to hire somebody else to finish the job, the same type of skill, would actually be more expensive, the imru paul, in imru as a lussian, of the kind of like hesitating, they're withdrawing, they don't really want to do the other half, goes along the balla bus, faazo balla baiz, the boss, and he very much wants to finish the job, and he smooth talks them, he says lots of nice things to them, oopai sinu, and he appeases them, and they agree to finish the job. Now, kama mao de tameyem might have thought to say, matsu, amri, lei, that they can say, since we just got finished saying the opinion of the rabbana, is yad paul alla yonar, the paul is the upper hand, the paul should be able to say, well, hey, listen boss, when it comes time to get paid, akim, if I see none, when we agreed, like, to work for you, we had a minor, ta-da-da, tuftalan agua that you were like, of course, gonna give us a little bit more for our wages. kama, kama shmelan, that's what the brice is telling us within the sheet is rabban and connector, da amra lei hoo, that, oh no, the boss can say, back to them, a daite de t'arachna lei hoo, yay, I buttered yap, and I told you, there'd be all sorts of benefits, you know what the benefits were, bakhila vashtiyya, I'd bring you guys, you know, pizza for lunch, and a bottle of coke or something like that, but if they didn't specifically speak out an increase from rages, they're not entitled to that. The brice continued, right, angles, sala, nice them, sala. So, if they did a sala's worth of work, they're entitled to a sala. Well, yeah, because that's how much work they did, shita, says the gmora. If what it is worth is sala, you give them a sala, like, what else would you give them? Well, low, it's not so simple, rather, it's three, that's necessary in this case. Devala, desal, a veditha, mei kara. So, the background here is that, really, the type of work that they were doing was less expensive, let's say, the wage would have been three. However, the boss comes and says to them, you know what, I'll hire you for four, fagrinube, te fei zuzah, an extra zuz. However, by the time they finished the job, Ula Saif, ikra veditha, the current price for the same type of work would be more expensive, vikam bit fei zuzah. If the average price for the work, when they were hired, was three for the job, here, the average price would be four. Now, when they agreed to four, that's because the average price was three. Now, with the time you might have thought to say, I'm related, the work was going to say to the boss at the end, they could say, listen, fei zuzah, I'm Rislan, you told us at the time, when all the going wage was three, you'd pay us four, which is basically like a zuzah above, whatever the going wage was, well, fei zuzah havelan. So then, give us a zuzah above, what the going wage is, and give us five, kama, kama shmalan connector, what we're being told is no dama luhu, the boss can say back to them, wasn't fellas, kiyama luhu te fei zuzah. When I agreed to pay you one zuz above what the typical going wage was for that sort of job, that's because I saw that you wouldn't like really agree to do the job unless I offered you more, and by the way, I happened to have my personal budget, that leeway to go up to that amount, to lohave kim luhu, you wouldn't have agreed. However, now that you agreed and finished the work, hashta kim luhu, well, now you agreed, and everyone takes four, and therefore you're entitled to four, period. That was all the Rabban and Robdosa, who we had boxed already, was the second Tana, who had what to say in the previous Samud, and Robdosa had said, shaman luhan, and this is all in the right angles for just over two lines, Robdosa says that when you have worked with it back out partially through the job, shaman luhan is ma shawceli, I'll say this if you make an assessment, well, how much is still left to do, kama, haiyya fashisha dinner, if originally the job would have cost eight dinner, and what's still left to do is going to cost six dinner to finish, nice luhan shackle, they're only entitled to a shackle, which is two dinner, in other words, they did half the work, they don't get half the wages, rather you assess what it would cost to finish the job, they get, the total they were promised, minus what it will cost to finish the job, that's what they get, which could often be much less. Kisovar and Robdosa's underlying principle here is, and I got underlying four words, yad poyel a la tachtoina, that actually, in these type of back out situations, the worker has the lower hand. Okay, the Bryce continued, right angles, oh, you can room a lockdown via Lucianese slime, or if they want they can just finish the job, they agreed to and get Shanese slime, which is essentially the wages that they agreed to, well, pita, of course, if they finish a job, they get the original agreed to wages, says the kama or a low, actually, no, it's not so simple, three, that's necessary when there was, again, a fluctuation in cost of workers to do this type of job, desalavidita, it actually is less to finish off the job, so they wanted to back out halfway through, and the boss calls his, you know, people who know when they say, "Hey, she has great news because it's cheaper to hire somebody else to finish a job than it was to pay the original guy what you were going to have to give him." The aimer Balabai is, and therefore when the Balabai is kind of like hesitates to let the fellow come back and finish the job, the Ozil, Paul, if I sue, but the workers who want to finish the job, they go to the boss and they, they, they, they sweet talk them and they appease them, well, it's the time you might have thought to say when it comes time for to get paid, "Matsi ammar luhu the Balabai is can say to the workers." Well, yeah, like, you know, you buttered me up and you said everything would be all right, and I understood that to me that I did, but three-souli magraikul that you fellas would subtract from your wages. So if you did the first half, great, the second half you were promised for, but like if everyone else is getting squeezed, that you would agree to take on these three, that's where being told, kama kamashmalan connector, down relay, the workers can say back to the boss, oh no, we were going to take our original wage, and of course, we understood that others to finish the job would be less, but I'd like to have dina lach, vida tasha pirita, we did that with the understanding that we would do like extra special good work, period. Selah, nason lahhem, Selah. So if the work that has still to be done, is going to cost a Selah, then they're entitled to a Selah for what they had already done. Now, if you agreed to give them two Selah, to do the whole job, and partially the way through, they're not going to continue, and they did a Selah's work, so they would get a Selah, which again seems pitta, like of course, why would you think otherwise? Amarov unabraderiv nason, actually the case is a little bit more subtle, low, not as simple as we presented it, rather three, if that's necessary, de ozilu inhu, gabé zu zum ikara. Originally, let's say the going rate was five, however, they gave him a lower rate, and they said, we'll do it for four. Okay, so they're doing it for like one below what the regular price would be. At the end of the job, lassave zala viditta. Actually, the standard price of a typical worker to do a job was no longer five, it was actually now four. Mau de Timi made a thought to say the bala boss, the boss, can say the workers. Butzur zu zum ri suli, all said that you would take like once or less, the going rate was five, and we agreed to four. Well, now that we finished the job, and the going rate is four, butzur zu zia, hit to the clock, I'm going to give you one less, I'd like to give you three, kamash malan. That's where being told within Shida Serb Dasa, de am relay, the workers can say back to him. Oh, no, rather key amarna lach, but butzur zu zum, we agreed to work for you for ones who's under what the typical rate was, de lohave kim lach. That's because like you wouldn't have hired us as workers unless we agreed to that. Okay, fine. However, hashta kim lach. Now you did agree to it, and we don't want to take less. We agreed to four, so it's going to be four, period. Amar Rava, I circled Rava's name, and exactly a line later, I circled his name again. So Rava says that looks like ribdosa, and when you have a worker who backs out, he's got the under hand. Umi Amar Rava, really? That's what Rava said. The ha amar Rava, we circled his name already previously. Rava says po el yachalak sir, po el yachalak, that it's totally within workers' rights to back out of his daily agreed work, and he's entitled to a full compensation. So what are we going to do with that? What does Rava hold? Butzitema, now the amarna suggests something. It's a point that the amarna makes takes till about the, let's see, second, and about the sixth line and number of bays. I put a long point marking in the margin, now down for about 10 lines for here and six and number of bays, the cretainment, if you want to try to say, well, no, Shanile, the ribdosa makes a distinction between what type of agreement was to hire the person, Ben Skirus, the kablonas. Was it that you were just hiring the person, like an hourly wage, to do some sort of non-professional work, or was it kablonas? Was it the job that they were supposed to do? Kama, Umi, Shanile, the thing is, though, does Rava make such a distinction? That means, excuse me, does Rabi dosa make such a distinction? Vahatanya, we have a braisa that seems to clearly indicate that he does not. The isa starts here, it goes till the end of the first line on our bays. Asaayuna sa paul, if somebody hires a worker, the katsayyam shama, halfway through the day, the worker here is like terrible news. She basically, basically, relatives died, like he has to go, or shaaxas sai. Kama, he has this like terrible fever that took him over, basically can't continue. Eam Sakhir, who, if he is a hired hourly wage worker, then nice and lyskara, he gets his wage, because this is like beyond his control, like he couldn't control that, that someone passed away. And therefore, there's no reason to consent him because of that. Now, Eam, kablon, who, if it's a job that he was in the middle of doing, nice and lyskablonus, so he's entitled to whatever percentage of the job he did. That's the end of this NAIC source. We do not, if I look carefully, have a name associated with it. So who's the Tana? We know there's two opinions on the issue. There's the Rabana up there. So who would be the Tanaic opinion behind what we just saw in that price, a mani, colon, elaymi squiggland, elaymi elaymi, and two lines later, last one line is elay squiggland, elaymi the yellow. So elaymi, if you want to say it's the Rabana and I underline, the Rabana, my area, then why would we even have to mention, here's a quote, seven words, put right angles in, "shama shameis lei mace." "Oyushag zoss lei hama." Something that, let's see, they heard some cultural truth that suddenly passed away. He got sick with a fever. Those are both examples of de honest, where something beyond his control happened. Kiloi honest, nami hama Rabana. Well, the truth is, if this is going according to Rabana, even if he wasn't an honest Rabana and said, "Ya'ad poi'ol, alo yayna." He said the other hand, if he wants to say quit halfway through, he's entitled to do that, elo. So he's squealing around the ela, now we're on the Rabana and Rabdosa, it must be that the previous snake source that we're reading is Rabdosa. He, ooh, shmami non. We would conclude from here from the fact that in both of the cases, the examples given are if an onus happened. What's the deuk that if it wasn't an onus? Hmm, then even a cipher wouldn't be able to back out. Shmami now, lo shani lei, and there's no distinction made by Rabdosa, because that was a Rabdosa brison that we read at the bottom of the previous of the top of this somewhat. Ben scerosa kablanos, no distinction is made. Okay, and therefore the question, like that contradiction of Rob said one thing, and Rob said another thing still remains. Amra of Naqman, Amra of Yitzchok, that really-- who updates it does make a distinction. Be davar ha'avud, be divrakah, but what we're talking about in this case is where it's something that-- it's not like a job that you can finish half of it and then just leave it and pick it up when you want to finish the rest or find someone who finished the rest. It's actually something that will get destroyed or lost, like we'll call it maybe perishable in the near future if it's not seen to. It's not that we quote our Mishnah, here's a about a one-and-a-half line quote from our Mishnah. Call a Mishnah, and then that was the last two phrases in the Mishnah that we had to be any of the Perik, roughly translated. If you have two parties who went to an agreement, whoever changes the arrangement has the lower hand or whoever backs out has a lower hand. Now, both of those principles we like knew from the cases that the Mishnah gave us, what are those two phrases therefore coming to teach us on top of what the Mishnah said? So, Bishlamais, we went on the Mishnah mother phrase of, "Call a Mishnah, Yodah al-Taktai." You know, whichever is the party that changes things, he has lower hand? Sassam on Tana Krebuhuda, what we're being told there is that the Tana, the author of the Mishnah, is saying that we go like Rabbi Yuhuda Zmachlokus, let's say a dyer who was told that he was supposed to die something red and he died in black, we're supposed to do a black and did red nuts, he did the wrong job, he was Mishnah, from what he was supposed to do, he has lower hand, and when he gets compensated, he gets lower of either what the costs were or what the current value is. Ela, so I screw on the Ela, this phrase of six words, red angles, call a Heuserbo Yodah al-Taktai, when we go back out, has lower hand, what is the case that we don't know about yet from our Mishnah that that would be coming to include, question markam, a la-bla-su-ye-pa-ye-el-ukur-ab-dysa, sure we don't say it's coming to include even a pa-ye-el like a daily worker, and it would be like erb-dosa? Ela, so I erm... Ela, erb-dysa, really erb-dosa, tartik-ammar, he said two things that the worker always has, the lower hand if he backs out, whether it was an hourly arrangement that he was going to work, like skewers, or whether it was kablanas to do a job, he always gets the lower hand, however, rahv was quoting rb-dosa doesn't necessarily have to hold, of everything rb-dosa does it as a rahv, Sarvala kablas-e-bechad, he agrees with him on one issue, which is if it's a kablanas, the scenario, upal-e-gal-e, have a rahv would disagree with erb-dosa when it comes to the skewers the hourly wage, that's one approach, e-by-same-i-squiggle and e-by-same-a, that when the Mishnah, coupled off ago, had this closing phrase, kohokhoyzerboi, yodhala-taktoyena, and you know when it backs out, it has the lower hand, that is lik-id-de-sania, as we see in the following, Brice of the Brice goes for about 12 lines, and fill the two dots after the word uh-shanim, as we said, e-by-same-a, kohokhoyzerboi, yodhala-taktoyena, that's the end of the right angles, is coming to teach you lik-id-de-sania, like for that which is right out of this brice, here's the brice of kohokhoyzerboi, if you have two parties and they made an arrangement and one party backs out, kaht-sad, what does that mean, like how would that happen, well, harish-a-makar-sada-lakhavirabel of zoos, let's say I have a seller and a buyer, and the seller sold the field for a thousand zoos, been nice in my mouth, my hand, my siam zoos, and the buyer paid 200 zoos, so far, wow, now one of those backing yots, so it depends, kohlin, bismanscha, maihe, kohokhoyzerboi, if it's the seller's blazerboi backing out, well, yodhala-kohokhoye, you know, the purchaser has the upper hand, how so, ratsa, amaloye, if the guy wanted to buy it, if he wants to, he can say to the seller, ratsa, amaloye, tanimoye, say I'd like all of my cash money back, or, he has the right, if he wants, he can claim this, tanimoye, kohokhoye, can I get my eyesight, give me land equivalent of the minority paid of my 200, maihe, kohlin, bhoye, so where is he entitled to collect that land from, oh, minna, it is from the highest quality land, kohma, bismanscha, hoyokhoye, the, if the one who backs out is the purchaser, then we give the upper hand to the other party, which this guy should be the seller, bismanscha, maihe, kohlin, yodhala-kohokhoye, maihe, kohlin, yodhala-kohokhoye, the seller, the guy who said he was going to sell the whole field for a thousand, and he only got 200, he has the upper hand ratsa, amaloye, he has the option, if he wants, you can say, hey, look, maihe, say here, take your 200 back, or, he also has the option, ratsa, amaloye, if he wants, you can say to him, hey, look, kohokhoye, can I get maihe, say I don't know, I'll take your 200, and I'll give you land equivalent of the 200, and guess what, maihe, kohma, bhoye, you know, which land you're going to get, minna, zibura is from, like, the lowest quality stuff, that's the tana kamara shimghon leel who we boxed, maihe, maihe, lambda nai saan, he has a much different approach, he says, we actually, we like the court system, have the following practice, we encourage them, we show them, we teach them what should be done, is shalayak suru, how do we teach them not to back out? Kate said, well, because let's say same case, guy wants to buy the field, it's going to be a thousand dollars, he'd pay 200, you know what shimghon leel's court would oversee, coissively, that the parties would write out to each other, quote, oni ploni, bin ploni, maharti, I sold saa de ploni, this particular field, lip ploni, to, you know, whether guy's name is, that I love sos for a thousand dollars, vanasan leel, and he paid me already, maihe, from them, my slimes was 200 dollars, vahrani, noisha, bhoye, and you know what I'm looking at it as is, oh, I told him the field, and now he owes me, kamah shimghon leel's 800, like, regardless of the deal, outside of the deal, he owes me 800, in that case, kana, the field, the entire field, the deal is done, umoxo la esasar, a filaka kamah shanim, and what about the remainder, he still has to pay that up, but even if it takes years, that is the preferred approach of our shimghon leel. Okay, that's the end of the brisa, we're now going to go over different parts of this brisa, almarmar, so we put right angles in the next four words, mahiqamah bioye, min hai edis, so the issue was, well, where is he collect one from, from the highest quality, now, highest quality, what, highest quality of the thousand, feel the agreed, or do you go into any asset in his portfolio of the seller and take the highest of the highest, kasal ka daitak, the have min hai edis, a squeel unaq saa daitak, mi yidis de nikhasa, where you're taking, not from the edis of the thousand field, you find the most valuable 200, or the most desirable 200, it's from any asset of his, the more says a one second, why should that be the case, the loye hei ella b'al haiv, the biggest thing is that he might owe him some money, or something of value, and we know in general that it's not, what does the misha say when a b'al haiv is someone who owes someone money, what quality of land can the one who's owed the money collect from if there's no cash, well, b'al haiv de no bebeinune, so he only gets average quality land, the oi didn't further ice squealing in the void, ha'ara de yo'heive, suzi, well, like, here's the land and he gave the money for, saa d'amirav nakhman b'ar yitzrok, mi yidis shiboh mi zibooris shiboh, that when we say the highest quality land, it's not the highest quality land in the entire portfolio of assets of the seller, it's of that particular field, or when we say the zibooris, the lowest quality it's of that particular field. b'al haiv de nobeinune, he has a different approach, he says no, a field of timimidis in a closet, you could even still go with what we originally thought, that the the one who let's say backs out the seller, the purchaser has the right to take from the best of any asset, forget about this field, any other asset of the seller, why, kostam man desuvan arabalfa zu, it's also a lot of money in general, a typical person who has to come up with the cash money, or the money to buy a field of such an expensive nature, he usually has to sell other assets that he currently has and as anyone who's ever had to sell assets that they have, they find that often they, if they want to sell them, they have to discount the price, so, oh, jzuli moizulumaz vin nakhazif, he actually could very well have had to sell other assets that he had for less than they were actually worth, in which case, when the seller of the field backs out, that's not just like a case of bakhal, that's actually a case of he was damaging him because of him, that was indirect, but the habit like kinizah can become sort of like these and these outfits, it's not, and we know what the misha says about, if you're collecting for someone who damaged you, vahanizalkin, I put this, it's not, we have a quote from mission over there in Gitzen, if it's a payment for damages, shamanine cadius, then he actually pays from the highest quality stuff in his portfolio. The price of above had continued, here's a two-line quotient one lea lea lei mare, melam de naisan, we teach the party, shall I yes sir, that they're basically not going to be able to back out Kate's side, and we turn this, where there was like a partial payment for part of the field into an amount of money that's owed, so how so Kate's side, quite simply, writes out any point, even plenty, et cetera, what else a question? Well, sounds like then from the Bryce, at least, from Shumu Lea lea lea lea lei mare, the reason why we have that in this, because the two parties wrote this out for each other, well, how light costs about, let's say it hadn't been written out, lo kani, you're telling me that according to Shumu Lea, the party that paid part of the money for the field wouldn't get the entire field, really, that's where Shumu Lea old's about time, and we have a Bryce, it seems to indicate otherwise, this Bryce of us for almost six lines, starts here. Hanaisin a Ravine lea claveri, if you have a person who gave a security, like he's, bring out the proverbial emerald green bowling ball, he gives this emerald green bowling ball a claveri, as for some sort of deal, as a security, the armor line says to him, "Emani Claserby, listen, Bob, if I back out, Ervine mahal, you can keep my emerald green bowling ball." Common Bob says back to him, Balaammar, he says, "You know what, uh, Horowitz, Emani Claserby, if I back out, I'm the potential seller, if I back out, eh, Balaa claveri Neig, I'll give you back your emerald green bowling ball, and I'll buy you a ruby red bowling ball." Well, in this kaimuat-senoyen, those conditions actually, if either side backs out, they have to be fulfilled, in other words, it's good, it's valid. Uh, Devirib, Yossi, and we, online, or Biosi, the Gomorrah, uh, interrupts for about six words, I put Brackus in, the Gomorrah interruption in this braisa. That's Rabiosi Latame, just by the way, as Rabiosi, going according to his name, we have heard him say elsewhere, Dhammar, he holds Asmakta Kanya, a mere reliance, or hey, you could trust me, even though it's not actually, like, written into the contract, uh, and not 100%, like, legally contractually binding, it's still, uh, Kanya, it, it works, and it, it's followed through on. That's the end of the Gomorrah interruption, uh, Brackus finished, Rabihu, the second of three tandoym that we'll see here says, "Diyoshikna, can I get Airvoy name?" Well, you know what, he gets whatever the value of the, uh, Ravon is, um, he gets the equivalent value of the, um, of the item. Amar, Roshungam Leel, now, he's who we want to focus on, because Roshungam Leel, whose comments, uh, in the above brice that we were dealing with, I box his name, Amroshungam Leel, Bemaj, Varamamurim, where is it that he can back out, and, uh, the other guy only gets his money, Bismansha Amarloi, that's where he said to him, Airvoyni Yaku, and I'm giving you the security, I want my security to acquire those assets. Avalmachalai saw the bellows, if it was just a field, then the agreement was that there'd be, like, a thousand-dollar payment. Vanessa Leel, Mehem, Kamehamehameha, he says, here's not 200, but it's 500, he paid 500. Kana, he acquires the whole field. Really? That's not what Roshungam Leel seemed to say before, he said he seemed to say, he acquires 200 of the field, or whatever he paid. Here, he acquires the whole thing. Ummaxalas, Ashar Afi-Lakha Kama-Shanam, and as far as the other 500, in this example, if it's a thousand-dollar field, he paid 500. He, it feels totally his, and he gives back the, uh, 500, doesn't give back, he pays the other 500, however long it takes him. That's in the next source, bottom line, what is Roshungam Leelhold? Well, says that more like Qash, there's no difficulty here. It depends, and this is very interesting, it depends, like, how much it seems that the seller really needs the cash money. Ha, de kaayel, the Mishnah, or we'll say the above Brissa, about, let's say, 15 lines ago, was de kaayel, the Nafik Azuzi, the mocha, the one who sold the field, is actually like Kansa, he's gone from this kamak to that kamak, looking for cash, and since that is the case, he's kind of looking for cash, he really needs the money. Whereas, ha, the price that we just finished with Roshungam Leel, saying that the whole field is his, de lo kaayel, the Nafik Azuzi, he doesn't seem to be his pressure to need the money. Daama Rava, and this we're going to really deal with till, uh, the Mishnah in the next Ahmud. Rava has this principle of, "Haimand is of immediate lehavre." Now, again, it's not, I'm, I'm gonna have to assume the typical person who sold something to someone else wasn't importing 10,000 of them from China or mass producing them. He sold his own item. Most people don't like selling their things. So, in general, we'll assume that a person sells a, whatever it is, to his friend, but didn't receive the money. In other words, like, it seems like the item was, uh, exchanged, but no money yet. Da kaayel, the Nafik Azuzi, and this guy's seen like nervously, uh, going here, going there, looking for cash money. Uh, he sees the money on that deal, and therefore, loi kani. Interesting that, that deal actually is not, um, a, uh, is not sealed, finished, clenched. If, however, lo kaayel, the Nafik Azuzi, he's sitting on his front porch, reading his, uh, his biography of Shomazaman Arbach, or learning Gomorrah, sipping on an iced tea, um, clearly he doesn't need the money in there for kani, then it would be kind of, comma. Daama Rava, "Haimand is of course." If somebody lent 100s to his friend, Uparay, and the friend pays back, but Zuz, Zuz, so I borrow 100 dollars from you, and every time I see you, I pay you a dollar. Piro and Havi, that's considered a payback, ela, just later, I miss that baby. One I borrowed from, can certainly have complaints, because they'll say, "Listen, Horowitz, what are you doing to me?" Daama Lay, "Aves de de Titinou, Minoy." If I borrow 100 dollars from someone and pay back 100 dollars, okay, but if I pay back a dollar at a time, then, you know, a dollar here, dollar there, it doesn't always add up to 100, because you spend on this little thing or that little thing, and therefore, you can have a just complaint against me, period. Hu Garver, there was this guy, de Zoven le chamme le chamre, he sold a donkey to his friend, Uparay, Zuz. So, whatever the price of the donkey was, as he was 100, he had paid, sold it to his friend, and his friend paid him 99, de Kyle Vinavagazusa, and he's like, you know, nervously, trying to say, "Hey, hey, Bob, you have that dollar for me? Hey, Bob, Bob, do you have that dollar, Bob, uh, you have that dollar you sold me?" Okay, so well, how do we look at that? Yossa vravashian, una vashia, become Ayan, Bob, and he was analyzing this case. Kihai Gavna, my, what do we say in this case? Because he still is like, you know, nervously trying to get that dollar. Do we say that there can be a back out or not? Kani, olo kani. Well, amalir mortikia, analir mortikhi, he says, ravashii, hahai amaravimi me hagriniy, amishme in the name of Rava, and again, this is the same Rava that we had a few lines ago, a circle of his name, Zuzah, one zuz, kazuzi, is like a number of zuzdami, the lo kani in there will not be an agreement, which means it's amazing as it sounds. The agree to it would be 100 dollars, you paid him 99, if the seller is constantly trying to get that dollar, can you know that dollar to have that dollar? Actually, it would not be Kani. Amalir ravel parader of Yousa Vandalin, his name, he says to ravashii. Well, okay, but don't we have another tradition of what Rava said in the same case? The hahai mri namishme, it was said in the name of Rava, I swear we'd all his name again. Kani, and I don't know why Kani, that it would be Kani. So the thing was, the donkey was sold for 100, he paid 99, even though the seller is constantly like, hey, you have that dollar, hey, Bob, you have that dollar? Still, the 99 was Kona the donkey. So what does Rava say? Is it Kona or not Kona? Well, Amalir, so said back, ravashii, to Rava Khmer, to Yousa, to Targum Shreisei, that we'll have to understand your tradition from Rava, that's true, however, it's by a particular asset, that's been like rasade. You know, it's a good deal when it's clear that the field that was sold was a very low quality, and that which he keeps hassling the guy to pay totally is because he basically wants the money, because a lot of times when you have a purchaser who bought something that's not of the highest quality, it could be an issue of getting the total payment from them. Period. Adkhan.