Football Function

2024 NFL Schedule Release

Mike and Terry take a week-by-week look at what we can expect for the 2024 NFL Season.

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
Audio Format:

Looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees, better rates, and gives back to the local community? As one of Colorado's largest credit unions, Belco offers great rates on products like our free boost interest checking and lower rates on loans, including our home equity choice line. Bank virtually any time, anywhere, through online banking and our mobile app. Becoming a member has never been easier. Visit or stop by any Belco branch, membership eligibility required, equal housing opportunity, all-own subject to approval, insured by NCUA. Belto, banking for everyone. What's going on, everybody? Guys and girls, welcome back to another edition of the Football Financial Podcast. Available on all of your podcasting platforms, including on Patreon, if you prefer an ad-free listening experience. As always, I am one of the hosts of the show Michael Ritter. You can find me on X at Michael5Ritter and on Instagram, obviously at Michael Ritter 5, and also the host of the SmackDown Review podcast over on the WWE podcast. Yes, sir. I guess. It came out a little bit weird that time. We are a little rusty. Yeah, it's been awesome. So you'll have to bear with us. It's just, you know, it's summer vacation. We're getting back into the swing of things. Obviously, the draft is over. The fact that the NFL schedule is out for the 2024 season. That's the main reason why we're here. We had some other things scheduled that we were going to talk about. Yeah. Going to push that off a little bit. No worries. This is a pretty action. Yes. This is a big deal here. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited about the release of the schedule, man. Speaking of scheduling, that's just what it was. It just didn't work out. Obviously, we had some days we were working, some days that just didn't work out for the pod, so you know how life is. Yeah. Luckily, it's the off-season we have shows like you call it's the wall function. Obviously, a grim reefer. Dropping the a little mini episode of the international reefer report. Yes, he is dropping reefer's rival reason. But the schedule coming out means that we figured out which international games are going to be taking place. Keep in mind, that's what grim reefer was introduced as to the football function podcast as strictly the international correspondent. A reefer report. Yes, exactly. Covering all the games that happen overseas. Now, he's involved in a much bigger capacity, which we love having grim reefer. Thank God he's here. So, yeah, listen to his episode where he focuses solely on the international games. But Terry and I are going to try to quickly run through weeks one through 18 and break all these games down. Obviously, not all of them. We're just going to kind of run through them as quickly as we possibly can. Yeah, we're going to talk about the ones that kind of stand out. But before I get ahead of myself any further, joining me on this episode, my humble co-host student of the game. Terry, how are we doing? What's up, everybody? I am doing great. Hope everybody out there is doing great as well. Thank you guys for tuning in to another episode here at the football function. I am glad that you are here with us. Yeah, we are ready for the, you know, just to talk about the NFL schedule release here today. Man, everything's been busy in my world. If you wanted to know, my daughter got first place in the tournament, which led to seeding into our next tournament in Oklahoma City, which is next weekend, which we got. Yeah, we got a pretty good seeding. The path to the championship is in our favor, I'll say. We've seen some of these teams. They've came to Amarillo and played against us this season. And we've seen a lot of them, but the scheduling, it kind of, like I said, it favors in our way, but we have one game in the morning and then like a fucking six-hour break. And then next game and then right after that, back to back. So when, when are you playing OKC? Are you playing like in OKC, like in like downtown OKC or is it like a suburban town? Yeah, it's a good little suburban high school town, a little town that has, I mean, they're pretty known for their, I see it all over the field. They've got soccer championships from fricking the nineties all the way up to now. They're pretty good. Their stadiums is freaking awesome, but they've got these little fields that surround it. And that's where we play and then the championship is played on the big field. And we haven't experienced that yet, but this year I feel like we've got a good chance of the FC Dallas slash we've got big enough. We've got a big enough team where we had to separate it too. We are FC Dallas Razzmataz. And yeah, we are. We're coming in with fucking a whole lot of momentum. And I'm super proud of these girls that they've grown as a team. And especially with, you know, how my my daughter is just has been, you know, I'm gonna call a spade how it is. She's been the best player on her on all her teams. And she's been killing it. The only player that, you know, has done all the shit that'll dribble, shoot, whatever. I'm proud of her with all that shit. But this is the team that, you know, has multiple girls that'll do that and Nova's like the fourth best on the team. She's no longer a big fish in a small bag. Now she's swimming with the, you know, just to see her passing it to everybody, dude. And them fucking, you know, scoring and everything did. It's been awesome to see in that the momentum we're carrying into this fucking tournament. I'm so pumped, man. I am so pumped. Love to see it. Love to see it. Speaking of sports, we've been taking over my world Thursday night hobby, you know, obviously doing our volleyball thing. Hasn't really gone as great as it could have now. You know, it's just we're talking strictly in the win loss category. Yeah. Yeah. We definitely want to go undefeated. We flash. We show flashes. Every week we do. Every single game. But it's just, you know, the, the holes on the team. I was going to say, how do you explain this? That's not like dickish or, you know, totally not the truth. I mean, you know, we, we have to remind ourselves several times that, you know, hey, we're out there to have fun. We're out there to scratch an itch. Yeah. To, uh, you know, just get that athleticism bug. Kind of just get it out in the air, kind of play with a little bit. That's what it's all about. Yeah. That's what it's all about. But yes, we would be lying if we didn't, you know, if we said we didn't want to win facts, you know, when we go out there, we want to put our best foot forward. There's teams that have no business beating us that they should need me on the court with us. Can put up some points. But I was saying we, um, you know, we shoot ourselves in the foot. There's time where, you know, we'll, we let a run go too long and we can't break it. We'll cough up six easy prints just so quick, just not people not being able to serve or setting it up to the wrong spot. You know, you just, the occasional shank. Yeah, which happens a lot. Like I said, I mean, there's not really our team isn't just dripping with talent. Now we do have some players, but every, you know, there's just a lack of structure. There's really no infrastructure. There it is. The structure of, uh, I don't want to say, yeah, I guess the basics, you know, bump, set, spot, fundamentals. Yeah, the fundamentals. That's, I don't think any all everybody on our team, took about a calendar year to teach some of these players how to set. Yeah, that's, uh, I mean, then the center is one of the most important people on the fucking, on the fucking volleyball. Because the thing is, just really quickly, a little side, I know this is a football podcast. Trust me, we're about to dive into this schedule in at the time. But as far as volleyball goes, you know, in pool volleyball, sand volleyball, you know, beach volleyball, whatever you want to call it. Yeah, you might want to just bump it back and forth, have some fun, you know, have the matches and have each specific, but that's where that belongs. Yes, each, each, you know, specific serve, make it as fun and as long as possible. Yeah. But if you're actually playing a sanctioned volleyball match where there is a referee up there keeping score, calling the ends, the outs, you know, looking for people jumping on the net, all that good stuff. This is legitimate volleyball. No, it's not like college, co-ed volleyball or anything like that. But if you go out there lollygagging, you're going to get a ball hit right at your face. So feel really uncomfortable or something like that. You'll made yourself look like a stooge. Nonetheless, don't even know where the hell I was going. Where was I? Oh, shit. Oh, yeah, just the simpleness of, you know, like beach volleyball, the difference in that and actual sanctioned volleyball is you want to make them actually earn it. If you just bump it right back over, they're going to be the ones that get a chance to bump set spike very easily. Talk about it. But if you actually make them play volleyball, which is set it up, allow one of your more athletic players to go and try to spike the ball, actually hit it relatively hard. Yeah. You can maybe time where you want to hit it, hit it at a specific spot that area might look like it's open or target a specific player that you feel like maybe we'll shank it themselves. Bingo. We'll not do the best. I love doing that too. But I will specifically pick out their weakest link and I will, especially on my surf, oh, I will expose. If you're just hitting it back and forth, that's not how volleyball is meant to be played. And there's, you know, that that's a problem on our team, not necessarily with Terry and I, but with certain people, like I said, we're not throwing anybody into the place. Yeah, no names being said. We're just simply saying, well, it's obvious that everybody should know at this point is other teams have told us about this issue. Yes. And you know, I just feel like we show flashes. Like our buddy, Caleb Grant. Oh my gosh, envy fucking P is entertainment. We're talking 2013 Josh Gordon out there. The flash. I mean, you're down five points, as you know, in volleyball, they go to 25. I think it was 24 to 19. And they have a pretty like, I'm going to be honest, the guy that we were going up against for a while there, he was absolutely just dominating. Yeah, he was both. He scores probably like, he's a volleyball coach, like 12 points in a row for their team by himself. And yes, just was putting us in a little bit of a hole. Well, Caleb Grant decided to go one on one head to head with this guy. Did not fucking bad. And he was getting the better of him for legitimately, like the score ended up being 24 24. We ran out of time and ended up being next score wins. And unfortunately, Shank City, one of our players, like we're talking about, tried to serve it and she served it into the net. And that's how our heroic comeback, even the referee was rooting. Oh, yeah, she let us go longer than the time was supposed to go out. And even the next game, you know, just come out, you know, you feel like you're playing your best volleyball. And you know, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't, but hopefully we end the season on a on a positive note tomorrow whenever we get out there. Caleb was on one that game that that dude literally spiked one down my throat. Caleb had the fucking joust of the century, I think, on that guy and this guy fucking fucking flitted down my throat. Because he was just, it was just the savvy veteran moves. Caleb would jump up, make it look like he was about to hit it directly at the guy who'll get him to leave his feet, jump up, and then bam, with his left hand, hit it right to the open area with that guy just left. So smart. And if the players on his team don't know to cover, like if you jump up to try to, you know, like say I'm in, say I'm in the front middle and there's a girl who's short right next to me to my right and she's going head to head with a tall guy, I'm going to slide over and I'm going to try to block him, even though it's not right in front of me. So somebody needs to come up and it's up to me to come in your spot. Exactly so. Just, you know, the more you know, you're going to get that in the old volleyball world. Before we officially dive into football though, a quick basketball question, Bronnie James, combined. I did hear about six foot one, you know, the average five points in college, I understand, you know, look pretty good at the combine with one of the best at the call in that shoot around and all that good stuff. However, I will say just history tells us six foot one players that average five points a game in college don't get drafted. Now, it's not going to be the case with Bronnie James. He's going to get drafted. I feel like it's pretty safe to say, yeah, some teams going to take a swing on them. I mean, it's the NBA draft at this point. Teams trade their, their picks six years in advance. Yeah, you know, like draft picks aren't quite valued in the NBA the same way they are in the NFL. It's weird. You know, it's just a completely different sport, a whole different world, but where do you stand on Bronnie James? Well, I love him as a, as a player. I really hope, you know, he stays healthy for one thing, you know, the cardiac arrest thing was one of the most important things that he needs to get over and make sure everything is all right with him with his health first. But as the player, and I just really hope he finds a team that will let him grow as a, as an NBA player, let him nourish and not really pay attention to the last name and not the hype. Let him grow as his own individual basketball player and not some sort of prince of some sort of, you know what I mean, or trying to let him live up to the hype of the shoes of his father or anything like that. Let Bronnie James be him and let him grow in your organization, nourish this kid, let him grow with the team that you bring him in. And, you know, as far as you do, you know, as if you do that, I think he'll be successful anywhere you go. He's got the bloodline, you know, obviously he's got the skill. He'll be a facilitator, shooter slash, you know, just a high energy player about, you know, anything injury wise or health. So I wish nothing but the best for the kid. He's going to, it's going to be interesting to see, you know, how somebody takes this kid in and pretty much learns to live with just the, the sure fandom that's going to come with him and the media follow and just everything, the outside noise, how they handle all that. I'm ready to see it. No doubt, no doubt. Um, really quickly, you know, Celtics, one and five games. Yeah, it's a conference. They should have wanted to name four games as it gets the cavalry. Big deal, you know, third straight conference, final six out of eight years. No big deal. I understand. Yeah, people are going to bring them zero rings, all that good stuff, whatever that they've done in the, in that time frame. But I'll be honest, I don't think they really had a shot until 2022. Like despite it being six years, I feel like it's more like the past two years where they've legitimately a championship aspirations. Um, last year, obviously, that whole flooky bullshit. We don't really get into it. You know, Tatum gets injured in the first two minutes of the game seven and that pretty much completely rolled, uh, rolled out that miraculous comeback down three. Oh, you push it to a game seven. It was all but set in stone that, you know, we were destined to win that game. And in the first minutes, kind of universe flips on his head. It is what it is. But now who we are going back to the conference finals and I'm feeling pretty good. I mean, despite, you know, people thinking that it's the easiest path. We played a Jimmy Butler list, Smimey Heat, and then, uh, but pretty much Donovan Mitchell lists. I mean, Donovan Mitchell was going off from the first weekend. He was the only player, but, you know, there was no Jared Allen, Jared Allen, right? Yeah, Jared, Jared, not Jared. It's a pass rusher formerly of the Kansas Chiefs, Minnesota Vikings, but I love his sack. Yeah, it really doesn't matter. Um, as emay Udoka, our former coach, the current coach of the Rockets would say, we're not going to apologize for winning. Yeah, you don't know, you put whoever in front of us doesn't really matter. Um, people say it's a very easy path to the finals. Shocker. You win 64 games. You get the number one seed. You get the easiest path to the finals. I thought that's how it works. That's how it's always been. And I guess I'm a little bit, um, yeah, I guess I'm a little bit perplexed as to why we're being judged for that, but hey, nonetheless, I'm not going to complain about it. Um, I'll be the first person to tell you all agree with the, yeah, easy path to the finals. So we earned that easy to just hoping that we have a plan for you'll get. Yeah. Yeah. I was about to put it over to that side because that side has been a little more interesting than, uh, you know, the Eastern conference. No doubt. Eastern side, but it really has, you know, Anthony Edwards, just battling out with Joker and Jamal Adams. Jamal Murray. Yeah. Jamal Murray. Sorry. It's not Jamal. I'm safe. He, huh? Sorry. He's sorry. He's fucking on a month football mode right now, but the person that's been surprised me the most is Aaron Gordon, that kid has been fucking phenomenal for the whole series. I think he's one of the biggest X factor that's leading the nuggets right now. Looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees, better rates, and gives back to the local community. As one of Colorado's largest credit unions, Belco offers great rates on products like our free boost interest checking and lower rates on loans, including our home equity choice line. Bank virtually anytime, anywhere through online banking and our mobile app. Becoming a member has never been easier. Visit or stop by any Belco branch membership eligibility required equal housing opportunity all owned subject to approval insured by NCUA. Belco banking for everyone. Oh, yeah. I mean, you look at that series. You also look at the Mavericks and Thunder. Oh, such a fucking good one too. Kai and Luca or such a one to dynamic punch, dude. It's all awesome. I mean, just if you look at where we're located right here in the Texas Panhandle, it's a weird spot to be in. Like you're closer to a lot of it, you know, cities, but nonetheless, the fact that Denver, OKC and Dallas, are three of the four possibilities of going like where the finals is going to be. Yeah. And it's right down the street from us. Very doable as the Celtics end up, you know, getting there. But man, with the NFL schedule coming out today, which is a perfect segue into this tickets go on sale. Oh, yeah. And, you know, you're licking your chops. Oh, man, I already know three, the three guys. I say, what do you get your eyes on? I'm going to the Kansas City Chiefs game. Oh, shit. Week three Sunday night football in Kansas City in Atlanta. Yeah, that if I was going to Kansas City, man, that would be a very why I wouldn't do it, just being honest, I probably wouldn't do it just because. Yes, like, if that's my home was late in his career, and it was one of my last chances to go see and play in person, I might consider it. But I don't just, you know, want to voluntarily go to an environment like that when the Falcons aren't a legitimate Super Bowl contender. Now, who knows what they're going to be once they get on the field. I don't necessarily have that high of expectations. I think they're going to, you know, walk through the NFC South is what I expect, like a hot knife through butter, be a legitimate contender in the NFC, you know, we'll, you know, take our chances once we get there. But the Kansas City Chiefs game, for sure. I have to take my dad to the Las Vegas Raiders game, week 15, Monday night football. Oh shit. And then Vegas? Yes, in Vegas. And then Denver Broncos, one of my favorite road games that I went to so far. So obviously, this one's probably going to suck. For the most part, what I experienced in Denver whenever I went there in 2016 was a phenomenal experience. I bet. Nonetheless, the fans were pretty much the most welcoming and kind fan base that I've been a part of just going to like on the road, going to a different atmosphere as the visiting team. It's a mixed bag, usually would never recommend going to Philly, would never recommend going to Boston like New England. Boy, I might be going to Boston Harrison. I would very much recommend going to Denver, going to Cleveland, going to Houston. You know, there's a lot of good, a lot of good environments out there that I've been to Dallas as well. Great NFL atmosphere. It's one of the first ones I ever experienced. And yeah, I would love to continue going to visiting stadiums like that. But and what that would be further ado, let's go ahead and get into this. Let's do it, huh? Week one of 18, we're going to roll through this as quickly as we possibly can. But there are some juicy games. Like, for example, I really love this week one slate. When you look at how it starts off rematch of the AFC Championship, Baltimore Ravens at Kansas City Chiefs. And then the very next day in Brazil, you got the Grumet Packers and the Philadelphia Eagles. First Brazil game ever. And then obviously week one kind of as far as like the Sunday games. Yep, some taste. It's a very important part of the schedule, like where and who you go up against. Because obviously an 0 and 3 start can put your coach on the hot seat, can have a quarterback lose his job, could have a team officially go into tank mode just because they pretty much has waved the white flag. If they feel like just things aren't kind of falling in their in their favor. But I'm looking at Pittsburgh Steelers at the Atlanta Falcons. Obviously, the return of Arthur Smith. Oh, that one's going to be very interesting. I know Howard Poole is going to be tuned into that. So I'm very anxious to get his thoughts on that whole match up. But then you look at matchups like, let's see Houston Texans at Indianapolis Colts. You have the Denver Broncos at the Seattle Seahawks. We mentioned that being a Super Bowl rematch Super Bowl 48. So a nice interesting way for them to start that went out. They were also the week one game for 2022. I think we discussed before we started recording. So they open up the season against a familiar team. We got Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns. I thought that one was a little bit interesting. Usually they put the Cowboys in that Sunday night slot. Yeah, New York Giants or something like that. So they have them going to Cleveland on week one. It's like, Ooh, man, Cleveland at their healthiest, I feel like is going to be a tough team to be, especially in Cleveland, you know, a worse crowd. Imagine that being Nick Chubbs return game. I think they're going to be very fired up very much on their feet. And then you have Los Angeles Rams at Detroit Lions for Sunday night football to end that Sunday slator games. I think that's a great game. Obviously the rematch of the wild card round last year. Matthew Stafford, Jared Goff both do in their things for their respective teams. And you know, the Lions breaking out new uniforms. It's tough to not get excited about that. And then you look at how the week officially closes the New York Jets at the San Francisco 49ers, Aaron Rodgers going home to the actual home to the Bay Area, getting a chance to play his childhood team. And what could be his first game as a jet? Hopefully. Let's hope this season starts a little bit different. But I think that's a great week one. Was there any games that I did not highlight there that you feel like is worthy of our attention? No, I mean, honestly, I mean, I'm going to go towards the Patriots and Cincinnati game. Obviously it's going to be a big game for us. New start of the, you know, the new whole season for us. Literally and figuratively, this is going to be an ultimate test to see where we're at right out of the gate since Danny Miggles nobody to joke with. And I want to go to the last game, the Jets and the 49ers have been talking to Andy a lot. And he is happy that this game is not at home at MetLife Stadium or whatever it is. I can't remember. But yeah, he's just happy that Aaron Rodgers will get the start on some grass. He's super happy about that. It's a great point. Great point. Week two, both of the little bills that Miami Dolphins started off. I think that's a great way to do it. Divisional matchup, usually those Thursday night games don't have the juice. Yeah, this one's going to be a very interesting matchup for sure. And then you look at, you know, Raiders versus Ravens has that aesthetically pleasing type of field today. It does. Saints at Cowboys just always seems like they put on great games. Bucks at Detroit Lions. That just feels like a really good matchup. You got Colts at Packers, Browns at Jags. That was a pretty good game when those two teams played late in the year last year. Oh, yeah. Let's see here. We're reading this. So bear with us for sure as we're kind of getting through the Seattle Seahawks at New England Patriots, another Super Bowl rematch back to back to start off their season. Division matchups, Giants and commanders and then Rams at Cardinals. Steelers at Denver Broncos. That one feels good because it's obviously a Russell Wilson revenge game if he's going to be starting there for Pittsburgh Cincinnati Bengals at Kansas City Chiefs. And then you got Chicago Bears at Houston. That's CJ Sprout versus Caleb Williams, two of the better young quarterbacks in the entire league just seems like that's a great way to end that week. Like once we get to the four o'clock slot, it seems like that week really starts picking up steam and it ends. You know, obviously I'm a little bit biased, but the Falcons on a good Monday have not had a prime time game since the 2022 season. They did not want all year last year. They didn't deserve it. And well, I think I had played the Panthers. I don't know, but we still mean either way, we have not played great on prime time. Now we have a chance to play the Philadelphia Eagles. I understand they're a great team. There's some pretty, I guess, surprising stats though that I've seen. Number one, whenever the Philadelphia Eagles are a playoff team, they beat the Atlanta Falcons. I think that's a weird way to kind of start it. Let me try to explain it a little bit better. The Eagles and the Falcons play each other quite a bit for not being divisional opponents. It's actually pretty strange how often these two teams play each other. And every single time that the Falcons beat the Eagles in the regular season, they don't make the playoffs. It's weird. It's a weird little and it's really just the 20 or the past 20 years. So it's not like dating back for the entirety of their franchise, but long story short, the Falcons are pretty much like, I guess, one in 11 in the matchups where the Eagles do make the playoffs. So if the Eagles are a playoff team, the Falcons are one in 11 in those matchups. So I think that, you know, obviously we expect the Eagles to be a playoff team. They did kind of fall off a cliff last year in the season. They got one and done in the playoffs by an NFC South team. I personally feel like the Falcons are way better than now. They had say, calm Barkley, they have some really good additions in the offseason in the secondary. Yeah, I think the Eagles are going to be a tough challenge. No doubt it's tough to win in Philly. I've been to this, this exact matchup. Not on Monday night. It was on a Thursday night season opener, but it's the home opener for the Eagles. And I expect that crowd to be absolutely crazy. But man, I'm pretty confident about this version of the Falcons, especially offensively. Yeah, I think that with Kirk Cousins, a competent play caller, like we didn't get blown out last year, even with a turnover machine at quarterback and a very, I don't want to say scared play caller, but a very stubborn and very suspect play caller. So I think that with the. Very critical spots and not to mention, you know, hopefully getting some more juice from our pass rush that we, you know, we had some pretty good stuff last year. You know, for our standards, Grady coming back, Grady's coming back. Nice. David on Yamada's coming back. Obviously, AJ Terrell's there. We got Jesse Bates in his second year. And I think that's going to be just pretty much as solidified as it can be in the back end, you know, two all pro guys, I'll take it. I don't want to spend much more time on this, because we still got, you know, so much more to get to you. But I just, I love when the Falcons and Eagles play, obviously, Joey and I, he, you know, the best, for instance, Kindergarten. And we've seen our two teams play each other since we were like in the fourth grade. So that's pretty, pretty meaningful. He actually wanted me to go back to Philly to watch Falcons versus Eagles. But I mean, as much as I would love to, just to do it with, you know, Joey, to have another trip with him. Man, that Eagles crowd is not, especially at night. Yeah, maybe that's a new game. Yeah, cool. I'll go whenever you guys haven't been drinking for 12 hours and you've only been drinking for three hours. Unless you're out. Yeah, whenever, whenever you have a nighttime game in Philly, wouldn't recommend it. Let's turn it over to week three though, Patriots at the New York Jets to start it off. That didn't create a way to start that week off. It's going to be a great week. Then you got Chicago Bears at the Indianapolis Colts, a nice little Super Bowl rematch there. Houston Texans at Minnesota Vikings, Daniel Hunter revenge game, their Philadelphia Eagles at New Orleans Saints. They've always kind of hated each other for whatever reason. You know, I kind of just expect the Saints to want to put their best foot forward against the Eagles just because when the Eagles won the Super Bowl, the Saints felt like they were better than them. They didn't beat the Vikings in the division around. The Eagles beat us in the division around. So the Vikings and the Eagles meet in the NFC championship game, the Eagles stop them, go on and win the Super Bowl. The Saints have hated the Eagles ever since, so I don't really blame them. I wouldn't hold it against the Eagles if I could spit it out. I wouldn't hold it against them if they tried to absolutely step on the Saints throats. Panthers at Raiders, Dolphins at Seahawks. So finally, I mean, the Seahawks are starting off their schedule with, you know, banger after banger after banger, deep short lines of Arizona Cardinals. Ravens at Cowboys, that wouldn't be a bad game to attend. If you're a Cowboys fan, just because you get to see Lamar Jackson in person seems like they're getting an exciting game. And then obviously week three Kansas City Chiefs at Atlanta Falcon Sunday night football. I will be there at this game. Get a chance to see Patrick Mahomes in person. Oh, that's dope. And then this is the first double header for Monday night. Jackson will Jack wires at Buffalo Bills and then commanders at Bangles. So a nice, interesting double header game there, or double header slate on the Monday night schedule. Week four, Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants. There we go. I knew it was going to come soon. Get those two teams in prime time. Then obviously we got Saints at Falcons. Need I say more? Bangles and Panthers battle of the jungle cats. You know, the Bangles are going to handle business there. I know we're not predicting, but that just seems like as safe as a bait as you can make. Watch the Panthers can be undefeated at that point. Vikings and Packers, nice divisional matchup, Steelers at Colts for some reason feel like those are always juicy games. You got Jaguars at Houston. Clash of the young AFC South quarterbacks, Eagles at Bucks, rematch of the wildcard round where the Buccaneers, like we mentioned, ended the Eagles season last year. Commanders at Arizona Cardinals, Cliff Kingsbury, the offensive coordinator for the Washington Commanders going to have a little bit of a revenge game against the Arizona Cardinals. Let's go Patriots at 49ers. Two legacy franchises there. Chiefs at Chargers, divisional game, Mahomes versus Herbert. Looks like that's probably going to be the first, you know, opportunity that Jim Harbaugh gets it taking a swing. It'll Patrick Mahomes. That's going to be a new breed. Browns at Raiders and then Bills at Ravens and Sunday night. And then another double header, Titans and Dolphins, Seahawks at Lions, the Lions or the Seahawks schedule just continues to. I guarantee you, they had the hardest schedule. They really get harder. Week five, Thursday night football, Bucks at Falcons, our third prime time game in five weeks, the first five weeks. We had zero last year. So it's interesting there, but hey, they want to see Kirk. They want to make up to him. I'm, you know, I'm here for it as long as we don't get dismantled. I mean, playing the Chiefs on Sunday night, that is kind of putting yourself out there. And it's like going on the show next. Yeah. You know, you're on that next bus and you should just step out of the bus. As soon as you step out of the bus. Oh, they're saying next. Next. Let's see New York Jets versus Minnesota Vikings. Aaron Rogers gets a chance to go at one of his former divisional rivals. This time it's going to be in London. That'll be brought by the Reaper report. Obviously, no doubt. Panthers at Bears, the showdown of these two teams that made the trade that transformed the trajectory of both these organizations. Obviously the Bears get Caleb Williams, the Panthers get Bryce Young. The rest is history. And I feel like we'll see kind of where we go from here. But you know, yeah, I think that'll forever be entwined with each other right there that those two storylines. And then it's just juicy matchup after juicy matchup. You got Ravens and Bengals, Bills and Texans, Colts and Jags, Dolphins and Pat. Obviously, Browns versus commanders. We got Raiders versus Broncos divisional match up there. The divisional match ups continue with Cardinals and Niners, Packers and Rams, two NFC powerhouses there, Giants at Seahawks. So finally, the Seahawks seemingly get a home game that you know, this could be a cupcake. Maybe a little breather. And then Sunday night, a nice legacy matchup. Dallas Cowboys at Pittsburgh Steelers. It just seems right. Getting these two teams playing against each other on Sunday night. Yeah. This slate right here is going to be an awesome one to break down. I can't wait to get, you know, some of our guests to help us out, especially in this week with some of some of them being divisional games. You know, the Reaper report is going to come in with a hot intake. If I'm not mistaking, the Vikings is his team, right? Okay. So that's going to be a little bit more of a passion. Reaper report can't wait for that. That is Sunday, October 6th late. I can't wait for that one. This October 7th, Monday night is when this week in Saint at Chiefs. Now they're giving the Chiefs two prime time games against two NFC South teams. I'm just making a note of that. Maybe they're trying to give them a little cupcake match ups there. We'll see what happens. Maybe we can turn it on them a little bit, but transferring over. Yeah. I've said a completely different word that would have made less sense. Hey, it would have worked anyways. Transferring over to week six. I just doubled down on it. Let's go. Niners at Seahawks to open us up Thursday night football. You got Jags at Bears, another London matchup. Hell yeah. Commanders at Ravens, Cardinals at Packers, Texans at Patriots. Browns at Eagle. That's a nice matchup. They're Jim Schwartz going to the place where he used to be the defensive coordinator. Now he's a phenomenal defensive coordinator for the Cleveland Browns. Steelers at Raiders. I think that the Raiders now this is interesting. This is another one of those random not divisional matchups that have some history behind it. I think that every year that the Steelers and Raiders play each other or every, no, no, no, here it is. Every time that the Raiders beat the Steelers and the Steelers don't make the playoffs. All right. So it's very similar to the, you know, this is their single ball. Pretty much. You got to be the Raiders. You ain't going on the postseason. Lions at Cowboys. That just seems like a pretty good match up on paper at least and then bills. Well, we got bangles in New York Giants Sunday night football. Seems like that's a little bit of a lopsided matchup. I will say though, Jamar chase Malik neighbors on the same field. Two LSU legends. And then you got the bills and the jets. Monday night football. Two of your favorite organizations. But I hope neither of these to help this is in a draw. Week seven Denver Broncos at Saints Sean, or yeah, Saint Sean, Peyton going home to New Orleans. That's interesting for sure. I want to say the first time. Oh, no doubt. First time. Yeah. Yeah, that would be hyped up big time. We continue to have a London game. Patriots at Jaguar. Oh, Falcons. The hardest matchup for the Seahawks yet on their schedule. Titans at bills. The music city miracle. Every time I see those two teams match up. That's the first thing that comes to mind. Bangles at Browns. Week seven. I see in that one just in a perfect world where I'm a millionaire. I would love to go to that game with Caleb. Yes, just have an in person flash drive of a divisional matchup that I have no interest in. I could just watch it as a fan of football. Seems pretty interesting. Houston Texans at Green Bay Packers. I think that our buddy Vince who called in for the Green Bay Packers on the mock draft mania episode is going to attend this game at Lambo Field. Oh, that'd be nice there. Dolphins at Colts. Lions at Vikings, Eagles and Giants. Raiders at Rams. Panthers at commanders. Chiefs at 49ers. A Super Bowl rematch. Oh, sure. Two times. Why is that not Sunday night football? You got chances. What the are you? That'll be flex not. Yeah. Well, they I don't know if they can flex them out that early in the season. So I think that we're kind of screw, but we do have a double header. Ravens at Buccaneers and then you got Chargers at Cardinals. So a couple NFC versus AFC match up there on Monday night football week eight Vikings and Rams start us off on Thursday night and then you got Ravens at Brown. So back to back divisional weeks for the Cleveland Browns. Colts at Texans. That's just that feels like it's going to be a big time match up. They play in week one. So they're going to have both of their matchups out of the way by week eight. Seems like a pretty strange way to do it. It is pretty weird, but it is what it is. I feel like both of those teams are going to last week and hopefully be healthy enough to have two good matchups. Jets at Patriots. One of your favorite matchups. We got Falcons at Bucks. Let's go. Bears at commanders. Caleb Williams making his return to his home area in DC. So play. I can spacing on his name. Jay Daniels versus rookie one versus two. You know, that matchup's going to be hyped up similar to, you know, who is it? James Winston versus Marcus Marjota when they were one versus Bryce Young. It's always interesting when quarterback's go one and two. That's young versus Matt Liner. Yup. I don't think so. Yeah. Liner at one like 11th or so. But anyways. Saints at Chargers, Bills at Seahawks. Ooh, another tough one. Eagles at Cincinnati Bengals. Panthers at Broncos doesn't seem like that matchup's going to have much juice to it. Chiefs at Raiders. Cowboys at Niners. Sunday Night Football. We think about that one. I mean, no one always has some juice they put on Sunday night last year too. Yeah, they did. And I think if not my mistake and came down to the last wire. I can't remember. I don't know if it came down to a field goal or not. But regardless, this game is going to be interesting. None of the fact that you both these teams should be Super Bowl contenders playing in the Bay. I think obviously you're going to have to give it to the 49ers at this point. Week nine. Cowboys. Well, we got Texans at Jets to open us up Thursday night. I could end up being a really good game. I shouldn't have looked over it like that. Yeah, it could be. Cowboys at Falcons though. That's why I looked over it. Sweet nine. I won't be going to this game, but I do think that it's going to have a little bit of a better finish. Hopefully then the last time these two teams played each other, it got ugly quick. Broncos at Ravens, Raiders at Bengals, Chargers at Browns, Colts at Vikings, Commanders at New York Giants, Patriots at Titans, Lions at Packers, Rams at Seahawks. Man, the Seahawks, obviously the Rams are in their division, so you know they're going to play twice, but up to nine games though for the Seahawks, then it seems like they probably got two where we haven't said Holy crap. It's a tough matchup for them. Give me a tough season. Jags at Eagles. And then Monday night we got Bucks at Kansas City Chiefs, another Super Bowl rematch from the 2020 season. Yes, sir. Week 10. Bengals and Ravens start us off on Thursday night football. Giants and Panthers in Munich, Germany. Shut up. Patriots at Chicago Bears, Bills at Colts, Vikings at Jags, Broncos at Chiefs, Falcons at Saints. I always have a good week 10 match up Falcons at Saints. Seems like that's a lock for us to win that one. Jets at Cardinals, Eagles at Cowboys, Lions and Texans on Sunday night. And then you got Dolphins at the Los Angeles Rams on Monday night, November 11th. Speaking of 11, week 11. Let's go commanders at Eagles Thursday night football. We got a nice old-fashioned NFC North rivalry, Packers at Bears, Jags at Lions, Rams at Patriots, Super Bowl rematch, two-time Super Bowl rematch, Cleveland Browns at New Orleans Saints. We got Ravens and Steelers, which is always a pretty good matchup. Falcons at Broncos, I will be there week 11. We got to write them down, but prepare yourself for these weeks because there will be a few weeks that I will not be here, but I'll be giving you whatever type of drive I can give you. Hell yeah. Seahawks at 49ers, Chiefs at Bills. Ooh, a juicy matchup there. Bengals at Chargers, I love me a Herbert versus Barrow matchup. I love it. Colte at Jets. What is this, Super Bowl three Texans at Cowboys on Monday night? That's not just scream. Holy shit, though. It feels like it's going to be a pretty damn good game. It's juicy as hell. Monday night football battle of Texas. Yes, I don't know if they refer to it as that, but I mean, I feel like it has that type of juice where it could be, you know? Yeah, no doubt. Both the teams want to represent for the T obviously. They're getting a little closest off season with, you know, Micah Parsons and Steve Shroud and I got it going to Tokyo together like that. Be friends and always. Week 12, Steelers packed around, start us off, and then we got Vikings and Bears, Lions at Colts, Cowboys at Commanders. I know that there's going to be some interest or some people that are going to be interested in that one. You know, obviously that's a huge rivalry. 49ers at Packers. I know the Packers are going to want to get some revenge. They almost went to the NSC Championship last game or last year. Yeah, we're giving the 49ers all they could handle, but the Niners were able to come out on top and then you got the Cardinals going to Seattle. So finally, a seemingly easier matchup for the Seattle Seahawks. There's no round. Eagles at Rams and Monday night, we get Ravens at Chargers. Week 13, AKA, Thanksgiving. The three Thanksgiving games, Bears at Lions and the early slot, Giants at Cowboys in the after game slot. And then we got Dolphins at Green Bay Packers at 8 20 for the nightcap. That's what we're getting Friday, Black Friday. We get Raiders at Kansas City Chiefs at 3 p.m. Eastern time. That game is going to be on Amazon Prime. Let's go. We got Chargers at Falcons. I just have a feeling that we're going to get slaughtered that game. I don't know why. Just suppose I have those feelings where I'm like, man, it's not a good matchup. Yeah, I just I just something about that game. Just help me. You know, Thanksgiving week. They're going to disappoint me. But who knows? I could be very wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Steelers at Bengals, Texans at Jags, Colts at Patriots. We all know the history behind those match ups user Seahawks at New York Jets, Titans at commanders, Bucks at Panthers, Rams at Saints, Eagles at Ravens, Niners at Bills and Sunday night and then Browns at the Denver Broncos on Monday night football. Very good sleep. Week 14, Thursday night football Packers at Detroit lying. The pressure Packers stomped him in this very matchup last year, except it happened on Thanksgiving, I'm pretty sure. Divisional matchup jets at dolphins, Falcons at Minnesota Vikings, Saints at Giants, Panthers at Eagles, Browns at Steelers, Raiders at Bucks, Jags at Tennessee Titans. Bills at Rams. That one could have the making of a shootout of a decent game. Bears at 49ers and then Chargers at Chiefs Sunday night football. And then Monday night we got bangles at the Dallas Cowboys. I like that. I like whenever teams that don't usually play in prime time get a matchup like that, especially on Monday night. Week 15, Rams at 49ers. I like it. To start us off on Thursday, the Sunday slate, Chiefs at Browns. Give me that one all day. Dolphins at Texans, Jets at Jags, commanders at Saints. Come on, Jaden, you're going home to LSU or at least New Orleans. They go state of Louisiana. Why not show out 50 on them? I wouldn't be on the board that train. Ravens at New York Giants, another Super Bowl rematch, very underrated Super Bowl from the year 2000. So yeah, no one really wants to give them the or give that Super Bowl the respect it deserves with the Ravens dominant defense. We'll talk about that on a later date. Bangles at Titans rematch of Brian Callahan or revenge game for Brian Callahan and Tyler Boyd over in Tennessee, getting a chance to go out one of their or a lot of their former fans. They had a lot of success together there on the offensive side of the ball and Cincinnati. They did a lot of good things together, but clearly we know what the straw is that stirs that drink and the bangles aren't necessarily going to be missing those two people too, too much. I feel like anyways, they have enough talent with a play call like Zach Taylor where they're going to be able to weather that storm. Patriots at Cardinals. Let's go. We'll find out did the Patriots make the right decision or will Marvin Harrison Jr. go for 250 Colts at Broncos, the Peyton Manning Bowl. Bills at Lions. Great match up there. Bucks at Chargers, Steelers, the Eagles, the battle of Pennsylvania Packers at Seahawks and on the Sunday night game and then a double header. Monday night bears at Vikings and then 30 minutes later, we got Falcons at Raiders and I will be there with my dad and that should be a pretty memorable game. Monday, Monday, Monday. Week 16 to start us off Thursday night. Cleveland Browns go to Cincinnati. Hell yeah. Amazon prime obviously and then Saturday. She's the Texans at Kansas City Chiefs. Need I say more? Pittsburgh Steelers at Baltimore Ravens. That's three straight games with nothing but AFC teams, Bucko. Holy hell. Let's go. And then we get to Sunday. We have Patriots at Bills, Giants at Falcons, big snooze fest there. I'm like, anybody's going to be wanting to watch that game as the makings of a Thursday night football game. They could get flexed really. Things completely taken off the screen. Like if there's a good episode of Will of Fortune on at the same time, I would not be opposed to them. You know, flipping the broadcast over. But that's harsh. Let's see here. Arizona Cardinals at Carolina Panthers, a nice little match up at two number one overall picks. Bryce Young, Kyler Murray too, that were kind of overlooked because of their size and the kind of, you know, stay up on this day. But you know, obviously I'm Team Kyler and that match up. No offense. See him. But oh shit. Lions at Bears, Titans at Colts, Rams at Jets, Eagles at commanders, Broncos at Chargers, Vikings at Seahawks, Jags at Raiders, 49ers at Dolphins. And then Sunday night, we got the Bucks at the Dallas Cowboys, closing the week off on Monday night with the Saints at the Green Bay Packers. Week 17, Christmas Day, Wednesday. We got the Kansas City Chiefs at the Pittsburgh Steelers and then the Ravens at the Texans. Those are the two Christmas Day games brought to you by Netflix, to you by Netflix. Whoa. Very odd. This is really odd. I never knew. I'm turning on Netflix and it's already like, all right. So what's up? What episode of Breaking Battery on? Whenever I tell them, whoa, whoa, whoa. And we are trying to go watch some football here. Hold it, Walter White. Let's see here Thursday, December 26, Seahawks at Bears. That's a prime time game. Eight, 15 Eastern time and then Saturday. Holy hell. TBD in terms of time and in terms of the team, I should say, but they're all going to be on NFL network. The pool of matchups that they could be for the Saturday games, Broncos at Bengals, Cardinals at Rams, Chargers at Patriots, Colts at Giants, Falcons at commanders. Now, these are the three games that I think are going to get flexed. I think they're going to put the Cardinals in the Rams there because the division will match up. Yeah, they need that big time market. And I think that it just makes sense to put that game there. We could get Chargers and Patriots because of Justin Herbert. They want the franchise quarterback. The big time, you know, one of the faces of the league would mind getting him some exposure. I could see them going Colts at Giants because of the old-fashioned Manning aspect, Manning versus Manning. You know, I know that, you know, that this isn't Monday night where we can get a Manning cast type of, you know, broadcast from it for this game. But don't sleep on the Falcons at commanders because of the Dan Quinn aspect and also Kirk Cousins making a return to Washington. Oh, you've got to go back to Washington with the Dan Quinn revenge game. It's rare that you have a revenge with your coach, you know, angle on both sides. So that one could be, you know, very well slid into that 1 p.m. kind of dirt nap game on Saturday. I like the storyline on that one. And then 430 you plug into that Cardinals at Rams because it's a West Coast. So it's like, okay, then like they'll start a little bit later because it's a little bit earlier where they are. Shout out, Kendrick. And then primetime, you could throw Chargers at Patriots because you have the franchise team in the league. What? Wait, what? Obviously Justin Herbert, who is he who is drag may comp to a lot coming out. You get the May versus Herbert match up in primetime. Need I say more? But those are the games that I feel like or, you know, obviously those are the Saturday pull match ups. There are still some games that are guaranteed to happen on Sunday, which are jets at bills, titans at jags, Packers at Vikings, Raiders at Saints, Panthers at Bucks, Cowboys at Eagles, dolphins at Browns, and then an old-fashioned NFC championship rematch on Monday night football. Detroit Lions at the San Francisco 49ers. Do see. Give me that injected into my veins. We are going to have two games and, you know, we're starting week 18, the final week of the season here. We are going to have two games on January 4th that Saturday. We don't know who they're going to be. It's all TV TV. They're going to try to put the best games, you know, in those island slots. Yeah, you want. But the match ups, Niners at Cardinals, Pantos at Falcons, Browns at Ravens, commanders at Cowboys, Chiefs at Broncos, Vikings at Lions, Bears at Packers, jags at Colts, Seahawks at Rams, Chargers at Raiders, Bills at Pats, Dolphins and Jets, Giants at Eagles, Bengals at Steelers, Saints at Bucks, and then Texans at Titans. Obviously, as you noticed, all the digital match ups, they did it like this for a reason. It's always done like this, so we can try to get some games that have some stipulations and play off implications on the line. So whatever one has the most stipulations to it. Yeah, it's hard to predict from this far out which game we're going to think, which divisions we're going to think are going to be on the line. Because you know, usually you want it to be a head-to-head type of thing. Just if I were to guess, I think the ASCE will be a good race between, you know, if Aaron Rodgers does say healthy, I do think they just have a good chance of being, you know, the underdog fighter to be in the championships, but I do think it's going to be up to the Bills and in the Dolphins. In terms of divisions that could be on the line, I think maybe Browns at Ravens could have some implications there. And then obviously maybe Vikings at Lions. I'm not necessarily saying that the Vikings could be the team going up against the Lions, but the Lions could be one win away and the Vikings have a chance to play spoiler. What about you guys's division? I think we're going to have it wrapped up by week 15. Really? You think so? It's just a lot like that. I don't know. I think we are going to win it, but I don't know if we're going to have it locked up like that, but that was a loaded 18 weeks. I said a lot of games. Just if you slow down a little bit, if you're listening, maybe rewind a little bit, you can go back through and get some of these matchups because I did go week by week and you can just listen for your team. Kind of just coast, too. I tried to, you know, off the top of my head named some of the juicy storylines. I could pull out of my rear end, obviously, such as some boring games, games, all that good stuff. It never disappoints, just, you know, because the NFL only has 32 teams, because there's bound to be some paths crossed and some retread somewhere along the line. But Terry, I don't feel like this was as rusty of an episode as we anticipated. It's been like well over a week. But hey, that's what the Austin's all about. I will say though, team of destiny, T O D very, very soon. We're going to do the 1990 New York giant Super Bowl 25 champions. Obviously they won that Super Bowl with a backup quarterback because their starter Phil Sam's got injured. Like halfway through the season, the first of four losses for the Buffalo Bills. We're about to be very bills heavy on the team of destiny series. So yeah, we're going to get to know that roster for sure. I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, me too, man. And it's the 90s. Great decade. Hell yeah. And I'm excited to get into it. But also, and a fellow mortals coming back. That's a very summer heavy series. Let's go. I did seven episodes last year, I think maybe six. I think I think it was seven though. I think it did so. Yeah. Nonetheless, coming back with seven more this year. Let's go and I can't wait. You got anything to say any shout outs any plugs before we sign off? Well, I gave one earlier with my daughter and with the soccer team, the Razzmataz. I want to give a huge shout out, obviously, to my family. I just celebrated birthday. Big three, two. The girls just spoiled me to death, man. I cannot think them enough or, you know, just putting up with me. And obviously, just, you know, letting me be mean. Just, you know, that's just enough to drive somewhat. Anybody crazy. So big shout outs to the wifey and the kids, man, especially my youngest and my oldest, man. They're just, there's two amazing people just watching them grow up as the privilege of a lifetime. And I'm so spoiled with the love that they could just ooze out every day. It's amazing being their father. And I think the Lord every day that they gave me them. So appreciate everybody out there listening. Appreciate you, Mike, for putting up with, you know, my antics and, you know, just me being me shout outs to CM, shout outs to the Grim, shout outs to, you know, everybody out there just being nice and positive. Let's just keep a good outlook on life. Be nice to everybody. Look out for each other. Peace of love, everybody. Catch you next time. We'll just look tomorrow. Could be our last week of this current volleyball season. Yeah. I'm not sure. I think it is our last game. Oh, and I do have a my first, I actually don't know if it's a semi pro game or not, but I'll be referencing a football game tomorrow. I don't know what division it is, but I do think it's a semi pro of the version. Yeah. Okay. I'm excited this book, but it's at five. I'll be I'll be plenty of time. What time are the games? Do you seven, thirty and eight, thirty, I think. Okay. Well, I'm not really a big fan of the hour after each other, but hey, no eight. This is what it is. Think many pads off, take jet to the park, let them get a little slide in or something like that. A little burn some energy. Yeah. That's fun though. It's a fun atmosphere. Looking forward to getting a cup of dubs. But thank you guys so much for coming with us. This was all one take. Sometimes Terry and I have to pause and take a drink, maybe cough, do something like that. We did not stop the recording once we started. So this is something that could be very rare, but hey, this is episode five, fourteen. Actually, I have to give a grim refresh out. He usually barely misses like very important episodes. Like I think he was he he's the king of dropping like the you know, the term a day late dollar short. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like four ninety nine. I'm sure he is the proud owner of episode four ninety nine four forty nine four nineteen three ninety nine. Like there's been so many episodes where he like has come this close for the century to hit in that monument or that. Yeah, I don't know. I get what you're saying. Monumental episode, I guess. Well, either way, he recorded episode five thirteen five hundred and thirteen for the football function. Yeah. And it dropped on May 13th. So five thirteen. So that's pretty damn cool, possibly on the football function. So I did have to give a memory for a shout out there looking forward to hearing more from Grim Reaper on multiple different platforms in the coming weeks. But nonetheless, thank you guys so much for joining us. We'll be back very very soon to do some team of Destiny and any type of major news item that comes out. We'll definitely touch base with you guys on it. You already know. But contact us on whatever social media app you feel like you want to get, you know, I will get the message on Instagram, if your message is there football function 2.0 on Facebook or our social media handles, whichever one you want to contact us on. Give us some feedback, give us some criticism, give us some, you know, some advice, some pointers, whatever you want. We're open ears at this point. But nonetheless, I hope you guys all have a damn good rest of your week while passionately in the direction of your dreams. And I'll talk to you soon. Go Celtics. [BLANK_AUDIO]