Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about the upcoming Trump/Biden debates

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Joe. Let's have some fun New York on a Wednesday. And uh oh, it looks like it's going to be a history Wednesday as I promised it would be you history lovers one hour from now. We're going to talk about Salah. That'll be fun. I know we have other things we must tackle before we get there though. The primaries, the failures in the primaries last night, we will discuss those. We're going to get to the Biden Trump agreeing to a debate thing. I'm going to get to that as well. That the primaries and that are really probably going to dominate the entire first hour. Next hour, the history will get to inflation stuff, emails, all that so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show before we get to any of those other things I need to do this. We lost a couple more of our guys in training. We always try to honor whatever we catch it. We don't catch them all obviously whenever we catch it, we try to honor military people who died during training. They're always forgotten, ignored. There's never a national national celebration of these people, but we got an email about this one Jesse son of an elder in our church died in a training accident yesterday. His name is Captain John Robertson. He was an Air Force and instructor pilot. There was a problem with the ejector seat on the ground. It's either way he's gone. He died and out of the army that went to First Lieutenant Zachary Golly, he died. He fell. There was some sort of a training exercise in Louisiana and he fell and both of these young men gave their lives for this country. Every bit is heroic as somebody who died over there in the desert. Every bit is heroic and we honor their sacrifice. We pray for their families and we play tap form here. [Music] Rest in peace brothers. All right. Let's deal with the big news of the day before we get to the primary stuff. Now, let me let me actually rephrase that. The big news of the day yesterday is the primary results. West Virginia, Maryland, Nebraska. That's the real big news of the day. The splashy, flashy headline of today though is the Biden Trump debates. They've agreed to them in case you're just now joining us. Breaking news from a journalist. It's journalist Jesse. There's just no one better. Joe Biden has agreed to debate Donald Trump. Biden campaign had been real cagey on it. Obviously, for obvious reasons, Trump had been pushing hard to debate Joe Biden. Donald Trump, despite his age, super sharp, great energy still, still up there giving our two hour long speeches at rallies. That's for a young man that's exhausting for his age. That's amazing to be honest with you. I've given a lot of speeches before it's exhausting. So Trump's great energy and sharp Joe Biden's a disaster and everyone can see it. So Trump's from impressive. Hey, we got a debate. We got a debate challenging him throwing out all these bombs and then Biden finally steps up today and makes this announcement video. Now, you should know before I play this little announcement video, there are 13 or 14. I mean, there's a lot of cuts out here. A lot of cuts it took them to get Joe Biden this one little video. Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020 since then he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. We'll make my day pal. I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dates down. I hear you're free on Wednesdays. We're going to set aside that last jab and just kind of how horrific that is because that I hear you're free on Ren's Wednesdays thing. That was a shot at the fact that Trump is in the middle of trials. So obviously that's really ugly for that to come out of the mouth of any president for any reason. Anyway, anyway, put that side aside. I'm also going to set aside for the moment. I may not even come back to you at the make my day pal. I just Joe Biden's done this for so long. Trump lost two debates to me in 2020 since then he hadn't shown up for debate. Now he's acting like he wanted to debate me again. We'll make my day pal. You're not a gangster. You're not a tough guy. It's not the 1950s. You're not in a leather jacket with a pack of cigarettes rolled up in your sleeve. You're a politician who couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. And he's always talking like this. Let me tell you something pal. Remember when he got up there talking about you? I'd like to take him behind the gym and beat the crap out of him. You're a dork politician. Please stop. Please stop with the tough guy routine. It's brutal to listen to the anyway. Put all that stuff aside. We're getting details out on the debates. So pause there for a moment. I want you to I want you to picture this. I want you to picture me. I I've given up this whole radio thing and I've decided to become a UFC fighter and MMA fighter and I'm really good. By the way, I'm not and I'm definitely not any UFC fighter. But just for for our purposes here, I'm a UFC fighter. And what is my specialty? What do I do really well? I'm a striker. I'm a kick boxer. I want to stand up and I want to punch and kick. And if we do that, I'm going to knock you out. That's what I do. I strike. I'm really, really good at it. Very difficult to beat me. I have this opponent that I really want to challenge. I really want to challenge him. His name is Chris. He is very good wrestler, but he's maybe the worst striker in the history of the UFC. He just can't do it. If he's ever on his feet, striking, he's going to, he's going to get knocked out in a second because Chris sucks. Now, I want you to picture this. I'm challenging Chris and I'm challenging Chris and I'm challenging Chris. Let's fight. Let's fight. Let's fight. And finally, Chris steps up and he says, Yeah, absolutely. I will fight you name the time and place. But the rules are kind of different this time. The fight, we have to start out on our buts. We're not going to be standing up. And anyone who stands up automatically loses. Oh, and by the way, the referee during the fight is going to be my dad. Anyway, I'll see you at the fight. Does that sound like? That's a good idea for me to take that fight. Do you know who's hosting the first debate? CNN. Let's just begin there. CNN. Listen to anybody that votes Republican and doesn't understand you are voting for the end of democracy. Just pay attention to the Sunday shows this past weekend. Make this sacred pledge to you. The defense protection and preservation of American democracy would remain as it has been the central cause of my presidency. American democracy could end with the election of Donald Trump. Iowa, apparently short for I don't want to live in a democracy anymore. The man has had, you know, he's declared open season on democracy. Do you have any idea how much of that montage? I could have let it keep going with CNN. You could argue easily that CNN is the most evil, despicable publication in the United States. Does it count as a publication? Media outlet, I guess I probably should say. For me, it would be the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN. And I'm not sure which one of those I would pick that would be the most evil, but CNN is most definitely in the running. We finally agree. We finally agreed to a debate. The first one's hosted by CNN. The second one's hosted by ABC. Okay. All right. So that's not great. Then we have things like this. It should be yes, in studio with no audience so that the candidates can clearly articulate their vision for the country. Is an audience a deal breaker for you? Listen, it's Donald Trump who said he would do this anytime, anywhere, any place. So I don't think that they should have any problems with what we have proposed. He's the one who said he's ready to go. So we should be set to go once we have proposals in from networks. This has not been confirmed yet, but it's being widely reported that the debate on CNN will not have a studio audience and it's being reported, not confirmed yet. I want to be clear about that, that they will cut off Donald Trump's microphone when Joe Biden is speaking. All right. You know what? I'm going to take a minute. I'm going to cool off and we'll come back and we'll do this here. Let me, let me help you out with something before we go through that. Everyday aches and pains are something that happened in life. You know, I've been complaining about my back, about my back being out. I don't know what I would do without relief factor. Do you have aches and pains, joints in your side, your back, your neck, your muscles, they come with life? Well, your body's trying to fight the inflammation. That's why you're in pain, the inflammation. Why don't you help your body fight the inflammation in a natural way, a drug freeway? That's what relief factor is. Go and order some call 1 800 the number four relief. 1 800 the number four relief or relief You do not have to live with this nagging everyday pain and you don't have to reach for something that is going to harm you. We want to be as drug free as possible. Do we not? You take relief factor every day and you watch your pain go away, go and get some. We'll be back. Is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday? Of course, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly We have history coming up and there's going to be a lot of it. It's not going to be a 10 minute segment. It might take me an hour. It might take me more. I don't know. So just buckle up about about 45 minutes. So now we're doing that. You can email us Jesse at Jesse Kelly back to this Biden Trump debate. Biden finally quits chickening out and agrees to debate Donald Trump. But wait on CNN with their moderator while cutting off Trump's microphone when Biden is speaking, why in the world do we agree to the what what is going on? Do I need to remind you how important a moderator can be in a debate in a debate too? In a debate too. Do you remember? Do you remember when Joe Biden and Trump debated last time and Joe Biden begins to do what Joe Biden does? He lies. He tells gigantic lies. He always has. He always will. We talk about it all the time in the show in the Hunter Biden laptop thing. Obviously Trump brought it up. It was very, very relevant. Uh, your son is apparently a horrific felon and you have a criminal enterprise and your son is deeply involved in it with you. Trump brings it up during the debate as he should have. Remember how that went? Remember? Now this is a back and forth and obviously you're going to hear Biden and Trump, but the best part, the most revealing part is the end of it. The moderator are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this he's accusing me of is a Russian plan. They have said that this is has all the care for five former heads of the CIA, both parties say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except them, his and his good friend Rudy Giuliani. You mean the laptop is now another Russia, Russia hoax? This is, this is the best part. This is, uh, you, you heard a lot about that. You got it. This is the best part. Listen when the moderator steps. That's exactly what exactly what this is where he's going. The laptop is Russia. I want to stay on the issue of race. Okay. I want to stay on the issue of race. We're about to have a debate. We're about to have a discussion on national television about the fact that the man who was then running to be president Joe Biden against the sitting president, Joe Biden was running to be president and it was revealed that his son is a multi-time felon in some very, very shady business endeavors with Joe Biden. Donald Trump brings it up as he should have on the stage after Joe Biden lies about it, calls it Russian, Russian disinformation. And at that exact moment, even a mildly unbiased moderator would step in and say, okay, so you're saying it's this. So you're saying it's that staying on the topic, asking follow up questions of each candidate. So you believe this, you say that, but nope, steps right in. No, no, no, no. We're talking about race. We're talking about something that's going to make sure Trump looks real bad. Since we've told everyone he's some kind of horrific racist. I don't think the right understands. In fact, in fact, it's not that I don't think the right does not know what winning looks like. And it's understandable why we have and I really am not I don't mean this to be insulting. I'm not trying to say that we have a loser mentality. We do, because that's all we've always done. I told you this story before, but I've been I played sports when I was a kid. I was never any good. Don't worry about that. I'm not some athlete, but always played sports, baseball, basketball. And I was on great teams. I was never part of that. And I was on terrible teams. I was a big part of that. And I'm telling you this, winning, when you're on a winning team, winning becomes a habit. You know how to win. You expect to win. You prepare like you're going to win. You think you're going to win. And you know what winning looks like. And vice versa, losing becomes a habit. You start losing. You keep losing long enough. You expect to lose. You think you're going to lose. You prepare like you're going to lose. And you do this as a natural human response to make the losing less painful. I was on the worst basketball team in the history of Montana. I won't go into the details of it. We were so inhumanly bad. We would get blown out by 20 or 30 points every single game we played. It was routine. And by the end of the season, we had a game at the end of the season where we lost the game. We lost the game by eight points. I want to stress this. We lost the game by eight points. We were celebrating in the locker room. Loser mentality. The GOP doesn't even know what winning looks like. And so they will agree. I don't know how the Republicans get caught in this stuff every single time. They will allow the most despicable media outlets to hate them and announce all year long for four years. CNN and ABC will talk about how Republicans are the Nazi antichrist. And then when it comes to debate season, we're proud to announce an debate on CNN and hosted by ABC. We will play their game on their field with their referees enforcing their rules. And we always look around and wonder, what? How did we lose? I don't understand what happened. Joe Biden isn't even a functional adult. Donald Trump is still sharp as a tack. Even if you hate his freaking guts, you have to admit that guy is sharp and it's impressive. And we agreed to being basically straight jacketed before we before we debate the dementia patient. And we're celebrating it. Haha. We got him guys. Whoo hoo. He's gonna debate now he's going down. God, hey, we don't even know what winning looks like. Look, it hosted on a normie network. Fox news. Let me saw the normies can drone out at home. Oh, what's on Fox? At least have them for host one of them. But no, CNN and ABC. Gosh, whatever. I'm moving on. We're gonna tie about primaries and stuff. I gotta get some stuff out of the way before we get to history, which I'm gonna enjoy tonight. I need a break from politics. We're breaking from politics. Half hour from now. I may not even come back. I may make it take two hours. I'm just in that kind of a mood. Maybe it's the chalk. Maybe it's the male vitality stack from chalk. Sometimes I wonder if I take too much of the Tonkat 100. You know, the male vitality stack from chalk. It's natural herbal supplements. That's what they do. But they have that that's just what I take. They have endless natural herbal supplements depending on what you're looking for. Me, I wanted to feel more focused, more energized, more strong. So I take the male vitality stack every single day, polished off my breakfast tacos this morning, male vitality stack got washed down up to the weight room. 20% increase in your testosterone levels and 90 days, gentlemen, CHO Q dot com promo code Jesse gets you a discount on subscriptions for life. promo code Jesse. Go enjoy it. 90 days. 90 days. If you don't feel markedly better, I want you to cancel it. They won't give you any guff cancel it. You can't believe how good you're about to feel. promo code Jesse will be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Don't forget if you missed any part of the show you can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes. And I'm going to say something to you now. And I know I'm going to regret telling you this. I know I will. And I want to stop myself from saying what I'm about to save. And I'm not going to hold back. I'm not going to hold back. I am. I'm currently wearing a back breeze. Okay, it's not funny, Chris. Okay, so I need to explain. You know, you know, I told you I had thrown my back out lifting weights this last Sunday. Well, it wasn't getting better and it wasn't getting better and it wasn't getting better. And then this morning, I woke up and it was feeling a little bit better. It really was feeling a little bit better. Quit shaking your head, Chris. And so I was feeling lazy and fat like I hadn't moved. I wouldn't move. I didn't need my body to move. And so I went and lifted weights again. And I definitely re-entered it. Whatever was wrong is significantly worse now than it was before. To the point I was having some difficulty walking. And I had to stop by the pharmacy on the way here to buy a back brace like I'm 95 years old, which I am currently wearing to do a radio show. It's not even like I'm doing physical labor or hard lifting construction or something like that. I'm sitting here talking into a microphone wearing a back brace. And so I just felt the need to tell you that's that's where I am speaking of injuries because it's time to talk about the primaries last night and spending and debt that this is going to be a bunch of stuff lumped into this. You want to know something I've always found incredibly sad. Well, I'll just tell you, I was watching an animal documentary one time. This is an example of it. I really like the raw animal documentaries because I'm a dude. Basically, I don't want to see I don't want to see the lion chase the gazelle across the prairie. And then you cut away as soon as the lion catches the dog on gazelle. I'm a big boy. I want to see what's happening out there. I want to see the crocodiles eat things. I want to I want to see nature in all of its glory and horror. But there are drawbacks from that because then I know I'm going to sound like a huge hypocrite hypocrite here. Well, I want to watch that stuff. I really don't like animals being injured. I don't mind animals being killed. I used to hunt. You know, I don't mind that lion hunting down the gazelle, killing it and all the lions eating. That's how they eat. I'm not naive. I'm not some animal right hippie. I just don't like them suffering. And here's why I don't like them suffering. I was watching one one time. And you know how unbelievably powerful and fast and mean and deadly hippos are. You look at a hippopotamus and you think, look at this big tub of goo, probably waddles around, probably really jekyll. I should snuggle with him. No, they're pretty much the deadliest animal on the planet and mean territorial. They kill people. They kill as many people as crocodiles do. And they're powerful. In this documentary, I was watching and I'm sure these lions were desperate. It happens to lion prides if the food isn't there. They decided they were going to take on a full grown hippo. The hippo was on land. And they were all as you've seen, you've seen the videos, they're all piled on this thing. They're draped all over it. And they're trying to be careful because they are aware of the danger involved. If you get too close to the gigantic chompers on that thing. And one of the female lions lost her footing. Hippo was shaken and got within bite's reach. And this hippo turns around and chomps down on the head of this female lion. Now fast forward to their showing the next day. And this lion, this female lion is still alive. But her jaw is essentially hanging off her head, the lower part of her jaw is hanging off her head. This is a lion that's never going to be able to eat again. And honestly, if the hippo had died right then, I wouldn't have been sad. If the lion had died right then, I wouldn't have been sad. Okay, that's nature. It's brutal. But that picture of this female lion dejectedly walking around alone stays with me to this day. And here's why I find it to be so sad. And this will come back to politics in a moment. She in that moment was unable to save herself. There's nothing, nothing she could do. She doesn't have the capability of saving herself. She's in trouble, bad trouble, deadly, mortal kind of trouble. And there's nothing she can do to fix that jaw. It's over. She'll die of starvation before too long, probably dehydration. I don't even know if she could eat drink. So back to the primaries. In fact, elections in general. I am very, very, very hard on GOP primary voters. I am. And that's not going to change. I'm going to I'm going to remain hard on GOP primary voters. It's not out of hate. It's out of love. Trying to wake people up, shape people up myself included. I need to always be more involved. There's always more I can do. I'm pointing fingers at me too. I am very, very hard on GOP primary voters, and I'm about to be hard on them again. But it does occur to me. In fact, I have three different headlines here that that really drive this home to me. It occurs to me that the American voter, no matter who they are, Democrat, Republican, whatever, the American voter, they might not be able to save themselves. They're not like you. They're not hyper informed. They're not interested in getting informed, getting involved for whatever reason. And there's not one reason, right? There's a laundry list of reasons things. These things take time. This these things it took us. It took us a long time to get where we are. But when I look at these headlines, I say to myself, maybe we are that female lion as a country as a voting population. Maybe we are that female lion. And we just we don't have the capability of saving ourselves, even if we wanted to. Here's here's a few things for you here. In fact, I got a couple emails to go with this too. Chicago's mayor Chicago mayor's bumpy first year tests progressive potential or credentials puzzling some supporters. Chicagoans ran to the polls and voted for an ignorant, bigoted, open communist. He's very open about the fact that he's a socialist. And now they're just puzzled why things aren't working well in Chicago. Here's another headline. Don Bacon. He's a worthless congressman from Nebraska. Don Bacon fends off primary challenge from conservative hardliner in Nebraska. 61% of the vote. Don Bacon. Every despicable thing you could do as a GOP or he's done it. 61% of the vote headline. Poll reveals. This might be my favorite one. Poll reveals Republican appetite for expanded entitlement programs. 56% of Republicans would like to see the federal government do more to support the elderly through Medicare and Social Security. 56%. I obviously have a lot to say about all these things and I'm going to say them and it may come off as harsh because I just generally come off as harsh even when I don't want to. But I've been thinking about this. I was thinking about it today a lot. I was thinking about it actually on the way to the studio that maybe we just can't. Here's one. Jesse, I'm fed up with my state. This guy's from Nebraska. All five of our rhino congressmen cruise to victory. I called opponents multiple times. So on and so forth. People in this state also drink bushlight and Bud Light, like water, never stopped for a second during the trans-haiser stuff. I'm from a town of 160 people, not 160,160. The dimes here chew. The local radio station takes a break from grain prices and country music to play the national anthem every day at noon. You go out to any graduation party and everyone will be sipping trans-haiser brush. Just like Ilhan Omar is an accurate reflection of her constituents. So is Don Bacon. He represents the liberal morons of Omaha. I will be officially voting for Democrats for the first time instead of all these low tea Republicans in November. Let's talk next. I see Kelly show on a Wednesday at hump day and we are only like 10 minutes away from walking away from politics and just talking about some history for an hour. Does that sound good to you? It sounds freaking lovely to me, especially in the wake of, well, all these headlines. And in case you're just now joining us, we're talking about not just the primary votes that happened last night in places like Nebraska and Maryland and West Virginia. And just to clue you in, they mostly went awful. All the rhinos kept when they all went right back. GOP primary voters mostly sat it out like they always do. The ones who showed up 60, 70% of them showed up and sent the same rhino back who's been there forever. And I was, I was reading off these headlines, poll reveals 56% of Republicans want the federal government to expand Medicare and social security. Chicago's people even his own supporters. They can't believe they're puzzled why the mayor hasn't hasn't figured it out yet. I have another email. I just went run before. Here's another one. Jesse. I'm a uniformed delivery guy in Michigan. On your show, you're always talking about how Dems get out the vote and operate how their operation dwarfs are pitiful effort. In the uniform business, I talk to a lot of blue collar salt of the earth people daily from the guy who sweeps the floor to the president and CEOs of many small to large businesses in the area where I live. Every day, it's the same old. Joe Biden sucks. I can't afford this. I can't afford that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The day after any election I asked these guys, Hey, did you vote? No, I was working and I didn't have time is the answer. I get like clockwork. I decided this is not acceptable since the people were getting ran over by the system. They're not even participating started talking to owners about a voter holiday and things like that. And and like I'm fine with the voter holiday, but it was more about the first part of that email. I can't afford this. I can't afford that. I can't afford eggs. Oh my gosh. We're in bankruptcy here. I need a second job. Hey, did you vote yesterday? Vote. There was an election. Hey, did you vote in the primary yesterday? I sure did. I went out and voted for John Cornyn in my primary. He's Texas, Texas Senator. And I saw an ad that says he's fighting Joe Biden. I voted for John Cornyn. I sure did vote. I saw Lindsey Graham on Fox News last night and he sounded awesome. And as I've said, as I've done many, many, many times, I I get very, very frustrated with the GOP primary voter. And I do blame the voter. I do. We have a voting. We have a voter. We have a population problem in this country. We do. Now it's very frustrating because that doesn't apply to you. You're sitting here listening to my show. You consume this stuff. You probably read it. You listen to other shows. You're a person who is chosen to get involved and be informed. So it doesn't apply to you. But the voting population as a whole, I'm going to tell you something I've told you before. And I know it hurts to hear. It sucks to say we deserve this government. We do. We the people deserve this. We have allowed ourselves to be so dumbed down, so lethargic, so just out of touch with the reality of life that we deserve this. I'll tell you something. You know how much I rant on democracy? How it's not a democracy? That's a communist word. Any word the communist uses you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever use, ever use it because they use their language. They choose their language to deceive. It's all intended to deceive. We're not a democracy. We're a representative republic. The founders spoke out extensively against a democracy. Democracies are horrible. They're evil places. And the communists have decided that they love that word. They use it all the time. Anybody that votes Republican and doesn't understand you are voting for the end of democracy. Just pay attention to the Sunday shows this past weekend. Make this sacred pledge to you. There's a fence protection and preservation of American democracy would remain as it has been the central cause of my presidency. American democracy could end with the. Yeah. Anyway, so we had a sermon in church on Sunday. Our church actually started to dig into politics. And to be honest, they did very, very well. I was very, very proud on the very well. Believe me, you know, it was me. I was ready to come out of my chair, but it was, they did very well. But one of the pastors gave a sermon and this is this man's a doctor and highly, highly intelligent individual. And when he gave his sermon on politics, he called us a democracy. If he said it once, he said it about 55 times. And I mean, am I angry with him? No, I'm not. But I remember just sitting there thinking as my blood pressure was rising, I will admit, but I remember sitting there thinking, man, here you are, all this education, all this knowledge, this gigantic IQ, you know, he's forgotten more about the Bible and all kinds of things than I will ever know in my entire lifetime. And just doesn't get it. Doesn't get it. And maybe because he's such a normie and most people are such normies. I mean, for you and me, they are, aren't they? Don't you look at these people and just scratch your head. Maybe they're at the point. Maybe they can't get it. Maybe voters truly cannot put two and two together anymore. I'm mad about inflation. Hey, give me my stimmy check. Can't you guys pass a bill? Oh, Jesse, I can't afford eggs. Hey, we need to expand Medicare. I don't know what to say. But today, maybe I'm just having a soft day. Maybe I don't know. Maybe I need to up my chalk supply. Maybe I'm having a soft day today instead of anger, honestly, instead of exasperation, more than anything else today. I've, I'm sorry for our voters. Because just like that lion with its jaw hanging off, I don't know that we can save ourselves. I really, I really genuinely do not. I do not. But whatever, I'm moving off of that. I'm done with that. That's too, it's too depressing. I don't want to talk about that anymore. I want to talk about history. A while back, a couple weeks ago, somebody asked about Salah because he's on solid side. He says Salah is the good guy. Anyway, if you don't know who Lucius Cornelius Salah is, Roman killed a bunch of people, you're going to enjoy next hour. If you just want to yell and scream about politics, next hour is probably not going to be for you. I'm not doing any politics next hour, at least not much of it until I finish my story. We're doing history. This has been a podcast from WOR.