Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse finishes a history lesson on Roman general Sulla and then talks about how bad inflation is

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - Laundry, ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? (buzzer) - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. (upbeat music) That's right, Chumba has over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. (upbeat music) Chumba - No, we're just gonna say it. (upbeat music) - This is a podcast from WOR. - It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. In case you're just now joining us, you are catching the back end of an hour long history story on the Roman general, Salah. And I'm gonna wrap that up here in just a minute. And then we're gonna talk about some of this inflation horrible news here. Joe Biden brings up his dead son again. Corinne diversity hires, not for a good at her job, all that and much, much more coming up this hour limit. So let me finish the history story here. I'm not going to recap it as I normally would for everyone just now joining us. No, if you missed any part of this and you enjoy history, I Heart, Spotify, iTunes, go download a podcast of the show, start an hour or two, we did history today. So you can go download it. Salah finds out that Gaius Marius is back in Rome. And he's killed all Salah's supporters. And Salah, who was off fighting a war with Mithridates, says, no way. And he goes to Mithridates and he makes peace. The Romans never did that ever. He said, hey, you know what, let's work it out. Well, that buy guns, we buy guns, you go do your thing. And then Salah takes his army and he marches towards Rome. It was an unspeakably awful affair from everything that's been written about it. This Roman civil war that came next, obviously Marius is involved. Salah's involved is a really, really ugly affair, but Salah's in his prime. And like I said, Gaius Marius was in his Joe Biden years and eventually Salah wins. Salah is the victor. But what did he do then? Well, Salah decided he was going to restore the old ways of Rome by force. And when I say by force, understand that Salah, he had a bunch of people gathered in a room around a central plaza. And he gathered a bunch of the elites and politicians in this plaza. And then he had his men slaughter the people who were in the building right next door. So everyone in the plaza could hear everyone being stabbed and mutilated and maimed. That's the kind of guy Salah was, the kind of guy to send a message. He got rid of all the popular reforms. Every single one of them restored all the old Roman ways. He began something that was called proscriptions. Proscriptions is what they were called. And here's what it was. It was murder. Salah, as dictator, would put a bounty on your head. So he would pick somebody who doesn't like someone who's extremely burdensome to him, someone like Chris. And he would tell everybody, hey, Chris is officially on my list. And whoever kills Chris and returns his head to me will receive a generous reward. And they used to put the lists up of people in the public square. Here's a list of people you're allowed and encouraged to go murder and bring us evidence you murdered him, and we will reward you with money. And then Salah would just take over their plantation, take over their farm, made himself a bunch of money while killing all of his political enemies. Destroyed all the popular reforms, made all the laws, wrote everything into law, and this is gonna come back to America here, wrote everything into law that he wanted written into law, no more populism, no more this, no more that, we're gonna return to the old ways. And then, honestly, almost kind of admirable, he gave it all up, he achieved total power, killed all of his enemies, made all this money, reformed Rome the exact way he wanted to perform it, and then said, I'm retiring. I'm gonna go eat grapes and do whatever I do, and then became horribly ill and horrible stomach problems. Who knows, it was probably stomach cancer, you know, you never know back then. But on his deathbed, after he gave up power, he died just a couple years after he gave up power, on his deathbed, Salah dropped one of the great spiteful quotes of all time, one of my favorite all time quotes, and here's how it goes, he said, "No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, who I have not repaid and full." (laughs) How about that, how about that for Salah? But, you know, it comes back to what we talk about so much when it comes to politics. You know, he died, he destroyed every popular reform in the most permanent way you could do, killed all of his political enemies, and about 15 minutes after Salah died, Julius Caesar began to rise, the ultimate populist, who eventually, in his own way, turned Rome into the empire that we all know. In the end, even with all the killing, the laws, I'm gonna make all these laws, and I'm gonna kill all my enemies. The popular will of the people in the end, it will overcome, it will, for better or for worse. Remember, for better or for worse, that actually leads me to where we are today. It's bad out there right now, and the administration doesn't care, they know they're supposed to pretend to care, so they have to say things like this. - Why do you think Americans are so down on President Biden right now? - What do you mean? - Broadly, it doesn't seem like anything you guys are doing is making him more popular. Why do you think that is? - I will speak more broadly to what the American people are going through, like we understand. We are sensitive enough and open-minded enough to understand that this is not just this country, but globally people have had to deal with a pandemic and coming out of that pandemic. We understand that even- - Yeah, inflation's so bad. Consumer prices have risen every single month since Joe Biden began his presidency. They're up 19.5%. We got word today that inflation is so bad that the Federal Reserve Chief said it's higher than anyone expected, and there's not going to be any interest rate cut. We then had this headline today. This was supposed to come next year, but because of a variety of factors, it's actually here now. The US spending on the interest on the debt now tops the amount of money we spend on national defense or Medicare. The interest on the debt costs more than the American military or Medicare. And I set all three of those headlines because I wanted to follow up with this headline. Paul reveals Republican appetite for expanded entitlement programs. 56% of Republicans would like to see the federal government expand Medicare and Social Security. We are, here's the truth of it, this government we have and the disaster, the financial disaster that is coming, and it is coming, it obviously is not going to stop. In the end, it was authored by the American people, not the politicians, that's the truth in the matter. We are staring a debt crisis in the face that's going to result in brutal taxation, probably money printing on a level that is going to stun you because we have foreign creditors, right? And they're gonna demand being paid back when we can't afford the interest payments. We'll just print a bunch of money and destroy the value of the dollar and try to pay them that way. Well, that ruins your life, ruins my life. That's your money, it won't be worth anything. Or we can make the ultimate decision and just tell people we're not gonna pay them back, then no one will buy our debt anymore and then our entire way of life changes. But all this is coming, it is coming now, it is coming. And the truth is that the people are getting what they want. We are sitting here, people are crying in the grocery store because they can't afford groceries. I have multiple 60 and 70 year olds who email me and tell me they're having to go back to work or take out a second job. People are going on food stamps, they're not making ends me. Jesse, I'm moving in with my parents. Jesse, I'm so humiliated, I'm moving in with my daughter. I got one of those last week, I'm so embarrassed to myself. And yet the same people lamenting the cost of everything are sitting there begging for more crushing entitlement debt that will destroy the country. As we stand now, if we didn't change anything, anything at all, with the military, with entitlements, if we didn't change a thing, we would be wiped out by our debt. It would end the United States of America. That's if we didn't change anything, better or worse. But it's not that. People want more, they want more. It's not like they're looking at all the water coming into the boat and saying, dang! We better plug that hole. In fact, let's bail some water. We are so demoralized as a people, so lost as a people that we're standing on the boat going down, looking at the water coming in. And even the Republicans who were supposed to know better are saying, you know, we need more water. I'd like more water, guys. God, geez. That reminds me, you understand that testosterone helps your mind. When I tell you about male vitality stacks and female vitality stacks from chalk, I'm more talking about your mind and your energy than I am talking about you making babies. I don't care about that. I mean, obviously, I want you to do that, but it's about your mind. It's about thinking logically. It's about being focused. That's what it's about. And natural herbal supplements has to be the way we go. We cannot go to big pharma anymore. They might be the most evil of our institutions in this country. Are we really going to turn to them for solutions? Go to,, and see what they have. It's way more than just stacks. You know, it's pre-workout powder. They have this Chad mode pre-workout powder. It's chalk lit powder for the mornings. It's whatever you're looking improved on. Go to and get something. Take it for 90 days and tell me how you feel., promo code Jesse. We'll be back. Is he smarter than everyone? Who knows? Does he think so? I'm going to go back and talk about some politics and some Biden stuff. He brought up his dead son again, and I got to get to some emails. But Corinne Diversity Hire was asked today. It's funny, they're starting to have to ask. Even though these reporters don't want to ask, I believe they're still trying to push Joe Biden out. They're starting to ask about the obvious lies Joe Biden tells. He can't help himself. As we talked about, the truth just isn't in him. He's been like this his entire career, not little white lies or shades of the truth, like politicians normally sell. Joe Biden will get read up in front of you and tell you he finished first in his class. The rankings are there. You didn't come close to what? I taught the Second Amendment. You never taught a class. We have all the records. Why do you keep saying this? He can't help it. He is a pathological liar. Like I have never seen in American politics, and I know they all lie, Republican and Democrat. So he keeps getting asked about inflation, and he just tells his lies like, well, I mean, this is a nine percent when I came into office and it's not even that's not even remotely true. It was that something I believe was a one point nine percent when he came into office. Anyway, Corinne diversity hire got asked about it today. And before she gives her answer, remember, always remember. The communist does not share your value system. The only value he has is the revolution lying is not something he does. It is who he is. It is woven into his DNA. He would rather tell you a lie because his is a horrible religion of destruction and domination. So he knows lying is what he has to do. Listen to Corinne diversity hire. Try to word salad this question. I'm going to ask you about how the president talks about inflation. So two times in the past two weeks, the president said inflation was nine percent when he came into office. Is the president misleading Americans on that, or does it just not realize that inflation was one point four percent when he came in? You know, and thank you for the question because I know that this we got a lot of incoming on this yesterday. And look, what the president was the point that he was making is that the factors that caused inflation was in place when he walked into the administration, when he took office. As you know, the pandemic caused inflation around the world to be by disrupting our economy and breaking our supply chains. As you know, we had to act quickly on dealing with the supply chain. He put together a task force. You saw the president do that. And just a couple of examples here are one example, semi conductor shortages already existed when he took office. That's a good quick Chris, I'll let you keep going in a second. But this is what we call filibustering. That's what this is what we call anyway, go on Chris, one example, semi conductor shortages already existed when he took office that increased costs on everything from auto parts to washing machines by some measures. It accounted for one third of inflation in late 2021. Many countries saw worse inflation than we did. And obviously, and we have talked about this, we've been able to come out of that economic downturn and better in a better place than most of our counterparts across the globe, reopening after the pandemic, unavoidably increased inflation by unleashing pent up demand. And increased quickly as we reopened, annualized core P.C. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we got it, we got it, we got it, we got it. It's not what they do. It's who they are lying is simply who they are oracle. They did it again, speaking of which every time they report the CPI, the consumer price index, they always throw in this disclaimer, not counting food and energy. That's all I spend my money on these days. He says, I'm mad and I'm not going to take it anymore. Of course, again, lying is not what they do. It's who they are when you are trying to completely destroy a society. And that is what they want. It's about rebuilding America, destroying it so we can be rebuilt. It's about the revolution. It's always about the revolution. That's why every single tenant of the Democrat party is, well, this sucks. We need to change it. This sucks. We need to change it. This is evil. We need to change it. It's about the revolution. When you're about the revolution, then you have a higher calling in your mind. You have a mission. And when you're on that mission, when you have a higher calling, because the mission is the most important thing, then you can do and will do anything you have to do in order to complete said mission and in your mind, you are justified in doing these things. Because again, the mission, the revolution, the destruction of America is the most important thing. It's why every single issue, pick your issue. The communist has chosen language that is intentionally deceptive. It's why when you talk about abortion, you talk about carving up a baby in its mother's womb. It's women's health. It's reproductive care. They call it reproductive rights every single, but we could do it. Look, what do they call illegals? What do they call them? Migrants. Now, every single issue, the language is chosen carefully with the intention of deceiving because the truth of what these people do and what they want is despicable and it's horrific to you. They know it's despicable and horrific to you. And so they lie at all times. You should never, ever, ever use the language of the communist ever because his language was chosen to deceive, find whatever words he's using. And that's how you know what words not to use. That's a fact. Think of that. Keep that in mind. Next time you see some GOP loser, call the migrants, gosh, I can't frickin stand that. All right. We have to get to some more emails before we get to other things. I also can't frickin stand losing my dog. No, Fred's okay. Don't, don't get me wrong, but I've had to bury many of them, many of them. And it sucks. That absolutely sucks. And that day when it comes and it will come for Fred, it's going to be awful. So I give Fred rough greens, not because it'll keep him from dying, but it'll push it back because rough greens is actual nutrition for your dog. Fred doesn't get nutrition from the dog food we give him. We try to give him as best as good a dog food as we can do, but there's still no nutrition in it. It's empty calories. That's why it's brown. You know, they have to spray it with lard at the factory to even get your dog to eat it. That's how dead it is. Dogs will eat anything, but they won't eat dog food. Poor rough greens on your dog's food, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, omega oils, digestive enzymes, all natural nutritional supplement. You're giving your dog the gift of health and the gift of life. Don't you want your dog around as long as possible? Call them free jumpstart trial bags, eight, three, three, three, three my dog or We'll be back. The Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday, a hub day, you can email us Jesse at Jesse Kelly Go download a podcast and the show. I owe you all kinds of emails because I have been talking about other things today. So let's begin here. Hey, Jesse, you were a piece of beep. I can't say that word. Please read a book before you shoot your mouth off about Native Americans. One of the most tone deaf and stupid things I've ever heard. Just do you think I'm tone deaf? I am not tone deaf, Michael, am I tone deaf? I feel like I have a great tone. I have a wonderful tone. In fact, it's, what's that one word that the musician who wrote us in? What do you say? Melodious or something? Maloofa-less? It's, I have a very maloofa-less tone. Maha Jesse, it appears the communists continue to build their numbers since they have been aborting their offspring for decades now. How is it possible they still outnumber us? Can they eventually abort themselves out of existence? A pro-life conservative white educated woman who loves making her hubby sandwiches, her name's Krista, says her husband and her love the show. Well, yes, they've been killing their babies and we haven't. So that definitely hurts them. However, they've also been educating our children. And it's not just the public school system, the government schools that I'm talking to about, the communists understand how important culture is much better than the right does. The communists, when they're making a movie, a Disney movie, they're interested in promoting their religion and they're going to put their religion in it. Chris, find that lesbian audio we had, that new lesbian director of Star Wars. There's some new Star Wars movie coming out. I don't know. I haven't seen any of the recent Star Wars movies. I did enjoy the originals, obviously, because I'm a friggin' American, but she was, we played it for you, it was only one night. She was on the red carpet and now this woman, she has the opportunity of a lifetime to direct the new Star Wars movie. I mean, Star Wars movies are legacy movies. You get to be the director of it. Can you imagine the competition on being the director of the Star Wars movie? And she gets up and listen, listen to her. This is how you build culture. You can be mad about what she's saying and I'm mad about what she's saying, but this is a human being who understands how to promote culture. Yes, the dirty commies are killing their babies, but they're also educating ours. When I saw Frozen as a grown woman, I cried through the entire movie. There was just something about the relationship between the sisters, the de-villainization of the classic fairy tale, bad guy, the concept of true love being between two sisters and not a heterosexual relationship. It just destroyed me completely and I thought, gosh, I would love to make something like this that is for lack of a better term, Disney, meaning it's something that my parents would have allowed me to see when I was younger as a queer person, but I would have been able to understand as a queer person and I think I would have had a completely different life. We got it. She's not sitting there to make a movie. She's sitting there to promote a religion and she intends to promote a religion. They are creating our culture. That's why our culture is horrible and look, speaking of Disney, remember, I haven't played it for you in ages. Chris just brought it up. It's a great one. Remember, remember that that audio we've played for you before of LaToya Ravenau? Set aside your anger when you listen to this and set aside how many times she says the word like and like this and like and like because if you pay attention to that, which now you're going to, it's going to make your head pop off because you're going to be so angry. Set all that stuff aside. When this woman sits down to make children's programming, does she sound to you like a person who's trying to make an entertaining, wonderful show or does she sound like a religious zealot who intends to put her culture in your children's eyes? So, I felt like it was, I mean like maybe it was that way in the past but I guess something must have happened and the last, like they are turning it around, they're going hard and then all that momentum that I felt like that sense of I don't have to be afraid, let's have these two characters kiss, let's in the background, like I was just, wherever I could just basically adding queerness to like, if you see anything queer in the show, I just was like, no one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me. Yes, they're killing their babies but at the same time they're creating our culture, therefore they're stealing our babies. Now this probably does not apply to you, honestly, so many families listen to the show, kids listen to their parents, I have no doubt that you are much more purposeful with how you raise your kids but this definitely applies to the norms and normals out there. Republican norms and normals across the country, they send their kids off to public school and they never ask them questions about what they're learning in class when they get home. If there's a, hey, a new Star Wars movie, for many families, they grew up watching Star Wars together, you simply would go to see every new Star Wars movie and they'll be out there opening day, eating popcorn and their little Darth Vader uniforms and just they'll send their kid right off to Stanford or Harvard because of course that's what you do, aid in Jaden and Brayden. They want to get into normal people, not you, not talking about you, normal people, yeah, they didn't murder their babies but they take their babies and they hand them over to their mortal enemies to raise and that's why it feels like we're outnumbered when they've been killing their kids and we have not, they've been killing their kids but they've been educating ours. All right, dear Dr. Jesse, my wife and I went out to eat at Mexican food. Later that night, both our stomachs hurt. I still had leftovers from it the next morning. My wife said not to eat it but I did it anyway, did I do the right thing eating it for breakfast? Of course you did. You have to treat a little case of food poisoning as a one off. You didn't know that that was a permanent situation. It might have been one bad, bad shrimp and what, what Chris? I got food poisoning one time. I don't get food poisoning six times a year. That was an exaggeration. It was one batch of shrimp and I'll have you know that I actually got through the entire first hour of the show that night, keep in mind before I went and unloaded all that food poisoning in the office bathroom and then had to go home after that. I still got through an hour of it. It was one bad shrimp. Everyone catches a stray from time to time. There's no need to simply sitting around and stressing about it. Did you hear what Anthony Blinken said? He's over there in Ukraine right now. He's catching a bunch of crap today because he went over there and he played hoochie-coochie man. That's a song by Muddy Waters. What a freaking name by the way. Muddy Waters had this song and we sent our Secretary of State over to Ukraine and he picked up a guitar and started playing rock music. And also he got up and he said this and just man, what a state working with the government and civil society groups to shore up Ukraine's election infrastructure. That way as soon as Ukrainians agree the conditions allow all Ukrainians, all Ukrainians, including those displaced by Russia's aggression can exercise their right to vote. People in Ukraine and around the world can have confidence that the voting process is free, fair, secure. Well, I mean, maybe it's just deja vu, but free, fair, and secure, huh. That almost sounds, that almost sounds like how they describe the 2020 election. I would almost, Chris, am I crazy, yeah, I swear those words sound so familiar to me. That's one, two, how many Republicans and Democrats have you heard say that we have to fight for Ukraine because we have to defend freedom. We have to defend freedom, the free world, free world, the right, the leader of the free world, freedom, democracy. They always saw that one in freedom, freedom, freedom, but, but they're not allowing elections right now. Huh, man, I guess they just do freedom different than we do. Anyway, let's talk briefly about social distancing and headlines I didn't get to next. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday in here. Let's just talk about this really, really briefly before I get to maybe an email or two and then we have headlines I didn't get to. So there's a headline from, it's out of, it's out of nine news, but it was Boulder, Colorado and UCLA. They got together for a study and this is the headline. Social distancing prevented 800,000 deaths from COVID-19. A new report says now, this is where we separate the thinking people from people who just want to be fed information. Let me ask you, no matter what you think about social distancing or COVID, how in the world could they ever know that? How could you ever prove a negative like that? You couldn't. You couldn't. This has all the reliability of the science class that you, where you sit down and they say scientists have said that T. Rex lived in the pre-crustatius period around 575 million years ago. Just say you don't know, okay, just say you don't know. You don't have any idea, none whatsoever, but the dumbest people in our society, they know they have to sound smart. And so they just make up crap and they do studies that can, that any thinking person would look at that and think, wait, what, how would you ever know that? And then just roll this crap out there. By the way, social distancing, they made it up initial recommendation that the CDC brought to the White House. And I talk about this was 10 feet and a political appointee in the White House said, we can't recommend 10 feet. Nobody can measure 10 feet. It's inoperable society will shut down. So the compromise was around six. They made it up the whole dad gone thing. Oh, did you see Mike Johnson today? He was asked about the Merrick Garland stuff. Keep in mind, Merrick Garland might be the most powerful man in the United States of America. When you're the attorney general, you're the top law enforcement officer in the country. You control people's freedom who you want to destroy. You don't want to destroy Merrick Garland has been Joe Biden's hatchet man. Merrick Garland is hiding information from the Republican Congress. It's a really, really, really big deal to have an attorney general acting as the president's hatchet man. Here's Mike Johnson. He's also stung on the House House Committee and not giving over any records regarding that case and their investigation. Do you think that the DOJ should be giving over those records that process it? I haven't paid any attention to that at all. I can tell you that the Department of Justice has clearly been politicized. I haven't paid any attention to that the attorney general of the United States of America. He's not only locking up pro lifers, not only locking up January six, there's, he's not only waged on all out war on Trump as a campaign stunt during an election year. He also is running cover for Joe Biden withholding recordings that he has in his possession with no explanation whatsoever in the Republican speaker of the house. Hasn't been paying attention as if it's the local baseball team or something like that. Oh, is that pitching bad this year? I haven't been paying attention. Maybe you could pay attention, Mike, being as how you're the most powerful Republican in DC. If the AG is a politicized hatchet man working exclusively for the old communist in the White House, maybe that's something you could get boned up on, Mike. Sorry to put you out. Gah, ladies freaking people say I got fired up at the end of the show. I didn't mean to. Sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm calm and down. Look at me. I've never been more calm, Chris. I've never, never been more calm. And now. Here's a headline. Go. You know the thing headlines we didn't get to, Peru classifies transgender, non binary, and intersects people as mentally ill, mentally ill what that grown man who chopped his penis off and wears a stuffed bra and put on lipstick and now thinks he's a woman. Are you trying to say that guy's not all the way saying kid out of here DC's hosting voting registration training for illegal immigrants? And this is, of course, how Democrats have handled this forever. They will create every single condition on the ground, design it to have illegal's vote and then turn around and say, illegals aren't voting. No one can prove that illegals are voting. Of course they're freaking voting tyranny. Bank of America terminates the account of conservative independent journalists without in explanation. Her name's Christina Urso. I'm actually going to interview her tonight on my TV show on the first TV member. I have a TV show I do as soon as the radio show is done on the first TV go enjoy it. It is an amazing show and amazing show. What Chris George short, George Soros, George Soros fueled $80 million into groups calling for big tech censorship in the lead up to 2024 elections. This is kind of what we've been talking about on the show. We had an extensive conversation about this last night with Dave Reiboy when he joined us. We just have on the left this rich guy network, this billionaire network and they are in it to win it. They're in it till this those throw gobs of money at every single horrific cause because they know in the end it will it will the win and we need a lot of those guys. We need at least some of those guys man with the same sleep disorder as Joe Biden causes four accidents. Sorry I know the accidents aren't funny. It's just hilarious to me. Seven point five billion dollars later Biden is up to seven electric vehicle charging stations. This is the way government corruption has always worked. Of course, what's that old joke, the old $50,000 toilet or whatever it is. These government contracts are these gigantic contracts always handed out to friends of people in the government almost always friends of this congressman. Hey, did my second cousin's wife end up getting that contract and then we throw tons of money at it and we get nothing back and everyone just kind of looks around and shrugs their shoulders. Oh, well, I guess it's all gone. Oh, well, it doesn't matter. It was just a taxpayer money. Charlemagne the God refuses to endorse Joe Biden again. I've been burned with that before. I still think it's hilarious. Somebody didn't nickname themselves the God. Maryland Garland and Chris Ray proudly announced government censorship apparatus. The target cyber enabled campaigns. Merrick Garland. That guy. Oh, well, Mike Johnson's never even heard of him. Merrick Garland. Does he work here? This has been a podcast from W.O.R. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. It's a thing. And now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Chumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from, with new games released each week. You can play for free anytime, anywhere. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. 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