The Howie Carr Radio Network

Chump Line and Trump's Pollster | 5.16.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Chump Line callers make their predictions on presidential debates. Trump pollster John McLaughlin joins Howie to explain why Biden's in deep trouble.

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We're also seeing from the Republicans already, setting expectations so low for Biden. But if he just stands up there and puts some sentences together, he'll win, and we saw we did this thing. ♪♪♪ Their legacies inspired me to pursue a care and career service. Bush. You probably all saw that commercial on Snickers bars. You get there. There's still mocking him, which plays right into his hand. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. He expressed disdain and frustration for polls in general. He loved the polls four years ago. The Special Counsel, in his report, predicated his decision not to prosecute on his finding that the president was elderly and forgetful. Well, whenever I'm confused, I just check my underwear. It holds the answer to all the important questions. Tampa, how do you take off your underwear without taking off your parents? I don't know! Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car. 844-542-844-542-442-1. One thing I've noticed about this Trump trial is that he comes out now in what he arrives and when he leaves in the afternoon, and he has written comments that notes that he refers to. That's a new thing, and you know, I think it just reflects how angry he is, and I don't blame him. I mean, you talk about a frame-up, nothing trial, keeping him off the campaign trail, trying to bankrupt him with legal expenses. Yeah, I don't blame him for being angry, and he doesn't want to forget anything that he wants to say to rip the judges. And I guess at the judge, and I guess a lot of it has to do with, you know, he doesn't want to go totally over the line. Although I would say anything is permissible in terms of the First Amendment, even though this judge is trying to tell him to tell him what he can and can't say. But I was glad today to see the members of Congress who showed up. They weren't all wearing red ties. I thought that was a bad look, you know, to have everybody wearing a red tie. Come on, it's not a clown show, or it's, you don't need a uniform. So there were some of them, a couple of them were wearing red and blue ties. One of them was wearing a green tie, anything. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Time now for the Chup line. I would never read a book by Stormy Daniels, but I might check out the pictures. Yeah, I don't think she's really that good looking. I mean, maybe once she was younger, I've never seen any of her screen gems. Welcome to the CNN debate. Tonight's topics will be January 6th, January 6th, again, Stormy Daniels, and last but not least, chocolate chip ice cream. I tell you, they're going to try to stack it, obviously, but Biden, what can you do when you have somebody like that? You can't beat somebody with nobody, and that's Joe Biden right now. He is nobody, especially in a live setting. I mean, it may be something else in the dead of night when you can stop the vote counting until, or you can keep counting until you make it come out right or wrong. But what are you going to do on a live debate? Today's Chump line is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Hey, how are we, Governor Patrick calling? There you go again, whining about the useless DA in Western Massachusetts. Which useless DA are you complaining about? The district attorney or your piss poor alma mater? Heh heh, we're going to be fine. DA Deerfield Academy. That's a stretch, devolve. Presidential debate on CNN, yeah, that's not going to be a super spreader for Trump generation syndrome. Again, I'll believe it when I say it. The premier of Canada, Pierre de Lacto Trudeau told me that so far, the Catholic mass grave are mostly being small. You know, there's a story about, remember the indigenous graves in Canada three years ago. They said that the Catholic priests and nuns were running these orphanages for Indian Native American, Native Canadian children, and they were murdering them and all this stuff. And the leftists ended up burning down or totally vandalizing and destroying 85 Catholic churches, including some in the United States. Guess what? Three years later, they spent eight million dollars trying to find the graves of all these indigenous children that had been murdered and killed by priests and nuns. Never happened. Never happened. They found some graveyards, but the only reason they were unmarked was because the government wouldn't give them money for headstones, so they wouldn't crosses and the wouldn't cross as disintegrated over the course of the various Canadian winters. And you know, who else was buried in these so-called graveyards full of murder victims? Priests and nuns from the orphanage. Total fraudulants, total fraudulants. The mainstream media doesn't care. They went crazy with the story when it started, but now they're giving it a good solid leaving alone. Do you think Karen Reed asks herself before a court begins each morning? Boy, if only I were an illegal alien, I wouldn't be treated like this. I think so. You know, I mean, it's almost, I mean, I'm sorry, John O'Keefe is dead, and it's terrible that he's, that whatever happened to him. But I mean, this trial is just a, is a comedy. It's like a Woody Allen movie or a Three Stooges short. And on the other hand, though, if your future was on the line and you, you were still looking at perhaps if the jury is insane, life in prison, it's not really a laughing matter, is it? Just when you thought the cult couldn't get more insane, now they say global warming can cause a migraine. They're of the belief that all the world's grief. No doubt can be blamed on the fossil fuel domain. A migraine, huh? I know he can cause a migraine if you're trying, if you're in an electric vehicle and you can't find a charging station. Someone says the reason he's reading those quotes is because he's just reading other people's quotes, so he doesn't officially break the gag order. They say what he wants to. Book advances in DC are correctly known as protection money. Yes, they are. And it goes to Republicans, too, when the Republicans took over the house in 1994, Newt Gingrich suddenly got like an $8 million advance from Rupert Murdoch, from Harper Collins. But eventually he had to give the money back. No Democrat ever gives the money back. Lovey, can you believe Gen.S. Carr's pathetic Portland pedigree? When he had an assignment at Deerfield to make his family tree, he brought in a tangle ball of yarn. When I heard the news yesterday about the CPI, I figured they were talking about him being a certified Portland inbred. At least I'm not from Kent, Massachusetts. That's all I can say. Hey Joe, do you mean to tell me that manufactured voters don't buy books? You know, how do you like to be the women that wrote the book about Jill Biden? Remember that one? They got a huge advance. And they weren't even Biden's. They were just so-called journalists, stenographers for the DNC. They got probably a million bucks and the book sold like, I don't know, under a thousand coffees. Of course, if Hunter default on his loan from Kevin, the sugar brother Morris, he'll declare that on his income taxes. Yeah, forget the gun trial in Delaware. I want the income tax evasion trial to start in LA. And by the way, I think that trial will be going on at the time of the alleged debate. Another reason, the president is so distraught about the events at the trial today at the federal courthouse in LA. He just can't go forward with the debate. 207 says, "Where did the Catholics in Canada go to get their burned Catholic churches back? Many were of historical importance in the history of Canada frontier communities. No one to the damage the left is willing to inflict on religious communities." You know, Trudeau, that nitwit, he flew the Canadian flag at half-mast for half-staff for a long time because of that. The Pope. The Pope flew to Canada and apologized. For what? Nothing was done. It was like the Russian collusion hoax. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. That's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voice mail message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you left a message and didn't hear it or you just like to hear a second all-new Chumpline later in the day, we have a second Chumpline. It's called Chop Chumps and it's where we put all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. Chop Chumps is posted every weeknight evening around 7 p.m. and you can get Chop Chumps the second Chumpline of the day wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Welcome to the CNN debate. Tonight's topics will be January 6th. January 6th again. Dormy Daniels and last but not least, chocolate chip ice cream. And maybe the Steele dossier and maybe the the the the fake phone call that the Washington Post made up on in Georgia or maybe the fake the fake phone call from Ukraine that the the Democrat whistleblower made up. There's all kinds of stuff they could have on the debate topics. 844-500-4242. I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. Howie Carr is back. 844-500-4242. Today's poll question is brought to you by FlipBlock. You may already have a home surveillance system but what's going to physically stop it in true to from breaking down your door? The original FlipBlock is the answer. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Matt's on the board now. Matt, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Who's the most lonesome Democrat hack on state run cable news? Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Aaron Burnett, Kaitlyn Collins, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki, Nicole Orkris Wallace, or Lawrence O'Donnell. I know, I know we missed Al Sharpen, but he's a weekend guy. But on the other hand, Rachel Maddow is only on once a week now even though she's getting paid 30 million bucks a year. But I'm not better. I'm not better. I'm voting for Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper has 7%. Joe Scarborough has 22%. Rachel Maddow has 27%. And Joy Reid has 30%. All right. Joy Reid, yeah, she is hard to beat, I guess. But I'm going with the names in the news. You know, Jake Tapper is going to be hosting the so-called debate. Now, we're looking for the audio of Nancy Pelosi. We have it. Okay. This is Nancy Pelosi giving her fellow octogenarian some advice on what to do with this debate plan. I myself would never recommend going on stage with Donald Trump, but the president has decided that's what he wants to do. I think the format he is suggesting is a good one. I think you all should have separate town hall meetings with them, let them challenge them with questions about the future and let the public make its decision. Town hall meetings. Gosh, Mr. President Biden, you're wonderful and we don't care if you're drooling. Donald Trump, how come you had two scoops of ice cream and the reporters at the White House only had one scoop and you did collude with the Russians, didn't you, even though we couldn't prove it? Yeah, that's the no, no town hall meetings, no town hall meetings, 844, 542. So there's been nothing in the papers except for the Wall Street Journal about this, but there was a big devastating report came out last week about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the FDIC, they ensure all the bank deposits and it's a really big agency and it's run by this really, really sleazy Democrat named Martin Greenberg, Marty Grunberg, Marty Grunberg, and he's a protégé of the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren, and they've had all kinds of bullying and sexual harassment and the Wall Street Journal had a big story about it last fall. Now an official report has come out and 10% of the employees at this federal agency complained of abusive treatment, the senior executives not only went after the female employees, they went after the female interns, like 18, 19 year olds, just horrible behavior, but Marty Grunberg is a loyal apparat check of the deep state. So they're trying to protect them and get through this. So Ayana Presley apparently didn't get the memo because she's blaming white men. Yes, they are white men, Ayana, but they're Democrats and they're protégé of the fake Indian, cut 11. It's not one woman on this panel and I almost walked out just on the strength of that. But the only reason why I didn't is because that is a systemic issue here in Congress and often for people who come before this committee. And if you don't have one woman in a position of leadership and authority that should be there, then that is also a problem. But again, women, hundreds of women, the report detailed, hundreds of women who experienced harassment with no recourse. For over a decade, the FDIC under your leadership and your predecessors ignored them. Chair Grunberg in November, in fact, not that long ago, you stated that the FDIC already has, quote, appropriate policies and procedures in place, unquote. Do you now agree, and this is a yes or no question, I'm serious, do you now agree that the policies and procedures in place have been a cataclysmic failure and an affront to the many women who have been harassed, pushed out of the FDIC, and forced to change the career goals and life trajectory? They have failed. Yes, Congresswoman. But I'm a Democrat, don't you understand? I do the bidding of the deep state. I'm willing to do whatever I'm told to do. So that gives me immunity, even though I'm a toxic white man. 844-542-42, I'm how we are. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We've seen all the polls lately that Trump, President Trump, appears to be ahead of Biden on most of the important issues he's ahead in all but a couple or one or two of the swing states. Things look very good, but we wanted to check in with a pollster today. John McLaughlin, John, I think he is the pollster or one of the pollsters for the Trump campaign. And John McLaughlin, thanks for being with us here on The Howie Car Show. How are you great to be back on with you? Well, how good is it? I don't want to get people over confident, but sometimes we tell people they should be worried about the ballot harvesting, et cetera, et cetera. But the polling looks pretty good right now, doesn't it? It does. I've pulled for President Trump since, well, when he'd looked at the license, since 2011, when he ran it in 2015, 2016, and all the way through 2020 until the present. These are the best numbers we've ever seen. It really changed, although I met with him in February of '21 and I was going through the poll numbers. I said two-thirds of the Republicans won't sit a run again, even though Biden just won the presidency. He was impressed by that, and I said, yeah, I said, do you got to realize Biden's going to fail? Those of us who are old enough to remember Reagan. I mean, in '76, when I volunteer for Reagan's campaign, '76, and when Reagan didn't get it, and basically Ford got beat by Carter, there was buyers were more that they didn't nominate Reagan, and Reagan won the landslide in 1980 after Carter failed, and I said to President Trump, I said, when Biden fails, and it's not as it's when, when he fails, his policies are wrong, he'll fail, and there'll be really significant buyers and more still want you back again. And that's the way we geared the whole re-election, the primary campaign was structured so that every day we attacked Joe Biden, and if Joe Biden, you know, if we could beat Joe Biden, we were going to win the election, but I'll tell you where the poll numbers change, and it's on our website on and put up a monthly poll, and tomorrow I'm going to have a poll out of a thousand likely voters, and we'll post it, and Trump will be leading 47-43. We were led by four points last month. We led by four points this month. We never saw those numbers in 2016 or 2020. It was always a, we were going to hold them close and win an electoral college victory in the battleground states. Well, now we're leading nationally, and the numbers changed when Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan, because that's the one thing that an American president is not supposed to do is surrender, and he surrendered Afghanistan, he got a bunch of, he got a bunch of heroic Marines killed, he left thousands of Americans and some friends of America stranded in Afghanistan, and you know, he couldn't stop the war in Ukraine, it was a signal to Russia that Putin was going to go walk all over him, and now he's betraying Israel, and inflation's out of control, and crime in the board is wide open. So Joe Biden and international polls had a 57 disapprove, I mean, 66, 68 percent this month, the wall voters say the country's on the wrong track, and 64 to 31, they say the economy's getting worse, not better, because inflation's still out of control. So with those kinds of dynamics, you know, Trump is leading Joe Biden for 47 to 43 this month, last month it was 49 percent. What percentage in your in your poll that's coming out tomorrow disapprove of Trump though, because he's always got high disapproval numbers. His job, you'll be surprised. If you ask a favorable unfavourable on him, actually his favorable unfavourable is better than Biden's, and his job approval is net positive. Biden's job approval is net negative. And there's what I call an approval gap, where there's a lot of voters, the majority of voters, actually approve of the job Trump did as president, but they don't like his personality and style. But what's happened now is, you know, because our polls bottled after the 2020 electorate, so there's more Democrats in it than Republicans, and there's actually four points more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters in it. But we're ahead by four points, so you've got this eight-point turnaround. And what it is, is four points are the people that voted for Biden are now undecided. And other four points that voted for Biden in 2020 are now Trump voters in 2024. So you've got a Biden 2020 Trump 24 voter, and those voters, we've done this for months, where we've gotten a good deep look at them. A quarter of them are Hispanic, a quarter of them are African-American, the average age is 35. So they're younger working class voters who've been really seriously, critically impacted by inflation. Yeah. And now, they can't even have graduations. I mean, they've got these protests going on, like, and let alone the net finding the jobs they were hoping to find. So when the New York Times comes out, by the way, if you don't think these polls are right, just see what Joe Biden did yesterday. Joe Biden decided, sitting incumbent president, decided to challenge his opponent to a debate in June. And that's because Biden knows how much trouble he's in. I mean, I heard it was White House internal polls that are disaster-flowing because he's flip-flopping all over in Israel. And so they've decided, well, we've got to have to debate Trump. I mean, because their strategy last year was to indict us. And it's strategy this year. And by the way, when we ask the voters, do you think you're trying to put, pardon me, it's like this month, it's actually 68% of voters say that politics played a role in these indictments. And 59% say Biden played a role in these indictments. That's among all voters. And 53 to 34, they say Biden is trying to put Trump in jail to stop being president again. I mean, we've never seen this in America. It's crazy. And I've worked plenty of times in Massachusetts. By the way, I used to work on your show like I got started up there with Arthur Figglesky, where we worked for Joe Malone. So I've seen one party systems before, like in Massachusetts. And I live in New York. But I've never seen anything like this where basically the President of the United States is indicting his leading political opponent. I tell Trump, I said, the only crime you committed is you're ahead in the pulse. And I said to him, because we kept going up, and I'm like, he may make you the Nelson Mandela of America. Right. It's like a lot of the people that, you know, would normally be voting Democrat, have had problems with the law and think they've gotten screwed, whether they did or not unfairly. And they can now identify with Donald Trump, you know, just because they can see what they understand what's being done to them. Anyone who's paying attention can see it. Yeah. And then at most voters who say if they could do this to Trump, they could do it to you with the IRS, the FBI. Right. Yes. And that's like, but that's how corrupt Biden is. He's unbelievable. I mean, people think he's like this debate. I think the Republicans are getting over confident and cocky that I mean, the debates rigged because Trump won't have an open mic. It'll be set down whenever they want. And you got it said CNN in Atlanta, you got the CNN moderators. And Joe Biden, they'll have them, they'll have them pumped up like they did the state of the union, where, you know, it was the worst state of the union speech I've ever seen. And it was partisan and polarizing and nasty. And, you know, the media said, Oh, that's great. He meant to test. The problem is drugs don't last forever, especially when you're as far gone as Joe Biden. And they just have to keep up in the ante. And so let me ask you about Robert F Kennedy, Jr. I mean, obviously Biden is petrified of him as well. And I've seen polls on both sides saying that he takes more away from Biden. He takes more away from Trump. It kind of goes back and forth. I mean, who do you think Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is hurting more right now in the polls? Well, I don't know him personally, but I know all of them from New York. Yeah. And we know him in New York because he stopped fracking. You know, they have an in Pennsylvania. Right. And it's, yeah, Pennsylvania is a lot more fiscally well off and prosperous than upstate New York. Yeah. Yeah. And so he, you know, he's been against that. And he's for soft on crime, soft on immigration. And he, you know, it's for big tax hikes. And so he's a liberal. I always thought he was a Trojan horse to stuff about him being a Maverick now. He's a Kennedy liberal. And I like the way, you know, when he ran, they took his name off the Robert Kennedy fund. And, you know, you got all the advisors up there. You got Obama, you got, you got Joe Biden, you got a Kennedy family. And you got Cheryl Hines, which is RFK, Jr.'s wife. So we're all listed on this liberal, you know, think tank nonprofit, except he's missing. I'm like, he's not really missing. He's like undercover. He's trying to, and he's going to take Trump voters. But he, no, he takes left to center voters. And with, with him in the race, Trump's still ahead. I mean, by a couple of points in my polls, but, but in the meantime, nationally, you saw Mark Penn with the Harvard Harris poll. Yeah, he had Trump up for, but when Bobby Kennedy was in it, he put him up seven. And when, and then with the CNN poll, Shocker had us up six with Kennedy in it, all of a sudden Trump's up nine, because Trump's got the most intense base of support. And if Kennedy, when you look at third party candidates, they have to collapse one of the two major party candidates to win. Right. So Kennedy's not going to take any support from Trump. He's going to take it from Biden. And, and, and if you don't believe me, you can see the Biden challenge on the debate yesterday. They, they said it's a two way debate, they're not letting RFK. Right. And they'll be the first ones to challenge his petitions to get on the ballot at any state. Yeah, they, they got them knocked off for a while in Nevada. I don't know if he got back on or not, but they, they double crossed him in Nevada, apparently, you know, they told him what he needed to do. And then he got everything they needed, and they changed the rules on him. Gee, what a, what a surprise. I mean, what do you expect the guy with Uncle Petty's friend? I can watch the ballot. What about, but, you know, my, my textures are all saying, what about the, the, the steel factor someone's putting it to it? I mean, you know, I, I would think if there were a legitimate, fair, free election, I mean, it would pretty much be over, I would think, but what is, what's going to be done to try to stop what happened in 2020 from happening again? Well, there's legal challenges every day. I mean, Chris Lossavita is at the RNC, thank God, now, and he's, you know, he was one of the Trump strategist, him as Suzy Wilds, that we won the primary in record and as historic record primary win, but the, but we're, we're maning legal challenges every day like there was in Wisconsin. We want a legal case where they were trying to throw out the witnesses for absentee ballots, and it's state by state, you got to fight. We won that, actually, you know, bottom of the judge ruled in our favor, we won that, but then you got, they, they had an election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and we got, right, so they flipped it, and now they don't have drop boxes, and now they're reviewing whether to have drop boxes again. So it's state by state, like in Georgia, two years ago, I worked for the late speaker of Rawston in Georgia, and he had their election law changed after the 2020 election, so that whether you vote absentee, or whether you vote early in person, or whether you vote drop box, or whether you vote on election day, you have to provide ID. Everybody in Georgia has ID. That's why Biden, like, bans, he, him and Major League Baseball, they moved the also game, because they said that was racist to provide ID, and it's like, so they'll do anything they can to cheat and steal, because that's where they had the drop boxes, but the difference was in 2020, you had a million votes coming in in the drop boxes where people, they got video people throwing in 30, 40, 50. Is it really good at ballot harvesting? And I remember Sean Hannity saying to me in his show, he's like, you know, I've said there, I said, there's ballot stuffing there, they're ballot harvesting, he says, yeah, but they're only supposed to put in one ballot, and he said, and I said, yeah, but we got video of them, you know, nobody's stopping them. They were zucker bucks, they put them all in, you know, Democrat areas, and but now they fixed all that. So, you know, the votes should look like the polls in Georgia, and you saw it in '22 when Kemp and all the statewide officers, holders got elected, and Herschel lost for the Senate race, but nobody complained it was a bad election. I mean, Stacey Abrams couldn't even complain. So, it was an election. So, we got to fight state by state, because they're trying to everywhere. New York State, they got no excuse absenteeism, even though it's unconstitutional, it's in court, you know, you go to a portal and you apply for an absentee. So, you know, if do we one and two referendums not to have that happen, they just run you over and they keep coming. So, until November 5th, you know, probably then they'll be legal challenges after. We got to keep fighting every day to make sure they don't change the rules. So, it's a serious election integrity problem. Well, so, I, so what would you bet on if you had the bet, what are the odds of Trump winning in spite of, in spite of all this shenanigans that will be going on? I know you're as pollster, but what would you say? Yeah, I mean, today it's obvious that I mean, the market almost, Trump himself says, because we had this investor class strategy during the primary, we were trying to remind these college-educated graduates that they should vote for them, because that's when they had the most in there for all in case. So, it worked, by the way. See, now we got to work with the general, but, but it's like, so Trump keeps on saying that the market's up because of him, but that's why. You look at these polls and you're like, oh, if he wins, they won't be able to raise taxes, so the economy goes up. So, today, you know, the, for a moment that Dow Jones won over 40,000, it's all because they think Trump's going to be the next president. So, they're a lot smarter than I am and these political markets are a lot smarter than I am. I just read the polls day-to-day, we've got about 170, we've got like 170, 572 days to go to the election. So, I mean, today, today, Trump will win a landslide. Oh, God, we got to keep it up. Hey, John, can we get you on again? Like, maybe once a month, they'll up going up to the election? Sure, absolutely. That's great. Android talking to you. It's good to talk to you again. And Joe Malone, the old days in Massachusetts, like to turn it around again, like 1990. Thank you, John McLaughlin, Trump's pollster. I'm Howie Carr. Back. 844, 542, 42. You know, even if Bobby Kennedy is a Trojan horse for the Democrats, I mean, if he wore up on stage and you didn't like Trump, and you said, here are my choices, Biden or Bobby Kennedy. I mean, even if he didn't like Bobby Kennedy, you know, his dodgy background and his personal life, etc. Who are you voting for if you're not voting for Trump? I don't think you're voting for Biden. I mean, if you if you have half of a brain cell, unlike Joe Biden left in your head, you're voting for Bobby Kennedy. I don't blame him for not one bot or his handlers. He doesn't know anything about what's going on. I don't blame him for not one Bobby Kennedy on the debate stage. That's why I'd love to have him on the debate stage. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. You there? Hello? Yeah. Hey, how are you going? I want to ask you a question. If Biden say, I'm happy with, I cannot debate. I want it to be virtual to control him. Yeah, I believe he's going live. I don't think there's going to be any, I don't think Trump should agree to a virtual debate. Mr. Garcia, come on. I mean, they then there would be an AI, an AI version of Biden up there. Yeah, that's correct. You can lie. You can tell I have COVID again, but Trump to cancel, right? So cancel. Say no until we, well, I'm going to debate him. I'm not going to say, you know, somebody just texted me, Mr. Garcia. It's an interesting theory. I'm not sure I buy it. But do you remember in the in 2016, when when Trump was getting a lot of criticism for the access Hollywood tapes and they had the town hall, the debate in St. Louis? And they remember what the remember what Donald Trump did, who he brought. He brought back all the women that that Bill Clinton was accused of raping or sexually harassing. He brought them and had him sitting there in the front row with Hillary Clinton. Yeah. And the and so this textor says, well, what if what if Trump brought the Tara Reed to the debate, brought her back for Moscow and just let her stare up at Joe Biden. But the problem with that, though, is do you think Joe Biden even remembers who Tara Reed is? I don't think so now that I think about it. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 42, we'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr.