The Howie Carr Radio Network

Third Rate School with First Rate Pay | 5.16.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie and callers cover some of the high-flying librarians and administrators at UMass who are winning the Payroll Patriots Lottery. Aiden "Turtleboy" Kearney joins Howie to share the latest updates in the Karen Read trial.

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We're also seeing from the Republicans already, setting expectations so low for Biden that if he just stands up there and puts some sentences together, he'll win, and we'll still wait in the same view. ♪♪♪ The legacy has inspired me to pursue a career in a career in serving. You probably all saw that commercial on Snickers bars. You get there's still mocking him, which plays right into his hand. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, he expressed disdain and frustration of four poles in general. He loved the poles four years ago. The special counsel in his report predicated his decision not to prosecute on his finding that the president was elderly and forgetful. Well, whenever I'm confused, I just check my underwear. It holds the answer to all the important questions. Tampa, how do you take off your underwear without taking off your pants? Hi, George. No! Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howdy, car! 844-542-428-444-542-617 asked, "How much of the football and basketball coaches that you mass make? They make a lot of money, too." But, you know, the thing is, they can get fired. You know, you had the football coach was making 800,000 a year and he won one game in three years. And I cited the old line from Bill Weck, former owner of various bust-out major league baseball teams. I think the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Kansas City A's, et cetera, or maybe even the Oakland A's back in the day. But anyway, he said, "It's not the high cost of talent that's ruined in the game. It's the high cost of mediocrity." And I think that's what I think about the UMass of football and basketball coaches, the high cost of mediocrity. You know, he also... Bill Weck also had a great line, Ralph Kiner. He was a home run hitter. He became a color announcer, I think, for the Mets later on. And so, he led the league and home runs like three years in a row for the Pirates, and they had a terrible team. And so, he went in, this was like around 1950, early '50s, and Kiner said to Bill Weck, "I've led the league and home runs three years in a row. I deserve a pay raise." And Bill Weck said, "Ralph, we finish last with you. We can finish last without you." And that's the way I feel about all these administrators at UMass. It's a third-rate school with you. It could be a third-rate school without you. And some of these... I must say, though, I kept reading in the story thinking that somebody was going to be saying, "I'm going to quit because I'm so angry about the fact that we had all these hippies arrested, these Nazi hippies arrested." And you know, you had to go deep into the story until you found a librarian that said she was going to quit $87,000 a year, which is damn good for a librarian, but it's chump change compared to the rest of them. But you know what? I don't think that librarian's going to quit either when you get right down to it. 844, 540 to 42. They're discussing a potential defense witness, as they're saying, at the Trump trial in New York, the lawyers. I would assume that's Costello, Robert Costello, the guy who... He wasn't Cohen's lawyer, but he had a two-hour conversation with him, apparently. And he's been all over Fox today and yesterday. He's an older guy, but he's a lawyer. And he's done a lot of... He's a big-time lawyer, Robert Costello. And he says that Cohen basically... He said, "I don't believe anything. Stormy Daniel said." So there's no attorney client privilege. Not that attorney client privilege means anything anymore. It's kind of like a non-disclosure agreement or a pre-nuptial agreement. None of these contractual obligations that we've had for centuries or at least decades, a century in American life, they don't mean anything anymore. Attorney client privilege pre-nuptials, non-disclosure agreements. None of it matters. But he was willing to go up and say that Cohen didn't believe anything was there. And they also... They had a witness who was at Hope Hicks last week said that people thought that Cohen was going to kill himself because he didn't get to be attorney general. And then Cohen, I think today said, understands he didn't even want a job in the administration. I mean, the guy just can't... The guy just can't stop lying about anything. Eight, four, five hundred, didn't bill back on the Cubs and have some midget player. During World War II, I think he had the St. Louis Browns. And he put a midget up to bat. And he could go... He got one. He got one bat. And of course they couldn't get... You can't throw a strike because if you're trying to throw it into the dirt. And so he got one walk and he'd made his point. And then he used a one-arm picture too, I think. I think Bill Beck was the guy who used the one-arm picture. Bruce from The Met says, "I knew Ralph Well. I got on his post-game show Kinders Corner a couple of times. A wonderful human being. Yeah, I went to Deerfield with his son Mike Kiner. He was a... He was in my brother's class a couple of years behind me. Eight, Bill Beck is in wreck. That was one of the original, you know, tell all stories about the Major League sports. It was a pretty damn funny book. I read it when I was a kid. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Bruno, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bruno. So, Howie, I've been involved with the University of Massachusetts since 1992. I graduated from there. And the best part about it was out here in Western Mass. They were running a commercial for the longest time this past year because they needed employees. They couldn't find anyone to work. So, the tagline in the commercial was, "I'm here for life." Can you imagine, "I'm here for life." Nobody gets fired up there. Boy, they said that on the ad? Absolutely. You can go find it. You can go find the ad. I'm here for life. And, you know, no one ever... This is what irritates me Howie about University of Massachusetts. They do not know that they're in the customer service business and that the customers are little Johnny and little Janie who come up there for an education and then their other customers are industry who they want to come hire little Johnny and little Janie. They think that the school is there for them first and everybody else is a second-class citizen. Yeah. Unbelievable. You know, it's amazing, you know, when you look at the payroll of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the top tier is all UMass. And the top tier at UMass is all administrators. You have to go down like, I don't know, 20, 30, 40 people before you come to the first professor. You know? And they've all got one, two diminutives in their name, like the senior vice provost or the assistant deputy chancellor. You know, some of them have three diminutives in their names. You know, associate, junior, deputy, assistant, senior. It's just amazing the number of jobs they have. And Bruno, don't you think they could get rid of like 80% of those administrators and nobody would ever know the difference? No one, no one. And how it's just like, it's just like any other, you know, state organization. Once you get those extra titles, that means a higher bump. And notice how they all come in their last three or four years of work time at the university. I know a couple, I know a couple, a husband or wife up there, their retirement income combined is over $400,000 a year combined. I believe it. I mean, what is Marty me in going to get? I mean, that guy's making like, I think 800, 900,000 dollars. So times 80%, let's say, let's say it's 800,000. Times eight, that's $640,000 a year. It's going to, that's $12,000 plus a week. He's going to get in retirement. The guy's never had a real job. Never had a real job. He was a hack. He was a hack working for Secretary of State Mike Connolly. Then he got elected to Congress. Then he got the, then he got the job as the university. And that's all he's ever done. Been a cold holder his entire life. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500. Now they're dumping on Ralph Kiner. My sister worked at WOR and they used to call Kiner's Corner Show, Kiner's Coma. That's not right. Come on. He was a, he was a great, he was a home. Oh my God. He was a slugger. 844, 542, 42. You don't have to wait once a week for your favorite TV show to come on the air anymore. You just stream what you want, what you want on demand. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 805210111 or visit Call Charlie today at 805210111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. I'm Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop it intruded from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. Learn more at That's f-l-i-p-l-o-k dot com f-l-i-p-l-o-k dot com. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who's the most loathsome Democrat hack on state run cable news. Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Erin Burnett, Caitlin Collins, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki, Lawrence O'Donnell or Nicole and or Chris Wallace. I'm still voting for Jake Tapper. Tapper is at 6% now. Really? He went down? He went down. That's in fourth place. Joy Reid increased to 33%, 26% for Maddow, 22% for Scarborough, 5% for Psaki and 2% under for the rest. All right. 844, 500, 42, 42. Bruce from the Met says Ralph kind of tended to get an occasional bad ice cube during the game, if just saying. Well, you know, there's a lot of that going around in baseball back then. Wasn't there, Bruce? What do they say? Mickey Mantle's favorite part of the game? The bottom of the fifth. As Rudyard Kipling used to say, there comes a night when the best kid. And I'm just looking him up on his biography on Wikipedia. He at last until '91. That's for someone who got bad ice cubes. That's a long time to last. 844, 500, 42. John, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, John. Happy Thursday, Howie. I've got a proposal for a conspiracy theory with debates between Trump and Biden. Yes. Go ahead. Suppose that there's nobody in the audience. And they use a generative AI to project President Trump's response. I thought that's where you were going with that, John. That would be a workable conspiracy theory for Biden. 844, 500, 42, 42. Joe, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Joe. Hey, Howie. Hi. Thank you for what you do speaking the truth. It's refreshing to hear. Thank you. Thanks for listening. It means a lot. I'm the father of six. It's been tough these days and it's hard to find things to laugh about. But I got to tell you, when you play the Biden clips and he is funny, he makes me laugh. That's about all he's good for because he's killing us in every other way. It's almost impossible. I got to work 70 hours a week. But I got to tell you, when you play him out, when you play his clips on the radio, when I'm on my way home from work, man, it gets me laughing. They get mixed reviews, Joe. You know, some people say, well, you know, they're very, they're kind of funny, but on the other hand, they're also depressing. But you got to know what he's you got to know how bad off he is, you know, because you're not going to see this on the network. Newscast, are you? He's a joke. And that's about all he's good for. No, Trump, he'll win. I hope so. God, knock on wood, knock on wood. That's why I think I don't care how much they, you know, they try to stack the deck, you know, with the cutting off the microphones and and putting in a, a rabid Democrat operative in there and no audience. Biden can't do it. Biden can't last again. He couldn't last against the state rep candidate and also ran state rep candidate. He's a, there's nothing left eight for four five hundred forty two forty two, uh, rich, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rich. Hi, Howie. Just just a couple of notes, quick facts about Bill Vek, who you were mentioning. Yeah. He had a wooden, a wooden leg or a peg leg and a wooden leg. And the other thing was he, um, he ran Suffolk Downs for a number of years and he had it running good. He did a great job. He was a promoter. Oh, I didn't know he ran Suffolk Downs. Suffolk Downs was owned by a lot of different people over the years. Yeah. Judge Pappas was the original one. He brought it back. He bought it in an auction in 1947. I know a little of the history of it. And he really made it into a class track. But when it was on its downward spiral, they brought in Bill Vek and he, he stabilized it and got it, got it running pretty good. But he also had a wooden leg and, and it was like a peg leg. But anyway, I've been working on that in Jullo project and the guy who, you know what, Larry, Larry Bayoni, his lieutenant had this high stakes card game. And they had the guy who got the guy who provided the food and the booze for the high stakes card game on North Margin Street. His name was Peg Leg. Yeah, that's a nickname. You don't hear much anymore, Richard, Peg Leg. Thanks for the call. 844-542-542, Rich, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rich. Howie. Yes. Hey, I don't know how you got on to the Ralph Kinera thing because I just turned on. But that Bruce from the Mets is correct, man. I grew up down there, you know, and he used to, there was a whole thing you could get. There was once a print out of all these blunders that he made, you know, Biden-esque with, you know, calling, he called Gary Carter the catcher, Gary Coleman, like the little actor, you know. And it was like, he referred to, you know, he'd be talking, you know, there was at one time where he was talking about, you know, signing off the program and whoever his guests were, you know, he'd say, well, thanks to so-and-so-and-so. And me, Ralph Kinera, you know, there's a whole mess you could find. One of your guys can find it somewhere. It was hilarious. But, you know, but Jared just looked him up during the break. He led the, how many years did he lead the league? His first seven years in the majors, he led the league in home runs all seven years. That's great. That's amazing, Rich. I mean, nobody's ever done that, right? He was big time. But, you know, he got, you know, later, you know, in life, he got comfortable, you know, up there in his little program thing. And, you know, he'd sit around to do his, well, he did play-by-play, I think, him and Bob Murphy and somebody else. Yeah. I can't remember the other guy, but, you know, he'd get, you know, he'd do his three innings or whatever, and he'd settle over to the end. Yeah, we're going to have to find him. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542. 42. Joining us now is Turtle Boy, the blogger, also known as Aidan Cairney. That's his real name, and he's been covering the Cairn Reed murder case since it was, since it, since it became an issue, or soon after it became a cause celeb many, many moons ago now. And he's a, John O'Keefe was a Boston police officer. He was found dead in the snow outside another Boston police officer's house in January of 2022. The local, local cops blamed Cairn Reed, John O'Keefe's girlfriend for running over him with, with her car. But the evidence didn't add up, and now she's on trial, and it's a weird trial, day 13 today. And Turtle Boy, they still haven't produced one shred of evidence, Ty and Cairn Reed to this so-called murder, have they? Well, she's not the one on trial, Colin Albertus. Yeah. Yeah, I think, and now he's evident today. I mean, this whole thing is about protecting Colin Albert, and you saw him on the stand today. Not much worth protecting. I mean, talk about privilege. I mean, that kid is this, one of the dumbest, it's like a human rock, and just, as no understanding whatsoever, the lengths that people, powerful people have gone to, to protect him. I really don't think he has any clue how serious this is, and, you know, what people are doing to protect his reputation and his freedom. The way he was dressed, you know, I'm no fashion plate, but I was going, what the bleep is that outfit? All about, you know, I mean, how did his parents let him out the door wearing that outfit? It's one of those things like Billy Bulger used to say, how long do you have to wear that before you win the bet? Well, Courtney, I mean, talk to his parents. That's the first question they were asking. Did you talk to anyone about this? Because you live with your parents, and you didn't talk about the murder trial that you testified in today. Come on, like, there's no way. I guarantee you last night Colin Albert slept like a baby. He slept just fine because he has no understanding of how serious this is. But his parents were probably up all night and worrying about every little thing. Because, like, their baby, he can't, they've been protecting him this whole time, but they can't protect him from Alan Jackson. And we saw what happened today. I mean, it was a complete, of all the witnesses, he was the biggest disaster by far, and that's saying something. But, you know, the thing is, I think Karen reads already off. Don't you agree? I mean, she, I know she can't, you know, she can't relax because this is her life as it stay care. But I think that she's already got way beyond a reasonable doubt here. I mean, there's no, she didn't do anything, and they have no witnesses, and if they did, they would have already introduced them. But I'm just, I don't think anybody's ever going to be prosecuted for anyone else's ever going to be prosecuted for killing John OK, Theo. That's very more than I've said this entire time. The whole purpose of this is in the convict area. They don't care about that. And they'd probably sleep better at night if she wasn't convicted. What they care about is, you know, protecting the people that actually did this, not doing a real investigation. And again, you know, I'll tell you one thing, Ali, like mine is, is this up to me, right? I was John O'Keefe, and I was like, my mom wouldn't put up with this crap, this garbage investigation. It's like, I really wish that the O'Keefe would just say something because they have the power to stop the sham. But they're rolling into court with the McCabe and the Elberts. And it's like, so that is the biggest gift that these people have is that the O'Keefe are on board with this crap. Now, the defense lawyer, I think it was Yannetti today at the near the end said that the defense has witnesses that will tell what really happened to John O'Keefe. Someone from in the house, he said. And there's only one left, Ali, besides John McCabe. And there's these Brian Higgins. The guy with the proffer from the feds. With the proffer, yeah. And, you know, you have to wonder what that proffer is. That was a really interesting statement that he said that we have somebody with this that will testify that John was in a fight. That's the first time we've heard of that. Not circumstantial evidence or autopsy photos. We opine. No, no, no. Somebody that says they're going to testify. You know, that he was in a fight. So that's what ought to be wild. You know, if it's Higgins, that would be something. Well, my question, neither you nor I are lawyers. But I mean, if there is a witness and we've known now for several weeks that this guy Higgins, this ATF agent who's now apparently on some kind of leave, he's got a proffer from the feds, which means they've cut a deal or they're trying to cut a deal with him to testify. Why would these people get up there and say what they're saying on the stand under oath, on the stand under oath, if there's a witness who's going to come in and impeach their testimony, their credibility? Because they don't care, Howie. The one yesterday got caught. These people get caught red handed all the time and they pull a shaggy and they say it wasn't me. They get caught with the life 360 data showing you're out to 130. It wasn't me. I don't know what. Nope. I don't know. That must be a mistake. They get caught with everything. You know, constantly get caught in his life and then they just go on this. I don't know how that happens. You know, and that's a lot of his making it up. Another thing I don't understand is why they say why this calling Albert today said that he got the cuts, the lacerations on his knuckles from falling down on the ice and he tried to break the falls with his knuckles and as I told Grace, you know, I've fallen down. My leg has been broken in three different places. I got to bust it up. Albert, I got to, I got to, you know, a bridge in my mouth from being hit in the face. I mean, I never once put my knuckles down to break. No one in the human history ever did that. Alan Jackson's response, that was seriously, it's like, you know, if you fall down in your hands of the part, you want to break the fall of your hand, just use the palm of your hand. Right. Right. Use your knuckle. You don't put it. Who believes that? You might as well say, just, I don't remember. What happened? I don't remember. Instead, you make up these fantastic lines. Oh, no, I didn't. Yeah. Listen, listen, listen to this. We got to listen to this. If you haven't heard it, it's just crazy. Cut 16. How'd you get those injuries? I was, um, at a party, my house party, my senior year, and it was, I remember it being icy out and I was, it was like a, it was kind of like a steep hill of a driveway and I was walking up the driveway and I slipped down the driveway and I tried to catch myself, but I had something in my left hand. So I had tried to brace myself with my right hand and I ended up sliding a little bit down the driveway. What'd you have in your left hand? If I remember it was either my phone or, or beverage. So according to you, you fell on ice and injured your knuckles, as we just saw on that photograph, right across the top of your knuckles. Correct. So you fell onto, what, pavement, asphalt? Yes. And you braced yourself when you fell your entire body weight by putting your right hand down in a fist and you injured your right fist, just the top of the knuckles on your right fist when you fell down. Correct. Seriously? Checking your system. It's like, are you, are you, is this a joke? Like, oh, how about the other ones, the other, call Kelly told, he's like, I've never been in a fight before. Right. And then they produced like two of the videos that we've shared for a post on TikTok. Who would you threaten to knock people out and bang? Yeah. It's like, are you, are you just a showman then, Colin? What's going on here? Yeah. We got to play, you know, I'm sorry to take up the time with these, but we got to play these cuts. They're crazy. Cut 17. Yeah. You indicated on cross-examination, you've never been in a fight. No. You've been taking a cure. You have no violent tendencies. No violent claims. Right. Nope. What were you saying on that video? That I would beat them up. Did you say you would beat them up or did you say I will. I said I will F you up. No. What did you say? I will F you up. What did you actually say? That I would f*** them up. You also said something about beating somebody's ass, right? Correct. What does that mean? That I would beat them up. So when you said I would f*** you up and I would beat your ass, was that a friendly invitation? No. It was a threat, correct? I don't know if I would call it a threat, I'm not sure. Oh my God. You know, they put in the videos and like the videos are so horrific and it's like nobody, the fact that they allowed those in evidence, thank God, this is the first good thing she's done this trial and the jury sees that. They know exactly who they're dealing with here. It's like there's overprivileged, stereotypical, meathead high school punk jock who, you know, isn't very book smart and just gets up there and is full of crap. Those are put on a good, you know, face to pretend like he's like this respectable guy. And you know, Lallie's take on that old video is basically, "Boys will be boys." You know, he got a just regular teenager. That's not normal. If your kid's posting videos like that, put it in counseling. You failed as a parent, Chris Albert. What are you doing? You know what gets me is they put it, he's in a wedding for one of the proctors and proctor is the lead investigator for the state police who came up with all this months later, came up with all this evidence about Karen Reed saying I hit him, I hit him, nobody had in the initial aftermath of the death of John O'Keefe. And so this guy proctor is tied more and more closely to the McAlberts, all of them. And I mean, I just, I wonder what the jury thinks when they see this. You know, I mean, I'm just drifting in and out of it like most people all day long. But I mean, if you're just sitting there and it's one of these knucklehead McAlberts after another up there on the stand and they're trying to put this woman away for life, it's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, it's, and I'm sure the jury is watching this, unless they're just completely naive or stupid. They're seeing what the rest of the country is being, but these people are not honest that they're clearly hiding something. Each one gets exposed as a liar. How about Matty McAlberts? Fatty McAlberts today? We got up there and he told some more tales. He said that Higgins Jeep was parked outside the house. This is a new spin that they have. During the time when Karen Reed was there, like where did that come from? There was three witnesses yesterday, Nagle and the two other kids in the truck. And they all testified that it was just they were directly behind Karen Reed. There was no Jeep there. Where's this coming from? It's just adding stuff to this. These people are liars. He also said that apparently Matty McAlberts just likes to watch the road during the middle of parties. That's been a great time just watching the road. He saw V-shaped tire tracks on the street, you know, with less than an inch as no, but he couldn't see a 220-pound black blob as he was described, John Oakley's body. You know, he couldn't see that in the foreground, but he could see the tire tracks in the road in the background. Who believes this? This is nonsense. But you know, you read the social media and you know what their defense now is, hey, come on. Everybody was drunk. What the hell do you expect? Yeah. That is. Isn't it? Isn't that their defense now? I mean, a big defense has always been like, oh, you guys sound like conspiracy theorists. How could all these people keep a conspiracy play because they don't want to go to jail. First of all, it's like five people. It's the grown-up Alberts and the grown-up McCabe, and they hid everyone else. They hid Colin, and now we see why that they hid Colin because he's a liability, and they hid Sarah Levinson, and they hid Julie Nagel, and there are other people who are in the house as long as they could, because the less people they talk, the better. And all you need is this lead detective, and they got that in Michael Proctor, and we all know the state police aren't going to be disciplining themselves. So, you know, his boss, you know, Brian Tully, and Yuri Buchanan, they're not going to punish him for lying to them. So, it's really not that hard to pull off. And Colin Alberts today, he didn't even remember Tully's name. This guy's taking care of him, and he can't even remember saying. And I don't think he's lying either. I'm like, he's like, I just thought he's looked on it, and he wants to be the one to put me in jail. 3-3-9 says, "I'm a retired mailman, and I've slipped on the ice many times. I scraped a palm of my hands, never knuckles. It's an automatic reflex. You don't have to be a mailman to do it. I mean, nobody has ever tried to break a fall with their knuckles." "I mean, why not just say I don't remember? These people say I don't recall, and I don't remember all the time. It's like, it was like two years ago, you know, it's like, oh, you know, I don't really remember. It wasn't for Punch and John, you know, and why not just say that you've been in a fight before? Like, no, it's people getting fights sometimes, yeah, I've been in a fight. It doesn't mean I fought John O'Keece, I mean, why not just say that?" "Oh, man, so is what happens tomorrow?" "John McCabe, so they're going to finish cross-examining Matt McCabe tomorrow, and then we get Jen, and she's like the show stopper. She's the one we're all waiting to see, so I can't go because they're scared of me, so I don't want to intimidate them. I'm not allowed in the courtroom, so I'll be officially done with witnesses I can't be around, as of tomorrow, and I'll be able to go Monday without worrying about it." "So the cross, will we get the cross tomorrow?" "Yeah, you get the cross on--" "The cross on Jennifer McCabe tomorrow, do you think it'll get, we'll get to that?" "We should, I think we will have it, I think we got time, we got six, seven hours to do it stuff." "Well, that's the biggie, that's the biggie, okay, Turtle Boy, where can people get you? Check out your stuff." ", or add Dr. Turtle Boy on Twitter, or Turtle Boy live on Rubble." "Okay, talk to you tomorrow, it'll be a big day, big day, I'm Howie Carr." "He's Howie Carr." "Still have some great cheap bastard deals, Grace is goodies, to Moby Dick's restaurant and Wellfleet, Massachusetts, Todd Berry's place, it's just the best, the best seafood shack around. It's in Wellfleet, it's certainly the best one on the outer, or the inner--whatever they call it, you never get a straight, the outer cape, the tip of the cape, the tip of the cape. But it's a great place, $50 gift certificates for $25 at Tomoby Dick's, right now go to Howie Carr's and click on store and also go and get a copy of Paper Boy, my book, read all about it, right now the Father's Day special when you buy the book, you get a t-shirt, a free t-shirt, and it's a mystery t-shirt, but if it's just put in your size, we got all sizes, so put in your size, you'll get a mystery t-shirt, one of our popular t-shirts for just for $24.95, the Father's Day special order now, and get your Moby Dick's restaurant gift certificates. Don, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead Don. Hello there. Hi. So anyways, the testimony all day long, he had no idea to remember a thing. No, he couldn't. But when it came to the Knuckles, he immediately walked the hesitation, "Oh, I fell on a line out of potting, carrying stuff a long time ago, talking about prepping and pre-rehearsing a question." They anticipated that question and they told him what to say. Right. I know, and it was very frustrating that he couldn't remember anything. I mean, at some point, don't you just stop saying, "Just say I'm taking the Fifth Amendment," or, you know, there's an investigation continues. That's what they say in Congress, and that's what they say at the law enforcement level here in Massachusetts, but he was bad, he was very bad, Don. Thanks for the call. Patrick, you're next with Howie Carr, not much time left, Patrick. Go ahead. Thanks. You just give us a rundown as to the motivation for the cover-up, you know, who cares about this family to do all this? And the second question is, did the evidence of a text or Google search for how long does it take from a guy to make the evidence? Not yet. Not yet. That's what Jen McCabe is going to be asked about tomorrow. She's the one who texted that, "How long to die in cold?" And they're going to say, "Well, you know, again, the timing was off. You know, have you ever had the wrong timing on any of your smartphones or any internet?" No, you haven't. That's coming in tomorrow, I would think, "I'm Howie Carr."