The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hunter's Sugar Brother is Running Low | 5.16.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Hunter's sugar brother isn't going to be around to bail him out for much longer. Biden is hiding a recording of his sleepy Hur interview from the public. Plus Grace predicts how his head-to-head showdowns will go against Trump.

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Remember when Robert Her was testifying and he was being asked about the report that Joe Biden couldn't remember things and was feeble and weak? And was making room, room sounds about as quick as... The fact is that I don't remember. Yeah, it was just an entire report that, and what I kept making note of at the time was nothing in the report would shock anyone who's watched Joe Biden for more than 30 seconds. It's the fact that Robert Her had the gall to actually put pen to paper and write it down that drove people insane. Like, how dare you actually point out that the emperor has no clothes when the rest of us have been covering our eyes and pretending for the last four years? And what really made me laugh about it was I believe Jared, it was Adam Schiff, who was... I mean, he's always obnoxious, but he was very disrespectful to Robert Her and was kind of insinuating that he was doing this for political gain or, you know, trying to make a name for himself. And it really struck me that their argument was almost like, "You knew this was going to make Joe Biden look bad and you put it out there anyway." And Robert Her had to defend himself and say, "I wasn't making considerations as to how this was going to be received. I just wrote the report based on what actually happened. If I had done what you're saying and considered the negative effects on Joe Biden, then I would have been acting politically." Then I would have been acting like Joe Biden's PR person or political consultant and not someone who was just trying to investigate what happened. Now, those are obviously my words, not Robert Herrs, but you could tell that the way he was conducting himself, that he's a serious person and I'm sure nobody's actually not political. You know, no one's apolitical. He definitely has his own beliefs, but I believed him when he said, "I couldn't take into consideration what the backlash was going to be because that's not what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not supposed to be guessing how things are going to be received. I'm just supposed to write up the report." And Adam Schiff and other Democrats were very upset with him because if you're a good hack, then you do take those things into consideration. You do think about, "Well, if it's going to hurt Trump, great. If it's going to hurt Biden, that's not good." And so Caitlyn Collins today -- oh, I'm sorry, it's not cute. I thought it was Caitlyn Collins. But a reporter today tweeted from the AP, it said, "White House blocks release of audio of Biden's special counsel interview arguing that the GOP wants it for political reasons." Now, isn't that just by writing that out, right? Couldn't you make the argument that they're not releasing it for political reasons? Yeah, it's funny. The GOP wants it for political reasons. You mean the party in control of the House of Representatives? Of the government? The House of Representatives would like this. Yes. Well, also, Jared, so Biden is saying that he's going to assert executive privilege over the recordings. And Merrick Garland's reasoning for this because I was trying to figure out what actual -- because that can't be the reason. You know, you can't exert executive privilege to say because the GOP is going to pounce in season weaponized, so we have to use executive privilege. You can't -- you can't get this audio because the GOP is going to be mean to us, and they're going to use it against us. We know that's the truth of it, but you have to have a different reason. You have to have a little bit of a cover. And so I was looking for it, and this is what Garland wrote to Biden in a letter obtained by Fox News. The audio recordings of your interview fall within the scope of executive privilege. Production of these recordings to the committees would raise an unacceptable risk of undermining the department's ability to conduct similar high-profile criminal investigations, in particular investigations, where the voluntary cooperation of White House officials is exceedingly important. So it's going to scare other people. You know, other people aren't going to want to do these interviews in the future if they think that the audio recordings of said interviews are going to be released at any point. But then the White House says that the GOP just wants it for political reasons, and it's like, again, that's not a good enough explanation for not releasing it. And also, let's all be very, very real with ourselves. If this were Donald Trump and there were audio, it wouldn't even matter. It wouldn't matter if the attorney general said he didn't have to release it. It wouldn't matter if Trump used executive. This would have been lead to the Washington Post the day after the report came out. You know what? No, I'm being too generous. This would have been released within five hours of the Robert her report. If somebody wrote a report that Donald Trump was like mumbling and bumbling and couldn't remember important dates and was talking nonsense about his car and was making everybody uncomfortable with these long stories and couldn't and was feeble and couldn't stand trial, the audio would be everywhere. It wouldn't matter what he wanted to exert over it. It would not play a role. So I just wanted to read that. And I also want to play a cut from Dan Bishop. He's a Republican from North Carolina. And this is what he had to say about it. He said, cut eight. There is no ground whatsoever to withhold the audio tape. That tape must be quite something. If the administration, if the president has decided to assert executive privilege to keep it from the committee in the course of an impeachment inquiry, think about it. The basis for withholding the audio recording when the transcript has been furnished must rest on something about the recording that is distinct from the information contained in the transcript. Yeah. But the White House doesn't want right wing agitators. Right wing media to have a field day. So now that's, that's how we decide what information you're going to get. You can make a FOIA request, an onerous FOIA request. And that's how the government can now decide whether or not you should be privy to certain information. Is this going to help Republicans too much? You don't get it. Is this going to hurt Donald Trump? Say no more. What's your email? We'll send it to you right now. Do you have a Dropbox? It's already there. That's how this works. And everybody sees it. Everybody knows it. I wanted to mention here, we're going to talk about the debates. RFK Jr. is saying that he is going to meet the criteria to take the stage in June. So the debate has been set for June 27. Jake Tapper is hosting. Jake Tapper says, who's ever in charge of DC is going to have to debate Donald Trump. But now RFK Jr. saying he's going to be there. I don't know how though because I'm pretty sure that the reason, because remember yesterday, Jared, I kept saying Biden doesn't want the commission on presidential debates to host this. And I thought it was strange because they've hosted these as far back as, you know, they've been having them basically, and they hosted them in 2020, which Joe Biden says he won both debates in 2020. And you can believe him. You can take his word as a Biden. He's a, he's a very impartial judge. He thinks that he came out on top in those debates. And I couldn't figure that out. Why would he take this away from the commission? It's a nonprofit organization commission for presidential debates. They wait for this every four years. It is, it is like their big thing. It's their Super Bowl. If the Super Bowl only happened every four years, they've got, they already bought, they bought way too much guac. They bought way too many chips bags of chips. And now nobody's coming over for the party. And I was like, why would he do that? They were so nice to him last time. They had Kristen Welker do the debate. Chris Wallace. I mean, I don't think anyone who watched the debate where Kristen Welker is sitting there. And Donald Trump turns to Joe Biden and says, are you going to transition away from fossil fuel? And Joe Biden answers. Yes. And then Christian Welker, the moderator who's supposed to be asking the questions looks at Joe Biden and says, why would you answer that? Why would you say that? That's what she said. Why would you say that? I don't think anyone walks those debates and thought those were slanted toward Donald Trump. They couldn't have done a better job of trying to make Joe Biden look good at those debates. So what was it that made him so unhappy? And then this RFK junior thing came into my mind. And I was like, there's something about the commission of presidential debates that they must have said, listen, he meets the criteria. So if we host it, we have to have them. And so the Biden team said, no, the Biden team is terrified of RFK junior. And that tells you a lot. That tells you that he poses a real threat. They do not want to have RFK junior on the same stage as Joe Biden. I think that it would be too much of a foil to Joe Biden's weakness to have a young. And you can, you know, RFK junior is not young, but compared to Joe Biden, he's a whipper snapper compared to Joe Biden. He's the fountain of youth. And they don't want them all on the same stage. This is what RFK junior said. They're trying to exclude me from their debate. Now, he keeps saying they, they're trying to exclude me. I don't think Donald Trump cares. I think Donald Trump is just going along with whatever Joe Biden wants because he wants to debate him. So if you want to debate someone, you got to go along with all of their, you know, this, that, whatever. So he's going, sure thing, you want this, you want that, you want the microphones to cut off. No live audience. You want your host. You want that. Fine. But I don't think Trump would mind a third person. Like, I don't think if RFK junior said, Hey, I qualified. I don't think Trump's his issue. I think it's Biden. Biden's the one calling the shots. He said they're trying to exclude me from their debate because they're afraid I would win. Suggesting that keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy. Now, listen to this, because this is from Politico. This is O'Malley Dylan. Okay. She's part of the Biden team, I believe. We are advising you now of this decision months in advance of the dates you would announce you are planning for. To enable you to avoid incurring further production and other expenses of the assumption that the Democrat nominee President Biden will participate for the reason stated above, he will not. I believe that that response, right? Is to the commission. And so on social media, somebody responded and said, Do people understand what Biden just did? He is ditching the debates held by the bipartisan debate commission. And creating his own so that he can remove RFK junior who qualifies under the traditional bipartisan rules. That is literally the opposite of democracy. So this O'Malley Dylan who's helping Joe Biden craft these perfect debates sends this to the commission that's been running these debates since the beginning of time and says we're advising you now of this decision. Basically, don't keep planning this because you're going to be embarrassed when we don't have our guys show up. We're going to do these on our own. That's insane. And I don't care about the nonprofit, the commission for presidential debates. I'm sure there is hackishes, everything else, but it's crazy that there's not more hoopla about this because you always want to talk to democracy and norms and precedent and all these things. And here's this guy who because he's so hell bent on having things his way and not having RFK junior there. He's telling them kick rocks, we're not, I'm not showing up. And he can't even tell them that his little friend has to tell them. But Jared, if you have to choose right between all of these reasons, what's most important to Joe. I don't have any options. Okay. What's the most important thing as far as the debate goes to Joe Biden, one that RFK junior doesn't show up to that there's no live audience, or three that the mic shut off after your response is done and you can interrupt out of those three. Am I forgetting one? Was there another requirement? I think those are the big three. Yeah, there was some, someone wanted a two hour time limit. I don't know if that was Trump or that's got me, but I'm assuming he was Biden. But I don't want to say that as fact. I don't know. I don't think Trump's a big time limit guy based on based on when I was covering his press conferences or helping how he pulls down from them. He was not a two hour guy. He was more of a three hour press I would say absolutely would have to be RFK. Because if it's just Biden against Trump, enough of his people hate Trump that they're just whatever. They're probably going to tune Trump out or just like spit at the TV get their voodoo dolls out dance with strings or whatever they do when they see Trump bring out the crucifixes or, well, not crucifixes, but bring out whatever for Trump. But if they're presented with somebody who has similar politics to Joe Biden, who actually can form sentences and articulate policies and can pretty much give them exactly what they have just in a better package. Yeah, that's a threat to Joe Biden directly. Yeah, and I think there's something there's an ego element here too. Oh yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, he can never have a fair fight. He's never had a fair fight. He's never going to be able to have one. I mean, he's going to he's going to arrest the guy he's running against. He's so screwed up in the head. Yeah, he's probably looking at he's probably going to Maric Garland right now. Like, hey, you think you can throw anything at RFK Junior to see him anything you guys can start to investigate. Are there any courtrooms open in New York City? I've got somebody else. I need you guys to to kind of tie up for a little bit. Make the meat locker really cold for RFK Junior. We'll keep talking about this because I also want to play the polls because CNN at a pretty funny moment talking about these polls that Joe Biden now doesn't believe because of fake bad polling. We'll get to that. We'll take your calls. What do you think? What's the big reason that Biden is going jumping through all these hoops to make sure RFK Junior is not on that stage. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. You still have time to vote in our poll question. You don't have a lot of time though, so you should do it soon. Go to Grace Curly to vote in today's poll question, which is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashua. Call 1-844 a perfect smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is, is it a good look for GOP lawmakers to be a Trump's trial? Yes, they need to support the nominee or no, it's a little thirst. I'm all, as Dave Chappelle would say, I'm all for unity. So I am team. Stand behind Trump at the courthouse. Just stop wearing matching ties. That's the team I'm on. Make it into a t-shirt, Jared. I'm team. Stand behind Trump at the courthouse. Look supportive. Talk to the press afterwards. Just don't all wear a red tie at the same time. But have a red tie on the shirt like those tuxedotes. Yes. Hashtag 2024. Yes. 90% of the audience agrees with you. They say, yes, they need to support the nominee. Only 10% think it's a little thirsty. I've got texts from people on the side telling me they think it's a little thirsty that all these guys look weak. I don't think so. I think it's smart politics too. They're all trying to get a position. They're all going to be part of Trump's White House. I'm sure if he gets elected. And, you know, sometimes you got to do a little political posturing. Sometimes you got to set yourself up for the next move. So I don't blame them. I did want to play here, Michael Tyler. He's Biden's campaign spokesperson. And he was asked on CNN by Wolf Blitzer. If Biden debating Trump is a risky move, cut seven. Is this a risky move for the president? Why has he decided he wants to do this? Look, our campaign has been saying for months that democracy is literally at stake in as what's on the ballot in this election. The American people deserve to hear from one of the two or two of the individuals who have a chance of being elected President of the United States that are going to represent them on the world stage that are going to be in charge of the economy that affects their life every day. President Biden deeply believes this. We have nothing to hide. President Biden's incredibly proud of his record. Right. I'm going to take that answer is yes. Yes, it is a risk. There's no question. It's a risk. I mean, you bring that guy out to read off a teleprompter in a crowd with like seven people and it's a risk. So you put him, you know what? It's going to be like Jared. It's going to be like when somebody jumps into the lion's den. It's going to be like Ron Burgundy, when he hops down into the pit with the bear because Trump is not going to hold back. Trump has been waiting now for almost four years to go at it with this guy. It's not going to be pretty. Speaking of the Bidens, though, Hunter Biden's sugar brother could be retiring soon as the money's drying up. We'll talk about that when we come back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back, everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in today. And I wanted to give everybody a reminder that I'll be having a birthday remote May 31st at Aviva Tretria and Hanover. And it's going to be a really, really fun time. So you guys should definitely make reservations and check it out. And if you spend $20, you can get a copy of a free copy of Paper Boys, one per table. Speaking of Paper Boy, though, if you buy Paper Boy today, you will get a mystery t-shirts. We've got all sorts of different t-shirts at the store and, you know, make gas cheap again. We've got, let's go brand. And there's so many different ones. And you could get-- Yeah, that runs through Father's Day. So get your gift for Dad now because it's while supplies last. Yes. Now, I do want to play a sound cut here. We've been talking a lot about the polls. And I'm very honest about how I feel about the polls. When I like them, they're great. When I don't like them, I'm like, "Joe Biden, check the polls. Jack, can't believe anything they say." But again, I'm a radio host, so I get to do that. If you're the president of the United States and you used to like the polls and now you don't like the polls, it's a little bit of a problem. And here's the part of it that drives me crazy. There's no self-reflection. There's never able to look at it and say, "Why are people unhappy? Why am I stinking up in the polls?" And so Harry Endton was on with Aaron Burnett on CNN. Now, keep in mind, Aaron Burnett was the last person to interview Joe Biden, where he told her that it was bad polling that she was referring to. And this is what Harry had to say, cut five. This comes as the battleground polls that have come out recently have been good for Trump and not good for Biden. Now, when Biden and I spoke last week, he expressed disdain and frustration for polls in general, particularly in terms of how they are judging him and the economy. Is he right or is it wishful thinking? He loved the polls four years ago when they showed him ahead. These are the same polls now. But here's the thing. The polls can be right at this point. And then keep in mind, we still have six months until the election. Polls can change. Plenty. You go back over history. You look back since 1972. The average difference between the polls at this point and the final result, six points, the biggest difference was 15 points in 1988 when do caucus was ahead. And even on election day polls can be off substantially and people point that out. What's history show? Yeah, you know, talk about the battleground states. Look at the errors on election day and the average battleground states. The polls were off six points since 1972. In 2020, they were off five points. So for talking about one, two point leads in these battleground states, the polls could be showing one thing and then the other person can certainly wait. Yeah, obviously these polls, nothing set in stone here, but there is a trend and the trend is showing that Trump is doing well in the swing states and that's a big issue for Joe Biden and also the polls that we saw yesterday show that Trump's doing pretty well in Minnesota. It's within the margin of error. I think it's within two points in the most recent polls. So that's a huge issue for an incumbent president and he just doesn't seem to want to acknowledge it. Now, the other thing that happened during that Aaron Burnett interview, which I do want to focus on, is that Joe Biden said that when he came into office, inflation was nine percent. That's a very easy thing. You know, if there was this, Jared, there used to be this thing. I don't want to sound like the grandpa with the onion on his belt, but I want to go back to the before times and I want to tell you about something that I remember. When I was young, I'm old enough to remember a time when it when if the president United States lied about something, that there would be a lie tracker on the bottom of the screen. There would be fact checkers from the Washington Post from CNN. CNN, that would be just breathlessly reporting on it around the clock, taking to their keyboards, the warriors that they were, and they would tell us about every single inconsistency in the president's statements ever. Now, Joe Biden comes out and says, when I came into office, inflation was nine percent and there's really it's crickets. There's really nobody there to push back on that. Luckily, one of the reporters at the White House did ask KJP about it and I want you to hear her response. This is cut 10. I'm going to ask you about how the president talks about inflation. So two times in the past two weeks, the president said inflation was nine percent when he came into office. Is the president misleading Americans on that? Or does it just not realize that inflation was one point four percent? So, you know, and thank you for the question because I know that this we got a lot of incoming on this yesterday. And look, what the president was the point that he was making is that the factors that caused inflation was in place when he walked in into the administration when he took office. Right. But that's not that's not what he said. He said a number. He said nine percent. It was a number that he gave. Now, I also I do want to get to a couple of local stories here. But while we're on the Bidens, I should mention more bad news, not for Joe, though, not for the big guy. This bad news is for Hunter. So remember Hunter Biden's sugar brother? If you'd never heard of that term before, sugar brother, it's like a sugar daddy, but it's just a friend of yours who loans you great sums of money so that you can deal with all of your legal issues. Sounds pretty nice, right? You know, I guess if depending on which testimony you believe, Michael Cohen was Donald Trump's sugar brother unbeknownst to Trump, he was taking out loans on his house so that he could be a sugar brother to Donald Trump in this whole stormy Daniels or deal. Now, Kevin Morris is Hunter Biden's sugar brother and the money's drying up according to Politico. So this is from just the news. It says Kevin Morris, the Hollywood lawyer and friend of Biden, who has loaned the first son at least $6.5 million since first meeting him in 2020 has confirmed that his resources are running out according to Politico. This is a source, okay, close to Morris. The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter. Now four and a half years later, there's still no help and now Kevin is completely tapped out. So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It's pretty dire. So is he crying poor again? Are we supposed to believe Hunter's already done this before? Remember when he was asked to pay more child support for Navy and he said, you know, things are really tight. I'm sleeping at the White House. Yes, I flew private to get here, but let me assure you we're pinching pennies at home. And now his Hollywood lawyer friend isn't going to loan him more money. And by the way, if I'm Kevin Morris and the money's drying up, you know who I would go to? The guy you loaned $6.5 million to. I would say, Hey, let's get Jared, let's get on a payment plan. Hey, each needs to Venmo me about a quarter mill, at least right now. And then we'll talk later. But it's like, let's get on a reimbursement plan here. We need to set up. I'm not trying to tell Kevin Morris what to do. I'm sure he's a very smart guy, but you need to set up some sort of system. You need to start clawing back this money from Hunter. It's going to take you a long time. You know what they say, Jared, about like, if you owe the bank, if you owe, if you owe the bank, or if you owe a credit card company $1,000, you have a problem. If you owe a credit card company, like $600,000, they have a problem. They need you to be able to pay that money back. That's Kevin Morris right now. It's like he has a problem. And the other advice I would give him is if you're good at painting, now would be the time. Start whipping up some nice big canvas artwork that can be put in like a hotel or a motel and start trying to make up for some of this money that way. That's always a good source of revenue. Hey, just a heads up for everybody. The new England Young Conservatives are having an event on Sunday. And this is going to be a really cool event. I want you guys to be able to check it out. It's at Aviva Tractoria in Hanover. Again, I was able to visit the spot. It's so beautiful. It's so fun. It's from four to six, May 19th, which is this Sunday. So make sure you check it out and you can RSVP to Now, yesterday, I did mention that we've been talking about for a while, actually, that Mara Healy and Mayor Wu are in Rome. And they're there for some sort of climate event. I thought this is something that could be done via Zoom, but I was wrong. They needed to be there because Mara Healy actually unveiled this very expensive climate initiative that we're all going to be so happy to hear about. And yesterday, I was reading a little bit about this, Jared. And I thought, "Well, especially when you juxtapose it with what's going on in Norfolk and why people are so angry that this old prison is being converted into a migrant shelter." Then you take into account that they're in Rome celebrating the climate. They had to fly to Rome to explain to people how you shouldn't fly places because it's bad for the environment. Is that the appropriate way to put it? That's what we're dealing with. And then while they're there, they want to tell us about this $10 million climate tech workforce career fund. I'm going to repeat that. A $10 million climate tech workforce career fund being announced at the Vatican Climate Summit. This is Massachusetts in a nutshell. Our mayor, who, by the way, just a side note from Mayor Wu, she is commenting on the no whites allowed holiday party. She's blaming right wing agitators, which I guess she was giving us a shout out, Jared. My only issue with that is get a little more specific. If you're going to call out the right wing agitators, at least give us a plug. Don't we deserve it at that point? If you're going to blame everything on us, at least give us a little bit of PR. You're going to say right wing agitators. That could be anybody. So yeah, this is the climate tech workforce that was unveiled, and I really like the description. With ambitious mid-century emissions reductions targets on the books, Massachusetts wants to electrify heating and cooling. Personal vehicle travel and more, but the state will need more than 30,000 new workers who can install heat pumps, prepare residential homes to charge electric vehicles, build offshore wind farms, and more to get there. The Healy administration called the workforce need a once in a generation call to build an expanded and inclusive workforce. Wow. That's some heavy lifting. Jared, you've lived in Massachusetts a long time. I have. Would you say this is what we need? We need $10 million combination of public, private, and charitable dollars that it can loan out the climate tech workforce career fund? Oh, it's neck and neck between that and the soccer stadium and Everett. But yeah, I would lean towards the climate career channel or whatever it is. In her remarks at the Vatican Climate Summit, Healy talked about the flooding of Massachusetts farms in downtown's last summer, and said she doesn't need to cite the book of Genesis to say that a flood can send a message. She said that most government systems were not designed to meet the scale and urgency of this challenge and offered her set up as a model. Mara Healy bringing up the book of Genesis at the Vatican is reminiscent of when a band comes to a certain city and they're like, yeah, hey, we were just traveling down route one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We stopped at this burger place, man. Everybody loves you. We went to Papa Genos. Yeah, you know, and the crowd goes wild. Yeah, that's exactly what Mara Healy's do. How much Genesis do you think she knows? Governor Mara Healy announced the Massachusetts partnering with a social impact investing firm to launch a climate technology workforce training fund. It's like, is there nothing else that we could be focused on? Really? How about you figure out what to do with the influx of illegal aliens who are coming into these shelters and that you're telling, hey, you can only stay here for 60 to 90 days or whatever the limit is, and they're completely ignoring you. And they're coming into this country. Unvetted. How about you focus on that? And then we'll worry about the heating and cooling pumps and the wind farms and the mid century emissions reduction targets that you have on the books. Yeah, and are we training all the kids who can't play soccer or use the indoor recreation facilities in Roxbury? Are we training them to do this because they need somewhere to go now that you've taken that away from them? Maybe figure out what we're going to do with them before we create all these new jobs. 30,000 new workers. It sounds a lot. It's almost like our own personal Green New Deal. It's the Massachusetts Green New Deal that we had to announce again at the Vatican. Do you know what would be more helpful to the planet than any of this stuff than any of this spending, that any of these wind farms and these heat pumps not traveling to the Vatican? How about you just don't do that. Save that one trip would probably be more efficient in saving the planet than whatever this is. Well, Grace, you know what Genesis, the book of Genesis says about windmills? Says you got to go back somewhere. It says you got to go to Rome. That's what it says. You got to go to Rome. You got to take that trip. And just because one of our... John the Baptist's boyhood windmill. One of the callers brought this up. HHS suspends eco-health alliance grants after finding taxpayer funds used in risky research. I think that's putting it mildly. The Department of Health and Human Services implemented an immediate government-wide suspension on all funds allocated to eco-health alliance. A firm that used taxpayer funds to conduct gain of function research. Despite the fact that Dr. Fauci told us so many times and yelled that Dr. Rand Paul that that's not what happened. Frankly, you don't know what you're talking about. If that's being done, that's being done in North Carolina. According to HHS, eco-health willfully violated the terms of a multi-million dollar National Institute of Health grant. So this is good news. The House COVID subcommittee said those are not the actions of an organization or an individual that should continue to receive taxpayer funds. If only this had happened like five years ago. Imagine how differently everything would have turned out. If only we had gotten on top of this spending before. When we come back, we actually, this is very exciting news. First, let me tell you to go to and click on store. Get your gift card to Moby Dix. It's a $50 gift card. You're getting it for just $25. It is such a great restaurant, guys. It's in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. The best seafood you're ever going to have. And it's a really, really fun spot for the whole family. It's a great place to go on a nice summer day. It's great for kids. When I was there, there was a bunch of big families having a delicious meal. So make sure you check that out. And the other thing I want to tell you is when we come back, we're actually going to be joined with a falling expert who's going to give us Colin Alberts. So when he fell, he used his knuckle to kind of break his fall. I've got somebody who's fallen plenty of times and he's going to join us after the break. So don't go anywhere. The Grays Curly Show will be right back. You're listening to The Grays Curly Show. This is The Grays Curly Show. With inflation, food and energy costs, rising families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. So get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Howie Carr, we billed you as the falling expert. And the reason we did that is because Colin Alberts gave a testimony today. And he said that when he fell on the ice, he broke his fall by putting his hand in a fist and letting his knuckles hit the driveway. Give us your reaction to that. I don't think any human being has ever done that. For the rumble, Cam, show people what you would do if you fell. I would put my palms forward. That's what you would do. You put your palms forward. Nobody ever, I mean, you clench up your fist. You're going to get cut all through on both sides of your knuckles. And it's going to bleed a lot more. I mean, the skin is tougher at the base of your palms. I mean, it's just natural to do that. You want to protect your fingers as opposed to crunching them up to be broken. Howie, I had a woman call up earlier and she was so offended that I have turned a boy on and that we've been talking about this case. She said you and how we need to move on from this. It's absolutely ridiculous. And the more information that comes out, what's your reaction to that that people think we're so outlandish that we even entertain these other theories? Well, if there's such a great prosecution case against Karen Reed, this was day 13, how come we haven't heard a single bit of evidence that suggests that she did this? All we've had is exculpatory evidence, like the videos at the dive bar, where they're being very lovey-dovey. And we're all ears, by the way. If there's a great case, we're ready and we want to hear it. So's the jury, more importantly. Yeah, I would say so. Howie Carr is coming up next. Everybody, don't miss his show and we'll see you all tomorrow. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)