The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy On Colin Albert's Testimony | 5.16.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Aiden "Turtleboy" Kearney breaks down Colin Albert's testimony in the Karen Read case. How truthful are these witnesses being about where they were and who they spoke with on the night John O'Keefe died?

Broadcast on:
16 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome to The Grace Curly Show. As a lot of my listeners know, the Karen Reid trial continues. And yesterday, Colin Albert was on the stand, and he was also on the stand today. And his testimony was very interesting, very curious at times. And we're going to talk to Turtle Boy about it. Aidan Carney, we're waiting to get him on the line. He's supposed to ask Matt to call him on one of the other lines because he might be trying to call in at the same time. But before we bring on Turtle Boy, we should play what I thought. For people who don't know, Colin Albert, when we talk about the third-party culprit in this Karen Reid case, a lot of people are speculating that he is the most likely. Okay, so Court just broke about maybe a minute ago, so it'll probably be a couple minutes before he can come on. He's not in court today, though, I don't think. I don't think he's allowed to be in there when Colin Albert's testifying. I could be wrong on that, but I'm pretty sure. Here's the issue, though. Colin Albert, for people who aren't following this, a lot of people speculate he had beef with John O'Keefe, and Turtle Boy is going to break it down for us. Aidan Carney, before we get and we play some of these cuts, and I ask you about the text messages between Colin Albert and Allie McCabe, let's talk about who Colin Albert is in the sense of this case. Give people a little bit of a breakdown, go back a little bit and explain why is he speculated to be someone who could potentially be a third-party culprit? Colin Albert is a punk with violent tendencies who broadcast on social media, threats to hurt other people frequently. He was John O'Keefe's former neighbor. He's a 17-year-old meathead captain of the football team, big and strong, and was raised by the Albert's who value being big and tough, and the biggest fighter he's constantly has pictures where he's posing with his fist in the air and calls himself like the toughest guy, and nobody messes with us, nobody else with us. And he's John's former neighbor who John had previous issues with because Colin threw beer cans on his lawn and Colin trespassed on his property. And Colin's parents kind of egged it on by making jokes about it. Like they thought it was funny to troll John. They took pictures on his front lawn that were presented as evidence into court. So, you know, John didn't think it was very funny, though, apparently. And as a result, they had issues. And when John walked into that house, we know that Colin was there. So, that certainly raises, you know, him as a potential person that could have harmed John. Yeah, yeah. And before we get into the knuckles, Turtle Boy, because that was a huge part of my takeaway from the testimony today, I did want to ask about Allison McCabe and these text messages back and forth about him getting picked up, as you've explained before in the show, a lot of this has to do with the timeline of who is in the house that night? When did they leave? What are they saying they left versus how long can they actually be placed inside the home? When it comes to Colin Albert, he asked his sister to pick him up. Is that how this went down? And then there was a back and forth text message between the two? We didn't have a sister, so Allison's cousin's cousin. Oh, I apologize. I apologize. I know it's not an crazy incestuous family tree they have, but so Colin got picked up or he claims that Ali McCabe picked him up at 1210, which got him out of there just in the nick of time before John O'Keefe arrived, right? But then all of a sudden, you know, they produced this text message that shows, you know, her saying, allegedly saying to him, like, "I'm here," and I'm saying, "Okay, it's 1210." But they don't say where here is. Like, for all we know, she was picking up Colin somewhere to bring him to 34 Fairview Road at 1210. And this message has not been authenticated in any way, shape, or form. The cellular data was not extracted with the cello bright. It was not, you know, verified. They didn't take his phone and go through his phone and look at the actual messages. Anyone could delete a message. Anyone could manipulate a screenshot. Yet, Auntie Bev, who has denied entering evident, you know, pictures in the evidence of, you know, Katie McLaughlin and Caitlin Albert together, because it couldn't be authenticated, allowed this random screenshot that there's no evidence nothing was deleted from into evidence as if it means anything. Yeah, and the other part, and I'm glad that you posted this screenshot so that, you know, if people want to follow Turtle Boy on Twitter, you can kind of see the back and forth, because the other weird part of it, too, that you pointed out was that it does seem like it could have been manipulated only in the sense that there was no follow-up after John O'Keefe died. So the message goes from January 28th, and then the next interaction with them is February 20th. So we're supposed to believe that if this hasn't been touched, if this hasn't been manipulated in some way, that there was that big of a gap between the time they connected, even though, from that night until February 20th, this entire ordeal happened where a dead body was found in the lawn, we're supposed to believe they didn't talk about that. No, it just didn't come up in conversations. Like, they don't talk again until February 20th, and we are to believe that these two teenagers who got out of this house right before a murder happened in which the, you know, the dead guy is calling neighbor. Like, we're just to believe that they just didn't talk about it. And then on February 20th, they're like, yo, what are you doing? You want to get drunk? Like, no, who's going to believe that? I mean, the lies that these people are telling, no jury, I'm assuming, is it going to, you know, believe that any of this is true? They view these people as dishonest, and it's just every day it gets worse for them. Yeah, and that part about not talking about things and us having to suspend our disbelief here as far as in the home, this stuff isn't talked about. That was part of this testimony, too. He was asked if he spoke about anything with his parents. Can you go into that a little bit? Yeah, that sort of started. So he goes, have you talked about this with anyone? And he's like, no. He's like, you haven't talked about it with your parents? He's like, no. So you haven't talked about how you testified at a murder trial with the parents that you live with, and that you're going again today, and you're going to be cross-examined by one of the most ruthless litigators in the country in Alexandria. And you specialize in cross-examination, and your life is on the line if you say the wrong thing, and somehow they just didn't talk about it yesterday. Nobody believes that. He started off with this unbelievable life. Why not just tell the truth? Of course I talked about this with my parents. Like, it's big news. Why wouldn't I talk about with them? It's abnormal not to. So you lie about something minuscule like that. The jury immediately just assumes you're lying about lots of other things. Yeah, and that's the next part of this story is that things he chose to be specific about or lie about or have a story for versus the "I Don't Remembers" was very surprising to me, and I'll give you an example, Turtle Boy. He has the explanation for the bloody knuckles in the photo that was taken a few weeks after John O'Keefe was found dead. He has an explanation for that. He has "I Don't Remembers" for everything else, but he does have an explanation. I want people to hear this because I really did think it was an outlandish explanation. This is Colin Albert explaining why his knuckles were all messed up a few weeks after John O'Keefe was found dead. How'd you get those injuries? Did you have a little nice stuff? I was at a party my senior year, and I remember it being icy out, and it was kind of like a steep hill of a driveway, and I was walking up the driveway, and I slipped down the driveway, and I tried to catch myself, but I had something in my left hand, so I had to brace myself with my right hand, and I ended up sliding a little bit down the driveway. What did you have in your left hand? If I remember, it was either my phone or beverage. So, according to you, you fell on ice and injured your knuckles, as we just saw in that photograph, right across the top of your knuckles. Correct. So, you fell onto, what, pavement, asphalt? Yes. So, you braced yourself, and you fell your entire body weight by putting your right hand down in a fist, and you injured your right fist, just the top of the knuckles on your right fist, when you fell down. Correct. Oh my God. Seriously? Turnable, give us your reaction to that back and forth. Alan Jackson's reaction was what Americans think of watching that. Like, seriously good? Like, really, that's what you're going with? Like, it's just unbelievable. It's a stupid lie. How do you fall down on ice and punch the ice so that, like, every single one of your knuckles has a scar on it. Somehow, that's, if you fell down on ice, wouldn't you braced yourself with the palm of your hand, not your fist? If you were falling down, like, who would believe this? Why not just say, I don't know, or I don't recall. That's what these people specialize in, is I don't recall. Just say that. Don't come up with some ridiculous lie like that. He was the worst witness of all of them, and that's saying something with these people because they're all horrible, and he came across as an overprivileged punk. Smug, just this whole demeanor. No one was buying it, and when they played the videos, they showed all the pictures of him with these scars on their hand. This is not from all American boy. This is a violent, violent punk who threatens other people, bullies other people, and when they saw the real Colin Alberts, I'm sure the jury realized that this kid thinks he can fool us, but he can't. Yeah, and there was another thing that was brought up to the boy that I hadn't heard before, but I can't, I can't follow this as closely as you do. I don't think a lot of people are, you know, as knowledgeable on this. There was something about how when he came back in July of 2023, his knuckles were also banged up before a differently reason, like obviously they had healed at that point from the ice fall or whatever you want to call it. But there was another knuckle incident. Can you go into that a little bit? Well, yeah, that was in front of the grand jury that they couldn't talk about, so they had to call it like the other hearing. Right. But apparently he had, I did not know that, but he had bruised knuckles at them. He's got bruised knuckles in a lot of pictures. This can fight a lot. He's a fighter. Like, in those videos they shared, he's like, "I'm going to knock you out, you know, KO bang bang," he says. And it's like, well, KO means knock out. And like, it sounds knock out means you're going to punch someone out. So like, are you just a poser? Or are you, like, unless you want to say on record, yeah, I'm completely full of crap. I play this character online where I'm big and bad and tough, but I'm actually just a coward who can't back up anything I say. Like, pick a lane and stay in the top. Yeah, because he said, "Oh, the only people, the only people I've ever fought with are my brothers." And, you know, if all his social media posts, if he's not a poser and those are true, then that contradicts that. The other question I have for you, Turtle Boy, involves the announcement from Alan Jackson where he said he's talking about John O'Keeves body. He says he doesn't look like he was hit by a car. He looks like he was in a physical altercation. And we have witnesses that are going to present that evidence. What do you think that's going to look like? You saw that, right? You heard that too. That was wild. That's everybody's speculating the same thing with that, that it could be a Higgins thing. Because he's the only one left that hasn't gone yet. And everybody suspected that Higgins has flipped. Really? If he testifies it. I mean, there's a federal proper. That was mentioned at one of the most recent hearings. The proper means that you cut a deal, that you've given the government something that they want testimony in exchange for some sort of leniency. So if Higgins did flip, I mean, who else is left that could actually say that a fight happened inside of the house, but Brian Higgins is the only one left. Yeah, the only other question I have, Turtle Boy, today involves the autopsy because this has been kept very under wraps. Have the jurors seen this yet? Have they seen photos of the autopsy of John O'Keeves? Not to my knowledge. Actually, on the first day, I think they saw like the arm, but they have not seen like the eyes, the laceration in the back of the head. And they still haven't called the medical examiner yet. And they still haven't called the state police yet. There's a lot of witnesses to go for the prosecution that they have not called yet. And I mean, this is case might last longer than we thought. Yeah, no, I definitely think so too. Turtle Boy, Aidan Carney, his Twitter is @doctorturtleboy and give everyone the website so they can check in later today when you do your wrap up post at the end of the day. Yeah, Thank you, sir. We'll talk to you soon. I'm sure Turtle Boy is going to be on with Howie as well, so make sure you tune in for that. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. You can hear it in me, Jared, a little bit. I got to turn on the thunderstorm sometimes. I never was someone who was really affected by allergies. But this year, I don't know what it is. Are they particularly bad this year? Yeah, we're getting that from a lot of people that don't normally have allergies that their throat or their noses. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm feeling great. I'm used to using the thunderstorm for cooking smells for any sort of musty basement odors, but now I'm excited that I get to see how the magic works with allergens, because as you told me, Jared, whether it's pollutants, anything in the air, the eat impure can eliminate that. It eliminates the allergens. It eliminates the pollutants, and it leaves you with fresh, clean air. Yeah, ionized air. That's the key. It ionizes the air. That creates a super oxygen, and that's what eliminates those odors. It helped me with allergy headaches, which are kind of like migraines. If you have them, they're very similar. You see colors, the whole thing. It's pretty debilitating. But luckily, I just go into a room of the thunderstorm, turn it on, and I start feeling better within minutes. And that's the type of allergy relief you might even be able to get yourself. Yeah, and if you get the three-pack special, there are so many different uses for this. You are going to find plenty of reasons to turn on your thunderstorm. And the great thing is it's small. It's easy to use. It doesn't take up any floor space. And with a three-pack deal, it's inexpensive. So here's what I want you to do. Go to and use code GRACE in the number three. That's Use code GRACE in the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Don't forget the code GRACE3. We will be right back with more. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-A-Perfect Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is it a good look for GOP lawmakers to be a Trump's trial? Yes, they need to support the nominee or no to little thirsty. Yeah, I think it's fine. As long as they don't all wear the same tie every time they go, I think it's fine. You got to mix up the tie situation. You all can't look like you're in a uniform. But I appreciate that they are supporting Donald J. Trump and they are also speaking for him. Now, one of the textures said, "They're speaking for him because he can't speak for himself." Which, yes, I get that in theory, but he is speaking for himself. Donald Trump's not abiding by these gag order rules, nor do I think he should, but he's just getting fined and doesn't care. They told me I can't say this, so I am definitely not saying this thing that they told me that I can't say. He's finding some work around, which might not surprise people. But yeah, I think it's great to have people parroting, and I don't have a problem saying that, your points. It's good to have a team of people whose job it is to get your message out there. There's nothing wrong with that. So, yes. 91% of the audience agrees. Yes. So, let's play. This is the cut I was just talking about with Turtle Boy, and you can take it two different ways. And I was reading some of the comments on social media about this. But this is Karen Reed's lawyer, Alan Jackson, and this is what he had to say about John O'Keefe's injuries and how they do not look like someone who was hit by a car. And it doesn't look like it's hit by a car. It looks like he was in a physical altercation. It's as plain as the nose on your face, and we have evidence that we have witnesses who are going to proclaim that. Isn't that evidence? We have witnesses that are kind of going to present that evidence. Now, Turtle Boy is taking that as we have Brian Higgins or someone else who's going to explain that they witnessed this, you know, that they saw him get beat up. Other people in the comments are saying it could just be experts who explain that the way the bruising, the way the cuts is not consistent with someone who got hit by a car. Like, and it could also be the feds who are the experts that the feds brought in to recreate this crime scene and recreate someone who got hit by a car. And so there's a lot of different ways this could go. If Brian Higgins flipped and that's what it is, that's huge. Lori, quickly, you're up next. Go ahead, Lori. Okay, quickly. I think Karen Reed is guilty. I don't know why you and how we have swallowed this hook line in sync or what Turtle Boy is saying. And what's his skin in the game? I don't get it. He's been intimidating people. I don't understand it. They have witnesses who said she said, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him." They had a very toxic, volatile relationship. Her last text supposedly said, "I hate you, you, you, effing, whatever." She killed the guy. Do you think there's 80 people in on this conspiracy? How many people would need to be on this conspiracy? And they're retirement is at risk now? No way. Lori, can I ask you to get over it? Can I ask you a question, Lori? Yes. If somebody died on your front lawn, would you go outside? If I weren't still probably drunk in the sleep, I would certainly. You would at one point drunk. You would the next day if people were there in the morning, cops on your lawn. That's the point of the trial. That's my question. That's my question, though. You said, "How could I ever believe?" How could I be even asking these questions? I'm allowed to ask questions. I'm allowed to believe what I want to believe. I'm allowed to question things. And I think these are some pretty important questions. And my question for you is, you've got a dead body in the lawn. Do you go out and talk to the cops if you're a cop? We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. [Music] Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. It is time for Wilker Joke and the number is 844-542. I just have to go back to that last call really quick, though, Lori. Because it always blows my mind. When people are so convinced that this is so ridiculous and to even entertain any of these alternate theories besides Karen Reid hitting John O'Kee for the car, despite the fact that the feds brought in people, experts, to recreate this, and they said his injuries aren't consistent with getting hit by a car. But it's so ridiculous that I would have on a journalist to actually discuss this and ask these questions. Well, if it's so ridiculous, then you shouldn't be worried it should be case closed. If it's so ridiculous, if all of this stuff that Alan Jackson and Karen Reid's team are coming up with is so outlandish and we're all such morons and tin foil hatters to talk about it, then don't worry, Lori, take a deep breath. This should be an easy case then. There's nothing to see here according to you. All of us, all the people who have been reading about it, all the people who are interested in it, wear a bunch of idiots except for Lori. She's got a down pat. Can I say something? Yes, please, Taylor. It is ridiculous. It's absolutely preposterous that a man goes into a house, gets killed, and everybody inside the house is active in covering it up, even involving local and state police that these people have known, and everybody is keeping their mouths shut and coming up with their own stories and trying to coordinate that is preposterous, but it is possible. And that's all you need. And so far, I'm convinced that the more preposterous version of this is the accurate outcome. Yeah, and also, Taylor, just as people who have been covering crazy stories over the last couple of years, I'm always quick to know when people tell me that something is too preposterous to believe, or like you sound crazy. Any time I hear conspiracy theory... You know what else was ridiculous? That instead of Trump colluding directly with Russia, it was the Democrats who colluded with all kinds of outside sources and paid all kinds of people and everybody there was able to keep their mouths shut. That was also ridiculous. You know what else was ridiculous? You know what else was ridiculous? What was that? The idea that COVID was actually created. That is so ridiculous, Grace. It was so ridiculous. We're still proving it today. That's how ridiculous it is. This is all so ridiculous that if I was still on YouTube, I would be tossed off for having this ridiculous nonsense on about Karen Reid. But luckily, we're not on YouTube because when we were on YouTube and when Howie was on YouTube, we were tossed off for the ridiculous craziness of saying that the COVID originated in the Wuhan lab. So these things that are so ridiculous, Lori, I implore you to give them a second look and maybe not be so judgmental and don't get mad. It's fine if you don't believe it, but you don't have to get mad at other people who are open-minded. That's how I like to look at it. All right, now we've got Walker joke for you without further ado. It is time and it is brought to you by Aviva Tratria. A gift card to Aviva Tratria is the perfect gift for any occasion. Pick one up at any of their locations and to find the one nearest you, go to Hit it, Jared. Everything woke turns to shit. Okay. I started a joke. Take care, Walker! The word "walk" means "loser." All righty. Now Taylor joins us for Walker joke. Here's how it's going to work. We're going to choose a caller. Taylor's going to read a headline. You have to decide. Is he reading you a real headline or is it a joke? Did he make it up himself? So let's first start with Peggy, your first up today on Walker joke. Are you ready for your headline, Peggy? Yes, I am, Grace. And can I wish you and Emily an early happy birthday? Oh, thank you so much, Peggy. I appreciate that. You're welcome. All right, Peggy. Here is your headline. New Jersey High School adds prom "queing" category for non-binary contestants. Oh, I'm going to go walk. I'm sorry. That is a joke. Prom "queing." Sorry, Peggy. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Try again next week. We appreciate it. Prom "queen" doesn't have the same ring. I like prom "queen." No, God saves the queen, man. Did your school do prom king prom queen? Yes. I did. We didn't do that. I don't know why. I don't remember voting. I don't remember the election. It was rigged. I don't remember it was. I don't remember anybody asking my opinion about it. You looked at it. You walked in. You said I saw this. Nobody told me this is a fake prom king and queen. People are saying that this was a rigged election. It should have been you. And these people are losers, frankly. I walked in. I said Taylor Cormier should have been prom king. Maybe not me, but maybe somebody. else with a little bit more panache and may I dare say good lookingness like me. It's possible. Amanda, your next stop on Wilker Joker. Are you ready for your headline, Amanda? Yes, ma'am. Okay. All right, Amanda, here's your headline. Yes, you can eat cicadas. Here are three recipes to try before they go underground for more than a decade. Woke. It is woke. Not a joke. Not a joke. Boy, do I have some tasty recipes here for you, Grace. Where is this from? This is from CBS. Very good. CBS News, tempura cicadas. While your oil is preheating in a deep pan, use a bowl to combine flour, salt, and egg, pour seltzer into the flour bowl, mix until it reaches a pancake batter-like consistency, refrigerate, and coat each cicada in the batter, then fry until golden brown. I would probably do that one. I wouldn't do it voluntarily, but if I had to eat some, if I had to eat a bug and it was tempura, I feel like it really would take away from any nastiness because anything fried usually does taste good. Retired chef Jim Warner says cicadas have a nutty flavor and a nice crunch when sauteed in olive oil with a few seasonings tossed in for good measure. There's also emergence cookies and cicada pizza that you can try. No, no, no, I would go tempura. That would be my choice. Tony, you're up next. Don't woke or joke. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? All right, I'm ready. Great. Okay. All right, Tony, here's your headline. Racism can kill black people even when a black finger pulls the trigger. That's got to be a joke, but I'm going to pick woke. Your instincts are correct, sir. That is woke. Yes. Not a joke. Not a joke. Washington Post. This is no the This is an essay adapted from Big Red's Mercy, the shooting of Deborah Cotton in a story of race in America by Mark Hertzgaard. So this is an adaptation of that. It basically tells a story of in 2013, there was a shooting, I believe, in New Orleans at a parade. And a lot of black people were victims, but it was a black gunman. And one of the victims said, you know, there's only one way this could have happened. This was actually, I think, in 2016 or 17. But there's only one way this could have happened. And that is, do you know what it takes to be so disconnected? This was her words in your heart that you walk out into a gathering of hundreds of people who look just like you and begin firing. These young men have been separated from us by so much trauma. So racism caused the shooting. All right, let's go to Ed. You're up next on Walker joke. Are you ready? We got two heads on the line, but are you ready for your headline Ed? Yes, I am. All right. All right. Ed, here is your headline. Man risks spending over two years in prison for posting negative restaurant reviews online. Joke. Not a joke. It's true. Not a joke. Not a joke. Wait a second. Hold on. Hold on. He's he's going to go to prison or he could go to prison for a negative reason. This is a 21 year old British National. He was arrested in Thailand earlier this month when police showed up as a department. He was posting a number of one star reviews online of area restaurants. It's unclear how Thai police confirmed that he was responsible for the negative online reviews. But in a restaurant was issued in his name for entering false information into a computer system in a way that is likely to cause damage to others, but which is not an offensive defamation, according to the criminal code. I do think sometimes with restaurants or just with reviews in general, like book reviews, you should have to show proof of purchase. That's not a bad idea. Otherwise people just go crazy and they start to, you know, try to damage businesses because they have beef. Well, look at the businesses that are wrapped up in the Karen retrial. I'm sure they had to scrub a lot of fake reviews from their their review sites. And sometimes if you're an author, if you're especially political author, and then you put post a book and, you know, the anti Trumpers or the other way around, people are going to come out and give you all one stars before the book even comes out. Just doesn't seem. I like I like the proof of purchase idea. That's a great idea. I would submit that to a member of Congress. Seriously. Well, thank you, sir. It's not a terrible idea. Don't sound so surprised. Thank you, Taylor. Oh, when we come back, we've got a great segment for you. Thank you to the Walker joke wizard, Taylor Cormier. I'm sorry to people online. We weren't able to take your calls. We got to wrap here. We'll be back after the break. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real. A money saving deal. It's great says goody. Goody, goody. Welcome back, everyone. This is so exciting because we've got one of my favorites, Todd Berry from Moby Dicks. You guys have heard us talk about Moby Dicks. They were in studio just last week and oh my gosh, the spread they brought in. We had lobster rolls. We had we had everything. We had the key line pie with the whipped cream. Everything was so delicious. Todd Berry joins us now to talk about this beautiful spot on Cape Cod. Todd, talk a little bit about the restaurant and what people can expect. It's a great place for families. It's a great place in the summer. Give us a little bit of info on this Cape Cod seafood restaurant. Hi, Grace. Well, great to see you last week. That was a lot of fun. We were located here in Wellfleet, right on Route 6, about a mile south of the Wellfleet True Town line. And we just opened on May 3 for our 42nd season. We're a classic New England clam shack. You come in, order, sit down and we bring your food to you. We're very simple. We have a commitment. We buy the absolute best. We've got a great crew. Our motto is fresh, friendly and fun. We buy the best. We keep the place clean. We try to take really good care of our guests and just have a great time. And we're really excited to be open. We've worked really hard this winter and we're excited to be open. We have our H2B visa people here and we've got people coming and it's just we're really excited for the for the summer season to get going. It's such a fun vibe. It really is a classic Cape Cod seafood restaurant where you can bring your whole family. They've got great big tables, a great outdoor seating area. And this is what I want to tell my listeners right now is this is not going to last long. I can assure you of that. So take advantage of this limited time offer for a $50 gift card to Moby Dick's restaurant and Wellfleet for just $25. So you pay $25, you get a $50 gift card. You cannot beat that deal. Go to and click store to get yours before they sell out. Like I said, they will sell out quickly. They always do. Todd, I also wanted to ask a little bit about Wellfleet because every time you know I'm down the Cape a lot in the summer, Wellfleet is the spot when it comes to fresh oysters. And you guys are so committed to getting the freshest seafood possible. Talk a little bit about your oyster selection. Well, we have three or four different shell fishermen that we get our oysters from. They're delivered seven days a week. In fact, right now upstairs in the dining room, there's a big group and I think they're eating three dozen and they came in about 1130 this morning. So, you know, there are a lot of everyone grows oysters on the Cape and they're all good. But, you know, we feel that Wellfleet are the best. We're really confident. They're just the best. The harbor is perfect place for them to grow and they grow like crazy. And the men and women that work down there on the flats work year round. They work really, really hard in Wellfleet's known for our oysters and come on down. They come in every day. Yeah, and all year here at the Grace Curly Show and at the Howie Car Renew network, we're all always waiting for the day where Todd shows up with the lobster rolls. And I wanted to mention this because sometimes people, they're in New England. It's summertime. They want to try a lobster roll. In some places you go to, they're packing it full of other stuff. You know, a lot of the filler is mayo. It's a lot of other things so that they don't have to use a lot of lobster. This is a lobster roll, Todd. This is so much fresh lobster packed into a hot dog bun. Talk a little bit about it. Well, we just use claw and knuckle. There's no celery, no onions, no filler, and just a touch of mayo. In fact, people ask for more. You can always add more, but we want people to taste lobster. And we sell an awful lot of them. They're absolutely delicious. In fact, I think when we get done, that's what I'm going to have for lunch today. Yeah, Jared, you actually mentioned it to me too. You said I can tell this is great lobster because it tastes so just fresh. Yeah, and they absolutely took care of us last week. They've been coming here for three years now. They know that I don't like mayonnaise, so they did have some lobster on the side and they put together some drawn butter for me. It was perfect. So yeah, they can, I mean, the lobster was amazing. I actually took some home from my wife and she was just amazed how much lobster was left over from the lobster. It was almost like two meals. Yeah, it's such generous portions and Todd Berry, we love having you here every year and we love visiting you. And I wanted you to let people know, like, what else can people try out on the menu? Obviously, from listening to my show and how we show, they know about the lobster. They know about the fried clams. They know about the key lime pie. But what else are you guys offering? Well, fish and chips is a long-line caught cod. That comes in seven days a week. And the long-line caught is just the absolute best. It'll melt in your mouth. The scallops are landed off Provincetown and they're delivered seven days a week. We have swordfish. When we come into season, locally caught striped bass, which we grill. Those are all the big favorites. And of course clam chowder and lobster bisque. The clam, you brought in clam chowder when you were here last week and it was stellar. So I want people to take advantage of this. Go to You can get a Moby Dicks gift card. It's a $50 gift card. You're getting it for just $25 while supplies last. Go to and click store to get yours before they sell out. Moby Dicks, it's a beautiful spot and wealthy. I really encourage you guys to check it out to get this gift card and then make a day of it. Whether you're on Cape Cod, Todd, I'm sure you get a lot of people who make a day trip just for Moby Dicks. Well, a lot of people heading to Provincetown, they'll go right by us. And when the sun's out, there's no better place to be and wealthy and Moby. So and I hope we're going to see you and will soon out this way. Absolutely. We cannot wait and we'll bring Emily too because she's actually very adventurous eater. I think she would love to try a little bit of lobster. She tried some lamb over Easter break. So I think she'd love it. Yeah, that's how we tested my son for shellfish allergies. When we were going through that, we gave him a little bit of lobster. That's perfect. Yeah. So, Todd, we're so excited to see you. We thank you again for helping the Grace Curly Show by always coming on here and giving my listeners this great deal. Just wanted to remind people again, go to and get your hands on this gift card. It's a $50 gift card. You're getting it for just $25. If I could, I'm not really allowed to, but if I could, I would go online and I would buy a bunch of these. Todd Berry, thank you so much for coming on the show. Hey, thank you very much. Great to see you guys and look forward to seeing you down this way very soon, okay? Right back at you. Thank you so much, Todd Berry. That really is one of our favorite days, Jared, when Todd Berry shows up. And even in Emma's like fairly, I think last year was her first time seeing that and she said to me, do you know that today's the day the lobster rolls are coming? It's like a big event. We mark it on the calendar. Yeah, she, I don't think she'd had a lobster roll actually. And yeah, and now that's the only tough thing about that though, is if you've never had a lobster roll and you start with the one from Moby Dix. Yeah, it kind of, your expectations, your bar is too high. Every other lobster roll you have after that, it's going to be a little bit of a disappointment. But you know what, Emma's lucky because every year she's going to get a beautiful lobster roll from Moby Dix. Go to and click on store to get your $50 gift card to Moby Dix for just $25. Do not go anywhere. We'll be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show.