Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 78

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16 May 2024
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I am Ghasamralef on the top line right of the two dots, Pshita, connector of the following. That Bo'i, I squiggle underline the word Bo'i, and two lines later I squiggle underline the words E Bo'i. So the following is Pashut, that Bo'i was Vuni Bimea, if you have a person who's trying to sell a field of his for a hundred, he obviously needs the hundred and he wants to sell it for a hundred zoos, and he can't find anyone to buy it. The Loyashkach, and he can't find anyone to buy it with his own Masayim, and he sells a field for 200, the Ka'ai of Anafika Zuzi, and he's constantly going in and out and he's the money, he really needs the money, and he needs the money, well, low Connie. If the person hasn't paid the money, the deal is not done. Ella, how about this, E Bo'i, I squiggle under E Bo'i, E Bo'i, this is Vuni Bimea, let's say he tried to sell a similar case to start a field for a hundred, however, unlike the first guy who was really hustling and trying to find a buyer, he didn't hustle much. V Loyashkach, Vittarach, if you would have put like an effort into it, have a Maschkach. In other words, if he would have really tried and hustled, he would have been able to, but he low Tarrach didn't put much effort into his oven Masayim, and then he sold the field worth 200, and now the Ayov Anafika Zuzi, and he is looking for money, he's trying to get the money, he'd really like the money for it. What do we say in that case? Colin. Kamaykur Sadayim is a Rasa Dami, although, literally, is it as though he is selling a field which is very low quality, and we assume that he definitely is interested in selling it in his own backouts or not. Rashi says, almost across from here in the Rashi, "I have enough of the Zuzi, my Kamaykur Sadayim, my Rasa Dami," says Rashi like this. Kavan Demishum Tirhach, since that because of the effort, deh of, and here's a three word phrase, ahaduri, aha loy kahach, since because of that necessary effort, hukala a laav limkur ausah, beloy dehuk maus, it was like lightened upon him to sell it without, really, needed the money. Shmami na, we conclude from there, low, haviva haisalah, that it wasn't really that desirable to him, or maybe not, and we end with a taeku. Back in the gomorah, sakhar, sakhar, sakhar, vesakhar, and then they back out, sakhar lain, oli mitta en, so you can hire others, and alayhen means that whatever, let's just say you can hire others for more to finish the job, o mitta en, or you can sort of either trick them or pull the wool over their eyes, like they were supposed to get, let's say, a hundred for the job, and now they want two hundred, so yeah, come back, I'll give you more, and then you don't really have to. Atkama, sakhar lain, how much can you pay to hire somebody else to finish the job? Well, amorah of nachmen, I, online his name, ad kadei scaran, so if nachman learns it as, if the people came in, they did, let's say, part of the work, but they didn't receive any money yet, you can hire other workers for the remainder of the money that's owed, or even a little bit more, or even up to the entire amount that's owed to them, because they didn't finish the job, and therefore, they're not entitled to those wages if what's required of you to hire other workers to finish it is up until the total of what they were promised. He's a parabola of nachmen, so rava brings, though, the following snake source. It goes for, it's actually the price that we had on the previous sunmood. This quote goes for four words, I put in right angles, it says that if you have a worker any backs out, you can hire other replacement workers at our bayan vikhami shimzuz up to like 40-50s of the day, I don't know exactly how much it is, but it's definitely much more than a worker would get to work for the day, which sounds like you can hire the replacement person if you need to, for much more than his promised daily wage of the original worker. I'm a lay, so it says back, I guess, rava nachman to rava, kittanyahi, that risa is a different case. Basically, if the original worker was there and he brought his tools, sometimes tools can be very expensive, hundreds, thousands of dollars for the tools, and you have those tools, his package of tools, or whatever you have of his, you can actually seize those things to pay, and it bothered me. I saw that some risha, I didn't say it's got to be where that's almost like the general practice of the understood is you can't steal, some guy who came to work at your house and left $5,000 of tools, and you had a job to do it and he didn't finish the job, and you hired someone else, he can't take all of his tools and sell them on eBay, so there's risha and we want to learn that this is a case of where it was like the understood thing that if a person backs out partially way through and leaves his tools there, which is unusual, if someone backs out halfway through and they ain't going to come back, they take their tools. But by leaving the tools there is sort of an indication that the person doesn't mind if the customer they were working for sells the tools to pay the replays for workers. Says the Mishnah. I call this part of the mission the risha, and about three lines later we'll have the safest. So the risha says, "I go to a donkey rental place, and I rent a donkey. I go to Baha'r and the understanding was that I was going to use the donkey to transport some merchandise over like the highland, the tops of the mountains. But I go to Bika and I instead took it the valley route, or the understanding between me who rented the donkey and the donkey owner was, but Bika I was going to take it in the lower areas. I go to Baha'r and I took it up in the mountain. I feel it's an estimated, even if both ways of getting to the place you have to get to is ten mil, whether you go in the mountain or the valley, Ummesa, and then the donkey dropped dead, Ha'ev I would be responsible for that because essentially I did something different than I had agreed with the person who's donkey I was renting. That's the risha. The Safa is a very similar case, but we're going to make a distinction as to how it died. So it starts with the same case, I rent a donkey, L'ohiliha Baha'ra'an, L'ohiliha Baha'ra'an, the understanding was that it was going to take it on the high road, L'ohiliha Bika and instead I took it in the low route, then it depends how it died, colon, imhikliq if it slipped and died, then I would actually be putter because truth be told it's much more likely if it was up on the high road and it slipped that it would sort of fall off the edge of the cliff or the mountain and die and therefore this is a much less likely occurrence. But if it happened, I'd be putter whereas imhikama, if I take it in the valley, in a lot of times in Arachysr, although the low-light in areas of Los Angeles or just the nature of the valley is much hotter, so if I was supposed to take it up in the mountains, which by the way the mountains is usually cooler, but I took it at the valley route and it overheated and died, then it would be Ha'ev, essentially because the way that I took it was much more likely that that would happen. Kama, La Huyliqah, I underlined La Huyliqah but Bika, if the arrangement was I rented somebody's donkey to transport a bunch of merchandise and I was supposed to take it to the valley route. La Huyliqah Bahar said I took the high road, the road up to the mountains, imhikliqah, Ha'ev, if it slipped, sort of slipped and it usually doesn't slip and die, but it slipped and kind of like fell off the side of the mountain or something like that, then it would be I, the customer, would be Ha'ev, I'm responsible to compensate the valley of a donkey, the imhukama, if it was up in the mountains and overheated, then it would actually be potter because it's actually much more likely that if it's going to be overheated in the valley where it's like 110 degrees as opposed to the mountains where it's like 60 or 70 degrees. Kama, another thing, imhikma sama'ala, if it popped off the donkey, the donkey died because of the, you know, go up to a mountain, you have to walk a lot uphill, if that was the reason, then Ha'ev, the person would be Ha'ev if the understanding was, when he rented it from the owner, that it would be going in the valley, if it died after like a long journey up to the top, the person renting would be Ha'ev, period. Hasaiqah Bahar, another case, if I'm renting a donkey, which by the way, they didn't have cars or trucks, so probably as a beast of bird, and it was the most common, and people didn't necessarily have them, so you'd rent it, and you rent a car when you need to order rent a U-Haul. Hasaiqah Bahar, ha'ev, rika, awishina sisangariya, ha'ev, rika, something happened to it, we'll see in the Gomorrah, maybe it got blind, maybe it got worms in its legs, or nasa sangariya, angariya is the, the royal officials have the rights to seize anyone's stuff at any time, and give it back, so sometimes they'll see somebody's donkey if they need to transport something, and then they'll give it back to the person. Now, al-in-re-lawi, the person who rented this guy, the donkey, the guy comes back and says, "Hey, listen, they, they, you know, they're gonna take my donkey to a use for the king service." Well, you know what the fellow who owns the donkey can say, ha'resh kalifanecha, okay, like what do you want me to do about that, it's like there's a donkey, it's yours, and you take it out, it might take a little bit longer, but it's yours. However, mesa inishbera, if a customer rented a donkey, the fellow who rented it to him, if that donkey dies, or breaks, meaning it's totally unusable, ha'ivlamid lei ha'marachair, then the one who rented the donkey has to provide a replacement donkey. Okay, asks the Gomorrah, now we had in the first few lines of the Mishnah, no distinctions made, if the deal was to take it up and through the mountain, anyone to the valley, no matter what, he's ha'iv, whereas in the safest case, if he said he wasn't taking it up at the heart and took it through the valley, then it depends, why did it slip, or did it get overheated? So ma'ishna-racia asks them, "Well, now, why is there a distinction in the ratio, de la'in maflig, excuse me, ma'ishna-racia, de low kamaflig, no distinction is made as to how it died, just if it died in, it was somewhere which shouldn't be the guy, the renter's ha'iv, umashna-saifa, and why then, what's the difference, what's going on differently in the later three lines of the Mishnah, de kamaflig, where it makes that distinction, so we're gonna have four approaches, amrit de beervionae, underline de beervionae, put a number one in the margin, two lines later, the last term in line is rebby, and it continues to the next line, you'll see we're in bakhanina, I put an underline under him and put a number two in the margin, a line below that is roba, I underline roba, put a number three in the margin, and one line later is reveal khanan, who I underlined and put a number four in the margin, so we're gonna have four approaches, approach number one, amrit de beervionae, racia, well, here's why, the ratio what's going on in the first case where we made no distinctions, first case in the mission is shamesa makhmas avir, it didn't slip, it didn't overheat, it's simply because of the air, now we know that the air in a valley is much thicker, the air in the mountainous area is much thinner, where the owner of the donkey can simply say to amritin, if he was supposed to take it through the valley and he took it in the mountains he could say, well, it was the aviridaharkatla, it was the thin air of the mountain that killed him, or amritin, aviridahkatla, if the understanding was he was supposed to take it through the mountains and he took it through the valley, the owner can say, well, that's because of the thick valley air, okay, that's the difference. Rabius Rakhlin is a second understanding, amar, he says kugain shamesa makhmas, utsana, utsana is fatigue or tiredness or like the, from the major burden that it has to carry, so if he took it in the mountains, well, it's very easy to say, the owner can say, yeah, so I want to take it in the valley, because you don't have to go up or down that much, but the mountains is because of the fatigue that overtook it, because of the having to climb up so high, and if the arrangement was, that he was supposed to take it in the mountains and he took it in the valley, then even though we didn't necessarily see it, like it's in the sea, like it was very hot that day, or the animal was in sweating a lot, it could very well be that it would have taken the mountains, and it would have had much more of a cool breeze than it would have been okay. Rabah, who underland is a third understanding, a third approach amar kugain shamesa makhmas, shamesa makhmas, shamesa makhmas, shamesa makhmas, you know, there's not really snakes down in the valley that often or up in the mountain, but bottom line, if the guy took it in the mountain, he was supposed to take it through the valley, so the owner can rightfully say, listen, you know, come in by a snake, it would have happened most likely it was in the valley, and vice versa. This is the fourth and last approach amar khammani, who is the author of the ratio, the first three lines of our mission, that's actually she distribute mairi, what she's from mair, he's the one who holds that in general, if there's somebody else's item and a person's going to use it, kolha mahavir al das, anyone who deviates, goes beyond changes from what the stated intention of the owner of the item is nikra gazlan, it's called the gazlan and, like any gazlan, of course, the gazlan, the item in question goes into his ratios and then if it's in his ratios, well like anything that happens to it, he's high of four, that's what's going on in the ratio. Okay, asks the gomara, hey revi mairi, well, one second, okay, that's revi mairi, where do we see this revi mair, which revi mair is it? Well, elame or revmair ditzavir, I put a number one in the margin over here, and we're going to have one attempt, about seven, eight lines later, first word on the line is bishinui, I put a number two in the margin, and the third word is li squiggle underline that, that's going to be a second approach, and then about nine, ten lines later, first word online is demedia, I put a number three in the margin, now squiggle in the line in the middle of the line, the word ela, so let's obviously we're going to have two approaches, each one's going to be rejected and we'll end with the third approach, so which revi mair is it? elame or mair ditzavir, what's that, it's done, mission of that, the end above a comma, well, box it off, it gets box off for exactly five lines and starts here, let's say I have some undied wool, and I take it to the guy who dies it, the dire, the Dexter, and he will die my wool for me, so on those in samurai, I gave my wool to sava to the one who's going to die it, and the arrangement was it's for elame, I wanted it red, vitzavir chakar, he died it black, or chakar wanted black vitzavir, and he did it red, now what do you do, now what do we do, so remeir who we box, and we're going to want to focus on remeir in each one of these 10x sources, remeir right mair, noisin loi demeir simreir, that the person who was responsible for dying it, customer comes back, he says customer, so I'm really sorry, it's the wrong color, I'm going to refund you what the entire cost was to currently buy that same type of wool in the market, noisen loi, that's the demeir simreir, okay, because he was kind it, that's why he doesn't give it back, through that which he stole it, okay, remember you, remember you, remember you, it's a different way of taking care of things, he basically the Dexter will give the died wool, even though it's the wrong color, back to the customer, however the customer will get a good deal, which means there's usually the cost of however much it costs to improve the item, and then what the new value is, and I mean, you hope most of the time one is greater than the other, so it depends. Imashvak, he's probably at sea, if, let's say, the additional value to this wool is $100, and the cost of all the materials and getting it, there was only 50, then the customer, even though he really wants it a different color, noisin loi is how you'd see, it pays only to compensate him for the, for the cost to do this, and then he'll turn around the customer and be able to sell it actually for more in the market, and that's fine, but you know, the dire, the Dexter basically didn't do what he was supposed to do, but Imashvak, let's say the expenses were more than the actual increased benefit, then he only noisin loi is how shvak, he gives him the increased benefit, that's another NAK source bottom line, we see a, a person who is, is Agazlan, and he's acquiring the item, and why is that, why do we say, over here, we said previously, that anyone who's maver on the gospel of bias is called a gazlan, well, shouldn't you then, like acquire the item, so, me, ma, I asked the Gamora, Dilma shani haasam, this is not necessarily good proof, because maybe it's different over there, because in the case of the Dexter, he actually physically changed the item to such an extent that it was a legal shinui and a shinui misa, in other words, genuine gazlan, and that's why we treat him as such, however, the mayor, where the mayor's case is different, he didn't do anything to change the animal, and therefore he never necessarily was a genuine gazlan elo, and therefore he got to look elsewhere, I squeal in on the elo, this is the second attempt, elo, haraby mayor de migvas purim, the purim collection, the charity collectors will collect money from people specifically for poor people to have their suda on purim, disanya, and here's a brice, and now this brice ostensibly goes about to, for about seven lines, a little bit more, however the gras takes out big chunks of this brice, basically about almost half of it, so we'll read it according to the gears of the gras, the gears of the gras found in the hagoyu sagra, which is in the side margin, Madgevas purim, the purim, the collection that's made of money from people to then give out to people for poor expenses, has to go for poor expenses, the next four words are taken out, I put parentheses around them, Vain medactica n bedovar, we're not very precise, meaning we don't like down to the penny, make an account and we give the people basically what they need, maybe even a little bit more, the next almost three lines are taken out, put them in parentheses, and we pick up three lines later, the inha onir ashai, if the poor person got, let's say, I don't know, $50, $100 for his purim money, that's supposed to go for the money, he's not allowed to likachma henrytsul asandalal, he can't buy like a new strap for his sandal, Ella im Cain, unless he's his name, makes a special condition with the mama ranshe ir, with the representatives of the city, bottom line though, if he doesn't do that, he's not allowed to spend on something else, divre reviaco chamomishum, rebi mayor, we box for a mayor, once again, this is rebi mayor in a snake source, now we're going to assume we're going to legal was makil, however, we're not going to focus on our assume we're going to legal, by the way, it's the end of the snake source, we're going to focus on rebi mayor, so maybe this is the rebi mayor we're looking for, that somebody who does something unlike what the owner of the item would have wanted, it's called a gazlin, well, looking more says maybe not here either, Dilma Hasam, maybe what's going on over there, Nami, is Adaitaipuramudiyohiv, when all of the people were giving the money to the charity collector and the charity collector was giving it to the poor person that was with the understanding that it would be spent and the knowledge and they knew this, that it should be spent only on, Purim, Adaitaipuramudiyohiv, lay, Adaitaipuramudiyohiv, but for a new pair of shoes or sandal straps or whatever it is, Loyahiv lay, that was never given for that point, in other words, once again, it seems like, this guy's a genuine gazlin, Ella Harabi mayor, so we screw the owner on the Ella, this is a third attempt actually, this one I believe will stand, it's this rebi mayor De Sanya, if a brice now goes for about three and a half lines, start to your room. Shumul al-Azzaroy, mayor of me, shumrebi mayor, we box with mayor's name, Hanais and dinner la oni, let's say a person gives a, you know, twenty dollars to a poor person, Lika Khleil Khalukhi is supposed to buy a shirt, Loyika Khleil Talis, he shouldn't buy a jacket, or gives him the twenty dollars for a Talis and jacket, Loyika Khleil Khalukhi shouldn't buy a shirt. Mi mne, Shemaavir al-Dhatai Shevalabayis, why should I not do that, because he would be going against what the Balabayis wanted, okay, and that's where rebi mayor is seeing that if a person goes against what the Balabayis wanted, it, you know, could be considered a thief, the worst is one second, it's going to attempt to reject this as a good source, and it says, well, the Dilma is shiny, awesome, no, no, no, maybe what's going on over there is a different reason, you know, why does the mixture, they all love the friends and neighbors of the person who gave the oni this money might come to suspect him, why? Daamri Inci, people will say, you know, the daddy big box he said he was going to give this oni twenty dollars to buy himself a new jacket, but we don't see him with a new jacket, we got Marplania, you know what daddy big bucks said, he said Zavnino Le Vuso Le Plania that he was going to buy like a new shirt, a new garment for him, and we haven't seen him with one, Valaizovonle, Enami alternative, Liza of Nino Le Glima, he was my new jacket, Valaizovonle, you know, like the experts, usually they sit him back as shoal, they're the guys who often schmooze a little bit too much during shoal, anyway, they're going to claim of course, like we haven't seen him with that, that's the problem maybe, where's this one second, that can't be the problem, in other words, that attempt to reject, it's not a good rejection, because he came listening, then the snake source should have given that as the reason, it should have said he can't, the oni is not allowed to buy something different than what was stipulated specifically by the person who gave him the money, in the ha'cha shad, ho ho, because of suspicion is what it should have said, but it didn't say that, I mean that's actually a quote from the end of the above the snake source, that means just as we thought, shmami na, me shum desh shani, who it's because he's doing something different, and just like what we may have said, kolama veradah shall, Valaiz, anyone who violates what the person who the item belongs to or the one who gave him the money, nikra gazan is called a gazlan. The mister continued and said, sei sui sachamar vehev rika, maihev rika, what does that mean, rehika, what happened to the donkey, so ha'cha over here, targhi moo, they understand it as nehoyu risa, which means wind blind, now the word nehoyu rah literally means light, but as we often have in Aramaic, we use sort of like the opposite to describe something that's not such a nice description, a blind person is called as saghi na ha'ar lots of light, or lots of ability to see, anyway, that's what hev rika is, the animal loss is ability to see, rahvamar avzekes, rasa as avzekes is ha' tola im hisli ragla, sort of like these kind of leg worms, I guess some worms got in, and they make it very hard for the animal to walk. Here's a little story, who the amar lohu, it was this guy who was claiming to a bunch of other people, avzekes bemilsa de malka, that there's avzekes, which is some type of worm or caterpillar, maybe moss, in the royal garment area of the king, okay, I'm really blessed, it's a really buddy, really, bemai, what was it, was it bitali kessif, or bitali zahov, what is it, kessif, what do you mean silver, zahv means gold, however silver is sort of like a white discovery color, and that's often the color of the linen, was it the linens that you saw were maybe not being kept properly, or was it the talidahav, or was it in the golden garments, now gold you feel so like a reddish gold, and maybe it was the red of the king's royal red garments. So two versions of the way he responded, you could amri bitali kessif, it is in the silver meaning it was in the linen garments amar, as what he said, vikkat luha, and they killed them because they guess moths don't affect linen garments, you could amri alternatively said bitali zahov, it was in the wool garments, and well, moths definitely affect wool, and therefore shafkua they let him go. With the mishna, ausi nasi sangari, ausi nasi sangari, so if the animal was taken by the royal workers, they expropriated it, maybe just for a period of time, then unmerloi, the fellow who rented out the donkey to this guy, because he had a job to do a consideration of a nakhal will listen, you deal with it, I don't have to compensate anything over here. Okay, let's qualify that, we'll have rav over here, I circled rav, and a line later near the end line near shmul, I circled shmul, amarov, loishna nul abbe, angarya haizaris, there's two types of angarya haizaris, the royal workers will seize a particular thing, a person's car or a person's donkey, and then when they're finished with it, like a day or a week later, they'll bring it back, so it's only if it's going to be brought back of all the angarya shayna haizaris, if they ain't going to bring it back to the person, then hai, let me lay khamor, the one who rented this guy, the donkey, has to provide a replacement donkey for him, that's rav, shmul, who we circled, amar, be, angarya haizaris, be, angarya haizaris, erina haizaris, whether they're going to return it to him, now when they don't return it to him, it doesn't mean he might not ever get it back, but they don't return it to the place that they took it from, they basically take it wherever they need to take it to, then, you know, they leave it there, so according to shmul, even in angarya haizaris, it depends, kolan, imbedir ha'aliqah nith law, if, let's say he's going from Baltimore to Florida, and they catch him in Baltimore, and he's going to Florida anyway, and they say we need to take this down south, well, since they're going in the same direction, al-imair lawi, the owner of the donkey, who had rented it to this guy, can say to him, araisi califanecha, because he can essentially just rent a different donkey for a day or two or three, schlep his stuff down, parallel, like, toward traveling along amongst with the king's people, and when the king's people find some other donkey to cease, and they tell this guy that he can have his back, well, okay, so we'll have it back, in other words, it's definitely a hassle, and it didn't make it impossible, however, if imla, if he's going down to Florida from Baltimore, and they're going up to Boston or New York, the imla bebedir ha'aliqah sa'nith law, then chayev lehamid lehiqah more, the donkey, rental guy, will have to provide a replacement donkey, okay, that's schmul, maysve, we have a teneic source, and a few lines of analysis, and another teneic source, and basically this question goes down about seven lines till first word on the line is mihlal, here we go, maysve, this snake sources for a line and a half, and it says it follows, similar case to ours, sa'nith lehiqah sa'n more, vehiv rika a'shin nishtatat, and in this case, the animal lassizability to see, or it went a little bit misshoga, both of them though are still effective as being able to transport, let's say, five, six hundred pounds of stuff, so you just have to, unlike a donkey that can see, you might have to walk along with the donkey a little bit, or nishtat, it's still good to schlab things, alimrylai, the guy who's the donkey owner can say to this customer, hareshkal, na'kal, listen, that's your problem, you deal with it, however maysve, if the donkey drops dead, or shena sisangariya, and shena sisangariya, apparently if it was taken, it's by the king's forces to temporarily do service to the king, hai vlamid leikhamore, hai vlamid leikhamore, then the donkey rental person will have to provide a replacement donkey, yeah, bishlama says leikhamore le rahav, leikasha, there's no contradiction here between, where we said, angaria, we just said, that the donkey guy has to give a replacement, whereas up above, we had said that he doesn't have to give replacement, bishamore le rahav, leikasha, it depends, is it angaria chozaris, or not, if it's angaria that's going to come back and return, whatever they're using temporarily back to the place, they got it, so then it's fine, that makes sense, whereas khan bangaria shena chozaris, and if they're not going to return it, then the new one will have to be provided, el al al shmuel, hai kasha, we're kind of stuck according to what shmuel had said, vicky tame, and if you want to say no, we're not stuck, because it was shmuel, na' me like kasha, it's also not a difficulty for shmuel, why, khan baderah, hai leikhasan itla, the mishna, which says this guy is not entitled to a replacement donkey for the rental period, is baderah, hai leikhasan itla, because the people are taking it, the king's people are going in the same direction as he's going, and khan, the brices, shmuel baderah, hai leikhasan itla, well, if we're going to say that, that's going to be the distinction, khan b, you know why, because there's another tana who says just that, which implies that the tana that we just finished reading about wouldn't hold that, hai mithani saifah, the saifah, here goes for a line and a half till the end of the next line, which is authored by, and we box it off, and we handle it in the name here of shmuel lazar, shmuel lazar, hai mithani, baderah, hai leikhasan itla, who was taken, and they want to take it the king's people along the same route that this guy wants to go, anyway, aimraeloi, then the boss, the one who rented the donkey from, can say to him, listen, sorry, like you deal with it, I know it's an additional hassle, but a racial hell of a na'kha, be mlawan, if not, hai vlami leikha mawar, the donkey rental owner has to provide a replacement donkey, that's for shmuel lazar, that's the end of the snake's source, and that clearly implies that the previous tana of the ratio, mikhaal to the tana khaama, loy shani lei, makes no distinctions, and that's a question on shmuel, well, what would shmuel answer, you have an actual shmuel he'd say, one second, you brought me a ratio, it seems like it was a question for me, and then you brought me a saifah to prove that the ratio of the question you brought by bringing the saifah, you know, I have a tana khaama, that I can say I rely on, love me, ye could do we not have a valid tana, or shmuel lazar, takai khavasi, he'll just like me, guess what, I hold just like him on adamri, I was saying within the opinion of shmuel lazar, now, i bai is aimah, alternatively, I squiggle it on the ebai is aimah, we can have a different way of understanding is that the ratio of saifah are actually all rupshim and a lazar, cooler shmuel lazari, however, you just have to read an extra line or so in the kasuyu mexara, the tanaic source, the saifah and the ratio we had above are actually one tanaic source, and there's a little bit missing, vahakhi katani, and this is the way to understand it, I put a right angle in, and it goes till the end of the third line, and ayinta sama dalaf, in the rereading, we simply make it all according to shmuel lazar as follows, as saifah wa sahama vivrika, ini shtati sahima lay, you can say, dem arishikalavan ekhameza, oh, shena sisangariya, and alan shena sisangariya, the king's forces took it for some short period of time to use kaiiflaha miblai khamor, nai daddan blan kahavli miblai khamor, okay, that was what we had called the reisha, oh, continues the price of a mage, but more and more and qualifies that then, when is that, that's shalay vidar hali hasa nidla, if they're going in one direction, non-direction, he's going, then the person who rents out the donkeys have to provide a alternate donkey, aval nidla bidar hali hasa, if, in the same way he's going, that's the way that the king's forces are going, and they took it, aymerlai, then the owner of the donkey rental company, can say, dem arishikalavan ekhah, de vidar habi shim and then alazir, and that's actually, shim and alazir's opinion, really? Yeah, kazir shim and alazir's opinion is shaayah, roshim and alazir aymer, he would say, imidar ki luhan nidla, if it's taken, and they're going in the same way, aymerlai, the owner of the donkey rental company, can say, aymerlai shim and alan hekhah, sorry, charlie, like you got it, it's yours, deal with it yourself, be emlo, and if not, if they're going in a different direction, hi, let me lay chamore, then the donkey rental company will have to provide him with a replacement donkey for the duration of the rental period, okay, so we're basically saying that it would all be rishim and alazir, really, aymerlai shim and alazir, can you really say that the entire british or shim and alazir question will come if a hakatani raysha, that's a bit problematic, why, because the raysha said, here's a quote for the raysha, but a line and a half, said, hasai shim and alazir, shim and alazir, he rent a donkey, vahiv rika, and it goes blind, ocean nishtatah, or it goes a little bit mischuga, aymerlai, the boss of the rental donkey company can say to him, harei shikal vanecha, ay, daraan rai shikal vanecha, vihi lurukshim and alazir, and here's another raysha, that's going to give us an insight into our lives with opinion, he says, very similar case here, it says, hasai shur, hasai shur, hasai shim or, person, rent say donkey, leer kavehaleha, vahiv rika, by the way, I understand the word leer kavehaleha, but don't emphasize it at this point, vahiv rika, ay, nishtatah, and it lost ability to see, or it went a little bit mischuga, what does there is any responsibility of the owner of the rental donging company, yes, hai evlamid lei ha'mor, he would have to offer him a replacement donkey for the time of the rental, that's the end of the day, sores, no end of the second, or shim and alazir just said that it would be required for the donkey owner to replace the donkey, and previously, the snake sores were trying to say, is also of shim and alazir, says he does not, amarababaravuna, arababaravuna points out that the brice that we just finished is different, because usually they would say you'd rent somebody's donkey to be able to schlep stuff or you could also rent it to ride on it, and there is no way that you want to ride on a donkey that's either blind or crazy, and therefore leurka evaleha, shiny, it's different than if you actually look up two lines we've said over there that you were hiring the donkey, some hiring a donkey is to be a schlepper, but leurka evaleha right on it is different, and just to finish off for today, the next line, and then we'll call it a shear amarabapa, rapapa says, by the way, even if you're using a donkey to transport things, however, what you're having to transport is fragile, like claise chuchis, if you had the animal and it was supposed to carry glassware, then kill the claise valeha dummy, you do not want a blind or somewhat crazy donkey transporting your glassware, it's then similar to as if you're renting a donkey to ride on it, period, adkhan.