Jesse Kelly Show

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Jasmine Crockett Argument

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18 May 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. That's your bright new day, Lo. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba Don't forget to subscribe, click on the link to the channel. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun New York on a Friday. It is an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. It's going to be an amazing night tonight. Here's what we have on tap for you. We have the best asked Dr. Jesse questions we have ever had. Some lady wants to know why why do you get criticized if you're a Catholic speaking out about your faith? Is it wrong for pro lifers to show graphic images in your community? What's the worst kind of environment you could possibly fight in if you're in the military? How do we help our veterans who are coming back? There's a depressed or committing suicide? How much of the national budget do we need to cut to keep the country afloat? The Biden Trump debate? All that so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I actually want to begin here because it kind of piggybacks off of what we were talking about already last night. And first and foremost, I have to do something that is physically painful to me. I have to say that I think I was dead wrong about something I said last night. Remember, we were talking about that Harrison butker that kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs coming out and speaking just in wonderful ways, bold ways, just speaking truth for the ladies present today. Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you the women who have had the most diabolical lives told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. Yeah, yeah, you remember we played it all last night. I'm going to stop it there even though the comments were wonderful and I said last night, well, these two things are facts. The Kansas City Chiefs social media team blasted him. They named the town where he lived. They essentially docked him and then they came out after and said, oh, that was posted in error. They deleted it. And then the NFL crucified him, put out some long public statement, blasting away. And I said last night, well, you watch, he's going to get fired. He's going to get fired. Apparently the Chiefs, the daughter of the owner, her name is Gracie Hunt. I don't I don't even watch the NFL in years, but I knew the Hunt family owned the Chiefs back in the day. I was waiting to hear about Harrison Butker's pink slip today. Credit to this woman. I ain't watching the NFL. But if I do, I might have to root for the Chiefs. We're going to start with you because the couch would like to know as America would, the reaction from the Hunt family regarding the kicker Harrison Butker. Well, I can only speak from my own experience, which is I've had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us as kids during that. And I understand that there are many women out there who can't make that decision. But for me in my life, I know it was really formative and shaping me and my siblings to be who we are. So you understand what he was talking about for sure. And I really respect Harrison and his Christian faith and what he's accomplished on and off the field. I gotta tell you, young lady, good for you. And Michael, correct to me, I just misspoke. It was not the Kansas City Chiefs who said where he lived. It was Kansas City itself. The city plastid him and the NFL blasted him. Looks like the owners are behind him. So that's good thing. All right. But let's let's go to this email. Jesse, I do not understand why liberals and communists can say anything they want and are praised, but a conservative religious person says what they believe and they are tormented by the media. I agree, mothers should be praised and treasured whether they stay at home or they need to work. What is wrong with what the football player said? All right, let's discuss this. First, there's nothing wrong with what the football player said. But why is it like this? Why is it that if you are some dirty communist, you can go have 19 abortions, chop your penis off, turn your kids gay, do anything and you will be cheered for and celebrated by the American media, by our institutions, our medical institutions. We'll sing your praises, talk about how wonderful you are. You can do you can go out and dance naked with a pink feather boa around your neck in front of children in this society waving your penis in the air and the society we live in now will sing your praises. And if you get up and you talk about how much you love your wife and how she she's been a bedrock for you and supports you and the fact that she's a mother and your wife is the most important best thing she'll ever do. You will be treated like a pariah. Why is it like that? Well, here, let me just give it to you right between the eyes and then we'll move on to other things on this ass Dr. Jesse Friday. Nations have religions. We've talked about this many times before, but let's talk about it again. And many of you were non religious. We have people everyone emails, you know, we have so many Christians who listen, we have so many Jews who listen, we have Muslims who listen, we have atheists who don't believe in anything who listen, we have, we have pagans who listen, we've got people calling who worship the sun and moon and dirt and stuff like that. So everyone has different thoughts on religion and religious beliefs and things like that. But it doesn't matter what your thoughts or my thoughts or your beliefs or my beliefs are one thing is a fact. I shouldn't say it doesn't matter. It does but one thing is a fact. Nations have religions. All nations have religions. There is no such thing as a secular nation that doesn't have a religion that has never existed and it will never exist. Men believe in things. We are created to believe in something you will worship something in your life. And since the dawn of man, look, you could go to any society you want with whatever religion they practiced, the rulers that everybody they all understood. The religion was the pole. It was the sun where the rest of society orbits around. Pick your society. It can be a small Indian tribe somewhere. It can be a major empire. There will be a religion and the laws will be made around it. The culture itself, general morality will be will be made around it. It doesn't always have to be your morality or my morale. It could be horrific morality. You know, we talk about Aztecs are a great example. You know, the Aztecs had a religion. They had religion. They had multiple gods and they believed wholeheartedly that human sacrifice was critical to get the things they wanted out of their gods. You want the reins. You want the reins to stop. You want this. You want that. Okay, well, the gods are going to demand blood. You must find human beings and kill them. Oftentimes it was children. Oftentimes there was torture involved because they believed that there was actual special power in the tears beforehand. Okay, all this is horrible. I got it. I got it. All but horrible, but all of Aztecs society eventually revolved around that religion. They're very military revolved around the religion. Do you want to know one of the main reasons? Well, I shouldn't say one of the main one of the reasons the Aztecs were unable to ever kill or non Cortez, even though they wounded him several times when Cortez wasn't want to wipe them out. You want to know one of the main reasons? Whenever they'd get close enough, they kept trying to wound him so they could capture him so they could sacrifice him to their gods. They would try to they would hamstring guys. They they had these sharp kind of obsidian-type swords and they would slice your hamstring or your Achilles so you couldn't move, then they could capture you and sacrifice you. They had him dead to right several times. It's right there. Just kill him. They wouldn't do it. Why? They're religion. Nations, tiny tribes, they will have a religion, a belief system, and all of that society will orbit around that belief system. But wait, there's more religions in general. Now, there have been many, many, many societies in America. You should be proud of this has been one of them. There have been many societies where multiple different religions have been practiced or allowed. That is something the Mongols did it. The Romans did it. Just so many societies have operated that way. Yeah, we have our religion. We have our belief system, but you can do your thing there. It's fine. In Mongolian society, I've told you before, the mosques were right next to the churches and the Mongols are fine. Whatever, serve the con, worship what you want. That's your problem. But the more common thing throughout history is when your nation chooses for itself a religious belief system, a religion, they're, they're not going to share. They're not going to share. Once your nation has chosen for itself a belief system, your nation will inevitably become more hostile to belief systems that challenge it. Because remember, aren't all religions, I mean, not all of them, but aren't most of them fairly exclusive. I mean, the Christians, we believe we're right. The Jews really believe they're right. The Muslims really believe they're right. And not only that, this is why it gets so uncomfortable unless you're like me and you don't care. They believe everyone else is wrong. You know, when we say we're right, that means we're saying you're wrong. Right? So that let's bring that back to America and why the outrage and everything else. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and that's Dr. Jesse Friday. I'm going to get to what happened in Congress today here in just a couple minutes. I just want to, I'm going to finish this thought. In case you're just joining us, lady wrote in and she said, why do these communists, these liberals get to say anything, do anything and the worst things in the world and they're praised. But some dude gets up and he talks about women being homemakers and he talks about abortion being wrong and all these other things. And he's immediately turned into a pariah in this society. And I was talking about how societies have religions. Now for the part that's going to hurt. We have one too. And it's not yours. All right. It's not mine. We have a religious belief system that has changed in this country. At one point in time, we were a Christian nation. We kind of drifted away from that. And as we drifted away from that, remember, you don't drift away from religion. That's not something that's humanly possible. You drift from one to another one. We have chosen to worship ourselves. Really comes down to dirty communism is what it is. It's cultural Marxism, but cultural Marxism in that let me explain really quickly what that means. Remember, the communists in the Soviet Union tried forever to get traditional Soviet style communism into America. It never worked. It would never take because our workers weren't unhappy here in general. They weren't. But remember, communism is the religion of the malcontent. So various communists started to figure out, hey, we need to focus on other malcontents. And that's where all this cultural Marxism came in that we see now feminism, all those black lives, matters, civil rights, bunch of crap, all the LGBTQ activism, the climate change stuff, you know, the gay realm, everything, all this crap. It's all just communism. And it's all just a way to destroy society. Well, cultural Marxism, because we walked away from our belief system, and because we weren't near aggressive enough with these people, we were way too nice to them. That is now the religion of the country. It is. And it doesn't mean it's yours. And I hope it's not. It doesn't mean it's mine. And it's not. And it doesn't do me an America loving patriot who would die for this country. It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't make me feel good to say those words. But the truth is the religion that governs the United States of America is not only not mine, it is extremely hostile to mine. Why do you think? Why do you think the FBI is already in churches? You know, the FBI is in churches, right? Maybe yours, maybe mine. We know this now. We have whistleblowers. We have memos. Why do you think they're arresting pro lifers, 70 plus year old women and chucking them in the federal penitentiary right now, sending SWAT teams to the homes of pastors right now? Why do you think that is? Because the religion, the religion of America now is not going to share with anybody, not with Christianity, not with Judaism, not with Islam, not with anything. They're not going to share the governing religion of the United States, America, the one that is run throughout our culture is cultural Marxism. Again, I've used this example before, but I'll use it again. You want a little experiment? It might get expensive. No one has as much money anymore. But here's an experiment for you. Go down to the local movie theater in your town. Go down and, well, how many movies I got playing? Eight, 10. Go watch all those movies this weekend. Do a little movie marathon and tell me when you're done with the movies this weekend. Tell me how what you saw more often. Did you see Christianity represented or did you see? Why are you gay? That represented more in the movies that you watch this weekend. Tell me what you see. Turn on the television set. Watch the news. What do you see more of? What flag flies with the American flag on embassies across the globe? I should say flags themselves. What flag is it? Is it the Christian flag? Chris, did you see any stars of David over there? Islamic flag? No, no, no, no. There's a rainbow tranny flag. There's a black lives matter flag. There's it's all around us, as we've said before, and it's hard to accept. If you walk into Saudi Arabia, there's no doubt what their religion is. You will see it every freaking where you will see references to Islam in the business world and the education system and the government and everything. It's everywhere. I went to Israel once. We did that Israel trip as a show last summer, been there one time. It wasn't a mystery what the practice what the governing religion of Israel is. There was Judaism. There were stars of David references to it everywhere you went. The cuisine itself when you do that. What was it? The Sabbath thing or whatever, Chris, where we couldn't get a decent meal in Jerusalem. What was that Sabbath? I wasn't being insulting. What was it called? Shabbat. Yes, Shabbat. It was Shabbat on a Saturday and we're there in a hotel in the major city in town and you could hardly find a meal. Why? Because it's a Jewish tradition. Because that's their religion. We have one here. It's not yours and it's not mine. And it is entirely hostile to yours and mine except this and I don't I'm not saying this to bring you down. I'm saying this so we are aware of where we are. You and I, we are outsiders now. We are the counterculture now. You are not the culture. We patriots like to think we're still the culture. We're America. No, we're not. We're the counterculture. I hope we become America again. And I believe we can. But we are the counterculture now, not the culture. Speaking of America, man, do I have a bright shining example of it? Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and asked Dr. Jesse Friday, you can email me and you should. Your emails go right to Chris. He prints them off. I read them. I don't read them all anymore. There are way too many. If you write too much or you're just a crazy person or you complain about an ad or something like that, then I'm not going to ever get it. But you can email the show and anything else. Jesse at Jesse Kelly Now, I told you I was going to get to the congressional news of today before we get back to all the other things as far as pro life goes. Where's the worst place to fight and all everything else? So maybe you've heard it. Maybe you haven't. But there was a big committee meeting today. And it was Marjorie Taylor Greene and James Comer. It was AOC. You'll hear Jasmine Crockett. You can't miss Jasmine Crockett in there. And a bunch of people are well, here's part of it. There's a couple clips. Just buckle up and enjoy the ride. This is the United States House of Representatives. I'd like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Mershan's daughter. Please tell me what that has to do with Mary Garland. Oh, Goldman. That's right. He's advising. Just a heads up. What Marjorie Taylor Greene is saying there is Dan Goldman. He's, of course, this piece of trash Democrat from New York, one of the most despicable people in Congress. He employs the daughter of the judge that's doing the Trump show trial in New York. Judge Mershan, daughter, works for Dan Goldman. I mean, it's very obvious how incestuous this whole thing is, but that's what she's saying. Anyway, I'll let him continue. Okay. Do you, do you know what we're here for? You know, we're here. I don't think you know what you're here for. Well, you don't want to talk about. I think your fake eyelashes are messing up. In case you just heard Marjorie Taylor Greene reference Jasmine Crockett's fake eyelashes and whatever you think about that, you should understand she very much does have fake eyelashes. And ladies, I understand the desire to be hot and I totally get it and I applaud you for that desire. Obviously, we want you to stay dimes, but I will say on behalf of men, you can take the fake eyelash thing way too far. If it looks like you're about to fly away when you blink your eyes, maybe, maybe dial those down a little bit more. Jasmine Crockett, I'm definitely talking to you anyway. Order Mr. Chairman, even more of your committee order, not a point of order. Mr. I do have a point of order and I would like to move to to take down Miss Greene's words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you? Of course, you can hear the Bronx's very own AOC step in the actress with the fake outrage. Are your feelings her words down? Oh girl, baby girl. Oh, really? Don't even play baby girl. I don't think we are going to move and we're going to take your words down. I second that motion. I'm letting it play. I'm going to let it play. You agree to strike your words? Yeah. Okay. Miss Greene agrees to strike her words. I believe you should apologize. No, no, no. Hold on. Then after Mr. Perry's, you'll be recognized in Mr. Perry. I'm not apologizing. Well, then you're not saying your words. I am not apologizing. Let's go. Why don't you debate me? And Mr. Chairman, the minority self-evident. You're not. Yeah, you're not. You don't have enough intelligence. Chair recognizes Mr. Perry. Okay. Move to strike. Move his words again. Oh, you didn't. You didn't think they were done, did you? Oh, that was, that was just, that was just the warm up. Please continue. You just voted. Did you do that? I'm trying to get clarification. Look at calm down. Calm down. No, no, no, because this is what I don't do. By the way, fellas, just the heads up from me. If you're ever trying to calm your lady down, nothing works better than telling her to calm down. It works like a charm. You just look at her whenever she's bad and you say, honey, calm down. And they just simmer right down. Works every time I'm trying to get back. I can't hear you with your yelling. No, calm down. No, please calm down. Don't tell me to calm down because y'all told calm down. You're out of control because if I can't hear you, if I can't hear you, I'm tired. I know you're okay. Or care now, recognizes not here. This is the United States House of Representatives, just reminding everybody green for four minutes and 21 seconds, four minutes. Let me screen top and then you all can I'll recognize her words for a second time based on her second set of personal remarks, attacking another member. Chairman, you all cannot see the rules of the committee. Yeah. Okay. Okay. You know, a lot of people are tossing this clip around today back and forth. I can't believe that Jasmine Crockett would act like that. I can't believe AOC would say that people are some people are mad at Marjorie Taylor Greene. What's she doing there? And honestly, I know this probably hurts to hear, but these people are an accurate reflection of who we are. You know that right. Not not you personally, but in a representative republic like ours, we really do get the government we deserve. And Jasmine Crockett in her Eagle Wing eyelashes, AOC, the bartender slash actress who auditioned to be a congressman. Marjorie Taylor, all of them, all of them. This is who we are now. It's what we are now. And gosh, that's a lot, isn't it? Anyway, this guy says, Dear New York, wiener machine. It's just, you know what? I didn't, did I say wiener machine when I was talking about the New York hot dogs? Okay, I have an obsession with New York hot dogs. Okay, I can't help it. The dirt water dogs and every, every one of my New York friends makes fun of me. I can't believe you eat those. They never even clean the water. Like, why would care if they clean the water? What, Chris? Oh, hold on a second, sir. Chris just said a hot dog's a hot dog. They don't change that much. Chris, there's something New York about walking down the sidewalk, eating a hot dog. That's one, two. No, it's not the smell of feces, Chris, two. If you never, you've never had the red onion sauce, have you, Chris, you never have, I believe I'm sure in this day and age, you can just order it online or something like that. But you don't understand. They take, it's almost like a, like red onions that have been, I don't know, reduced or something into some kind of ketchup onion mixture that they, they kind of, it makes that sound even though it doesn't make that sound at all. They put the thing right on the hot dog. It's the most glorious thing in the world. And I should clarify something. Let me explain something to you, children about New York City. You see, it's a walking city. The wife has, she's one of these fitness freaks. So she has the watch, it keeps track of how far she goes and whatnot. The last time her and I went to New York City, this is, I think last month, we were there for two days. And in two days, we walked 17 miles. And we weren't working out. We were just in New York City, walking here, walking to eat here. You walk, it's a walking city. It's right. It's as big as it is, and as good as the food is, it's always one of the skinniest cities. I live in Houston. It's always one of the fattest cities. The difference, Houston is spread out. You can't walk anywhere here, everywhere is a 15 minute drive. So you go eat 10,000 calories worth of soul food and then get in your car and drive for a half hour. But in New York, you walk and eat. And so you pop in, you grab a dirt water dog, boom, you're walking to, in throw, stuff in a wiener in your mouth. So when I go, I'll eat them. I mean, I'll eat, I'll eat a half dozen a day. I eat it. It's really, really bad. Because anyway, I shouldn't have used the term wiener machine. I realized that that maybe have that maybe came off the wrong way. And you guys don't have to just take anything bad, I say and then throw it back in my face every single time. You know that. All right, it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Remember, if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify, iTunes. Let's get back to the ask Dr. Jesse questions. I just I don't want to have anything else to say about about about I know this doesn't apply to you and it doesn't apply to me. But when you have a population full of people who have walked away from politics, don't care enough to get involved. Don't care enough to pay attention. You can't spend 15 minutes a day to learn about the issues. What's actually taking place. When you have a people, this demoralize and listless, you will be represented by people like this. Period. Period. We earned this, not you, not me, but as a whole, a population as a whole. This is the exact kind of government we deserve. It is. It really is. All right, dear New York weiner machine. I live in very red North Idaho and I am as pro life as one can be. Abortion is murder should be illegal without exception. Having said that in my town each weekend, there's an anti-abortion group that hangs out on one of the town's main street corners and holds up very graphic, large photographs of aborted babies. When I see them, I tell them to take the reference over to the border to Blue Washington and those heathens are the ones who need to see it. I don't want to see it and I don't want my wife and young children to have to see it. Am I wrong or are they? Thank you. His name is Danny and he says, "P.S. Thanks for the show and the anti-communist manifesto available at" I love this question because it's heavy and it's intense and I don't know that there's a right answer, so let me just approach this question this way. I too, for the longest time as parents do, tried to keep my sons from seeing many things. In fact, I tried for years to keep them really from being political because I didn't think they were ready. I didn't want to raise them political even though this is what I do now. So we would obviously teach them our values and things like that, but we didn't talk politics. We're not going to bring up issues. We just let it go. But the older they got and the more I looked around, the more I saw that shielding them from this culture is impossible. It's impossible. We just did this long talk about how America has a new religion, cultural Marxism, that is the religion of the country. Well, how can I shield them from that, from all that filth when it's the religion of the country? I can't. It's in their textbooks. It's on their television set. It's in the movies and even, look, unless you're going to move to the mountains off the grid, you can't avoid all the filth that's out there. So we changed tactics. My wife and I decided let's talk. Let's let's not even talk about it in a dumb down, you know, little kid. Anyway, let's have a conversation. Let's talk about good, bad, right, wrong, evil. This is what my kids are hugely political now, but I tried the best I could to avoid it, and I found that to be fruitless. Now, I'm not saying I was going to break down the tax code to my four year old, and I don't know. He didn't mention how old his daughter was. You know, you got a three, four year old girl. No, you don't want her seeing pictures of dead mutilated babies. No one wants that for their little baby girl or baby boy or anything like that, depending on the age. And let me also say this. I could never see myself holding up a poster, a picture like that on a street corner. I just, I don't, I don't think I could do that, but, but let's remember this. And this sucks, but let's remember this. There's not a comfortable way to move the culture back once your culture has been moved away from you. There's not a comfortable way to take a society built on lies and rebuild it on truth. There's, it's not, there's not a comfortable, easy way. You ever moved houses? I moved houses my entire life. We were, we would, my old man, my folks would sell a house virtually every year when we first moved to Montana because we needed the money. I lived in 10 houses in 10 years. So we were all, I mean, we would move in, we'd move in, they'd sell the house, back up the house, box everything up. You know, I'm money for movers or anything like that. It's me and my dad and a couple family friends in a U-Haul, loading it up. And next year, we're doing it again. And we're doing it again. And we're doing it again. Was it easy? You ever, you ever moved? Did you enjoy the process? No, it's hard. It's sweaty. It's uncomfortable. You hurt yourself. Now try moving a society that has chosen cultural Marxism for itself to win, to move things back. You and I are going to have to do and experience and support things that are uncomfortable things. Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks, whoa, I can't wait to look at some pictures of aborted babies today. Man, maybe after lunch. No one thinks like that. I don't think like that. No one thinks like that. At the same time, the veil of lies is so thick around every issue. This applies to every issue much more than just abortion. The veil of lies in this society is so thick. If you want to cut through it, it's going to be uncomfortable. People who are about ready to go kill their unborn baby, they need to know what it looks like. Why do you think they've lied to women? And why do you think they use words like women's reproductive rights? Why do you think they call it that? Because the truth of what happens to that poor child is barbaric. It is awful. I don't even think I've ever described it in detail on the show. And honestly, maybe I'm a hypocrite here because I haven't because so many kids listen and I want kids. And like I said, I will always do a family friendly show. You can always listen with your kids. I don't talk about a bunch of perverted stuff or whatever. Don't use bad language. I don't do that and I will never do it. It's so bad. What happens? Ivan has it did the talk about it. But maybe I'm a hypocrite and wrong about that. People need to know. It ain't no clump of cells and it ain't reproductive rights. And it's ugly in there. So maybe you are wrong. Maybe you're not. I that was a really mealy mouth way to answer that. But that's my answer. All right. Hey guys, it is Ryan. 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