Jesse Kelly Show

Kansas City Chiefs player Harrison Butker gets backlash for his comments

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17 May 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Jumba It's my little escape. Now, Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Jumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 Casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun, New York. On a Thursday, you are almost there. The end of the week is in sight. Put a smile on your face. It's going to be a huge show tonight. We're going to have a long talk about nursery rhyme conservatism. I am going to talk about this Harrison Butker, the comments this NFL player made. That'll be spicy. We're going to open up the show with that. We're going to talk about Mitt Romney and GOP leadership, how they think about us, the mass deportation plans. Apparently, ISIS might attack pride parades and a gigantic lie that was told to everyone, and I want a reckoning for it. All that, emails, so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I want to begin here because this story has got-- well, what we journalists call legs. What, Chris? It's got legs. What story is that? Harrison Butker. I, full disclosure, did not know who he was, because I stopped watching the NFL years ago, but he's a punter or kicker or something for the Kansas City Chiefs. He's also a devout Catholic. He got up, and he gave a speech at a college graduation, a speech that is prompting national backlash to the point the Kansas City Chiefs themselves are blasting him. The NFL is blasting him. Every feminist and low-T dork on the right is blasting him. And if you'd like to know what he said, I feel like we should play it and then have a discussion that will offend everybody here it is. Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues, things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people, it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice. He is not alone from the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America. They all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic. This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it. These are the sorts of things we are told in polite society to not bring up. You know, the difficult and unpleasant things. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending that the Church of Nice is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice. - Okay. I've heard a lot of things I love there. Didn't you? Wonderful statement. And that wasn't the only thing he said that has people up in arms. He also got up and he spoke very, very boldly about the role of women and society in a family. Here's what he said. - For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lives told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her location as a wife and as a mother. I'm on this stage today, enabled to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her location. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated. That all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in being class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. (audience applauding) - Powerful stuff, isn't it? You can tell by the sound of his voice what she means to him. You can tell, right? So, why am I looking at headline after headline after headline, this from Daily Mail backlash against Harrison Butker Groves. This is from the Daily Beast, a hundred thousand sign of petition demanding the chiefs fire the kicker over dehumanizing speech. Kansas City Chiefs themselves actually revealed on their public social media account, which town he lives in. They essentially docked their own kicker. The NFL put out a lengthy statement earlier today condemning his speech outright. This is what you heard if you turned into the view. Why? - Colin Kaepernick was standing up for the rights of many and saying in a social justice moment, this is a reminder that we're not there yet. What this man is doing is not just a devout Catholic. This is someone who's practicing something called the traditional last mass, which is a divergent from the majority of Catholics. It's compared to being quote like an extremist, like some religions in the Middle East in Asia. So this is a very extreme religion and what bothers me about that as a Christian is that when people abuse Christianity, they often not only cherry pick from the Bible, they misinterpret and lie by omission by taking out parts that would have explained something a little better. So what I can say to him as a Christian is if you're using this to oppress... - Notice all that are keep going, but notice how she keeps saying as a Christian, as a Christian, as a Christian, notice how she keeps saying that, what's she doing? What's she doing? You already know, we talk about it all the time. What's she doing? She's using your values against you. - As a people or hold them down, you're not walking with Jesus. If you are using the religion, if you're more obsessed with the religious rituals and practices, then you are with the word of Jesus. You're not walking with Jesus. And if you're using it for the judgment of others and as a weapon to beat people down, you're also not walking with Jesus. So I would really encourage him, really encourage him to find the best parts of faith and not diverge into extremists and what is that? - Yes, why such a backlash? Well, let's talk you and me, because this is gonna lead us directly into a nation, what makes a nation, what breaks a nation. It's gonna lead us directly into nursery rhyme conservatism. That's gonna be a consistent theme for a long time. Why the backlash for something so wonderful? A wonderful, truthful speech, impactful, why? Well, remember this. Remember, every now and then, I shouldn't say every now and then because it's the common thing, the common theme throughout history is that nations themselves will either start out evil or they will turn evil over time. Over time, this has happened, there are a million examples I could give you, historical examples, whatever examples you want, examples you already know, I don't have to give you any examples, you know, nations will turn evil. You know what, let's make it about the Soviet Union. Well, that's an easy one. We hate commies, I hate commies, you hate commies. The Soviet Union was a deeply evil place. And in the Soviet Union, it was well known, it's been written about a million times. There was nothing that could get you killed or sent to a Gulag faster than what? Telling the truth, when you live in a nation where everything is built on a lie, where they promote lies, they push lies without end, when you live in a country like that and let me go ahead and do a spoiler for you, you now do, when you live in a nation that is based on lies, the telling of truth is a dangerous thing and it is something the demons despise, they despise it. You tell people who believe the sky is green, they'll scream the sky is green and you go up to those people and you point to the sky and you say no, the sky is blue, the reaction is not going to be grateful to you for revealing the truth to them. The reaction is going to be a collective boo and hiss at you for daring to challenge their lies, for daring to challenge their demonic worldview, for daring to challenge these people who tell lies, insist on you telling lies and smash anybody out there telling the truth. You, me, we now live in a system exactly like that, built on outright lies and there is, I would venture to say, not a single group of people who have been more abused by the lies of this nation than the women of this nation. Women have been abused by this country and not at all in the handmade tale they try to make you think. Let's talk about what this country has done to women and why the backlash against something so wonderful. Let's talk about that next. ♪ This is the Jesse Kelly Show ♪ And I almost forgot to remind you that tomorrow, tomorrow is an ask Dr. Jesse Friday where we will take all three hours and answer the questions you email in right now to Ask me anything, the whole show on Friday, as it always does, belongs to you. The questions don't even have to be political and be about whatever you want. Email it in and we'll chop it up about it. Let's go back to the lies, the society, the nation built on lies. Why is such a backlash against a man who clearly adores his wife, praises her for making a wonderful home for him, supporting him, raising their children and the backlash is so great. I would venture to guess that Harrison Buckner is probably gonna lose his job. Oh, I'll bet you money that guy will be fired for this whole thing. Why the backlash? Because the demons hate the truth and women in the United States of America have been abused. So let's clear something up right now. Strong family units. Men marrying women, staying married, making babies and raising those babies have been the bedrock of every single successful society in the history of mankind. It is something, it's not even unique to the church or something like that. Complete pagans have always understood that men marrying women, staying married and making babies builds strong countries. You can read ancient texts of kings encouraging their citizens, get married, stay married and make babies. That is the bedrock of a society, the family unit. And you know what, let's pause on that really quickly before I go off on this. You should understand if that's what you want, if that's what you have, either of those things, then you want something that is good or have something that is good and you should feel good about it. But back to that, that is the bedrock of any society. It doesn't mean there's no room in a society for single people or people who make other choices. That's wonderful too, people have different lives. But that is the bedrock of any society. So, if you are, let's say, a demonic communist and you're looking at a society, let's call it America and you want to bring it to its dag-gone knees, what's the best way you can do that? After all, if you want to demo a building, picture the Empire State Building. Please don't go try to demo the Empire State Building, but let's say the Empire State Building and you want to bring the Empire State Building down. Do you put all your explosives at the top or do you put all your explosives at the bottom? You attack the bedrock. We have attacked the bedrock of this society endlessly. And here's how we've done it. You want to turn men and women against each other. That way, they never get together. They never get married. They never make those babies. But how do you turn men against women? Well, there are obviously a million different ways you can do that and women against men. How do you get men and women at each other's throats? So they despise each other. So the very prospect of marriage and kids is horrible to them. Maybe they choose on purpose to stay single. Maybe they go join the Air Force. - Why are you gay? - Quit, I'm kidding. But you understand what I mean. How do you do that? Well, there's an easy way you can do that. You go tell all the women that they should be just like men. They should do the jobs men do. They should just embrace the fact that I am a woman and I can do anything a man can do. Well, you know what? The last thing in the world a guy wants is a woman trying to be one. And so soon they find themselves at each other's throats. All of a sudden the family unit has been shattered. The bedrock of society is coming apart and the Empire State Building is coming down. It has been an attack on women. The idea of feminism has always been evil. It's not just this third wave feminism or whatever they call it. Feminism was evil from the get-go. Why? Because feminism promoted the thing that destroys everything. Equality. Because we are not equals. We're equal in the eyes of God. Lord willing we are equal in the eyes of the law, although that's a laughable joke now in this country. But two men aren't equal. They're not the same. Chris isn't equal to me. I'm not equal to Chris or Michael. You're not equal to me. I'm not equal to you. Men and women are not equal either. They have different skill sets, different things they're meant for. There's a reason God made men differently than he made women, not better, but not equal either. Differently. But if you wanna shatter the family unit in a society, you lie to women without end. You don't need no man. You can do anything a man can do. You go girl. You can go work 90 hours a week and still be just as happy. You lie and you lie and you lie and you lie. And soon you have a society full of these women who are in fact miserable and know they're miserable and they hear hard truths like that about a man who adores the ground his wife walks on and praises her for supporting him and him being able to lean on her. You hear that if you're one of these women who's been lied to your entire life and it's like somebody pouring fire down the back of your shirt. That's why the reaction has been the way the reaction has been because there's nothing, nothing demons hate more than the truth. And that brings us to nursery rhyme conservatism. Oh, it's gonna be a spicy show tonight. Hang on, we'll talk about what that is. ♪ It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday ♪ ♪ Remember you can download a podcast of the show ♪ ♪ If you miss any of it, I hard spotify iTunes ♪ ♪ We are having a discussion about family units and culture ♪ ♪ And now we're gonna have a discussion about nursery rhyme conservatism ♪ ♪ Because there is something we must address ♪ ♪ And we must address it now ♪ ♪ We cannot and should not remain silent ♪ There is a strain running through the right. A lot of it is feminized American Christianity, which is not Christianity. A lot of it is what I call nursery rhyme conservatism, which kind of folds that in. But there is this way of thinking that we should live at peace with everybody. I cannot stand it. I despise the preaching and church of nice hippie Jesus who never offended everyone when Jesus was calling people hypocrites and broods of vipers and running people out of churches with bull whips. But they pretend like he was just some flowery hippie who was just laying down and taking it. I despise it. But that is a huge part of what is woven into nursery rhyme conservatism. That's what I call it, nursery rhyme conservatism. The idea that no matter what the demons are doing, you should just be nice, just be at peace. Don't speak out, don't speak boldly. Certainly don't ever call anybody a name or anything like that. Jesus would never do that. He just called someone a brute of vipers. He called somebody a friggin' viper. But the hippie Jesus wouldn't. Nursery rhyme conservatism is a huge part of why the conservative movement has not actually conserved a single solitary thing because they believe there was a nice, peaceful, hands-off way out of this despicable mess we are in. We must be conquerors and develop the mindset of conquerors and we must be as bold as Harrison Butker is here. My admiration for this man is overflowing because I am about a hundred percent sure. He just cost himself his entire career by standing up and telling the truth about what the demons are doing in this society. We must develop teeth. We must turn our plows into swords. We must go out and speak boldly on behalf of the innocent, on behalf of women, on behalf of children. We must go out and speak boldly about what culture should be and what it should not be. We are not going to nice our way into having a country that we wanna have. We have a nation right now where doctors, parents, and schools are chopping the breasts off of teenage girls routinely. We have a nation now where if you turn on NBC News at night, you'll be treated to nature documentaries like this. The quizzing you were told as a kid is wrong. You make me wanna dance. Gay penguins, bisexual lions, sex-changing clown fish. This is a queer planet. Queerness has always existed. It's only in humans that we have such a stigma about it. The idea of just having two fixed sexes is clearly. You're all disgusting and you disgust me and the idea of that stuff being on television sets, beamed into the eyes of men, women, and more importantly, children is grotesque to me and it makes me wanna vomit and I will not be quiet and I will not be nice about it and I will not tell you it's okay and I will not tell you that you're doing fine and no, we are not friends. And yes, I would love to live peacefully with you. If you change your ways but you are not going to try to destroy the women and children of this country and then find a friend in me. We are not friends, we are enemies and we have to develop a mindset of making enemies. If you're out there living in this country and you're not making any enemies, you are dead freaking wrong. Let me ask you something. You ever heard of the Valley of the Shadow of Death? Everyone's heard that. Psalm 23, everyone knows it. King David on the run, Valley of the Shadow of Death. Chris and Michael will remember this. Remember when we went there in Israel? We looked down on it. It's an actual place. Did you know that? I didn't know that. I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know that. It's a place. And you look down into it and there's this canyon. It's not even a valley, it's a gorge, it's a canyon. And if you look down, it's actually really cool. There's a monastery built into the side of the mountain where these monks live to this day. There's an arrangement that they have electricity. They just live there and they pray and they sing and they do these things all day long. Okay, that's what they do. Okay, so there's those guys, that's the monk. Then there's the NYPD cop. He works in Harlem. Every single day he has to arrest people, hurt people. He broke some guy's arm last month, last night. There was a scuffle, there was an attack, and he shot and killed somebody last night. Let me ask you something, do you believe the monk who has pulled himself out of the world and sits there in his little cave? Do you believe that he is a better, more moral, more holy person than the NYPD cop who just shot somebody last night? If you do, that's where we differ. And that's nursery rhyme conservatism. We must fight back and fight back with teeth. We have got to drop this mindset of just living with these people. And instead we have to take their power away from them. And you know what, that involves making enemies. That involves taking something that belongs to someone else. Not bending over for them, taking something that belongs to someone else. Right now, there's a communist in your freaking area. And he sits on the school board, he sits on the parts department, he's on the city council, he's on the HOA, he's teaching at your child's school, he's doing things, evil things in the society. And he doesn't wanna live peacefully with you, he wants to destroy you, he wants to destroy your women, he wants to destroy your children. And he intends to do this unless you step up and stop him. And you're not gonna reason with him, and you're not gonna nice your way out of it. You are going to go make an enemy of him and rip the power from his fingers, or you will die and you will lose. And more importantly, your children will be destroyed. I am sorry, I do not believe it is moral to sit on the sidelines, I do not believe it is right. I think it is despicable. And I think so much of the nursery rhyme conservatism, that's not who we are, my principles. I think so much of that stuff, here's the truth. I think it's a cloak for cowardice. I think turn the other cheekism is a cloak for cowardice. And no, I'm not talking about the Bible verse or the words of Jesus, I'm talking about the fact that that appears to be the only verse in the Bible anyone's ever read in the American church today. Well, we just gotta turn to cheat guys, really? I just read a story this morning. You know, I'm not exactly a sensitive soul. And I'll be honest with you, I got legitimately choked up about it. It was a 15 year old girl and they chopped their breasts off because they convinced her that she was a boy. Now, she's an adult woman and she lives in anguish, not just physical anguish, emotional anguish, because of the things they did to her, they will never allow her to have children and that's what she wants. She wants a husband and children, obviously, she's a woman. And maybe you think that you should be nice to the people who did that to her? I think we should be mean. I think those people who did that to that little girl are deeply evil and broken. And I wish they weren't evil and broken. I hope they come around. But whether they do or don't, I think those people deserve to be punished for what they did. And I believe I'm right when I say that. Nursery rhyme, conservatism, you can stuff it. I'm not better than that. When you're fighting monsters, be careful. You don't become one. How about you go become one and defeat the evil people in this society? Go run some dirtball comedy off your school board. You feel better about yourself. All right, one last thing 'cause I'm gonna rant on Mike Johnson in a moment. Gosh, you wanna talk about the best example of this I've ever seen in the world before we get to Mike Johnson. Let's get to preparations you need to be making. I had, I talked to Senator Ron Johnson yesterday with Wisconsin. And you know how we're always ranting about the debt and deficit and what it's gonna mean and stuff. And he used the word debt bomb. He said there's a debt bomb coming and people just do not grasp how bad it's going to get when it gets here. Buy some gold or silver coins. You don't have to go crazy. Don't go crazy. Just get some basics. Whatever you can do comfortably, call Oxford Gold Group and get some precious metals of some kind in your hand. I'm not telling you to build a nuclear bunker and unload your life savings at Oxford Gold. I would never say that. Get some in your 401k, your IRA. Get some in your physical possession. Prepare as if a debt bomb has been dropped and it's gonna explode at some point in time because it has. Call 833-995 Gold. Oxford Gold Group. We'll be back. ♪ I've got an animal ♪ ♪ Is the Jesse Kelly show ♪ ♪ On a Thursday reminding you to email your asked doctor question ♪ ♪ Ask doctor question ♪ ♪ Ask doctor Jesse questions for tomorrow ♪ ♪ Email them and now to Jesse at ♪ And yes, we started out talking about Harrison Butker and you don't hear me praise very many men on the show. I have so much admiration for that guy speaking out about family and life and motherhood and abortion and I have so much admiration for it because I believe he just cost himself his job. It takes some courage to speak out and cost yourself your livelihood how you pay your mortgage. And there are so many guys who cave to the rage mob. Remember Anthony Bass? Anthony Bass was a pitcher in the Major Leagues Major League Baseball and Anthony Bass. He was a little mortified by the Bud Light stuff and he spoke out, just put something on social media against that stuff. And then they threatened Anthony Bass with his job. Anthony Bass put out this video and I just wanna clue you in before we play it. He's still not gotten another job in the Major Leagues to this day so he not only cost himself his career, he laid down for them. - I recognized yesterday. I made a post that was very cool to the Pride community which includes friends of mine and post family members of mine and I am truly sorry for that. I just spoke with my teammates and shared with them my actions yesterday. I apologize with them. And as of right now I'm using the Blue Jays resources to better educate myself, to make better decisions moving forward. The ballpark is for everybody. We include all fans at the ballpark and we want to welcome everybody. - That's why I admire Harrison Butker. When faced with the end of a professional sports career which what would be greater than that, Harrison Butker chose to be bold. Now back to nursery rhyme conservatism. I saw, I commented on this the other day that Mike Johnson showed up in New York City to support Donald Trump during his trial. And I just cannot stomach this way of thinking it is so common on the right and it makes me want to vomit. He was asked, okay, well why don't you defund Jack Smith? You are the speaker of the house. The house of representatives controls the purse. The truth is that the house of representatives is significantly more powerful than the presidency. It really is and it always was supposed to be. Jefferson talked about it all the time. The house of representatives is everything. You, Mike Johnson, have the power to affect real change but when asked to do something, do anything. Well, this is what you get. With regard to defunding Jack Smith, look, I think that there's been a terrible dereliction of duty with regard to the special counsel and how the whole system has been abused, how they've engaged in lawfare against President Trump. I mean, all of these things are to me, self-evident truths, but that's not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision. It's been part of the law, you know, the tradition and the law here sits for 25 years. So are you prepared then to stick this into appropriations bills to defund the special counsel? No. I don't think, look, if I could make nursery rhyme conservatism, if I could make the definition an audio cut, that would be exactly it. Pointing out all the evil, all the wrong and then being asked if you're prepared to do something about it and saying no. I can't believe they're doing this. These abuses are unbelievable. It's gross what they're doing. Wow, these guys are way out of line. This is against the law. I can't believe they're doing, okay, where are you gonna stop them? Oh my gosh, no, are you kidding me? I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna do anything. You wanna be that, you wanna be to do something? Well, that wouldn't be Christian. I, no, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna push back and fight against the evils taking place in the country. I've got a cheek to turn over here. I'm busy turning cheeks. I can't, I can't do anything. Hey, Mike, are you gonna, they're gonna stop the children from being routinely abused and mutilated in the country? I just wanna be clear that I think the mutilation of children is dead wrong and I think it's terrible what these people are doing. And no, I'm not gonna do anything about it. Hey, Mike, the Southern borders open. I saw a story out of Georgia. As you know, this one was out of Florida where an 11 year old girl was grabbed by an illegal and tossed into the back of a van and raped. Hey, Mike, what do you think about that? Are you gonna, I don't know, refuse to pass any more bills until we get bored of security? Well, I just wanna tell you that I think whatever happened to that girl was terrible and I'm just aghast at what these illegal are, what these illegals are doing in the country and I'm telling you what, Joe Biden is dead wrong for what he's done at the border and things like that. Yeah, but Mike, are you gonna do anything about it? Oh my gosh, no, what? Do us something, no, geez, that would be wrong. No, no, I'm a conservative after all. No, no, I'll point out problems. I'll point out the hypocrisy. I'll do all those things, but you see, I don't ever wanna get my hands dirty. I just wanna go be a monk who lives in the hills in the mountains and then pretend that I'm holier than everyone else. You're not holier than anyone else. You're not better than anyone else. You're a gutless coward. Nursery rhyme conservatism is the ultimate cloak for the lazy and the cowards. That's what it is. I don't wanna get off my butt. I certainly don't wanna make any enemies. I don't wanna be mean to anybody. I'm not gonna actually do anything. I will sit in the sidelines, on the sidelines and I will point out all the things the players on the field are doing wrong or evil, but if you actually ask me to strap some pads on and get in the game, well, no, no, no, no, no. I don't wanna get sweaty. That's nursery rhyme conservatism and I despise it. I despise it. Go get your hands dirty. Go get involved. This has been a podcast from WOR. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. At Available to players in the U.S. excluding Washington and Michigan. No purchase necessary. V.G.W. Group.