Turley Talks

Ep. 2572 Michael Cohen Just DESTROYED Everything!!!

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18 May 2024
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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turley Talks. I don't think I've ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically as what just happened with Michael Cohen. I've certainly seen very effective cross-examinations of cooperating witnesses. I've seen aspects of their story cut into and called into question, but this goes to the heart of the allegation here, that phone call on October 24th, and it looks to the jury and to Anderson Cooper and Caris Canell and Judge George Grasso, who were all in the courthouse, that that was a devastating moment. A devastating moment. A devastating moment doesn't even come close to describing what just happened in that courtroom. Yesterday's Michael Cohen testimony was, it was the sinking Titanic of Testimals. It was the Hindenburg of hearings. It was an absolute nightmare for the prosecution, of course, against Trump, and we're going to get a front row seat to exactly what happened. You're not going to want to miss this. Patriots across the nation are rising up just like the amazing Patriots, who are dear friends to this channel, and that's the makers of old country soap, made on a farm in South Dakota using traditional techniques. 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Use promo code TURLY for an exclusive 20% discount off your order. And every order will include an extra gift. Just pay the shipping. It's more than worth. It's a go ahead. Reward yourself with this amazing, patriot product. You will not be disappointed. All right, let's dive right in here. So yesterday, defense attorneys for President Trump unleashed what many are calling an absolutely devastating cross-examination on the court declared serial liar, serial perjurer, Michael Cohen, who keep in mind is the star witness for the prosecution. No, not the porn star. No, she was just part of the prosecution's circus freak show. The real star witness is a serial liar declared by a court to be such, and he did not disappoint. Michael Cohen completely and totally fell apart on cross-examination. Now, here's what you got to get here. Here are the stakes yesterday. The prosecution's entire case. All right. This is the rubber hit in the road. The prosecution's entire case, again, comprised of a circus of porn stars and national inquiry, tabloid publishers and Billy Bush tapes and the like. This prosecutor's case all comes down to a single phone call. It all comes down to a single phone call, and here's the key that Michael Cohen then took place. That Michael Cohen claims took place. That Michael Cohen alleges took place. Cohen claims that he called Trump's head of security and informed him that the Stormy Daniels Hush Money payment was all taken care of. Let the boss know, we're good. We're good. That, as it turns out, was the prosecution's entire case. You literally cannot make this stuff up. Cohen, right on the witness stand, claimed he alleged that he called Trump's head of security and told him the payment was all taken care of. That was the sole supposed direct link between Trump and Michael Cohen paying off the porn star. Remember, Trump never paid anybody. It was a Trump organization. Trump doesn't, there's no signant. There's no documents with a signature on it. Trump has to, from what we could see, there was absolutely no ordering, no objective ordering by Trump to pay off Stormy Daniels. It was Michael Cohen who paid her off. So what they're trying to do is they're saying, "Ah, this is the phone call that established Trump knew it. Trump approved of it. He directed the payment." And this is it. This was all to try to cover up this alleged affair during his campaign in 2016. So how did that alleged claim, that purported phone conversation, turn out upon cross-examination? Here's Jesse Waters to explain it. Hey, it came out. The call never happened. Trump's defense lawyer showed Cohen a sheet of text messages on the night he claims he made that call. Turns out Cohen had been getting prank calls from a 14-year-old and called Trump's security chief to ask if he could sick the secret service on him. Trump's defense attorney raising his voice, zeroing in on Cohen, that was a lie. You did not talk to President Trump. Cohen panicked, shifted in his seat, voice cracking. "I'm not certain that's accurate, but the call logs don't lie." It was a Perry Mason moment. Sources inside the courtroom tell us the entire jury's jaw hit the floor. And never Trump or George Conway put his hands to his face and stared at the ceiling. It couldn't possibly get worse. Think about that. Not only did the call never happen, right? They have the objective proof. They've got the phone records from the night that Cohen claimed it happened. Not only did the phone call never happen, it gets worse. Cohen actually did make a phone call, but it was to seek, it was to sick, secret service thugs on a freaking 14-year-old. He doesn't just get caught in a lie. He gets caught in a lie at the same time he's discovered trying to kick a bunch of puppies. I mean, the guy is soulless. But there was, gang, there was no recovering from that. Obviously, even CNN had to admit it was an absolute train wreck. Cohen was cornered in what appeared to be a lie, I think, to many in the room and had to adjust suddenly his memory that he had just testified to on Tuesday. Anderson, let me ask you, if I can put you in the jury box, having just witnessed that piece of cross-examination, do you have doubts that that conversation happened the way Michael Cohen testified on his direct examination that call Trump- I think it's, absolutely, absolutely. I think it's devastating, I mean, for Michael Cohen's credibility on this, I mean in this one particular topic, whether it's, you know, he just didn't. I mean, it's hard to, I don't know, yes, I think if I was a juror in this case watching that, I would think this guy's making this up as he's going along, or he's making this particular story up. As Anderson Cooper, right there, ironically, he doesn't know what to say. I mean, he got cornered, you know, was on this particular issue, do you think he was lying? This is the center, this is the crux of the case, on this one issue, it looks like, yeah, it looks like his credibility came into doubt, the crux of the link, the supposed link between Trump and payment and the actual $130,000 hush money payment just got shattered. There's no case now by definition. Here's more from Jesse Waters, the money was a disaster, Trump's lawyer played for the jury, Michael Cohen sounding like a lunatic on his podcasts, a very different Michael Cohen from what the jury had seen inside of court. I truly hope that this man ends up in prison. It won't bring back the year that I lost or the damage done to my family, but revenge is the dish best served cold, and you better believe I want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family. He is about to get a taste of what I went through, and I promise you, it's not fun. Jurors peered up at Cohen while the tape played, they were embarrassed for him. Cohen looked down at the ground, also embarrassed. Imagine being a juror, listening, and realize you just spent your whole month away from work, away from your family, to listen to a case in which the star witness is exposed as a fanatic seeking revenge on the defendant. The defense caught Cohen in lie after lie. At one point, the lawyer says, "Did you ever ask for a pardon?" Cohen says, "No." Then the lawyer pulled out a deposition where Cohen asked for a pardon. The whole courtroom just shakes their head. Now again, keep in mind, gang. This was their star witness. This was the guy who was going to link Trump directly to a payment that Trump never made. The porn star was just the warmup, right? She was just literally there for sideshow entertainment. This Michael Cohen, this was their star witness. He alone was going to provide the testimony that would put Trump behind bars. Speaking of, here's Michael Avenatti's take. Remember Michael Avenatti, the creepy porn lawyer, right? The once darling of MSNBC and CNN. He appeared on those fledgling cable news shows dozens upon dozens of times. They thought they actually thought he would one day be a great Democrat presidential candidate. That tells you all you need to know about MSNBC and CNN. Now he's serving time in prison, but he took to X and wrote, "Cohen's testimony is a light plane crash with no survivors. If Blanche is done with him, Cohen's dental records will not be sufficient to identify him. When a disaster for DA Bragg, what a disaster for DA Bragg, the prosecution and all those on the left who thought Cohen was the savior." By the way, I think Avenatti is looking for a pardon. Have you noticed how much he's been coming out on Trump's side of late? I think he's reading the writing on the wall. He sees 45 becoming 47 and he's hoping for a pardon and he's getting out of prison that way. He's defending Trump every step of the way, but I think he recognizes him. This was a plane crash with no survivors. Instead of a Cohen collapse, we can call this a Cohen crash, right? Where do we go from here? After the government mercifully closes its case, after the prosecution rests, it's non-case, I should say, the defense is going to move for what's called a directed verdict. In other words, they will ask Judge Merchant to end the case before it's even given to the jury. My name's St. Jonathan Turley, Professor of Law at George Washington University. He believes absolutely that that should be the case. This should be a direct -- if ever there was a case study in a justified directed verdict, it is this circus, this three and a half week circus that we've all been subjected to. In other words, the judge should intervene and declare the defendant, President Trump, not guilty on the basis that the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction. In other words, it's the judge's opinion that this, whatever, conviction, were a conviction to be handed down would automatically get overturned on appeal. In fact, it actually -- frankly, it goes even deeper than that, gang. I mean, there's, as again, Jonathan Turley points out, there's still total confusion as to what crying Trump is actually being accused of. We don't even know what the crime is. Consider the original charge was a misdemeanor of falsifying business records by claiming -- and give this as Trump's accountants, guys, right? The accountants claimed that the $130,000 payment by the Trump organization to Michael Cohen for his payment to Stormy Daniels was a legal expense. That was the original charge. Original charge was a misdemeanor of falsifying business records by claiming that a supposed hush money payment was a legal expense. The problem was that the statute of limitations ran out on that years ago. The Manhattan DA's office had to zap this charge back to life by turning it into a felony, and they turned it into a felony by accusing Trump of falsifying the business records in order to cover up another crime. So in New York law, if you falsify business records in order to cover up another crime, then that's a felony. The problem is we don't know what that other crime is. Was it paying Stormy Daniels hush money? Sorry, that's not a crime. It's done all the time, that guy pecker from the tabloid, the National Enquirer. So we do this all the time. You know, Schwarzenegger's doing it. Everyone's doing it. Everyone-- stars literally have an account of hush money payments. It's not that it actually happened. They just don't want to deal with the bad press that comes with it. Okay, so it's not the hush money. That's not a crime. Oh, no, no, no. It was paying Stormy Daniels in order to keep her alleged affair hidden from Trump's campaign. But the problem is hush money payments are campaign expenses. It has nothing to do objectively with a campaign. How is paying hush money akin to paying a pollster or paying a campaign advisor? And to add insult to injury, how could that in any way relate to falsifying business records, the designation of $130,000 as a legal expense? It was designated by an accountant after the election, not before, not during, after. So we don't even know what crime is being charged for. So what's really going on here is that Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, when all is said and done, he is counting on this jury to convict Trump solely for being Donald Trump. That's the crime he's ultimately guilty of. His crime is being Donald Trump. This is the epitome of a Banana Republic-style weaponized legalism. It is the epitome of looking for a crime to convict a man of rather than looking for a man to be convicted of a crime that actually objectively took place. It's the epitome of looking for a crime in order to convict a man rather than looking for a man in order to be convicted of a crime. It is an affront to everything that a constitutional republic claims to be brought to you by the effing Democrats. And it's being brought to you by the Democrats because they do not believe it is an open admission that Biden cannot win in November. And so they're trying to take Trump out. This is an affront to a democratic republic as this is as much of an affront to a democratic republic that we have ever faced. And the media couldn't give a shit. The media is playing right along with it. They're actually saying Anderson Cooper is trying to find words to explain how stupefied he is at the absurdity of this case. Like while E. Coyote, no matter what they do chasing after the roadrunner, no matter what they do, every time they try to take Trump out, it only ends up blowing up in their face. So we'll keep an eye on Judge Vurchin and on whether he's willing to grant a directed verdict in this obvious circus sideshow. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five-star review, and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. a new video. (upbeat music)