Tell It Avs It Is Podcast: A Colorado Avalanche Podcast

Tell It Avs It Is - Woe - R2 - G6 - S4

The season is over, as the Avalanche lose 2-1 in double overtime to the Stars in Game 6, ending a promising season in disappointment and leaving a lot of questions going into the offseason. Game 6 itself was a solid game that fell apart in overtime despite Georgiev's outstanding performance, but this series was lost long before it got to this point. Disappointment aside, the Avalanche will be back again next year and several years down the line. This one hurts though. Send questions to the mailbag here: Welcome to The Tell It Avs It Is Podcast, your home for everything Colorado Avalanche on The Hockey Podcast Network! Join hosts Griffin Youngs and Christian Bolle twice a week as they brings you up to date and unique analysis on all things Colorado Avalanche and NHL. Follow Griffin on Twitter: @GYoungsNHL Follow Christian on Twitter: @Christian_Bolle Follow the show on Twitter: @TellItAvsItIs The Hockey Podcast Network - @hockeypodnet Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 17m
Broadcast on:
18 May 2024
Audio Format:

The season is over, as the Avalanche lose 2-1 in double overtime to the Stars in Game 6, ending a promising season in disappointment and leaving a lot of questions going into the offseason. Game 6 itself was a solid game that fell apart in overtime despite Georgiev's outstanding performance, but this series was lost long before it got to this point. Disappointment aside, the Avalanche will be back again next year and several years down the line. This one hurts though.

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Welcome to The Tell It Avs It Is Podcast, your home for everything Colorado Avalanche on The Hockey Podcast Network! Join hosts Griffin Youngs and Christian Bolle twice a week as they brings you up to date and unique analysis on all things Colorado Avalanche and NHL.

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In like a weird, dark humor thing, the way DuShane was playing all night, you kind of had the feeling he was going to score the game winner. I thought he was the star's best player. The thing is, the abs still won that trade, regardless of what you say. Congratulations, you guys. DuShane after six years. DuShane after six years, finally had his revenge on the abs. But that's just gut punch, Matt. That's a long way to go. Yeah, he's got a long way to go. It's a gut punch, man. It's truly a gut punch. It was right there. It was right there. And the only people you can blame are the abs. I mean, you have yourselves to blame if you're the abs. If you don't play as poorly as you do in games three and four, this is a totally different series. It just is. You don't need to have a three-one comeback and do all that stuff. You just, you put yourself behind the eight ball and by God, they almost did it again and came back from another deficit this season, but the stars were a very good team. And if you make mistakes against a very good team, you're not going to beat them in a series. You just aren't. I think the stars, I think you said it a couple episodes ago, this is the best team the abs have faced in this playoff run, like without a doubt. That team is four lines, very good. The defense core is still okay. I think it's still a question mark for him. But when you have Jake Ottinger playing the way he is, they're just a really good team. And as much as it hurts me to say, I do think the stars were the better team this series and they deserved to win. They did. Like it sucks to say as an abs fan, but you can't watch games one through four and tell me anything different. Yeah. And if the abs played the way they played in games five and six, the series doesn't end tonight, at least you might have already won it. Or you're at very least going to a game seven right now. This series to me, you look at games three and four. Those two games at home, they played awful, absolutely awful. And games five and six, I thought they were good. And just this game alone, they looked really good for the first 60 minutes. And in overtime, I thought they looked bad. You look at the shots, you look at expected goals, you watch it with your own eyes and overtime starts. And Dallas just took over for the next 30 minutes. Yeah. And I mean, you almost almost still won the game. It's just, it's a gut punch, man. It's a really, really tough loss to take. And we were talking about this off air before we started recording it. I would have much rather just lost a regulation, because at least there's a countdown. What do you say? Oh, my God, too. No, just that I agree with. Oh, yeah. Like it's, I just would have much rather just lost a regulation than double overtime because it just feels, it still doesn't feel as real. Like when they score, you're just like, Oh, fuck, that's it. I get's done. We were done. And there won't be another abs game until October. Like it's just, it's a brutal, brutal feeling. And I just, like, it's tough to look at it and not be disappointed. But it's another year you waste of McKinnon's prime, like the best year of his career. And you just couldn't get it over the hump. You just couldn't. Yeah, it's, it's a tough result. I mean, at the end of the day, they fought back in the series. They won game five. They made game six of a real fight. They just couldn't push it over the finish line. They won a round in the playoffs. Again, like a pretty dominant series over one. You're, you're proud of the resultant. Well, you're disappointed with the outcome here. I mean, because losing in the second round, you don't win your division this year. You finished third and your division. I mean, that's, that's not the bar here. So early reaction, I don't think it's an overreaction to say like this kind of have to classify the season as a little bit of a failure. You don't get to the conference final. You don't win your division. And we'll see if McKinnon ends up winning MVP, but that's an individual thing. And yeah, I mean, it just, it sucks right now to lose in that manner and have it, of course, be the one guy you don't want to score. Yeah, it's, which is just when that goal goes in, you can, I posted the video right before we started recording this, where it's just, I turn off the TV immediately. I just walk out the door. I'm just, I'm not, I don't want to process this right now. I get in my car. I drive around for 20 minutes. And the only word that came out of my mouth was him. Really? I think I feel, dude. I just got over. I'm dog sitting for my mom and her dog's name is Duchenne. So it's like, I walk in, I love the dog. He's a great dog. But it's like, I'm kind of pissed at you right now. It's just, it's, it's, it's tough to look at. And in a dark humor way, it is very funny that Duchenne scored it in a dark humor way. But who else would it have been? Yeah, who else would it have been? And, and it's just, I mean, it's a great play by Pavelsky. But the abs had those chances in overtime too. And the puck just didn't bounce their way. Like, sometimes it, in overtime, I don't think it's as much skill as it is luck. Like, it's just hard work and luck. The abs had some chances in overtime. Our turn, like, now two or three. Parisi had a great chance and he just couldn't contain the puck. Drew N had a chance, but he only had one stick, hand on the stick. Like, you had your chances. He did. And sometimes the puck just doesn't bounce your way. Yeah. And you had Giorgio giving you plenty of chances. You got it. Giorgio was great, dude. Like, was this the best game of his career? One of, I mean, it's just amazing what confidence can do for a player. And I am hopeful he can carry that into next year because after game one, he was one of the best goal tenders in the NHL and the playoffs. After game one against Winnipeg. Like, the reason we made it this far. Yeah. I mean, if it's not for him, this series is a sweep. Like, for being fully honest, the abs get swept in the second round. But the bounce back from Alexander Giorgio, if I could not be more confident going into the season next year with Giorgio as our starter. And it's a contract year for him. I imagine he's going to ball the fuck out, go get paid somewhere else, and the abs are going to restart his goal tending cycle because that's, that's just the way it works. But, I mean, hats off to Alexander Giorgio. It's a hell of a turnaround for him. And he went from being the biggest liability on this team to probably one of your best players. He went to be in just your straight backbone on this team where things were not always perfect in the playoffs, but he was there a lot of the time to bail them out of a lot of really shitty situations and put them in position to do what they do and take over games at certain points. It sucks. They couldn't get him to win in this game because I thought this was his best game of the playoffs. He was phenomenal. And in overtime, he just looked absolutely unbeatable. The kind of stuff he's stopping, the kind of things they're allowing in an elimination game over time and your goal is, he's back stopping you and making those saves. I mean, you're gutted for him because you would have loved to see him rewarded for. He's been a rough year. It's been a really rough year for him in the playoffs. Could not have started worse. And he could not have held the fort better. Yeah, I mean, it's a tip of the cap to him. Like I, we talked about it, I think in game two of the Winnipeg series like I owe, I still owe and Alexander Gary off an apology for what I said about him. It was just all out warfare on the guy and the mental fortitude fortitude to fight back and be the reason your team advanced to the second round wins two games in the second round. Like I said, I feel confident, like going with him next year. And you have Yousasannen who showed that he can play well in spurts like the abs goal tending. It's going to be nice again to not have to worry about goal tending going into the off season. Because you have a lot bigger questions. Yeah. A lot. A lot bigger questions to talk about this off season. They're goal tanks. So it's nice to not have to worry about that. Yep. You know, you know what your tandem is. They're already signed. You don't have to do anything. Crazy with them. You don't have to spend valuable cap space trying to shore up your goal tending again because you're going to need it. You're going to need a lot of cap space this off season. We'll have plenty of time to talk about that and maybe even later in this episode. But we'll just get to start thoughts. Others came out there first. I mean, man, these are hard. This one is really hard to do. I've done, we've done four end of season episodes before. I did one by myself against vase and first year. That one was not fun. And the next year we won in our first season doing the show together. Last year, we lost the Seattle in the first round. And me and you were like, yeah, this sucks. But, you know, what do you do at a certain point when you're missing half your team and you get a goal called back to topical, but we'll talk about that. And what do you do at a certain point? I remember us being like pretty upbeat and like, yeah, well, at least it wasn't Dallas, right? And you're here this year and I feel like I'm kind of in an unfamiliar spot. It's tough, man. Like, what you said earlier about it being a season like it's a failure. It's crazy to have those expectations for a team. Yeah, I also don't want that to be misconstrued. Yeah, no, no, I get what you're saying with it. It's when you have this many talented players and you have Nathan McKinnon playing at the level he is. You had Kilmer car playing the way he was. Mika Rancin playing the way he was. The expectation is the Western Conference final, like, or stay on the campaign. That's the bare minimum. Yeah, like that's the bare minimum. And you're relatively healthy all year. Like, I mean, you obviously had some, some players going to the player assistance program. You had some injuries. When this happened, they were big. It was in and out. You were either in and fine or you were out for significant amount of time. So you get all that and you still like find a way to bow into third in the division race. And it's just, it sounds bad to say that it's a failure of a season. But, like, even Nathan McKinnon, if the game's saying, like, we've lost two years in a row in home ice, it's not good enough. Yeah. Like, I mean, you just have to think, like, you tell yourself in October, what happens? You finish third in the central and you lose in the second round. Are you happy with that result in October? No, I'm not. I mean, it's true. Like, it's not the end of the world. Like, I'm not saying, oh, failure, trade this guy, trade this guy. But when you look back at this season, this is a year of Nathan McKinnon. That was his best and a year you lost in the second round with a team that I think was good enough to win going into the playoffs. I still think this team was good enough to win this year is a wide open race. You win this series, you're getting Vancouver, probably who's up 3-2 at this point, or Edmonton. Who knows at that point and an East team that are going to beat up on each other in the conference final with Florida and New York. But, yeah, I mean, just you have to take a step back now and evaluate what went wrong, why Dallas, through the first four games that series kind of had their way with you. And figure out what you're going to do with this very constrained cap situation you've got. Yeah. It's not pretty. I say we saved that for another episode because we could also probably. We could probably do three hours of that stuff looking at it. But. We do the elephant in the room, the what would have been a much bigger deal had the abs won this game, the first disallowed goal. Yeah, I mean, it's one of those ones where I don't know why people are shocked goaltender interference in the NHL makes zero fucking sense. Like, I think it was just huge that that was called goaltender interference on the ice, like, because then when it happens, it's a 50 50 coin flip of what's going to happen. Like, do I think your gift was a little out of his crease? Yeah. But the way that Duchenne goes into him basically hugs his stick and takes your gift off his line. I thought it was a good call by the ref. I thought it was like the balls to make that call in overtime of a serious clinching game. I take some balls, but I thought he made the right call. Yeah, I thought it was totally the right call. I'm really not sure what the massive controversy is about it. Because he backed into him, your give is still in his crease. There is blue under his skates. He is in the crease still. Duchenne backs into him and has his stick tied up in him before McCar ever makes contact, which is where the main like push is, but he's still making contact there. That's goalie interference. And again, I'm shocked they called that on the ice. I did not think a referee was going to be looking for goalie interference at all. And that's the call on the ice. You look at it in the replay and you're just like, okay, well, where's the evidence to overturn that? You cannot, first of all, call no goal. Look at that replay and say, oh, our bad, we messed up. I don't, I really don't understand what the massive controversy surrounding it is and all the insiders and everyone on the broadcast be like, oh, this is ridiculous. This is a horrible call. The puck don't lie. I don't get it. That's always been what it is. I know we don't know what goalie interference is, but I feel like that's a pretty clear case of it. Yeah, I mean, it's just like, you would have thought Elliot Friedman was a Dallas stars reporter the way he responded to that. The amount of people that you would think are Dallas stars fans in this game, first of all, the entire TNT broadcast. Was Eddie Olcek just in stars face paint the whole game? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, he would not shut up about Dallas. And again, the amount of people Friedman tweeting, puck don't lie. What happens in sports media where we just started like openly rooting for teams? I don't know when the shift happened. We talked about this before we started recording. I don't know when it happened, but there just came a shift where broadcasters and media just started like, not blatantly, but like pretty openly cheering for teams. And the broadcast was really getting on my nerves in this game with just how did you know why Johnson just turned 21. Oh, did you look at all the great defensive plays they're making like the abs maybe get a smattering of compliments every here and there, but it was really grinding on me. Once we got to the second period is like, what isn't this a neutral broadcast? I really don't feel this is very neutral. Oh, and that's that's the point. It's totally different. If you're listening to your local teams broadcast, you expect it. Like that's they're literally employed by the team. Like that's that's who they're there to cheer for. Like, it's different when it's the national broadcast and it just felt like it felt like the stars were just robbed in that first overtime. Like they were just someone just robbed them at gunpoint and it's like, no, I mean, that's a 5050 call the rough made the call on the ice. I mean, the indisputable video evidence that it's overturned. Like, yeah, kill pushes him, but that's after he's already made contact. Yeah. So it's like, that's all they saw was the contact because I think it was old check on the broadcast. He's like, he's out of the crease. I'm like, what is this guy smoking saying it's so excitedly too. He's out of the crease. He's like, calm down, man. You're supposed to be a neutral party here. He's in the crease, but I don't know, man, like it's just, I think there's also some frustration on our part where we just feel like every broadcast is against the abs. And are we crazy though, because it feels like at a certain point, you watch other broadcasts. No, I don't think we're crazy, dude. I just think it's, I think it's just typical fan behavior. Like your fan, like you do you with it, but it's just, it's just one of those things where I think we'll always be annoyed by the national broadcast. And it sucks the abs are so good because then you just have to keep watching them. I know they're going to put us on more national broadcast games. It just felt like all year, just for some reason, the abs just, they get shafted on these broadcasts. Just push to the side. They're secondary event to whatever team they're playing. I don't know. It just always bugs me, especially in this game, especially in this series, but I don't need to, I don't feel the need to vent any further about broadcast. We don't have to talk about that for a while on here. Thank God. So sick of these awful broadcasts. Yeah. The game as a whole. I mean, the game was fantastic. The hockey game itself was phenomenal. Just watching two of the best in the world go at it for, I don't know how much time that is at this point over 90 minutes. Yeah, that was a lot of hockey. It was a lot of money. Like, that's the thing is I thought these two teams after, I mean, the abs matched up with the stars fine in game five and six. It's just games one through four. They fucking sucked. And it's a shame because I thought that's what the series should have been the entire time this game's five and six games five and six were phenomenal. There's a heavy weight back and forth hockey between two really closely matched teams. And if you got that the whole time, this is going to it least a game seven hit right now. And but instead the abs just in game one, they've got a massive comeback after they were asleep at the wheel for the first period. And then they go down for nothing in game two almost come back but not enough and games three and four are going to be the ones I look back on in this. And that is where you lost that is a hundred percent where you lost this series where you just. There was no intensity just was they just look so out of sync and Dallas was just kind of sitting back and having a good time for the most part where that third period of game three. It's only two one. The abs in the third period have generally been pretty excellent. The abs they just they look so flat. Yeah. They look lifeless. They look lifeless in that third period. And then you game four you have the the vowel situation going into that and tase it out of the lineup last second. Okay, but you still look like shit. It's a pretty. I mean that first period was one of the worst periods of hockey they played in a very long time. That was a very bad period of hockey. I think that's really where a lot of my like frustration right now is coming from where it's just if you played the way you played in this game earlier in the series, we wouldn't be in the spot right now. Because you're going to when you when good teams play each other they're both going to win games are both going to go back and forth and win games. It just took too long to get going in this series for whatever reason or another. Yeah, I don't get where like the abs like it sucks that their backs had to be against the wall for them to actually play good hockey in the series you would have thought they'd be up and ready to go the entire time. But Dallas just kicked their ass games one through four. I know the abs one game one but they kind of got their ass kicked that entire game. So you get your ass kicked and games three and four game three you you have it's right there. If they win game three. What happens in the series like it's just a totally totally different story and you're the best home team in the league and you lose all three games on home ice in this series. I know Dallas is the best road team, but God damn you can't even get one. You can't get one and we go back to game the episode after game two and it's like, all right, the abs have home ice advantage. It turns out they were better in Dallas and they were in fucking Colorado. So I don't know man like it's a chord three goals in three games at home. Three goals and three games and it's just, it sucks that game six had to end that way but you never should have been that situation. You never should have or at least it shouldn't have been the end of your session like you should have won one of those games on home ice. Like I particularly look at game three because game four Dallas just seemed really good and the abs just seem really out of it for external circumstances but the third period of game three. That was just not enough to not at all like a playoff team and games like this are coin flips when you are dragged into a double overtime game and you're talking about playing a game that's over four hours long. It can literally end at any moment the abs had their chances to win in overtime Dallas had a lot more of them but we've seen much worse stuff go in than the chances that the apps ultimately had in this game. And I think another thing that disappoints me is I just I kept waiting for the depth moment where you get someone in your bottom six to come through for you got it once out of miles wood for the overtime winner in game one. And then you got it in game two in the comeback you got from some of those guys but just for the rest of the series. You had to really lean on your top guys. They were pretty much keyed in on by Dallas for the most part they still had great games and five and six. But I just kept looking at Ross Colton being like he's building the something he's gonna he's gonna have to get somewhere eventually or we're getting somewhere. It never really came in this series. I felt like they just kind of existed. And they would have a good for checking shift but I don't remember them being particularly dangerous at all. Like they have good for checking like they lay some hits. But that third line really didn't do a whole lot. They didn't. I mean, Keeby Ronta had himself a solid night but there's just there's a limit to what Keeby Ronta can do. Like that's just the kind of play reason why he's a fringe NHL player. Right, like he's a really hard worker like I would not mind keeping him at all because he's just a really solid bottom six hard worker that you can plug into a lineup and feel fine about it. There just wasn't enough impacts across this whole series to make a difference and against Winnipeg there was where you had a lot of chances and they did make a difference in that series but Dallas's depth just went the way it was supposed to and what everyone said coming into the series was vastly outperformed with the abs head. Yeah, vastly outperformed it. And it also doesn't help. Val goes out. You know, Ogan O'Connor no trendin for this game six either like those are very important pieces. Oh dude if Logan O'Connor plays in the series, I think it's a totally different like you're talking about one of the best penalty killers in the league and the Roaring 20s line together the whole time. Yeah, you have you have Logan O'Connor you have I mean bow we've talked about that on the last but he's he's irreplaceable. He's irreplaceable right now in this lineup with Landis cock out losing values of massive blow. Um, he was he was there. Yeah, good moments in the Winnipeg series I didn't really see much from him in this this Dallas series. And I love Cogliano as a player and as a person but I think his time I just don't know if you need to bring him back next year. Yeah, it gas ran out. Love him, love that he won a cup here. I just think we've run it's run it's course. Maybe he does the Parisi thing and he just waits until halfway through the season. Might not be a bad idea and then there's Zach Parisi. What more could you have asked from this guy. What more could he have given you. He left it all out there obviously he's ending his career with no cup. That sucks for him but he you cannot ever say Zach Parisi did not leave it all out on the ice. Was he the best player in this game outside of McKinnon. There's a couple candidates for good players in this six foot. I mean he is. He was there. He was there. I mean he could have won it. He just barely like the puck just rolled on him. And that would have been a storybook if he scored that to send it back to Dallas for game seven but he played out of his depth this entire series. And I thought he held his own for a majority of it which isn't half bad for a 39 year old. Yeah, he played so well. I'm like are you sure. Are you sure you want to hang it up. I still think he's got some hockey in him. Obviously he knows his body more than I do and he started in February which is not the same thing as starting in October but are you sure. I think he's got a little more in you man because yeah I mean it wouldn't shock me if we're hearing rumors of it. You know because he's so smart. He's got such a high hockey IQ and such good puck skills and just the knowledge to always be in the right place. I'm sure someone can still find a use for you and then he's the kind of guy that just never is going to go out of style as long as he can move he can still play hockey. A lot like Joe Pobelsky. Right. Pobelsky's obviously better at his age but what Zach Parisi did he like you say he's just so smart. He's always in the right spot. The foot speed's still there. I mean he can still skate with the best of them. It's just like you said I mean he knows his body better than we do and I can't imagine being a family member and your dad's just gone for six, seven months out of the year. It's tough. It's one of those things you got to take into account but I agree with you I think he's still something to take. That's a tough tough one to swallow. I would welcome Zach Parisi back with open arms and I would welcome Darren Helm back with welcome arms too. Yeah we got a lot of we got a lot of guys were like man. Gonna miss some of the old guys on that. I mean it's just like you said the depth didn't do enough. They just they they had their moments. I mean you talked about Ross Colton miles wood they were playing second line minutes for majority of the year. That's not a second line. They're an effective third line. And in this series they were not an effective third line on the forecheck. But that's what I expect from them but you pay Ross Colton $4 million and he's got three years left on that deal with no trade protection kicking in. I had high expectations for him coming in and he didn't really meet those this year. I mean if you ask that question like if you can trade Ross Colton and give that money to Drew and I think you're doing it heartbeat. Yeah I think it's too early for that conversation right now. It's way too early and it's it's tough because we're coming off the series with a bad taste in our mouth of that third line. I think the ads are still pretty high on Ross Colton. I didn't think he was I didn't think he in that line was terrible it's just you get paid a lot of money man and there was a lot of cold droughts this season. Yep. And the playoffs there just there was never that moment. There was never that moment or like wow the third line is really just was just rolling right now. Well and you look at it like look at the half cup year. Like the reason they won the cup is their third and fourth lines were phenomenal. Granted that third line could have been a second line for a majority of teams. But that depth you got the depth goals like you've looked at the biggest goals of the season in that cup year. It's Darren Helm JT comfort two goals in the Western Conference final game. Like you had Cogliano scoring like Niko Sturm like you you got production from the bottom six. And this year it was there in the first round. The second round it was non-existent and you're not going to be the Dallas Stars team if you're that reliant on your top players. Yeah. And I mean hopefully going into the playoffs next year you're going to be a lot healthier in your depth but like that shit happens. It happens playoff hockey man. Not like you were getting production and you were just like Chris Wagner was the guy that wasn't coming through for you. It was Ross had the one goal in game four against Winnipeg in game three. What was that one? I think that was cool about the goal of the playoffs. Yeah he did. He did. It was game four. I thought it was three because it was the third period where they just started pouring. Oh it might have. I think you're right. It's game three. He's the one goal which was really more middle stats goal than anything. And Wood obviously had the overtime winner. He like he had his moment from like yeah that's Miles Wood. That's what he. If you're telling me that's a bottom six player for the abs for I mean he signed for the next five years. I'm comfortable with that. Like I don't have high expectations for Miles Wood. Like I have him to be a good forechecker hit a bunch of people and go for the likes of Russ Collins making four million. Like that's top tier third line center money and he just wasn't a top tier third line center. He was a middle of the pack third line center. He was fine. Yeah. Yeah. Which four million dollars is yours should be a little better than fine for the most part. But again plenty of time still to talk about that in the future. And he looked up top at McKinnon in the series where I thought he did everything he can. I'm stunned he didn't score in this game. Oh. Done he didn't will a puck into the back of the net. I thought he was honestly the abs best player in this game. And he turned it on in game five after getting really frustrated. First four games of the series. And you have you have no reservations about him. That's the top three player in the world the best in the world on a good night. And Mico Ranton and I thought this was his best game of the series. He has the lone goal on the power play. That's obviously important but he he had plenty of looks. He was skating. He was laying heads like he looked engaged for this game. You have no reservations about him. Really right now. You got the contract talks with him. We're going to start here soon too. Starting probably tomorrow. A lot of conversation is going to be around Mico Ranton and July 1st. Is he going to sign July 1st? Or is this going to carry me off season? Whereas just I think it's going to be a not fun conversation for a lot of people to have. Because a lot of people have very strong opinions on Mico Ranton and over the last couple of games. But I think all you have to do is look at the goal he scored in this game where. If you're entertaining the idea of trading him. Don't. Don't do that because that's just kind of silly. You look at the angle he scores on. You look at that elite kind of shot where. Okay, you trade him. You get a whole bunch of mystery box pieces back that could be anything. They could even be Mico Ranton in some day. Or should you keep the fucking guy. I think Nathan McKinnon would kill the front office if they let Mico Ranton walk out the door. There's one thing I will guarantee on my life. Mico Ranton is not walking in free agency. The only way he's not coming back is if he says he's not going to sign a contract. Then you have to trade him. That's the only way. The apps will not trade him. It sucks because what do you end up having Mico finish with like 14 points and 13 games in the playoffs this year? Yeah, because he has the goal that brings him to four goals and then he has 14 points in 11 games in the playoffs. Top five points per game in the playoffs all time right behind McKinnon. And it's just one of those things where it's like you can bitch a moment about Mico all you want. Like, yeah, I had some gripes with him in the series. He's still a top 20 player in the world. Those don't just grow on trees. You got to take the good with the bad. Yeah, there are times where he's just not in it. There are times his heart is just not in a game in game 50 of the regular season. He has frustrating plays in the playoffs. But when he does shit like that and is still putting up 14 points in 11 games in a playoff run in his top five all time and playoff points per game. Maybe don't rush to run that guy out of town. This is not a Mitch Marner situation. No, it's not like if Mico had zero points or like two points in 14 games. We're talking about guy who averaged a point per game. We're talking about guys played 80 playoff games and or 81 playoff games as 101 points. Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty solid. You don't just find those walking around on trees. So, yeah, I mean, that contract's going to be interesting in this offseason. We'll talk about that again. But when they scored that goal, I just had a gut feeling. I was like, they're going to need to score the second. Like they needed, they needed the second one. And after they scored, I thought it was all stars. I thought the stars had the better of the play in the second period. They really did and you didn't see that killer. They didn't go for the kill and it was it was a gut feeling and it proved to be true. And I hope I wish I was wrong, but it was just like you need that second goal. Because I think if they go up to nothing in this game, this game's probably over. We're probably talking about, but we're probably done recording three hours ago. Yeah, we're not dealing with a double over is 315 and right now. Thank God. And it's we both had to work tomorrow. I honestly think this episode probably would have come out tomorrow afternoon. There's two options. Either we do it tomorrow or we call out of work. Like I cannot function like this. So, yeah, I mean, it's just you needed that second goal. And I just don't even think they were particularly dangerous after that point. I mean, they had some looks. I mean, obviously the second period, I thought was pretty much all Dallas after that. And I thought the third period was pretty even for the most. It was back and forth. I thought both teams had their chances in the third period. It was back and forth. You have the Ben goal pretty early in the period. The ads like they have their looks. The stars, I didn't think had a ton their way either, but I think the ads had a few looks to start over time. But that was survival mode for most of the worst. I'm sitting there in the second overtime. You can look at the Twitter. I'm like, it's Greg Jorgia is making all these saves. But you got to shoot on the other guy. You want this to stop and not lose the game eventually. And they just, they had a couple of looks just by getting the puck on net. Lekenen twice almost puts the puck into the net while scrambling. And the crease Parisi has a chance right there that you just can't get a clean stick on. Man, Dallas, just in the way of everything. It blocked so many shots, man. I think Tana finned it up with like 10 block shots in this game. Like it's, it's, it was a lot of block shots. Yeah, just couldn't get anything through and that Leken in one in the second overtime. I don't know how like how that bounces off Wyatt Johnson sticks so perfectly back into Auttinger's pads. Like it's just, that's the bounces, man. Like it's just, that's how hockey goes sometimes. It's a very, it's a stupid ass sport. It's stupid in the way it goes. The puck bounces a different way. It's in the net. Like if it bounces and just goes straight, it's a goal. But it bounces and somehow bounces directly into Auttinger's pads. And the Parisi one, he's an inch away from putting the rebound away. Josh Manson early in overtime barely misses the net. And it's just, it's just, that's the way hockey is sometimes, man. Like it's a very stupid sport that we subject ourselves to watch. And yeah, I don't know what else to say. I mean, it's just, it's, it's a stupid ass sport that we force ourselves to watch. You know, overtime is all about bad bounces and all out. Just getting the puck on the net. And if you give Dallas chance after chance after chance and you don't have a response the other way, just statistically, eventually, something's going to go in. Whether it's a game of life or not. I mean, generally when you see these deep overtime games, it usually isn't the goalie who's playing better that wins. Because she shouldn't have to be playing better in order to win. And it's usually the goalie that's having a much easier overtime that wins the game generally. I think if you look back at the most saves in HL history and playoff games, a lot of them are coming in losses from what I remember. Yeah. I mean, you had, you had what corpus all in that like six overtime game with the like, you know, like 85 saves in the loss. But yeah, it's, it's just, I don't know what it was about overtime. The apps just look gassed. And I thought kill McCarra played a great game up until overtime. He had a couple turnovers and overtime. I was like, kill, what the fuck are you doing, buddy? Yeah. I'm glad, I almost forgot about that. I'm glad you brought that off. I was scaring me a lot. Like he was dropping pucks and just like, you know, your season's all right. Right. Like you shouldn't just be dropping it down at your feet. Do they get it out, please? Little more urgency. How quickly do you think we hear about kill McCarra going through off season surgery? I mean, I'm shocked. We haven't heard about it yet. Yeah. Like, you know, that procedure's probably scheduled for Monday. Like I've already braced myself for the six month recovery tweet. Yep. Yep. And he was great. Like, this is taking another wave of kill McCarra. He was great in game five. I thought he had a great first three periods in this game. But then, man, I don't know what it was about overtime. He just looked gassed. He ended up playing what? Like 33 minutes? Yeah. I mean, he played a lot and he plays 38 minutes in this game. Jesus Christ. Like it's, it's just one of those things that's game with kill McCarra. Like we're saying bad things. He still was great. It's just, he was making some mistakes. We were like, that's, that's not kid McCarra. I just think they ran out of gas. Oh, 100%. I mean, because Kale had the, the great play on the, on the penalty or on the power play. She's a fucking. I know you're talking about playing overtime where he almost just ended the game on a sweet forehand back end. He did have that too. But there's the hit he had on Wyatt Johnston on the power play where Johnson's just skating around willy-nilly killing time on the abs power play. McCarra just lays him the fuck out and eventually like 45 seconds later. And then has the only goal of the game. And then the one you mentioned of McCarra where he just barely missed. Like I thought, I thought he had that one. I thought he did too. I thought he did too. It's, it's like we said, it's just a game of inches and a game of bounces and the stars got the bounces tonight. And I don't know man, this team has a lot of questions going into the soft season. A lot. I over take a amount of questions going in. Um, I'll say it to him blue in the face. Like I know you're the exact same way. It's we'll ride and die with this team. We always will. Like the, the ab part. Hey, stop barking. Sorry. My dog's barking here. Do Shane. Is he getting mouthy? No, it's Chewbacca the other one. I don't know what he's doing. He may be dreaming. But, uh, I'll ride and die with this team. They're really tattooed on my body. Like they're not going anywhere. Like I will always cheer for the abs. Um, this is coming from a very. Most people cheering for NHL teams don't get to have these types of expectations for their teams. They don't. Like this comes around once or twice in a lifetime. So. It's good because what's that? Like five of the past six years you've gone to the second round. Yeah. Like it's frustrating that you've only gone out of it once, but you know, the one time you did, you did win the whole thing. Right. Like it's just it's, it's, it's, it's a very like there is a moment where you have to take, take a step back and realize I get to watch my favorite sports team play meaningful games for the past six, seven years. They won one, which not a lot of teams can say they won one. Like that's still a very impressive thing. Every, like the thing you told me before we started, every team left right now has not won the century. Yeah. Like it's, it's, it's a very like. Like imagine being like, I hate the Rangers, but they have one Stanley Cup in 70 years. Like imagine being the Canucks. Yeah. And you've set most of that time. Yeah. And the apps have three in my lifetime. Granted, I was only two for the first one, but it's, it's a very. I like having these types of expectations for his team and that they can make me this upset by a second round exit. It's, it's awesome that we have this platform to talk on the show. And these moments suck. They suck. But you know what? I will always have that memory of game six in ball arena with you. Sure. And I do. Sure. And on the team that, that's always going to be a memory. And I still think this team is going to win another cup or two in this run. That's the part I'm still. I still have no doubt on at all. Like they're going to be right back here next year. Yep. You're going to be right back in cup contention. They're going to make moves this off season ends at the end of the day. Having McKinnon, Renton, and in Macar is going to leave you in a good enough spot. Like you're going to make the playoffs next year. I'm not super concerned about that. Whatever that journey is to making the playoffs next year, they're going to make it. And they're going to be right back in this next year. They're going to have another kick at the can. You don't win every year. You don't. It is fucking hard to win it in your terms. You're a caps fan. You won the cup. You haven't made on the first round since. Yeah. Like it's really hard to win in the NHL is really, really hard, especially these days when teams are this close, when, when you're the afternoon, you don't have an overwhelmingly talented roster because Nathan McKinnon, one of the best players in the world, is making six million dollars. And it's the reality of the salary cap, where it gets harder to feel just absolutely juggernaut boosted teams year over year. And you have to play around the margins a lot and just draft well. Like Dallas has done where they get a guy like Wyatt Johnston and Logan Stankovin and Jay. Did you hear that story about how the stars like got the scouting department? They were all with the Detroit Red Wings and Ken Holland didn't want to pay them more. So they all left and went to the stars. That is the least shocking thing. Right. Like I heard that story and I'm like, fuck you, Ken Holland. Like, how does Jim Nill just luck into the scouting department? Because I guess they were the ones behind like all those Detroit drafts where they got Dotsuke, Zedda Berg, like Johan Franz and like all those hidden gems. They're really good at Ken Holland was like, nah, it's all me. Not you guys. I did that. Like, it's like, fuck you, Jim or fucking Ken Holland, I thought you heard that story and I was like, that is, that is pretty fucking ironic that he ends up there. But if there's one thing like, we look as we'll, we'll do more of this as the off season goes. Because here's the thing, man, we got five months until our next abs game. So we're going to have a lot of time to talk about it. I have full confidence in Chris McFarland and Joe Sackick to go find those players. They hit on Drew Ann. That's a solid one. Drew Ann said after the game, he wants to resign in Colorado, uh, Drew Ann, unless you're willing to take like league men. I just don't see that happening, but I appreciate the sentiment. I appreciate because I'm cadre said the same thing like Jonathan, I love you. I'm going to need to see how that works. Yeah. Like if you're comfortable, if you're comfortable taking a million dollars again, brother, by all means, you're welcome back. I mean, the reality of this off season is there are going to have to be sacrifices made. There's going to have to be a sacrifice in an area that you are not comfortable with, where either you're going to have to sacrifice on your defense, you have to sacrifice up top. And that probably means letting Drew in go, you might have to sacrifice having a pretty shit bottom six, just honest, it might look shit on paper because people don't recognize the names like it might have to be nickel, like cobalt ankle might have to play a pretty important role next year, where there really is no luxury of like, Oh, it'd be great if cobalt ankle is good. Like no, you might have to be good. You might have to be like it's it's been a sacrifice something at the end. It's going to be it's going to be a hell of an off season, man. And I appreciate McFarland for pushing his chips to the table this year, getting middle stat. It's not easy trading bow by room. I think Casey Milestat's going to be even better next year, a full off season with this team. He's going to get better. I like the chemistry he had with Miko. I'd be interested to see how that line keeps going. It's going to be interesting to see what his deal is. I imagine that's going to be one that goes to arbitration because the abs are going to be pinch and pennies and it's going to be tight. Like you said, there's going to be a player who walks out the door this off season that I don't think any of us are thinking about and it's going to be like, Oh, fuck, you might be sitting here in August being like, wow, that Josh Manson trade was crazy. Yeah, there's going to be some sacrifices here because I've been doing this for a couple months, just looking ahead to next season. I am very interested to see how people much smarter than I am are going to put this team together and keep it at the same level that we expect because it is going to be a challenge and there's going to have to be some money that goes out the door somehow, some way. If gay bland iscog, like just let's just say gay bland iscog is ready for game one. Is he? I don't know. Let's just say he is. It really doesn't matter. If he's back at all next season, you have to keep that money around. So he's back and you put his money back on the books at seven million bucks. That's not that's not an insignificant amount of money. Casey middle stat, let's say five and a half just for however many years, let's say five and a half. Yeah. That's just as a placeholder for now. Okay. We just talked about it to solid 12 and a half million dollars. They have what 15 million of cap space right now with land of scars off the books. Yeah. I mean, I can look at that really quickly, but yeah, it's 15.9. You have in cap space right now with land iscog and O'Connor on LTIR or I don't think O'Connor ever went on LTIR. Yeah. I mean, O'Connor makes like one million. So it's not the end of the world. Well, Frankie comes off the books, Frankie comes off the books, but you're also getting Taze's extension kicking in at 7.25. It's going to be very interesting to see what then you got to save money for me over heads that too. Yeah. And then but thankfully, rented and doesn't kick in this year, and you still have him at 9.25. Yeah. Right. You have to, but you also have to factor that in for next year, like, how are you going to field teams? I use this salary cap sucks at the end of the day, you're going to have to make a sacrifice here somewhere. Either you keep in all of your best guys and your bottom six are hope, dreams, bubblegum and duct tape, or you're going to have to look at Josh Manson at four and a half of who's been a really strong soldier for you and say, sorry, man. That's a lot of money for a 32 year old might have to be Ross Colton, who you just gave a big contract to and be like, we can't spend that money on you right now. I genuinely don't know what else it would be other than those two names because everyone else, like the only other name you even think is Sam Gerard, but you're not moving. You're not moving. He was really good this year after he came back and you're probably going to get an even better version of him at 26 next year and because like what else would it be like I just woods two and a half just doesn't feel significant enough. No, you're not moving it. It's Colton or Manson, but yeah, we'll save that for the off season. We'll save that for the off season, but it's going to be a hell of an off season. The gay blandest guy thing is crazy. The vow to choose can thing. That's just $6 million you can't use. I mean, you have to treat it as he's coming back in November and that money is just there. It's just there. It's sucks, but that's the situation and we'll have to see man, but any other final thoughts about this game the season before we as we approach 130 on the in mountain time 330 for you. Any other final thoughts before we just do quick recap of the rest of the NHL saying anything that I've said today is a thought is very generous, but my brain is looked at the moment for a double overtime game at the end of the week, but man, I'm still damn proud of the team. I'm never going to be super down on them while we're in the middle of this run. They've got one of the best coaches in the world. They've got some of the best management in the world. They've got a lot of the best players in the world. They've already won. They've already proven that they've won. This would be a much more downer episode if they've never won before, but they did. They have won before. And yeah, this is what happens 99% of the time where your season ends and it sucks. It absolutely rips your heart out. You've watched how many games was this? This was 12 playoff game, no, 11 playoff games. So we watched 93 games of the abs this year. And this was our reward for it sucks. It sucks a lot, but we're all going to get some sleep tonight. I'm going to go to sleep after this episode. I'm going to wake up. It's still going to hurt, but the sun is still going to be up the next day. And we're going to start counting down the days to that second week of October when the season starts again. And we got the rest of the Stanley Cup playoffs to endure. Can't say I'm a huge fan of any of these teams. Nope. Nope. It's Florida Panthers or nothing. It's Florida Panthers. The Panthers and Canucks would be the first series to have negative viewers in the United States. Yeah. In Canada, but those are the two teams I'm rooting for left. Yep. Great. Like it sucks. Like it's Panthers or nothing. And for me, I can't fathom indoor Rangers winning the Stanley Cup because you have to see that documentary every summer for the next 50 years. It's not. Yeah. I can't endure the stars because their fan base isn't suffable. Who else? The Oilers or the Oilers, the Canucks, I think they'll be annoying once we get there. But if they got it right now, I wouldn't be super upset. The Panthers I think are just so like awesome and their fans aren't annoying yet. So it's Panthers are nothing for me. There's an obvious joke there about fans, but. Very obvious, but we're going to let's like, because we're Panthers, this is a Panthers podcast now. Yeah. This is just like, well, you're, you're really all I got left. Yeah, you're the least hateable of this whole team, but I echo it. I love the abs. I love doing the show with you. I love the people that listened to the show. Never thought that we'd have the platform to like, do this and talk about it. It constantly blows me away. Yeah. It's crazy. I get reminded of it every now and again, we're like, Oh my God, there's a lot of people that listen to this and like genuinely listen to me for some reason. I am eternally grateful for every single person that listens to this show and somehow manages to endure my insane two AM ramblings, which is what most of these playoff episodes are. Yeah. I've been awake for way too long. Oh, yeah. I'm coming up. I've been awake now for 21 hours, 21 hours. I woke up at five AM or yesterday morning. When did I wake up? I'm coming out of solid 20 right now. I mean, it's just it's it's we do it because we love it. I think we do this. If it was just me and you, we had one listener. The fact that we have people who listened to it, the fact that me eating a fucking McDonald's double quarter pounder took off and had so much traction this year, it's stupid. It's literally the stupidest thing. And the fans are phenomenal, the 99% of you that we talk to and have dialogue with. You're great. We love you guys. And I mean, the show's not ending. It's far from ending. It's just you're at the end of the season. It's another season. It's your three for us. You're three for me and you. Yeah. You're the third season we've done together and it's the fourth season of the show. I don't count the first season for shit because that was awful. Yeah. I mean, it's just awful product, but it's, it's, we don't want you guys, guys and girls who listen to this to think that we don't take any of this, like it's still crazy. Like I've always dreamed about talking about sports. We don't get paid a lot. We don't like we really don't. Yeah. We really don't get paid a lot. We just do this because we love it. Griffin spends so much time editing the show. Does all the behind the scenes stuff with it branded? That's his degree. This is like probably the easiest shit in the world for him, but I'm thankful for him for doing that and just having a friend I can sit and just talk hockey with for an hour or two. It's mostly three because me and you'll sit for like two hours before we actually start talking. But yeah, it's, it's awesome. I'm very excited for next year and let's go abs. Always love you guys. And yeah, that's pretty much all I got, man, let's, let's, before we get any more sad and emotional, let's talk some more hockey because we're dudes and getting emotional is not our favorite thing. Yeah. Well, my turn. How am I? Oh, yeah, yeah. Go for it. Go for it. I am, I know it sounds like I'm about to cry. I am sick. Very sick. Pretty sure I have COVID, but it's physically and emotionally sick moment, but I don't even know where to be and with all of this, I mean, I don't even live here. I don't even, I don't even live in Colorado. I don't, I don't know. It's just, it, it blows me away constantly that the support that we get, the positivity that we see and being able to see the impact that we have. And I am eternally grateful to Christian for, for saving this show. I could not do this alone. I was 20 years old when this thing started. I got, I got handed a live grenade and told to just, just manage it as best I could. And I feel like I've done okay for the most part. Oh, you've got more than okay, buddy. Yeah. It's just, I needed someone else to, to rein me in and take another part of the conversation. But at the end of the day, I love this. I love this. I love this so much. You don't, if you don't love something, you don't do it at 3 a.m. This is 3 37 a.m. right now, and I'm just going to stay up and edit this again. And I do this so often, I do this at least two times a week where we, if there's in the last four years, three and a half years, there has really never been a point in time where there's just nothing coming out where it is ever since you joined up is been pretty consistently to a week where we're just constantly on here, constantly talking, constantly having a great time. And sometimes it ends with a Stanley Cup like it did two seasons ago, and it's the peak of everything. And sometimes ends like it did today where the most hated man in Denver, and it sucks. And it's brutal, but it makes those, those moments of victory so much better. But a lot of the time the results just feel so small at the end of the day when I just, I think about how this is even real. I still don't really think I can fully process how there is any sort of platform here and that people enjoy us and people come back time and time again, take the time out of their day where I have to remind myself that the numbers I see are not just numbers. These are people that have lives and feelings and emotions that that really do give us their time out of their day, which always blows me away that I'm eternally grateful. There is no greater gift that you can give us than just your time at the end of the day. And you know, we're not millionaires because of this. Far from it. Far from it. Far from it. The show calling this even a side hustle is generous. This is, it's just, it's just two dudes who love talking hockey. This is a passion project at the end of the day, but I would not trade any of this for the world. Like I cannot even imagine what my life would be like if this show just, I didn't have it anymore. Oh, we'd be even crazier than we are. Like talking this through is so therapeutic compared to like, like everything else. So I agree. I think we'd just be crazier. And I think at the end of the day, a lot of this season was about learning. A lot of the season was about experiencing things and understanding the role that I have in this community where the first three, the first one, no one listened to me. I was starting from nothing. I had no idea what I was doing. I had to, okay, fine. That's all learning, even just how to podcast at all. The second season was first season with you, figuring out how we do that. And we also won, which was great for viewership and everything. It all just felt so new at the end of the day. And then the next year, we're still carrying that cup audience with us, but it just didn't feel established. This was really the first year it felt like we're in it. We're established. We have our listeners, people who we know, like people who reach out to us and everything. People who know who we are, like we've made our connections in the world and everything. And a lot of this season was understanding and learning how that works and how my words and how everything I do here affects people and how to deal with that. I feel like a lot of the season was really coming to terms with our responsibilities as people with a platform and what that means. And so, yeah, the season ends in disappointment, but I learned a lot this year. I learned a lot of very valuable lessons. I learned a lot of things about myself, whereas just you don't think you learn a lot about yourself talking into a mic and just talking hockey a bunch, but you do learn things. And there were lessons that I had to learn this year. I made some mistakes and listened back to some episodes. I thought there were some things I thought I said that sounded dumb there. I said things I didn't mean. And the giorgi of stuff in game one against Winnipeg and the amount of backlash that we did get for that was deserved because that's just that we have to be better than that. We can't be that reactionary calling for guys to get benched and never play again kind of thing like that. That's irresponsible at the end of the day. And I learned a lot from that entire thing. And so, I'm going to look back on the season in a couple of years and look at it as hopefully a turning point for me personally, responsibly as a host of this show. And again, I'm forever grateful for this opportunity that you have all provided us where we can sit in front of a mic all the live long day, but it would be pretty disheartening to look at some of the numbers and be like, yeah, no one listens to this at all. The fact that- Still think we do it. I don't think we do it but it doesn't feel as good. But it does always blow me away to see the number of people that listen to this and the amount of people that reach out and tell us just very nice things. I just have such a deep appreciation for all of it. And I hope for the rest of my life I never take it for granted. I really do try to take it in every single day that this is special, the opportunity that has been given to us by all of you. And even with the disappointment that I'm feeling right now, it just doesn't even compare to how blessed I am to have this. I mean, yeah, it's a crazy world. I think me and you both are pretty introverted people. Like I'm not much of a social creature, the best way I put it, I like spending most of my time at home. You're kind of the same way. You're rather hanging with our dog than socialized with people. So it's gotten us out of our comfort zone and it's great, man. I love doing the show and I don't think we can emphasize it enough that we don't get paid a lot for this show, but we just do it because we love it. And it feels like we're hanging out with all of you guys. So for those who have listened, if you're a new listener, if you're an old listener, we appreciate you guys and you're the best, you're the best around, as the kids say. But we are not doing anywhere at all. Like we might, I don't know, I don't even know when we'll be back, but it's not going to be very long. No, I mean, we may take like three days and that's going to take a weekend maybe, but I feel like an eternity, like it's going to be like it's weird, but I don't see your face for more than like 48 hours. So we'll see, that's a futurist problem, but that's enough of the thank yous and the gratitude which we will always have. Let's finish up the show because it's quickly approaching 4 AM for you. So let's see how far we can ride this show. Yeah, let's see how far we can ride it. In these days, I'm just going to talk out live on the show. Yeah, I mean, if you do, that'd be, I mean, it'd probably be good for the show. It could be funny to see like it's just like, well, you probably edited it out, but it would be very funny. I don't know. I feel like. Yeah. So, um, rest of the NHL, it's kind of funny that you had all these comebacks in the series and they all ending game six, uh, the, uh, I will say the caps. The Rangers hurricanes game, like, again, if you're an apps fan, just try picturing being a hurricanes fan, that loss to not only lose that game, but they lost in regulation. They had a two goal lead in the third period. We're up three run Chris Crider has a natural hat trick and the Rangers win that series in six. What the fuck Carolina, like they are such an unserious organization. You were texting me that last night and I, I am never going to buy into the hype again. I'm, I've set them out like three times. I, I need to be hit with a cattle prod. If I say the hurricane, so if you're a listener and we come to the playoffs next year, send us a tweet saying, don't take the Carolina hurricanes. And I, I will need that reminder because I'm sure they'll have a great regular season and they'll get to the playoffs and they'll just shit their pants, they'll just shit their pants. And that third period is everything right there where they look like they're, they're actually going to do it. They look like they're going to force a game seven. They're up three to one, they have a natural hat trick to Chris Crider in the third period and just completely, completely fall apart or it's, it looks like the same problem year over year. I was like, yeah, it's a good team, but they just don't have the guy that pushes them over the top. Like, is there a bigger fraud in the NHL than Andrei's Fetchnikov? I mean, I was going to say Trevor Zegres, but he was never established to be good, but like that, that all just came from fancy lacrosse goals and every Andrei's Fetchnikov was supposed to be like Mico Rantinen, like at least that level. What's his moment in his career getting knocked out by Alex Ovechkin? Yeah, that's his best moment. Had some decent regular season games. He had to see some lacrosse goals. He had some, he tore his ACL last year, didn't he? Yeah, he did. Well, he's had injuries. He's had injuries. I just think it's Carolina as a whole. They're a bunch of really good players. They do not have a superstar. They just don't. They don't have a Sebastian Ajo. Great player. Not a superstar. Jake Dental, they traded for him. Big winner of the trade deadline. He was good for them, but he's not a superstar. He's a really good player. Svechnikov, a really good player. Brady Shea, Brett Burns. I do think Pesci being out was a little bit of a blow to them, but it's just a team of really good players and I just don't think they're ever going to get them home. If they couldn't do it this year, I don't think they will ever. Yeah. If they couldn't do it over these last several years, like when, when I look at the last several seasons they've had, look at the teams they've had, now it's just going to magically be better next year. I think the most damning thing is like when teams lose in the playoffs and when teams have lose in the playoffs repeatedly, it always gets pointed at a guy on the team. It's like, oh, this guy is not good enough to get over the hump. It's pointed at Brendan Moore. Yeah. I think it's the most damning thing you could say about this roster is that there are no stars to even point at and say it's their fault, it's pointed at the coach, which he's like the one reason that this franchise is not just totally in the dumpster anymore and they're so cheap and might just let him walk out the door anyway because they don't want to pay him. I think it's just the whole situation around Carolina is completely ridiculous. It's ridiculous and they have the Rangers on the ropes. They have the Rangers on the ropes. How do you let that happen? Yeah, didn't the Hurricanes hit like three posts in that third period? I think they hit like three posts. It was a little bit of a bad luck. Like you look at this. The Martinuck save, the diving save to swipe that off the line. That is a franchise moment. That's the kind of thing. You just you don't even have to win game seven. You win that game and that is look back on. It's one of the best players in franchise history. You can't talk about it anymore. They blew it. You wouldn't lead with 15 minutes left and lost by two. It's genuinely wasted opportunity. We're like, we're mad about the ads, but like, we've won and we know we can win again. If you're Carolina, I don't know what you do. Yeah. You don't. You're stuck. You literally have. What do you do? You have all the pieces. You've seen rumors that like, natures might get traded or. Well, he's a, he's a real restricted free agent. Right. But like, what are we doing here? How are you getting better after that? I don't know, man. I don't know. It's tough, but Rangers move on to the Eastern Conference final. We're never picking the hurricanes again, ever, ever, never going to do it. Never going to do it. Maybe that's a good thing for hurricanes because maybe they'll actually win that. I'm off their bandwagon and the Rangers will be facing the Florida Panthers who beat the Boston Bruins in game six, thanks to a late goal by Gustav Forzeling. That series was interesting because I felt like the Panthers dominated a majority of the time, but Jeremy Swamman was just phenomenal and stories of my Boston stayed in. And I thought Bobroski had a good game tonight. I thought he was solid. He made a couple big saves and you get the Eastern Conference final between New York and Florida. I think those are the two best teams in the East. Yep. The two division winners, it's a pretty simple math then Florida is, they just seem like they had a little bit of trouble putting Boston away in that series. But again, when you have Jeremy Swamman and the other crease, I mean, it's a really good goalie and propped up a Bruins team that just didn't have enough pieces. I thought the Bruins win a lot farther than I thought they would this year after all they lost in the offseason to go to a game six and I feel like this is exactly the result they deserved. Yeah. Where they lost to Florida again, they lost in one less game and Florida got a lot better this season. They beat Toronto, which I wasn't super surprised by in a game seven. I don't think anyone was super surprised by the beat Toronto again in a game seven. And you look at the series where it's just like, they're fine, they've got pieces there and everything, but losing birds around, losing Rachey, having the best goalie tandem in the world. It's going to take you places. Marcin's getting up there now, posture knock is just, he's not the kind of star that carries everything on his own. He's a winger. Yeah. There's not a lot of those in the league at all to begin with. Yeah. I'm just that guy that can do that. And for Florida, we've said it a bunch like that team is just so, so good. I, they're my favorite team left now that the abs are out. Yeah. I think that matchup against the Rangers is the best thing we could have hoped for in the. Yeah. Like it's like, that's a fantastic series. That's the fun series. Let's go in seven. All right. Let's go in seven. I get it. I'm just calling it right now. That series is going seven games. It's a absolutely going. So that's going to be a bloodbath. And I think Shostorkin's going to steal a couple of the games. And I think Bobrovsky is going to do just enough to get the, get the Panthers over the hump. But analysis is not that deep. It's just, I'm going to picking the series and go seven tiebreaker as I hate the Rangers Panthers and seven. And if you're a Rangers fan mad at that, I've been wrong the last two times. So yeah. So feel good. Feel good about that. But that's the east and the west. I mean, this Vancouver Edmonton series has just been great game after great game. Like, do I think either of these teams could have a chance to win us down the cup with the three teams left ahead of them? No, they're by far going to be the worst team of the three left. But damn, this has been a fun series. You get JT Miller scoring the game winning goal with 40 seconds left. Pretty much. Yeah. What is, what a series this is, this is so far surpassed my expectations, even my degree. This has been one of the best playoff series I've ever seen is this is delivered in every conceivable way, especially for what you want out of an all Canada series. Oh boy. I'm running out of gas here, but an all Canadian series with Vancouver and Edmonton. And what else could you want? Like you have a third string goalie and she'd love coming in that you have Pickard going in for Edmonton and the other crease. Like you're getting overtime games like in game four, you have the tie a game with two minutes left and Bouchard wins it with under a minute left. And again, in game five Miller wins it with 33 seconds left in the game. And you still have game six and game seven coming up a suit up seven presumably if Edmonton wins game six, which I just I almost feel like is a given that they will. I've never seen a series more destined to go to seven games than this. Yeah, I agree. I mean, it's it's going seven. I think it's gonna be closer than oilers fans want it to be in game six, but the oilers are fucked. Like Calvin Pickard's they're starting golden right now. Like if they lose this series, how does Ken Holland survive this? I don't know. I don't know because because the team is pretty solid. Like the oilers like for a group, but you're starting Calvin fucking Pickard in that like it's, it's a tough, tough ask to talk about like the Canucks will not be starting this guy. If Demco's not hurt, like they kind of stumbled into a good goaltender, but I I agree like the oilers are another team where it's like, if you can't win it this year, what are you doing, man? And this year, you can't win it last year, you couldn't win it three years ago. What's the deal here? And you look top at Ken Holland, who has built not good enough teams because they're getting stuff out of McDavid and dry saddle. And you have Zach Hyman score 50 goals this year, like, come on, man. But it is also interesting because the Canucks have done a very good job with Conor McDavid with a couple of games in this series like drive titles still doing his thing, but they're doing a real good job. I'd rather have dry saddle beat me than McDavid. Yeah. And he's not. He's not. Anyway. And they're also doing this without Elias better son. Yep. And non-existent the entire playoffs, like just a straight up ghost. He hasn't. I don't think Quinn uses score to go in either. He hasn't. The Queen's better, obviously, but when it has Patterson scored in this. Yeah. He scored one. I think he scored in a game. Yeah. It was game two. Yeah. It was a power play. And so you're doing this without the guy. You just gave an $11 million contract to essentially just out there for cardio. Yeah. He's just skating around. He's just skating around. But that series is kicked out. I'm very excited. I'll get to watch a game and not be half asleep for it tomorrow or today. I'm going to use me depending on when I go to sleep. Yeah. I'll do it tomorrow. You could be waking up and then the game started. But I'm very excited to watch that game and actually be able to just watch and not have to worry about, oh, I have to be up and like, you want to know how bad I was? Like it sucked. I turned the game off last night with like seven minutes to go to bed. I didn't even see it live. Like I was like, I need to go to sleep, man. Like I have a big day at tomorrow. So yeah, that's the only series remaining. It'll probably go seven. And I really think whatever team matches up against Dallas is just going to get their fucking shit kicked in. Like maybe the Canucks can catch lightning in the bottle, but that star's team's good. They're deep. They're good. They're going to get heads back. All right. Yawnee Hawkenpoff could come back. I couldn't. Who knows? But I'm cheering for the Florida Panthers and second is the Vancouver Canucks. Those are my two teams. Yeah. As much as much means the fact that we're cheering for that means it will be Rangers stars. Yep. I fully expect that. Yep. I fully expect that to be the case. At the end of this year, I'm going to be perfectly honest. I got nothing left. Yep. Let's call it. I got nothing left. It's 4 a.m. On the East Coast 2 a.m. I'm going to go sleep for probably 12 hours. You may not hear from me again till 2 p.m. But you know what? I might be behind on that too. Yeah. I'm going to have a lot of text messages when I wake up tomorrow and be like, "Dude, are you okay?" Yeah, I'm alive. I should text my mom right now and be like, "I don't text me. If you don't hear from me for the first eight hours of the day, just know." Yeah. That's why. Yeah. It's 4 a.m. Yeah. Let's call it. Let's wrap it up. We'll be back with a more comprehensible episode probably in a couple of days where we've had a couple of days to sleep, a couple of days to process what's happened here tonight and to look ahead to the off-season. But for now, I'd be doing a disservice to continue this episode any longer. So for the sake of our health, we're going to wrap this one up here. This episode is never fun to make at the end of the day, but it's the way she goes sometimes. And we'll be back in a couple of days. And we'll be back for the rest of this off-season and we'll be back in October when the abs are back for another kick at the can and another regular season. It sucks this one ends this way, but yeah, that's just the way it is sometimes. So we're going to wrap this one up here. Thank you all so very much for tuning in. As always, I cannot emphasize enough just how grateful I am for people who tune in time and time again. 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