The Howie Carr Radio Network

Silver, Gold, and Turtleboy | 5.17.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

John from New York and Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney split the hour to keep Howie's listeners up-to-date on the precious metal market and the most-watched trial in Massachusetts this year.

Broadcast on:
17 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Mr. McCabe, what is an Asian house? The next door name is to the outfits for Asia. So are you Chinese or Japanese? I've never met them. I don't know their last names. We all lay ocean from Laos. It's a landlocked country in Southeast Asia. I just knew it was an Asian family next door. So are you Chinese or Japanese? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Thank your fake eyelashes are messing up. No, I know that. Oh, no, she didn't. Ms. Crockett. I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad-built butch body. How dare you? No, how dare you? No, no, how dare you? How dare you? No, no, my, how dare you? You dare to dare me? How dare you? How dare you? How dare you? When I how dare you? Mr. Boogerlips, cut him out. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon-bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car. 844-500-42-42. So I think the judge just said no court Monday and a half day on Tuesday. Hakorama. But they're going in, they're going past 4 o'clock. It's amazing. Who, who knew? Who knew that they could do this? I thought the lights went out at the, in the Hakorama. I thought they actually went out of noon on Thursday. But anyway, 844-500-42-42 will have, will have Turtle Boy on whenever they wrap it up. I would assume it'll be wrapped within a matter of one segment or two here. He'll be with us at 4.30. Otherwise, we'll just, we'll get them when they get out of court. 844-500-42-42, John from New York, John, big day. They, they just got over 40,000. So, so the state-run media can gush all weekend about the wonders of the Biden economy. Is that your analysis of it? Howie, this I would say was one of the biggest weeks of the year for a reason that, you know, suspect they're talking about the CPI, which I'll give you details on in a minute. The real story was China decided that they can't take it anymore. Their economy is terrible and they're following and our footprint has printing money. Silver and gold absolutely exploded this week. And I was thinking of the, uh, set up the jar at the, Silver and gold, Silver and gold, everyone wishes for Silver and gold. That's Burlives, of course. Yeah. Go ahead, John. Yeah. No, it's a very good jar. It was, it's incredible. Gold is up 17% year to date. Silver's up 31%, 31% to hear that Silver Dave. Silver Dave. Hey, for everybody at home, some people hold as we talked about before physical gold in their account, physical silver, where they actually, some people buy the ETF, a lot of people at Wall Street do that and people do it in their retirement accounts. Here's the thing. This week, the people that run the Silver ETF updated their prospectus and they said the Silver ETF may trade differently than Silver itself because they're, they're experiencing where they may experience in the future difficulty obtaining physical silver to put into the trust. This is what Silver Dave says. You know, this is why you need it. You need stuff you can hold in your hand and you need a safe and you need a, and a place to store it and you need some kind of, uh, well, I won't say what you need to protect it with, but you know where I'm going with that. You know? No, no, no. No. Another thing too, just to let people know, because then we sort of threw it in hard and it's got like a silver set and I took it up a few years ago thinking, oh, this thing's not worth much. My lady said it's worth like five grand and I was like shocked, right? It's full of silver set, uh, dining, dining set. Anyway, that thing's probably doubled in price. So if you hold silver or gold at home, which a lot of people do, you know, and even if you hold it in a safe, make sure I know you have a sponsor that offers insurance quotes, make sure you cover that. Cause a lot of policies limit your claim. Rizzo insurance. Yeah. Yeah. We got all kinds of sponsors. We got safe sponsors. We got silver Dave. We got Rizzo insurance. We got Cape gun works, you, you need, and we got, and we got ready wise for food products. So get, get ready. Get ready. Bow. Get ready. It's coming. It's coming. You're still on the CPI real quick. You know, I wanted to tell you two things in that one, the numbers really weren't that good. And the real thing is core services, which is really 85% of the economy. That increase is increasing in a five, five and a half percent annual rate. So Brandon is going to have trouble with the Chinese printing money. And they'll really get the inflation rate down. And then the other thing is the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco looks at various prices, so they looked at how much each month prices or how many prices are increasing. They do it by expenditure category. So the more weight that people spend, 85% of the items last month by expenditure category increased. So the stuff that's most expensive is increasing in price. In other words, 85% of the items are increasing in price. John, is the market up in anticipation of a Trump win? I think there's some of that in there, so if he doesn't win, but I think it's really the money printing is just globally getting out of control. And unlike 99, 2000 when the stock market bubbled up, there was a lot of IPOs and companies came public. Many companies now aren't coming public and they're buying stock back. So it's very similar to silver and gold. There's just less stock relative to the money supply that's been printed. Now the standard poor's index is up 11% year to date, so it's still lagging silver and gold. So even though it's going up, it's not going up as much as silver and gold. So, I mean, you can't totally go silver and gold, but I think it's going up primarily because of the money printing. I'd say about half due to the money printing, half due to Trump winning because-- You know what never ends well though when you print money, does it? I mean, historically. Well, no, because you just need more and more money to live on, so it's hard to do. It's like an addiction. It's hard to do. It just gets worse and worse until finally you kill the host, whether it's a body or a society, right? Or an economy. Well, yeah. Well, yeah, basically what happens is the people are going to get hurt by this or, again, Mitt Romney's doing fine. He's out talking his nonsense. You can count on two things this year. And gold going up and Mitt Romney spewing nonsense out there, it happens like on a regular basis now. So, you know, no, it doesn't end well and the people get hurt are the younger people, you know, that don't have assets, something like that, or Jared, getting started out. It just makes it harder for people, even if they're working and they have a good job because they're sort of chasing a rabbit around the track and the rabbit can keep running faster with the money printing. You know, I feel sorry for the young people, I don't have a lot of solutions except vote. Right. No, we're just talking about that in the town of Norfolk in Massachusetts. You know, a lot of people are moved down there, they stretched themselves to the limit to buy houses because they had good public school systems. And now the Democrats have decided to dump 450 illegal aliens, increase the school population by five to seven percent. You know, so their investment is at risk and it's happening everywhere, and especially since they've been buying at these higher interest rates, the price has been through the roof since Biden became president. Right. And if you have some sort of downturn where you actually lose your job and you buy your house at the top of the market, it's not a good scene. So I really don't know what to do. One thing I would do if you're a younger person and you want to get some exposure to the market, a lot of times people rent, what I would consider is buying a duplex where you could own the property, rent one unit out and you own the other units so you can sort of build some equity rather than waiting to your 30 or 35, think about that. And speaking of real estate, let me just say two things real quick on the Florida real estate market. Yes. It's been spending a lot of time on that. And I know you a lot of people that listen to the show that have exposure in Florida. The Cape Carl Fort Myers area where I vacation a lot and that area is under assault, there's just a massive number of properties on the market. And basically what's happened is a lot of people cash their insurance checks, fix their units up and now the insurance premiums are going up so they're selling. And it's happening a little bit on the east coast and the older buildings. But let me give you this spot as well. In Boca Raton today, a deal was announced, it's one of the largest apartment complexes down there. Right. It's a real apartment, C-E-R-U in Boca. The unit sold for a record, 139 million for 284 units. It's a very nice complex, it's about $500,000, $490,000 a unit. So it really is a tale of two coasts. The east coast seems to be doing better because they didn't get hit by the hurricane. Yeah. East coast had been hit by a hurricane, a big hurricane in like close to 20 years now. Yeah, I'd say probably Andrew was the last one, so it's over 30 years. But anyway, if you're buying in Fort Myers, lovely areas down there, a sterile, just a bid low because there's a massive amount of inventory on the market. Yeah, Boca's very coming up fast. I mean, people from the north, you got West Palm and from the south, it's Fort Lauderdale and Miami, so people are moving in there. So it's a good place to go. We're just going to get some Kelly's roast beefs over on the east coast there, John. All right. So again, you think we're going to get a bunch of puff-piece stories about how great the economy is now that the market closed over 40,000? Yeah, you are, but the interesting thing is the layoffs are picking up and the leading indicators were down. So it's really a tale of two things, industrial production seems to be falling off, employment seems to be falling off, but inflation's not giving at all. In fact, the service is again, components high. So I think actually you're going to wind up with a slowdown in the economy, but again, you have this disconnect with the market, with the money printing. So as long as the money printing goes on, the market could hold up, but the job market's definitely softening. I can see it in all the numbers. So I don't know, it's a really tough market, but the Chinese are printing money. I would say that's the biggest story of the week, and Biden doesn't know it yet, but it's going to cause inflation problems down the road for him because that money ultimately will surface back here. Okay, John from New York, have a good weekend. We appreciate it. Thanks for checking in. Spring is here in Sowah's allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howie3. He uses them in both his home and office, and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matha Vett swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden pure three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters, and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, any kind of odor problem you have, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. It works well. You'll want one in every room. Wherever you are, you'll want one in that room. Back in stock now, order now at Use code Howie3. That's the number three, and get yours now that's code Howie3. I'm Howie Car. One year two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-42, or text the word Howie, followed by your message to 617-213-1066. 844-542-42-339 says, does ready wise make anything that Roscoe can eat in an emergency? Roscoe's a dog, okay? You'll be happy with Creamy Pasta, Pasta Alfredo, Chili Mac, Chicken Noodle Soup, Cheesy Macaroni. That's a Roscoe treat, savory stroganoff, hearty torto- he's got everything. Anyway, go to and click on store and you can get a great ready wise cheap bastard deal. It's the 84 serving on breakfast and entree grab and go bucket. It's a $210 value for just $105. They're so good, we have a limit of three per order, but there are a few left, so get on there and get them and when they're sold out, go to and use the promo code Howie25 to get other stuff, but right now you can get 50% off if you go to, click on store. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, Attorneys at Law, to see what happened to my leg and it's not pretty. While having cryo performed to restore hyper wellness go to, that's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should RFK Junior be allowed to take part in the June 27th debate? If there is one? Yes. 81% of the audience says yes, 14% say no, 5% are not sure. 14% say no. I think the thing is that there's a reason why Biden is adamant that he can't take part in it and why Trump just says, "It doesn't matter one way or the other." You know why? Because I don't think as time goes on RFK is getting peel off many Trump votes, but the Biden voters are ripe for the picket every time someone sees a Biden cut on TV or on social media, they are less likely to vote for Biden, in my opinion. 844-542-ED, you're next with HowieCar, go ahead, Ed. Good afternoon, howie. Hi. I'm going to lay my money on the table after what I just heard a few minutes ago. Kim Scott, vice president, performer, president Donald Trump, he said he's all good, Fox put out a statement requesting that the vice presidential debate, yeah, I don't think Fox, why is Fox settling for the vice presidential debate? You know, I mean, they are a right. They're a rhino in that work pretty much, but they have more ratings than anybody else. Why do they have to settle for sloppy seconds? But this is what caught my eye or ear is Donald Trump said, as long as it's at a certain college. Yeah. And that's why I think Kim Scott is going to be his pick. Hi. So you guys figured out, but you go back and look at the statement that Donald Trump said, it's like, it's going to be Tim Scott. I'm putting my money on you. All right. Okay. I mean, I wouldn't, I think he's in the, I think he's one of the front runners for sure. I mean, and all those guys that have been in New York, you know, the, the ones that were, the first day they were wearing the red ties and then the second day everybody said, well, let's go for a slightly different look. But he was, he was one of the people that was there. So was a JD Vance. So was a Doug Bergum and a bunch of, a bunch of the Congress people were there. And I don't know, you see, he said, he said on a radio show, President Trump, that he, he may not announce it till, they'll actually tell a few days before Milwaukee. He, I guess he announced Pence just a few days before the, the convention in Cleveland in 2016. So usually, usually they wait till right before the convention, like two or three weeks before the convention eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, we have those cuts from Greg Mer, this is Greg Murphy. He's a, he's an MD. He's a urologist from North Carolina. And he was with, he was up speaking of Fox, he was on with Maria Bartiromo and he was talking about, he said he was there at the, obviously at the state of the union and he, and he knows people that are on, but that are, that are under the throw, under the influence of big pharma cut 23. What do you mean when you say he was jacked up at the state of the union? I, I believe they gave him something to, to help him sustain the lights and sustain the vigor that he had. That's not, that was not Joe Biden. I was in there. He screamed for two hours. He screamed for two hours and you know, maybe we can talk offline and I'll show you something and I think that proves that. Well, you'll show me what? I, I think I can have some evidence that shows that he was given something before them. Okay. In, in terms of a medicine or? Medicine. Yeah, you know, Joe, Joe, there's no way Joe, Joe is 82. There's a picture taken of him last week on the, he's on the beach without his makeup on. And guess what? He looks like what an 82 year old, you can see his surgical scar in the back, um, where he had his face lift. You can see that very plainly. He's being manufactured and puppeteered by the Democratic Party to be chosen in the United States. And I fully believe that has to do sometimes with pharmacology. Puppeteered. That's a good word. I'm going to, I'm going to use that one. Thank you. Congressman Murphy, we'll be right back with Turtleboy on Howie Car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The Caronary trial, murder trial continues in Dedham, today continued in Dedham. And the witness, the prime witness for the prosecution or the, I don't know what they, I don't know what she was doing up there as for the prosecution, Jen McCabe was testifying for most of the day after her husband, Matt McCabe wrapped up. And joining us now to discuss the testimony is, uh, Aiden, is it Carney or Kearney? Have I been pronouncing it wrong all this time? Yeah. He's been around the whole time. I feel awkward, Howie. It's Carney. Carney. That's correct. I'm sorry. It's, it's, that's easier for me to remember that it's just like my name with a knee on the end. Aiden Carney. I'm sorry. Exactly. Okay. Also, no, I'll just call you Turtleboy though. All right. So, uh, Aiden, we didn't get to cross examination today. They ran out the clock, right? Yeah. They ran out the clock with unnecessary details. I mean, I don't even know Howie, but it was snowing and then it had to be asked a million times. The whole trip with the police dash cam video, like to get from wherever he was at to like where, you know, Jim McCabe was at, like where, where Jonathan's body was at, and they stopped it. They're like, where are we right now? Pop quiz. Uh, that's, you know, Kate's country store. Correct. And then it's just like, dear, get to the. This was by design. I think it was a stupid plan because on Jackson, three more days to just dissect her testimony, she's given her tons of information to use and get through. And uh, you know, I don't know, why is there no court Monday? I mean, do these people not have enough days off? What, what, fake holiday is this? I, I don't even, I don't think this is a cause we were through a Patriots day and uh, the next one should be Memorial day, right? And that's like two weeks away. We have like a lot of day too. What? It was law day. Don't forget a lot of day. I don't know what day this is, but uh, probably just no court and then the week after they're only having court on one day, that Tuesday and then the rest of the week is off. This is going to go into like the fourth of July. How are you going to be crazy? But uh, so in a Tuesday's a half day. Is that correct? Yeah. Tuesday's half days. Those Thursday because God forbid we work a full day Tuesday and Thursday are both half days and Monday is off. Welcome to the hacker. Emma. Good Lord. Yeah. Well, listen, so what did they ask her? Did they get to, to hose long to die in cold? No, that, that, well, she, they got the her version of it that she googled it at six twenty four because Karen Reed told her to do it right before they decided to say they are father together. And uh, but you know, that's of course, like pick, we've seen the videos of Karen Reed at the scene running around like a crease, like she's hysterical. You know, we've heard the nine one call. She's hysterical and you have first responders everywhere, firefighters, EMTs, and Jim McCabe wants us to believe that instead of asking one of them, is he going to be okay or like how long do you have to be able to die? She asked Jim McCabe to Google it for her. Stop it. Like nobody believes that. She, and she, and she, and she spelt it the same wrong way that she spelt it at two twenty seven because she thought that would like the key, the key is the two twenty seven one because nobody knew he was dead. Now how did they explain away that when the, the, the, how it was long to die in cold at two twenty seven? How'd they explain that away? Well, that one just never came up in conversation. But I'm lollie never asked about that because they are, this is the only trial I've ever seen where forensic data just isn't real. You know, the two phone calls that Jim McCabe made to six that, uh, Nicole Albert answered at six oh seven and six oh eight, fake. The life three sixty data show when Ellie McCabe was driving around to one thirty in the morning. Fake. All this real data, how long is that called? Fake. They just take actual data and they're like, nope, that never happened. I don't know how that got there. The call between Higgins and the Brad and Albert at two twenty two. Fake. It's just that their plan is to take actual data and just say it's not real. But what is real is a six foot black blob on a front lawn and Ali McCabe's tears. Those are in. Gemma Cape's tears. We see where her daughter gets it from today on the stand. I mean, I was disgusted, disgusted with her. She showed more emotion on the stand today than she did in any of those dash stand videos. I hate to be seemed like a misogynist, but what's up with the tooth? Wouldn't you get the tooth fix before you? I don't know where that came from, Howie. I mean, she's got the preekness this weekend. I don't know, but George Washington had better dental plan than that. I'm just saying, but I think the big bomb came earlier and by the way, she sent a text message. They showed them up there at four fifty nine to John O'Keefe that said, Karen is worried. We need to find you. You don't find people who are alive, like people who are, you think are alive, you say, where are you? You know, like, you don't say we need to find you. Find. Yeah. No, I saw you tweeted that out. And yeah, the obvious thing is when you want to find somebody, you say, where are you? Right? Yes. Yeah, we need to find you. It's kind of like it's kind of like when you fall down, you try to break the fall with your palms rather than your knuckles. Yes. Right. Right. But the biggest, the biggest thing that came out of this was there in the Matt McCabe testimony when I'm assuming this came from the FBI, they got a group text between the Albert and the McCabe's, the four of them in which I believe the exact quote from Matt McCabe was tell them the guy in the, they're at February 1st, they see the state police at the quote unquote, the Asian house, they have Asian neighbors, I guess. And they saw a state police milling around there. And so in the group text, Matt McCabe writes, tell them the guy never went into the house. And instead of, you know, Brian Albert saying, you know, that, that he did cut, he didn't come into the house. He said, exactly, like they're just literally getting their story together. I was watching a little bit of that before I had to go on the air, didn't, didn't McCabe say that, that what he meant was there was a, there was a TV crew in the area. And that that's what, that's what Brian Albert should say. That was his experience. Yeah. That was, he had a lot of excuses, it's just like everything he said out there today. And he got pissed. He was getting, he showed like genuine emotion. Yeah. It's interesting because Brian Albert is in those group texts, but they didn't show those to Brian Albert, and honestly, and they waited for Matt McCabe because they think they viewed him as the weaker link. Like we can get something out of this guy. All is creepy laughing up there. Yeah. People are bizarre. I confronted the McCabe's at a high school lacrosse game back in June, and I was indicted for it. I went up to them and I said, you know, what I walked over to them, I just wanted to ask her, you know, why should Google that at 2.27 and Matt McCabe has this big smile on his face. He goes, how's it going? How's it going? How's it going? How's it going? How's it going? How's it going? I'm like, what is his job, by the way? What does he do for a living? He owns some sort of like IT company. I think he does pretty well for himself because God knows Jen doesn't work, and they live in a pretty nice house in a pretty nice town. So you must be doing something right. But you know, I think it's some sort of IT company or whatever, but you know, he got up there today and his real colors came out when he started getting frustrated. And how about his vision? He couldn't even look at, he needed a flashlight to read the paper in front of him, but he could see V-shaped tire tracks from 30 to 40 feet away in the dark somehow. Right. Right. But the black blob was in front of those V-shaped tire tracks, but he didn't see the black blob. Now, by the way, are there any Asians on the jury? I don't know if I'm allowed to say it, but according to the lab, I don't want to get indicted for something else. I don't know if I'm allowed to say it. But I mean, you're in the courtroom. You have better eyesight than Matt McCabe, so are there two Asians on the jury? I don't even know if I'm allowed to say that, like Jessica Machado is under investigation by the state police for physically describing what these people look like. All I'm saying is this, somebody else tweeted out today that there's two Asian people on this jury, and I trust him and I believe him. So let's just put it, it's not a very diverse jury, how he does, but he's basically a whole lot of white people. It's Norfolk County. It's Norfolk County. But the thing is, I mean, if there are Asians on the jury and someone's just calling it an Asian house, I mean, that's kind of dismissive of the neighbors. Yeah, they didn't even say their last names or anything like that, and not the callahurs, you know, not the whoever that was across from the Asians, the Asians. The Asians who aren't very fond, I'm told, of to make Alberts and have been, I've been told cooperating with the defense team and giving them information that they can. Now I didn't notice this, but I saw somebody on social media saying that they gave conflicting stories of the McCabe, the McCabe's, about who was driving the car that night? I didn't hear that. Oh, okay. I think Matt, who was driving the car home from 34 Fairview? I mean, I think Matt, I've heard everybody say Matt was driving that, but what I didn't hear from Matt Orgen was what Julie Nagel said, is that she informed everyone in the car about the black blob, none of them mentioned anything about any black blob, which is weird. And the new thing that they're adding is this Jeep, the Higgins Jeep, which I can't figure out. They're all saying now that Higgins Jeep was parked right in front of the house, which means that Ryan Nagel and the two other people in his truck, who say that they saw Cameron Reid parked up at the flagpole, were lying, that none of these people mentioned the Jeep blocking their line of vision, and I just don't understand what their end game is with this lie about the Jeep, like, I don't know if they're trying to blame Higgins for running, I don't know what they're trying to do, but it's just bizarre that this Jeep thing parked in the side of the road came out of nowhere. Now we're talking about Higgins. Now Higgins is the one that has got a federal proffer. He's a cop. He was there that night, and he's got a proffer from the feds, meaning he's got an agreement or there wouldn't negotiate an agreement for him to testify, which is, and again, that's never been denied by the defense. And now the defense has said that they have a witness who's going to testify as to what really happened. This is Higgins, right? I mean, I'm going back to yesterday's. Yeah. It's got to be Higgins. I mean, they're running out of witnesses that were actually there, and I don't know who else could actually, you know, confirm that, besides Brian Higgins, and it sounds like he's made some sort of deal. I have no idea when it's his turn to testify. They haven't even gotten, and we're on week four now. We haven't gotten to any of the state police yet. We still got to get through proctor, a volcanic. We got to get through a Tully. We got to get through the Crafts Reconstruction Guide, green or the cell phone. I mean, there's like, there's 87 witnesses on this list. They've done 38 and we're three weeks in. You would think Auntie Beb would try to hurry this. I mean, no more questions about the snow. We get it. It's snowing out. It wasn't, it was not the best conditions, but like, let's get to the good stuff here. You know, we left on a high note today with Jim McCabe, putting on, I mean, she's a psychopath, in my opinion, just the sociopath to get up there and fake cry and then just, you know, on a dime, just kind of just stop crying immediately and pour it on and look at the jury. I mean, I just can't comprehend the level of evil that it takes to get people in. What's the motive here? What motive did they have to do this if your scenario was correct? What? I mean, I assume it was an accident. I don't think the plan was to lower them over there, murder them and throw them on the front lawn. I mean, what I always thought was that this was a, you know, that John was drunk and he goes over there and, you know, he gets a little mouthy with whoever's in there and Colin Albert's and then we see how he can be. Brian Albert's in there. These are strong personalities. These people have fried in their family. Like Brian Albert's not going to let his, you know, 17-year-old nephew get disrespected in his house. Higgins could have had an issue with him. There's a number of people who could have had issues, alcohols involved, right? Probably the flight broke out and based on the three-inch laceration in the back of the head, somebody went too far and hit him in the back of the head. And, you know, he started convulsing and they realized they got a real problem here. So Higgins, I don't think the plan was going on. Higgins had the hots for, for Karen Reed and why is, why is Jen Reed, Jen McCabe texting back and forth with John O'Keefe? I mean, that's, that's a little suspicious, isn't it? I mean, they're just going back and forth. You mean after, like, after John was dead? No, no, no. When they were, you know, how to get over to the house, were they dead? Yeah, I mean, you know, he wanted directions, he didn't know how to get there. So like, you know, they knew each other through their kids' sporting stuff. So like they, I wouldn't call them best friends, but they, they definitely knew each other. And she was the one who invited him over there. And I don't think the plan was, her plan was to kill John. I mean, I think it's a little far-fetched. I just think a flight went wrong and they, they, they freaked out and they, they were like, this guy's going to die, let's put him on the front lawn and right where she was parked. You know, Brian, who better than Brian Albert in the situation like that? A guy murder police who's been around the stuff before knows exactly what to do. And he's in a group chat telling me exactly. It's really simple. He didn't come in the house. We don't know anything. You know, I don't know what happened. We didn't see anything. If you didn't see anything, it's a really simple story. You've never seen that. So we, we still didn't, we still don't know who's long to die and cold from 227. The original hose long to die and cold. Yeah. So that's going to be left, that's going to be left to Alan Jackson to, to pry that out. Yes. The jury's going to find out about that on Tuesday. No. What makes you think she's not going to, you know, objection, objection, you're on, can I see you with sidebar? Oh, there will be. There will definitely be an objection when that is brought up. But I think down the line, I mean, they have a celebrate expert on the, on the list. The defense has their forensic expert on the list that found this deleted Google search on there. So, I mean, I've just never heard of this before, of, of a celebrate report being wrong. Like, please, you celebrate reports all the time. That's Brian Walsh, my old bunkie and, you know, the jail, yeah, he, I mean, he's probably loving this. He's probably loving this sitting there like, wait, Google searches don't count anymore. Like when celebrate with data reports come back with a Google search, oh, sweet. That's my luck. All right. Turtle boy. Work. Aiden Carney. Aiden Carney. I won't make that mistake again. Where can people reach you and what are you going to be doing this weekend on the, on your site? Yeah. TB daily Uh, and I'm going to be doing, uh, our regular show Saturday night, nine o'clock. It'll be a rumble because we're suspended from YouTube for a week because they called that fully nade or something unflattering on that on YouTube. So I got a one week suspension. Yeah. Welcome to the club, but you've been there before. It's, it's a big club. Exactly. All right. Aiden Turtle boy. Carney, we will talk to you on Tuesday night, I guess Tuesday night. Have a, have a nice weekend. Have a go. Thanks. I'm how we car. Uh, how we car show, how we car is back. People are asking for a list of all the arrested hippies. We're just getting them as they're rained in, uh, in Belcher town in the Eastern Hampshire district court and, uh, today got all the names off the dockets of the, uh, the arrested hippies. Uh, so far, there's a, there's about, I'd say about 40, 50 of them so far, but we've got all of them up today. Go to how we car and it's right there at the top of the page, how we car and we got the list of everybody next week. We'll have more as they come in. We'll have like, I don't know, five, 10, 15, 20 a day until they're all done, but you can check it out now at how we car and all the names we've got through this morning, including the latest two hyphenated last names with the, uh, the, the nice women. But it's all up there right now and get your, you could also get your cheap bastard deal the ready wise, 84 serving breakfast and entree grab when you're checking it out. Leslie, you're next with how we car go ahead, Leslie. Hi, howie. Nice to talk to you. Thank you. Leslie, I love Emma's, you know, I love her pieces for you. Thank you. This trial is like a three ring bottom and Bailey service. Where are they getting all these people? They don't even introduce the autopsy of this body and Karen Reed, I mean, she's very attractive. She sits there like she's comatose. Well, I mean, that's, you know, when you're in that, when you're in this situation and your, your life is on the line, that's, that's what they tell you to do. You can't really say anything. You don't want to screw things up. I mean, they don't seem to have a case against it. We've now finished 14 days. Have you heard a single piece of evidence? The proves she did it beyond a reasonable doubt, not just ran over him, but murdered. She's charged with murder.