The Howie Carr Radio Network

Fake Lashes, Butch Body, and Baby Girl AOC: Catfight in Congress | 5.17.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie can't get over the radio goldmine that took place in Congress today. I suppose he does have something to thank Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for!

Broadcast on:
17 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Mr. McCabe, what is an Asian house? The next door, Nevis, to the outfits for Asia. So are you Chinese or Japanese? I've never met them. I don't know their last names. We all lay ocean from Laos. It's a landlocked country in Southeast Asia. I just knew it was an Asian family next door. So are you Chinese or Japanese? Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Thank your fake eyelashes are messing up this way. Oh, no, she didn't. It's me, Ms. Crockett. I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach-blonde, bad-built butch body. How dare you? No, how dare you? No, no, how dare you? How dare you? No, no, my, how dare you? You dare to dare me? How dare you? How dare me when I how dare you? Mr. Boogerlips, cock-a-mout. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon-bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car... ♪♪♪ Is calling a woman butch? Is that somehow homophobic? I think if it were going the other way, it would be considered homophobic. You better watch your microaggressions, bro. But then, you know, that was a Democrat woman saying that. And again, I must say Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is bleach-blonde. I was wondering about that. Why someone who's bleach-blonde would mention someone, another woman's fake eyelashes. But that's just me. I have never once in my life, as far as I can determine, mentioned anyone's fake eyelashes. But I never... I don't think about fake eyelashes. Bleach-blonde hair, sometimes I do think about. But I never say anything, except in this context. It's a strange day, you know, Democrat, Congresswoman, talking about butch bodies. And an illegal alien has been sentenced to a hefty prison term today. He attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi. This was the gay nudist from the gay Castro district in San Francisco who attacked Paul Pelosi. Remember that? He got 30 years. That's more than a thousand illegal alien murderers have gotten in total. Since Brandon was installed as president, 30 years. Wow, 844-542-844-542. The testimony continues today in the Karen Reed case, the major witness for the prosecution. Although there is no real prosecution case, the prosecution is working as the defense team for the people at the 34th Air View Road. It's a very weird case. But Jennifer McCabe was supposed to be cross-examined today. It doesn't look like that's going to be in the cards. It's going to have to wait until Monday. It looks like it'll go on until, I guess, about four o'clock. But I don't think they're going... I think they're going to run out the clock. But we will have Turtle Boy with us at 433 to discuss this. Now, just so I don't forget about it, what I'm about to tell you, please, I implore you, do not let this destroy your faith in the integrity and the ethics of the diversity, equity, and inclusion movement. Barbara Furlough-Smiles, for that is indeed her name, a 38... And I get compliments on the hyphen. A 38-year-old Georgia resident has pleaded guilty to wire fraud after being accused of stealing more than $4.9 million from Facebook and an additional six-figure sum from Nike. She's been sentenced to five years and three months in prison today. She used to scheme the diversity equity and inclusion advisor used fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks to siphon funds from Facebook, where she was a lead strategist and global head of employee resources group and diversity engagement. But she worked really hard at that diversity, engagement, and lead strategy in global head of employee resource groups. She used these fake accounts that she set up and used them to pay friends, relatives, and others for purported goods and services that were never delivered and the majority of the money was then kicked back in a form of reparations, as it were, to Furlough-Smiles. After being fired from Facebook, Furlough-Smiles continued her fraudulent activities at Nike, where she worked as a senior director of diversity, equity, and inclusion. From November 2021 to February 2023, why didn't they check up to see why she was fired from Facebook? They didn't really do their due diligence, did they? They said she was an equity manager. They thought it was something different. Facebook said her crimes resulted in anguish among those employees that worked closely with her. You mean somebody actually flopped that DEI was on the level? After what we've learned, all these times, could Claudine Gay be reached for comment? Could Monica Cannon Grant be reached for comment? Could Rachel Rollins be reached for comment? Nike said that they had noticed, "Her complete lack of accountability or remorse." She's in DEI. She's never had any accountability and remorse. It's all part of reparations, don't you know? Was Furlough put on Furlough? I guess she was. Now she's going to be furloughed for five years and three months. I assume she has to make restitution, right? 844-542-508 says, "Howie Paul Pelosi was attacked by a diehard magga Republican," right? He just pretended to be a gay nudist illegal alien from the Castro district. That's all. That's all. It was a clever ploy on his part. 844-542. So this is crazy what happened with Marjorie Taylor Greene and this woman Crockett, Congresswoman Crockett and AOC. And the guys got into it too. Raskin got into it too. We'll just play this first cut with Raskin. Cut one. I'd like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Mershan's daughter. Please tell me what that has to do with Mayor Garland. Is she a porn star? That was Jamie Raskin. Jamie Raskin's still kicking himself or not getting into the Senate primary against Tron in Maryland. I blew it. I could have been together with my hero Adam Schiff in the Senate come January. But he's stuck. He's stuck in the house. And now he's talking about whether the judge's daughter is a porn star. So then Marjorie Taylor Greene goes after Jasmine Crockett. She's this Democrat quasi squad member. And so she goes after cut too. Oh, Goldman, that's right. He's advising. Okay. He's advising. Do you, do you know what we're here for? You know, we're here. I don't think you know what you're here for. Well, you don't want to talk about it. I think your fake eyelashes are messing up. No. Order, Mr. Chairman. So Marjorie Taylor Greene, who by the way voted against forcing the Biden administration to provide the military aid to Israel yesterday. She was one of three Republicans who voted against that. She's tried to vacate the chair, which would turn the the gavel over to Hakim Jeffries. She's a she's a little about three brick shy of a load. I think increasingly it appears to be. So then now AOC goes after MTG. And this is this is a battle to which both mental pugilists come unarmed. Cut three. I do have a point of order. And I would like to move to to take down Miss Greene's words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you. I'm getting lots of fun. The physical appearance of another person. Are your feelings hurt? Her words down. Oh, girl, baby girl. Oh, really? Don't even play, baby girl. I don't think we are going to move. And we're going to take your words down. I second that motion. So so who will have to fail? That Miss Greene agrees to strike her words. I believe she's apologizing. No, no, no, no. Hold on. Then after Mr. Perry's you'll be recognized. Then Miss. I'm not apologizing. Well then you're not saying that you're wearing. I am not apologizing. Now let's go. Come on guys. Yes. You know, once we get women into these positions of power, then there won't be any of these, this petty bickering like there is with all these testosterone crazed males out there. Hoxic masculinity at its finest. One more here, cut five. Who's Miss Crockett? I'm just curious just to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? Uh, what now? Chairman, I make a motion to strike those words. I don't think that's a part of the question. I'm kind of finding clarification on what-- Chairman, I have no idea what you just said. We're not going to do this. Like you guys earlier literally just-- You just voted to do it. I did it first. You just voted to do it. Order, order. The only person in this whole ordeal who comes out looking good is James Comer because he can't hear anything. And he seems like he's trying in earnest to move this thing along and he's so confused. Like he's from a different world. He's from a different time. He does not understand what his madness is. He's from a different state. Yeah, he's going, I can't even understand. You're all yelling at the same time. It's like a parent who's dealing with children. And then Crockett swears. I mean, and she's not quoting it. I mean, sometimes these guys swear and they're quoting somebody, like at the trial yesterday in Datto. But I mean, she just starts using-- dropping the S bomb because she's so mad. And I don't blame her for being-- I mean, it was kind of a cheap shot. But she responded with her own very sharp elbow. Very literative as well. That's a shot. Butch body, I think, is more of a shot than fake eye. That could have been a pull question. What's a bigger insult? Fake eyelashes or butch body or bleached blonde hair. Or you don't have the intelligence to debate me. 844-542-42. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houghton has brought in two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam. Both have their own specialties in dentistry. This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienicid perfect smiles are the best. Dr. Houghton and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advances in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire right off of Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Drs. Houghton, Tam and Sy. I think you will be very interested in what you hear., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call him a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week? Oh, wow. Read his latest at You're listening to the Howie Carr show. All kinds of texts about the cat fight. Someone says it sounds like real housewives of Capitol Hill. The only thing is none of these people are married. I wonder why, huh? Yikes. 844-542-42. C-Span should pay for a kid's pool full of jello for Congress. Think of the ratings. That's from 603. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed and restore hyper wellness. Go to That's Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should RFK Jr. be allowed to take part in the June 27th debate? If there is one. I think he should be, yes. 81% of the audience agrees with you. 16% say no and 3% are not sure. Yeah, you can open up the lines if we can take a couple of calls here. It was interesting that Nate Silver had a different take on this than I've seen before today. And the guy from 538, which is the number of votes in the Electoral College. And what he said was that he thought that this was a good tactical move by Biden because there's supposed to be three debates after Labor Day. And this way, he gets it down to two debates and only one of them is after Labor Day. And he said, and the other thing is, which he was just speculating and I'm not sure he was right, but it's an interesting theory, is that the Democrats, this gives them the opportunity to see just how non-compass meant this he is. As if we don't see that every day when he goes out and stands in front of a bank of microphones. And if he is as terrible as it's likely that he is to be, this will give them more than a month to just throw everything open and have an open convention in Chicago or more likely as some kind of, if it's an open convention though, they can't really do it by Zoom. What are they going to do, steal the votes, steal the convention votes like they've been want to do on other occasions? I don't think it works out. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, at least MTG has something these weak-need Republicans lack. Spine, courage, and fight. Yeah, but I mean, look at what she's fighting. She's insulting somebody. I mean, again, a granted crockett is probably a fool and a communist of sorts. But, you don't have to attack her on her fake eyelashes. So, let's play some more of it here. This is AOC and MTG yelling. Cut four. Why don't you debate me? And, Mr. Chairman, the minority-- I don't think it's myself, Evan. You're not-- Yeah, you're not a boarder. You don't have enough in a television. Your chair recognizes Mr. Perry. Okay, move to structure that. I move to strike those words as well. I move to strike those words as well. I move to strike those words as well. But that's two requests to strike. That's two requests to strike. Oh, they cannot take the words. There's another motion to strike her words again. All right, okay, here's the correct-- The correct apology. Ms. Green, do you ask unanimous consent-- Do you agree to unanimous consent to strike your words? I repeat again for the second time. Yes, I'll share my words, but I'm not apologizing. Without objection, without objection. Without objection, everyone wants that. Mr. Chair, point out order. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to see the more downy junior show in Sakakis, New Jersey? Somehow it just came to mind for some crazy reason. Ralph, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ralph. Uh, hey, Captain. Just thinking about Bernie Sanders just jumped into the ring to get back his seat again. Yes. And he's over 80. Yes, he is. So it's like, uh, let's see, well, you know, uh-- But if he raises $15 million, Ralph, he raises $15 million, and then he gives it to his wife's company, and she gets 15% of $15 million. He's got another million and a half bucks to write off into the sunset with. He was using his political campaigns as a great way to make millions upon millions of dollars. Thanks for the call. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. When they used to have the 12-part serials every week in the movie theaters, the republics were pictures serials, they would always end on this note. You know, the car would go over a cliff with the hero in it. And then you'd have to wait until the next week. You'd come back and then reshow it, and the hero would jump out of the car at the last minute, which they'd forgotten the show. So it looks like that's what they're doing here with Jen McCabe here. They're just trying to come to an end of the cereal for the weekend. I mean, I'm impressed. It's $3.34 in a courtroom in Massachusetts, and they're still going, Howie. I would have thought it would have wrapped up basically a lunch. Well, Jen had to hurt her dentist, cancel the appointment, her oral surgeon. Yes, well, they're still going, and so far it doesn't seem like we're getting much, but I think that will all change on Monday. Monday's the day to really buckle down and tune in. Howie, today, I have... This is actually a rumor that started yesterday, but I wanted to get your reaction. There's rumors that if things don't work out for Joe and Kamala in round two, the Kamala might throw her hat in the ring to be governor of California. What do you make of that? As if California doesn't have enough trouble. That's what they need. And I saw it said that California, there was a headline. I think it was in Politico. "California is lacking a giant." I thought, is that? I keep hearing about how she's this courageous, free thinker. She's all of these things. That's not what the polls are showing, though. No, no, that's not what her political record shows, either. Willie Brown's got a lot to answer for for getting here going. I don't care what she looked like when she was in her 20s. Well, now she has confirmed that she will do a vice presidential debate on CBS, but we still don't know who Trump's VP pick is going to be, which brings me to my next question. Who would you like to see go up against Kamala Harris? Who do you think, out of the people we've heard of so far, we all are pretty familiar with the shortlist? Who do you think does the best job on a debate stage specifically? I don't know. We were talking about this earlier. JD Vance, that would be pretty good on a debate stage. Tim Scott might bring. He might bring in a few more votes, but I don't, you know, he's, like I said, after meeting the guy, I have more confidence in him. But I think he's kind of good nature and easy going. Yeah, that's, I think that's a very, very fair criticism. I would say the same thing about Doug Bergum. Like I like Doug Bergum, but that doesn't mean that he would be a good vice president. He's too nice. And when you're going up against Kamala Harris, and remember Mike Pence, when they were debating, he won that debate, but he should have won it by more than he did. He was a little bit too polite to Kamala Harris. Now, speaking of the debates, there's a post. This is from the New York Post. It says that Trump needs to practice keeping his cool, so he can pull off a performance more like the second 2020 Biden Trump face off than the first. Well, we have that guy, the congressman from North Carolina, Greg Murphy, and he was on with Maria Bartiromo. And he was saying he thought that he's a urologist, so he knows something about drugs. And urine tests in particular. And he said that he said, I'm not going to say it on air, but we can discuss it off air. He said, I think I have some, he didn't say circumstantial, but he said, I think I have some evidence that he was on drugs for the state of the union. Should we play? I don't know if we got it. I asked for it, but I don't know that we have the actual cut. It's Greg Murphy, it's Maria Bartiromo. I don't see, no, I don't, I don't guess we, I asked for it, but we didn't get it. It says here. It says Michael Goodwin notes, Biden's endless disasters mean the race is now Trump's to lose. Would you agree with that general stance that right now? If it's an honest race, if it's an honest race. That's always the caveat. Yeah. How is Garvey pulling against Newsom for the Senate? He's not running against Newsom, he's running against Schiff. And, you know, I mean, he's doing, he's doing okay, but there's such a preponderance of Democrats in California. He's, Steve Garvey is definitely a big underdog. It would have to be a massive Republican sweep for Garvey to get in. Although I think Garvey would be, he would be great. And it's, it's happened before, you know, they, when, you know, George Murphy beat, beat a guy in S.I. Haya Cowah had a term. You know, these are kind of like, you know, offbeat Republicans have been elected to the Senate in California, but that was a long time ago, both of those races. Yeah. And you have to keep in mind that all of the Democrats who are originally in the primary Katie Porter, Barbara Lee, all of those votes are most likely going to go to Schiff. Because if you're for Katie Porter and then she drops out of the race, I don't think Garvey is your next go to. But I also have hope because you, you know, all these states at some point have to reach a breaking point where they say we can't take it anymore. I don't know how it hasn't happened already, but. Yeah. The problem is a lot of people who reach the breaking point just had to Texas or Florida or North Carolina or Tennessee or New Hampshire. They reach a breaking point, then they reach for their phones and they call up the U-Haul Company and they say, give me a heads up when we have some U-Hauls available. But, you know, Murphy, but getting back to Congressman Murphy, even though we don't have the sound, he said that, that, that, you know, Trump has to, has to stay in control. Yes. You know, all he has to do is stay in control and Biden will sink himself. Yes. It's absolutely true. Joe Biden, it can destroy himself. And the other part of it too, how is I don't think Trump, and this is a lot easier said than done. So keep that in mind. But I don't think Trump needs to get as defensive as he probably wants to when Biden makes false accusations or, you know, says things like 9% inflation and just things we all know are outright lies only because people know what their lives were like under Trump. So he should really focus on all of Joe Biden's failures. Don't get so defensive. Just focus on Joe Biden's failures. There's plenty to go there with. I know you played it, but this, this thing with Jared Bernstein, I can't believe they ever put this guy out in public again after that podcast, we couldn't define what a bond was. That was a documentary. It was called like, the big fix or something. Yeah. So Jared Bernstein, who is what, how, he's the chief of the economics economic, he's the chief of the White House Economic Advisory Council. He goes on Fox a lot. He's been on with Martha McCallum before where he's gone back and forth on inflation. And his big excuse originally, how he was, it's worse in Europe. And finally, Martha McCallum said, you're not in charge in Europe. You're in charge here. And so this was his response to Biden's lie about 9% inflation. Cut eight. Jared, why does he keep saying that? You're his top economic, you're the head of the Council economic advisors. Do you ever whisper in his ear, Mr. President, just to be technical about it, it was at 9% when he sued office. It was 1.4%. It got his eyes 9% in 2022. You brought it down from that, but it was never, ever, ever 9% when you came into office. So why does he keep saying? Well, first of all, let me point out that in that very quote you played, the president talked about how concerned he was for households struggling with prices that he consistently started. That's not what I asked you. That's not what I asked you. Why does he keep misrepresenting this? He's making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took off. No, that's not what he said. He said it was at 9%. It would eventually get to 9% a little over a year after that. But the fact of the matter is it was in 9%. So if I can't trust in quoting data in real time, why should I believe what he's talking about now? When you've lost Neil Cavuto, you've lost all the Democrats. It's really bad. And honestly, I don't envy any of these people who have to go out and try to explain why their boss is alive. When your dumbest Jared Bernstein or KJP or Kamala Harris, you know, those are the people that are in power, in positions, not power, I guess, but those are the dummies, the spokes dummies. Let's keep going with this. Cut 9. So the annual growth in core inflation in the second quarter of 21 was, in fact, about 9%. And his point about inflation down 60% off its peak is very much the case. No it was. It was not. It was not at that. So you're almost as bad as he is. Why can't you just say it was high? It got as high as 9%. You'd be accurate in saying that. And we have now brought it down and we're struggling in around the 3% area, but it's better than it was. But instead, to hang it on, it's predecessor that you inherited something that was through the roof when we were in the middle of COVID, it just seems to the American people when you were a partner and Democrat, you're lying. You're just lying. And he doesn't admit it. He in the next cut, he says something like, I see your point or something like that, which is translation, you're right. I'm lying. Ralph Waldo Emerson. I know I overuse it. The louder he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. Cut 10. Well, hold on. I hear you. I hear you. The president was making the point that I think is unequivocally true. The factors that took inflation to 9% were in place when he took that is not what he said, Jared. And you're a very smart guy with this stuff. No, he's not. No, you're right. He obviously thinks the world of you, many others do as well. You could have just told him, Chief, I got to tell you, Mr. President, whatever you say, you might even tackle him, Joe. That's how close you. So just say, sir, it was not 9%. Stop it with the 9% because the more you say that, the more people don't believe what you're saying. Anyone who thinks the world of Jared keeps saying it, Jared, keep saying it. That's what I say. They have not watched that documentary or even seen the cut of him from that documentary. But how bizarre is it, how that he says, the point he's making is unequivocally true. If the point you're making is unequivocally true, then you shouldn't have to use a lie to make said point that does not make any sense. And unequivocally means not true, in this case. The synonym for unequivocally is not true. Hey, everyone, I just want to remind you that my birthday remote is coming up on May 31st at the Aviva Tretria and Hanover. It's going to be so much fun. So call Aviva, make a reservation, get all excited. We'll see you there. If you spend $20, you can get a free copy of Paperboy one per table. We will see you on May 31st. Can't wait. By the way, Arden is saying isn't isn't butch body a homophobic slur? I mean, we've been thinking about it. What do you think, Grace? I wouldn't. I didn't. I thought it was offensive, but I maybe I'm wrong. I looked at the definition, I guess I could be considered offensive. Maybe not. I did see some people on social media saying it was offensive. I mean, we know it's not going to be considered that because she's a Democrat, but I think if a Republican said it, it would be not good. You know what? Confidential magazine, that was the famous scandal sheet in the 50s, JFK's favorite magazine. You know what they used to call lesbians, right? You know, baritone babes. See, what if you what if she what if she'd called the MTG of baritone Bay? I do think that's what she was trying to say, but maybe I'm wrong. All right. Thank you, Grace. Thanks. 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Don't delay, go to my pillow dot com and don't forget the code howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. Howie Car is back. It's Howie Car's cheap bastard deal. Oh yeah. Sounds too good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Car cheap bastard deal. Howie Car, the cheapest bastard around. This is one of our most popular perennial deals from ReadyWise. Whether you're affected by a snowstorm hurricane or other weather emergencies or bad windstorms today in Houston, it's wise to be prepared. These great tasting, freeze dried and dehydrated foods are ready in minutes when you just add water. They also come in stackable buckets with an easy grab and go handle, so they're easy to store and transport. While supplies last, you can purchase the ReadyWise 84 serving breakfast and entree grab and go bucket. It's a $210 value for just $105. This is a great deal. You need at least one of these wherever you wherever you are. Limit three per order. No refunds on this product. By purchasing this product service, you agree to receive email messages from the Howie Car Radio Network and the manufactured distributor of this product and service. What's included in this kit, I won't even get it. I can't even get into the whole thing. There's two pouches of creamy pasta that's eight total servings. Pasta Alfredo, two pouches, eight total servings. Chili Mac, eight total servings. Chicken noodle soup, eight total servings. Cheesy macaroni, savory stroganoff, hearty tortilla soup, granola, strawberry crunch, brown sugar and maple, maple, multi grain cereal and crunchy granola. It's all together. It's 17,680 calories, nine days of food at 1,800 calories per day. 84 cups of water required. This is a 25 year shelf life. It's it's really amazing. It's an amazing deal. Joining us now to talk about it is Brandon Erickson. Brandon, thanks for being with us and tell us about today's deal from ReadyWise. Great to be back Howie. Thanks for having me and it's always a pleasure to be on your show. And it's amazing to deal that you give to your listeners with this deal each month. This is my favorite bucket. It's a very, very good variety of entrees and breakfast, all hearty, high calorie type of meals. And it's easy to use this to get a food storage started. This is a great gift to send off to your your kids or your nieces and nephews at college to give away for a wedding gift. It's a great starter package. It's great to throw in the back of your car or take with you wherever you may go. Like you said, that the meals are regular meals that we're we're used to eating and all they take is a little bit of water and a little bit of time and you're ready to go. Yeah. And you say this has been selling extremely well this particular package 84 servings. Why do you why do you think it's doing so so well these days? Yeah, I think obviously the variety is a great variety. It's breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Like you said, for almost 10 days. It's it's a great package to add if you already have product or if you're just getting started. It's fairly affordable, especially the offer that you're given today. It's extremely affordable. And they're very popular meals meals that people are used to eating that are they're comfortable with. And so it has been one of our best sellers here in 2024. And we don't see that slowing down anytime soon. Yeah, it's again, creamy pasta, pasta, Alfredo, chili Mac, chicken noodle, cheesy macaroni, stroganoff tortilla soup, brown sugar and a multigrain maple, multigrain cereal, crunch granola. You're right, very, very filling type of products. Now it's better with it's better if you have hot water, but you don't need hot water, correct? Yeah, hot water, it rehydrates, you know, in about 15 minutes, if you didn't have hot water, you can rehydrate this product, you know, in 30 to 40 minutes with room temperature, cold water. It just tastes a little longer. And it's obviously not as hot, but it'll definitely work. So it's great for emergencies and, you know, how the National Weather Service is saying this is going to be one of the worst hurricane years, you know, in terms of what they're forecasting and what they're anticipating based on how, you know, things are panning out. So it's great to get prepared. This would take care of you and your family for a few days, if you had something like this on hand. Right. And this is a it's a really good thing to have have wherever you are. And you could put it with the with the way it's stashed with the grab-and-go handles and in stackable buckets. It's easy to stack it in your in a garage, a mudroom in the trunk of your car in the basement. And it's not going to be in the way. And it's just there whenever you need it. It's it has a 25 year shelf life. It's really a great, great deal. If people want to add this and again, how we car click on store. It's a two hundred and ten dollar value for just a hundred and five bucks. And what's your what's your website if people want to read up on another products that ReadyWise has, Brandon? Yeah, go to And we're actually, we have a promo code for your listeners today. They can enter promo code Howie25 for the other product. You get up to 25% off today if they want to go in order. So there's there's a lot of different items. Obviously, we've got fruits, vegetables, we've got drink mixes, we've got other selections that are organic offerings, etc. They can also call 85595 ready if they want to speak to a sales associate. Okay, great, Brandon. Go to, click on store and get the cheap bastard deal. It's a hell of a deal. ReadyWise. I'm HowieCar.