The Howie Carr Radio Network

Kamala for Governor? plus Harrison Butker and a Taco Ruling on Last Call | 5.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Jennifer McCabe takes the stand, Turtleriders! Grace monitors the most interesting trial in Massachusetts as a major character answers questions. Emma Foley joins the show for her weekly Last Call segment, and Grace weighs a scary scenario: Kamala Harris for Governor?

Broadcast on:
17 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone, welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. They have reconvened in Dedham in the Cairn Read trial. I believe it is still... Yes, still the prosecution. The prosecution. The prosecution. Okay, so we will hold off, and the second that we get word that it's something that we should be rolling with live, I can assure you that we will. Now joining us is Emma Foley for a fan favorite segment, last call. Last call! Time now for your end of the week wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Let's go. Last call, everybody. Now Emma joins us to go over some of the stories we may have missed, or just some stories that have really caught her eye, and she wants to share them with Grace Curly Show Nation. Go ahead, Emma. Hello Grace Curly Show Nation. Hello Grace Curly. Last week on last call, I mentioned that there were some commencement speeches to watch during this commencement season, and so I did watch them. I watched Pat Sajax at Hillsdale College. He talked about civility. I'm going to rank him in third place. He should have given that speech to the women on the Judiciary Committee in Congress. Oh yeah, a little bit of civility would be... Meow. Welcome there. In second place is Jerry Seinfeld at Duke University. He talked about privilege and humor, keeping your humor. And that was also great, so I definitely recommend that one. I saw a cut of him talking about humor, and I do think that that was a perfect way to hit on something that the younger groups are definitely missing. And sometimes that will happen, Jared, on our show where someone will call up and they'll say, "You know, you guys are laughing about this or that, and you're not taking it seriously enough." And it's like, "Listen, life can be real miserable if you let it, but you have to have fun with things." And sometimes when you see these young protesters, these young actors, there seems to be a lot of joy missing in their lives, a lot of levity. And Jerry Seinfeld knows that life's going to hit you with some things, but it's okay to have a good sense of humor about it. It's how civilizations have gotten through throughout history. It's not a bad thing. Yeah, you got to have a little mirth. You got to be a happy warrior. I like that mirth, good word. And you know who has a lot of mirth? Harrison Bucker, who wins this year's commencement speech of the season. He was speaking truth to Emma. That's what he was speaking. Truth to all Catholics, and we'll get into that. The applause is that we're coming from the women in the crowd. So he touched on all of the topics that we want to hear. He talked about how you need to live out your vocation well. He talked about the clergy, men and women. This was at Benedictine College. And we have a couple of cuts. Let's go to the first one where he speaks to men directly. To the gentleman here today, part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture. And when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S. And a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates as well. Be unapologetic in your masculinity. Fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don't necessarily enjoy. But if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that over something that you might think suits you better. I speak from experience as an introvert who now finds myself as an amateur public speaker and an entrepreneur. Something I never thought I'd be when I received my industrial engineering degree. Now, the mainstream media did not play that cut. That's not the one going viral. I know the one going viral. And I'm sure that the listeners have seen it on Fox and all that. So I've included a different cut. This is when he speaks to women and you get the reaction of the women at Benedictine College. Here it is. With the many talents God has given me. But it cannot be overstated. That all of my success is made possible. Because a girl I met in being class back in middle school. What converts to the faith? Become my wife. And embrace one of the most important titles of all. Homemaker. Now this speech, when I keep seeing headlines about it and think pieces about it. They're describing it as him telling women your places in the kitchen. That's not really what he was trying to say there. He was overcome with emotion. You know, praising his wife, lifting her up. And something that Emma, I would love to talk about a little bit is this idea of that if you comment on motherhood and on the fulfillment that and how much women look forward to that part of their lives. If you even comment on that or highlight that. That is now taken in our society as a slight towards women or an attack sometimes on women that he's trying to diminish what women are doing. He was not doing anything of the sort. He started out by saying a lot of you will go on to have great careers. I don't think he was trying to put those people down by saying it's also a wonderful thing to be a mother. Right. And I think it's important that he talked to both men and women and focusing on the home. So it's not that women have abandoned their role or men have been in their role. And maybe that's the case and that you can argue for that. The home has been abandoned by both. So that's a great point. In cities, especially you're seeing that absent fatherhood and when the father is absent, the mother is then stretched extremely thin. She's working multiple jobs. She's out of the house. She's doing everything. Two jobs and more. The mother of the father and then professional career and the children are then abandoned. And that's your next generation. And that's why the focus on the home is so important. That is such a great point. And I never thought of it in that way where it's not so much about women choosing. Because I see this conversation happening a lot with conservatives on social media where you'll have some conservative men saying that women should be at home with the children. That's where they're best suited for. That's their vocation. That's what they should be doing. And I always do think to myself, well, not everyone has that option. Like some women. And it doesn't just mean that only single mothers don't have that option. Some households just don't have that option. But I think what's more important is what you just highlighted. It's not the fact that women can't have careers and can't raise families. It's that they can't do that without a support system of having a supportive person in the home or a supportive family. And that's a part of it too is that raising children, they say it takes a village. It always was a multi-generational endeavor. And now it feels like a lot of times you have these young women who, like you said, are trying to do everything. And that's just not it's not meant for that. Right. And now, of course, the women online are gnashing their teeth. I wanted to point out now this blog or publication. I've never heard of it before. It's called Scary Mommy. So if that gives you kind of what we're looking at here, they say this is Harrison Buckers spewing wildly ignorant BS. And they also describe him as sporting a very January 6th-ish haircut. What is a January 6th haircut? I don't know because I thought all of the guys were wearing baseball hats or kind of balding because they were like middle-aged dads that were just showing up to go whoo-hoo. He seemed like he had a good head of air on him too. And it was just cut clean, right? Pretty clean cut. Yep. Yeah, I saw that Kansas City, the Twitter account, did you see this? They actually docked him. They put out just a reminder that Harrison Bucker lives in the city of, I'm not going to say it because I don't want to, you know, redox him. But someone at that account, then they came out and said, "Oh, there was a mistake." Whatever. It seems pretty intentional. Somebody on that account thought it would be cute to say, "Just a reminder, this guy who's getting all this backlash online from unhinged people, this is where he lives in case you want to go find him." People think there's going to be a lot of backlash. There's like a petition to recall him from the NFL. And the NFL came out and said, "You know, he talks for himself and not for us. We're so inclusive." But actually, his jersey has surpassed Patrick Mahomes as the NFL's best-selling jersey right now. Yeah, I think that because you oftentimes in media hear from the loudest screeching, squeaky wheels that you assume that the whole world's gone crazy, but it really hasn't. There's a lot of people who like what they're hearing from Harrison, but you don't have to agree with everything he said. But there's people out there who do agree with what he said, and they don't feel like he should be punished for saying it. And that part of this conversation, Emma, is infuriating to me that the NFL feels that you would have thought this guy committed a violent crime the way the NFL came out and rebuked him. Like, they had to come out with a condemnation. If only he had actually committed a violent crime or, you know, hit someone with a car or beat up his girlfriend, the NFL would have said a whole lot of nothing. But because he said, "Oh, you know, I have this beautiful wife and she's done so much for me and she does a wonderful job." The NFL's like, "We better come out with something about this." Right, right, and I made a little bit of a list of professional sports and what's been thrown in our face, and we're expected to just sit with our hands folded. So we sat with our hands folded through the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence back when the Dodgers allowed that Colin Kaepernick and that whole fiasco that went on for years. And Megan Rapino, a personal irritation, when she went into all of her gender nonsense, and we sat through that. And now it's, I think it's time to take a stand. And so Harrison Butler did. The other part, too, is that he gave a commencement address, right? And I can't tell you how many commencement addresses I've sat through. 'Cause all my siblings graduate from school, I'd go to theirs. I can't tell you how many people I've sat through at these liberal arts colleges who I didn't agree with. I didn't agree with every single point they made. I wasn't calling up their place of work or even calling up the school and saying, "How dare you make me sit for 45 minutes and listen to someone who's ideas. I don't agree with 100%. It's insane." Mine quoted Obama, if that tells you anything. Yeah, but I think you were okay. You moved on. Yeah, I don't even remember his name. Exactly. That's what I'm talking about. Emma Foley, thank you so much. Give us that one last thing, though, about the taco situation before we go. Ah, yes. So it's been settled in Indiana judge has ruled that a taco is a sandwich. The Bogadose. So this is settled science. I hope somebody appeals for the sake of taco identity. What is this obsession with classifying things as either a sandwich or not a sandwich? When did we become so into that as a society? Like, why do we need to know this? You would say it's just semantics until this taco company, the famous taco, wanted to open in a shopping center that doesn't allow fast food but would allow sandwich shops made to order sandwich shops. And so they needed to classify themselves as a sandwich. Oh! So Craig J. Bobay, who happens to be a Pence-appointed judge, I don't know if that tells you anything about his sandwich choices, in Allen County, Indiana, has said that a taco is a Mexican-style sandwich. I don't know. Sandwich, I think, two slices. Taco's just one. Right. I think it's all about the enclosure. Yeah. Sandwich needs an open... In its purest original form, according to legend, bread and meat. Meat between bread is required to make it a sandwich. But what about it like a PB&J? The rules of John Montague. Now, yeah, that's a protein between... You could make that argument, but in its purest form, meat and bread. I would love to do... Can you have a vegetarian sandwich? I mean, as long as it's between bread and it's some type of food, I guess. Yeah, I don't think, like... This is without us realizing, this is Judge Jared. This is a Judge Jared Sament. John Montague, the Earl of Sandwich, who was credited with creating the sandwich, because he was such an inventor gambler, he didn't want to put his cards down. So he told the people to bring him something he could eat with one hand, so they slapped some mutton between bread. I mean, I have heard this legend. Yeah, and I hate to say this, but I think you heard it on this show, because it's not the first time that Jared stole a sandwich. I've heard that before, too. So is it a hamburger or a sandwich? It is meat between bread, yes. I don't know. I did a little research. Ruth Bader Ginsburg says that a hot dog is a sandwich, and so I disagree with her on one more thing. But I don't think that when she was... 20 hot dogs would equal roughly a nickel. If I remember that correctly, and I could be wrong, but I think she was being interviewed by Katie Kirk or something, she wasn't in her Judge capacity. Like, she didn't have on the robe, she wasn't, you know, looking at the briefs. She was just giving her knee-jerk reaction. I don't think she cared that much. So you can't take it as seriously as some of her other decisions. With all that being said, when we come back, we've got a lot more to get to. So don't go anywhere. The number is 844-542-42. Thank you very much to Emma Foley. We'll be back after the break. Well, hot dog. We have a wiener. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. You still have time to go to and vote in the poll question today. It's brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should Jasmine Crockett, AOC, and MTG all be kicked off of their committee for the cat fight? Yes. We don't want to encourage cat fights. There needs to be a very clear decision that this is not something that is going to be allowed. So yeah. I would say all three. Crockett, Ocasio-Cortez, and Taylor Greene. Give them the boot, tell them you're not getting kicked out of Congress by any means, but you can't be on this committee, and if you keep it up, you'll get kicked off your other committees as well. 63% of the audience now agrees with you. Yes. Kick them off the committee. I do want to play more of that Anderson Cooper sound when we come back just because to hear Anderson Cooper describe what a train wreck this Michael Cohen testimony is. I do wish there were cameras in this courtroom. At first, I thought, oh, no, I'm glad there's not because the media would take things out of context. But seeing the reports and the descriptions from the media about just how unreliable Michael Cohen is and how he's making things up as he goes, it does seem like it would be entertaining. Yeah, and Jake Novak, who we had on at 105, you can get the podcast wherever you get your podcasts. He brought it up and he was correct. You, what's fascinating about the clip is you're watching somebody in real time realize that this is just completely idiotic in every sense of the word and you see him come to the realization. You see him coming to terms with it. You see him like grasping the concepts that basically everything he had been pitching was a lie. It's, it's amazing to see. Yeah, he got to see how a real lawyer works, something he's not familiar with and it was able to tear apart his testimony. I wanted to mention because I just watched this video in the New York Post. There's a video of Sean Diddy Combs and we obviously know that he's embroiled in this massive investigation. I believe the FBI raided his home in Miami, but he had settled with his then girlfriend Cassie Venture. I remember when I was younger, she, she had a couple of hits. Very pretty and I do remember her a little bit. I can't remember what song she sang, but I guess she dated him for a while and he settled with her pretty quickly right after the case was brought and for a lot of money. It was in the, Jared, you got to look up exactly how much, but I remember thinking, oh, there's a lot to this if he's willing to settle that quickly for that much money. Now video is coming out and it surveillance video of this hotel that they were staying at and it shows the rapper running after the singer down a hallway in LA. He's got a towel wrapped around his waist. He grabs Cassie by the back of the neck and throws her to the floor and then he proceeds to kick her. So she, you can see her leave the hotel room, right? And she's got her bag, she's got a suitcase and a purse and she's clearly trying to make an escape. She said that she was beat up beforehand and she was trying to get out and then he follows her in his towel down the hallway, kind of grabs her by the neck, throws her to the ground, then kicks her and then throws something at her. It's really scary and I think we're going to be seeing from the reports that I've read. He was big on recording things like at his house. If what I'm reading is true, he is a freak and I don't think this is the last of the video we're going to see. I think this is just the beginning, but very, very scary stuff on the New York Post right now of Sean Diddy Combs. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. When we come back, Kamala Harris is joking around about potentially running for governor of California. If this whole VP thing doesn't work out a second time around, we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about Trump's potential VP picks and we're going to give you an update on the Karen retrial because Jared has been following it from his perch as the producer. We've got that coming up for you on the other side. It's Friday and there's so much more of the Grace Curly show when we return. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Jared, give us a little update on what's going on on a live feed because I know that Jennifer McCabe is being questioned by the prosecution, but so far you're saying there's nothing really. Yeah, the one interesting tidbit as I guess they have in the evidence that she texted John O'Keefe at Jen McCabe texted John O'Keefe at 449 a.m. saying quote Karen is worried we need to find you. That's kind of come out, but there's really not much more context to that. Now she's recounting when she got back from dropping off the girls. She's talking about how her husband was on a crazy diet. He had some cheese and didn't want to watch a show and then they went upstairs. So we're not with an umbrella. I haven't missed that much. You know what I'd be curious about if someone could just write out a timeline because depending on when she did the Google search versus when they found John O'Keefe versus when she's texting John O'Keefe, that to me, I would like to put that in a little bit of a visual way so I could see when all this was happening because it is hard to keep track of these timelines of when these people are all getting together and moving from spot to spot from waterfalls to another bar to the homes all after midnight. It's hard to keep track of where everybody's at, especially when you throw in the text messages and things like that. Jared, I did want to go back to some of this sound because we played a little bit of it here and there, but I don't think we played enough of this Neil Cavuto Jared Bernstein sound. So right now Joe Biden's favorite lie is that when he came into office, inflation was at 9%. That's a whopper. Even for Joe, Glenn Kessler gave that for Pinocchio's and there's nothing Glenn Kessler hates doing more than giving Joe Biden one Pinocchio, let alone four. And so Neil Cavuto asked Jared Bernstein why he keeps repeating this lie and I want to play the full back and forth. Let's start with the cut we played for Jake Novak, cut 11. Jared, why does he keep saying that? You're its top economic, you're the head of the Council of Economic Advisors. Do you ever whisper in his ear, Mr. President, just to be technical about it, it was at 9% when he assumed office. It was 1.4%. It got his eyes 9% in 2022. You brought it down from that, but it was never, ever, ever 9% when you came into office. So why does he keep saying? Well first of all, let me point out that in that very quote you played, the President talked about how concerned he was for households struggling with prices that he consistently. That's not what I asked you. That's not what I asked you. Why does he keep misrepresenting this? He's making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office. No, that's not what he said. He said it was at 9%. It would eventually get to 9% a little over a year after that. But the fact of the matter is it was in 9%. So if I can't trust in quoting data in real time, why should I believe what he's talking about now? Yeah, and you know you're not going to get a straight answer out of Jared Bernstein because what's he really supposed to say? He's a liar. He can't run on his own record because it sucks. Inflation was 1.4% and then it skyrocketed once Joe Biden got comfortable at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He can't say that. So he has to do this whole song and dance about what he really meant, you know, in the deepest parts of his heart, what he really meant to say, and of course that's all BS. And by the way, I'm not a huge Neil Cavuto fan. Like, I don't think he's, I think Martha McCallum during the day does a better job of holding someone like Jared Bernstein speed to the fire. But in this case, you know that you're really losing people if Neil Cavuto is giving you a good grilling. Like, that's when you know that you're frustrating people beyond the point that they can stomach. Can I also have cut 12, Jared? So the annual growth in core inflation in the second quarter of 21 was in fact about 9% and his point about inflation down 60% off its peak is very much the case. No, it was not. It was not at that. So you're almost as bad as he is. Why can't you just say it was high? It got as high as 9% you'd be accurate in saying that and we have now brought it down and we're struggling in around the 3% area. But it's better than it was, but instead to hang it on his predecessor that you inherited something that was through the roof when we were in the middle of COVID, it just seems to the American people when you were a Democrat, you're lying, you're just lying. You're just lying and you play cut 13 for me. Now I want to see how this ends. Well, hold on. I hear you. I hear you. The president was making the point that I think is unequivocally true. The factors that took inflation to 9% in a place when he... Let me get this straight. To make the point that's unequivocally true, according to Jared Bernstein, the president has to unequivocally lie to make the point. The point that he's trying to make is so apparent. It's so glaring that he has to lie through his teeth in order to make said point. Do I have that correct? That's weird. That's a weird way of working this. Now, speaking of weird, I do want to also play because there's just a lot of great sound today. Anderson Cooper. Anderson Cooper was in the courtroom when Michael Cohen finished up his testimony and the prosecution has rested. They've said, "Okay, we're good. Michael Cohen was our star witness and we're all set." Trump actually today was at his son Barron's graduation from high school. But Anderson Cooper was reporting back what he saw with this Michael Cohen testimony. And it all kind of came down to this phone call with Keith Schiller. Now, Michael Cohen was claiming that phone call was about Stormy Daniels, but the text messages leading up to that phone call show that Michael Cohen is getting very frustrated because there's a prankster. There's a prankster who keeps calling him. I don't know if it's the Compramat guys who are calling Adam Schiff, but there's some dope who keeps calling him up and bothering him. And so he's texting Keith Schiller saying, "I need this guy to stop calling me." And then Keith Schiller says, "Hold on a second. I'll get on the line." So if you were just reading between those lines, your logical response would be that the phone call was about the prankster because that was the messages up to that point. And that was brought up to Michael Cohen. I don't think he was expecting it. I don't think he knew that this was going to be entered into evidence. This back and forth text message. And Anderson Cooper said it really did destroy the entire reason Michael Cohen was on the stand, cut 19. This is the conversation that previously Michael Cohen had said he was calling to speak to Donald Trump to tell him that the storm -- he was going ahead with the Stormy Daniels arrangement and the Trump approved it, which was a crucial to Michael Cohen's whole raise on debt trip for being on the stand. He was the only person testifying to direct involvement by Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels payments. But according to, suddenly now Michael Cohen's refresh memory, he now says, "Oh, it was a call about this 14-year-old making crank phone calls to me, but also about the moving ahead on Stormy Daniels." Todd Blanche was incredulous, his voice cracking, his voice raising up, moving around the courtroom, saying that what the jury doesn't want to hear him guessing it wants to hear facts. It was an extraordinary cross-examination by Todd Blanche. Now, here's my question on that. So you have Anderson Cooper, not notorious for being a huge MAGA Republican, not someone who's a big fan of Donald Trump. Actually, he almost cried when Caitlyn Collins hosted a town hall with Donald Trump. He was very upset by that. He said he wouldn't blame people on seeing that if they never watched the network again. So this is a guy who despises orange men and wants to see him taken down politically. And he's saying it's stunning. He's saying that there's really no other way around this testimony. It was damaging for Michael Cohen, kind of blew up Alvin Bragg's whole case, which was very weak to begin with. So my question now, it's more rhetorical because I do think I know the answer, but if they get a guilty verdict, it is Anderson Cooper go out on CNN and say, this is a crock of crap. Absolutely not. Because even by just accurately reporting what he saw in that courtroom, that is in essence what he's saying, is that this was based off a liar's testimony, and he was proven to be a double-triple, double-dog-dereal liar during his final, you know, moment on the stand. So when they come back with the verdict, are these same people like Ellie Honig and others at CNN, maybe even Jeffrey Tubin? Are they gonna come out and say, yeah, this really was a sham of mockery of a sham. This was a miscarriage of justice. This shouldn't have happened. This jury was clearly biased, and Trump should appeal this, and it shouldn't stand. No, I know they won't, but it would be nice if they did. Let me get one more Anderson Cooper cut 20. Throughout the day, Michael Cohen, when he found himself in a corner, he does have a pattern of suddenly not understanding the question that's being asked. It seemingly kind of, I mean, one could say, buying time to try to figure out what he wants to answer, but he definitely suddenly starts to, you know, have a Todd Blanche repeat question since I don't quite understand what you mean. I'm confused by the question, but this time, Michael Cohen was cornered in what appeared to be a lie, I think, to many in the room, and had to adjust suddenly his memory that he had just testified to on Tuesday. When you've lost Anderson Cooper, you're not putting on the performance that the ladies on the view were hoping you would. You know, you better hope that your TikTok career is going to take off because you're not a star witness. The word star gets thrown around a lot in this case, Jared, you got porn stars, you've got star witnesses, everyone star is burning out pretty quickly, I would say. Now, speaking of people who stars are burning out pretty quickly, Kamala Harris, according to some people, she's joking around about maybe running for governor. If she doesn't, if they don't get in for another term and she can't be VP, and this got me thinking because they have confirmed there's going to be a debate, a vice presidential debate, I believe on CBS. And, of course, we don't know who Kamala Harris is going to be debating. And so then I started to think of Trump's pick in a different light because typically when I think of who Trump's going to pick, I think about, you know, who's going to be a nice copilot for Trump, who's going to know how to handle certain situations, who's going to work the media the right way. But I didn't think about who's going to debate Kamala Harris. And, of course, anyone, any one of the people that's on Trump's shortlist is more than capable of debating Kamala Harris, but I don't want someone who's just more than capable. I want someone who's going to crush her in a debate. I think it's JD Vance. I think anybody else. I think Doug Burgum. I think Tim Scott. I think any of these other people will be too nice. I think either JD Vance or Viveg, but even more so, I think JD Vance. I think he will be able to just crush her in a debate. And I would like to see that. David, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, David? Hey, Grace. I just wanted to say that all this – well, Stormy Daniels and Cohen, you know, people can't feed their families on Stormy Daniels or Cohen. You can't feed your family on abortion. You can't feed your family and all this stuff. They could feed their family under Trump. And last night, for instance, they showed that since Biden's been in office, inflation has been up 19.9%. Shelter is the cost of shelters. 21% up. Car insurance is 52% up. Household values is 29.7% up. And all this is just crap to try to get Trump out of office. People can't feed their families. I don't give a damn about Stormy Daniels or Cohen, who – what kind of lawyer records his own client? And one other thing, Grace, you know, this whole thing with the quarterback, the chief quarterback, the NFL needs to smarten up. Because I don't know if they're talking about equity. How about the Negro project by Margaret Suggins? She wanted to have black pastors who were very friendly to promote killing the unborn by spreading birth control and abortion and black neighbors. How many NFL players, like Bo Jackson or Derek have been – Michael Vick have been aborted? You're talking about the kicker from the chief's Harrison Butker, and we did talk about that with Emma Foley. And the NFL, I mean, obviously, they're massive hypocrites. They don't make statements if their players almost kill people in cars or almost beat up – you know, do beat up their girlfriends, domestic violence. If you just type in on Google domestic violence in the NFL, there's plenty of incidents where the NFL could have come out with the statement and chose not to, or they chose to speak out against Harrison Butker for a commencement speech, 844-542, and your first point about the economy and people not being able to feed their families and people really struggling. I think it's true, and I think the Biden has spent three and a half years basically trying to tell people that what they're seeing with their own eyes isn't happening. And now they know that that's not true, so now they're hoping they can just lie about it. They can blame it on the guy before. And it's not going to work. I really don't believe it's going to work. And I think people are waking up to this. And in fact, actually, CNN of all places had this poll that Biden should be worried about talking about black voters. And I always say this about black voters. Trump – if Trump gets even a slice of what Biden is supposed to get as the Democrat, you know, he tells black people, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Like, he thinks that he is owed these votes. He doesn't have to work for the black vote. He thinks that they owe it to him. That they have no other option. If Trump can even get a sliver of that, it's going to be a big issue for Joe. And based off the numbers I'm seeing, he's getting more than a sliver. Can we cut tenured? Let's break it down by age because I really think this gives you a good insight into what's exactly cooking here. Take a look here. If you look among black voters, age 50 and over, you see that Joe Biden has a very substantial leader. Look at this, 82% to 8%. This lead is still in the 70s. This looks a lot like what we saw in the overall polling back in 2020. But look at voters under the age of 50. Look here. Donald Trump is pulling 25% of that vote. Joe Biden is at just 62% of this vote. This lead, Sarah, this lead is just a south of 40% points. This is historic. This is what a lot of folks have been talking about, that Joe Biden has a specific problem among younger black voters. And that is exactly what's showing up right here. If you compare the polls of what Donald Trump is doing as far as polling with the black community compared to previous Republican presidents, it really is something to watch. 844-542-42. We'll be right back with Howie Carr. We got a lot more to talk about. Before we wrap this up for the weekend, don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food and energy costs rising. One of our callers is just pointing that out. Families are feeling the financial pinch and they're struggling to make ends meet. But preparation is key and our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Howie joins me now. So what do we think is the strategy right now with the prosecution? Are they running out the clock here with this latest witness, Jennifer McKib? Well, for the weekend they're running out the clock. And hoping that we'll pick it. That comment will strike the courthouse tomorrow and they won't have to reconvene on Monday morning. But Howie, you're able to watch it when I'm on the air and keep tabs on it. Was there anything about her testimony today and guaranteed it is coming from its friendly fire? But was there anything that stuck out to you? Well, I mean, it just depends on whether you believe her story or not. I mean, everything is leading up to the how long to die in the cold text. Yeah, I think so too. And, you know, she's going to claim that, oh, I sent that at 622 after we found the body. But, you know, again, the defense has forensic evidence that it went out at 222. Or at least that's what they're saying. Yeah, didn't they tell us that, though, at the same time that they told us that the feds brought in their own recreation experts about the car accident? Right. So I was assuming that the forensics on the text messages were by the higher-ups, like the feds or some agency that they brought in. Yeah, they're going to, I mean, you know, the Norfolk County is going to have, you know, forensic reconstructions for a dollar incorporated doing their work. And then they'll have the feds will have their people doing it. That seems like an easy thing to figure out. Now it is. You know, in 2024, what time was a text message sent? Did you ever have this problem with a text message? I have not, but I haven't had this whole case. There's a lot of problems that I can't figure out. Howie Carr is coming up next. You don't want to miss it. Jennifer McCabe is on the stand now. We'll reconvene on Monday with more. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)