The Howie Carr Radio Network

"You're Lying:" Neil Cavuto Slams Jared Bernstein | 5.17.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Tune in to Grace as she explores the world of mainstream media and the lies of the Left.

Broadcast on:
17 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-Up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. They're taking a recess for lunch in the Caron Read trial, and if they come back for the cross-examination, I'm not sure how much we'll get done today, but we will take that because, as I pointed out in the opening, this is for a lot of people, the witness they've been wanting to hear from, Jennifer McCabe, how long to die in the cold. And if that's going to be today, if I was a betting woman, I would say it's probably going to be Monday. I think that actually might be better even for the defense to have that on Monday to tackle that at the start of a new week. But we will keep you posted on it. I didn't even think she was going to be on today. I thought they were going to wait until Monday for that, so I've been wrong already. In the meantime though, I wanted to talk to one of my favorite guests, Jake Novak from Jake's Take Substack. And Jake is here to discuss, last time we had you on Jake, we played an unbelievable cut of Jared Bernstein, trying to explain the economy in this weird documentary where it was a complete disaster for him. Now I have another cut because he is parroting a lie from Joe Biden. This is not a complex lie. This is not a nuanced lie. This is Joe Biden's favorite new lie, which is that when he stepped into the White House, inflation was at 9%. It's very easy to debunk. So I want to play this for the audience. Neil Cavuto holding Jared Bernstein's feet to the fire on this. Can I have cut 11, please? Jared, why does he keep saying that? You're his top economic, you're the head of the Council of Economic Advisors. Do you ever whisper in his ear, Mr. President, just to be technical about it, it was at 9% when you assumed office. It was 1.4%. It got his eyes 9%. In 2022, you brought it down from that, but it was never, ever, ever 9% when you came into office. So why does he keep saying? First of all, let me point out that in that very quote you played, the President talked about how concerned he was for households struggling with prices that he consistently started asking you. That's not what I asked you. Why does he keep misrepresenting this? He's making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office. No, that's not what he said. He said it was at 9%. It would eventually get to 9% a little over a year after that. But the fact of the matter is it was in 9%. So if I can't trust him quoting data in real time, why should I believe what he's talking about now? I would love your reaction to that, Jake, as someone who had worked with Jared Bernstein and debated him before. What do you make of his response? Well, the first thing we should do, Grace, is we should ask Jared Bernstein, Jared, blink twice, if you need to get out of this bad situation. And I have a sanctuary city here for you and perhaps even a job of my cousin's dry cleaners. You know, Jared Bernstein, ever since Joe Biden was vice president, has been the guy who's been willing to get trotted out on Fox News and to deal with the non-regime news media anchors. I mean, whatever you think about Fox News there, they're going to give him a hard time. You kind of know that. The show that I ran, we were always very nice to him. And I don't think Neil was being rude to him either. He was just kind of pressing him. But, you know, and there's clearly like some kind of pot of gold at the end of that rainbow for Jared Bernstein for his years of service of combat duty. But, you know, what he really wants to say is, tell me about it, Neil. I have a feeling based on the way that he keeps going to that explanation of that, oh, nobody's really trying to say is that Donald Trump started the process towards 9% inflation. And, you know, once we got a chance to kind of reverse it, it took us several months, we did. But you can tell, like, either that's what they've told Biden and he's unable to articulate that, which is very possible. It's very possible that Joe Biden is just not able to hear that and say it right. But I think it's more likely that, look, Grace, I said this to you before, there is no bigger political killer for an incumbent administration than inflation. When people are experiencing it, when people are talking about it, there's almost no way around it. And you can almost understand why they're saying, like, well, let's lie, let's just lie. Because, honestly, there's no, and I have some better ideas on that, which is why I'm not a political consultant because political consultants don't have good ideas. But the fact is, I think that that is literally what the consultants are saying right now, just lie. Because half the people on regime news video will accept it, the other will just ignore. And then once in a while, they have a Neil Cavuto go with it. I think that's what's going on for Jared. I mean, I don't really feel sorry for him, but it's some part of me thinks, boy, he's really doing the combat duty for no good reason. Yeah, and I hate when the response to such a simple question is, well, first of all, it's like, whoa, stay with where we're at. You don't need to go back in time and try to explain the factors that led to it. He's lying, and you're right. Jared Bernstein's kind of stuck in a hard spot there. I don't know how he can just come out and say, well, you know, Joe Biden really likes to lie. It's one of his favorite hobbies. It's how he got elected. He's been doing it his whole career. I don't think that would be good for Jared Bernstein's career. Now, I want to switch gears here, Jake, to something else. Last time I had you on, we talked a lot about this New York City hush money trial. And your interview was so impactful for me because you really brought up how I was giving the judge in this case. I was giving the prosecutors Alvin Bragg's team in this case too much credit. And you were right. You said to me, you don't understand just how dumb some of these people in New York are that have these positions of power just because they're in big high positions doesn't mean they know what they're doing. And I think we've seen that on display even more so since the last time I talked to you. Now they've kind of worked their whole case around Stormy Daniels, the porn star whose story has changed numerous times. And Michael Cohen, the serial purgerer, that has come undone. I want to play, and I know I'm playing a lot of sound, Jake, but this is just too good to pass up on. Anderson Cooper was reporting now, obviously we don't have cameras in the courtroom. We're relying on some of the descriptions from these anchors. Anderson Cooper is describing Cohen's cross examination by Trump's lawyers. And it's pretty amazing. Can I have cut 18 please? I mean, the story, you know, the Todd Blanche just methodically went through the sequence of events of this phone conversation that Michael Cohen had testified to previously, you know, that he had had this consequential phone conversation with Donald Trump. It was a 92nd phone conversation. I believe it was October 24th over the day it was testified to and around 8 a.m. or so at night, but Todd Blanche on his cross examination today, went kind of looked at the transcripts of text messages that Michael Cohen had received and sent before that timeframe. And there had been this series, I guess, of crank calls that Michael Cohen had received. It turned out to be from some 14-year-old. There was an exchange of messages between the alleged 14-year-old and Michael Cohen. And then Michael Cohen text Keith Schiller at like 750 something or 748 p.m. saying, "Hey, you know, I've got some dope has been harassing me. I got the person's phone number. Who can I talk to?" Keith Schiller texts him back saying, "Call me." And Michael Cohen calls Keith Schiller. Yeah, he goes on to say that Michael Cohen, it seemed like he was kind of coming up with the story on the spot. And then Anderson Cooper says that he thinks it's devastating for Michael Cohen's credibility. As you know, Jake, his credibility wasn't strong to begin with. And he says if he was a juror watching it, he would think this guy's making this up as he goes along. What does that tell you? Anderson Cooper, not a huge fan of Donald Trump. I think he one time called him like a turtle who, you know, has rolled over on its back. What does that tell you about how this case is going for Alvin Breck? Well, what you just heard, Grace, was Anderson and Cooper's soil in green is people moment. He's just sort of realizing that this junk that the administration has been serving the regime news media and asking them to get breathless and excited about the trials of the century against Donald Trump is really just garbage. And at some point, you're going to have some people, it will be the Anderson Cooper's of the world who I also don't think is the greatest intellect, by the way, but who clearly would rather be doing an afternoon talk show with the real housewives. But nevertheless, he's been in the business long enough that he feels emboldened a little bit to say, hey, you're feeding me soil in green here. I know this isn't filet mignon, and he's going to speak up every once in a while when he's forced to swallow this kind of garbage. So you just heard that, you know, I know it wasn't live, but if you heard it for the first time, you heard in real time Anderson Cooper kind of realizing that the news media has been force fed this garbage. And at some point, maybe he'll also have a revelation that he could really do better for himself and his career if he made more of a point of this kind of stuff and said, look, don't like Donald Trump, don't like these kinds of things, but this trial is an embarrassment to us, and at CNN, we will no longer, by the way, they didn't even cover President Biden's live speeches last week, the couple that he had, so they could stay on that. You mentioned a real camera in the courtroom, they were okay with the still picture of Donald Trump sitting there, instead of showing the president live, that's how crazy they are about this. If I were running CNN, I would say, listen, this is the worst news decision in the world. You never go away from a live event with the president to just have people talking about something that there isn't even a camera on it. Yeah, to have a video of a building, yeah, but you know what Jake, what you just made me think of is because we've had this conversation before, I talk about all the time of the listeners about, I'm speaking with Jake Novak, by the way, about whether or not these, if there's any hope that these jurors could come to their senses, make a fair decision when it comes to Donald Trump. And a lot of people think, no, a lot of people have been telling me, oh, you know, this is law fair, which I agree with, but he has no shot, it's Sapphire Blue, New York, there's no chance that they're going to have a guilty verdict. Well, that's Anderson Cooper, and Anderson Cooper despises Donald Trump. He was the one who, I think he was mad at Caitlin Collins for even interviewing Donald Trump. This guy who has skinned the game as far as despising Orange Man bad, sitting here and saying, if I was a juror in that courtroom, I would have a very hard time believing the prosecution's case. Does that give you any hope about what this verdict might be? And also, I would just ask you, when do you think we're going to get one? Yeah, no, it doesn't give you much hope, I'll tell you why, because Anderson Cooper still makes a lot of money. He came from a very wealthy family. The thing that I'm really concerned about is Judge Murchan's charge to the jury, his instructions to the jury before they go deliberate. We should all pay very close attention to that, because I'm betting dollars to donuts that those instructions to the jury will be very heavily in favor of telling them to ignore these moments that we're just talking about now. He's going to find a way to say, you have to judge whether that moment somehow counterbalances with all these other things that you'll see, this is the kind of wording that we're going to hear in the instructions to the jury. It's going to be very dramatic, I think. Plus, you've got those jurors in there, and when I grew up in New York in the '80s, I thought that the New York juries were the best. Now I think we're too much like the LA juries who look at their time on a jury as a chance to become a celebrity themselves. So Anderson Cooper, he's got nothing to lose, he's already got his job, he's got his money. I mean, how are you going to resist that opportunity to get some minutes of fame and a paid interview when you're the person who convicted a former president? I'm still not betting against the conviction here, but certainly by all rights, he should be acquitted. This should never have gone to trial in the first place, don't get me wrong, but I don't trust this jury, and I don't trust this judge. Wow, yeah, that's very, very concerning. One last question for you, Jake Novak. Donald Trump has agreed, Joe Biden has agreed to debate, do you think it's going to happen? We've got debate scheduled for June 27th, I believe CNN hosted by Jake Tapper, a lot of rules that Joe Biden put into place for him to actually show up, including a microphone that has to shut off after the candidate's done speaking, no live audience. There's a few things there. Do you think this is going to happen? Will Joe Biden show up to this debate? Well, I still don't think so, although clearly it's more of a possibility than before with last week. You admit I was wrong when the debate actually starts, but here's something to think about great because our two topics today are not unrelated. I think there's a very good chance that Donald Trump's going to be convicted. I think there's a very good chance that Judge Murchin will either try to jail Trump or put him under house arrest, and that will certainly cover the period through June 27th, and then the Biden campaign has this excuse they can use, "Well, we can't debate a guy under house arrest." Yeah. And I think I really think that this this date is very, very telling. I was really surprised when they proposed the date before the convention, which has never been done before. I'm all for it. I'd like to have more debates because we know these guys are going to be the candidates, but I thought to myself, you know what, they're betting on a conviction, which is not a bad bet right now, and they're betting on the fact that Donald Trump will be in disposed for lack of a better word. So watch for that. Since we're talking hypothetical, Jake, I got one more question for you, okay, and you got to give me a one-word answer. If Judge Merchant does put Trump in jail, and you know, I'm hoping that doesn't happen, but if he does, does it help Trump, or does it hurt Trump's reelection chances? No effect. It will not affect the polls one way or the other. Wow. It's going to really help them are wrong, and people who think it's going to really hurt them are wrong. They're both wrong. It will have no effect, and this whole thing is a waste of time. Jake Novak, thank you so much. Tell people where they can follow your sub stack and where they can follow you on Twitter. Yeah, best place is Jake It's normal spelling in OVAK, and I'm on X at Jake, Jake, and Y. Awesome. Thank you so much, sir. We appreciate your time. We'll be right back with your calls 844-542. All of those topics are fair game. If you want to discuss, we'll be right back. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. I've noticed Karina Jean-Pierre, the White House Press Secretary, she's added a new phrase to her repertoire. She's leaning on something new. She hasn't abandoned perfectly clear. We've been very clear, clarity clear as we've been clear, clear, clear, blah, blah, blah. She hasn't abandoned that. In fact, I checked out the transcript from yesterday, did a quick search. She said the word "clear" 35 plus times during that White House press briefing, and these aren't particularly long press briefings, but I noticed you're she's got a new go to. I'm going to be very mindful of that. That's something that's come up a lot. I want to be very mindful. It's just a way to buy time, and you can trick some people with that some of the time, but you can't trick me. As someone who talks for three hours, I know the tricks. I know when you're strong for time, trying to find a piece of paper, what you say, but that's her latest. I want to be very mindful of that. If she's being mindful of something, that is your cue, that is your hint that you're not going to know anything about it. If she's being mindful of something, that's another way of saying sources and methods. I can't comment on that. The Hatch Act. They're all the same. They're all different fill-ins for one another. When she says she's being mindful of that, you have to consider the mind that we're working with. Broad versus Board of Education, Jared, that's something that's been on my mind. I've been very mindful of that ever since I heard it. I've been doing some googling. What is broad versus Board of Education? Peter, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Peter? I think all of the stuff that's in the news today is a red herring, meaning the trials, the polls, everything, it's all fake. As a Democrat, I've already printed 50 million fake ballots with Joe Biden's name on them. If Trump gets 100 million votes in November and Biden gets 50, they'll just roll out 55 million ballots, and Kamala Harris will say, we win. Why do you think they have 55 million ballots printed, fake ballots? Because of their confidence that they're going to win, that's all. I mean, it worked last time. As a host of a show, and I'm not saying that we're running the country here, but I do have a little bit of responsibility to push back and just say, you know, we can't, one, yeah, there's always going to be election fraud. I'm not denying that. And I understand why people feel so insecure about our current elections and the integrity in which we have them. And I am all for securing them more and putting more guardrails in place so that people like Pierre feel better about their vote being cast and, you know, I don't want pipes leaking. And I understand. I understand that sentiment of feeling like this is a crock of, you know what, but at the same time, this, this red herring argument, for me, I don't know where to go with it. Because if you want to go with this idea that this is a distraction or that is a distraction, Hunter Biden's a distraction, Joe Biden's a distraction. Donald Trump's hush money draws a distraction. Michael Cohen's a distraction. The border is a distraction at a certain point. It's like, yeah, well, life is a distraction. You know, I, I don't know what else to talk about. We got to talk about the stuff that's in the news. And I, I understand why people go back to if the elections not secure, then all of this other junk doesn't even matter, but the red herring distraction argument. I don't know where else to take it. I encourage you to tell your representatives to secure the election and have more election integrity. But beyond that, I got to go with the distraction sometimes, we'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio, eight or four, five hundred forty two forty two. Do we do the poll question? Jared, or did I get I got distracted story of my life today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm three packs special, you know, it's better than one thunderstorm, three thunderstorms and everyone loves the thunderstorm because they're so many different uses for this product. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace. It is a very low maintenance product. If you're lazy like me, then it is perfection. So take advantage of the thunderstorm three pack special at Eden pure and use promo code grace three, Jared Diglio. What is the poll question and what are the results this far today's poll question, which you can vote in at is should Jasmine Crockett, AOC and MTG all be kicked off of their committee for the cat fight. Yeah, and sometimes I'll talk about Michael Cohen and this New York City Hush Money trial and all the law up there against Trump and people love to use the term kangaroo court. And it was a while ago that I had a heart to heart with some kangaroos and they said, listen, we don't want we would like to be excluded from this narrative that we didn't ask to be a part of, you know, put some respect on our names. I would say the same thing about cats in the situation. I'm not a cat girl, but I don't think cats are usually pretty smart. You know, cats know when to mind their own business cats like to stay above the fray. I think cat fight. Maybe that's why I've always hesitated to use that term because it's just it's not fair to the felines. But yes, I think that there has to be some consequence for misbehaving like this. You wouldn't get away with this behavior in a school classroom. If I had had a fight like that and I wasn't a fighter, which a lot of you could probably guess, but if I had like Colin, you're not a fighter, I'm not a fighter, I'm not a fighter and I didn't slip on the driveway with the bloody knuckles or anything like that. But if you got into an argument in school, Jared, and you behave like this, there would be repercussions, your apparent would be called. You would be brought out to the hallway. You'd have a conversation, we can't just let people otherwise everything is going to devolve into this reality show reunion drama. Like Andy Cohen should be brought into Congress to try to keep this above board. So yeah, I'm going to say kick them all off. And you might be thinking to yourself, well, no, no, no, kick, you know, Jasmine Crockett up. No, you can't just kick off. Yeah, Jasmine Crockett, I would say went the lowest with the beach, bleach, blonde, butch, badly built body talking about Marjorie Taylor Greene, but Marjorie Taylor Greene came after her eyelashes and she started it. And if you start it, then you're involved. If you start it, you treat somebody like that. If you make a comment about somebody's physical appearance, I think that's a low blow. I think it's the lowest form of debate or argument. It's not even a debate. It's just, to me, it's like, if you want to have a fight about intellectual ideas or disagreements, even that's fine. But what is how we always say if you have the law, pound the law, if you don't have the law, pound the table, if you have an argument to make, feel free to make it. And you don't have to be nice about it. You can make your argument, but this is not, they're not arguing about any, they're arguing about each other's physical appearances and calling each other stupid and calling each other baby girl, baby girl, please, it's, it's not classy, it's not classy. And I don't think Congress in general is the classiest place, but it's better than this. It's got to be better than this. 61% of the audience agrees with you. Yes, they should all be kicked off of their committee and poor calmer. He's like the substitute teacher who shows up and all hell breaks loose. He's gone, I can't even hear. I got hearing aids and I felt bad for him. I really did. It's like I'm in the room when there's five T kettles going off. I don't know what's happening here. He was like a parent who when the kids are fighting in the backseat, he's driving the car and he's going, what's going on back there? I got to pull this car over. Just out of control. Okay, but I do want to move on to something. And again, I've got how we car you guys might have heard of him. He is on top of the Karen Reed stuff. They're on recess right now, but if they come back, I think it's going to go back to Lally. I don't think the cross-examination is going to happen today. But if there's anything juicy, if there's anything we need to play, how he car said he's going to run in here with both his hands in the air and he's going to let us know that it is time to go live with the Karen Reed trial because Jennifer McCabe is on the stand. Jennifer McCabe, some of the textures were curious. She was the one who googled, how long does it take to die in the snow or how long to die in snow or in cold. I'm sorry, in cold. And so that has been a huge focal point of this case and of this mystery, of this conspiracy theory. And when I say conspiracy theory, I don't mean that as a derogatory thing. It's just there's a lot of different hypotheticals that people are laying out for us, especially Turtle Boy, who we've had on the show quite a bit. Yeah, it's just a strange search on the night slash morning where there's a dead body around. You know, I mean, the timing of it is somewhat suspect. Were you here when Taylor was explaining what he was saying? And I mean, so basically Taylor was off today, but his argument was kind of, well, they could just play it off as, you know, hey, everybody's drinking, every get, it was snowing, everybody gets into a hypothetical, like, oh, I could survive in the wilderness or I could go outside without a shirt or whatever. And then that just turned into a search. And then it turned into, oh, let's hypothet, let's pretend Jared was there. Jared says he could survive in the cold for three days. Let's just Google it and see how long a person can survive in the cold. Again, if there wasn't, it's not, it's not, it's not the worst excuse, but it's also, that doesn't make it believable just because it's not like the most, it's possible, but it would make me go seriously, seriously, I mean, searching how long to die in the cold when there's a dead body out in the snow, the timings, the timings a little suspect to me, shall we say it's so coincidental. It is so coincidental and again, I don't know, but that's where I'm most curious. It's not only what is she going to say to explain it, Jared, but then it's a matter of, and for people who listen to the show via podcast or radio, that is a time where I would encourage you to go find the stream and watch it because that is a situation where you want to see what somebody's face is, you know, doing and what their body language is. You got to bring in a body language expert and see if they've got a little bit of a tell. A lot of these people, a lot of these witnesses, in this case, have tells, they're not able to keep their cool, which brings me to a totally different subject that I do want to talk about. The New York Post has an article, it's by the editorial board, how Donald Trump can use the debates to put Joe Biden away. And there's a sentence in here that scares me, and you will all understand why. It says, as our own Michael Goodwin, he's a columnist for the post, as our own Michael Goodwin notes, Biden's endless disasters mean the race is now Trump's to lose. I would say the debates are Trump's to lose, and that gets me nervous because whenever something is Trump's to lose, it sometimes seems like he becomes uncanningly determined to lose whatever it is that's his to lose, it's like that's his mission is all they don't think I can lose that I will. And so my advice, and I'm curious if anyone out there on this Friday afternoon, if A, you disagree with me or if B, you have a better suggestion, my advice Trump would be above all else. If I was talking to Caroline Levitt right now, I would say above all else, you need to tell Trump to keep calm, to not let Joe Biden to not, to not even suggest to let your body, your face suggest that he's getting under your skin. That will be, and I was just talking about this Jared with when you're on trial in a courtroom. It's like you almost have to remove yourself, remove yourself, and just hover above and watch yourself from above, you cannot let Joe Biden get you riled up, you cannot cut him off, you cannot yell, you cannot appear as a hothead, that is what he wants. He wants to paint this picture that Trump is a, you know, foams coming out of his mouth and steams coming out of his ears and he can't control his anger and he's a lunatic. And what would make Trump seem like such a strong candidate is if he could come out and he could answer the questions and he could almost act as though Joe Biden and this whole presidency is, I don't want to say humorous, but that Joe Biden's performance is like shameful and laughable to him. Like he should just sit there almost like, I can't believe. I can't believe I am up against you. And I think that would be really strong because if you remember in 2016 when he was going up against Hillary Clinton and he was younger and he had, he was a lot less angry because at that point he hadn't dealt with the full deep state. He hadn't dealt with the swamp. He hadn't dealt with the law fair and the witch hunts. And I get that. So keep that in mind. But at the time, Jared, there was a little bit more lightness to his step. There was a sense of healing.