Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 79

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17 May 2024
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I entest them at all of approximately 11 lines down in the middle of the line. Amar Raba-Bar-Rov Huna Amarav, I put a box around Rav. He says, "Haseh seh seh seh seh Seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh seh se He says, "Haseh-Saih-Rasah-Mourse, somebody rented a donkey, Lirko Ivalaya to ride on it, Umeis-Leibh-Hatsi-Adarach, and the animal drops dead halfway along the way that he was traveling. Nai-Sin-Lei-Sarach-Shal-Hatsi-Adarach, so he, the renter, has to pay the person he rented from for half of the journey, the In-Lei-Al-A-Lav-Ela-Tar-Aimis, and he can only have complaints. He, there's no legal ability to, again, need more money. Now, what is the case under what circumstances? Hakey-Dummy, I put a diamond around this Hakey-Dummy, and five lines later, first word of line is La Mesa, the next two words, Hakey-Dummy, I also put a diamond around that. So the In-Lei-Al-A has to qualify what we're talking about here. Here's the first Hakey-Dummy, E, I squiggle underline the word E, and one line later I also squiggle underline the word E. E to Shriach-La-Guri, if it's very common and very easy to be able to find a replacement donkey to rent, then, okay, so you wanted to get from point A to point B. You got to add halfway there, and then the donkey died, but you can easily find another donkey to rent. Then Tarach-Aimis may have it to tell you why would you even be able to have a just complaint against the other fellow. So it can't be that. E to Los Shriach-La-Guri, if we're the donkey died halfway through the journey, it's not easy to rent other donkeys. Hakey-Boy-La-Mace-Aimis, basically, the Tsai-Ekwa has to pay for that? He needed to get from one place to another. You got halfway there, and the donkey dies, and there's like no other way for him to get in it, no way. You won't have to pay for that. So, la-Olam, the Gamora explains really delo Shriach-La-Guri, the place where the donkey died, it was not easy to get another. easy to get another donkey whom he shooned amalay and the reason here is because the one who rented out the donkey can say illubois lemecian hacha well hey like listen if you wanted to get to that middle point la vagris by lemesa wouldn't you have had to pace you know uh you'd have to rent it for me also so give me i cap the rental that's a little bit of a uh a challenge for some to accept and that the tai sis says like how in the world can that be and just as a few approaches as to where when we say that he can't rent a donkey to replace this one that just died that means he can't rent it for the same price he can rent it for let's say 20 30 percent more or something like that that's the way the tai sis learns uh that qualification now another qualification heiki dami what was like the original deal colon eis quigland on this word e and a line and a few words later is another eis quigland on that as well so e to amalay if the mosque here the renter the the one who was renting it out said ha'mor stam uh we're gonna run just a donkey didn't specify which donkey that the dog that was used died halfway along the journey hacha yevlami lei ha'moraka well he said you get him like if you rent somebody and you say a car and you don't say what type of car the car breaks down you got to replace the car uh for the person who's renting it e dami lei ha'mor zai double in on the word zai if however the original deal was for this donkey well then if it's for this donkey and this donkey dies colon e mj bidam rea leekah eekah well if you can sell the dead donkey and purchase another donkey with the money he got then you should certainly be able to do that so the more explains that lo that's not the case rather it's richa where the donkey did die and he said ha'mor zai but she ain't bidam rea leekah there's not close to enough money and the money he got for selling the dead donkey to purchase a new donkey well why didn't rava for the following solution e mj bidam rea lei score you know it costs a lot to buy a car doesn't cost so much to rent a car so let's say it costs lots to buy a donkey doesn't cost so much to rent a donkey why don't we say that it's the money that he got from selling the dead donkey mj bidam a list score if you could like rent another donkey for however long he was supposed to have this rental for you score you should rent it well the reason why we wouldn't say that is that's rava um litame rava going according to reasoning we've heard him say eltradama rava loi makhlinan karna you're not allowed to use up the principle now you could rava wouldn't have a problem donkey dies there's enough money to buy another donkey that's fine buy another donkey have it finished the time that you're renting for and giving back the donkey but just to use up the principle where there'll be nothing to show for it that's not allowed to it mar here's the background hacer resach amor umeis lee makhazi adera very similar case if not the exact same case somebody rents a donkey and it dies halfway through the journey colin amarava circle drava's name he says e mj bidam rea leekah here's enough money from the proceeds of selling the dead donkey to purchase a new one fine also rava says though if list score there's only enough money to rent another donkey alia score you cannot do that whereas schmuel we circled holds differently amarava list score you rented a donkey the donkey died you sell it obviously a freshly dead donkey is gonna be worth more so it makes sense to sell it and then if there's enough money from the proceeds of the sale you could uh rent uh a replacement donkey but might come if we get what is the essential point of makhlokus between the two of them rava loi makhlinan karna you can't do something which is going to destroy the principal whatever the principal is you can't do something that's gonna um destroy it whereas schmuel who i underline suffer makhlinan karna not a problem this particular case the guy needed a donkey the donkey died so he can use that donkey uh the proceeds from the dead donkey to uh rent for the duration of the time a new donkey basefay you have a tinexaurus goes for two lines i box it off and it's going to be a question on rava in this case um you have a person who borrowed money but on money he's the lova he gives the maulva some trees okay and the deal is that that's okay because like every year the lonal let's say get uh considered is always paid off uh five or ten percent i think we call that a mashkanta desura and in that way there's not uh a rib is probably interest problem so obviously if however the the trees dried out and then no more uh fruit was produced oh next that's or they got cut down let's just say shneemasu and by both the maulva and the lova would be forbidden um to use the wood katesad yasa so then what should be done well sell the wood and yelaka karka a little piece of land vohu ayukal pereis and the proceeds from that land will be uh consumed by the maulva who would lend out the money to the lova actually end of the tinex source comic actor vahaha in this case kevin de kimatsu yovel you know jubilee year does apply and when the jubilee year comes yovel once every uh four nine fifty years kahajra arra lemara all land goes back to its original ancestral owner vikha kalya karna can you have no bigger kalya karna doing away with the principal then the land goes back to someone else so the gamara explains that what was going on over here why that wouldn't be a problem hakamayeski non question mark kamma dissolve in laishis in shanim he sold it to him for 60 years now how does that help well as follows kamma connector damaar of krista hammer of katina we know in general uh yovel comes around every 50 years and a land that was so goes back to its original ancestral owner because usually when you sell land you're selling it forever however me nyan the maihear sa de laishishim shan if you want to sell your field not forever not like a absolute sale but for 60 years that when a yovel year comes around it does actually not free that type of field shanim is based on the positive that the positive describes what type of field yovel will free to go back to its original ancestral owner it says vahara it's loitima care let's misus and the land you can sell forever so if you sell to somebody else's forever yovel year comes goes back to the original ancestral owner which is what the kamma is going to say now that equals me shan shan yovel nitsmasses yi shan yovel in its messes has to be the type of deal where if it wasn't for yovel it would be forever to the other person uh because there's yovel it's not forever that's the type of land that's free kamma yat sasazu to the exclusion of this case where he sold it for 60 years shanfabe shan shan yovel even though yovel is not going to free it and in its mess it's not going to be forever because 60 years might be a long time but it eventually comes well as like more a sof sof looky muchus she's in shanin at the end of the time you know when like 60 years does come kahajara the maravika kalyakarna then the land of a back to its original owner and you know it might be six decades later but there you go the principle is destroyed ella so we come on to a new approach i squiggle and run the ella haka my eskinan bisman shan yovel no i get must be at a time when yovel isn't practiced okay so there is no yovel to uh take the property back now not only that the kamara attempts to further support that it's bisman shan yovel no egg which will eventually reject but um haka nam i stop right dot underland haka nam i stop at the isalka daitak if you were to possibly think that it was bisman shiovel no egg that it was a time that yovel was being practiced umah clean and karna and then that would be the end of the principle of that uh asset nitz lachay let's say vivinishkalet and why not just cut down the wood and take it and use it you know for firewater for fuel says sigma that that's not really a valid support like the point is still good but that's not a valid further support because emi shumha if that's the whole thing that you're saying is the further support lachasha because very well could be zenden de shalmush named ashkanta becoming i go the years of the masha going that was given ends before the jubilee year comes in which case you need to get something back eenami alternatively de machule zuzi bu park arpachamishan in mekami yovel or the person who had to borrow the money who gave his field you never know maybe it won the lottery he'll come into cash and he'll be able to pay it off early period tonner obonon you have a brissa this brissa is i believe the first in a series of uh four brices so let's box this one off it goes for about a line in four words till the word yutane and uh an umlud base you know what we get to umlud base we'll do umlud base tandra obonon hassai chrassasfina let's see i rent a boat ved tavela bachati hadera and the boat sangh um halfway i am assuming this is probably going up or down a river not like across a long uh an ocean um rev nousen hui bachstoymer em nousan lo yito vin lo nousan lo yutin i don't know if that's say play off his name but he said that if that was the case if the the person was renting it already gave the money to rent it then he's not entitled to it back the umlud nousan if the rented it not pay yet lo yutane he doesn't have to pay okay the umlud is a little bit of clarification oh hey he done me what was the case elema if the case originally was this is going to be what a few possibilities what the case could be um case one possibility case two possibility we'll have a case three so case one if originally said vesfina su the arrangement was for this boat and the boat was going to transport let's say a barrel of wine maybe the other side of the river or something like that uh viayan stam and it wasn't specified for that particular barrel of wine well then one second em nousan if he already paid for the rent on the boat a milo yitel why would he not be entitled to a refunde malay the one who paid to rent this bonin and it's saying should be able to say havli smhinta de anna mysina chamre i wanted that boat you have to give me a boat to bring my uh wine transport my wine but that boat's on the bottom of the river so that can't be ela let's try this this is case two possibility two ela vesfina stam viayan za the boat wasn't specified just a boat but it was specified particularly that this barrel of wine needed to be transported well emlo y nousan on my lo yitel one second then if he didn't yet pay the rental for it why would he not have to pay name alay let the owner of the boat who rented it out say to him you said you needed a boat for uh that particular wine fine havli ahu hammer bring me that particular wine which happens to be on the bottom of the river right now the anna mysina stam i'll replace it with another boat but until you bring me that particular wine uh no go comma amra papa le me chakas la and this would be I guess case c ela vesfina zu viayan za it's where it's particularly um this particular boat was the agreement on for this particular wine in other words neither of them can do it the guy who said for this particular boat well he can provide the boat because it's sunk and the guy who says he's going to be transporting this particular wine well he can provide the wine because the wine is also on the bottom of the river and therefore the one who's coming to claim what they think is there right from the other one has the lower hand because the other i can only say okay sure yeah i'll give you what's yours but you got to provide what was the deal either the boat or the wine aval besfina um ela besfina zu zu comma aval in a fourth possibility where was besfina stam viayan stam no specific boat was uh mentioned no specific wine was mentioned then hulkin then they would split it taro abannan the gourgings another brice of this one goes for about two and a half lines hasai chakas vina similar boat similar case renting a boat u parka la bachazia derach and it um it got now the half of me at this point is you um rented the boats who take it to a place let's say 10 miles away and when you're about five miles away um you uh unload it and take all your stuff off zu zu zu zu zu zu bino parka la bachazia derach you order an uber to take you ten miles and it takes you five miles you order a uh you know a truck transport yourself ten miles takes you five miles noise and lace partial fazia derach ve only leveled harremes so the one who had himself in the uh um items transported will pay half of the way and uh the other one can only have a just complaint that is the brice uh the more is it's done over and over again does again over here he done me what exactly is the case we need to qualify what what's going on there colon ilay mais squiggle on behind the ilay ma um and i would say um about six lines later last word align is parka there's the word ela is squiggle on the word ela so ilay ma dikka nishchakla agura amais le tarubas if the place halfway along the way um where the guy said okay i'm ready to get out i'll take all my stuff you can easily find another customer to uh use his services to rent his boat to transport things amais le tarubas why would he possibly be able to have some sort of just complaint like no problem get a new customer the elo comishakla agura if he said he's gonna go from point a to point b and about halfway through he says okay i'll get out here i'll take all my stuff and there's no one there to possibly rent the boat kulayagra by shlumi well he has to be the whole thing why we do not have to pay the whole amount so loylam de gumura explains dikka mishchakla agura he's able to um find someone else to rent the boat but you know there's the wear and tear and every customer who puts this stuff in and takes this stuff out and isn't necessarily so careful and that would be the reason why he would be able to have a just complaint ela amais le tarubas vichum raf seta dis vinta and raf seta detentes i guess the depreciation the that it gets ruined a little bit from each a customer who's taking their packages on taking their packages off period well e haque hasta comorra one second then tanas amalia so who ama my name is dikka bay if that's the case then he has a good claim and you know he'd be able to take an accord and get the uh you know assessed uh potential damage of four dollars and thirty seven cents or whatever it might be uh why would we say that he can only have a just complaint he should have a monetary complaint ela so we try again that's the squiggle under like ela amais when we're in right angles parka what do we mean there did parka litone biga bay he's unloading another load that he has halfway along the journey into the boat well then if it's the same customer he's going all the way to the end of the my taraima so what were the just complaints allowed by the uh bone owner well you know why me shimshinui data it's because he says listen i thought we were going to get from pointy to point b in this amount of time now you're telling me you need to stop here and stop there and it takes a lot longer he still pays him but he does have the uh right to have a just complaint against the customer but you know i'm the alternatively la ashla yasera that literally the extra rope um you know sometimes there's things that are uh expenses of doing business and i guess the ropes were expenses and the more stops needed the more ropes maybe you couldn't reuse a rope or a rope got sort of ruined and and that would be the just complaint tanua bun only have another brace of the more rings it goes down almost five lines till the end of the line last one line is a love asai kasai kasai kamor lurko y valleha now you're renting a donkey we had to renting a donkey before to transport stuff now you're running a renting a donkey to ride on it okay so you got the donkey and someone's gonna be leading the donkey probably the donkey driver and uh to take you to someplace now how much can you bring how much of your stuff can you bring a kitchen sink now you can't bring the kitchen sink the sai kar the renter mani ala he's allowed to put on exusai his let's say his overcoat ooh legano yasai his cantina is you know leader and a half bottle of may bathean water oomizi initial ousa hadera khanu i nai sadera khan whatever food let's say it's a three-day journey he's allowed to take three days of food along with him kamma mikan vei luckily wants to shut up along anything else kamor maka love the donkey driver should he so want can say sorry buddy you can't take anything else kamma the kamor what's the donkey driver allowed to take along with him well may nia kalav he can put on the donkey sai grim barley which is donkey food that's evan and some straw oomizi noisav and his provisions food provisions shall ouso hai yam only for that day and really no sai yam which means it could be a three or ten-day journey whatever it is the donkey driver is only allowed to take enough food for that day kamma mikan vei lach anything more than that sai kamma ke vallav if the one who's uh renting the services once he could say no listen mr donkey driver can't take more okay that's the end of the brice of the kamor ass hai khan mikan how so yi is squiggling on the word yi and one line later first one line is yi also squiggling on that so yi dischriachlan mizvan if you could easily buy wherever you're going in each stop is going to be there's like a big supermarket there a big mac collet there and you can buy it there and not like on every corner seven eleven uh kamma mikan vei lachave then the donkey driver should also be able to tell the customer listen like he can't show up all this stuff with you wherever we stop we will get food on the other hand yi de lachivea limits benefits not very common to be able to buy let's say food and things you need for the journey along the way then sai khan mikan vei lachave why would the customer be able to say the donkey driver you're gonna be able to bring one day of stuff well like was the donkey driver supposed to get his food for like day two three four and five i'm gonna pop her up up explain it's low that's not the case rather three go dischriachlan mikarachlan mizvan mikavnalavna it's able each one of the stops along the way that somebody who's an expert traveler would be able to make an extra effort and find the place to buy whatever he needed i guess for dinner that night and breakfast the next morning therefore kamma the donkey driver that that's what he does he goes back and forth and he's very familiar with the different areas and where the cheap supermarkets are calmer to dark a limit record limits when it's his normal way to go around and find the place to you can get some food then he is only allowed to bring one day of provisions whereas sai khaer the one who's the customer doesn't travel all the time love dark a limit record limits when it's simply not his way to go um searching here and there to uh find uh the day's food period tundra bunon one last price uh this one goes for just over three lines than a man at least in most cultures however um through most time they ride like men rode they rode kind of like side saddle or they were much stiffer so just much harder much much uh harder on the donkey um like if somebody drives with one foot on the gas one foot on the brakes they'll wear out the brakes much quicker than if they use the same foot for gas brakes gas brakes um isha however if the original arrangement was that you rented a donkey you have a woman ride on it right over that ish you can certainly have a man ride on it not only that but isha if you have the arrangement that one woman will ride on it bengadola bengatana she could be very large she could be very small um now actually a few little bears even she's pregnant bafila manika and even if she is nursing now if she is pregnant um pregnant women especially if they're right about to give birth uh there's of course the baby which way is ill five six seven eight pounds something like that and then there's an enormous amount of amniotic fluid and other stuff that could weigh anywhere between you know seven to 20 additional pounds um and therefore hasha says the gomara now uh once the brice is told is manika amris new barris me bye would you have to tell me who barris like of course amara papa moo barris vehi manika kamara she's uh working hard these days she is currently pregnant and nursing another child amara baye baye says we can conclude from here shmami na we can include binesa uh karsa tickla literally the fish based on its stomach is it weighed if you're going in the market and you want to buy a fish you should not buy the fish that has the big belly because the belly is basically the stuff that's filled with all of the organs all the stuff you're going to take out of the fish you'll be paying per uh ounce um more for the stuff that you're going to throw out the stuff you're going to use that's wonderful but lem i'm not communal what difference does it make lemak almakar makes a big difference if you go to buy a fish so you should um if the the fish monger wants to sell you a fish that has a big belly you say okay yeah that's fine you know i just i'd like you to clean out all of the ikis from the inside all of the organs from the inside and then we'll weigh it and uh that's the daf atkhan