If we are speaking down into our life, then guess what? We're gonna see that death If anybody else is speaking down into our love for speaking death Then else was it's gonna we're gonna eat that fruit gonna man. If you ever wondered how How what seems like a weakness? Can actually be your greatest friend. Mm-hmm Your weakness becoming your greatest strength. Yes superpower It's really important that we begin to recognize the source of the self-down, you know, you know Oh, yeah, you could be your biggest critic But recognize that source of that self that and where it's came from where it's staying from. Yeah, and that's it Oh, I'm trying. No, you don't try and go you F and no you're you're you're you're you're you're your thing, you know That's you Hello, la bonjour sunny bonani Namaste What up chapter chillers? Yes, it's your boy coast LJ and I'm with my best friend my business partner My awesomeness the one and only lady see the shit in the building Yes, you know, we're about that vibe each and every week So I'd like to ask you are you ready for a new form into an empowerment episode of children with the chaplains? You know where we are elevating lives and power and businesses United culture and Futing success and so yes, what's popping on today that episode? So we are still in the month of me mm-hmm and Besides the fact that it's a special month for mothers. Mm-hmm related mother's team. Yes It is also a very important month of mental health so we as we continues to Navigate through this month of Maine. We also want to pay tribute to those who are going through the journey or Are supporting people who have challenges with mental health? It's it's it's a big deal mental health is a big deal So my as normal as per normal my question you know if you ever wondered how How what seems like a weakness? Can actually be your greatest friend? Mm-hmm Your weakness becoming your greatest strength your superpower either in business or in life relationships marriage Whatever school career You know so today we're gonna actually dive deep into the journey turning Self-doubt mm-hmm, which is usually a common struggle Into a powerful alley. Mm-hmm. All right, so we're gonna look at that like how can we turn self-doubt because Self-doubt plays a role in so many things and that's how so many dreams die Because you feel you doubt yourself more than other people look at you and doubt you all right It's so we just join us as we discuss this and we're gonna be I think for us It's a very personal topic. Mm-hmm. So we're gonna You know tell you about our experiences as well And you can also just reflect on your personal experiences of how self-doubt has held you back in achieving your goals in in becoming the person you God has meant for you to be or you are meant to be by the universe or whatever you look at it and So today we're gonna do you know go through that and and and self discover how we can just Navigate this journey of self So strap in your seat belts as we navigate a ways on self-discovery and how we Yes, we because we doing it together Transform our doubts into defining strengths So join in and you are allowed to Go into the comments section and tell us how self-doubt has held you back in becoming the person that you were meant to be and How you navigating that? Especially in this mental health month before we continue our stats tells us that 85% of you guys who are watching our videos Do not have not subscribed so we urge you to please support us help us grow this channel by just subscribing and sharing and commenting and liking and like Help us to grow because we cannot do it without you. Yes. It's a it's a a plea Then we hope that you guys will hear heed to so if you love us and if you'd like us to see us grow, please just subscribe Share like and comment and also share with us what you'd like to hear us talk about because like we always say this is your platform to as much as we've made it ours and that note would like to get started and say Strapping in let's talk Self-doubt so the big big question is after that beautiful is What is the root of self-doubt? What causes people to doubt themselves? I remember I attended a class on on Healing the childhood the inner child the inner child you know childhood traumas that we we grab along the way and I won't say to my surprise but to an Enlightening of the discussion that we had among the attendants. I would say 99% of the people Self-doubt who'd set all doubt themselves and their adult age roots bad down from when they were kids. Yes And then you carry that into your adolescence into a downward right and I think it gets heightened during adolescence And then you carry it if it wasn't To add our hood into marriage into relationships into business into careers into life life, you know, and It becomes something that started really small and could have been solved Mm-hmm becomes bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until it's unmanageable So I think today's Topic is to kind of look into the self-doubt What is the roots? You know, yes childhood traumas? And a messed up inner child because majority of us have a messed up inner child, which we have not worked on Yeah, let's talk about that. What's what's your thoughts self-doubt? Yeah, because I think in order for us to grow and be able to go to the next level and our career and Business and our relationships. We got to handle and deal with the root the root cause and we know the root cause often stem from our past experiences and also Internet criticism that we have with ourselves. Oh, don't we absolutely? Yeah, we have an internet criticism Towards I was so we have a biggest critter as they always say we have a biggest credit and a lot of time rejection and Past trauma all these things early failures that we may have in our life It's the cause of this self-doubt because if we it's somebody saying you ain't you ain't nobody and so might you stop believing it? Yeah, most people, you know, they would take that like literally and say oh If somebody especially, you know what it's like somebody that you look up to your parent You know, that's why we say be very careful what you say to your kids even at your matters point your spouse your Your your your teachers towards the educators all those people of authority or That you look up to what they take out of their mouth matters matters Because you take that and you run with and use it all mom said I cannot never amount to anything So that's a fact and you run with it, which is actually In most case, well, almost all cases not true. Yes, or even like myself We're you know because I was short and I was shorter especially as we got older people started passing me So a lot of times, you know self-doubt people for like, you know, you you you're not good enough for this and that So all these things play a play of role into that self-doubt that I'm not good enough and so we got to learn how to deal with that and I wanted to go back to the speaking part as well Because we got to realize the Bible said it best death and life is in the power of the tongue and those that love will eat the fruit They're off. So if we are speaking down into our life, then guess what we're gonna see That deaf if anybody else is speaking down into our love for speaking death Then that's what it's gonna we're gonna eat that fruit And so it's what did that we watched what we sang to ourselves as well as to others. So yeah Very true. So another I think follow-up question would be have you ever felt like you you biggest critic cuz I I always I still am yeah, and I Think that's one thing that I want to take out of this episode is how I can navigate myself out of that being my biggest critic I Bashed myself so much and I don't even give room for other people to bash me Well, if they bash me, I've already done it for them. Yes, you know, and I think I speak for most people that this is What happens yes, that's you best yourself before other people best you so how do you believe in yourself then when you You're biggest critic because you've really like thinking how you know you're too much in your head like how I can't do this Or this is too, you know, you feel an unworthy you feel Another example even like with a fellow business you when you try so many different businesses and try so many different opportunities and it felt not that yes and so you had this you could it's like I'm messed up again and Other people looking at look at she added again, and so they don't get you to the benefit of the doubt whatever sometimes Again, she got a felt again or he gonna felt against it's very important that we begin to recognize the source of the self Down, you know, you know, oh, yeah You could be your biggest biggest critic, but recognize that source of that self that and where it's came from where it's there from Yeah Yeah, and I think once you recognize it. It's easy now to navigate your way out of it It's easy now to to pick up your your strengths and your weaknesses that so Let's let's let's let's talk about self doubts into how we can turn Self doubts into our greatest alley because we can't we get like we said in the beginning We can make our weakness become our strengths. Mm-hmm, you know, and that's the I think that then the whole Point of this episode because I know majority of the people who are watching if not all There is a point Somewhere in one area in your life where you're doubting yourself You think you cannot do it. You think it's not for people like you not, you know, it's It's so for certain type of people whatever so today. Hopefully after this episode you'll come out Understanding that whatever that you see yourself to be you can be you know You can't you can't turn your doubts into triumph another thing as we as we recognize these These these discoveries of the source of our self doubt because I know I was the biggest credit for a very very long time Even with my speaking or public speaking You mean your your your your biggest my biggest credit of how speak how express myself and you know that that hinder me and that that struggle that I had Affected my confidence level. And so because of my stuttering because I felt like I had the limited vocabulary or I didn't know how to express myself as well That's I mean, it affected my confidence to the point that I didn't like the speed and I always said is I'm In the meantime, you're a pastor. Yeah in the meantime my pastor But even when being a pastor I still was always no nervous, you know if I'm gonna say the right thing If I'm gonna be able to express myself because it's it's it's can I get the words out clear It and but I realized even as a pastor. I like that's why I like like the again We say about the clicker and my notes is funny. I mean, yes, I don't have I know I don't I don't write out my notes But I do have points because I'm the type of person if I have mine a whole bunch of notes then I'm a reading so Anyone to read word for word. Yes, I want to read word for it. That's not read the audience. Yes. Yes So my audience will be dosing off your soul counting it's a read. Yes So my my my when I'm preaching I had the scripture down and I have my points my bullets my my my my revelation that I received that I'm gonna talk about and then I just talk I just talk about that point whatever comes to me at that time That the Lord has given to me. So yeah, but that Papa speak in and and and be a espresso. So what my biggest my being is on barrier that I had to overcome And that's why I'm very grateful for stepping out there even with the podcast because they allow me to grow into Speaking and allow me to learn and to into tweet how I do things for every wing. I'm always You know, look at it myself and seeing where can I approve that because I understand the source, okay? You know what? This is who I am. I Understand this this is me. And so I don't want self-doubt to creep in so I understand the source Okay, I know I had a starting problem. I know this. I know this I know this and so by me Recognize I'm and and then look it at myself even with the podcast Episodes I'm able to see where I can own where can I approve that and get better again? One percent even if I just give one percent better in every episode, then I'm able to continue to build that confidence. Yeah Yeah, I mean I just I just think about So there's there's there's a show right now on Netflix, okay, okay, she love Netflix by the way I'm a sucker for Netflix. I'm definitely always in Netflix Always to make that premium worthwhile. Yeah, I bet it monthly So it's called the ultimatum. Okay. Oh boy. Oh boy So there's a villain. I think we might have to do it. Oh Actually, well, it's popping right now. So it's better now. Never and There's there's a there's a lady there kind of if you know kind of you know kind of she's she she's she's the villain of of the of the of the of the show mm-hmm and This lady is so vile in even the words that she spews out of her mouth There's a lot of reactions that are coming through through social media one reaction was a lady on TikTok who say as she was watching the show She was triggered by this lady's voice Mm-hmm Stay with me. I'm going summer with us. She was triggered by this lady's voice and she's like I've heard this voice some way It cannot just be a coincidence that whenever I hear this voice something inside of me happens Mm-hmm, so she continues to watch as she watches. She's like even this name. I know this name then Something happened as she was bullying this other lady who's who happens to be sizagele on the show who is Big bone heavy lady like myself And but very beautiful like also Zagel is a beautiful Also to get yes, you are beautiful. Yes So and this is a self-spoken She giggles about everything you can tell that she can tell that she's she's not confident in her skin Mm-hmm, you know, she's still very because even when she's nervous about stuff. She giggles Even when supposed to stand up for herself she'll giggle. Mm-hmm about everything and this kind of lady who happens to be the bully has picked this up and Uses it against her My point in me showing the story. So this lady on TikTok says Then it came back to me that this lady is the same lady who bullied me in primary school. Mm-hmm Elementary school This is over 20 years ago, but she says that memory is so embedded in her that her voice triggered her. Mm-hmm So my thing is How has criticism or bullying from other people? Mm-hmm has affected us in Our life. Mm-hmm in the various areas of our lives. Mm-hmm. She says this lady bullied her in primary And this lady they in their 30s, she's still a bully even on national TV She couldn't believe that she's grown up to be even a worse bully than she was in primary Mm-hmm and how her bullying affected so the lady on TikToks are saying this lady's bullying affected me so much That even right now in my other hood I still have so much self-doubt Mm-hmm Can you imagine it happened when they were in primary primary? This is great God knows whatever One of her peers great great for they were not even really peers. They were in the same class as the same class Yeah, but I guess she just saw that she was a weak link. Mm-hmm That's what bullies do they look for though a person who cannot stand up for themselves, but how her voice triggered That thing that happened so many years ago. Mm-hmm. You understand? Yes, so we might take Self-doubt likely and think where does this come from? It could have been something as simple as that well not simple But something as far back as that Mm-hmm because she's saying even till today. She still kind of Capabilities If I could capabilities not not necessarily, but just she she's second guesses herself Or how she see herself exactly and she second guesses herself every time because she's like oh Even though she couldn't even remember the name But she knew that there's somebody who fed this to her, you know And when you'm primary those are your developmental years and everything that is said to you believe you believe you know So I'm going to a point where but how have we ever considered how? Early criticism. This is where I was going from our mentors from our peers from our Teachers teachers from parents parents. They have impacted right Sunday school teachers How it has impacted our confidence today and influencing how we view ourself Mm-hmm and what we are capable of mm-hmm, you know I look back and I think of people who Look down on me said things to me because I'll always been the fat girl in class. Mm-hmm or shut the short girl in class, you know And at some point I became the only girl wearing glasses in class, you know It was always something standing out Against me and and that really impacted me. Yeah, I remember I joined a soccer team Mm-hmm. I don't have contact lenses and you cannot wear glasses while playing soccer But I joined a soccer for me football Soccer football. Yeah for Americans. It's soccer. Yes American soccer. I joined that Team just to prove a point. Mm-hmm. I guess I didn't see what work where the ball was going. Yeah, that was my problem, too I'm over because I was I had so much self down I'm always doing some ask you just to try to prove a point And that's this is what happens sometimes because somebody said oh, you can't do this you can't do that So you got I got I'm gonna show you that I can do it. So I'm always Proving the point and then you end up making a look yourself even worse than you exactly because you try and prove like I'm a show I could do it, you know, so yeah, so you know what you can't do it sometimes. I excelled Yeah, something at me too, and like I think one of the thing where I tried to prove myself was you don't remember the Jumping down the the river. Yes You can't send you on I was like I'm gonna and I'm gonna kill myself because I wanted to prove a point and I think this is just we'll be speaking from a jar to the people that we do things not because Like just to prove a point. What a wrong way to look Yes, yes, yes wrong way. Yes, can you hurt yourself? You know trying to prove a point because there's something else that you have you go hurt yourself You can hurt yourself and others, you know, yeah, I think we I Don't know who who created the disc assessment, but it's one of the one of the greatest tools And by the way, we do offer an assessment if you wanted go to our description box And you can find a link and we can tell you more about it this this I mean we we've been talking about this discuss man But it's one of the best tools that you can actually use to actually find out your strengths in your Turn point, yeah, and your weaknesses and it gives you a glimpse on how to actually See yourself, you know So that you don't doubt yourself if somebody says, oh Cesar you you you one of the greatest Public speaking people that I've come across you believe that and you run with it and I say, oh, I'm trying No, you're not trying gold you F no, you're you're you're you're you're you're thing, you know, PG 13, right? So I mean I really want to encourage people to to tap into this this assessment take this assessment because it's it's it's a beautiful shortcut To self awareness. Mm-hmm It is definitely a beautiful shortcut to self awareness. And so it by you be able to Understand your ability understanding yourself, you know You able to unlock this untapped potential that you have inside of you because we all have gifts inside us And so, you know and we all are unique and wonderfully made we all have different abilities Yes, we all had different abilities And but we but in order to tap into those abilities We have to get to know ourselves a lot better so that our gift our gift can make room for us You can profit with our gift, but we have to learn. What is our gift? You know, we had to learn what what is my superpower that that stands out that that is you need to mean That is not unique you need to others They the I can do the others can do at the end of the day every individual is like their fingerprint Yes, you unique like that. You're not a replica of nobody. Yes. We have some people who try to replicate other people But they'll never be them You know, so take the discuss and try and find out how You can discover who you really are through it just strength your weaknesses what you You should avoid what you should push for and stuff like that. Yeah And I say this too as well by by understanding yourself You're able to surround yourself with your weaknesses And this is something that I love yourself with your weaknesses. Yeah You don't surround yourself with your shrimps Really? Yeah, you're strong Okay, you don't need other shrimps other people that know that do do the same thing you could do Yes, you so you surround yourself with your weakness This is something that you think you're a john mass well say because you're like, I'm not I don't know it I don't know how to do everything. So I surround myself with those things that I don't that I don't know how to do Is this is how you when you understand your things and people? Yes Yeah, you surround yourself with people that are that were that are your weakness So your witness that oh that that will balance out your balance your weakness Yes, because you're surrounding your your your weakness with your shrimp And so now because of that it is able to be one and it is it is able to enhance your ability Because you're able to feed off from one another if you if you're hanging around Everyone that could do the same thing There's no growth there's no growth in that because why we're going to do the same thing But if I get if I connect with people that can that that could do Something different than I can do then that's why we can feed off with each other And it goes with like even with me and my wife me and my wife is good example because I'm good and I'm playing I'm good and Constructed the the the the the podcast even like for the podcast. I've been I'm good at all Destructionized and put my thoughts on paper when my wife is a better storyteller So we bounce each other off This is why I don't have the cars anymore because why because again, I don't I can't look at the cars And and because if I look at it, I want to read from it So but my wife is good with that she can I mean she can put her own twist to it. She can know what oh man. Yeah, so go ahead. Go ahead Go ahead I think that balance is is very Critical, you know in anything in life so that like you said, you know You have to know your strength And your weaknesses and when you know the two you're able to To to to not overlook yourself So another thing I'm just thinking about is how Can you now take your weakness to complement you even in a workplace? Right? um Have you considered that or even your business exactly that workplace So have you considered Complementing your weaknesses with your team's strengths like you are saying earlier Surround yourself with people who will balance out your weaknesses So if you in a team setting for example have people around you who? Have strengths that you have weaknesses in You know so that That helps You because remember we're talking about self-doubt, but you don't doubt yourself as mad because now You don't have to act like the the the lead there because you know that's your weakness but instead learn from the strength that they have That is your weakness. Yes. Yeah, and so that you're able to focus on your your strips You know because now you could you don't doubt your strips when you know you would the area that you're getting you don't doubt that You know you're good, but when what your weakness is what you're down in And so and you and you're trying to over over compensate Your weakness for your strengths And so when you when you when you you leveraging Other people's strengths that you are weak in you don't have to overcompensate yourself anymore And you don't have to doubt yourself anymore in business because you you surrounding yourself with those what you ready to get the job done. Yeah I think also a good example would be like with what you You know the chaplain jealous have been seeing in your growth over grows I'm navigating like you said before you used to use Cards to you know so that you have like a structure for the podcast Now you no longer do free flow Trying to be more free flow. Yeah flow through me. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'll be like okay because I have pointers as well and That has actually helped and it's balanced out the thing because people want interaction They don't want you to be reading like that we can read ourselves You know, so I think Whenever you're going to partnership with anybody put that in mind where you're gonna say Who can I partner with who can bring in the strengths that I don't have? That that will make a very powerful. Yes, and that's why the disassess rate helps them because it allows you to navigate What partnerships to join with you know who and who the higher so so that you know because the reason why sometimes Teams don't do well because everyone that team has the same Similar skill sets and so and because if if every if everyone on the team is in a little cool Who you're who gonna be the spokesperson? Who the one that's gonna take action because you got some people that that that take action direct and firm if everyone in a little cool They they they're not gonna really take the action. They don't take the book out of all You need somebody that's gonna like, you know what? Let's get this thing done Yeah, and a little cool people is not gonna take like okay They're gonna wait and wait wait till everything is solid before they make a move How intelligent people just They brought me off the wrong side because I'm very Proactive and yes, you know, I can't stand something like he may read through this And oh, I'm like spontaneous Like that and yeah, but we need to balance off each other I think that's how we do it as well as a team Even in our marriage where I'm just let's go boom boom boom You're like, I need to sit down and I'm like When is this gonna end, you know But even with with with the podcast and in our various businesses or in our various Projects we we balance each other off like that. I'm very Decisive my husband is not so decisive. I'm very Enhanced on my husband. It's not so hands on I'm you know, there's a lot It's right now it feels like I'm pointing out your weaknesses more. Yeah, I'm trying to think of his friends Preparedness prepared you are not No, no like with the red input preparation. I'm more in like an analytical So that's what I'm saying and a lot of people for straight now I'm married an analytic person because it frustrates me like so much I cannot stand somebody who has to go through a simple thing 50,000 times. I just get it done But here's the I'm I'm also I'm a visionary I'm a visionary who see things who see the bigger picture So that's that's one of my strengths that I see the bigger picture in that I made a plan for it because even like with the with with this with with the podcast episodes Especially the Friday episodes. I I know I'm right down on notes That way my wife to know what I'm thinking in my head because I understand her strength is she could take my notes She could take my notes without reading it and her own words So she didn't you could you don't even know my wife is so good and and and stop telling a story and and improvising That she don't even you you can't really tell that you can see a little bit But you can't really tell that she reading me on the other hand I'm looking at points. Yeah, you look at that point So that we're not all over the place. Yes. I hate podcasts that are all over the place Yes, I like you like some strong strong strong strong strong strong. Yes, but me I'm because I'm so in a little structure you. Yeah, I'm all over the place I don't And plus with me as well. Now it because it's hard for me to express myself That's my weakness hard for me to express myself Because what's in my head is hard to express it out when I'm speaking Now when I take the time out and write it I can write it very well because not just me so I can write my notes and my thoughts on paper very well But me trying to speak a while I'm on a podcast and I can't like I can't really Do that while I'm on a podcast play because I want to be myself I don't want to be seen like um, um, um, um, I'm reading but so I I write it down As bullet points so that my wife know what I'm thinking of my hair So that she can express it because she can express it better than I can Yes, she can express it better. So that's the that's the script that I have I'm I'm revving um, in a little and and and detail already where I can write out my notes and write out my thoughts and I'm because I'm the I seem where Where we where we where we need to be where we want to be because I am a my that's that's what god Bless me. It's vision wisdom and revelation. I'm great with revelation. I can see things and then also Um judgment. I mean not um Um, not judgment. Yeah, good good judgment. I have not what's the thing? Uh, sister direction. There you go. Sister direction. I have good sister direction Oh, I nearly said good judgment Am I am I supposed to light all the screen? Sense of direction. Yes, sister direction So I'm revving good with so revelation wisdom, sister direction vision God bless me with that gift and being able to put it down on paper and but I'm not great in Expressing myself and so it's hard sometimes for me to express myself verbally. So even sometimes I'm average It's even when we talking I know what I want to say, but it's hard for me and she and she gets frustrated because When I can't really express myself like I want to it frustrate her and so that balance though I mean being and writing it down and made it stressful And so this is what I do with the podcast because now the goal is that I'm I made it put my thoughts on paper Now she know what I'm thinking and so after a while She able to pick up where I'm coming from or what I'm doing. Yeah, because she learning the things that I'm doing and this is I mean I'm married. Yes, that could be a matter But yeah, this is about you know surrounding yourself with your weakness. It doesn't matter If what kind of business you in, you know, when you're networking with people when you join in master minds and book clubs and all these different things You know, you want to see okay, who compliment me? Well Or compliment me well Well, you know when you when you're going on a job when you looking for a job What job I can fit in that compliment that compliment the team in that organization? Yeah, and so when you hire somebody who can I hide? I compliment this team so that the team can have success And that's what is about complimenting your strength with your weakness So let's let's look at some practical steps that will help us to leverage self-doubt Okay Because self-doubt Can be a secret weapon. Mm-hmm like we said in the beginning that can be your superpower You know that can be what can push you to become your best self. Yeah. Yeah, so don't ever think oh my god I'm always in my head. How can I get over this? You can you can I know I did Right and you still I'm still over. Yeah, I'm still in the process. Yes, it's just I think it's a matter of just Identifying it. Mm-hmm. You know and saying okay, this is my problem. Mm-hmm. How do I move beyond this? I think my biggest self-doubt right now Is not believing that I can Not believing that I can do What I can do and what is this can't not believe in what area Right now I would say in all areas of my life and what I'm at a stage in my life where I feel like I'm in a rut if there's such a um I feel like I'm surrounded by darkness And every side I look there's a blockage and there's darkness. Mm-hmm I don't have the ability to look up That's self-doubt, right? I feel like I don't have the ability to pull myself out And if a psychologist would listen to what I'm saying right now, they'll say oh, she's depressed because going back to mental um health and having declared that I Was diagnosed with depression? People who know and understand depression depression is a disease. It's a chronic disease That you can never say I'm completely cured of So when life happens it always comes back to uh your mind telling you that That's self reminding of your self-doubt reminding of your weaknesses reminding you of your failures reminding you Who so I'm I'm there right now. I'm and and I think maybe that's why I'm saying this Episode episode and this topic came at the right point where I guess I need to self-reflect Yes, able to pull myself out of there because I've been in this right for quite quite some time Yeah, and and each time I try to pull myself up and see the light Something happens and it pulls me straight back down again and 10 feet below than where I was yes So ever so often I'm trying to pull myself up See a bit of light And getting like that back there Yeah, and so and and practice that one thing I went my wife something I noticed Right and this is why I'm always Encouraged my wife's home. There's an event because I know, you know, that's a happy place When she had to surround herself with her self-African family of the people I'm a safe family even though they friends But with her self-African people's home so much as well. Yes, so when I know when only foreigners can understand So when she surround herself, that's like her happy place Where she forget about the thing that she what she in right now So this is why I encourage that when when anything let's go is there any event going on Let's get going on so because I want a happy wife. I want a wife that's had this energetic spirit Look at this wife and you're like, who's this woman? Look at how happy she is. Why can't you be this happy right now? You're happy. I'm happy. Yeah, but no, but sometimes the doubt do get to you and I and I noticed that you know, not how to Deflect like I do a process better because again, I'm more of a processor myself up when it comes to processing Yeah, my failures. Yeah, and and me. I'm I'm better with processing because I'm I think My biggest challenge and I would I think I would resonate with a lot of people Is that I know that I'm capable of way more for of what I have accomplished and what I'm doing right now And so I think that's where the beating up of myself comes from where I feel like So this is not you. You know, you're capable of way more than what you've accomplished and what you're doing. Yes So I feel like I've let myself down So much so much Yeah, and so but but being aware of that and we again we talk about your superpower. We want to tap into that Your superpower. What what what makes you happy? What do you want to go back to the happy place? So that you don't doubt yourself because you're good in speaking you good and you know, expressing yourself So, you know, you you you like hanging around people that that that you love hanging around getting around Conversating and this is why, you know, even going out to these different vans or you know, some things that you love Tap into that, you know, because that's your superpower. You like Especially yourself you like talking you're like hanging around people and so that why you build on your business why you build the things because even when you looking for the job that you want to get in, you know Why you build it and looking for because you got to remember sometimes it's not easy when you're applying for jobs and you're not getting it and And the question is the hardest thing. Yes, and it's not making you doubt yourself. Yes Yes, exactly, but you but you but you but don't doubt yourself because you have the ability to do the job But you just wait for the opportunity. So what you got to do it. Okay, just let God forget some of us You know, like God focuses on certain people like lord Hello, I'm here. Hello Have you forgotten about Listen, can I just put out a plea out there? Yes, anybody knows God's 911. Please just send it to me Like I really need his private number right now. Like it's an emergency. Yes, please say God's private number my way DM me I am ready to just dial him up and say hey Hello, lord You created me. So how are you forgetting about me? Yes, but you know again, it's about learning how to face those challenging situations head on head on Can graduate turn Your uncertainties to such a tease To to power, you know, so just didn't wear the head on because okay, you know, you have a weakness right now You know right now and you feel down. You know, but like I'm not I'm not gonna allow this defeat me And so what and this is something this is what I started praying. Okay, because me I was hard of losing You know, so my prayer now like lord um Help me to manage to be a good steward of myself and of who I am and so now and And putting me in the right direction and just dealing with these situations This is why I made a Continue to stick to what I'm doing now because I I'm more focused because I understand who I am at the individual And this is something that you gotta start doing It's just knowing who I who you are as the individual and then just takara and on and stop trying to stop chasing To it's not even chasing because of course we got we have to chase in life Until we we're rich self-actualization. It's a chase You know, but it's not even about that. It's about When you are in a particular space in your mind because we're talking mental health, right? There are certain things that that's hard to break down. Mm-hmm. You know and It just takes a lot out of a person to be able to Go past those blockages. Mm-hmm. And yes, you can but it takes a lot. It takes a lot and people just have to understand People who are suffering with mental health that what comes easy for one person a person going through mental health It takes a whole lot of and this is why this is why again when you surround yourself with your weaknesses You know, because you you know, you struggle with mental health or whatever So now you want to surround yourself with those people that's a little stronger than you. You know, but doesn't it feel like a little competition though? like No, you even feel doubt yourself. Oh my god. What something because you know, people who have a strength in certain thing They make it look so effortless. It's okay. Meanwhile. You're struggling to do that simple thing That's ego. And this is that's why you probably go They want I don't know, but Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a weakness. How is it ego? But no and when you surround us when when you're stranding they try to brag or whatever you try to I'm just saying you then it doesn't it's broken. No, they just bring themselves. It's just being a sauce It's their strength. Oh, then that's your that's your that's your that's you I went to a point where you say yes around yourself with these people who have your your your strength Which is their weak which is their strength, which is your weakness My my thing is but doesn't that even make you feel unworthy to be in that room even more? because Using these people who are doing this thing that is a weakness to you effortlessly. Yes. Meanwhile, you're struggling just to do You know 5% of that thing. Yeah, doesn't it make you feel more worse off than you started? No, because you know what you bring to the table Yes, exactly You know what you so you don't have to compare yourself with them because they bring in their gift and their uniqueness to the table You bringing your gift and this is how you're able to become one because their strength is your weakness your weakness Their weakness is your strength so you know what so you don't have to Comping yourself and look at other people say oh man, they're good and I know they that's their strength Don't don't focus on because that's the way you weaken you know you're weak in that area But you're strong in it you you're stronger in the area that you're strong in that's stronger than theirs In that area that you're strong in you're a lot better in that area than they are So that's why you what you bring to them because they probably say the same thing man She's strong in this area, but because they're looking at that where they weakness But they're neglecting that I got some strips and I think you're having said that then it's I think it's um it's important to get like Good feedback. Yes when you surround yourself with such people even like in whether in in a workplace in a business In in in in in a partnership in marriage, whatever Like get someone who can always be like your bouncing points. Hey, but it has to be constructive criticism You know and and then of course the person who's receiving it is able to receive and realize This person is not trying to push pull me down or trying to talk down on me Are they actually helping me? Yes to to to to to to to pin points where I can improve and be better. So have at least Open structure feedback Systems it does help yourself as well as your team and and and and embrace it Embrace this constructive feedback and how can we embrace it by hosting webshops by hosting retreats Organizing these things so but how do you host a retreat in a workshop when you you're dealing with your personal issues You're as a business owner. Are you talking in terms of business? Yeah, you're as a business owner You know, how can you help out your team your partners a lot of times just by hosting workshops or retreats You know that will enhance personal development You know that will improve personal development until that you know, you just how does business continue? Are you busy hosting? workshops Now you take the time out, you know, business can continue, but you still you got days off you know, you you have Oh, retreats for the the organization, you know, don't don't that if it's part of your Companies culture. Yes part of that culture company culture But you host these these workshops and these and the retreats so that helps that person development So that you ate a you know, everyone you share their thoughts. You've got some building What happened? Yeah, most companies have Tim building Tim. What Tim building team building? Yeah, these things like that But you also you can have you know, it's my point is you can't be nursing people's Weaknesses, no, but it's just for the constructive feedback. You're not nursing their weakness It's it's so that you're allowing people to express themselves into and to and they hear their feedback And then you hear their their feedback from them or how to make the company better how to make a organization better So it's that's why you're hosting these retreats in these and these workshops So that you able to hear their feedback and they to hear their feedback from you and you can hear their feedback as well And it's about proof. It's about proving the organization, but that's what it's improving the individual doing these retreats because It's like again going back to the happy It's going back to the happy place that allowed people to Begin to express the sudden and feel welcome feel open to talk or whatever, you know, so when when the person is calm You know, you you are you you you want to you want to um, you want to share more You want to share more? Yeah, when a person like you calm and and and you know, it's not it's not thinking about They're self-doubt, but they feel walk and feel welcoming You know, it's a walker in place a walking event a person is more Um more accepted to espresso sauce. I know myself, you know as an introvert actually, you know I'm I'm always looking for places I don't I don't say much until I know it's comfortable for me to start speaking And then I always say once I feel comfortable to express myself that I'm not gonna be judged Then you got to shut me up because now I get now more relaxed I'm more comfortable to begin to to begin to talk because I feel like that that's that's a safe place To begin to um, express by suffering so as we sum this thing up How can we then turn going back to our intro? How can we turn self-doubt into a superpower? Well continuous person development and self-awareness We have to focus on continuous person development and self-awareness And this is why I encourage not that don't just take the disassessment once but every regularly Begin to take the disassessment, you know, maybe every year. Why because it changes? Yeah, it could change Yeah, who you are today could change the next year because once you once you Once you're aware of yourself a lot of time now you approve it in those areas And so the next year you could be different because now you're aware of and now you're not maybe if you're a high C You might not be a high C next year because you you put them some things into practice Now you're more of a D or I or S or whatever. So you're yeah, you're this could change So that's why you regularly but by being aware because even like Profits a lot of times even maverish. Don't we say, you know, that's why you got to continue studying your wife because staying studying your husband because you know You the person you mad me five years ago is not the same person five years later Yeah, you know your preference changed and so you're still looking at the individual when you first met it That's how problems come about because you're still looking at the same individual How they was when you first met them and they're totally different individual and then you want them one day you realize hold on You don't do it anymore or you don't like that anymore like especially if you have an inner tens of powers Yes, yes, especially. Yeah, so, you know, they changed and so very important to be aware of these situations This is something I even have to practice as well on every day because days can change and just by being aware of myself And being aware of my partner and being aware of the different environment, you know, I'm able to I'm able to approve in in those areas Yeah So feedback is important feedback is important feedback is really important and and even if you by being you're aware It you want you you you want to be so down in yourself when you receive constructive Criticism, you know, because you know feedback is important. That's this is how you're going to grow So you want to take it so hard and beat yourself up when you get like that you feel like oh, they're coming down No, they're not coming down. It's just constructive criticism so that it can help you grow You might not like you at the time. You like constructive feedback You might not but you you get it sucking in And taking as you know what does that but I always say when people give you constructive criticism or criticism in any way it has to be out of love, you know, the tone and the I'm trying to find this English order and it's running away So Okay I'm trying to think of what into in jungle in You can not direct translation Anywho, so your tone is very important and and Way it stems from it's very important. Like if you're gonna say it's just so that you You hurt me or you you show me how bad I am and a certain thing then that's the wrong That's the one mountain Isn't that make you sweat? So are you telling me that date is run out while you are using your american accent English? Hey So, yeah, so the the motive is very important and how it's and the delivery Motive interlude Because you can have the greatest Uh Constructive criticism But if the motive behind it and the delivery is bad and it will not be well received End of story Yes, so, you know another thing without thinking attacking me. Yes, I agree and this is why you got to continue to also engage your um, these mindfulness practices so that you had to control and deal with these emotion responses Pray Prayer but then mindfulness practices these retreats these you know these spa days or whatever so that you had to continue to do for one Yes, my wife is do for one, but you want it. You want it. You want to be able to um practice and to understand your emotion It doesn't necessarily have to be like mindless mindfulness mindfulness activities like you said It could be just something that just sorry simple. Yes. Yeah happy place. Yes. It could be you In a car just play. That's also my fitness practices. Exactly, but you're happy. Yeah We we say spa, but it could be anything that make you happy. You know taking a nap. Yeah, like taking a nap. It's not simple It makes me happy Simple and not that will not be interrupted by a fidgety husband Oh my god, okay, let's round off so creating a culture of growth and accepting How do you do that like is it a culture of growth and acceptance? for yourself or among your peers among your business associates All of it all of all of yes, but you understand it yourself But you adapted these different strategies and have it in mindful Yeah, being conscious and having and mindfulness practices and and continue these growth and awareness and personal development Allow you to you know to embrace that growth and acceptance and building that culture With your business partners with your maris your spouse your your your life partner The one you do business with or whoever and your it may be you know Your co-workers allow you to have you you will come to work as cited To that yeah, you know what you know because it allowed you to be vulnerable and and be Be comfortable in your own skin and being vulnerable because that vulnerability a lot of times We know why we're not vulnerable because we're not comfortable Or we we had the self that self that they're going to talk about me And they're going to judge me and so and keep it from being vulnerable and so just a while you had to know yourself To I like I said this one time to To know yourself is to grow yourself. So in order for you to grow you got to you have to begin to know yourself even more and to be yourself Yes, so you can be yourself. Yeah that day. Hey, that's right. Yeah Yeah, so I I just want to encourage, you know our audience and whoever that's listening that Just take care of yourself. Take care of your mind Um, don't doubt yourself so much so that you allow other people's two cents to matter Yes, yes Because at the end of the day They will move on alive and you'll be left stuck by yourself, right And we'd like to call it around But I do want to say this though too because I always want to say something I'm just saying though You want to take my shiara. Hey, I'm just saying this though, but it's but Your business is dependent on you being aware of yourself Your partner is dependent on you being aware of yourself So, you know, you're dealing with self-down and this is why I mean it covers to take the disassessment because For your business that you're trying to build that you want that that idea That you want to put out there that you're afraid of yourself You down yourself is it as I'm going to get the support is it? You know who gonna who gonna who gonna be there who gonna support me, you know, is there gonna That that idea that you have it dependent on you to Have the confidence to step out there that it's and just go for it. So yeah I just want to say It's a wrap. It's a wrap. Okay. And that just remember that self-doubt shouldn't be your barrier because We make it stop us from our tracks Or moving forward to becoming who was supposed to be But it actually makes self-doubt to be a beacon guiding you towards your greater self-awareness and success Don't make it your be a barrier But make it push you make it make it be the fuel the firebar force And I'm talking from experience and I'm talking to myself That whatever that I'm doubting myself with right now. Mm-hmm I'm gonna use that as fuel To push me to the next level. Yes because I deserve it I can And you can So if this episode resonates with you what would really love for you to press the subscribe button Share Tell us your opinions. Tell us what you think comment We love hearing from you And we enjoy reading your comments. So if you're ready to level up your idea in in business Uh, hear us up hear us up We will want we really want to Be partners with you in our six months mentorship board camp I know we've been preaching about it. We will not stop until you jump on Yes, we waiting for you. You you you you got that idea in your mind You don't know how to get it in motion Coach lj is here for that is here for you go into our description box Check the link for uh, six-month minister program or boot camp And we got yeah when I say we got you we got you It can be an idea that you already have Or an idea that's in your mind and we'll help bring that idea into reality We want to cover you to stay inspired keep thriving Keep chilling And let's transform our dreams into yet into reality with us on children with the chaplains The six-month minister boot camp in the community We here to help you to help you grow To help your to challenge your doubts because we Talked from experience That we dealt with And i'm alive. It's still is dealing with and still is dealing with And so and and overcoming And we want to help you to overcome this what the purpose of the episode this is the purpose, you know, because We all have gifts and we are unique But we are getting our way with our self-doubt We're not taking action. We're not launched out of deep because we are afraid That nobody is not going to be there for us. So they're not going to so this was mean Until the law said look for you. There's over 8 billion people in the world If you're still afraid of yourself and you're still down in yourself or who's going to support you who's there for me You still worry about the 200 people that are not that's not that that don't even care about you But what about the rest of the 8 billion people that don't even know you But in order to you In order to find you You got to jump out. You got it. You got to let go of the self-doubt and say, you know what i'm going for it And get the principal the foundation. This is why this is my minute. You what you got idea This is what it's about getting the sixth my municipal so I can help you how to structure everything And research to begin to look for you You know because a lot of times we we don't start a business because we don't know what to do And so this is what it's it it gives you that blueprint on how to do things the right way and so on to next time Thank you And we enjoy this episode We say check out the next episode we have for you And you know how we sound off how we always sound off do this piece See you on the flip side
Send us a textStrap in for Turning Self-Doubts Into Your Greatest Ally | Episode 129. Discover how to transform your self-doubt into your greatest strength in this insightful episode of Chilling With The Chaplins. Dive into practical strategies and real-life examples that empower personal and professional growth. What Will You Learn:We set the stage for a transformative journey.Strap in for Turning Self-Doubts Into Your Greatest Ally: Learn how embracing your doubts can lead to empowerme...