Inside Texas Football

IT Roundtable: Texas Longhorns NIL Update, Best Secondary of Pete Kwiatkowski Era?

Texas is utilizing DKR to increase NIL and is this going to PK's best secondary at Texas? Use Promo Code “IT1” To Get 2 Months of for Only $1: Call your real estate expert, Laura Baker, at 512-784-0505 or email her at Chapters: 00:00 Texas NIL Efforts 11:15 Could this be PK's best secondary? Listen to the Podcast: Spotify: Apple: Find Us On Social Media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
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18 May 2024
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Texas is utilizing DKR to increase NIL and is this going to PK's best secondary at Texas? Use Promo Code “IT1” To Get 2 Months of for Only $1:

Call your real estate expert, Laura Baker, at 512-784-0505 or email her at


00:00 Texas NIL Efforts

11:15 Could this be PK's best secondary?

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Welcome to the Inside Texas football YouTube channel powered by I'm Joe Cook, sitting in for LC. He's in parts unknown this week. We got another great edition of the Saturday round table. Make sure you like this video, subscribe to the channel, helps us out, help us get to 8,000 subscribers. And of course, head to You can use the promo code IT1 to get two months of Inside Texas access for just $1. I've got Eric Nelline. I've got Ian Boyd today. We'll be talking about some events on the 40 acres that are going to be extremely important to Texas fortunes in the coming years, even if it doesn't involve player workouts or coaches. And then we'll talk a little bit about how this could be one of the better secondaries Pete Wieckowski has ever coached. So, gentlemen, a little bit of trivia I talked to you about. I'll leave it for the viewer a little bit. 10 seconds of maybe dead time. Three concerts I can think of in the history of DKR. One was in the 70s and this is the time to think about it. One was in the 90s and one was in 2022. Three, two, one. All right. First was ZZ Top in 1974. The other one was the Eagles concert in the 90s and the other apparently was Boz Skaggs in the who in 2022. An odd combo for sure, but there's going to be another one this weekend and it's going to help Texas NIL efforts. It'll be a night for Texas benefit in the Texas One Fund. It'll feature Ryan Bingham and the Texas gentlemen, which I know is Pete's Eric and I's fancy. It'll feature Brooks and Dunn, which will peak pretty much any country fans fancy. And of course, it's all benefiting the Texas One Fund and helps him not just only help the football program, but the athletic department. Eric, how creative is this? I mean, we've seen some other schools use some big celebrity influence. I mean, South Carolina has Darius Rucker and I know UNC and a few other schools have done something else, but like how creative is this and how much will it probably help Texas NIL and the Texas One Fund going forward in the 2024-2025 athletic year? First of all, I can't understand how I don't recall Boz Skaggs in the who in 2022. That was like yesterday. What was they were trying to raise money for COVID funds or something like that? That is surprising to me. And Boz Skaggs has a very close tie to inside Texas behind the scenes. His brother is a reader of inside Texas, a longtime reader and a good commenter when he does jump on. Yeah, I mean, this is, yeah, I don't know if it's the most creative thing of all time. It's a smart and practical thing, you know, plenty of your strengths. And that's two different types of crowds you're going to get with, you know, there's overlapping. Don't get me wrong. You know, my wife likes both Ryan Bingham and Brooks and Dunn, but you're definitely going to talk to a little bit of your crowd with the Ryan Bingham edition. And then of course, the Brooks and Dunn is going to appeal to anybody at 40 and over. I expect it to do well. You're not having a celebrity golf tournament today. And tomorrow is going to be the concert given the amount of price that tickets are and the amount the amount of sponsorships are. I think they're going to raise $2 or $3 million. I don't know, I need to see what the attendance is. I'm going to kind of get an idea of the attendance and I'll run a little math on it. But I think they can raise $2 or $3 million, maybe even more depending on just the donations they get outside of sponsorships and ticket price. Yeah, and Eric, you know, I've heard of details of some other NIL events, obviously, none as big as being hosted at DKR and featuring these great recording artists. But these are opportunities not only to get people out there to see these great musical acts, but it's opportunities to interact with athletes, with coaches. I mean, we've heard that Steve Sarkeesian, Vic Schafer, even Rodney Terry, and some other coaches, they're active at these events. Student athletes are active at these events and it helps not only get people in seats, but to a certain extent, helps them to see and understand where some of the money that they're donating to NIL goes to, and who they're specifically helping as a person. Yeah, they'll go through great lengths to explain some of that. You know, it's not just, if you go on social media, you might see some jewelry or something. That's not all real jewelry and they're not buying all those cars. They're not just throwing their money away. There's a lot of very interesting, very good human interest stories about that money being put to good use. And they'll definitely, I'm sure there's going to be some presentations over that. There typically is at these NIL things. But man, this is just a practical thing. You got this giant stadium that's almost always empty. Go use it to raise some money. Ian, you talk a lot about one of your favorite words and phrases is marshalling resources when it comes to college football. And this does it in one extent. But if you look at the announcement, not only is this, you know, obviously Texas donors, Texas interested parties, but C3, who I believe runs like ACL, Lollapalooza, all that. And Tito's vodka, who is owned and operated or at least founded by an alum, they are some of the, they are, Tito's is the title sponsor of this event. So in terms of marshalling resources, it's not often you get the top vodka distillery in the country. And then maybe the most successful, can, I don't know, conglomerate that puts together great music festivals all together in one place. And by the way, they're rowing for Texas as well. Yeah, I mean, when NIL opened up, this is why you knew that Texas was potentially one of the biggest benefactors in the whole country. Texas, USD, potentially Michigan, all these schools that maybe were a little hesitant to play the game the way it used to be played in terms of getting players to agree to come play for your school. Now that things are out in the open and it's much more business oriented and you can marshall resources out in the open a little more easily. And obviously, Texas is a big benefactor and obviously the leadership is all aboard. You know, Tito's this probably doesn't surprise you guys, but that's like the one of the most common labels you see up here in Michigan even like Texas. There's a lot of big brands associated with Texas. It's just all over the place. I don't know where kicks Brooks went to school. Not sure exactly where Ronnie Dunn went to school. He's from Coleman, Texas, which is on the way to Lubbock. But Eric, this is the opportunity to drop one of the best pieces of Ryan Bingham trivia that that you know pretty well. Oh yeah. So if you know anything about high school football in Texas or just, you know, Texas geography, he went to Aldean Westfield High School. And if you've ever seen Ryan Bingham and ever seen Aldean Westfield play, you would not put those two together. But his family moved around a lot originally from New Mexico, moved all over Texas. He actually wrote a song talking about, you know, being bullies, a song called Wolves. It's a really good song. And I have a good feeling that was from his time at Westfield where he stuck out like a sore thumb. But you know, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And I think it's probably, you know, the life he's had has gone a long way towards the quality of his music. Ronnie Dunn, I'm looking it up, went to ACU and kicks Brooks went to Louisiana Tech. So I'm trying to find how much that title sponsor costs. I think I could find it in this right here. It's like 250 or 500 alone. So that's just, you know, that's. And that's a big thing because I know there's probably been some hesitancy just generally on on different sides for having vodka be a main sponsor. But now that that barrier seems to have fallen as well. I think I don't want to interrupt you. But while I've got this up, they've got a stage and entertainment sponsor for 500. I don't know if that one was filled. I don't see title sponsor necessarily, but I see presenting sponsor. So maybe that's it 250. Another V.I. pregame tailgates 250. So just between those three sponsorships, you're talking about a million dollars, assuming those got filled. And then that's before you even talk about the donations, all the tickets to get in. You know, this is going to be another one that hurts a lot of fans of other schools when it comes to recruiting. Something very unique to the University of Texas and the Austin area. Ian, there's also something unique to the Austin area. You have a little experience with that we'll help. We'll let our friend LC jump in and give us a little bit of a word here when talking about Laura, Laura Baker and the elite Andy Allen team. Hi guys, it's me LC. We're going to get you back to all that insightful football knowledge real soon. But I just wanted to talk about me a second. If you know anything about me, you'll know that I am a living inside enthusiast. I really like sleeping inside. I like living inside, knowing that my refrigerator is under a roof is really important to me. And if you're of a similar ilk and are looking to buy or sell a home in the central Texas area, please reach out to Laura Baker. Now, Laura is a UT grad. She's an avid Longhorn fan and a member of IT, meaning she's family. She's also an elite member of the Andy Allen team with Keller Williams Realty. You know, buying or selling a house can be really challenging. And it's one of the biggest financial decisions that you're ever going to make in the entirety of your life. So you want to make that decision with someone who is at the top of their profession and can help you navigate the process seamlessly. Now, inventory is up for the first time in a long time in central Texas. So it's a good time to buy. And because the market is fairly balanced, it's actually a good time to sell as well. So again, if you're like me or our friend Ian Boyd, who has recently worked with Laura Baker and you love living inside, please give her a call today and see if you're a good fit together. Now back to the show. That is someone who's got two degrees in theater and acting and Ian, Ian, is it true to you like living inside? I am very much an inside person like Elsie, at least as much as Elsie. Are you going to be okay without the lack of basements in Texas? We always seem to see you in a basement. Now you're in somebody else's basement. I mean, you're going to have to have some withdrawals from basements, right? That's actually probably going to be kind of tough for me. I love being, I liked the Michigan cold up until I had kids and I started getting sick all the time. But we're excited about our new house up in North Austin that Laura helped us find. We had to plan it across the country. We were only able to go down for like one scouting trip and in that one scouting trip, Laura had helped us zero it down to a few neighborhoods, a few houses. We zeroed it down well over the weekend, found the perfect place for us, got the deal done right before we were flying back up to Michigan. Great experience with Laura, helped us, you know, we had to plan, we had four kids. We had to figure out what schools to be in. We had to figure out what part of town to be in that was the right, you know, price range, the right sort of homes, the right sort of neighborhoods. You all got to give Laura a call if you're looking to buy in the Austin area and maybe you should be because this area is going to explode. I'm thinking I'm going to make some real money on this house and like 10, 20 years down the line if I ever come to sell it. Ian, I'm going to pop it right back to you, hard transition. You wrote an article the other day on Inside Texas about could this be Pete Quickowski's best secondary and that not only includes some inside about Pete Quickowski himself, but also about Terry Joseph, who's a secondary coach for the Longhorn and focuses on the cornerbacks. And you take some historical context and some looking back at both Washington under Pete Quickowski and Jimmy Lake and also Notre Dame defenses, secondaries under Terry Joseph and try to figure out maybe what the strategy is going to be and how the Longhorns might look in the secondary when trying to answer that question. So maybe not so much could this be, but why will this be Pete Quickowski's best secondary? I do think it for sure will be his best secondary yet at Texas. The talent level, I think previously the best one would have been 2022, I think, just because of the injuries and some of the issues they had in 2023. But the 2022 secondary, we haven't the chapters not closed, but it was not as stacked within a fell talent as say Pete Quickowski's best secondary is at Washington, Terry Joseph's best ones in Notre Dame, or this next year at Texas. So you figure Malik Muhammad is looking like he's going to be an NFL guy, right? Jadae Barron will be drafted somewhere, probably could have been drafted this last year. One of Derek Williams and Andrew Makuba, I think there's a good chance that they will be an NFL player before long. So there's just a whole lot more talent than say in like 2022 where they had a lot of like fringe late round undrafted free agent guys that were really pretty solid and pretty athletic, but not quite at the NFL level. I think the talent alone is going to help them figure out the best way to use the secondary. And I think it will propel this to be the best we've seen yet at Texas under Pete Quickowski. And then the devil's in the details, how exactly, how good they are during the season, not just are they the best, but by what extent are they the best, that could be, you know, the difference between making the playoffs, winning the playoffs, narrowly missing the playoffs, et cetera. It's a really big factor for this coming season. One of the things that Eric, you've harped on his versatility, and I'm looking at the 2022 secondary and had to Sean Jamison, who was basically just a corner, Jadae Barron, who maybe at that point in his career wasn't as multiversal or multifaceted as he is now, Anthony Cook, who by that point safety, Jaren Thompson, safety, Ryan Watts, Foundry Corner. And while there are some guys on this year's team who might not be moving all over the place, they have more guys who can play a lot more roles that could help lead to what Ian talked about, this being a very versatile and excellent secretary. Yeah, versatility is kind of a proxy for athleticism. And so this is just a lot more athletic group. And I also think it's I've written about the once they once they added JV on coal, as I said, the man, there's a very high IQ group as well. I'm not, I'm not worried about it all that much. I'm worried more about schemes and like the individual players making mistakes, you know, because they do have to, we're gonna have to figure out how to stop the running. Sometimes that's going to remove a DB from from coverage. But if you look at the, the most common players that were exploited last year on the field, all three of them are gone. I don't know, you know, no need to name names, but all three guys that got, you know, picked on the most last season are, are, you know, either playing for different teams or yeah, all three were playing for different teams. So I think that by nature, adding, increasing the athleticism and the football IQ, I think they can't help but be a pretty good unit. I'm not not super concerned about that. I'm, my concern is going to be marrying all three levels. And some of that has to do with what we're talking about, but it's, it's a little bit different. Ian, with this one, one of the groups that you highlighted in your article was the 2018 Washington Huskies. And it had smaller Byron Murphy, Miles Bryant, Taylor Rapp, Jojo McIntosh, and Jordan Miller. And one of the things that you mentioned was that this secondary often just said, all right, boundary guy, you're on your own. We'll take care of everything else and we'll go 10 on 10. Is Malik Muhammad, somebody who can give that secondary, that can do that and give the secondary the ability to maybe play 10 on 10 elsewhere and trust him alone on some of the SEC's top receivers. Yeah, I think so. I think that's kind of one of the big defining points this coming season is like the extent to which he's able to just glue himself to top receivers. And also, Malik Muhammad really breaks on the ball well. And sometimes what we'll scare a team off from throwing at a guy isn't even so much like if he's really tight to the receiver. But are we afraid about a pick of a pick six here? Are we afraid of a turnover? And he's got just tremendous ball skills and sees things so well. So that's like, that's maybe one of the most important factors for like what makes Texas elite top 10 defense next season would be hey, if Malik Muhammad makes a leap like we think he could and it's just a breakout year, that's going to go a long way. Everything else gets a lot easier from there. Byron Murphy is a good comp for Malik actually. Malik's not going to go out there around a four or three. He's not like some of these freaks that you see going in the top 10 or top 15. That's why I keep saying I think he might end up being a second round pick even though he's every bit as good of a college football player as a first rounder. It's just because I think you might not have the ideal length. It's not like he lacks it and he might not be just the absolute freak of nature, but he's a very, very heady, heady football player, natural football player. We always talk about his football IQ and how hard he works as football character. He's going to be he's going to be a lockdown corner this year. You know who he reminded me not to pour salt on the wound, but him and JV on Cole actually both remind me a little bit of Jabbar Muhammad, the guy who got away to Oregon, where they have Malik Muhammad's got better length than any of them. So Malik Muhammad may have a higher upside, but they're all really. Jabbar got away to Washington before he got away to Oregon. That was a year. There were they were there was two years that they could not think that they like don't get me started on Jabbar. Jabbar's a baller man. They had to go against them. They had all the tape in the world. They needed them at Oklahoma State. That one, that one hurts. But hey, JV and Cole is a good player. The secondary should be good. Again, I'm not worried about it outside of how they interact with the other two levels. Should be fun to track over the course of the offseason. Of course, during the offseason, we're going to be tracking all this at Head to Inside Texas. Use the promo code IT1. That'll get you two months of Inside Texas access for just $1. Make sure you like this video. Subscribe to the channel. Help us out. Help us get to 8,000. Ian, I do have one last question for you. You're not going to need a snow shovel up in Michigan anymore. Thanks to your new location with Laura Baker. Who do you think is the snow shovel of this year's Texas secondary? Michael Taff.
Texas is utilizing DKR to increase NIL and is this going to PK's best secondary at Texas? Use Promo Code “IT1” To Get 2 Months of for Only $1: Call your real estate expert, Laura Baker, at 512-784-0505 or email her at Chapters: 00:00 Texas NIL Efforts 11:15 Could this be PK's best secondary? Listen to the Podcast: Spotify: Apple: Find Us On Social Media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: