Jesse Kelly Show

Institutionalized insanity

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21 May 2024
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We get to emails and other things coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Also, Jewish producer Chris had asked me a little earlier if I was going to address the Red Lobster bankruptcy news. Everybody and their brother has texted me the information that Red Lobster declaring bankruptcy. I didn't address it off the bat. A couple different reasons. One, we kind of touched on it. We saw this coming. We touched on it a couple weeks ago. Two, I'm hurt. Look, I am hurt. It does hurt to watch an American institution like that go away. But three, we still have Waffle House. I picked up my sons this morning and we went right to Waffle House. So we're fine here in the Kelly household. Now back to institutionalized insanity because we were talking about how in case you're just now joining us, the American communist has done this so well. You see, it's not that you necessarily want to win on every issue. Now they do don't get me wrong, but you don't have to win on every issue as long as you work your way up the chain far enough to where you control the institution who determines the winner or loser on the issue. Do you understand what I mean? If I'm a, if I'm in gymnastics, yeah, I'm not in gymnastics, but the wife was so that just popped into my head. You know, she was one of these world class gym or gymnast type girls. So let's say you're taking on somebody else in gymnastics. Okay. And the other person you're taking on in gym, I'm making about women because dude's gymnastics, gymnastics is anyway, so we'll make it about female gymnastics. So there's a one woman. We'll call her Christine. She's way worse. She's just awful gymnast, awful, awful gymnast, the worst gymnast you've ever seen. And then there's another gymnast, Jessica is her name. She's amazing, a great person, beautiful, very good at what she does. So Christine wants to beat Jessica, but who determines who actually wins in gymnastics? It's not basketball. The ball going in and out of the hoop. The judges will determine who wins. Everything you do in gymnastics, you get judged on. So Christine, she can work harder, try to get better, try to beat Jessica, who's much, much, much better or Christine can simply find a way to take over the judges. Let's get your mom, your cousin, your sister, to be the judges. And then guess what? You don't have to be better than anybody. You've managed to institutionalize what you want. Here's a headline for you. You know the United States of America, sadly, has an equal employment opportunity commission. That's an actual thing that exists. And of course, the communists would find a way to exploit it. Now, if you misgender somebody in the workplace, you have some freak at work who decides they can change the sex God made them with. And you happen to call him a her. That now qualifies as harassment. You see what I mean? You don't have to work to become a better gymnast. You just take over the judges. And that's what the left has done every place you go. You can see this in them. There are a million examples of this in a society. They've done that. They've done this so successfully when it comes to manmade climate change, which is ridiculous and not even real. And yet scientists after scientists, university after university will speak about the theory of manmade climate change as if it's just been proven. Well, all the studies say, no, they don't. There's thousands of studies and thousands of scientists who say this is a bunch of ridiculous, comedy, godly, book, not based on anything at all. But once you institutionalize it, then your insanity simply gets taught to the masses. They do it with every single item. They're famous for it. They'll find a way to institutionalize it. And then anyone speaking the truth, what are you anti science? You really saw that when all the scientists told you that it was somehow scientific to just stand six feet away from everyone else in the country. So freaking stupid. I just can't even wrap my mind around it. Whatever. Let's go talk about some other things, shall we? State moved migrant families. They're not migrants, they're illegals. State moved migrant families to hotels with sex offenders. Okay, so a state moved a bunch of illegals into a hotel that had sex offenders. I guess I have a lot of questions here. This is from the Boston Globe. Um, why are sex offenders just being held in a hotel and not a wood chipper? That's from one. Two. Why are we moving illegals anywhere except for back from whence they came? But three, do you really expect me to be stressed out that a bunch of people who just violated our sovereignty are now put next to a bunch of criminals? Oh, no, don't like it here. Leave. But man, if that doesn't show you how insane things are and that the headline is that things aren't that nice for the illegals, listen to this. These stories for me. This is out of New York. Listen to these people. You need a opinion. She was overcome with emotions. She feels the weight of the world on her right now. It took her and her children a month and a half to get from El Salvador to Mexico where they crossed the country into Texas. They got moved to New York City and they were in a housing program that sent them here to Rochester. They arrived in January of this year and lived at the Holiday Inn downtown for four months. And they were moved here three weeks ago. It's very traumatic. She says it's been quite traumatic. Everything that was told to us to come to Monroe County to Rochester hasn't been fulfilled. Do you like America? But not Rochester? No. No good Rochester. Do you want to stay in America? Yeah. Oh, did you get moved out of the Holiday Inn? Oh, I'm so sorry. You took your 95 kids into my country to blood suck it to death and the Holiday Inn wasn't to your liking. Did they not have the tortillas like Grandma made back home? Oh, I'm so sorry. The entitlement of these freaking people because we've institutionalized that too that you could just come here and not only can you come here, you can sit and complain about the place. You can show up here and just crap all over it and just you can voice your concerns. If you're any legal, you should be afraid to walk in public for fear of a rest and deportation. Remember that African woman in New York who showed up and started complaining that we didn't have enough translators for her and click click. You know, in Africa, unfortunately, for us, learning how to read and write is a privilege and a lot of our brother and sister do not know how to read and write. So the language barrier is it's it's it's tremendous. It's impossible for them to do anything because they don't understand the language. They don't understand the way the city works. They don't understand anything and you can do nothing. You can do nothing. We don't speak African. We have different specificity in Africa. In only in the Congo, you have like more than 500 language. Swale is being spoken in Burundi. So I can speak with somebody from Burundi, but I cannot speak Swale with somebody from Mauritania. You understand? You understand that the only way to run an immigration system is to tell that woman if she has any complaint, she can take him right back to Africa. And if anyone has even come here legally and they have complaints about the language, then they can learn to speak English like everybody else. And then it won't be a problem because we speak English in this country. But the incense of entitlement, the entire world has everybody now. Everyone knows America's just some big fat cow. You could show up and suck on the teeth until your until your heart's content. And if you don't like the flavor of the milk, just lodge a former complaint. I don't like it at the holiday and oh my gosh, there are criminals here next to us. Well, when I'm back in Africa, we can't just speak Swahili. Go away. All of you leave. You're not welcome here. None of you are. None of you. Not one. Leave. Come back legally or don't come back at all. Bunch of leeches and the people in this country that just welcome all this filth in. Cannot take it anymore, man. Gosh, and you want to know what has to be sustained? I made the mistake of listening to this right before we started talking about illegal. 36% of Americans have more credit card debt than they do emergency savings. This is the second year in a row bank rate has noticed this happening. It's also the highest number of people with credit card debt versus emergency savings. We've seen dating all the way back to 2011. Greg McBride, bank rates, chief financial analyst says house. The American people, the American citizens are suffering and struggling and they're not making it. And the evil people who run this government have thrown the doors of this country open to every single dirt ball who wants to come here from across the planet. And not only do they show up here, they show up here with demands. You've got to be kidding me. Give me a year. Give me a year. I'll clean things up. Believe me, you'll see some deportations like you've never seen. Give me one year. I'm moving on. I don't want to get to emails. I don't want to get my blood pressure up and now I'm upset. This happens every single time I start on the subject and I'm just going to stop talking about it. That's it. I'm just going to move on. You know what? I just need a good night's sleep. And that's where my pillow comes in. That's not I had a great night's sleep, but I guess I did another one because now I'm all upset. But my pillow has a $25 extravaganza sale going on right now. And it's honestly it's ridiculous. Go look at the list of products they have for $25. You can get a two pack of multi-use my pillows for $25. A two pack. You can basically get your bed set up. $25 dollars. They're sandals, which everyone knows are amazing. That's why they sell out every time they do this. $25 if they still have your size. They probably don't buy now. You might want to go look six P style sets of $25 and the brand new grand poo bar that knew my pillow with the Giza fabric on it. No matter what size or loft level, $25. They have all kinds of things. Go take advantage when sales like that happen. My pillow dot com. Click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code Jesse or call 800-845-0544. We'll be back. Fighting for your freedom. Every day. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday again moving insanity into the legitimate institution, legitimate institutions, legitimizing insanity for the future. Here's Jamal Bowman. So I think the federal government should incentivize the implementation of DEI in states and school districts across the country. By doing more DEI, we mean a culturally responsive curriculum that's rooted in BIPOC history and culture and the diversity of the human experience, but it also means recruiting diverse teachers into the classroom, which is a priority of my case. You didn't know what any of that meant. It's all just a bunch of anti-white racism, which all communism, but anti-white racism is a critical part of communism in the United States of America. That's all that was. And it's all about making it institutional. You know, institutionalized racism against white people is now really, I mean, honestly, it's American policy. You see it everywhere now, absolutely everywhere. You hear this one out of Pennsylvania? An investment of over $290,000 to BIPOC businesses is being done by diverse Erie. These businesses range from transportation to childcare to housing development. The small businesses, the backbone of our economy, we realized that BIPOC businesses were impacted and infected at a higher level than other businesses. So we decided that it would be really for a benefit to help these small businesses not only grow, but thrive. They took a couple hundred grand in Erie, Pennsylvania of the taxpayers money, and they're going to hand it out for small businesses as long as you're not white. Remember, one of Biden's first executive actions, they had all this COVID money, your money, my money, that they were just handing out to these people and that people. One of the very first things Joe Biden did when he walked into office was he announced that white people have to go to the back of the line. It's institutional now. It's everywhere you see. I was at a totally, I was at that party, that neighborhood party on Saturday night. And I actually really got a kick out of it. One of my neighbors, I won't call him a Democrat about as squishy a Republican as you could possibly get though. Look, he was bragging about his booster shot and trying to get me to get back to like he's one of those guys, right? And his kid graduated three years ago from college. His kid had excellent grades, excellent grades. His kid has spent three years looking for a job. His kid put in 311 resumes and got one phone call back. And my guy, my neighbor was losing his mind. She's like, I'm looking into these companies. I see they're hiring. I see they're hiring. I see they're hiring. And he turned into his kid. So we started digging into it more and digging into it more and digging into it more. Oh, yeah, they were hiring. Oh, your kid worked hard. You paid for it, four years of school, all that upbringing. And then your kid found out that ain't no place for whitey in this company. Pack it on up and leave some. Look, what's happening to white people in the United States of America today is everybody as evil as what was happening to black people in the 60s. And no one wants to talk about it. But systemic racism is an evil thing. It's one thing that run into a racist person. Okay, whatever, who cares, like me, because I'm white, I don't give a crap. But if the systems in your country, if the institutions in your country have decided that you are a second class citizen beside because of your skin color, well, you are you have a huge problem because you can't escape systemic racism because it's part of the system. All those pictures that you're you learned about in school and I learned about in school, white restaurants only, white fountains only. Sorry, black people can't go to school here. And that that anger that weld up inside you, when you looked at that kind of injustice the way people were treated for their skin color, you understand that when you hear things like this, you should have the exact same emotions flowing. The grand jury is said to me today to decide the next steps of a case, finally, wrong one. I'm talking that was wrong one, talking about this one here, an investment of over $290,000 to buy pop businesses is being done by diverse Erie. These businesses range from $290,000. And that's on top of all the other stories, the scholarship programs to everything else we bring you. This is evil and it's wrong. You don't take an entire skin color and you treat it like a second class citizen, you don't do that. And we've lamented it and lamented it and lamented it and it's happening now. But I do, if I may, I do have another, another side to this coin that we should probably address. And I will warn you that this is probably going to be offensive. It might hurt a little, but it's true. Let me ask you this. I'll, I'll, I'll start this with a question. Let me ask you this. So you see an institution after institution in the country from the government to the media, to everything else, all this other stuff, you see this open, it's just very, very open now, anti-white racism that's out there. Nope, we're only hiring black pilots. Nope, we're only hiring females at this time. Nope, we're only hiring this. Nope, it's got to be indigenous. Nope, we're only hiring them. Nope, no whites, no whites, no whites, no whites, no whites. Oh, air traffic controllers. Oh, you waste the test. Oh, you're white, you're fired over and over and over and over again. You see this everywhere. But let me ask you how much blame do white people get for our current condition? Marinate on that for a moment. We'll talk about it. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday, of course, a medal of honor. Monday, remember you can email the show if you want Jesse at Jesse Kelly So we kind of, we kind of diverged here. And we're talking about systemic anti-white racism that's all over the place in the country now. It's all over the place. No, this grant is for you, not you, whitey, this air traffic controller job. None for you, whitey scholarship. Nope, whitey, not you, not you, not you. Remember they ran that story about how America's corporations decided they were too white. And then they did a long story. And I think it was Axios or somebody. And they figured out that, Oh, yeah, they'd hired a bunch of people in a few years. There's no white people. No whites, no whites allowed, no whites allowed. Sorry, whitey's not here. But my question was, how much responsibility do white people bear for their current condition in the country? And here's, here's what I mean. Well, you know what? Let's look at, let's look at who everything is arranged around now. Who are two of the biggest groups at LGBT? Look, you can make it about any group. You could make this about women. You know, we'll make it about women and black people. We'll make it about women and black people, because everything has to every male character has to be female, every white character has to be black on TV, everything else. And we need more women. We need more women. We got to have more black people. We got to have more black people over and over and over again. Okay. So let's make it about those two things right now. Very clearly, those two groups are spoken for it. Loudly, loudly, you've got every institution up and down the FBI. It's women's day at the FBI, every, the loudly spoken to president of the United States of America will get up and talk like this. America, we're all created equal. You'll get up and talk like this. That is the diversity, equity and inclusion. You'll get up and talk like this. My name is Joe Biden, and I'm a lifetime member of the NAACP. When's the last person you saw running for any office ever in your lifetime, get up in front of a group of white people and speak to them and speak to them specifically. I don't mean a bunch of white people in the crowd. I mean, and white people have had this and we're going to change how things are going for white people. When's the last person you saw either party talk like that? Have you ever seen it once ever? You've never seen it. I've never seen it. Why? Well, women, black people, they chose to get involved in the political process and they chose to become activists on behalf of their gender or skin color. But look, obviously extends way beyond them. Why are, why is everything rainbow now? Why is everything have to be gay? I mean, good grief there. NBC has a show coming out. We played the audio for you. They're acting like lions are gay. Why is that? And why aren't, you know, white men, why aren't, why don't they get any of that? Well, do you remember when Ryan Gerdusky came on the show? I love Ryan. He comes on. He talks about poll numbers and breakdowns of how things are working. Do you remember what Ryan Gerdusky said? Remember who he said was the least active political group in the United States of America? Working class white males. Working class white males do not participate in the political process. They don't vote Republican. They don't vote Democrat percentage wise. They just don't vote at all. How many, what percentage of black women vote? Do you know? Let me clue you in. It's staggering. It's like all of them. Why? Oh, I don't understand why. Why do we have to have black this and black that? And they're no, well, black people got involved. Black people got off their butts. Black people made demands. What does everything have to be gay? I don't want this to be gay. And I don't want that to be gay. Gay people weren't sitting at home on their hands. Gay people got up off their pink couches and they got involved in politics. They did. I don't understand the new Star Wars movies. Why does it have to be all these lesbians and that? Well, the new Star Wars director is a lesbian and she put down the peanut butter and went to work and decided to push her sick religion everywhere. I don't understand why everything has to be women. Even the GOP loves doing this. Look how many women. We have so many women. It's just women this and women that. Well, women got involved. If you want your politics to reflect you and to represent you, then you will get involved. You cannot hands off your way to political representation. And so, yeah, we obviously have spoken out and we'll speak out about any systemic racism we see in the country. And I speak about systemic racism. I see against white people all the time. But the truth is, you can't sit at home, crush in beers, play in tea ball, go into work, never get involved in politics for 50, 60 years and then wake up one day and say, wait a minute. When did white people become second class citizens? White people became second class citizens. The second white people checked out of the political process. Want representation? Go earn it. Go make it. And look, I understand there is a chicken or the egg thing here of, well, no one represents me. I'm at the GOP doesn't represent working class white people either. We don't give a crap about them. They represent Ukraine. And the GOP doesn't give a crap about you. Democrats certainly Democrats don't care about anybody working class. Black, white, Latino, doesn't matter. They hate you all. It's just a few people are still too dumb to realize the Democrats have seriously left you behind. But Republicans don't either. It's not like I could sit and tell any working class person of any color. They go Republican. What are you talking about Republicans don't care about that? They've never acted like they do or at least they have it in ages. So look, you want represented? Do you want people? Do you want people in Congress who will speak about you the way Jamal Bowman speaks about BIPOC? BIPOC. I think the federal government should incentivize the implementation of DEI in states and school districts across the country. And by doing more DEI, we mean a culturally responsive curriculum that's rooted in BIPOC history, right? And culture and the diversity of the human experience. You want someone to speak that way about you? If you're white, get involved. You know, Muslims actually get this a lot. They get a lot of guff because they will move into a place, whether it's their migration into Europe or how we've imported so many Muslims into America and people will lament places like Dearborn Michigan or honestly, Minnesota as a state and things like that, they'll lament how overrepresented Muslims become in their community. Well, why does that turn out to be the case? Why is the why do you have an entire state of Minneapolis bowing to the whims of Islam at every term? Why does that happen? Well, credit to the Muslims. They don't show up and go watch the game. They show up and they get involved. Why are they overrepresented? Because they're fricking involved. Why does Jamal Bowman get up to get to spew his racist crap? Why does he get to spew that crap? Because the people Jamal Bowman fights for they got up and they got involved. You don't get to sit on your rear end doing your scratch off lottery tickets, ignoring the realities of life as a white person for 50, 60 years and then wake up one day and look around and complain that politics doesn't represent you. Why would they represent you? You checked out of the game. The game doesn't care about you. Once you leave, you're just a fan. You're not even that you're a nobody. Get in the game and get involved or don't expect to be represented. So all there is to it. All right, we still have headlines. I didn't get to some other things. Hang on. He doesn't care if you believe him. It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. It's going to be such a great week. If you missed any part of the show, download it. I heart spotify iTunes. Do not forget to subscribe. Leave a five star rating in a review talking about how handsome I am. Did you hear Governor Whitmer? Man, these people do seem like they're interested in turning around this economy. Our economy and people's paychecks are growing and our nation is headed in the right direction. Thanks to his work. 36% of Americans have more credit card debt than they do emergency savings. This is the second year in a row. Bankrate has noticed this happening. It's also the highest number of people with credit card debt versus emergency savings. We've seen dating all the way back to 2011. Our economy and people's paychecks are growing and our nation is headed in the right direction. Thanks to his work. 36% of Americans have more credit card debt than they do emergency savings. This is the second year in a row. Bankrate has noticed this happening. It's also the highest number of people with credit card debt versus emergency savings. We've seen dating all the way back to. Yeah. People are being pillaged. The illegals get everything. The people in charge are telling you how great everything is. And it frustrates me. Anyway, let's do some emails. Hey, hi, T man. I listen to your show sometimes, not super often, but occasionally. I was just hoping you could go into more detail about what's going on in Palestine and Israel and why all the economies are pro Palestine. Okay, first of all, let's just clear this up really quick. I'm not going to spend a bunch of time on this. The street communists you see on college campuses are not pro Palestine. They're not pro Palestine. They don't know anything about Palestine. They don't know anything about Israel. They're pro the destruction of America. They're street communists. They go where they're told. They destroy what they're told when they're told to do it. And they're paid to do so paid to do so. Remember this? My wife watches some show. Some goofball show. I forget what it's called. But it's some show where people apparently get married right when they meet each other or something like that. Anyway, it's some trashy chick show she has on in the background when she's doing her housework as women do and it's quick. Anyway, and there's some guy on the show she was talking to me about and she was laughing. She said, I don't understand this guy. He's a climate activist, but he does it full time. He gets paid to do it. And I just, I don't understand how that works. And I just had to explain. There's this huge commie infrastructure in place where communist billionaires through various organizations that branch out underneath them who create for themselves full time communist warriors who go where they're told do what they're told. Their rent is paid for. Their food is paid for. Their bail money is paid for. When you see street animals on the streets, when they're doing their gay dances at the LGBTQ parades, when they're at the campuses, I hate all the Jews. When it's the Black Lives Matter stuff, or the feminist stuff, they're all paid by the same people. It's all just different fingers of the same communist fist. Remember, there are not separate groups. There are not separate groups. There are separate labels. That's for branding purposes. It's all just about communism. It's all just about destroying America. That's why you see people on college with a LGBTQ for Palestine signs when those people would be stoned to death if they walked into Palestine. Are they stupid? Are they hypocrites? Well, they may be all those things, but more than anything, they're just communist foot soldiers. They're just useful idiots. All right. All right, Jesse, with the Aztecs still be around today. If they had burnup pistols, they try to capture their enemies, but they didn't have a less lethal option. Would it have made a difference in the strength of their society if they didn't lose so many warriors trying to capture enemies with a pepper ball? You know, I'd never thought about that. What Chris had ever thought about it. Obviously, the Aztecs were obsessed with taking prisoners instead of killing people. That way, they could sacrifice them later on. What if they had burnup pistol launchers? I'm grateful they didn't. And I bet burnup is grateful they didn't. That could be bad publicity if burnup was used in that way. Instead, burnup, they sell these non-lethal pistol launchers. They shoot pepper balls or tear gas balls or or kinetic rounds. Hey, don't sleep on the kinetic rounds. People sleep on those because they're just hard plastic. You look and you think, wow, there's nothing exploding out of it. Yeah, go shoot. Well, don't shoot anybody. Just shoot a kinetic round against the tree and tell me if you want to get shot with that. These things are amazing, man. You know, you can load multiple different kinds in your burn up pistol launcher. Do what do every other pepper ball to your gas ball, whatever. They're legal on all 50 states. You don't need a permit or a background check. Get a burn up pistol launcher. Whether you carry lethal like I do or whether you hate guns, carry a burn up pistol launcher on you at all times. 10% off. B Y R N A dot com slash Jesse, burn a dot com slash Jesse. All right. All right. Oh, I almost forgot this word from Biden. I forgot to play this earlier. Pulls and the erection is to store capital health Patriots. Tranny, uh, trans runner met with booze after winning the Oregon women's 200 meter championship. This is what it sounded like. Here's why I don't like that. I mean, it's fine to boo. That's good boo. But the trainee doesn't care about your booze. Communists don't care about your disapproval or my disapproval. They care about victory. Republicans worry about being popular. Communists worry about winning. Start boycotting these events. Start banning these freaks from destroying our women. Your booze mean nothing. And now he's a headline. Go, you know this. You know the thing headlines we didn't get to. Americans involved in a foil to deadly coup. The Congo military says I actually saw video of these guys, three different Americans, Benjamin Ruben, Zalman, Poland. Man, what a mouthful. Patrick Ducey and Taylor Thompson. I saw them being arrested younger military age males involved in a foreign coup man and has CIA written all over it. CIA will, or I'm sorry, Senate will again vote on bipartisan border package. A reminder that while you suffer under inflation and credit card debt and the job market has dried up Republican and Democrat leaders in the Senate are meeting to discuss just how many illegals they should welcome into the country. Rubio supports mass deportation of illegal aliens following quote the invasion of the country. Rubio doesn't support mass deportation. Rubio supports being Trump's vice president. And since Trump is currently talking about mass deportation on the campaign trail, Rubio's doing, well, the most Rubio thing in history. And he's talking about it trying to be liked enough by Trump so he can be the next VP. But I'm old enough to remember the gang of eight Marco other people forget. I don't forget. Oakland removes traffic lights amid thefts and it's blamed on homeless. Well, looks like women should do fine finally driving in Oakland. This has been a podcast from WOR. Okay. Round two. Name something that's not boring. Laundry. Oh, a book club. Computer solitaire. Huh? Oh, sorry. We were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right. Chumba Casino dot com has over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Chumba Casino dot com. No more specific. We'll work with it by law 18 plus turns the edition of the policy website for