If we think of ourselves as someone who can't stand up for themselves, that's how we will act in every situation. If we think of ourselves as invalid we will never find the strength to rise about whatever is ailing us and live our life.


Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
Audio Format:

Your morning ray of sunshine, the Anand-Sif Command, don't defeat yourself. What we think of ourselves, how we see ourselves, can become the difference between us needing happy, healthy, fulfilled lives and being downright miserable. If you think of ourselves as weak, scared, someone who can't stand up for themselves, can't do things on their own, well that's how we will act in every situation. If we think of ourselves as sick, invalid, afflicted, we will never find the strength to rise above whatever is ailing us and live our life. If we think of ourselves as incapable of being loved, then that's what we project to the outside world and block all the people who could connect with us. We may be doing this consciously or unconsciously, either way it is as toxic and sabotaging. We need to figure where our self-image is delaying us, defeating us and take remedy election. Immediately start reprogram, see ourselves standing up for ourselves, visualize ourselves ignoring the physical pain and doing things we want to do. Imagine ourselves with people we like having a great time and also look at ourselves in the mirror and keep saying you are strong, you are awesome, you are brave and so on. I love you and accept you. We can do the same in the first person to minus the mirror anywhere and everywhere. See ourselves as champions, warriors, happy, successful, fulfilled, whatever we want to be and then see how life turns around. Sun shine in your day. [music]