The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Covid Disinformation Was A Greater Threat Than Russia Disinformation | 5.20.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Covid disinformation is starting to clear up and Howie thinks this is worse for the country than the Russia Hoax, plus we have everyone's favorites Biden cuts.

Broadcast on:
20 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. When I walk through the grocery store, people come up to me and grab my hands. They were going to be okay, aren't we? He won't win, Willie. They won't let him back in the Oval Office, will they? No, they didn't. No, no, no, they didn't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if they did, right? Huh? He calls the erectionist who stormed Capitol Hill Patriots. Hey! Phrasing! Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Congresswoman Acosta Cortez seems to be suggesting that you're a bully. Oh, well, of course, that's absurd. They feel that this is the kind of a video that you want to send to a classroom of eight-grade civics kinds of students across America. Again, that's their choice. Full. Rosted. [Growling] He went after your appearance and went back at her a thousandfold. I did, in a very lawyerly way. And as for your case, don't you worry, I've argued in front of every judge in the state, often as a lawyer. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car... 844-500-4242. Did those January 6th erectionists get to Brandon this afternoon to get them all confused? He was very, very confused at the event at the White House. But he's very, very confused yesterday, too, when he was at the Morehouse. And then when he was at the NAACP Center in Detroit, 844-500-4242. Well, let's hope so. Thank you, Kamala and Doug. It's an almost... it's an honor to be introduced by the first ever Jewish spouse on American President, Vice President. [Sighing] President, Vice President. God, what a... what a buffoon. Did you know that he was involved? He's, you know, forget Martin Luther King, Jr. He's the Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln combined of the Civil Rights Movement. Just remember that, and he got into it again yesterday, too. Can I have cut number nine, please? My name's Joe Biden, and I'm a lifetime member of the NAACP. As a matter of fact, first organization I ever joined was the NAACP. Didn't get the vote until you were 21 in those days, but I got involved in Civil Rights when I was 15. So, he was born in, what, 1942? So, he joined the NAACP in Delaware when he was in 1957. Can we get a fact check on that and I'll... About a year after his mom was scretin'. Tell us more about your contributions to these. Were you with Rosa Parks or Emmett Till or Schwerner Goodman and Chaney or any of those people? Were you involved with any of these Civil Rights pioneers? Cut, too. I left the fancy law firm, I just joined, decided to become a public defender, and then a county council working to change our state's politics to embrace the cause of Civil Rights. Now, here's a flat-out lie. This is just a flat-out lie about the situation in Georgia, cut six. Today in Georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in election. What the hell is that all about? I'm serious. Think about it. He's serious. He's serious. That's a lie and I'm serious. Think about that lie I just told you. Think about what you'd think about. Think about it. So they're graduating, it's a black school, black school, men, men's school. And this is the uplifting message that he had for the graduates yesterday, before they as they turned their backs on him, cut eighth. You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered. Murdered, murdered. And there was a reckoning on race. So what the coroner said, it's natural to wonder, the democracy you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? You don't know. Black men are being killed in the street. What is democracy? Killed in the street. The trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. And most of all, what does it mean? As you've heard before, to be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. You have to be ten times better. You know, like KJP or Claudine Gay. 844 or among many others. 844, 500, 42, 42, cut seven. A boundless future where your legacies lift us up to show those who follow. Bigger breeder future. The proof of American dream is big enough for everyone to succeed. A bigger breeder future. Sourdough bread? Wonder bread? 207, was he a public defender or public o-fender? Yes. 844, 500, 42, 42. 919, does Biden yell louder when there's an echo? I don't know. None of it makes any sense when he yells and when he does and yell and when he whispers. When he tells these incredible whoppers, George Floyd murdered. You can't have a drink of water in a line waiting to vote, etc, etc. Rina, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rina. Hi, Howie. Hi, I just wanted to talk about what you're talking about, the George Floyd. Yeah, no problem bringing up George Floyd being so-called murdered. But not once has he mentioned our 13 fallen soldiers in Afghanistan and that really irritates me. It's just horrible. We have soldiers that are being killed out there and he never mentions them. Nothing. Nothing about the military. No, well, you know why. I mean, it's his fault that they died. There was no need for them to die. It was his fault. It was his call, exactly. Yeah, we just got to vote him out of office and get in this nightmare that we're going through. Thanks for the call, Rina. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, Howie. I'm listening to your phones and you can tell that audience has no idea what he's saying. They start clapping like one person starts clapping and then two and then maybe a half dozen. Everybody's confused. Nobody knows. Right. And they all know they're being panned or two. Everybody knows when you're being panned or two. You know, when someone's, you know, given you slipping, you're the Vaseline. And that was outrageous what he was doing. They can't even tell what the point he's trying to make. It's like, can we clap here? You know what I mean? It's like, anyway, my step that he passed away, you know, about a year and a half ago. But whenever somebody truly awful died, he used to get this mock, serious look on his face. And I think this applies to this president I ran. And he would say, he's in a better place. He's in a better place, you know? Well, did you see what the, did you see the, the rabbis in Israel issued a statement? Not all of them, but a bunch of them issued a statement. They said, this is God's punishment for him, uh, him attacking Israel a couple of weeks ago. Modeled off. Off to your reward, my friend, your reward. Listen, you know, all this money that we've been airlifting over to Iran, you know, the Biden administration, finally, finally some of that money is coming back to the United States. And it's being spent on the citizens, don't you agree? I mean, that money's going straight from Iran to our college campuses here, where it's fun that all these destabilization riots, it's genius. I know, you know, Victor Davis Hanson had a good, had a great column about what's going on. And he said, you know, he said that these, these Mid Eastern students are the tip of the spear and all the, uh, all the filthy domestic hippies have been telling them, you know, since George Floyd, nobody gets punished for anything. So you could just go out there and, you know, attack Jews and block streets and everything. And nothing's going to happen to you. The money will just keep flowing in and they'll keep giving you A's because they're afraid. And, uh, you know, they're just shocked that, you know, even, that even there's like a half part of the attempt by Harvard and MIT to do something about this. Thanks for the, thanks for the call, Dan. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, uh, Rocky. You're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rocky. Hey, thanks, Holly. I just want to ask you a couple of things, uh, that moron Biden spewing his verbal diarrhea. Was that before or after the racial jungle comedy? That's the one that's kidding. Yeah, I know, you know, I love, I love when I hear that cut, the racial jungle. Yeah, he says he did. He said, in case you haven't heard it, I don't want my kids growing up at a racial jungle. And he was, and he was tight with all those, uh, all those segregationists when he, they were still in the Senate when he first came in, Stennis and Eastland and, and, uh, Robert Sheets Bird, all those people. He was tight with them. He was running around with them. Holly, I got one more thing to ask you. Oh, I'll tell you. Yeah, um, they figured out what brought down the chopper over there. And I ran Abraham Rossi, I think his name is, the president, the terrorist. Yes. I guess his wife was on board or be it got caught in the road is. Stop it. Stop it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Um, let's play cup 14. And look, Jewish suffragettes and advocates have fought for women's rights, voting rights. Every, every, every right we have my whole career. Every, every fright to increase civil rights and civil liberties. Every fright, every fright to increase civil liberties. Cut 17. Folks, let me clear. I'll always ensure that Israel has everything in needs to defend itself against Hamas. That's BS. That's more, more lies. More lies. He, his guy, Nadler said that they're not going to give them the, that they weren't going to give them the bombs. They need to blow up the, the tunnels, the 2000 pound bombs. Cut 18. That's mobilizing the full force of the federal government to crack down and send us in wherever you find it. We recently secured a, secured additional four hundred million dollars. We recently cured. What'd you cure them of? Was the common cold? Did they test positive for COVID? They recently cured four hundred million dollars. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr Show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Carr Show. Just enter your name and email at He's Howie Carr. I love My Pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at My From Pillows, Towels, Slippers, and even their Giza Dream Sheets. Go to My and use Code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is at which supermarket chain do you do most of your shopping? Market Basket, Stop and Shop, Walmart, Shaws, Whole Foods, Big Y, Hanifards, BJ's Costco's or other membership store, Roach Brothers or Other. Market Basket. 41% say Market Basket, 15% say Other and 10% say Hanifards. All right, so today the UN, as you might expect, had a moment of silence for the butcher of Iran, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi. A moment of silence, it was held by the UN Security Council. Of course, the US is a member of the Security Council and the American Ambassador, Robert Wood, a Senate-confirmed Biden nominee who serves as America's alternate representative to the UN and the General Assembly. He stood to mourn the death of a mass murderer whose government endorses death to America every week. Would you like to know something about Raisi? This is from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He was the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Mullahs, the terrorist regime in Tehran from 1985 to '88. He facilitated the regime's 1988 slaughter. He wasn't that old, he was in his 20s when he was a mass murderer. He facilitated the regime's 1988 slaughter of thousands of jailed dissidents by serving on a four-member panel known as a death commission, which decided who would live and who would die. The commission would conduct interviews of prisoners, often just a few minutes long, aimed at determining their loyalty to the savage Islamic Republic. Questions could include, what is your political affiliation? Do you pray? Are you willing to clear minefields for the Islamic Republic? The wrong answer meant death. This is the guy that the US Ambassador stood for a moment of silence for. The executions were usually by hanging or by firing squad, typically took place the same day as the interrogation. The commission allowed neither lawyers nor appeals. Burials occurred in unmarked mass graves. The savage Muslim regime waited months before notifying the relatives of the victims refused to tell them the locations of the body and told them not to mourn in public. The victims included women and children as young as 13. Ricey defended the killing, saying in 2018 that they were "one of the proudest achievements of the system." Isn't that great? Would you like to hear how these Senate chaplain prayed today? Yes, let's hear it. And Lord, we pray for the Iranian people who mourn the death of their president. We pray in your loving name. Amen. God, this nightmare can't end soon enough. The Republicans have to take over the Senate too. That's another check mark on the bucket list. 844-542-42. Gene, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Gene. Hey, you know, I know he wouldn't bring it up, but he's bemoaning the fact that black people, you'd think it was 1960 still or something like that because they've been pretty free for a long time. But, you know, no mention of the illegal aliens that have been let in and are killing and murdering and looting and all that. They're driving drunk. They're driving drunk and killing people all every day of the week. Yeah. You just living in the world of his own and he thinks that he's going to convince other people that they are too, that this is not happening really in the United States right now. How many times do people have to be told that, you know, George Floyd was not murdered by the police. He died of a heart attack that was brought on by probably a fentanyl overdose. That's the coroner's ruling. How many times do people have to be told that five police officers were not murdered on January 6th. Not a single police officer was murdered. One Trump supporter was killed in cold blood. Thanks for the call, Gene. I'm how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Speaking of illegal aliens committing horrific crimes, this is from Breitbart by way of a Virginia TV station, I think in Roanoke. An illegal alien reported reportedly previously deported from the United States and returned under the Brandon regime has now been accused of raping a child in Campbell County, Virginia. Who? Who'd the ear Pedro, Javier, Saccoul Cal. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would. Sure you would. Yeah. A 21 year old illegal alien savage from the third world has been arrested and charged by the Campbell County Sheriff's office with rape of a minor. He had previously been deported from the US and they did an issue in his statement except that they weren't going to have any more comment than this. But they did confirm for the TV station and Breitbart picked it up that he was in illegal alien 844 542 4978. How about George Floyd holding a gun to a pregnant woman while her apartment was being robbed moment of silence. My rear end. Yeah, I know it's. But you know again, it's it's at the stage for for the COVID lockdowns and you know the the denial of Americans freedoms and now it's set it set the stage for all these riots that have been going on. By the way, I just want to mention this again that's getting no play anywhere but former National Institute of Health NIH director Francis Collins. Remember him? He was he was a Fauci's coat holder has admitted no quote science or evidence on quote ever backed these heavy handed comprehensive restrictions like six foot social distancing. Another key proof is the federalist. The left's war on disinformation is so is so dangerous. This was in front of the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. They should call it the pandic panic. It's closed door testimony earlier this year. It revealed that Collins had not seen evidence on March 22nd 2020 to support the widely followed federal policy when they CDC issued the six feet distancing rules. Collins was asked do you recall science or evidence that supported the six foot distance? I do not he replied. I did not see evidence but I'm not sure I would have been shown evidence at that point. Have you seen any evidence since then supporting six feet? No, he responded. No, he responded. So Collins admits the federal government lacked any scientific basis for this massive social policy it pushed on Americans including by colluding with big tech to shut down public debate about COVID-19 responses. Numerous officials rather than promoting an honest healthy debate pressed Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to shut down any skepticism and contrary information that the deep state labeled misinformation and disinformation including on the how we car show among thousands tens of thousands of other places. The censorship effort effectively secured an information monopoly for federal agencies corrupt federal agencies including the CDC and NIH to spread false information. Government officials use that information monopoly gained through accusing others of misinformation to spread actual pernicious misinformation including the social distancing was scientifically proven necessary to quote unquote save lives. Dr. Peter Hotez said on MSNBC that there was a massive disinformation campaign coming from the Trump White House that quote downplayed the use of masks and said it was a hoax or attributed deaths to other causes or discrediting math masks. Turns out the Trump administration and everybody else who said it was BS was correct. None of these talking heads knew or said publicly that the government's authoritative information on many COVID-19 policies such as social distancing had no scientific grounding. It was just used as a gleeful justification to suppress Americans first amendment rights to free speech. Even then President Trump was a victim of big tech and big big brothers monopoly on COVID misinformation. Twitter and Facebook removed Trump's post in which he said schools should be reopened since children are quote almost immune from this disease which they are which they are. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two again no no one's no one's talking about this. This is the worst hoax. This is a worse hoax than Russian disinformation. This is a worst hoax that much worse hoax than saying Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. This put the entire society on its back. It's going to take generations to recover if we can ever recover from what was done. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Let's play one let's play another Biden cut another lie cut fifteen. And my commitment to safety to the Jewish people security of Israel and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad. Ironclad until I go back to Michigan or Minnesota in which case I'll just throw them under the bus again I'll throw everybody under the bus. Cut nineteen. And the department has to investigate discriminating and aggressively discrimination aggressively. That's my special envoy to monitor cabinet antisemitism Deborah Deborah you all where is it Deborah here. Deborah thank you. Lips that for furthering our efforts to all around the world. It matters this matters. It matters. Then there was another Debbie in the house so I think we may have played this but let's hear it again cut thirteen. Representative Deborah Wasserman Schultz who is responsible for this occurring having sponsored this early on. Back when she was 12 years old is it. For what occurring and then more pandering to the to the Jewish audience cut 12. Well thank you Kamala and Doug it's an almost it's an honor to be introduced by the first ever Jewish spouse on American press it vice president. And one more time about when he tries to say the hostage is here. This guy he hasn't he hasn't said boo about hostage. Remember the the Iranian hostage crisis 1980 America held hostage every day it was talked about. Now it's just I mean I know there were more of them but there were there were I think in the beginning there were more than a dozen American hostages now there's supposedly only five of them left alive he he basically has said nothing about them up until the last few days he's he's more concerned about Hamas that he is about the American hostage American hostages and don't don't even bring up the Israeli hostages the how about the American hostage you see doesn't even know their names cut 16. And here is the day is Hirsch go go Verpo and still he is not here with us but he's still being held by a mosque. How does he get that confused? Ian you're next with how we car go ahead Ian. Hey how are you doing thanks for having me on. Thanks thank you. Yeah so I'm from Scotland by the way but I live in America and I just wanted to bring up the fact that you were discussing the you know immigrants that are coming in from our country and the COVID virus right. Yeah well it turns out that there are huge cases for measles spread in right in right now and it's pinpointed it you know it's obviously not coming from Americans and even now to this day the scam is still going so if you want to immigrate from Canada to America you still have to take this forward I think it's legally you're not allowed to get a green card if you're a Canadian if you don't take the COVID vaccine but you can come into America with measles right you could not only come into America with measles you can go in that you can if you're a child you can go into the schools and you know if you're an American parent you have to produce all sorts of certificates saying your child has been vaccinated before you're allowed to send them to the public schools but an illegal alien just strolls through the door and no problem. Yep with communicable diseases as well you know right from North America you're under a microscope so at this point if you ask me personally you know I don't think that this is in the interest of public health I think it's discrimination. I know no one's going to disagree with you Ian it's just it's just a disaster what's what's happening here and there there are just there are no rules for any of these people for any of these illegal aliens they they're just allowed to to commit whatever horrific crimes they want to or just to disregard all the rules and regulations and there's a reason why you have to get your kid vaccinated for communicable diseases and we're seeing it now by all these outbreaks that are being caused. Cynthia you're next with how we car go ahead Cynthia. Hi there I love your show I'm a first-time caller thank you and I just had to call you especially hearing about the Collins revelations that the six feet I think Fauci had referred to it also having been really random on their part to the six feet distancing and I just want to say I'm a music teacher in the proud state of Massachusetts we were outdoors in 2020 with little children wearing masks and we had by the Department of D.S.E. we were required to distance them by 10 feet outdoors with masks on. I know I live I live near Dana Hall school in Wellesley and they have a they have a music school across the street from the school and we used to see the kids out in the out on the lawn on the street I mean they they and you know it's a semi busy street senthe and they were they were breathing in carbon monoxide fumes went through the mask while they were getting these this musical training it was insane yes it was absolutely ridiculous and at the time we didn't know any better and so we just complied and did the best we could to keep kids singing and you know doing what they were supposed to do even academically that particular district now the test scores from the third grade in that year have plummeted they have everywhere they have everywhere yeah yeah and again Trump Trump was Trump had Trump the president of the United States had his tweets canceled because he was saying that there were no dangers to kids and if you if you looked at the their own statistics whether there were federal or state statistics you could see it it was true everybody knew it dr. Marty McCarry was doing doing research at the Johns Hopkins in writing pieces for the op-ed pieces for the Wall Street Journal going on Fox and Newsmax and and he was he was saying there's no danger to kids and he was in they were they were all canceled for saying this thanks for the call Cynthia eight four four five hundred forty two forty two i'm how we car the howie car show returns after this how we car is back check out my column on the town of can't that's the way they pronounce it the town he's can't in uh it was in sunday's paper but you can read it at it's right there check it out it's it's got it's got huge hits for one of my columns it did pretty well but i think you'll i think you'll enjoy it and that will be all uh over uh Jen McCabe's cross-examination tomorrow in uh in datum superior court while you're at get the father's day special my book paper boy read all about it buy it for their standard price and you will get a free t-shirt a mystery t-shirt could be this t-shirt buy american support american could be make guess cheap again cheap again could be let's go brand then we got a bunch of different t-shirts but check it out it's a great father's day gift eight four four five hundred forty two forty two nine seven eight uh covid was only a danger to the old the obese and people with existing medical conditions as you know this was all a scam and a bunch of lies yeah and when the the great barrington declaration declared that all the uh effort should be put towards those groups that were at risk just the ones you mentioned and uh they they were uh they were canceled one and one one guy we had him on uh killed our five believe his name was dr martin killed our if he was driven out of harvard meanwhile five oh eight h the town of denis planning board that's on the cape lay the smackdown this afternoon to a plan to turn a form a nursing home into a marahili realty flop house it was beautiful stay strong cape caught i congratulate the town of denis planning board for doing that eight four four five hundred forty two forty two i'm surprised they had a choice they didn't have a choice in uh in in east kambridge really they didn't have a choice in uh in norfolk they didn't have a choice in marlborough uh moneek you're next with how we car go ahead among other places go ahead moneek yeah so you're raising some great points about all the disinformation that led to the all the in ineffectual covid measures but i want to go back and let's not forget them for perhaps the most important piece of disinformation that started the whole thing and justified all these on scientific measures which is the highly flawed covid model presented by fauci and others that projected millions of deaths right uh that right and these are that they predicted that made the same predictions before it's like the global warming predictions you know oh oh the the play you know road island is going to be flooded by 2010 by 2015 you know they just keep moving the move in the goal post same thing with covid all i all of these uh you know you know scare tactics that they use in one catastrophe after another to and they use it to feather their own nest that's exactly right that's exactly right so i mean when they put that in front of president trump i don't think he felt he had much choice but to take these measures but they were just that model was disastrously wrong it was and and again the well one of the guys you remember one of the guys he he was in england and he said you know everything had to be shut down and you couldn't visit anybody and he issued this report and boris johnson just uh issued it uh you know word for word and shut down the entire society and this guy sneaks out of his house and goes to grab a little afternoon delight with his girlfriend he he knew it was bs and he shut down a country of 70 million people and then the and his idiotic scare scare warnings his cicandra like pronouncements were accepted as gospel it was insane exactly right how i thanks for the call monique johnny you're next with how we car go ahead johnny yeah would first off when biden was talking about a 12-year-old debbie wasman sholtz i'm surprised he didn't call her little debbie instead now but what i wanted to call about i went to the um tough university yesterday you know on the new station they said all the students walked out well not really holly the original commencement yeah was from by nine to 11 30 and a bunch of people yapping my former wife said don't come to this because you could pull your hair out of your head and so once they once they have the full commencement then they break off to which whatever school yeah the schools right and some of them some of them walked away from the schools thanks for the call johnny should have taken your yaks wife's advice for once i'm howie carte