The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Commencement At Morehouse Didn't Go Well , Plus The Chump Line | 5.20.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Biden gave a commencement at Morehouse College on Sunday and it went about as well as you'd suspect. Plus we have the Chump Line!

Broadcast on:
20 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. When I walk through the grocery store, people come up to me and grab my hands. They were going to be okay, aren't we? He won't win, Willie. They won't let him back in the Oval Office, will they? No, no, no, no, they didn't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if they did, right? Huh? He calls! And the erection is your store on Capitol Hill Patriots! Hey! Phrasing! Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Congresswoman Acosta Cortez seems to be suggesting that you're a bully. Oh, well, of course, that's absurd. They feel that this is the kind of a video that you want to send to a classroom of eight-grade civics kind of students across America. Again, that's their choice. Boom! Roasted. She went after your appearance and went back at her a thousandfold. I did, in a very lawyerly way. And as for your case, don't you worry, I've argued in front of every judge in the state, often as a lawyer. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Carr. Eight-four-four-five-hundred-forty-two-forty-two. So the president of... I ran. I forget the, they call it, what do they call it? The, the terrorist republic of Tehran or whatever they call it. It's, it's, he's dead. They had a, they had a hard landing helicopter. When you first heard that, there was a hard landing in the helicopter. Yeah, we all kind of knew how hard it was or we had a good, good, good idea of how hard it was. And it turns out he's dead. And so was the, I guess, the finance minister, the, another, another Muslim savage terrorist. So it's sad, isn't it? Yes. Well, they're just, they're just figureheads anyway. This 85-year-old, he's the head terrorist, the head savage. And this guy is just sort of the, they call him the butcher though. They call him the butcher. You know, whenever they call it, that's, that's not a good nickname to have. I'm, I've been coups and the trash man. I wouldn't want to be known as the butcher though. Unless you're a deli guy. I don't know. I mean, I don't even know if I want it to, if I want to be, even at the deli, I wouldn't want to be known. I'd rather be known as the pastrami guy or the corn beef guy rather than the butcher. Anyway, the butcher won't be down for breakfast. Time now for the chump line. [chime] Come on, man. Marjorie Zachary Taylor Greene had better be careful criticizing Congressman Crockett. He's the king of wild frontier. Why just saw documentary bounce during Fess Barker? About how he single-handedly saved the Alamo. And then he single-handedly to be rabies in the sequel, old yellow. Thank you, everybody. It's been good for Harvard for a long time. Thanks, everyone. Duos Evans says it was weather related. It was struck by that he's lightning. No, I don't think Israel did this. I really don't. I mean, you know, when they, when, when you, you do something like that or when Israel does something like that, you, you either say no, you say no comment. You, you don't, you don't even issue a no comment statement. You just have no response to the, to the inquiries. Whereas they, they denied this. I mean, does anyone think that the Iranians are, are capable enough given their, uh, savage culture? And I know it, I know it was, it was not bad in the, in the prehistoric day, the pre, the pre Christian days. But does anyone think they have the, uh, wherewithal to, to get anything done? How many of, how many of those rockets that they sent, uh, it Israel about a month or two ago, how many of them actually got through? Not very many, not very many. While busy doing new chores, Jeffrey Tuba nearly fell out of his chair, hearing Brandon say that erectionists can't be patriots. Sounds like a, uh, an X-rated movie, doesn't it? The erectionists. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ready wise. We sold out by the way of our cheap bastard deal. Go to and use promo code howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Joe Biden said he once had a hard landing in a helicopter. He has said that, hasn't he? I believe he has. Speaking through an interpreter, Biden said he will debate Trump anywhere, any place, anytime as long as he doesn't show up. Yeah, that's, I, I'm still not convinced that, that the debate is going to take place. By the way, we have a comment just that came in from a radio free terrorist from the mother of the president of Iran. He's a good boy, a very good boy. He's 60, he was 63, so she's, she's kind of up there, but she's still coherent. I want to thank her for getting me off a mountain. It was about 12 to 14,000 feet up on a goat path when our helicopter went down to the snowstorm. It's good to see the general. The ride down that mountain was more perilous in the truck than it was in the helicopter, but thank you. It was a, it happened in a snowstorm, which was a spinoff from a tsunami, which was produced by a tornado out of a hurricane. You can, and that's no kidding. That's no, no joke, no joke. My word is a Biden. Hey, Howie, I've been paying too much attention to the news lately. How's that minor incursion over in the Ukraine going? That's why the prices are so high in the grocery stores. That's what the Boston Globe said. That in climate change, it has nothing to do with, with Brandon. 508 says Iranian pilots were training in Pensacola when I was in flight school in 1978, and they were terrible pilots. I'm sure they were. How about the women? You know, the women, Tehran, when the Shah was around along, it's now a long time ago, that was a fairly westernized society. And the women just walked around the streets like Western women, and as time has gone on, they've imposed the barbaric gender apartheid that's a common feature of Muslim societies. And apparently the Iranian women today, or a lot of them, were cheering and celebrating the death of this terrorist savage. Hey, Howie, did you hear Biden say that he was on that helicopter that went down in Iran? But he said he survived and hiked all the way back to civilization. Hillary Clinton also had her helicopter lie. That's right, 919. She wasn't, she didn't have a hard landing, but she landed under enemy sniper fire. Remember that? That was in Tuzla. And it turns out that she actually, they were, they were little kids. She and Chelsea were on the helicopter, or the plane, I don't forget which it was. And they were actually little kids waiting with bouquets of flowers for them. That's how, that's how savage the, and how strong the sniper fire was. The little kids were out there with their flowers. Morehouse had to suffer through a plug's ovation, where he received a very muted ovation. His handlers cheered when he wasn't jeered. That's because his speech caused a state of sedation. Actually, they, they turned their back on him when he started speaking. 413, we just have an update on the, uh, on the Joe Biden helicopter. Brian Williams was the pilot. I still can't get over Joe Biden's debate demands. No audience mics can be cut off only friendly moderators, and my mommy gets to hold my hands. What did he say about his mother? She, she, uh, she hasn't lived in Scranton since she was 1954. I think he said that. Hey now, come on. The coroner's verdict is in on the blowing whistleblower. He committed suicide. Jeffrey Epstein could not be reached for comment. My mom didn't live in Scranton since she was 1954. She lived to a ripe old age, and people say I can't make it through a second term. My mother lived to be 1954. And their attempts to sell the credibility of the witness. Donald Trump seems proved that Michael Cohen has none. He's speaking right now. Trump, my crime is I beat Hillary Clinton. That's, that sums it up. We'll have some cuts when we come back. I told my wife, husband's wife, Dr. Joe, next time she's shopping online to buy me some swag from the cricket clap trap collection. So I don't get her reference to Butch Cassidy. Oh God, that woman, Jasmine Crockett. Let's listen to that cut from her with Jake Tapper, the Clinton crime family made member. Cut one. She went after your appearance and then like you went out like you went back at her a thousand fault. I did as a in a very lawyerly way. But do you lawyerly? Obviously she started it. I'm not disputing that, but do you regret that at all? I don't. I don't. Because here's the thing. I signed up to be a member of Congress that didn't mean that I was supposed to walk into a position where I'm going to walk in and be disrespected. It's already a hostile work environment being there and we do have rules. How is it a hostile work environment? She, she, as long as she has the pen, she can go anywhere. She doesn't have to worry about being searched before she can go into the building. It's the best job she'll ever have, even though I'm sure she's really a cracker jack attorney at law. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show, and you can call anytime between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. and leave a message for the Chumpline. The number is 844-542-844-542-442-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to listen to a second brand new Chumpline, we have one every evening weekdays. It's called Chop Chumps. It's posted around 7 o'clock, and it's all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. And you can get Chop Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 15% off your next purchase. Morehouse had to suffer through a plug's ovation, where he received a very muted ovation. His handlers cheered when he wasn't jeered. That's because his speech caused a state of sedation. Yes. He creates sedation wherever he goes. Sedation and consternation, as people hear what he has to say that is not true. We'll play some of those cuts when we come back. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. So President Trump was just outside the courthouse now after the latest revelations that now it turns out that Michael Cohen stole 30,000 bucks from him. And he said this case should be terminated and his only crime is that he defeated Hillary Clinton. And that's that's it. I mean, that's that's what it's all about. 844 542 42. Did I hear that clip correctly about Biden's helicopter mishap. He was up over 14,000 feet. I believe oxygen really, really goes out after 8,000 feet. So Joe was a real dynamic. I think he was talking about 14,000 feet up for on a mountain. Wasn't I don't I don't know what that was. He didn't know what that was. I've got a longer version of that story. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's I could go ahead. We want my helicopter went down. I was with the the commander as well as a couple snipers and a guy named Hegel who was later became the secretary of defense and a guy named Kerry, secretary of state. And he wanted to see they wanted to see where Ben Lotten had escaped through the mountains up in the upper conor valley. So the upper conor valley is nothing but rock, straight rock. There's no vegetation at all. Some of you have been there and our helicopter went down in a snowstorm. We found a place in the land that was an old path and it was lucky if we had such great pilots. A path. And there's a picture of a stand in front of the back of the helicopter, the wash of the helicopter to stay warm. We could hear F-15 slower for proof of life. And then we got a photograph later. We were grouped the Delta Force chasing the Taliban 2,000 feet above us, carrying 60 pound packs. And I'm thinking to myself, God Almighty, what these guys do. And then when they couldn't get down, they said they were going to have to get down across just to go up about the height of the building that are graded about, I guess, I don't know, 30 percent. What? And we're struggling like hell to get up to shale just to get over top of all those. It's over in pretty good shape. I'm thinking to myself, those guys are a couple of thousand feet above us. Anyway, I just think that we have the, I don't think I know, we're the finest military in the history of the world. I'm looking at the photo he's talking about and they're all smiles standing in front of, in front of a perfectly upright helicopter. Just sound like they almost resorted to how Uncle Bozy went out. Yeah, I was just thinking it was like the, he made it sound like the dawn or pass, you know? Oh, Lord. 844, 542, 42. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you could enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howey at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their geeze of dream sheets, go to and use code Howey for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is at which supermarket chain do you do most of your shopping? Market Basket, Stop and Shop, Walmart, Shaw's, Whole Foods, Big Y, Hanifords, B.J.'s, Costco, or another membership store, Roach Brothers or Other? Market Basket for me. 41% say Market Basket, 16% say Other, 11% say Hanifords. All right. Whole Foods still at 1%. Whole paycheck is its known. All right. Here's in case you haven't heard the latest rendition of the January 6th story. Here it is from Brandon last night at the NAACP dinner in Detroit. Cut 11. He calls and the erectionist who stormed Capitol Hill Patriots. He calls erectionist patriots. 844, 542, 42. When we come back, we'll talk a little bit about the filthy hippies on the college campuses and we'll take your calls. 844, 542, 42 on HoweyCar. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 542, 42. Lewis, you're next with HoweyCar. Go ahead, Lewis. You there? Guess not. 844. Go ahead. I'm here. Am I speaking of HoweyCar? Yes. How are you, Mr. Car? So I'm 100% disabled. That I'm from Springfield, Mass. And I just wanted to say that I went through hell to be back to try to get my disability and all my benefits for years, almost about 12 years. When President Trump came in, it took within six months. They changed everything in my life. I can go to any doctors, any dentist, anywhere. After this jerk off came in the presidency, we know he is. I basically have been struggling. I went from 725,000 with President Trump to spending all that and being in debt all because of Biden. It's just spent such a complete turnaround that it literally is almost destroyed me. It's been a disaster for the entire country. Whether you serve, they're not, whether you're disabled or not, whatever your socio-economic status, your race, gender, whatever. It's just been a terrible, terrible three and a half years for everybody, especially compared to the previous four years. I mean, everything was cooking with gas, as my parents used to say. Everything was just doing well until COVID came along. And now they are admitting Dr. Francis Collins, who was, I think, the number two guy at NIH, he admitted before a congressional committee behind closed doors, a national review got the actual transcript that they had no scientific evidence to go to the six-foot separation. It was just everything has been screwed up since they tried to take Trump out with COVID. And there you have a disabled vet talking about a tough, you know, nothing has worked as well. Nothing has worked to it to a nothing has worked in large sense in the bureaucracy, the federal or the state bureaucracy since Biden got in. Thanks for the call, Lewis. 844, 542. 508. I don't get why Costco was so low in your poll. The Avon, Dedham, Waltham, and Nashua stores are wall-to-wall busy at all times. There's not been a new Costco built in mass in over 25 years. They're trying to build one in Sharon but getting pushback, but they can house the illegal 200-plus illegal aliens in Sharon, no problem. Yeah, I know. You know, you ever try to build an addition, another to your garage, or your screened-in porch? I mean, it takes weeks if not months, but they can just bring these illegal aliens in. And there's no zoning laws. There's no laws of any kind for the illegal aliens. 844, 542, 42. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Howie, let me see if I got this right. The United States State Department today gave condolences to the country, the screen's death to America. Every Friday night, yes. Am I confused, Howie, or what the hell is going on? These guys couldn't find their behinds with both hands down there. I know, and these are the people who support Hamas, which still holds five American hostages that we think are still alive. They murdered some American hostages, in addition to more than 1,200 Israelis. They're hamstringing, shipping in the Red Sea with their proxies, the Houthis. They're bombing Hezbollah. They were also responsible for creating those IEDs, improvised explosive devices that killed hundreds of Americans and other allies in Iraq. Mike. Yeah, well, Howie, do you know that our ships in the Red Sea have been fired on over two, at least over 200 times? Right. And they're two American seals were swept overboard and killed trying to stop one of these Houthi ships, right? So, I mean, there have been American fatalities in addition to the hostages that were taken on October 7th, due to the Iranians. Yeah, well, you're right. Why are we issuing condolences here? Yeah, I'm a little confused on this, you know, we're battling these guys in four different areas, you know, including Israel. Well, how about last week when Biden said Biden said, well, you know, Iran is the one who's financing all of these terrorists. Well, you know, when they weren't financing the mic, when there were sanctions on them, when Trump was president, when we were energy independent, and he hadn't released $40 billion to them that had been tied up in South Korean banks, frozen for 40 plus years. They weren't bankrolling all these terrorist groups in the mid east, were they? No, and you got a quick resupply in your enemy. That's what your problem is. Right. Your resupply in your enemy. It's absurd, and it's crazy, Howie. I know. And when they had the green revolution, which seemed to be well on its way to overthrowing these savages, the Obama administration wouldn't help them out. Not nothing. Nothing. They weren't asking for troops. They were just asking, you know, for a little assistance here and there, and they wouldn't give it to them, because Obama loves the Shiite Muslims that are that have destroyed Iran. Thanks for the call, Mike. 844, 542, 42. You may have read that Harvard has suspended apparently, or that the Hamas hippies of Harvard are saying they suspended 35 pro-Nazi student protesters over the weekend. They're very concerned about that. And the MIT faculty is outraged also. So there's a lot of outrage across the river. The pro-Palestinian encampments at MIT and Harvard are gone, but faculty members, students, alumni, and advocates on either side of the protesters' cause are fiercely debating. They're fiercely debating. Not just debating. They're fiercely debating. The university's disciplinary actions. This from the Boston Globe. You could see, you know, whose side they're on. The suspensions have jeopardized the student's ability to finish final exams and put at risk planned internships, jobs, and research opportunities. How about all the 1200 Israelis and some Americans who were murdered by these savages on October the 7th and raped and beheaded? Some faculty at MIT say they're appalled that the Nazi hippies are left in a state of limbo. MIT is destroying the careers of its own students, said Nancy Kenwisher, a professor of neuroscience. Meanwhile, the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance wrote that they're getting a free pass slap on the wrist, these Nazis. For behavior that would result in immediate administrative action, including expulsion, were any other minority or ethnic group targeted other than Jews. Here's what's going on at Harvard. Student protesters are still reeling. They're reeling. Is this like a square dance, the Virginia Reel? They're reeling over the weekend from the news that some might face severe consequences for participating in the encampment. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. 14 seniors will not be allowed to graduate later this week. Five undergraduate students have been forced to withdraw from Harvard College. Good, good. I hope they were from the mid-east. Maybe they can go back and go into the tunnels and help fight the Zionist oppressors. They can actually put some real effort behind their chance about Palestine being free from the river to the sea. The disciplinary action came as a shock at Harvard. Ryan Enos, a Harvard government professor, said, "It is a shameful violation of trust. It is an affront to the value of Harvard." A handful of the suspended students were expecting to graduate, and now their diplomas, post-graduation jobs, research projects, and internships, hang in limbo. What about all the Israelis that were killed? Are there diplomas, post-graduation jobs, research projects, and internships, hanging in limbo after they were raped and beheaded when they were at a music festival? At MIT, Hannah D. Dibani said, "MIT is only taking these unjust, repressive actions such as suspending us, arresting us, evicting us because they are afraid of the power that we have." However, this surprises me, a majority of the MIT faculty appear to be in favor of disciplining the student protesters. At a faculty meeting, Friday, a motion to remove punitive actions, that means making them behave themselves, lost. 190 were for disciplining the students in 150 wanted to give them a good wet kiss on a weekend at the holiday end. Praylod Iyengar. Praylod Iyengar, for that is indeed his name, he is a suspended PhD candidate at MIT. He has been thrown out of his graduate student housing this week. It's tough. Praylod Iyengar said, "It's not an easy thing to be kicked out of your home." But it's better than being beheaded, which is what the people you support did to Israelis and to other Westerners. Mr. Praylod Iyengar 844, 540, it would take a heart of stone not to laugh. 844, 542, 508, do you think the fierce debates at Harvard occur over tea and crumpets or Chardonnay and cheese? Oh, I think they like their wine, W-H-I-N-E and cheese, a lot more than tea and crumpets. 844, 542, 42, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show returns after this. Iyengar is back. There's an old saying, "Those who can't teach, teach Jim." That's a Woody Allen edition there at the end. Texter just sent me a new one, "Those who can't do, those who can't chant." I think that's what we've been seeing lately on the college campuses. Biden is doing an event at the White House today with Jewish leaders. Again, he's trying to have it both ways, yesterday's for the unconditional ceasefire and et cetera, et cetera. So today he's on the other side of the issue. So here he is at the White House. Biden is working around the clock to free the main hostages, just as we have freed hostages already. And here is the day, it's Hirsch, Goldberg, Poland, and he is not here with us, but he's still being held by a mosque. Never mind. Oh boy. Does that give you? Marvin has to investigate discriminating and aggressively. Discrimination aggressively. That's my special envoy to monitor cabinet and antisemitism. Deborah, you all, where is it? Deborah here. Okay, he's playing the beginning of it, just the beginning of that again. What did he say? And the department has to investigate discriminating and aggressively, discrimination aggressively. The discriminatory 844, get back in the helicopter, Joe. There's a goth path that you got to fly over. Representative Deborah Wasserman Schultz, who is responsible for this occurring, having sponsored this early on. Back when she was 12 years old, is it? This is all today. I thought he was bad last night at the NAACP convention in Detroit. He's worse this afternoon. Dr. Andrew, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dr. Andrew. Hi, my name's Andrew Cook. I'm a PhD in nuclear engineering from MIT. How are you? Good. Very good. Were you at the meeting? No, I was not, but I completely support the vote. I'm very glad that MIT is finally realizing they need to take action. When I was a graduate student in 1976, 77, 78 at MIT, there were 120 Iranians, graduate students sent over by the Shah of Iran. One of them, whose name is Ollie Salihi, has ended up running their enrichment program to make their news their work. I'm extremely nervous, extremely nervous about Iran and about Ollie Salihi. I'm really glad that the United States, or some people in the United States, are standing up for what's right and proper. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you, Dr. Andrew. I appreciate it. Again, I hope they don't back down. Most people are thinking that Harvard's going to back down. Someone just sent me what he said was an email that Harvard has sent out saying that it's up to the various departments and the administrative boards to make a decision. They're hoping the schools to promptly initiate applicable reinstatement proceedings, which seems like something they would say, now that they've cleared out the hippie Nazi encampments. But I don't see anything on the Harvard Crimson website yet about it. We'll defer on whether or not that's happening, but that's the way it's going to go. No one's going to be punished for this stuff. Again, if these people are so happy about what they've done and so pleased with themselves and so proud and they're virtue-signaling, why are they all wearing masks? It has nothing to do with COVID. It masks give them this freedom, whether they're bank robbers or Antifa or the Ku Klux Klan. They're the same people. They say they're something different than the Klan, but they're just wearing more fashionable masks than the Klan does. Dr. Luke, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dr. Luke. How are you doing, Howie? Good. I was listening to that feeble old man trying. Did he have the guards to sit there and try to name a hostage from Hamas? Yes. That's what he was doing. You know, when they left, excuse me, when our military was forced out by Biden out of Afghanistan, there were 13 American soldiers that were killed. They were not even given the respect of being named. No. And then he looked at his watch when their caskets were being returned. He looked at his watch and then Jen Psaki had the audacity to say he didn't look at his watch while they were being returned and it was a falsehood. He's so bad. He's the worst. I'm Howie Carr.