The Howie Carr Radio Network

Rep. Crockett Step In It On CNN And Joe Thinks He Was VP During The Pandemic | 5.20.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Rep. Jamsine Crockett went on Cnn to address her fight with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Joe Biden claims to have been Vice President during the pandemic.

Broadcast on:
20 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. When I walk through the grocery store, people come up to me and grab my hands, they were going to be okay, aren't we? He won't win, Willie. They won't let him back in the Oval Office, will they? Well, they didn't. No, no, no, they didn't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if they did, right, huh? Be close. And the erection is your store on Capitol Hill Patriots. Hey, phrasing. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Congresswoman that costs your forecast seems to be suggesting that you're a bully. Oh, well, of course, that's absurd. If they feel that this is the kind of a video that you want to send to a classroom of eighth grade civics, kind of students across America, again, that's their choice. Boom. Roasted. You went after your appearance, you went back at her a thousand folks. I did, in a very lawyerly way. And as for your case, don't you worry, I've argued in front of every judge in the state, often as a lawyer. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. A very lawyerly way. Was that when she used the S word? She lost her temper. Then she misspelled. She puts out butch, which I still say could be construed as homophobic. And she not only says it on the committee, at the committee hearing, a congressional hearing, she puts it on some sweatshirts she's trying to sell. A homophobic slur on a sweatshirt. And then, but I guess she's gone into hiding sort of in the witness protection program, because she misspelled her own name underneath. Crockett. CROCK, R-E-T-R-T-T. Crockett. Crockett. Anyway, 844-500-42-844-500-42-42. There's some really bad Biden stuff today. But the first thing I want to talk about is this chart that's in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend. And the Wall Street Journal really has become a Democrat paper on the news pages. The editorial pages, they're still decent. Rhino Republican to right of Rhino Republican. But the news pages, they were all going giddy, bringing out the champagne, pop and quarks, and putting on the party hats for the fact that the Dow Jones industrial average was up over 40,000 for the first time on Friday. But their own chart put the lie to what's what's going on in the economy. They had a couple of graphs showing the household net worth, what it was under Trump, what it is under Biden. But the killer part is that the graph on the right side. And we've got, we put it in how he's homework. You can find it somewhere. I tell, were there some asterisks anywhere? They didn't even need an asterisk. All you have to do is look at it. They have a red line adjusted for inflation. That's the headline on the graph, adjusted for inflation. And Trump is the red line, the 48 months he was president. And Biden is the blue line, 42 months that he's been president. This is the, this is what the Wall Street Journal, again, it's become a Democrat paper, adjusted for inflation. That's the key adjusted for inflation. Household net worth was up just 7/10 of 1% through Biden's first three years, 7/10 of 1%. I do, do the math that works out to 2/10 of 1% per annum. It was up 16% through Trump's first three years, 16%. And actually, if you adjust for inflation, the household net worth was down until about two or three months ago. The Wall Street Journal notes that the total household net worth rose 19% through Biden's first three years in office, but it was higher, 23% through Trump's first three years. But the real kicker is that after you do the, do the adjustment for inflation, net worth is only up again, less than 1% versus 16% under Trump. That's, that's why it's such a lie. And the whole thing is the stock market crossing 40,000 for the first time is that's also BS. This is from the issues and today. They had a good editorial. Sorry, but Dow 40,000 isn't worth celebrating. That was the headline. And again, I put this in Howie's homework. So you could just go to and check this one out as well. When the journal says gains under Biden have been stronger than they were under the same period in Trump's first term, again, they're showing that they're, they're, they're just, they become an organ of the deep state. It's not accounting for the huge spike in inflation that Biden unleashed. When you factor that in, most of the gains in the Dow under Biden simply disappear. As does the Wall Street Journal's claim that the market has done better under Biden than Trump. In nominal terms, the Dow has climbed almost 30% since Biden took office in 2021, January 2021, compared with 28% in the same period under Trump. But when you, when you account for inflation again, inflation is the most cruel tax. That's, that's an old saying, but it's true. Is it not? Go to the grocery store, go to the gas station. Look at your electricity bill. Look at your kids trying to buy a house or you trying to buy a house. You'll know it's the cruelest tax. When you account for inflation, the Dow was up less than 12%, 12% since Biden took office under Trump. The inflation adjusted gain from January 2017 to May 2020. In other words, the comparable period, the comparable 42 months, it's 24%. So it grew twice, the stock market grew twice as fast under Trump than under Biden. These are facts. Check them out. Check them out. It's actually worse than this for Biden says issues and insights because all of the gains on his watch happened in the first four months of his presidency when it climbed 12% in real terms. Since May of 2021, three years ago, the Dow has in fact been flat if you, if you factor in inflation. Oh, excuse me. As a matter of fact, on an inflation adjusted basis, the Dow was down from three years ago. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. You want to, you want to know what the, you know, Joe Biden was saying in 2020 about the stock market, all Donald Trump is, is handlers because he couldn't, these, I'm, I'm going to speak in complete sentences. And as we know, he doesn't speak in complete sentences. This is what Biden's handlers, his caregiver said in 2020, all Donald Trump can see from Park Avenue is Wall Street. By the way, I don't think he lives in Park Avenue. He lived, he lived on Fifth Avenue. He thinks the economy is doing well if the Dow Jones is doing well. Believe it or not, Mr. President, most Americans don't live off the stock market. That was in 2020. This was on Friday. We have a new milestone for the Dow with it closing at 40,000. It has never been higher. So now it's good news. Now it's good news that it's higher before, but it's not really eight, four, four again, household net worth up 16% in Trump's first three years, up 7/10 of 1%. Because guess what? Why in God's name should someone who's clipping coupons in the stock market, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. It's, uh, we had a lot to talk about here today. I'm how we car. How we car. How we car is back. Now there's a story in the globe. I mean, it's interesting, but it's kind of nutty. Why Massachusetts grocery prices are rising so fast? And of course, climate change has something to do with it. These are facts. Check them out. And the Ukraine war, which Joe Biden has nothing to do with, of course, just because he said it would be okay to be okay with a minor incursion, that's Russia decided to make an incursion. But they also, they also have this wacky stuff that it's too much competition. Normally competition means lower prices, but sometimes there can be too much competition. Not a, not in the supermarket field, I don't think. In other words, says the globe, Boston lacks a chain with enough size and market power to reduce prices and pressure others to follow suit. Who's buying that? Who's buying that? Just because you have a man bun and a nose ring and purple hair, you don't have to write like an idiot. But anyway, they have a, they had some, they had some interesting stats. And one of them was what the top supermarkets in the area are. And market basket has over 20%, stop and shop is second with 15%, Walmart 12%, Shaw's 11%, Whole Foods 7%, BJ's about 7%, Costco 4.3%, Brothers marketplace 3.2, Wegmans, Trader Joe's, etc., etc. So I figured that might be a good poll question today. And we threw in some, some out, some markets, like Big Y, where it's more Western Master, a few around Eastern Mass, but not that many. And we threw in Hanafords, which again, they're some in Massachusetts, but it's more of a main thing. So anyway, that's going to be the poll question. But let me set it up. I love MyPillow's products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code "Howie" at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets, go to and use code "Howie" for amazing discounts. So Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is at which supermarket chain do you do most of your shopping? Market basket, stop and shop, Walmart, Shaw's, Whole Foods, Big Y, Hanafords, BJ's Costco, or another membership store, Roach Brothers or Other. I know there are others like Don ones. I drove by what Don ones the other day, but you know, just the... All these. Yeah. But there aren't that many Aldes yet. Trooches. Yeah. Aldes is, there's one in New Hampshire. They're trying to put one in Bridgeport, I saw, and in a plaza where there are a lot of doctors, and the doctors are objecting to it. I don't know. I don't really know why, but all these is really cheap. I go to Aldes in Florida sometimes, or a lot. Publix is walking distance for me, just like Whole Foods is walking distance for me, but I'm going to do most of my shop in a market basket. What are the results? 38% say market basket. That's at number one. Number two is Other at 17%, and number three is Hanafords at 13%. That's the main, that's the main influence, I think. What is Big Y got? Big Y is at five. Really? Okay. Whole Foods is at 1%. Whole paycheck, as it's known. I'm walking distance to a whole food, so that's my 7/11, but who's shop? It's the only choice for somebody like me. I said it's a 7/11 for me. No price chopper. That's, vote for Other. Price chopper. Oh, that's North Carolina one, I think. 844-542. Dennis, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Dennis. So, how we win ordinary kids are asking their parents why the family can no longer afford fries with their McDonald's order. I suggest the parents toss the kids a copy of the Wall Street Journal and tell you and greats to shut up and enjoy the extra helpings of Dow Jones industrial average points and free internet courtesy of the clown show of Joe Biden and Ronald McDonald. Yes, exactly. Yeah, I know. But now they're bragging about it. It's like Jerry Nadler, he fought to have any kind of prohibitions against how Israel used military aid back in 2019. Now he thinks it's a great idea because there's a Democrat president and the Democrat president wants to have limitations on what the, you know, they, but the thing is they never get called out on it. Like no one will ever call Biden out on it saying, well, how is it that, you know, you're so excited about the stock market, but it's not really all that good when you factor in inflation and the family's income has net worth, has been flat for all the time you've been president. But he never gets, they never get called out on that, do they, Dennis? Did you hear him waving his son's bronze star award around as if it was an act of valor to be at the burning pits in Georgia this weekend? And it, and it makes me recall Trump used to tell this joke about flying into some Middle East country and thinking that he was so courageous that he might recommend himself for the wood and the press went crazy over it. Yeah, I know. Again, if there were, if it weren't for double standards, they would have no standards at all. Thanks for the call, Dennis. Karen, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Karen. Hi, Howie. I want to know why the Republicans didn't call out Biden on the fact that he couldn't stand trial yet. Look at Trump and when he's going through. I don't know why the Republicans didn't run with that. I don't, you know, you didn't hear much about it other than Fox News. Well, what you mean, Biden, Biden can't stand trial because he's too senile, you mean? Really, exactly. Yeah. And confidence, senile. Well, how about, how about the fact, I mean, you could go to, you could make that argument. How about the other argument? When, when the report came out, they said that Robert heard it and know what he was talking about and that he really wasn't demented in the, in the five hours of interviews he gave under oath. And so, so then when the Republicans said, well, if he's not demented, then, and, you know, the, and her, the special counsel was lying about his mental condition, then let's release the report. And now they're, now they're citing executive privilege, Karen, executive privilege, not to prove that he's not, they're using that to prove so that they can prevent the American people from seeing exactly how senile he is. I mean, it's too bad more, more people haven't read the transcript because it's all right there in the transcript, but it's just, you know, it's not, it's not the same. You know, it's like they used to say, if it's not on TV, it doesn't really count. If you can't see it, I guess it doesn't really matter. But I mean, what does he have to hide? And, and why does, why does Hunter Biden want to stop his, his income tax evasion trial, Karen? You know, if he's as innocent as he claims, you'd think he would want to go to trial immediately to fight the charges. Right, Claire's name, but that's not going to happen. But, you know, I, his son is one issue, but the Republicans not really driving that home, that they insinuated that he was unfit to serve trial. I don't understand it. And then to go after him and say, well, you know what, it's the public information. You need to release it. Yeah, I agree. I agree, Karen. Thanks. We're never going to see that, that videotape. I got the transcript sitting on my desk. You can find it. I recommend it. Maybe I'll put out a, I, I logged it. Maybe I'll put out an annotated version. I'm how we got it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242. By the way, we still have a few of the cheap bastard deals left from Friday, not very many, but just a handful. They're ready-wise. 84 serving breakfast and entree grab-and-go bucket. This is a really good deal. It's got all the hardy, hardy ready-wise favorites, like Pasta Alfredo, Cheesy Mac, all kinds of granola and maple syrup. And it's great stuff. It's in 84 servings, and it's usually a $210 value. It's only for 105 bucks right now. Go to and click on store. It's usually these, these would be gone, but we had a particularly large amount this time. So it's a, your last chance to get a $210 value for $105 the cheap bastard deal. Always good to be prepared. Right. A lot of people are prepared. This is a good way to add, add another, another grab-and-go bucket that you have in your garage, or your mudroom, or your basement, or the trunk of your car. And, or it's also a good way to just start getting prepared as well. And again, we got the Father's Day special, a copy of Paperboy. Read all about it, my own book at the standard price. And if you buy it right now, you get a t-shirt, a mystery t-shirt. Just send in the size. We can guarantee the size, but we, the t-shirt itself will be a mystery. And again,, click on store for all of these great deals. And if you want to see a story where to see it, to see that chart, that amazing chart, it says it all. All right. Right now, Grace has got the nose. Yeah, the chart didn't look too bad for Joe until they adjusted it for inflation. That was really what killed him. And actually, the chart didn't look too bad until you started paying attention to what was really going on in that chart. Well, you were just mentioning, and I know it's part of your poll question, having to do with grocery prices. And this is a story that just broke Target is going to slash prices on 5,000 frequently bought items to lure inflation weary customers. So Target's been feeling the hit of inflation. Good. And they are looking to price down items like milk, meat, bread, soda, fresh fruit, and vegetables. Essentials like coffee, diapers, paper towels, and pet food will also be available for purchase at reduced costs. I know some people who shop at Target for their groceries. Yeah, I do too. But I mean, again, where I've been shopping, Target has a pretty good selection. But again, I can go to all these and get pretty much all the same stuff for like probably half the, almost half the price, or a little over half the price, I should say. I'm curious if anyone does what my mom used to do when all four of us were kids, which is like, she goes to certain places for certain things. Oh, absolutely. Everybody does. She has in her mind, like sometimes I'll say to her, well, maybe I'll just get toilet paper when I'm there and she'll say, don't get toilet paper. They always have expensive. I'm going to go here and see if they have a coupon. Like she's got, I think a lot of people have antennas for where to get certain things. We were driving around on Saturday night because it was raining and everything and you couldn't walk the dog. So we went to the Trader Joe's and I said, the mailroom manager, these prices are a lot higher than I thought they were. And she said, well, but they're good for some things like the little boxes of Kleenex. Yeah, they also have the frozen food at Trader Joe's, like the frozen pizzas. You can get very cheap. You can get like a four. I got two pizzas yesterday, $4.99 each, which isn't bad for how big they are. But you're right, certain things, you're not getting a deal on. So you just have to know what you're getting. But at Target now, they're trying to cut back. The company said that a pound of its unsalted butter produced by its own brand, good and gather will cost $3.79 down from $3.99. That's just one example. If there's an Aldi's in the area, I'm not going to target to get to save 20 cents on some butter because I can save more. Butter, by the way, this is another thing the Globe had. And they had another chart in addition to where people shop. Butter under Joe Biden is up 29.4%, which is a bargain compared to how much eggs are up, which is 50%. You know, what's I remember when I was younger, you know, it's something my mom would go off off the beaten path for is milk, because you'd think you'd get milk at the grocery store. My mom would oftentimes have me get a gallon of milk at the gas station because they had a better price than the grocery store, which I always thought even as a kid, I thought that was funny. I'm like, you would think because the gas station usually has pretty expensive stuff, but their milk was decent. Did you ever buy sushi at the gas station? No, no, she wouldn't go that far. She's not a big sushi girl anyway, though. That's the Senator Kirby. Senator Kennedy, Joe, you know, let's like go getting a gas station sushi. All right. So let's go to Biden's Morehouse speech because I know you're going to be covering this today. But he had a very busy Sunday house. He spoke at Morehouse, which I did not think he was going to deliver this commencement address, but he did. And then he followed it up with a dinner for the NAACP, but at Morehouse College on Sunday, he gave his commencement address. And there was a couple of moments that people took note of, one of them being that he said he gets bossed around at the White House by a lot of Morehouse men. And then you think he's kidding, but he's not. I have more Morehouse men in the White House telling me what to do than I know what to do. You all think I'm kidding, don't you? You know, I'm not. And it's the best thing that's happened to me. The other. Can we have some names, please, Brandon? Some of the the Boerhouse men. He's like our hate male people. He doesn't like citations. You know, the other part of it, how he that struck me is that he always has to bring up his non-existent history of being like a civil rights leader when he's black people. He cannot help himself, but it changes depending on who he's talking to. So at Morehouse, for example, he's talking about how he left a fancy law firm because he wanted to be part of the civil rights movement. He left this fancy. It sounds like a movie plot, like young, hot lawyer. That's part of that's part of the the transcript that I was just talking about when he talks about the guy who had his, pardon the expression, his balls burned off. Did he mention that guy again? He didn't, he didn't go there for the commencement speech, which I'm sure people were grateful for. But then later at the NAACP dinner, he talks about how when he was 15, then he was drawn to the civil rights. So depending on now it's gotten to a point where in one day his lies can change throughout the course of the day. And I don't think we might as long as we're here, we might as well play this. This is the craziest one yet. This thing about, he was the vice president here in the pandemic. Right. This is, I mean, there is not an IODA, a centella of truth in this statement. Cut 10. And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. And what happened was Barack said to me, go to Detroit, no fix it. Well, for mayor, he spent more time with me than he ever thought he was going to have to. God love you. What the hell is he talking about? Is he talking about queasy, by the way? What's that guy's name? Kiwami Kilpatrick or Kirkpatrick, the guy that went to prison? Is that the mayor he's talking about? That mayor's the guy laughing, right? No, no, that's, no, that the mayor, the, that the guy, the guy, the guy, Kiwami, whatever his name is, are queasy. He, he's, he went to prison. Oh, so we can't ask him for confirmation. No, he can't. Maybe he can do a Zoom call like Michael Avenatti. You know, Michael Avenatti's got to be, got to be watching these updates from the, from the trial in New York, and I'm in prison. Yeah, no, I know. And Cohen is walking around with his own, with his own fundraising outfit. He's probably thinking, you guys should have brought me on this stand. At least you could trust me a little bit more than, more than Michael Cohen. Now we know that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are set to debate how he, and it's on June 27th. It's going to be on CNN hosted by Jake Tapper. But apparently in a recent speech, this was in Minnesota on Friday, Trump brought up the idea of a drug test. Yes. He said, we're going to demand a drug test. He can't walk. He can't talk. He can't find his way off a stage. He can't put two sentences together, although he has agreed to a debate. So I don't know, maybe they know something. He's going to be jacked up for those debates. You watch. And this is obviously going to stir up some anger on the left who are going to be appalled that Trump would even suggest that Joe Biden has to have his urine tested before the debate. But you know, the thing is, most, most people in the country don't think he's up to the job. But I noticed today, walking into court in Manhattan, the Trump just absolutely just flat out said he's not mentally fit to be president of the United States. I mean, he just put it. It wasn't a joke or anything. He just stated it. As a matter of fact, and it's true. Yeah. And don't forget these debates. They go for a pretty long time. If I remember correctly, isn't there two hours? That's a long, that's a long night for him. We saw it, but, but today I was talking to Mack and Jan from WGAN and he did have a good point. He's like, you don't want to set the bar so low for Biden, because what ends up happening is he shows up and he, but it doesn't, it doesn't really matter. Cause like I said, they could, they could write the, uh, debate stories today and nothing would change. Joe Biden all start more masterfully handled the corrupt. No, no, ready. Joe Biden met the moment. That's what it's going to be. He's going to meet the moment. How I just have a feeling. If I was going to bet on it, I would say he's going to meet the moment. Grace's news has brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC. Now a TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass. Qualified buyers can save over $8,700 on a 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 Denali stock number two four, oh five, two similar savings on elevation and the T four models. So shop online now at tuxtrucks GMC dot com. And one last thing for you, how we, I CC prosecutor is seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leader. That's the international criminal court. Um, Joe Biden, I do believe has now commented on it and saying that it's crazy. Didn't Trump put on some kind of sanctions on the ICC or he cut off funding or did some such thing to them? And then as soon as they got in, uh, the, uh, as soon as they were installed, the Brandon regime, uh, that took away all the sanctions against the ICC, just like they took away all the sanctions against the Houthis. Yeah, because the Houthis were so well behaved, you know, and they, it was so, it was so terrible that they, that they would, uh, you know, stop them from getting any kind of help. And then he kind of went back and forth on the Houthis. You know, he couldn't make them. Yeah. Well, it's the same thing with these guys. So they, they removed all the, uh, whatever they were, the restrictions or the sanctions, whatever. And, uh, and now he's denouncing the ICC. Yeah. I guess who, so who ended up, who ended up being right about the ICC added to the list, man, added to the list how I will be back in the four o'clock with heat. Now, Monday. All right. Thank you, Grace. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, nine one nine says, if truck drivers have to be drug tested, associate presidents. And again, I, I'm following in the footsteps of one of my heroes of journalism, Pete Vessi of the New York Post, the old basketball columnist, he offered to be, to be drug tested before he wrote his column. I, I will be drug tested before I write my column. And before I do this show, if only Joe will agree to a drug test. Uh, eight six, oh, you said there would be no debate. I still don't think there's going to be a debate actually. I think something's going to happen. But if there is a debate, I want some drug tests. Experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows, twenty five dollar extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two pack multi-use my pillows, stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six pack towel set, all available for an astonishing twenty five dollars each. Yes, you heard it right. Just twenty five dollars per item during my pillows, twenty five dollar extravaganza. But wait, there's more refresh your kitchen with their durable four pack dish towels. You guessed it. Also with the unbeatable price of twenty five bucks and making it stay view the premium my pillows with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size all for the low price of twenty five dollars. These incredible offers won't last long so order now. Call eight hundred six five eight forty nine sixty five or go to my pillow dot com and use promo code howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over seventy five dollars. That's eight hundred six five eight forty nine sixty five or my pillow dot com promo code howie. Elevate your comfort with the my pillow twenty five dollar extravaganza. Don't delay. Go to my pillow dot com and don't forget the code howie. I'm howie car. Did you know that between hosting a four hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh wow. Read his latest at The Howie car show is back. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two again. We have a only a handful left of the Friday cheap bastard deals the ready wise. Eighty four serving breakfast and entree grab and go bucket this a great place to start if you've already been stocking up on emergency prepared preparedness food products and it's a good place to backstop it if you've already bought a few. It's a really good deal. Eighty four servings. It's normally a two hundred and ten dollar value because these are the primo hardy products, the dinners and breakfast and lunches. I've got two of these buckets. I haven't had to delve into them yet but they're sitting in my basement on top of each other. You've only got twenty five years left to use them. Right. Then they're they're they may still be in the same house with the interest rates the way they are. Right. Exactly. That's another thing that's not factored in here but anyway this is a great time to buy. It's two hundred and ten dollar value for a hundred and five dollars right now the cheap bastard deal. Go to and click on store and click on store. You know it's not worried about emergency emergency preparedness. That's illegal aliens. Illegal aliens. Very sad sad story again on a fox local affiliate. I don't even know where it's from but this was an illegal alien who who talked about the trauma of getting free everything. It's you know it's it's one of those traumas I've always wanted to wanted to experience. I guess I'm a masochist at heart but but here's the illegal alien talking about the trauma of being in the US cut 11. It's very traumatic. She says it's been quite traumatic. Everything that was told to us to come to Monroe County to Rochester hasn't been fulfilled. Do you like America? See they're not Rochester but not Rochester. No no good Rochester. Do you want to stay in America? Yeah see every different free in America. It's very traumatic. I assume that means Rochester New York. Rochester New York is right up there with Massachusetts when it comes to the generosity of the welfare payments. Was this post-traumatic saving disorder? What's going to happen when she if she had to learn English sounded like she knew it. He asked that question in English. Yeah I know. Do you want to stay in America? I knew that one. It's kind of like when they get lugged. They all demand interpreters you know but then they get they get out on the street and they know how to hold up a liquor store or they they they know how to tell the security guard who's trying to stop him from taking out the the flat screen TV to lay off. But then when they get arrested they need the they need the interpreter. Oh and of course they need the the the public defender. 508 writing checks is traumatic. Yes yes it it's very traumatic very traumatic. 844 542 42. Here's this is a guy you remember last week Hochl said that black black kids in the Bronx don't know what a computer is. I mean again try to imagine a Republican saying something like that. It would it would be or it's like it would be like if a Republican congresswoman had accused a black woman of being butch. It would be the end of the world. That'd be that'd be demands for you know another another arrest warrant from the ICC. But this is a Reverend Reuben Diaz on Fox this morning talking about the Governor Hochl, Democrat Governor Hochl's statement last week that black kids in the Bronx don't know what a computer is. Cut 10. So there you've got our president at Morehouse and then in Detroit at the Freedom Fund I know you looked at his comments. Your reaction? Well the only thing that I could tell you is that I'm a black guy from the Bronx and I know what the world computers mean. Wow wow we're gonna make you a DEI administrator at Columbia University for 400,000 bucks a year. 844-542-42. Okay when we come back well Robert Costello is testifying now. He's the former former legal advisor to Cohen and I guess Cohen talked to him not as a not attorney client privilege isn't kicking in it's just as an advisor and he admitted that he didn't believe anything stormy Daniel said. Now we now we find out that he's a that Cohen is a is a fake he stole 30 grand from Trump from Howie Carr.