The Howie Carr Radio Network

Mechanic Monday: Bill Brusard weighs in on Volvos, Recalls and Jerking Steering Wheels| 5.20.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

JB Auto care's Bill Brusard is here to answer all of your car questions. Some of the topics include recalls, unpredictable steering wheels and volvos.

Broadcast on:
20 May 2024
Audio Format:

Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We've got Bill Bruce-Ard joining us after this segment to talk all things Mechanic Monday and answer all of your questions. It's a really great resource if you're a little busy right now and you don't want to stop by J.B. AutoCare but maybe in the future you want to see, "Hey, can I get an answer on this that maybe I can work on myself or just get a sense of what's going on with your car?" Or asking Bill for advice on what kind of car you should get. Sometimes people are shopping for a car for a new family, for maybe their sons or daughters who are learning how to drive. Bill has all the answers for you and that will be coming up around 220. I did want to read a story here from The Post. Remember, Jared, how I said every time, if you look at 2016, some of the headlines that were drummed up over Trump's policies about things he would do if he became president were meant to be scary to people and they were meant to repel people away from Trump and push them towards Hillary Clinton. Like Trump's talking about building a border wall. Trump's talking about deporting people who are here illegally. Trump's talking about all these things and that was supposed to scare us because it was so extreme and no one actually had ever had the guts up into that point in politics to say that out loud and it seemed very, I guess to some people, very callous and harsh and over the top and extreme. But now, since people have had four years of absolute chaos and no border security and no consequences and millions of Godaways and millions of people coming into this country unvetted, all of those same things now read as incentives of reasons you should vote for Trump. And the reason I say that is because occasionally you'll see a headline that says, you know, Trump vows to deport people if he gets elected and I'll read the comments underneath and people will comment and say, listen, I'm already voting for the guy, you don't have to keep trying to convince me. I'm already on his side. And I have another example of that. This is from the New York Post, Jenny Tayer, who actually was a big part of the main wire story about the weed farms in Maine from Chinese nationals. She did really great work on that. This is migrants rushing to cross border now in case Biden loses in November. We don't want Trump. That's the quote. So if you needed more reasons, if you needed more confirmation that if you're thinking of voting for Donald Trump, you don't have to put on the MAGA hat. But if you're leaning towards Trump and you're not sure, this story would probably push you in the right direction. These migrants said they had been receiving assistance at the Yuma Regional Center for Border Health as they waited for a bus to the Phoenix Airport where they later caught a flight to New Jersey. We think with the elections, it will be harder. Ricardo said, we don't want Trump, Sebastian said. The brothers claimed asylum after they crossed the southern border and turned themselves into the Border Patrol agents. Border Patrol agents subsequently released them to the local nonprofit aid group and gave them court dates in their first asylum hearing scheduled for October. This is what happened. You give court dates and you just kind of do a fingers crossed situation. It's the honor system. Hey, your court dates in October. I'm sure we'll see you then, wink, wink. Their mom was awaiting their arrival in New Jersey. On the campaign trail, Trump has promised to deliver the largest mass deportation effort in the country's history if he's elected in November. So now you have illegal aliens who are telling you, we're coming in now because we know. And the reason that I find this amazing is because it does come down to the messaging. And for a very long time, Joe Biden's messaging was meant to be or to appear as compassionate. They wanted you to believe that he was compassionate. That's why he said things during the debate, like, surge the border. That was meant to show off his, you know, humane, unifier in chief, grandfathery, whispery, voice guy. That was supposed to show you how big his heart is that he's telling people to surge the border. But that has real consequences because people take note of that. The same way that world leaders watch how we treat our allies like Israel or how he makes comments like the minor incursion comment that happened right before Russia invaded Ukraine. The same way that those world leaders in China and other places are watching his behavior and his moves. Migrants all over the world are watching what's happening on our southern border. And they're taking note and they're planning accordingly. And so the message you send out of, I don't have a plan and everyone can come in and it's mean to, you know, separate children from families. Even if you're not sure if the parents or their actual parents or if they're just smugglers who are using these kids as a ticket into the country. If you vilify having any sort of security or vetting process, it's going to get out to people all over the world that, hey, listen, right now is a great time to get in. Because all these moon bats in Hollywood and all these liberals in these blue states have convinced everyone that having a secure border system is racist and xenophobic and mean. So they've got absolutely nothing going on down there. We can cross over right now. But do it quickly because some people might be regaining their common sense and they might vote back in Trump. Do you get better go now? 844-542-42. Another story I wanted to mention before I'll go to Ron. The uproar over Harrison Butker continues, you know, the Kansas City Chiefs kicker. He gave a speech at a private, I think it was like a private Catholic school and college and he talked about how much he loves his wife and how her vocation was to be a mother and to be a homemaker. And he is the worst person in the world now. I just want to confirm, Jared, with you, that we have that on paper. Move over Elon Musk. Move over Donald Trump. There's a new sheriff in town. His name is Harrison Butker. He cried over how much he loves his wife during this speech and the women on the view want him to, well, really, it's not just the women on the view. It's feminist everywhere. Very upset with him. They think he should be fired. The NFL came out and they condemned him. They rebuked his statements because it's not like he beat up his girlfriend or, you know, drove a car into someone. This man gave a speech on a POV that he feels is important and naturally that's when the NFL has to come out and say something. At an institution where that is central to the values of said institution and it should be noted that the audience seemed to like it a lot. Like I saw a lot of women on social media saying, I feel so bad for the women in the audience who put in four years for their degree and had to listen, had to suffer through listening to this misogynistic pig. And I'm like, well, based off the rounds of applause he received, I think he's doing okay. I think they're all doing okay. But yeah, his speech, like he didn't get up Jared and, you know, depress everyone with how horrible the world is and, you know, it wasn't a Joe Biden style speech. He took a different route. And now I have an update on this. It says the Kansas City star is the latest left wing outlet to go on the attack against Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Bucker for his daring support of Christian values with an editorial demanding that the team fire butker and replace him with a woman. For poetic justice after Harrison Buckers, Neanderthal outburst. Oh, Neanderthal. I love when they throw in the Neanderthals because we're also. So you're Neanderthal. He's a Neanderthal because he loves his wife. He's a Catholic guy. He believes in the Catholic faith and those values. He works really hard. Like all those things that makes him a Neanderthal. And also, just in case you're trying to keep track at home, if you don't fall hook line and sinker for all of the things related to the Green New Deal, you're also a Neanderthal. So there's a really good chance, even if you're not a Harrison butker fan, there's a good chance if you're listening to this show, you fall under the category of Neanderthal. And I just want you to know that for your own sake. And because the pipeline of talent is real, the Kansas City Chiefs next kicker should be a woman. A man and a woman. This is not a joke. It's not unrealistic and it would be good for business. Well, I have a couple questions. One, and I think this is the question that's going through everyone's mind. What is a woman? That's where we need to start here. I'm all for it. You know what Harrison butker? Sorry. You use your freedom of speech. Freedom of speech will be fine if you got up there on this stage and you talked about eradicating the Jewish people, then I wouldn't have an issue with it. You know what I mean? If you want to get up there and talk about burning Tel Aviv to the ground, then I think you'll be just fine. But you got up there and you cried about how much you love your wife. So you got dudes gotta go, dudes gotta go. So it is replacement. We need to replace him with a woman according to the Kansas City Star. But I don't know what a woman is. And unless someone on the Kansas City Star is a biologist, then I think we are bleep out of luck here. I think we might be stuck with Harrison butker for right now. Now if they do find a woman to replace him, I say go for it. I say go for it. Let's just see how it pans out. Let's see if the Kansas City Chiefs, you know what they should do? They should take a poll of the Kansas City Chiefs fans and say, what do you guys think? Should we replace? Because I have to assume Jared, based off the Super Bowls, I'm not a football fanatic, but I have to assume that based off the Kansas City Chiefs performances as of late, he's a pretty good kicker, right? He is indeed a good kicker, yeah. You wouldn't say that he sucks at his job. He does not. Okay, well you know what though still though, he gave a speech to some people. Taylor tries, she's there anyway. I just think of... JT kicks some balls. If Joy Behar doesn't like your speech, it doesn't matter if you're a good kicker. That's what's more important. And I wonder if people who are Kansas City Chiefs fans would agree with me. I would rather have a kicker who can't do it. Maybe we lose a couple points here and there. But Anna Navarro, Whoopi Goldberg, and Joy Behar are 100% behind said person, rather than a kicker who's good at his job, but who upsets women on Twitter. And I hope that the Kansas City Chiefs would agree with me on that. I mean, it is worth losing a Super Bowl to show Harrison Butcher what happens when you love your wife. Yeah, so I just think that once we drill down on what a woman is, and you'll get back to me on that, ask Kamala Harris, I think that's part of her, you know, that's under her purview of things right now. She's the woman's are. She's the woman's are. So you get back to me on that biologist, put your heads together. You come up with a response. We will get a kicker in there. There you go. 781 Megan Rapinoe. There we go. Oh, yeah. There we go. That's easy enough. Look at that. So many solutions to be found. If you just, if people just took a minute, took a deep breath. 844-542-42. When we come back, we're going to be talking to Bill Broussard from JB AutoCare. Do me a favor because what typically happens is towards the end of the segment, we don't have time to take all your calls. Get on the line now. We'll go right to them. It's 844-542-42. If you have any questions about your car, about a car that you want to buy, an electric vehicle, we had some people beefing with Bill last time about electric vehicles. We will take all the questions when we come back. 844-542-42. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Start your engines. It's Mechanic Monday with Grace Curly and Bill Broussard from JB AutoCare. And man, did I like that '57 Ford Curly. Get your questions in for Bill now. 844-542-42. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. That is right. It's Mechanic Monday. I'm joined by Bill Broussard from JB AutoCare. And if you have any questions for him regarding your vehicle or maybe a future, a potential vehicle that you want to buy or lease, but you're not sure about, now is the time to get on the line. The number is 844-542. Again, that's 844-542-42. Bill Broussard, thanks so much for being here. Thanks for having me. My favorite, or one of the questions I always go back to every year, is we're headed into summer. A lot of people in New England like to go on road trips. They like to travel with their families. What are a few tips for people out there traveling as a way to take care of your car that might be doing a little extra work in the summertime? What are some good methods to keep your car up and running? Everyone knows change your oil. That's one of the biggest things. Just follow the manufacturer's recommendation for maintenance. There's other fluids in cars like brake fluid and transmission fluid and any freeze going. Those are things you should also change. Brake fluid. Yeah, brake fluid. Should I be changing that? Sure. Most of the manufacturers recommend it. You can even Google this. Every, say, 20,000 miles, brake fluid is called hydroscropic. It absorbs the water. Over time, the fluid gets contaminated. It ruins the brake calipers and the hoses. By the time you have 100,000 miles on, you're replacing those components that maybe you could have prevented. It's called preventive maintenance. Typically, you replace those fluids like transmission. A lot of the manufacturers now are saying there's a lifetime transmission fluid and it's very misleading. It's the lifetime of the warranty of the transmission. But if you give that to someone like me, I take that and I say, "Oh, my gosh, I never have to do this again for the rest of my lifetime." It was a life time. Yeah. That's a really, I never thought of that. All right, so those are some good tips. Oh, my gosh, that was so fast. We have full lines. I do have text questions, but we'll go to the callers first. Charlie, you're up first with Bill Broussard. Go ahead, Charlie. What's your question? Yeah, one is how to extend the life of windshield wipers. One of the things you need to clean off the actual wipers themselves, just take a rag and wipe them down, like pull them off the windshield. You don't have to take them off their arms, just wipe them down. And keep a clean window, keep the bugs off there and the sap, and that extends the life of the wipers. You know, typically you have to replace them once a year is normal. And you shouldn't use them to push off the snow. You should not do that. That's something that someone who I know pretty well told me that that's ruining my wipers. And he was not happy that I was doing that. Charlie, do you have a second question? Yeah, the second question is we're downsizing. We're retired. My wife and I, we presently have a Ford Ranger. I've always been a truck person, but we want to go into sort of a vehicle. I like the idea of a truck, but I also like the idea of maybe a more car-like vehicle that's some sort of a compromise. Yes, a lot of people that buy in the, you know, the crossover vehicles, it's a mix between the SUV and, you know, a car. Most of them are all wheel drives. So, I mean, I'm a fan of the Toyota's, so you can, you know, high on to Route 4, something along that line. I am a truck guy, so I do like having my truck. Yeah, but there are some... A four-door truck. The problem with the truck. This is my only theory, because I've always told my husband, like, if he wanted to get a truck, I'd be down for it. Because I think it's great to have, it's useful. Yeah. You do get a lot of... Once people know you have a truck, you're on their radar. Like, "Oh, it's moving time. Oh, we need to bring this couch in from there." Bill Broussard is a truck. Call Bill. You need to get that bumper sticker that says, "Yeah, this is my truck. No, I will not help you move." There you go. That's what I like. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Listen up. Scott, Matt, George, Amy, everybody on the line. Stay right there. We're going to come right back with your questions. But in the meantime, Jared, today's poll question is brought to you by J.J. Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, J.J. Manning can get your property sold now. Give them a call at 800-521-0111, or go to Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which speculative Trump VP would you most like to see debate Kamala? Doug Bergham, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswami, or J.D. Vance? I'm going to say J.D. Vance, I also would love to see Tulsi Gabbard, but I just don't think that there's a world in which he's BP, so I'm going to say J.D. Vance. Vivek, in the lead at 42%, 24% for Tulsi, 14% each for Tim Scott in J.D. Vance and Doug Bergham if you got him at 6%. All right, we will be right back, we have full lines for Bill Broussard, it's mechanic Monday, don't go anywhere, this is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show, hey, here's a reminder for you, we've got a great Father's Day deal happening, if you go to and you click on store, you get a copy of Paper Boy, you'll also get a mystery t-shirt, you just select your size, you're going to get a mystery t-shirt from Howie Car, and it's a really great deal, so hop on that while supplies last. Joining me now is Bill Broussard and boy oh boy, we got a lot of people on the lines, let's get to it, let's go to Amy, you're up next, go ahead Amy. Hi there, I'm Hopi, you can help me with a good independent thought on the subject of my Kia Sorento that has been, oh, are you there? Yep. Oh, hi there, I have a Kia Sorento and it's getting new fuses, it's been six months where I was told that the car could burst into flames either driving or apart because of the HECU unit having a short circuit, the dealership is going to swap out the fuses, how comfortable are you with that for a fix? You know, if that's their fix, then I'm comfortable with that, is it like a recall, is it? It is, it's been a recall, it was a serious recall, the feds are all involved with it, I got this notice six months ago, was told not to park in a garage, it could be on fire, I do remember that. And this fix, this fix that comes through and I'm waiting to get the fuses and I'm thinking how comfortable is somebody totally independent driving a car like this, why are the fuses going to fix it, I guess I don't understand. So it's the HECU circuit? Yeah, I mean it could be, they maybe they put- Yeah, maybe the fuses they put in the car were too small or something, not enough amperage, or they were too big and the fuses weren't popping. But I'm sure, you know, if the feds are involved and there's a recall, I'm sure that is the fix, I'd just be kind of nervous in the meantime. Well, I was just thinking of the fact that, yeah, if they're already being open and honest about the fact that this is a problem, like you said it's a recall, everyone knows about it at this point, I would think that if this is the fix, it has to be the fix, because these people are going to be pretty quick on them if something goes wrong. But yeah, you can't park in a garage, that is scary. Yeah, just be kind of concerned in the meantime before I actually get it fixed. Yeah, keep an eye on that. Yeah, keep an eye on that. How many things have to go wrong before they actually- Yeah, I'm not sure. Are we talking about thousands of cars? I think if enough people complain, I'm not sure of both the number, I'm sure. You know, if enough people complain and, you know, the government gets involved, that's when they force them to do it. But a lot of manufacturers will do it on a volunteer basis. They'll have a technical service bulletin. They'll take care of it before it gets to that level. Got it. Okay, Barbara, you're up next with Bill Broussard from JV AutoCare. What's going on, Barbara? Hi, I'm trying to decide between purchasing a hybrid Toyota Highlander and a hybrid Hyundai Santa Fe. And I want to keep the car for at least 10 years. And I was wondering, is the Hyundai less likely to last that long? Yeah, if you want to go the distance sort of vehicle, you know, I'm a big believer in the Toyotas. The Hyundai is the good, but if you want to go the 10 years, you know, I'd see, you know, the Hyundai's are a little more tinny than the Toyota's. The Toyota's, I think, higher quality. So if you want to go the distance of 10, 15 years, I would definitely invest, you know, they're a little more money, but in the longer and the better cars. Okay, that's what I thought. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Hey, welcome. Thanks, Barbara. By the way, Bill, if any of our callers like that woman Amy, if she runs into an issue, she wants to come see you in person. Where does she go? Sure. We're at 291 Bridge Street, North Whameth, 71, 331, 6068. Awesome. Let's go to Scott, you're up next with Bill Broussard. Go ahead, Scott. Hi, Grace. Hi, Bill. Hi. Hey, another question about a recall, not so much out, you know, what the problem is, but how to deal with the dealer. So it involves a cheap gladiator in 2021. Have you heard of something called the death wobble? Yes. Okay. So that's what we're dealing with. For those of you who haven't, it's an issue with, I guess, the steering and the alignment where it starts to shake at a high speed and it's scary as heck. So they issued a recall, they installed a steering dampener to fix the problem. But the recall was for 20, I think 2019 and 2020 versions. My fiancee drives it 2021. So even though they voluntarily fixed it, it doesn't solve the problem. And now they want to, they can't reproduce it. They take it for test drive course, it doesn't happen to them. And they want to change the tires. They wanted, they said she needs to know, they want to align the car. She doesn't need new tires yet. We think the car is out of alignment because of this steering issue, this recall. So they wanted to do all this work just so they can rule those things out before they'll even, before they'll even think about fixing the real problem. And they know that the problem is. So does that sound legit to you? I mean, as far as having to do. Yeah, they, that typically all this work up front. The typically is the cause is the, uh, steering dampener. And it's funny. I had an 88 G bring over that did it. So you would think in 30 years, they would have fixed this problem. So it's just the steering wheel. You start going down the, you're going down the highway. The steering wheel starts shaking and then it starts violently shaking. And you got to slow the car down and it's a steering shock that attached to the, the linkage on the steering. And it's such a old problem, you would think that would be solved by now. Yeah. And it's only on Jeeps. That's so, so strange. It is. It is so strange. But would you tell Scott's wife that it's probably just the dampener and that she shouldn't do all these other things before? I would, I would start the, I mean, you could have a bad tire, but I would start with the shock. Uh, make sure all the other components are tight. And if they are, then you know, you could have a bad tire. So, but I would start with the shocks of cheap. They're only, I was just going to say, so, so it's, it's weird to me that they would, unless they're trying to, unless they're trying to get a lot of money out of her, it's weird that they wouldn't just go there first. They would say, Oh, let's do all these other things. If the actual, if there's a chance the actual problem is going to be cheaper, why not just figure that out first? Yeah, I would start there and then go to the next step. Okay. Thank you, Scott. Matt, you're next up with Bill Broussard from JB AutoCare. Go ahead, Matt. Hey, good afternoon. Hope you were having a good one. I'm from New Hampshire, so I definitely see some snow and I do construction. So I have a Silverado crew cab before we'll drive. But I'm looking to have something that's just as good as a tank in the snow as my truck, but more family oriented. I'm a big component of fan, a big fan of no push aside. I don't mind going used, but you know, just the less technology the better, but something more family oriented. That's a four-wheel drive. Yeah, I mean, we're a Chevy guy. I mean, you can get those, the four-wheel trucks, like I have a four-wheel truck. It has a big back seat. You know, along the Chevy line, you know, the Chevy Tahoe, those are, you know, I like the Chevy products. I like the Toyota products a little better, but I think the Chevy product, you know, the Chevy makes a good product. What about Volvo? I find that whenever people are talking about safety, they go Volvo a lot, but you're not. Yeah, I mean, that dates back to like this 80s and 90s like this, the safest vehicles on the planet, but they're probably the most unreliable vehicles on the planet. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Why is that? I don't know. They have a lot of check engine like problems, wiring problems. They just don't age well. You know, it's some of, you know, I think they're Sweden vehicles. They just don't, they just don't age well. Interesting. Yeah. Well, Matt, thanks for the call. Hope that answered your question. Let's go to George, your up next with Bill Broussard. Go ahead, George. Hi, Bill. Hey. I have a 2011 four fusion hybrid, love the car. Still gets free something miles again on this 345,000 miles and I take care of it. I have a master brake cylinder problem where I replaced it with a aftermarket program to have been a component, but it's still, I get total brake failure and it breaks it down to just Matt, you'll use the term non-power brakes. And I just don't know where to go next. The dealer wants $2,500 to replace everything and anything. Yeah. I mean, if you narrow it down, so I'm assuming you're kind of losing your brake pedal after driving for a certain amount of time. Is that what's going on? Yeah. I, I, I, I failure out and then I clear it to just get rid of the, the light. Yeah. I still have brakes, but they're very soft. I mean, I, I, I drive it cautiously. Yeah. So, I mean, if, if you just strip it down to like a mechanical issue, so you could have a bad master cylinder. So what we would do is, you know, you, you start, you know, clamping off different, you know, rubber hoses and you can isolate the problem, whether it's a master cylinder or whether it's one of the calipers, you know, we talked about earlier, you know, changing your brake fluid, which I'm assuming you might already done, but those are, you know, those are the things that could happen when brake fluid gets older, it gets, you know, spun, your brake, brake pedal gets spongy. But you could have a master cylinder. The piston could be traveling too far. I would definitely, you know, start there and then, you know, you know, you know, I've even seen things like, you know, loose wheel bearing that could cause a caliper, you know, what happens is it knocks a brake pad back into the caliper and it causes it like an air space. So you go to step on the brakes and it, the pedal travels down. So, you know, you could have a mechanical issue. You just have to isolate, you know, where the problem's going on. All right. Thank you, George. Good question. Bill, one more time for everyone. If they want to stop by, if they want to visit you and they have a car question for you, but they want to go to the shop, where do they go? Yeah, we're at 291 Bridge Street, North Waimeth, Massachusetts. And the number? 781-331-6068. All right. Awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who called in. I'm sorry if we couldn't get to your calls. We're running short on time. Bill Broussard. We love having you. Thank you for all of your knowledge. Thank you. When we come back, we're going to talk to the other car guy, Howard Lawrence car, so don't go anywhere. We will return. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. We go from the car guy to the car guy, Howie Cars in studio with us for the car crossover. He's wearing a beautiful t-shirt, which as I told you in the last segment, if you buy a copy of Paper Boy, you might get this t-shirt. It's a mystery to grab bags, so we will send you a t-shirt after you give us your size, and it's a really great deal. It's the Father's Day deal, so hop on that soon. Howie, thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. Let's kind of go down the list here. So one of the big stories today is Michael Cohen in court admitting that he stole $30,000 from the Trump Organization. Only $30,000? A lot of people are speculating it could be more. He doesn't have a real track record of telling the truth at this point, but I can't imagine this case or this trial going any better for Donald Trump. It seems like every single person, the prosecution brings up, ends up proving that Donald Trump's being railroaded. Is there anybody that they've brought up as prosecution witnesses who doesn't owe him a lot of money? That's a common theme here. And it said in the story in Fox that that woke him up, that he typically has his eyeshut, but when he heard that Michael Cohen stole $30,000 from him, you wouldn't believe it, but that was enough to keep his eyes open. I can't say as I blame the guy. Do you think he'll take the stand, Howie Trump? No. No. I don't think so either. The other big story of the weekend was that Joe Biden was actually pretty busy. He usually takes the weekends off, but on Sunday he gave a commencement address and this got me thinking, have you ever given a commencement speech? No, I was offered one one time by some college that I'd never even heard of up in New Hampshire and I just said, I don't think so. If you were going to give a speech, would you have gone the dark scary depressing route like Joe Biden? No, I think he tried to avoid the bromides, but you try to give him some advice they can really use. I mean, how about the, but the worst thing he did was when he said he not only mixed up the timeframe on the pandemic and said he was vice president, but he said Barack Obama was president and sent him to Detroit during the pandemic to talk to the mayor. I mean, there, there's nothing there. I mean, there's not even like a thread of the true fact. No, I was thinking about it. It is like when someone comes over to you and says, I had a crazy dream last night. You were there. You had wooden teeth. We were in, you know, Alabama and you're thinking to yourself, I can't follow this. This means nothing to me. That's what his stories have become now. And that was actually at a dinner. So he had two events on Sunday. He had the commencement speech at Morehouse and then he had this dinner at the NAACP. It was a fundraiser dinner thing. And he said that he also, instead of calling the January six protesters insurrectionists, he called them erectionists. This seems to be a very Democrat issue now. Yeah. That, you know, it seems like a porn movie, doesn't it? The erectionists? Yeah. Joe Biden and the erectionists. Sounds like a band. That's honestly a band. Unlead guitar Anthony Blinken. Howie, one thing I stopped off in your office today to talk about was this comment from Marco Rubio when he was on Meet the Press. This is one of the go-tos for the media about, will you accept the election? You know Trump's going to get this at the debate too. Will you accept the election? And Marco Rubio's point was, I'm not, no one's accepting anything until we know it's on the level and just like the Democrats have not accepted elections. And then the rebuttal to that is, will Hillary Clinton concede it? What do you say to that? Well, I mean, I'm not sure whether Kristen Welker is just very stupid, which I'm inclined to believe that and she doesn't know anything about anything. Or whether she's just lying and no, I mean, there's this whole, there's one interview after another that was on, that's online that you can watch where she's talking about how she won the election and Trump was, was put in by Vladimir Putin. And again, what Rubio also went to was that there are a lot of people in Congress who refuse to accept the results of the, of all of 2001, 2005, 2017. Some of them all, some of them have done it all three times. They've been in Congress long enough to have rejected all the, all the Republican victories of the last, this, this century. They're like the OG insurrectionists. Oh, yeah. Or erectionists if you want to use Joe Biden's terminology. Yeah. And so it's, it's okay for them to, to reject that. And what, and what about Stacey Abrams and, and although it, you know, she doesn't, she doesn't accept anything. Excuse me. That's governor Stacey Abrams to you. That's right. Please, sir. Use the correct terminology. Howie Carr, what do you have planned for your shows today? I think we'll be talking turtle boy and getting an update on what's going on. There is no trial today because it's Monday of course and the judge is howie, by the way. Well, it does. I mean, you know, next Monday is Memorial Day. Okay. I mean, isn't that a close enough Monday holiday for these hacks? And it's only going to be a half day tomorrow. They want to get a Monday, they want to get a preview of the Monday holiday. They want to get a heel for it. This is like a dry run, you know, for next Monday. So we're going to talk to turtle boy and then we're going to talk about supermarkets. The Boston Globe had an amazing story today. It's supermarket prices are so high in Massachusetts because there's too much competition. Oh, this is the old Bernie Sanders, too many deodorants to choose from. And there's another thing that's causing it climate change. Well, you know, climate change is causing droughts and it's, of course, that's not Joe Biden's fault. How dare you? And also the war in Ukraine. That's not his fault either. You know, he just told Russia was okay to have a minor incursion. And so now the price of weed has gone up and oil. It's funny you mentioned grocery stores because you heard this Claire McCaskill cut, right? What did she say? Can we get a little bit of that, Jared? This is Claire McCaskill talking about cheese and grocery stores. I am still at the point when I walked through the grocery store, people come up to me and grab my hands. They were going to be okay. Aren't we? He won't win, Willie. You know, they won't let him back in the Oval Office, will they? So I said, stay out of Whole Foods, Claire. I said, when I go through the grocery store, if anyone's grouting my hand, it's to say, when you believe these prices, sweet Lord have mercy on us. I know. I went to Trader Joe's over the weekend. That's the place you go, right? Yeah. I went this weekend too to Trader Joe's. I mean, we just stopped by to buy it. I was shocked. I mean, I said, well, this is what I get for taking a shortcut, not going to market basket. I'm going back to market basket. Howie Carr is coming up next. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)