The Howie Carr Radio Network

Jasmine Crockett's Merch has a Typo and Red Lobster has a Shrimp Problem | 5.20.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

The catfight in Congress isn't over. Plus, Red Lobster's All You Can Eat Shrimp deal backfired in a big way.

Broadcast on:
20 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. So there's a graph in the Wall Street Journal. And it really does emphasize just how better off people were under Donald Trump than Joe Biden when it comes to their wallet. Now, the reason I say that is because maybe in your heart, maybe your mental health you feel is better off with Joe Biden. Maybe you like feeling the compassion and the unity that seeps out of his pores whenever he takes to a podium. But I'm talking strictly wallets here, okay? I'm talking strictly grocery store aisle following the arrows like you did in the old days of COVID, walking by the egg, seeing how much they cost. And this graph shows you that household net worth, now it's funny, Jared, because it's depending on how you read it, okay? First, it says total household net worth rose 19% through Biden's first three years in office and rose 23% through Trump's first three years. But, and this is from Red State, the real kicker was after doing the adjustment for inflation. After doing the adjustment, under Biden, net worth only goes up 0.7% through his first three years versus 16% through Trump's. Now, you can care about everyone has different causes. Some people are one issue voters. Everybody's got different things that get them riled up. But your household net worth going up 16% versus 0.7% has to wake you up in one way or the other. You know, that has to register with people. And the reason I'm talking about this is not just because this graph is so jarring, especially if you're in the Biden administration, you're hitting the panic button saying, you know, keep that man off the stage. Don't have him talk about Bidenomics anymore. Stop bragging about the economy. But also because of this cut. Now, this cut is from Claire McCaskill. Claire McCaskill, who at one point called Merrick Garland Garland Merrick. Just in case you want to know her level of knowledge about what's going on in the world. Okay. And I have to assume she was on morning Joe, right, Jared? Garland Merrick. No, she was at some, some event. She was speaking at or on a panel for this wasn't on a TV show. This was something she presumably got paid to go to. Yikes. That's scary in and of itself that she gets paid to do. Right. So Claire McCaskill is at this event. And she's talking about, because all they have right now, all these anti-Trumpers have. And really, it was the same in 2020, but I think it's a harder thing to push through at this point. In 2020, it was never about Joe Biden. Like in Joe Biden's mind, he's the bride at every wedding. He's the corpse at every funeral. But for the Democrats, he is, he's just an empty suit. He's just a, he's a Trojan horse. They can pull in and pull out. And so they really do just focus on Donald Trump. They can't brag about the economy. They can't brag about, you know, crime going down or people feeling more secure. They can't definitely can't brag about the Middle East. Who wasn't who tried that for a second? Jake Sullivan tried that about two weeks before October 7th. Didn't work out well for Jake. So all they can talk about is how afraid everyone is of Trump and how scary it is that he might come back. Let's have cut a team. I am still at the point when I walked through the grocery store. People come up to me and grab my hands. They were going to be okay, aren't we? He won't win, Willie. You know, they won't let him back in the Oval Office, will they? So I do think there is a level of panic out there because some people who look at all the facts and circumstances go, wait a minute. How could this be tied? Right? How could this be tied? Hold on. Hold on. Right? Hold on a second. I have something to add here to Claire McCaskill. You know what I hear when I go through the grocery store? Nobody's, well, first of all, nobody's grabbing my hand at the grocery store. I'm not famously Claire McCaskill. You know, people don't know me when I walk through. But if anyone were to, even if I were to start overhearing anyone, typically it's not about, oh no, will they let Trump back in, which I don't even know what that means. Like if Trump gets elected, will he get to be president again? Well, according to this whole thing called democracy, that you worship at the altar of, I think that's how it's supposed to work, Claire. But let's leave that part out of it. What I tend to hear in the grocery store is holy moly. Everything is so expensive. I tend to hear little old lady saying, I used to be able to get this exact same thing for half the price. Everything's getting so expensive. What do you hear when you're at the grocery store? When you're walking through the grocery store, does anyone grab your hand and say, oh no, they're not going to let them back in? Are they? Who are these people? Does anyone believe that that actually happened? No, absolutely not. You know what it reminds me of? That is false. It reminds me of the social justice warriors who take to social media and say, on election night, they'll go, my, my one and a half year old looked at me today and said, Mom, please tell me that if Trump wins that reproductive rights are not going to be something I need to wear and you're just sitting here going, you're one and a half year old did not say that. They said, juice box and then they had a fit. They're not concerned about the election. And if they are, are like, my five year old can't get up in the mornings. He's so concerned about the climate. That is a red flag that you're not doing a great job with the whole parenting thing. But does anyone believe, back to my point, that Claire McCaskill is walking through a grocery store in A? Yeah, no, she doesn't do that. She sends somebody out for that. The people recognize her enough to grab her hand and then they ask her, please, please tell me, please tell me that Trump's not going to come back. Please tell me that groceries aren't going to become reasonably priced again. I can't, my heart can't take it. Please don't tell me that my bills, I'll be able to pay my bills for the first time in four years. Oh, the humanity, Claire. Now, since we're talking about food and bills and groceries and things getting out of hand, I think it's only appropriate that we take a bite out of a big story that I kind of, I didn't really go near it on Friday. I didn't feel well versed enough in the world of Red Lobster to talk about. That's generally a good policy. It's not going near it. Yeah, but now it comes to Red Lobster. So I went to my coworker, Matt, and I said, I'm going to need a good story on this Red Lobster thing, because I don't understand. Now, when I just thought they filed for bankruptcy, Jared, I was like, okay, a business that, you know, it didn't have a good business model. Things went wrong. Then I saw that it came down to the all you can eat shrimp deal. That's when my ears perked up. I was like, oh, okay. So somebody had a great idea that backfired big time. And I want to redo a little bit of this, and then we're going to talk about it because one thing that I was curious about is how it works. I assumed all you can eat means buffet, but my coworkers have informed me that's not always the case. Sometimes all you can eat means you just have to keep ordering it. And I think that's probably a smarter move by the restaurant because you'd hope that people have some level of shame where after the fourth time they won't keep doing it. Yeah, the Red Lobster was way off on that. So this says, Red Lobster offered all you can eat shrimp. That was a mistake. Company executives have been vocal about the misguided gamble with shrimp. Those two words you don't want to see in the same sense, gamble and shrimp. And how they misjudged just how hungry Americans would be for a deal on the crustaceans. In an effort to boost foot traffic and ease the sales slump that swept through the restaurant industry during the pandemic, Red Lobster executives last year decided to relaunch a popular marketing ploy from years past to learn customers. For $20, they could eat as much shrimp as they wanted. That was the beginning of the end for Red Lobster. Eager for a deal during an era of high inflation. Many consumers. So if I'm going to connect this like the media would if Trump were president. This is Joe Biden's fault. Joe Biden killed Red Lobster. Right? That should be the headline here. Joe Biden. Mr. Pro small business president. Where's Peter? Joe Biden murdered Red Lobster. People took to TikTok to brag about how many of the pink morsels they could put down in one sitting. I would change that to stuff. How many of the morsels they could stuff into their gullets in one sitting. One woman boasted she consumed 108 shrimp over the course of a four hour meal. Now, this is my favorite part. Okay. This is a research analyst, Jim Salera. And he said in the current environment, consumers are looking to find value and stretch budgets where they can at $20. It's very possible for a consumer to eat well past the very thin profit margin. Now, one person who's the chief financial officer of the Thai union group, a seafood conglomerate that has been Red Lobster's largest shareholder, cited the endless shrimp deal as a key reason the chain had an operating loss of about $11 million during that timeframe. This is what this guy said. He goes, the price point was $20. Garnier said he paused $20. He repeated with a tinge of regret in his voice. And you can eat as much as you want. We drove around until 3 a.m. Looking for another all you can eat fish restaurant. Did these sound like the actions of a man who had all he could eat? Well, so this led to me asking some questions in the office. I said, "Is a buffet considered all you can eat just by being a buffet?" Is it inherently assumed that a buffet is all you can eat? And that's when Taylor informed me he didn't think this was a buffet situation. You keep ordering the shrimp. They keep bringing it over to you. Yeah, I dated the girl in college who worked at the Olive Garden. So when they had their, I think it's never ending, pasta bowl or whatever, you order the pasta and then you just keep bringing it out. But you have to reorder every time. There's not just like a buffet you go up to. Yeah, they do. So a lot of the all you can eat are sort of like that. But yeah, buffets, like you said, inherently are. A lot of them do kind of have time limits though. Yeah, you mentioned that. I've never heard of that before. Like you clock in when you get there. No, I mean, you keep track. They sort of, you know, write down the time on the bill when you get there. And after a while, they're like, okay, you got to go. Are people pushing the limits this much with buffets? Oh, absolutely. What I always find tricky is when you're at a restaurant and some people are getting the buffet and some people are off menu. Because because you're tempted to say, okay, I'm ordering something else. I don't want the buffet experience. But I did see a cinnamon bun that was heating over there that you could grab for me. Yeah, that's that's dicey. But that's just how the game is played. Yeah, I just I gotta put no sharing on there or you had to see them in separate section. Hey, you don't belong over here. Yeah, you know, it's weird though. It's like someone came up with that idea and was like, hey guys, a couple of years ago, we did all you can eat shrimp. And that person is shouldering the collapse of an entire restaurant chain. That's got to be tough. I wouldn't have expected it. I wouldn't have. But you know what it is? It's the TikTok challenges. People say, Hey, guys, check me out. I'm going to the Red Lobster. I'm going to see how many I can eat. That is. It sounds it sounds awful. That is an insanely cheap price point for all you can eat shrimp without some type of safeguard. My mom just texted me and she said, "Grampy, that was my grandfather on my mom's side." He's passed away a long time ago. She said, "Grampy was always wondering why dad and I did not go there." He would see the commercials on TV and he would say to my mom, look at all that food you can get. It's so inexpensive. You guys should go. My mom's like, no, we're good. We're all set. Thanks. A44, 500, 42, 42. So Red Lobster offered all you can eat shrimp. That was a mistake. I'll say so. Someone, you know what, Claire McCaskill was at a Red Lobster and somebody turned to her and grabbed her hand and said, "Please tell me Trump's not going to come into office again. Please, please, please, please, please." Because I can't take it anymore. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls. Don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly Show. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. That may need all our shrimp and two plastic lobsters. 'Tis no man. Tis a remorseless eating machine. I just asked Howie. I said pre-sleeve. How many shrimp could you put down? Because Matt asked me. And Howie's saying five or six, which I'm calling a major, major lie. It does depend on the size. He's talking about popcorn shrimp. I'm talking about regular shrimp. Regular shrimp that someone would bring to a cocktail party. Always well received, by the way. That and ice. If you're ever not sure what to bring in the summer, either shrimp cocktail or bring ice, you will not be turned away. But yeah, five or six. I think back in the day, Howie could have probably put down 10 to 15, at least. What about you, Jared? Right now I bring in the freshest shrimp. I call it Moby Dicks. I say Moby Dicks. Bring in the freshest shrimp from wealthy. What do we got? Bring a whole platter. How many are you putting down? Jumbo shrimp. I probably would be would be done by eight. Your regular like medium shrimp or popcorn shrimp. I probably could get up to at least high 20s. High 20s. I can pack it away. Look, there's a reason I needed to take calitrine. Okay. I can pack food away. I can. I mean, whether it's all a garden, red lobster, the grocery store, someone's going to grab your hand at some point and say, excuse me, pause for meeting that shrimp. And please let me know that Trump's not going to. He's not going to do it again. Is he they're not going to let him back in the White House. A four four five hundred forty two forty two. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land JJ Manning can get your property sold to learn more. Contact Charlie Gill at eight hundred five two one zero one one one one or go to JJ with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which speculative Trump VP would you most like to see debate, Kamala? Doug Bergham, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswami or JD Vance? I'm sticking with JD Vance. I think he's got a dead pan delivery. He's, he's very hard to, it's hard to ruffle his feathers. I don't think it works very, he doesn't get heated very quickly. So I'm going to say JD Vance, I like Vivek, but I think it becomes the Vivek show and it does, he's a showman and I appreciate that. But I think when you're dealing with Kamala Harris, you don't need to be that animated. You just need to be smart and JD Vance is definitely smart. Vivek still lead at 41%, 23% for Tulsi Gabbard, 16% for Tim Scott, 14% for JD Vance and 6% for Doug Bergham. I will say this, you can add Marco Rubio. So we played this cut earlier, Marco Rubio on with Kristen Welker on NBC and she's asking him the classic, you know, will you accept the results of the election no matter what? And his response is no. What do you mean no matter what? Nobody's accepted things no matter what? And then he goes on to point out all of the Democrats since 2000 that have not accepted the results of the election. And her only rebuttal to that is Hillary Clinton conceded. She conceded. She conceded. And the issue with that is, okay, so she conceded for about a day and then she spent upwards of however long she did this for, she's still doing it now. So she's never actually conceded. She said she conceded and then she spent years and years and years drumming up fake hoaxes lying about the election being stolen, being rigged. So it's ridiculous to suggest that she somehow behaved any differently than Trump. She behaved worse than him. She tried to frame him after the fact. She hired Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS and they whipped up this entire scandal to hamstring Trump's presidency. She is, if you look up sore loser in the dictionary, it's a picture of her. And I love how Marco Rubio handled it. I want to add him to my very short list. I'm actually going to start keeping a physical list here of conservatives who have the green light from grace curling. And you know that's what they're all waiting for. To go on network news with the mainstream media and go toe to toe because certain people can handle it and certain people can't. And the reason I loved Marco Rubio is because he did not stop talking. He just steamrolled right over her. Her interruptions, her interjections. He was not having it. So Marco Rubio joins Vivek Ramaswani, J.D. Vance, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, other people on people who can handle the corrupt mainstream media. Congrats! Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. He calls in the erectionist who stormed Capitol Hill Patriots. The erectionist who stormed Capitol Hill. Is this Anthony Blinken's new band Joe Biden in the erectionist? What is, what are, I'm sorry. What are we talking about? And you know what's weird about that is insurrection. It doesn't trip up and maybe I just haven't pulled the sound of conservatives messing it up, but it does seem to mess up Democrats a lot more. And it's probably because they're just saying the word more often, but still occasionally you'll get some senators or Congress people who are talking about the insurrection and using that language. And they don't constantly, accidentally say, erection. That is a distinctly Democrat issue right now in this country. Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it. Yeah, I just, I really think Jared was just talking to me during the break about Tony Blinken. And I really think we need to start utilizing him more. With Michael Cohen, for example, there's always breaks in the, in the trial, the hush money trial. Why not to kind of ease the tension a little bit. Bring in Tony Blinken for a little performance, almost like a halftime show. I just think that there's more times where if he's going to be doing a whole lot of nothing, throw the guitar on. Let's give him some practice. And the other part of it too, Jared, is if he gets more practice here in the United States, then when we send him to other places and he's performing for other countries, he's a little sharper. You know, he's, he's had some practice. We can't put all of the blame. So Tony Blinken sings at a Ukrainian bar, keep on rocking in a free world. And everyone's so quick to criticize. He sounded pitchy. This is embarrassing. Why is he doing this? Doesn't he have an actual job? I'm here to tell you that we have to shoulder some of the blame too. We're sending this guy out with very little experience. We're not offering him opportunities to practice, to fail here before he goes and fails over there. And Joe Biden, by the way, multiple events every weekend. How cool would it have been yesterday at Morehouse after he totally depressed the graduates and said, you know, everything's stacked against you. You're a victim. Everything's wrong with this country. Everything's sad. If then, just to kind of end it on a high note, he said, with all that being said, though, I do have some good news. Tony Blinken, come on out. I like to do a little ditty. I call Trump courthouse blues. And then in parentheses, Israel is wrong. And then maybe something like, have you guys ever heard the song Goodbye Stranger? I think he'd be very good at a Michael Scott take on Goodbye Stranger. He's just a talented guy, but we need to give him more opportunities to showcase said talent. I was discussing earlier this Michael Cohen hush money trial because he admitted today. He's really treating this trial, Jared, as a confessional of sorts. You know, he's getting out all of his sins that Catholic, I don't know what kind of guilt he has, but he's got some guilt, okay, about all of his misdeeds. And is a Catholic guilt or Irish guilt? Maybe he's got, he could have a little Irish skill. Maybe he's got some Irish background. But he is going up on the sand and basically just letting it loose. He's telling people everything he's ever done wrong. And yeah, I stole $30,000 from the Trump organization. So what? And he's creating, I think, probably more issues for his lawyers, for Alvin Bragg in the prosecution. But I mentioned that it's also ridiculous because Trump's not allowed to go around and fundraise and campaign and do what you would be doing if you were running for president. And I mentioned that Trump stuck in this cold courtroom, and Jared, just as I said that, I got an email from Donald J. Trump. And the headline on the email, I've spent hours trapped in a freezing courtroom. I wish I was having lunch with Grace. And it's a picture of Trump pointing at me. He says, but since I'm stuck in the court right now, I'm skipping my lunch break to speak directly to Grace. Will you see my message of support before I walk back into the court for my rigged Biden trial? I've spent hours sitting down in a freezing courtroom listening to nothing but lies. He's really, really angry about the temperature of this courtroom. In case you think I'm overdoing it, he used the word freezing three times in this one email. Someone get that man a heated blanket for God's sakes. This is cool. This is cool. Didn't Emma tell you how she signed up for the emails, but she misspelled her name so she gets emails to Irma every day? It's like Irma, we want you to contribute. So that's what's going on in the Trump case, and just, you know, for people who are following and curious about where we're at. Now, I did want to give another update on a big story from last week. Okay. And that would involve Marjorie Taylor Greene, AOC, and one of my new favorite Congresswoman, Jasmine Crockett. They were making such a name for herself. So they got into a fight. I made it very clear on Friday that I do not think any of these women behaved. They did not behave with any sort of dignity or class. And Marjorie Taylor Greene, if we're going to, you know, act like five year olds, it should be stated, she did start it. She started it. She called Jasmine Crockett out for her fake eyelashes as someone who used to wear fake. I was actually called out for my fake eyelashes at one point, Jared. Do you know by who? I have no idea. I'm going to steal one of your things. I'm going to name drop right now. Peter Brady. I was taking a picture. He didn't do it in an nefarious way. He did not do it in a mean way. He was trying to embarrass me. He was genuinely in awe of how giant. My eyelashes were that they kind of it kind of took him a minute. And that's a guy. I know he's, you know, he's not in Hollywood now, but he comes from the Hollywood world of people having artificial, you know, the fact that in. As studio in Boston, I was able to kind of put him back on his heels with my level of wacky eyelashes just shows you. It just shows you what kind of path I was on. So Peter Brady looks at me. They were like anime or something like they looked like they were ready to lurch like they were ready to attack anyone who came near them. He looked at me. I said, oh, can we take a photo? I used to do the full strip. So yeah, they were big. And I said, can we take a photo together? I want to show my parents. And he said, sure. And then halfway through the photo. He looks at me and he says, are those real or your eyelashes real? And I said, no, they're not real. And it wasn't mean he didn't, you know, he wasn't trying to hurt my feelings or anything. But it did kind of make me sit there and think about maybe it's time during the day that I don't have to wear these. I have pretty decent eyelashes to begin with. But it really was a reality check. Like, okay, we don't need to wear these. Jasmine Crockett gets called out for her eyelashes. And I did take her side on this. I was like, you don't, it's not nice to call somebody for the way they look. If she wants to wear fake eyelashes, that's not something you throw out in the middle of a congressional hearing. But then what she came back with was way she. I liked how Jake Tapper described it. Like, yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene started it, but you came back at level 1000. He said something along those lines. And let's just give people a tiny bit of Jasmine Crockett's response. This is cut 12. Who's, who's Miss Crockett? I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? A what now? Chairman, I make a, I make a motion to strike those words. I don't think that's a part of it. Kind of fine clarification on what... I didn't know why I didn't know what you just said. Yeah. So now there's news out that Jasmine Crockett is trying to make merch to keep this quote in the zeitgeist. Like, she wants people to remember this. She wants to have this be a permanent part of her history. And calling someone bleach blonde butch built body, some in some form of that. I don't know if I got it exactly right. And so she made these t-shirts, right? And she put them up on her Twitter. But Jared, there was something wrong with the t-shirts. They looked when I first, at first glance, I thought, "Oh, that's not a terrible thing." Were they heavy cotton as that was wrong with them? No, it was the devil's in the details. And when you're making a t-shirt, she put out a t-shirt and said bleach, blonde, butch, body. And the words were stacked on each other. And then it was a little dash Jasmine Crockett to show you like that was something she said that she's really proud of. The problem is she spelled Crockett incorrectly. Instead of the E in Crockett, there was an R, so it kind of- Well, your own name is tricky sometimes. It came out Crockett. That's why you used to get 200 points on the SAT if you got your name right. Some of us would. I don't think everybody did though. Yeah, so now she was on with Jake Tapper defending herself. And this is what she had to say. I love this response. This is Cup 14. She went after your appearance, and then you went back at her a thousandfold. I did. In a very lawyerly way. But do you- Obviously she started it. I'm not disputing that. But do you regret that at all? I don't. You don't. In a very lawyerly way. Even Tapper was like, "Wait, what did you just say?" I don't know what kind of courtrooms she's been in. That this is how lawyers conduct themselves. I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound wasn't on, but I think I got congested. Do lawyers typically call people in cross-examination your bleach, blonde, butch body? Badly built butch body? If I heard a lawyer say that, I just don't know what kind of lawyers operate in a very lawyerly way. Okay. I will say lawyers, though. I have a different idea of lawyers now, Jared. Given that every politician I know who I can't stand has a law degree. So in some ways, I'm not shocked that she thinks this is the way to be- Well, they went to law school. Some of them didn't finish, and the ones that do have been disbarred, usually, but at one point. In a very- They were- They were legal ease happening. I don't think anyone in Congress that day was acting in a lawyerly way, except for maybe, like, Comer and Raskin. And Comer- Comer, for me, in that whole thing, it was so sad, because he was, like, the substitute teacher- I know I said this before, but he's like the substitute teacher who comes in. The kids know that they've got this older guy who's the substitute who's not going to be able to keep control of the classroom, and then a few bad apples in the classroom. All hell breaks loose. Everybody starts going crazy. And you know, as a good student in the classroom, this teacher's over- This teacher's drowning. This teacher can't help this. At one point, during the whole back of work, Jared, he goes, "My hearing aids. I can't hear anything." Well, they're almost just screaming over each other. In a very lawyerly way. In a very lawyerly way. 844-500-42-42. We will be right back. We'll take your calls. Spring means more flowers than sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. I've been noticing, Jared, I've had the sniffles lately, but the great thing is, I turn on my thunderstorm. It gets rid of that. And also, it works really well for kitchen odors. So I don't want to brag. I never come on this show to be braggy. I did cook last night. In a lawyerly way? A very lawyerly way. I decided to make a meat sauce. Very easy. It's very easy to make meat sauce. You just literally just put the meat out there. You let it get brown, and then you just dump a bunch of tomato sauce on it. I'm sure, like, if a culinary person tasted it, they wouldn't have thought it was that great. But for me, baby-- You see them with tomatoes. No, I put, like, an actual sauce in there. Oh, okay. So I just kind of reheated tomato sauce. It was delicious. It did the trick. But you know what? Whenever you're cooking any sort of meat on a pan, you're going to get that smoky, steamy kind of odor floating around the air. Luckily, plug in the thunderstorm, poof, it's gone. It works so well for kitchen odors. It works so well for allergens. Also great for basements, musty basement odors. And Jared, you love the thunderstorm for so many reasons. But talk about when you use it in your car, because I think this time of year, I'm noticing the windshields all covered with yellow. People want to drive with the windows down, but you want to get rid of those allergens. Yeah, I look to keep one in the car, because each unit comes with its own USB cable. You plug that into the unit, and you plug it into the USB port in your car, and you turn it on, and you get that same ionized air that you get as if you just plugged it into the wall at home. And it's great in the car, because if you want to put the windows down now that the weather's getting warmer and it's not as rainy, you can do that. But that's when the pollen gets in. But if you have the thunderstorm eternally, you can use the ionized air that's super oxygen to eliminate the pollen in your car, and you're on easy street, basically. Yes, so this is a lawyerly way. Well, this is what you want to do. Get the three pack special. It's such a great deal. I want you guys to take advantage of it. Go to and use code grace three. That's code grace in the number three. Say hello to springing goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today. Don't forget the code grace three. I was trying to say that when Cohen takes a stand, he seems to be acting like he's in confession. And I thought of the word Catholic guilt, just meaning in excess of, you know, contrition and guilt. And a lot of people are pointing on the text line. He's Jewish. But all I mean is he seems like he has a lot on his chest, and he's using this courtroom as the opportunity to look for forgiveness. And it's like maybe you tell your lawyers these things before you take the stand. Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea. Maybe you don't use the witness stand in a case to start revealing that you stole $30,000 from an organization, and you haven't paid it back. I wouldn't have been surprised if they said, "Do you plan on playing it back?" And he said, "No." He was just the honesty from this liar was something to behold. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. It's Grace Curly Show. In a very lawyerly way. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. [Music] Yes, a lot of people are focusing on this Trump Biden chart because it does go back to the age-old question, the Ronald Reagan question, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" And there was a good piece in Powerline blog about this and how the chart, among other things, illustrates the devastating impact of Bidenflation and explains why Biden can only lie about it. That's his only response at this point, is to lie and talk about how much worse off we're going to be under Trump. And they don't really have any reasons why. Besides, "Ooh, orange man bad. You just have to trust them. The Trump is so bad that he's going to do things so differently than he did the first four years." Leslie, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Leslie. Hi, Grace. First of all, my boyfriend told me to tell you that you're gorgeous. Oh, thank you, Leslie. As far as this thing with the cold courtroom with Trump, can't somebody speak up and say something? He was President of the United States. He deserved the best. I mean, why are they keeping it so cold? Is it for spite? Did they want him to get sick? You know, I think it is because, okay, so Leslie, before I started working for Howie, I was a waitress. And I did hear, and, you know, the restaurant, I was, that didn't do this, but I have heard that some restaurants would keep people cold so that they would order more food because your natural reaction when you're getting chilly is to want more food. I hope at Red Lobster they kept things piping hot because they didn't have that issue. But I do think there's something psychological about if he's uncomfortable, then if he's cold, maybe he'll stay awake. It turns out all they needed to keep him awake was for Michael Cohen to admit that he stole $30,000 from the Trump Organization. That is much more of a wake-up call for Donald Trump than being chilly. But I really do think, Leslie, it gets under his skin. He must have said something the first couple days he was there. Hey, can we turn up the temperature? And that's all they needed to hear. And then it was like, keep it crank down low. Because if he's writing emails about how the courtroom is freezing, to me, I don't think these are mass emails, Jared. I think he's, I think he's specifically- We're on VIPs. Yeah, every day he's like, what do we got for Irma and Grace? But three times he mentions the freezing courthouse, so they definitely know that he doesn't like it cold. And yeah, everything is despite Trump, Leslie. You know that. Thank you for the call. 844-542-42. When we come back, we'll play a little bit more from the Biden commencement speech at Morehouse. I want to give people- I want to give people cut nine- or eight though, Jared, because I found this to really sum up the depressing message that Joe Biden has for graduates. This is cut eight. You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered. And there was a reckoning on race. It's natural to wonder, the democracy you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? If black men are being killed in the street, what is democracy? The trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. And most of all, what does it mean, as we've heard before, to be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure? I'm surprised he didn't say, "As a black man, I can tell you all from being raised in the black community that I've had enough of this, and I'm going to change things." Because typically he likes to tell us how connected he is to said community. When we come back, Bill Broussard is going to join us later in the two o'clock hour. And before that, we're going to talk about this drug test that Trump wants Biden to take before the debate. Do you think Joe Biden will agree? We'll discuss when we come back.