The Howie Carr Radio Network

WOW! Cohen Admits to Stealing 30K from Trump Org | 5.20.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Alvin Bragg's "star witness" Michael Cohen is back on the stand and he is admitting to some major crimes. Plus, Joe Biden had a very busy Sunday-- so there are lots of gaffes.

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20 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back, everybody, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We've got a lot to get to. Karen Retrial is not happening today. They're on pause till tomorrow, so we won't have any juicy scoop from that. But of course, tomorrow, we will be all over it. Biden, though, had a very busy weekend. So we do have that sound to kind of make up for any lack of sound from the Retrial. Biden had a weekend. I would describe it as chock full of pandering. He went from place to place, pandering to everyone. Sunday, he told graduates at Morehouse College, which is a historically black college for men, that he gets bossed around by more, more house men at the White House. And I know you think he's kidding, but he's not kidding. Now, I don't really think he's joking about getting bossed around. I didn't know Ron Clean went to Morehouse College. Yeah, he's a Morehouse guy, that Ron Clean. Well, you know, Joe Biden went to Morehouse. He didn't really get into that. Give me a quarterback there, yeah. He didn't get into it. He was very humble when he was up at the podium. He talked about George Floyd. He talked about how black communities are left behind and always have promises made to them that are broken, how they don't get a fair shot. As you can tell, not a very uplifting speech, not the route I would have gone. Whatever happened to just giving an optimistic commencement, is that too cliche now? Is that seen as mailing it in if you're just a little bit upbeat? And that's something that everybody else was on the anti-Israel train. So he had to distinguish himself somehow, right? They did turn their backs to him over the Israel Gaza. I would have thought just they would have turned their backs to him because of what a disaster he's been for the black community, but that's neither here nor there. My real point is I always think it's smart to keep things light. There's a time in a place, Jared, where you can get a little bit dark once in a while. If you have to, if there's a very, very tough subject and you want to, but for the most part, my advice to people would be keep it light. These young people are graduating from school. They worked really hard. It's a day of celebration. Unless I miss something, and that's not what graduations are anymore, but I remember being at graduations and it being kind of exciting and people being happy. And it not being about how, oh, yeah, everything's been horrible and you're a victim. Like he really wants to drill home the fact that the people he's speaking to are victims and he's the white savior and he's, and there's, it's just not his style to be optimistic. I get that. He's not a glass half full kind of guy. His desire is to me. I've been told several times by Joe himself that he's an optimist. No joke. So that's not what I was seeing. No, I didn't see any glimmers of said optimism. He has a desire to make black voters feel as though he is the great white hope. He is the savior and they are the perpetual helpless victims who need his protection against, of course, the right wing agitators on the maga side of things. And I think that his pandering is so overt and shameless at this point that I'm shocked that people can stomach listening to him. I really am. I know that some people didn't listen to him. They turned around, but one line that did make me giggle. Like I said, always like to keep it light. It's a good way to operate most of the time. One line that did really make me laugh was when he was talking about leaving a fancy law firm to get involved with the civil rights movement. We know he was not involved in the civil rights movement and that's been debunked that lie. But now what he's doing is he's not just lying about it. But now he's putting different twists on the same lie. And he talks about Jared, oh, I had to leave this fancy law firm. Let's play it. This is cut to. This is pretty funny. I left the fancy law firm. I just joined. Decided to become a public defender. And then a county council working to change our state's politics to embrace the cause of civil rights. I just, that is false. I love how in his tired, inaccurate descriptions of his life, he is always this larger-than-life protagonist. It really does read like the premise of a film, like a black and white film. He's this young, smart, devilishly handsome lawyer that leaves a fancy law firm to take up arm-in-arm with civil rights heroes. It's ridiculous. It's almost, you know, I forget the black and white flicks of the old days. It's like Hallmark. You know the Hallmark movies where the girl's like, there's a man coming in from the big city and he's taking over my family's pumpkin patch to build a high-rise. And he left his fancy law firm to destroy our small town. That's how Joe Biden talks about his life. It's some sort of movie that no one bought a ticket to and no one wants to see. And it's all lies, by the way. At the same time, he's John Steinbeck. He's Bruce Springsteen. He's Forrest Gump. He's been at every historical moment ever. JFK and RFK. He was in a prison with Nelson Mandela. I mean, it doesn't end. And by the way, he went on with this lie because later that night he was at a dinner for the NAACP. It was a Freedom Fund dinner. And he's in Detroit. And he finishes up with, I don't want to call it soft, bigotry of low expectations. This is now hard. This is a hard bigotry of low expectations. This is just a bigotry. Yeah, this is just a straight bigotry. He's at this dinner. And again, he talks about the civil rights. Now, this time he doesn't leave his fancy law firm in the big city to get involved with civil rights. This time, Jared, he's 15. So unless I'm missing another crucial part of the Biden lore, I have to assume he wasn't a fancy lawyer at the age of 15. He was just that bright, young Biden. Oh, this is like Sheldon. He's like young, Sheldon. He's young Biden. Yeah. He was a genius. I know his IQ is higher than all of ours, but did he was he a full-blown lawyer at 15? Was he acting lawyerly at 15? Allah, Jasmine Crockett. I think he means Jasmine Crockett. Jasmine Crockett, merch available now, wherever you buy your merch. Yeah. So he says, oh, he joined the civil rights movement at 15. He also talked about how he was VP during the pandemic, which I'm sure is news to Trump. Trump didn't realize that it wasn't a Trump-Pence ticket. It was a Trump-Biden ticket. And he also called the J-6 protesters erectionist instead of insurrectionist. So that's just some of what you have to look forward to. And I say this because one, I was thinking about public speaking because of how dark everything's gotten. And you know how sometimes Jared will get complaints from people and I'm always open to criticism. I really am. One of the complaints we get sometimes is you guys just, you think everything's funny and you just, and I got, I learned that one. I know I'm not getting in trouble for that one because I learned that one from Howie. How he always tries to keep things light. And it's nice because you're on the air for so many hours. If you were depressing people, it wouldn't be a good show. I don't think people would tune in. So you have to have a sense of humor about things for the most part. I've never heard of people going to these graduation speeches. And I guess I do remember it a little bit when my siblings were graduating from college that every once in a while you get a speaker who would go on and on about all of the bad things happening in the world. But for the present United States to get up there and tell these young people that essentially your victims, you know, you should be angry at the way the world has treated you. Everything's unfair. It's bonkers. And the other part of this that I thought of is if you were someone, because I know a lot of people like this in my own life, if you're someone who's nervous about public speaking, if you have, you know, we're about to head into wedding season, Jared. If you're, if you have a wedding coming up and you have to give a toast, you're the best man, or you're the father of the bride, or you're the maid of honor, and you're worried about it. And you're like, Oh, I'm not going to enjoy myself till the speech is over. Watch one of Joe Biden's addresses. And keep in mind, this is the president of the United States. And he gets a complete pass for going off the rails multiple times. They consider it a success if he doesn't get us involved in a war when he's giving a three minute teleprompter address. And the reason I say that is be kind to yourself. If you get up there and you're sober and you're able to make a full complete sentence without scaring everyone or saying something inappropriate, I would chalk that up as a win. I would then I would say, thank you. Great wedding. I would go to the bar. I would get a nice vodka soda. I would treat yourself. And I wouldn't think about it again, because it's not that high stakes. This guy has a lot higher stakes and he's failing every single time. Now, speaking of high stakes, we also have the Michael Cohen hush money trial that was happening today. I thought he was done on Friday. I thought that was his last day on the stand. I think in hindsight, they're going to wish they had wrapped it up on Friday. They had ended on a high note of sorts because today he's out there and he's casually admitting that he stole $30,000 from the Trump organization. And he's almost saying this so coolly in a way that like everyone's going to relate to it. Haven't we all at one point or another taken $30,000 from a company we've worked for? Now, here's the good news is, well, let me start with the bad news. I'll give you guys the bad news first. The bad news for the left is that their star witness has done nothing this trial except for prove yet again that he is a serial liar with no moral compass and a vendetta to get Trump. He is possibly the worst witness I've ever seen. But there is this is this had Stormy Daniels in the same drive. She's coming out. She's coming off like an A plus witness compared to Michael Cohen. She is dressed like a nun from her shoulders to her toes. Stormy Daniels is the reliable person in this whole sham. But Jared, there is good news for Alvin Bragg's team. Red Lobster is back open. No, we're going to get to Red Lobster because that one, I need more time to digest that. That's a complicated story. It involves an all you can eat shrimp buffet, which is really, I didn't know what the problem was. I just thought they filed for bankruptcy, bad business, you know, whatever, which is kind of what it was. But I didn't realize they could pinpoint it to one thing. The all you can eat shrimp buffet was their downfall. That was, well, give me time, give me time to jump into it. The good news for Alvin Bragg and for the prosecution is that Trump opened his eyes for a little bit when Michael Cohen admitted to stealing $30,000 from his company. You know how to keep complaining? He's sleeping through the whole trial. He's fake sleeping. He's not really sleeping. And Trump had to put out a true social saying, sometimes shutting my big beautiful eyes to rest because blah, blah, blah. Well, I did read that when Michael Cohen so casually admitted to stealing $30,000 that that did it. That was enough to have Trump open his eyes. He popped a mint in his mouth and then he really zoned in on the testimony. So congrats, congrats, grads. You did it. 844, 542, 42. We've got tons of sound. I want to go through Bill Hemmer kind of reading the Cohen testimony on the air and then we'll go into CNN and the way they're coping with this news, 844, 542, 42. The defense team says no decision yet on Trump testifying. I don't think it would be a good move for me to testify. No, rest. You're the defense. Rest right now. And at this, at this point, at this point, if a jury is going to vote, vote, sorry, is going to decide to convict Trump, then there's nothing he could say. Yeah, you can't. Do you know what I mean? You can't change their mind at this point. He's had the strongest case he could possibly have. There's no real way. The only thing he could do at this point is mess it up. And I don't say that as an insult to him, but it's just like, you know what, wrap it up. I don't think he will because every single thing I read says that it wouldn't be a smart move from his lawyers to advise him to testify. So unless he disregards what his lawyers are telling him and does it anyway, I just don't see that happening. 844-542-42, the redirect of Trump's former lawyer and serial perjurer, Michael Cohen, is ongoing right now. We'll keep you posted. We'll take your calls. When we come back, don't go anywhere. We're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. When I was Vice President, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. And what happened was, Barack said to me, go to Detroit and help fix it. Well, poor Mary, he spent more time with me than he ever thought he was going to have to. God love you. Yeah. It's not at this point. At this point, I'm mad at the people who, like, you're a enabler. You don't know what he's talking about. This sounds, again, it sounds like someone trying to describe a fever dream. And when people do that now, Jared, I am at the point in my life. I don't know if this comes with age, but when people try to explain their dreams to me, I'm like, I can't follow this. I don't know what you're talking about. It's always more interesting to the person describing the dream. But it's like when somebody tells you what's going on with their fantasy team, like, guys, guy, I can't pretend to summon up the energy to care. This is what Joe Biden is now talking about when he was VP during the pandemic. And this is the same guy who says when he came into office, it was 9% inflation, just none of it is true. But speaking of VPs, that does bring us to our poll question. And I want to be very specific about this poll question, because I think people are going to do something. They're going to confuse what we're asking here. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which speculative Trump VP would you most like to see debate Kamala? Doug Bergham, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswami, or JD Vance? All right. Now, this is not who do you want to be? We've done that before. And in some ways, yes, it's the same, but this is also different. Banned. That's been done before. He's specifically asking about on a debate stage because yes, I could see Trump getting along well with a Doug Bergham. I could see him checking off a lot of boxes for Trump. He's not outlandish. He's not over the top. He's not a huge alpha. He would take a nice back seat to Trump. He would let Trump do his thing. He's got kind of a gentle way about him reminds me a little bit of Mike Pence, but I'm talking about on a debate stage who is going to be able to navigate handling Kamala Harris intellectually beating her in a debate is not hard. What's hard is doing it in the right way because if you come off too aggressive, she's going to have one of her moments like she had with Mike Pence where she said, I'm talking. Excuse me. I'm talking. So it's going to be a real art of trying to show everyone how underwhelming she is while also handling it with a level of decorum. I think it's JD Vance. I don't think there's any question. I think he's got kind of a deadpan delivery that would really work well against her word salads. It would be a nice, be a nice foil to the nonsense that she spews every single day. Only 14% for JD Vance. Vivek is in the lead at 39%, 23% for Tulsi Gabbard, 16% for Tim Scott and 7% for Doug Burke. Vivek would be my second and Tulsi Gabbard. A lot of people are bringing this up on Friday because Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris have beef. They have beef in the last debate, Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Kamala Harris. And then Kamala Harris in response told reporters that, you know, basically Tulsi's jealous of her because she's a top tier candidate. It was a very high school response, you know, it's not that her criticism is valid. She's just jealous of me because I'm more popular than she is. Yeah. What are you doing? Save that stuff for the floor of the House Committee. Come on. We will talk about the House Committee because if you missed it on Friday, there was a giant cat fight and Jasmine Crockett. Meow. Jasmine Crockett is trying to monetize that. She's trying to make merch off of it, fundraise off of this cat fight. That was an embarrassment for everyone involved, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jasmine Crockett, AOC. No one came off looking good, but that's the scariest part. It's not that there was a cat fight. Yes, it depresses me that we're at this point in the great experiment of the United States America that there is a cat fight to begin with. What scares me, Jared, is that people are proud of the cat fight. There used to be a time where if things devolved into a cat fight, you would be embarrassed afterwards. There would be a little bit of self-reflection and you would go, I can't believe I took my earrings off and things got out of hand. That's something you discuss at the reunion with Andy Cohen about how you all watched your tempers. But no, our current congresswomen are very proud of their behavior. We'll talk about that, we'll take your calls when we come back. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show, the Iranian president known as the butcher of Tehran was killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend and another big story is that the international, I don't know if I would call it a big story, it seems like just a method of virtue signaling, but the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for BB Netanyahu and for the Hamas leader. I think it's all an attempt to create a moral equivalence between the two, like yeah, Hamas committed war crimes on October 7th, but BB Netanyahu is bad too and now I'm reading that Amal Clooney, George Clooney's wife, was involved in helping convince the ICC prosecutors to issue said warrant. So we'll keep you posted. Ah, diplomacy. Yeah, this is just diplomacy in action. But I don't think any of that is going to, I think it's all an attempt, Jared, to get BB Netanyahu to back down from his positions and I don't think that's going to work. No, they were accusing him of war crimes before Israel and the IDF even mobilized to respond. He knows how this works. He understands, you know, the public perception and how Joe Biden and other world leaders are trying to bully him into doing what they want. And he also understands, I think, how Joe Biden, not just in his own presidency, but as vice president, believe it or not, he was vice president for Barack Obama, not Trump. Don't don't take his word for it. Take my word for it. But when he was vice president for Barack Obama, that was an administration that was very much in bed with Iran, played footsy with Iran, supported Iran, gave Iran billions of dollars. And so it doesn't, I don't, I don't think any of this moves the needle for beating Netanyahu, even though Amal Clooney, I know she's, you know, she's very beloved in Hollywood. I don't think that that's going to do it for him. I don't think that's what he's watching. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, we will take your calls on all of this. But I wanted to talk a little bit about this Michael Cohen testimony because anytime someone gets up on the stand and calmly admits that they stole $30,000 from an organization and they have not paid it back. I'm getting a sense that he has no plans on paying it back. Him and Stormy Daniels seem to operate the same way when it comes to making good on their debts. They just, your honor, I still have the HELOC I took out. I can't afford this. What was the thing in Game of Thrones, they used to say about that family, like the Starks always repay their debts or something, the, the, the Cohen's and the Stormy Daniels is, I don't know what her, the Giffords is, don't play by those same rules. Clifford's. Clifford's. Yeah. They're not repaying anybody. But let me read you this and then, well, actually, you know what, it's always better to do audio. Let's have Bill Hemmer break this down for us. This was Bill Hemmer today on Fox cut 16. Trump's attorney, Bland says, you stole from the Trump organization. Cohen says, yes, sir. He also confirms lying to Alan Weisselberg. That's a, I don't know how many that is on the list, but that's, that's another verification. And Cohen says he never pleaded guilty to, to larceny on the go, Blanche presses Cohen. You did see him from the Trump organization based upon the expected reimbursement of Red Finch. And he says, yes, sir. Yeah. So Red Finch is a poll rigging tech company. Okay. This is just to give you a little bit of background. It's easy just to say Michael Cohen lied, that's nothing new. But Michael Cohen, this is from the New York Post. He admitted Monday to stealing $30,000 from the Trump organization after overstating how much he needed to be repaid for fronting funds to Red Finch, which is, as I said, the poll rigging tech company. And Cohen testified that he handed the CEO of the company $20,000 in cash in a brown paper bag in exchange for services that included rigging 2016 election polls in Donald Trump's favor. Very aboveboard. Well, any time I think of Michael Cohen, I think above board, I think of someone who's doing things the right way, but when Trump's chief financial officer, Alan Weisselberg asked him during a mid 2017 meeting, whether he needed to be, whether he needed to be reimbursed $50,000 for this, Cohen went along with it, pocketing the difference, make sure. Do you feel like 50,000 is the right amount? Okay. That's how much you feel like you owe me than sure. You did steal from the Trump organization based on the expected reimbursement from Red Finch. Correct. He says, yes, sir. This is my favorite part. Cause Trump's been getting a lot of grief for keeping his eyes shut during this trial. And from what I've seen this far, I don't blame him. It seems like a really good time for him to get his rest. We know he doesn't like to rest at night. We know he's on true social a lot. We know he's, you know, going around to Harlem, going around to places I saw today in the South Bronx. There's a big, there's a big parade for Donald Trump. So we know that when he's out of that courtroom, he's trying to maximize his time on the campaign trail. So I don't blame him for not using any of the time at night to sleep. He would rather get his sleep time during court, but this was enough to make him wake up. It says Trump broke away from his eyes closed position during this exchange and popped him in before appearing to pay close attention to Cohen's testimony. Have you paid back the Trump organization for the money you stole from them? The lawyer asked, no, sir, Cohen confirmed that he was paid $50,000 per month for a year by AT&T. Do you know what his job was for AT&T Jared? Michael Cohen's job. Yeah, I can't, I can't even imagine consulting work. What do I always tell consulting is the name of the game? He got paid. He met at $4 million in consulting work. He got paid $50,000 per month by AT&T and these companies always wonder, you know, why they have issues. It's like, what do you actually, I would love to know what they actually paid for. What kind of consulting is Michael Cohen giving AT&T? Cohen then was asked if he ever told Trump about these consulting agreements and he said he did not specifically reveal the contracts to the former president. It was Mr. Trump who introduced the CEO of AT&T to me and that's how I ended up retaining them as a client. Trump smiled and shook his head after Cohen's response. So okay, so now breaking news from Fox, Cohen admits to stealing $60,000 from the Trump organization. Well, I'm wondering if I'm trying to figure out what the, where the other 30 comes in. Well, here's what I'm wondering because he paid $50,000 to the, or I'm sorry, no, he handed the CEO according to him of Red Finch $20,000. He gets paid from Trump's team $30,000. Oh, all right. So then pocketing the difference together makes, okay, no, no, he gets reimbursed $50,000 and he keeps the difference. But maybe what they're saying is in total, the Trump team gave him closer to 60 unless there's been another revelation. Yeah, I haven't seen anything new coming up, but Fox says that's breaking news. I mean, it's quite possible that he stole more. And in fact, looking at how much money he made from AT&T and these other clients, I would say 30,000 seems kind of low for him. He seems like more of a 50,000, 60,000 kind of guy. Can I also have Jared since we're on this CNN? Because I would love to see their reaction. We've been taking sound from Ellie Honig from Anderson Cooper. It's not going the way they wanted this to go. There is no group of people who would like to report on Michael Cohen having a wonderful, brilliant, articulate day on the stand than the people at CNN, okay? If Jeffrey Tubin could get up there and tell everyone at CNN that it was too thumbs up, he would. He's not the legal analyst anymore for other reasons. But if he could do that, he would. But it's not happening, it's not unfolding in that manner. So this is the brilliant minds at CNN trying to cope with the fact that Michael Cohen admitted to embezzling money and was caught lying yet again, cut 17. But this is significant because they appear to have caught Cohen in another lie, and this would be a lie to the other person who is allegedly part of this conspiracy, Alan Weisselberg, who prosecutors have chosen not to call because they believe that he would not testify, that he would plead the fifth. The judge has urged them to bring him in anyway, they have not done that. So Blanche, once again, now focusing on the retainer agreement. What this also does is it puts the onus on Michael Cohen. It was Michael Cohen who arranged the scheme, the repayment scheme. If he's the one fudging, hold on a second, did I hear that right? The judge urged the prosecution. Is he giving them tips? Yeah, that caught me weird too. Like, why is the judge telling the prosecution, which witnesses to bring in especially a judge who's been accused of buying before totally down the middle balls and strikes, totally above board trial? He's like, hold on guys, let me bring in my daughter. She can write up some campaign fundraising emails for you and then we can work this out. Well, does he have a white board for them where he's going to explain like the best way to work this case? He's the judge and he's a judge who by the way is punishing Trump with fines every time Trump points out his conflict of interest, which does exist because his daughter Lauren Merchant helps run a company or works for a company that strategizes ways for these Democrats like Kamala Harris, like Adam Schiff, to fundraise off of Trump's legal troubles. You don't have to be able to follow a lot of or connect a lot of dots. I certainly can't, but I can connect those ones. We also have Laura coach from CNN coping with that. And such ammunition as to possibly fatally undermine the prosecution's case. I feel like it's, this has given such ammunition as to possibly fatally undermine the prosecution's case. You think you can't really undermine something that wasn't very strong to begin with. You know what I mean? It doesn't take, I don't think there's a Eureka moment in here. There's no mind to under here. There's really not. There's really not. It's been a disaster from the beginning and that's why nobody would touch it when we had Jake Novak on. He did such a great job of laying this out. He has to give me a reality check. He was a grace. I don't think you understand how dumb some of these people in New York are, how, how out of order, Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchant, these people are the only ones who are willing to go near this because every other lawyer or legal mind who has even a modicum of common sense and intelligence knew that this thing, they wouldn't go near it with a 10 foot pull. And so of course it's unraveling like this because it's a disaster. When you base your entire case around a TikTok star and a porn star, you've got problems. And the real, the real injustice here is that Donald Trump has been sitting in this courtroom while he could be campaigning. This is valuable time. I didn't give a lot of mind to that in the beginning, Jared, because I don't even know why I didn't because maybe I thought they had more than they did. Maybe I thought there was going to be some bombshells, but knowing that he's been caught up in this courthouse for weeks on end over this, over this complete farce is so despicable. And there was a really good piece on this in Newsweek a few weeks ago where the writer, I think his name was Josh Hammer, he said, we have so many things going on in this country right now and end in the world. Like there's so much to be concerned about. The American people deserve a traditional campaign. They deserve to see two candidates unfettered by, you know, law fair and courthouses and this nonsense go out there and make their case to the American people because the stakes are really high. And unfortunately we have one president, we have one candidate who's going around pandering to, you know, people at fancy dinners. And then we have one president who's stuck in a courtroom, which is very, very cold, by the way, where they don't turn up the temperature, they're freezing him out. And as much as I joke around about it, it is horrible and it's so obvious what they're doing. Even every time Joe Biden makes a joke, Jared, like, I hear you're free on Wednesdays. You shouldn't be making jokes like that. You're confirming what we all know, which is that you're weaponizing justice system to hamstring this guy, because you can't hamstring now with the Russia hoax. That's kind of lost its oomph. So now you're just bringing up everything else you can. We're back to stormy Daniels in 2006. Give me a break. Speaking of election stuff, did you see the back and forth of Marco Rubio? I did. He was on was a Margaret Margaret Brennan. Kristen Walker. Oh, Kristen Walker. Okay. She is just the worst. She's the worst. She's not my least favorite. I'll be honest with you. And I'm not saying it because there's anything redeeming about her, you know, journalist skills, but she's not my least favorite. She doesn't drive me as crazy. I thought it was Margaret Brennan because usually Margaret Brennan loves to talk about accepting the results of the election. This is my favorite tactic from Democrats election, election deniers. They love to talk about election deniers when they themselves are election deniers. I feel like a lane with George Costanza, you're bald. Do you hear yourself? You're bald. And then George says correction. I was bald. It's like, well, every single Democrat Stacy, governor Stacy Abrams, she governor or president at this point. I can't remember. Last time we checked on with her. I believe she's governance, combo, combo job. You have government Stacy Abrams, you have president Hillary Clinton. You have president Al Gore, also president slash inventor of the internet. So he's been a very busy guy, but you have all of these people who disputed election results. And there was no issue with it. It was how democracy works. Now questioning the results of an election is going to destroy democracy in case you can't follow. But what I love and I don't give this guy that much credit, Marco Rubio has been impressing me a lot lately and he's figured out exactly how to handle this. He's not going to play along with this. And what they like to do, Jared, is the magic word for these liberal hacks in the mainstream media is the word concede. She conceded. So it's okay to concede an election, if then right afterwards you claim it was all rigged and hacked and unfair. Is that the new rule? So if Trump, if Trump concedes, if he loses using air quotes and then he concedes and then he spends the next four years saying it was all rigged, that's okay. I'm just, I just want to understand, we'll play that cut for you when we come back. Marco Rubio was bringing the heat with Kristen Welker on NBC. Don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. This just in breaking news, Trump was at a GOP dinner and he said he would be demanding a drug test before his debate with Joe Biden. I was reading about it. It's a dinner. He's making jokes. I think he's serious, but I don't think he's going to not do the debate if Biden doesn't agree. I don't know though, but I was reading the New York Post and it said he didn't say whether or not he would agree to a drug test. I'm like, I think that kind of is part of the deal, like you're going to demand someone else take one. I think it goes about saying that you also would have to submit your urine for the drug test. Right? Otherwise, what are we doing? All right. Let's play this cut of Marco Rubio on NBC NBC's Meet the Press. This is cut 15. Let me look forward. Will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter what happened, Senator? No matter what happens? No. That's an unfair election. Who wins? Senator. No matter who wins. Why don't you? I think you're asking the wrong person. The Democrats are the ones that have opposed every Republican victory since 2000. Every single one. It's Hillary Clinton. No Democrats refuse to concede. Hillary Clinton conceded. Senator, will you accept the election? Hillary Clinton said the election was stolen from her and that Trump was in legitimate. Kamala Harris agreed. We have Democrats now. Senator, she conceded the election and she said that Trump was illegitimate. She said that the election had been stolen. Kamala Harris agreed. By the way, there are Democrats serving in Congress today who in 2004 voted not to certify the Ohio electors because they said those machines that are tampered with and you have Democrats now saying they won't certify 2024 because Trump is an insurrectionist and eligible to hold office. So you need to ask them. I think you've ever asked the Democrats this question on the show. Senator. I've got you. You've never asked the Democrats that question. You've voted to certify the 2020 election and here. You know what's amazing is that I don't think every politician is very smart but occasionally you get one or two who go on those shows and it's just so obvious that the journalists have no knowledge of what they're talking about because she doesn't notice how she doesn't style flex at all and say, you know, point taken, but what about she just keeps repeating the same thing. The robot that's been fed a line to say, ask him again, ask him again, ask him again. And then she says, well, she conceded. She conceded. So is that again? Is that the new standard? All right. So if I if Trump concedes that he can spend four years pushing a Russia hoax, which he helped fund a corrupt, ridiculous, wasteful, time consuming BS Russia hoax and get all of the media involved and never be held accountable for it as long as he concedes the day after. Is that the rule, Kristen Welker? And then she would just reply, as I said, Hillary conceded. Oh, well, congratulations. She conceded for about 14 seconds before she pushed alive for four years and counting.