Jesse Kelly Show

The ability of people to adjust to where they are

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22 May 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. That's your bright new day, Lo. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun New York on a Monday. We're at Tuesday. I'm sorry, Tuesday. It is a Tuesday. It's what we have on tap for tonight. We're going to talk about how norms have changed. Don't you hate that term norms? We're going to talk about a gigantic example of how badly they've changed with with the strategic oil reserve and stuff. We'll get to that in a minute. We're going to talk about government mentality. We're going to talk about, well, power, how it moves, how it adjusts, what's happening right now in the country, Democrats, how much they love abortion. Jamie Diamond is talking about inflation. Apparently, the FBI had a plan to use deadly force when they raided Mar-a-Lago. All that emails. In fact, I'm getting involved in a primary in the state of Texas. We're going to have someone on about 30 minutes from now. I know. What do I care about that? I don't care. Everyone's getting involved. All that more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I want to begin here though. And it is, it is an interesting thing, crazy thing, weird thing, how much human beings will adjust to the conditions they are put in. I have always found it fascinating. It's obvious when you take a step back and look at it, why God made us that way. Do you ever, have you ever, I do this. I know it's really stupid, but if I'm watching, let's say I'm doing what I always do and watch a documentary of some kind about this society. Shut up, Chris, about this society, this battle or this war or and you don't wake about World War one because I love World War one. We talk about it a lot. The trenches of World War one. Stay with me. In 1915 on the Western front, you can make an argument, you can make an argument for anything when it comes to warfare. But being a soldier, one of the ground troops in 1915 in World War one may have been the most prolonged, miserable existence any soldier has ever gone through. Now, obviously you can send me your emails. That's fine. It's actually a fun argument. That's subjective. Who knows that? But you can make an argument. So picture this, picture this. You live your life for the most part in a trench. It's not lovely. It's full of mud. It's full of water. Therefore, your feet are constantly rotting out from under you and aching. You have trench foot. When you stick your head above the trench, if one of your friends do, you will get shot in the face. You have buried several of your friends who you were able to bury and you had to bury them in the trench because if you leave the trench, you will die. In fact, when you're shoring up the trench, putting dirt and sandbags in front of the trench, you will find yourself as you're digging, you're putting pieces of your friend that come up in the dirt into the sandbag and using your friend's foot for cover. You wake up, you wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and there are rats crawling all over you. And maybe you thought this was as bad as it gets, as it gets, but it's actually so much worse because you can't just stay in that trench. Occasionally, you will be ordered to go over the top, as they called it, and you will have to come out of the trench. And because your commanders don't know what they're doing, all this new technology, you're sitting there with your rotted feet and your dead friends. And you know when that whistle blows, that's how they would normally signal what's time for you to go, that you are about to die. Everyone in your unit will die because there's a machine gun nest pointed directly at where you're coming over the top. You just hope you can send enough men that he'll run out of bullets in time for you to get to him and take their trench. And this is your entire life. And that honestly may not even be the worst of it. Maybe you'll be out in the open one day. Maybe it'll be nighttime and you'll have to go use the bathroom because your guts are a mess from your existence. Maybe you will end your days falling into an artillery hole that's now full of water. And well, other people had to answer nature's call in that same hole. And your gear will pull you down to the bottom of it and you will drown in the middle of the night alone like that. That is not some crazy side story. That's World War one on the Western front. A list of horrors like you can imagine. So what I do when I'm watching something like that, I guess it's a human thing that I do. This will come back to politics. Stay with me. But when I'm watching stuff like that, what I try to do is I try to put myself there. And it's not as if I'm completely unexperienced when it comes to military training or even combat or something like that. I'm certainly no warrior, no Marines, Marine or anything like that. Just a four year average grunt Marine. That's all that was. But I will tell you, I look and I say to myself, I don't think I could do it. I don't think I could do it. I feel like my mind would break. And many men's minds did break, by the way. I feel like my mind would break. I just, I don't know how you could do it. But here's the truth. How did all those men do it? So many men did it and held it together at least somewhat. How did they do it? The human mind God made us to adjust. We adjust to our circumstances. Whenever you're looking out of this person and what they're going through or this group of people and you say to yourself, I could never, I could never, oh my gosh, it would be the worst. I could never, I could never, you know, somebody locked in captivity. Someone got kidnapped and they're tied up in a basement for two years. You've heard these stories and eventually they escape and you say to yourself, how did they do it? Mentally, how did you make it? I need you not just break. What happens? Human beings adjust. Now, like most of human nature, it can be a very, very good thing, a life saving thing. If your, if your mind didn't adjust, you'd never make it. You would break. But it can also be a very, very bad thing because what happens is over time, you will come to accept the unacceptable. You will be conditioned. I will be conditioned over a long enough period of time to accept things we should never, ever, ever, ever accept. There was a headline today. I would bet money. You probably didn't even hear about it. And I would almost guarantee that no other show would lead with this story the way I'm about to. And that's nothing on better or anything like that. I just, I saw it and my jaw dropped. You know what the strategic petroleum reserve is? You know what it is? Obviously it goes without saying, it's pretty self-explanatory, but we keep in various places around the country. It's not one spot. It's not one big reservoir of oil. We keep in various places across America, big oil reserves. Why? Well, the world runs on oil. It's not America. The world, the world runs on oil and gas. It does. It powers everything. It's used to manufacture everything. It's everything. If you don't have it, you have to go get it. And if you can't get it, you basically have to fight a war to get it. The Japan did it. That was really the whole, what prompted, it's the main thing that prompted the attack on Pearl Harbor. Japan didn't have oil. We were giving it to them. We said, okay, no more oil for you. And they said, okay, screw it. We're attacking. That's how important oil is. It's everything. We need it. We don't refine there as much of it as we used to in this country because we've allowed the climate change nut jobs to destroy the manufacturing sector of this nation. Republicans and Democrats have allowed this to happen to the country. So we really, really need it now. This is everything. It doesn't feel like everything because you've never needed it. I've never needed it. It doesn't feel like everything. W and W three kicks off with China and Russia tomorrow. That will become maybe the most important thing on the planet while America tries to figure out where we're going to get our oil. Who's going to refine it for us? How do we get it here? Once it's refined, people don't even think about that. Well, they're refining it over there. Okay, then you've got to ship it across an ocean. If you're in the middle of World War three, what do you think China and Russia are going to be attacking our supply lines? It would take virtually the entire US Navy to protect our fuel lines, our cargo lines to get the fuel into the country. And the Navy, we need to do that runs on full runs on oil. It's everything. Our strategic petroleum reserve is everything if something bad happens. Credit to him, Donald Trump waited till prices were low after he got him low and then filled it up. It was brilliant move. Honestly, brilliant move. One of the best things he did in his presidency gets no credit for it because no one needed it. It was empty. Trump waited till prices were down, filled it up. Got a great deal. America one. And then, then 2022 was coming. And things look like it. We're going to go it. We were they were going to go bad for Joe Biden. And we'll talk about that in just a moment before we talk about that things are going to go bad for your dog if you don't start giving him real nutrition. Dogs are living things just like you and me flesh and blood. That means they need vitamins and minerals. They need probiotics. They need omega oils. They need digestive enzymes, antioxidants just like you do. You prioritize nutrition for you, right? So why don't we give ourselves nutrition and then give give our dogs dog food. There's no nutrition in dog food. Poor rough greens on your dog's food. What is it? Well, it's green because it's alive. It's all natural nutritional supplement that gives your dog everything your dog needs. You'll see a difference in your dog's coat. Did you know that physical differences in your dog physical ailments will clear up just like what happens to you when you get real nutrition. You want a free jumpstart trial bag? How's that sound? Call 83333mydog or go to We'll continue this oil reserve talk next. True attitude. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday like 10 minutes away from getting involved in primaries like I have told you about. Like we have promised we would. Obviously, we're also going to get to the lack of bad after I signed the pack and pack into law. But first, we're talking about something that the Biden administration did today. First of all, we're discussing how the human mind, the human condition is that we end up accepting the unacceptable because things have been terrible for long enough. So we're doing a little rewind first leading up to the midterms. Biden's approval rating was in the toilet because Biden sucks and he's an idiot. And one of the main reasons his approval rating was so low is gas prices. I've told you this before. Under the Roosevelt administration, this goes back. Presidential administrations have all known Democrat and Republican. You can track your approval rating because it goes right along with gas prices. Barack Obama, that's, I think that's almost verbatim, his quote, I could track my approval rating to gas prices. Gas prices are everything to the American people. The norms and norm is out there. They don't know anything, but they know what it costs to fill up their car. The Biden administration was in trouble heading into the midterms. And so the Biden administration drained our strategic petroleum reserve to get a temporary dropping gas prices so they could win more seats in the house. I'll just go ahead and fast forward and just spoil the ending for you here. Headline from the AP Biden releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Reserve in a bid to lower prices at the pump. That's from today. So they just did it again. His approval ratings bad, his poll numbers look bad. Now, let's pause for a moment and think about how far we've fallen. Let's say you have a normal country, the Republic of Jesse, we've broken off and we've started a normal country with normal values. We value things like family, small government, community, border security, things like that, a normal country, the kind of country you want, the kind of country I want. And in the Republic of Jesse, we end up with a really, really bad guy as president. We'll call him Chris. So president Chris, he takes our strategic fuel supply that we need in case we get attacked and we have enemies everywhere. They're circling all around us and we'll need that fuel if they attack us. And because Chris wants to win an election, Chris goes and he drains all the oil out of it so he can win an election in a normal country. What do you think should happen to the head of state if he did something like that? That's, it's not a minor political thing. That's high treason. That's a felony. I would argue and you don't have to be some draconian society. If you even have a remotely sane country, if the head of state drains the emergency oil reserves to help his poll numbers, not only should he be impeached and removed from office, Joe Biden should spend the rest of his life in prison. That's a six month prison sentence. That would be the normal reaction in a normal country in the United States of America. I don't, I don't really think this has even been in the news today. It was a little side headline that I happened to find when I was browsing through various news sites, figuring out what's out there. The president of the United States of America cannot lower the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices. That's not why the strategic petroleum reserve is there to help your approval rating. And this is the second time he's done it. And it shows you where we are. Honestly, it's not even about Biden and how evil and selfish and awful these people are. It's really not even about him. That's a given by now. It's more about us. It's more about the natural reaction to these things where we've been so conditioned to the fact that our leaders, Republican and Democrat are the most evil, putrid, selfish people who lead any country on the planet that we will wake up and see a headline that the president has left this country with nothing in case we are attacked and we all just go. Yeah, I can see that sounds like him. Today, there should be a GOP press conference, every Republican in the House, every Republican in the Senate. It's led by Donald Trump himself and every Republican governor in the country. They've all gathered in DC to announce immediate investigations into the Biden administration. The House has announced impeachment. They are going all in. Why? Because the president of the United States of America doesn't get to destroy the country for his poll numbers. Instead, we've been so abused for so long. What is it? Another slap. Another kick in the teeth. Just another abuse from Washington. And I've gotten so used to it. You've gotten so used to it. We don't even really bat an eye anymore. It's just how it goes now. We are doomed because of an apathetic public that won't get involved in politics. We are doomed to be led by the dumbest, most evil people in the United States of America. And I'm so frustrated for you. I'm frustrated for me. I'm so frustrated watching these people do this to our country. And I'm more than anything frustrated with the lack of outrage. People get mad at me because sometimes I get mad. I get mad because you're not. If you're not mad, you're half dead or half asleep right now. This is ridiculous. All right, let's move on. Let's get involved in something locally. Let's try to change the GOP before we do that. Let's try to stop crime. No, I'm not talking about nationwide. I'm not talking about cleaning up the streets of New York. I'm just talking about you. You personally stopping a criminal from hurting you. It's everywhere now. A mugging, a stabbing, a shooting. It's everywhere now. Everywhere you turn, somebody's being hurt. Someone's having something taken from them. Burn up pistol launchers are non lethal and they're legal in all 50 states. No permit needed. No background check needed. They'll mail it to your front door. Carry something on you that will allow you to protect yourself. These things shoot pepper balls or tear gas balls. Their ratings, the refuse are off the charts. SWAT teams are gobbling them up as fast as possible. Get on the burn a bandwagon. B-Y-R-N-A. Burn a dot com slash Jesse gets you 10% off. Get one for you and the person you love the most. All right. We'll be back with the primary challenger next. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday reminding you you can email the show if you want. Love, hate death threats. Ask Dr. Jesse questions for Friday email those into Jesse at Jesse Kelly Well, as we've said many, many, many, many, many times on the show, you're probably sick of me saying it. The primary you sit out is infinitely more important than the general election you vote in. But we have a fraction of the participation in primaries that we do in the general. We don't vote in primaries or we go vote for the same loser who's in and then we wake up every other day of the year and complain about the GOP. Well, how do you think you change it? Complaining magic. Kick them out of office here in Texas. Our GOP is pathetic. It's awful. It's a disgrace. People who live in blue areas like New York, I mean, they're suffering, complete suffering. In Texas, we could have whatever we wanted. And instead, we have a bunch of losers here. And so let's bounce some of those losers joining me now, a man running to primary the big cheese in the Texas State House. David Covey is his name. He's running. It doesn't matter. Texas House District 21 is his district, but the district is not as I mean, the district matters don't get me wrong. But that's not as important as the courage it takes to challenge the big red machine in a state like Texas. David, why are you doing this? What's wrong with you? Good to be with you. Enough is enough. We elect Republicans and expect them to govern like conservatives. And then they go establishing the back and they give power to liberal Democrats. It makes no sense. And so, for me, it was enough is enough. I have to do my part, which is to run against the guy who happens to be the speaker of the house here in my home district. Tell us, first of all, before we get to that loser, tell us about you, who you are, what prompted this, what's your story? Yeah, I'm just a local Republican activist. I got involved as a precinct chair, which is the very bottom volunteer position in the party, became a county chair. And then I worked on the executive committee of the state Republican party in Texas. And the more I learned, the more I was disappointed in our Republican elected officials, because as delegates and Republicans, we worked really hard on our platform, those principles that we believe limited government, pro-life, second amendment. And then we elect people thinking they're going to uphold these values. And the more I saw, the more I was disappointed that they weren't. And I have a normal job. I work in the oil and gas industry in Southeast Texas. I have volunteered, but ultimately, what I came down to was, all of us have to do a little more than we're doing if we're going to save our state and our country. Gosh, I freaking love that. A little more than we're doing. Normal guy works in oil and gas and decided to get involved. Now, I don't want to act to everybody out there listening. Like it's all sunshine and roses when you start trying to take away someone's power, whether it's some dirty commie on the school board or some low T GOP or like Dade Falin in Texas, there's going to be pushback and they're not going to hand that power over. How's it been for you since you announced? What have they done? Man, they have come after me in every way. And I used to think that the liberals, they twist the truth. No, they just make it up. They'll make it up. They lie without ceasing. And they come after your job, your family, your religion, everything, because they're so desperate. Their identity is their power. And so, they're really not in it for principle. Integrity doesn't mean anything. They just want to hold on to that power. Why are you challenging this specific person? Give people a good idea because people don't know Texas state politics. What did he do? Why are you even challenging them at all? Everyone has their district and some people have better representation than others. My district happened to have a guy named Dave Falin who is elected as a state representative in our district and then at the house of representatives, the body there elected him speaker of the house. So, he becomes a speaker with all the Democrats voting for him and 11 Republicans. And then he is a Republican, by the way. He claims to be. His actions wouldn't indicate he is, but he's elected by the Democrats and as part of the payoff, he appoints them over important committees so they move their legislation. And he actually got more Democrat legislation passed than Republican legislation. And so, this guy is elected as a Republican, but stabs us in the back like this. And he has committed, if reelected, he will do it again. And so, I said, look, the big bad guy here in the Texas house is my guy. So, I'm partly responsible. Our district is responsible for what we're doing because down here, we believe that as Texas goes, so goes the nation. And so, we have to keep Texas red and be a solid, conservative, free, independent state. And when you have a guy selling us out, he's ultimately going to be part of flipping the state blue. And so, we said, enough's enough. I've got to jump in this. And it could have been anyone, but he's never been challenged since he first won the office almost 10 years ago. And so, we jumped in, we couldn't find anyone else. And here we go. You know what I love the most about that is the personal ownership of it. I've been trying to be better about that a lot more myself, David, of this is my fault. You know, we have a crappy senator in this state, John Cornet. It's my fault. I'm a resident here. I need to do more. I need to do more. I love that people are owning that. Now, tell people, you decided to run for office. You're challenging this big shot in the state of Texas. There are people listening coast to coast right now. How hard has it been to run for office? I know it's been difficult, but do you wish you had a degree from Harvard? Do you wish you'd had some special education or as you've gotten into this, have you found that you belong here just like everyone else? That was probably the most insightful thing I learned was that these guys that I thought, you know, ran everything or so special, they put their pants on one leg at a time. And ultimately, all it takes is a willing spirit, a brave spirit, a spirit that loves this country and will do the right thing no matter the cost. And they will discourage you. They will tell you you're not good enough. You don't have the right education. You don't have the right contacts, pedigree. You have to look a certain way. They'll try to make you fit into this mold. And basically, they're the only ones that fit into the mold they have created. But ultimately, what makes a change is stepping out. And it takes so few people to make a big change. I think that's the most important lesson I've learned is one person can really make a difference. And so, you know, whoever's out there listening and then they're thinking about, oh, it's too big. We can't make a difference. You know, I stepped out and my family has supported me and friends and community. But oftentimes, we need they need someone to step out and lead. And then people, people get behind you. They're they're looking for that brave spirit. It's ready to stay enough enough. Let's stand for truth. Let's do what's right. Hey, man, all it takes is one brave soul stepping out. David, I give you all the credit in the world. I have so much admiration for you and what you're doing and the guts it takes. I know it will inspire other people. If people want to support you and I want them to, I'm rooting so hard for you. What do they do? Can they do that? Can anyone do that? Yes. Yeah. Anyone can support us. You can you can support us. Send us a couple dollars at Go look at my platform. You can see it's a limited government conservative platform. And and anyone can can can run on this. And I think be successful because America still is a country that's conservative by and large. We would welcome any support. I will be going there. David, credit to you, sir. Your credit to your family, your country and your community. Well done. Well done. Just the normal guy. You know what he's got? Guts. That's what it takes. That's all it takes. I got I don't like speaking it, but Jesse, I don't like speaking in front of people. You'll get used to it. Believe me, you will. And you're not going to start out in front of some crowd of 100,000 people pooping your pants on stage. You'll start small, 10, 20 people you'll learn. You'll get better at it. No, they're not special. The people who are in there now. You might find when you get involved, you're actually better than them, smarter than them, more equipped for it. You. Maybe it's you. Hey, pray about it. All right. All right. Maybe maybe call or text a friend, someone you love the most. Make sure, look, this is important. Make sure you call on your peer talk phone to make sure it goes through. You see, when you switch to peer talk, you're on this gigantic 5G network. When I switched from T-Mobile to peer talk, my cell phone service got better. We used to drop calls in this one room in our house every single time. No more peer talk shares your values as well. They don't take your money and throw it at Planned Parenthood and Black Lives Matter. Peer talk, as you heard last night, they're trying to bring veterans back into the world, trying to prevent veteran suicide. They're on an all-out mission to help these men help them. All you have to do is switch dial pound 250 and say Jesse Kelly takes 10 minutes on the phone to switch your cell phone service. That's it and you'll pay less pound 250 say Jesse Kelly. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Don't forget, if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHardSpotify, iTunes. I am going to get to some emotes before I get into this Fauci talk and illegals talk and inflation talk and all kinds of stuff. There's a ton I have to get to, but I should probably address a few things from Joe Biden's speech today. Look, I mean, it's a lot more than this. After I signed the Packet Act into law. Forgetting about that. I heard this and I guess I have questions. By the way, I say every young man thinking getting married, marrying a family of five or more daughters. I did. My wife sold us a five sisters. You know why? Wonderful. I always love you. Not this. What? Chris, I heard that right. Could you do me a favor? Is there a way to turn the volume up to make sure everyone can hear this? What did he say? By the way, I say every young man thinking getting married, marrying a family of five or more daughters. I did. My wife sold us a five sisters. You know why? Wonderful. I always love you. Not married into a family of five or more daughters, because one of them will always love you. Hmm. You know what? We're gonna. Let's move on. He said some other stuff. My information working around the clock to free the main hostages just as we have freed hostages already. And here is a day is Hirsch Goldberg Poland. And still he is not here with us, but he's still being held by a mosque. And here this today is Hirsch. He's not here though. He's still in some dungeon and in Gaza somewhere. Sorry, Hirsch. My bad. And then of course he did he dropped this line. He had to do the pro veteran thing. And you remember, you know why? You know why they do this? It's not because they give a crap about the country or veterans or anything like that. They care so little about veterans that they not only left our Marines and army high and dry over there in Afghanistan after getting 13 of them killed. He was so angry about having to show up at their service when they when their bodies were returned back to the country that he checked his watch the entire time. Democrats believe the military is political against them. They believe the flag is political against them, but they understand you have to keep the stupid 60 70 year old Democrat vote in Democrat because he still thinks it's JFK's party. So you got to say things like America. We leave no veteran behind. That's the motto. We leave no veteran behind. When's the last time you talk to a veteran a GWOT veteran global war on terror? Sorry. When's the last time you talked to a GWOT veteran? Think they feel left behind? Shoot, I left the VA when I was poor. When I got back from Iraq, I was having all kinds of these stomach problems. Couldn't figure out what was going on. My stomach was just bothering me all the time, all the time, all the time and trying to get care at the VA was just a nightmare. It was a freaking nightmare. And this is back before the VA went crazy during COVID and all that. You couldn't get you just couldn't get anything. And finally, by the grace of God, I got a job that had good health insurance benefits. I'm a back walk back in a VA since I got free health care. It's sitting at me and they got a huge VA here in Houston. I have free health care sitting for me right there. I won't go. My brother stay home. Just kill me. But yeah, no, they're definitely interested in taking care of the veterans and caring for those we send into harm's way. America has a lot of obligations. Only one truly sacred obligation, sacred obligation. And that's to prepare those we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home. And if they don't come home, care for their families. They didn't come home. And when confronted with their families, Joe Biden checked his watch because he had somewhere better to be. All right, before we get into some illegal immigration talk, I want to do a couple emails oracle. Even in good times restaurant profit is very low. I was raised in my uncle's steakhouse. The way things are going with skyrocketing food prices in good help is almost impossible to find. I fear that restaurants will one day be no more. Well, there are there. I've talked to a couple restaurant managers. I know about this very, very thing I've been talking to them recently. And no, they didn't say they think restaurants are going to go away. I don't think that'll ever happen. I mean, this is something historic. Historically, you can look back and there was always a little shop that would cook up food and you could go in and pay for it and get a meal made for you. That's now it's been done for the longest, longest, longest time. So it's not that they're going to go away. But they are the industry itself was already changing because of food delivery services, DoorDash and Uber Eats and all that stuff. Because of that, restaurant managers will tell you the bulk of the business they do is delivered. It's to go orders. It's not it's not a side item anymore. It used to be a side thing. Who orders food to go? Half the fun is going out. There you go out. You have fun family friends. Enjoy yourself. Now people don't do that. They want to grab the food. They want to go home or have it delivered to them at home. So it was already going to be different because of that restaurants instead of being places that they kind of want you to come in and sit down. They know you're not going to. So why sink a fortune into it? Just make a kitchen. You're making a big kitchen that makes to go orders. That's why McDonald's restaurants don't look like they used to. They're all just those ugly squares now. They wrote an article about it more than one article about it. They changed their business model. They're like, Hey, everyone gets it to go. No one comes in for the McDonald's Playland. When we were raising our kids, we were always in a McDonald's Playland. It was free. You go there for 10 bucks. Everyone gets to eat and the kids go play in the Playland for free. Those things are going away. They're gone, but leaving. So that's part of it. Are food costs going to change at all though? They might look things are going to change radically. But you know what? Before we get to that, let's talk about illegal immigration. There's a lot of that in the news. In fact, mass deportation. Marco Rubio's out there talking about it today. Let's chat next. This has been a podcast from W O R with the lucky land sluts. You can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine. But we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes that have quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Play for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details.