Jesse Kelly Show

Illegal immigration is a problem most people do not understand

Broadcast on:
22 May 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Jamba It's my little escape. Now, Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. The Jamba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply to see what's like for details. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun. Well, I mean, it's another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show. I don't know why I opened it that way, but we're going to have another fun-- another hour of fun here on the Jesse Kelly Show. We're going to talk you legal immigration and Fowtries emails. We'll get to some pro-life things, inflation, talk. The FBI, Donald Trump has plans for them and going to clean the house there. I want to begin with this. Dr. Dong, the guy says, if I'm not mistaken, these illegals get trained on how to enter the country illegally and how to take advantage of all our handout programs. Based on the ungrateful trash interview daily, it seems like the communist encouraged talking points have been added to the training. What immigrants of years past are using the word traumatic to describe getting free food and lodging for months? OK, let's discuss this because immigration, illegal immigration, it's on virtually everyone's mind. Every poll says it. It's the number one issue for so many people right now. Number one or number two, the economy and immigration go back and forth. But number one or number two, people are aware. They're aware of what's happening, kind of. Now you remember, remember, always keep this in mind. This is hard for me to remember. So when I remind you, I'm reminding me, you are hyper aware. You know exactly what's going on. But the people in your life, they don't necessarily understand it the way you understand it. And they need to. It's critical that they do, what's a good way I could describe this? The stove, going up to the stove. I want you to picture this. I want you to picture you in your neighbor norm. You're standing in front of the stove and you each have blindfolds on. But you, you understand, full well, that the stove is on and that if you reach your hands out and touch anything on the stove, you might get burned. Because you understand the stove is on, the flames are on, you can feel it, if you reach out, we're talking third degree burns. You're going to lose a finger if you reach out and touch anything. Your neighbor standing right beside you. What he knows is that it's really hot over here. Now, he knows what's going on, kind of. He knows just the tip of that iceberg of what's going on. You can see all the width and breadth of the iceberg below the surface of the ocean. All he knows is just the tip. That's the only thing he knows. That is the difference between you when it comes to issues and your neighbor norm. Your neighbor who you agree with. Maybe it's your brother, maybe it's whoever, he's a Republican, he rants about Joe Biden. Nah, Democrats suck, but he doesn't have any depth of understanding. The American people right now, the norms and normas, they know they don't like the illegal immigration but they're starting to see. They know they don't like the various crimes that are brought up by only the media on the right. Of course, the American media in general, just like America's law enforcement. I'm talking about federal law enforcement, FBI. They're all invested in protecting all the illegals and the crimes they commit. So you, even me, we know a fraction of the ones they commit, but your neighbor knows he's not comfortable, but he doesn't understand how deep the problem goes. He really, truly does not. So I thought that maybe this little exchange would be helpful. Maybe you can send it over to your neighbor norm or norma. Did you know that the federal government in our poor, broken country, the federal government is actually completely invested in bringing illegals in? They're not allowing it to happen. They are bending over backwards to ensure that it happens. You already know this. Your neighbor norm doesn't. Listen to this exchange between Josh Hawley and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. - A whistleblower from your agency of Homeland Security Investigations has come to me and has said that special agents who are working on child trafficking cases and fentanyl interdiction cases have been pulled off of their investigations and sent to the southern border. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these agents at a time taken out of the field, taken off child exploitation cases and sent to the southern border. Here's some of what she said. She said, we're being told to shut down investigations to go hand out sandwiches and escort migrants to the shower and sit with them while they're in the hospital and those types of tasks. Mr. Secretary, you're taking special agents away from investigating child traffickers and child exploitation when you've lost tens of thousands of kids to traffickers and you're sending them to make sandwiches at the border. What is going on? - Well, you already know what's going on. The reason we're doing this little segment here, the reason we're gonna have this talk is it is up to you and it's up to me to do whatever we can do to prep the ground for we need public acceptance of mass deportation and we will never have it with the public being as uneducated as they are on the issue. Your neighbor Norm is standing in front of the stove right now and all he knows is that everything kind of feels warm. He needs to understand the depths of the problem in order for him to accept the necessity of the solution. Norm's enormous must understand the depth of the problem before they can ever understand the necessity of the solution. It's critical, it's everything. Norm thinks the border's open, Biden kind of failed. He stumbled and bumbled. Oh, they must have made a mistake somewhere. Did the paperwork get lost? They probably wanted to build the wall but just couldn't, what Norm cannot possibly fathom is that the President of the United States of America, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, FBI and more government people than you can possibly shake a stick at, have a plan to overwhelm the systems of this country with illegal immigrants to bring about the collapse of the United States of America. And when you talk like this to Norm, he looks at you like you have horns coming out of your head. He thinks you're a nut job. He says things to you like, turn off the radio, dude. Oh my gosh, did you catch the game last night? And he doesn't have a clue that what you're saying to him is probably, you're probably soft selling it to him because it's so much more than just that the federal government wants the border flooded with illegals. They want rapists in your daughter's community. They want murderers moving across the street. They want these things. They are also making these things happen. The email reference training, they're known as NGOs, non-government organizations, but they're not necessarily NGOs because when it comes to illegal immigration, many, many, many of these NGOs do what they do with your money and with government guidance. Did you know that NGOs are across the border in Mexico receiving the illegals coming up to the border and giving them not only detailed training on what to say in order to be allowed into the country, they are giving them all the guidance in the world that they need once they get in here to completely circumvent our illegal immigration system. This is Catholic NGOs, Christian NGOs, regular NGOs, across the board, the communists of the world, including the Pope himself, are uniquely interested in bringing about the collapse of Western civilization. Here's the Pope on 60 minutes. - I grew up in Texas and I don't know if you've heard, but the state of Texas is attempting to shut down a Catholic charity on the border with Mexico that offers undocumented migrants humanitarian assistance. What do you think of that? (speaking in foreign language) - That is madness, sheer madness, to close the border and leave them there. That is madness. The migrant has to be received. Thereafter you see how you're going to deal with them. Maybe you have to send them back, I don't know, but each case ought to be considered humanely. - Everyone today's pointing out the hypocrisy of the Pope. I don't understand the Vatican as walls. You can't, not just anyone comes in. I don't understand what he's saying. I know you don't understand what he's saying. He's not a hypocrite. He's not trying to destroy the Vatican. The Pope has been a communist for a long time. He was a communist long before he was Pope. And as a communist, the Pope has spent his life not serving God or the Catholic Church. This particular man has spent his life trying to bring about the collapse of Western civilization. And now he uses his duties as Pope to help bring that about. But your normy neighbor can't possibly understand that. And we must have him understand that if he's going to be prepared for what we must do next. Now as far as what we must do next, we'll get to that in a moment. What I must do next is I must refill my little vitamin thing because I actually ran out of my seven day supply of my male vitality stack from chalk. Now it's not that I ran out because I have a subscription. I had to get a subscription. I used to call and order it every single time. And then finally I told Satan at chalk, please just get me a subscription 'cause I forget to order it. And then I go get my vitamins and then they're not there anymore. But what is chalk? They serve natural herbal supplements. That's what they sell. I personally take the male vitality stack every day. It's three things. Chalk daily, Tonkat 100, Ashwagonda. That's the male vitality stack. But they have female vitality stacks. They have action 2.0, better energy. They have all kinds of things. I get a subscription because then I don't have to remember it. Plus you save a bunch of money on subscriptions. Go, make your life better. Gentlemen, do you know how good you will feel after just 90 days? Ladies, 90 days. Take your stack for 90 days. promo code Jesse. We'll be back. - The Jesse Kelly Show. - I like it. - It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Do not forget you can email the show and you should. We love your emails here. Jesse at Talking about illegal immigration. What we were talking about in case you're just now joining us was how everyone hates it. Everyone knows it's bad. That's one of those things. It's reached popular society now. Everyone's aware of legal immigration. It's bad. It's a problem. But there's understanding it and then there's understanding it. Your neighbor, your normy neighbor norm understands that illegal immigration is a problem. What he doesn't understand, which you do, what he doesn't understand is that the federal government is not allowing it. The federal government is facilitating it. The federal government is trying, trying to wreck the country. They preside, your normy neighbor. He doesn't understand things like this. And he has to-- - A whistleblower from your agency of Homeland Security Investigations has come to me and has said that special agents who are working on child trafficking cases and fentanyl interdiction cases have been pulled off of their investigations and sent to the southern border. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these agents at a time taken out of the field, taken off child exploitation cases and sent to the southern border. Here's some of what she said. She said, we're being told to shut down investigations to go hand out sandwiches and escort migrants to the shower and sit with them while they're in the hospital and those type-- - Your neighbor doesn't understand that. And he has to and you have to talk to him. And I have to talk to mine. Look, I've got surrounded by normies. I'm not just pointing fingers. I have to do this too. Marco Rubio's doing the I Wanna Be Trump's vice president tour. So he sat down with Kristen Welker, that piece of trash communist on NBC. And he gave decent answers here, so I'm not gonna indict Marco Rubio. But I want you more than listening to him. I want you to listen to her. This is the American media. This is what month is it, Chris May? No one on June, July, August, September, October, November. Okay, so we're six months away. What, Chris? I did the math in my head. I had to use my fingers sometimes. We're six months away from a potential Donald Trump win as president. Another couple months after that, he would actually take over as president 'cause he'd take over in January. So we're eight months away from even the possibility of mass deportations beginning. This is how the American media is already beginning to report. Yes, immigration. If re-elected, Donald Trump has said he's willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the US military to deport the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country, it would be the largest deportation operation in American history. Do you support that plan? 11 million, that was the number 10 years ago. We're talking upwards of 25- Just pause, pause, pause, pause, pause. I'm gonna let Rubio's answer play. I really rule it. But did you hear how she already phrased the question? This is eight months before even one person has been deported if Donald Trump wins the election. All right, go ahead. You can play Rubio's answer. Go ahead. 11 million. That was the number 10 years ago. We're talking upwards of 20, 25, maybe 30 million. There's been almost 10 million people that have entered this country on law for the last three years. It's a good question, would you say that? The number varies big time. I mean, it's another nine to 10 million people just in the last two years. The answer to your question is yes. We cannot absorb 25, 30 million people who entered this country illegally. They're here illegally. What country on earth would tolerate that? We don't even know who some of these, most of these people are. They talk about vetting, vetting them with what? They're coming from nations that don't even have document systems in many cases. Yes, we are going to have to do something. Unfortunately, we're going to have to do something dramatic to remove people from this country that are here illegally, especially people we know nothing about, but 10 million, 11 million. That was the number 15 years ago today. It's upwards of probably 25 to 30 million, maybe more. - Sir, will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter what happened, Senator? - No matter what happens? No, that's an unfair election. - We got it, we got it, we got it. She moved on from there. Did you hear the indignation right out there? - Are you saying you would support? We're talking 20, 30, are you on the record right now? She thinks she's got him. - This is before a single woman or child has been removed from their school, from the hotel, from the home where they're squatting, has been removed by the government, by force. They're not going to volunteer. This is before a single woman or child, let alone the men. Look, I'm not even talking about the men. Before a single woman or child has been removed, the American media, eight months before that's even a possibility, is already beginning to whip up the outrage machine. Your normy neighbor doesn't have a chance to withstand the kind of propaganda that's about to come his way, unless you and me spend eight months preparing them. Preparing them for how bad the problem is, preparing them for what has to be done. If we do not do a lot more work to prepare them, mass deportation will last about 15 minutes. Mark my words, all right? All right, before we get to Fauci, let's do some emails and other things before we do those other things. Let's get you in some decent bedding. You can't take your bedding anymore. Just kidding, I don't know anything about your bedding. I promise I'm not peeking in on you at night, but unless it's my pillow, you're short-changing yourself, man. Then I know what you're thinking, but you have to see these costs. The price are up of everything right now. I can't afford anything, my pillow. I'd love my pillow, I can't afford it. And I understand that as well. My pillow's not free, but they do have these amazing sales from time to time. The $25 extravaganza sale, I've never seen it before. I've been with my pillow for what, three years? Four years? I've never seen this before. They have a list of things that are 25 bucks, flat rate. The sandals, 25 bucks. The elite my pillow, the big dog, 25 bucks. Six-piece tout sets, 25 bucks. Those towels are amazing, by the way. All you have to do is go to, click on the Radio Lister Special Square, and use the promo code JESSIE. My, Radio Lister Special Square, promo code JESSIE, all right? $25 extravaganza sale, and I should note, you get 75 bucks worth of stuff, they ship it free. That's freaking worth it. Go, or call them, 800-845-0544. One more word on this, and then some emails. Hang on. ♪ A Jessie Kelly show on a Tuesday ♪ Moving along, remember, if you missed any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeartSpotify, iTunes, one final word on the border, and how we have to prep the ground, we have to prep our norming neighbors, how bad the problem is, and what has to be done. This is Yvette Clark, some Democrat, dirtball, commie, nut job out of New York. This is just an appetizer. This is how they're going to react. Everybody, is your norming neighbor ready for this? - So much, Mr. Chairman. We're here today because Republicans are demagoguing and exploiting the xenophobic and white supremacist ideologies that are fueling the immigration debate in this nation. And for those who are showing up at our border, I am concerned about how we as a nation are going to address what is basically a broken immigration system. Is your norming neighbor ready for everyone from the pope, to the Democrat, Congresswoman, to the social studies teacher in your kids school, to the Hollywood actor, to professional athletes. Are you ready for that? You ready for your professional athletes, Instagram post, talking about how evil mass deportation is. Are you ready for the largest propaganda campaign in the history of mankind? Jesse, we just have that with COVID in the poison shot. You're right, we did. If a Western civilization actually attempts to save itself by deporting all the filth we've brought in here, the COVID propaganda you saw will look like child's play compared to that. Is your norming neighbor ready to withstand that? Is the Trump administration ready to withstand that? That's what they're walking into. Not gonna be kid games. Not gonna be life as it normally is. The largest propaganda campaign in the history of mankind will be waged against whoever tries to mass deport these people because importing these people is a critical part of their plan to destroy the country. If someone tries to stop that, you heard your loins, is your neighbor ready? Mine or not? I'll have a lot of work to do. My neighbor's not ready. Time to get him ready, all right? Get this some emails before we move on. Jesse, I've been a listener for years. I figured you would appreciate this story. Over the weekend, I went for a haircut at a newer barbershop. I ran into a guy wearing a Trump shirt and found out he was a veteran and was legit because he had the Marine Corps tattoo and I knew the base is pretty well. We had a great talk and at the end, I paid 20 bucks for his cut. He turned around and said, I was about to pay for you. I found out he was recently unemployed and down on his luck. I do this whenever I can, but it makes me feel a little bit like talking to my grandfather again. I couldn't serve due to a disability, but it didn't hold me back as I became an engineer. Thanks for the service, brother. Give me the bar. You were in the bar, sir. (car engine revving) Talk to veterans. Even if you aren't one, talk to veterans. Just reach up, say thanks. And look, do the thanks for your service thing, but do more than that because we're about building community, right? Community is what you and I will have going forward. It's what we will be able to rely on. We have to begin building a community for a rocky future. Veterans are a great place to start. Hey, thanks for your service. Hey, thanks, man. I appreciate it's what he's gonna say. Say it right back. Where did you serve? Where were you in? Oh, really? Oh, my dad, start a conversation. Ask some follow-up questions. You might find out that guy lives half a mile away. Might have some friends you wanna know. Might have a skill set you need. You guys might just be golfing buddies on the weekends. I have to get better about building community. I'm trying and I am better than I used to be. I'm a lot better, I am improving. I'm not just talking about it. I have to get even better and probably so do you. I take that back. You introverts, my fellow introverts, so do you. You social butterflies, you've got all the friends you need. You're gonna, my wife knows everybody. Everyone in the neighborhood, everything. I've always wanted, should we leave this neighbor's house and go right to this neighbor's house and hang out with them? Next, how about no? How about I don't wanna do anything? But you understand what I mean? We do need to build community. Hey, Jesse, my family and I are discussing what the best chicken sandwich is and from where? We all like Chick-fil-A, but that's not close to us. What's your favorite menu whisper? His name is Ben. P.S., my daughter wants to know how you can claim you're a doctor. She's a teenager and she questions everything. Listen, teenager, if there's one thing politics has taught me, is all you have to do is lie. All right, lying is such a critical part of politics. I'd look Joe Biden said he taught the second amendment at Penn. You never even taught a class. So me, even though I only have almost three years of community college credits. On Friday, I pretend to be a doctor and I answer a bunch of questions. That's one, two, the best chicken sandwich. Well, I think for the purpose of this question, we should cut out the chicken cheesesteak. I'm a cheesesteak fan, but what, Chris? Don't you agree? I don't think that it's violating the rules of the question. Very clearly, that's not what he was talking about. One of the best chicken sandwiches I've had out there, maybe the best restaurant style is Popeyes. And it's just like our three musketeers thing, how you know they suck 'cause of the last thing left in the bowl. You know how you know Popeyes chicken sandwiches are good? People have died for them. People have been stabbed over Popeyes chicken sandwiches. That's how good Popeyes chicken sandwiches. And everyone knows this to be true. So I might as well just come out and say it. If you don't feel like you're in some form of physical danger when you go pick up your fried chicken, your fried chicken ain't any good. All right, the best fried chicken neighborhoods are in the bad neighborhood. The best fried chicken places are in the bad neighborhoods. Every single person knows it. If you don't feel, if your hand is an on your weapon, wow, you order, then you're not eating good fried chicken. Get out of here with that. Hey, Jesse, a couple of years ago, I wrote for advice about where to move. I didn't follow what you said and now I realize you were right. I literally should have listened to you. I'm gonna ignore that literally. Listen, I am obviously the furthest thing in the way, furthest thing away from some know it all person. I'm not some genius who has life figured out at 42, whoever has life figured out, right? Who has life figured out? No one has life figured out. So I don't know all things about everything. You should question everything, everything. Everything I say, everything, everyone says. Question it, investigate it. You go think for yourself. I will, however, say this. I have not only done it. I have quit my job without a job and moved my family across the country from a blue state to a red state. I've done it. It's not something I just tell you to do. I've done it with no safety net, no job, no nothing. Put it all out there, flat broken busted. I've done it and I've seen how incredible that's been for my life. Not only have I done that, I've been encouraging other people to do the same for almost six years since they gave us a microphone. It's almost six years. Almost six years ago, we started this, encouraging people to get out of their blue areas and get to a red one for a variety of reasons which I'm not gonna go into now. So this is something I've been saying for a long time. To this day, not one time. Chris, correct me if I'm wrong and please feel free to, not one time have we gotten an email or a phone call from someone who moved from blue to red and regretted it. Chris, have we had one? Not one. Do you have any idea how many emails we get a day? And to back up that point, you have any idea how many times I've talked to somebody who has done it and every one of them, 100%, say best thing I ever did. I've run into people in public. Last time I was in, where the heck was I? Nashville, I ran into this dude, this cool dude out of the side of a pizza joint in Nashville. I forget what I was doing in Nashville. It's in Nashville, it's a couple years ago, listen to the show and he and his bride had packed up and moved and he was there telling me best thing ever. You can't believe how nice my neighbors are. Greatest thing ever. Life is scary, moving is scary. It's a pain, it's expensive, it's hard. I know all these things. If you can, I understand job, family life, I get that, but if you can, get out, you will not regret it. All right? And if you can, now would be a good time to begin acquiring real estate. I'm sure you can see it. They're hoovering up the real estate too. You notice how nation states and finance giants are both doing the thing I tell you about all the time, buying hard assets. They're buying gold, silver, in real estate. Gold, silver, real estate, in mass. Do you think it would be smart to get in on that program? Do you think maybe they know something? Jamie Dimon, head of JP Morgan Chase. He's out there saying things like quote, there's a lot of inflationary forces in front of us. The underlying inflation may not go away the way people expect it to. Make preparations. Get ahold of done for you real estate. It's for normal people to begin investing in real estate. This is not for the Jamie Dimons of the world. This is for you. These are wonderful people. Done for you, All right? We'll be back. - Truth, attitude, Jesse. - Here's the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. - Remember to email us, I'm gonna get into this Fauci stuff, the Fauci advisor, bragging in the emails, deleting them, all kinds of good juicy stuff still to come, some pro life stuff. There, Donald Trump, this is a headline from Reuters, wants to control the Justice Department department and the FBI. His allies have a plan. - Let's hope they do. That's freaking great news. That's great news, if there is a plan to gut the DOJ and FBI, the only chance we got is to cross your fingers, they do. Dear Dick Cheney of Paintball, on Monday's show you talked about how Biden and the Rear Admiral are talking about your, the great economy when I said that's a bold strategy, cotton, let's see if it pays off. That's an amazing quote from the movie Dodgeball. It got me thinking, what's Jesse's favorite movie? His name is Brad. Gosh, that's a lot. My favorite, my favorite comedy, non nerd movie, probably "Dumb and Dumber." What are you talking about, Chris? Do you not think everyone thinks "Dumb and Dumber" is funny? What's the best then if "Dumb and Dumber" is not the best? Exactly, you can't even think of something. Okay, so "Dumb and Dumber" is probably comedy wise. Oh, obviously a lot of the big stuff that I like, you would like to, the brave hearts of the world, gladiator, I'm a dude after all. I'll tell you what, I'll give you this one, instead of telling you my favorite movie, I'll give you the movie that you probably haven't seen, that if you're a dude, you're gonna nerd out on. And if you're a chick, I don't know that it's necessarily gonna be for you, but the dudes are gonna dig it. Spartan. It's the one with Val Kilmer, the actor, Val Kilmer. You've probably never seen it. Most people have not ever seen it. It's unbelievably good. Unbelievably good, I love that movie. Jesse, when a Republican is first elected, are they castrated in their home state or when they get to DC? Okay, so I wanted to get to before we get to the Fauci stuff and the pro-life stuff and everything else. And it's something we've touched on before, but why is it that Republicans, why is it that they're constantly letting us down? They're not fighting the way we want them to fight. They'll cave on this, they'll cave on that. In fact, Chris, grab this audio if you don't mind. Maybe that Mike Johnson audio we played for you, played it for you a couple of times about, he's being asked about Jack Smith and the special counsel. And he goes on to talk about how horrible it is and it's really, really bad. And then they say, okay, where are you gonna defund it? And he said, oh my gosh, no, a tradition here it is. - With regard to defunding Jack Smith, look, I think that there's been a terrible dereliction of duty with regard to the special counsel and how the whole system has been abused, how they've engaged in law fair against President Trump. I mean, all of these things are, to me, self-evident truths, but that's not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision. It's been part of the law, the tradition and the law here isn't for 25 years. - So are you prepared then to stick this into appropriations bills to defund the special counsel? - No. - No, you want me to, whoa, you want me to do something? No, why are they like this? Well, I want you to picture this. You, me, we're just peasants, right? We're just peasants, we live in our homes and in our town, there's this gigantic castle and it's surrounded by walls, big, beautiful castle. And they're the government of the town and they are constantly abusing us, taxing this and doing that. And they're just awful to us all the time. We can't stand the castle. And the people who are in the castle governing us, they're elected. And so here's what happens, we, we hold elections. And what are we looking for every time? Who wins Republican primaries? The guy who's the furthest on the right? The guy who's gonna challenge the system. I'm gonna take 'em on, I'm gonna do that because that's what we're looking for. And what are the guys who are running for office? What are they saying to us when they run for office? I'm gonna burn down the castle. We gotta take that castle down. We're gonna destroy the castle. Elect me and we'll put a stop to that castle. And we're like, yeah, go get 'em. And then we elect 'em. But after we elect 'em, they walk through those big fancy gates. There's a chauffeur there, may I take your coat, Mr. Kelly? You walk through the entryway of the actual building and there's this gigantic big foyer. Hey, Mr. Kelly, welcome in sir. We've assigned a staff of 10 people for you. They'll cater to you at any whim. Do you want a sandwich, Mr. Kelly? Would you like to be driven somewhere, Mr. Kelly? Of course, whatever you'd like, Mr. Kelly. Hey, let us escort you down to your office, shall we? After all, you're one of the important people now. And you walk into your office and it's a big desk and couches and chairs and you got a couple pretty secretaries there. Mr. Kelly, can I get you a Withers original or some Red Lobster before they go out of business? And it's time to actually have a meeting with the government. You're walking down to some big banquet hall and it's all silver platters and yummy stakes and everything else that we love. And soon, very, very soon after you get there, those campaign promises that you made to the peasants about burning down the castle, man, those kind of seem kind of seem like they're not that important anymore, right? After all, this castle's pretty nice. They, I got a good thing going here. The problem with what you want, with what I want is we want the government to shrink and get out of our way. Stop spending, stop taxing us, stop destroying us, stop promoting degeneracy, stop opening up the border. Just protect the border and get out of our way. That's what we want. And they know that's what we want when they campaign and maybe that's even what they want when they campaign. And that's what they go tell us. Ah, I'll do it. I'll burn that castle down. But then you're Mike Johnson and hey, how about Speaker of the House? Pretty fancy. Have you ever seen the Speaker of the House's office? I have, it's astounding. Looks like it's for royalty. Private security. A staff, a gigantic staff. Life is really, really, really good. And all of a sudden that castle doesn't really feel like it needs to be burned down anymore. That's why these people all fail us over and over and over again. Instead of trying to wreck the system, the second they get close to it, they crave its acceptance. That's what has doomed virtually every Republican president, really every Republican president in my entire life. They've all gone down the same road. This has been a podcast from WOR. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at Available to players in the U.S. excluding Washington and Michigan. No purchase necessary. 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