Jesse Kelly Show

Anthony Fauci whines about the social order being questioned

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22 May 2024
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right? Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can ride. I like to work, but I like fun too. It's a thing. And now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free anytime, anywhere. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now. Chumba This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday, another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. We're gonna deal with this fauci advisor email thing in a moment. We'll deal with this pro life stuff here. We're gonna get to some emails. Apparently they're slapping trigger warnings on the movie. Good fellas. All that and so much more still to come this hour on the final hour of the Jesse Kelly show. I guess final hour tonight. I don't think it's our final hour ever. You never know. But the things we say you really don't know. It could be any moment could be our last. But let's begin here. The headline I have the audio for you. So don't worry if you're waiting for that. But the headline is Dr. Anthony Fauci's top advisor bragged about making emails disappear. And before I play you the audio of that, I thought that it would probably be beneficial if I played for the played for you, the audio of Fauci himself. You see, he was at Columbia and he was giving a commencement speech. And there's an old saying you've heard it many, many, many times. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is a it's a quote from Lord Acton. It doesn't matter who he was, but Lord, it's a Lord acting quote power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. I, one of the things that really, really has hit me over the past few years is the arrogance of the people in our government in the various forms of government. You know how we always talk about the three characteristics, all of our elites, all of our leaders having common now, no love of country, no connection to normal people to the real world. And they see themselves as being kings and queens. And I've tried to explain it in that we're not talking run of the middle snobbery here. I know I'd say that nothing snobbery is okay. But we're not talking about that specifically. We're not talking about the snotty neighbor girl looking down on the kid across the street because his parents couldn't afford to buy him a new Mustang. Right. We're not that's run of the mill snobbery. We're dealing with something that mankind has dealt with forever in that there are people among us there have always been and will always be people among us who really do think they're above us. They view themselves as not being like I said, a little more rich with a better car. They're of a higher species. They these people and you need to understand how these people think they view themselves as being not only what makes the world go, what changes the world for the better, what can save the world. You are never even considered, even though that's much more what actually changes and saves the world. The things that keep the world together are people who keep their families together. People who keep their lives together, things like that. Everyone doing that, that's actually what moves the world forward. But these people, they can't even relate to that. They have, have you ever seen a picture of this? I have actually joked about putting one of these up in the studio just because I thought it would be funny, a portrait of myself putting some ridiculous because they have these, these ridiculous over the top portraits. I'm an old general sitting on the back of a noble steed and you know, they put my face on there. We've talked about doing it. I probably will doing it one day as a gag to just sit behind me on the wall while we do the simulcast just as a funny kind of a, look how arrogant I am funny. You know, I've walked in the home of more than one person who has, it's not that they're not on the steed. But though you walk in the living room, the bedroom, I can picture it like it was yesterday. This guy was giving us a tour of his house and almost fell over laughing. We walk in his bedroom, his bedroom, and at the foot of his bed, you know how you would normally have a big dresser at the foot of your bed as you look down over your bed or maybe if you're rich, you'd have a window overlooking something nice or normally, I think at our house, we have a dresser where we keep our clothes and then there's just a mirror there, right? There's a mirror dresser in a normal bedroom decor. I'm doing this from memory, so I would guess four foot by four foot. There was a four foot by four foot. We're not talking a little picture frame. Portrait, not a picture. Portrait of the dude and he was married like his wife slept in that room too. It's not like some bachelor doing a gag, but a portrait of himself. That tells you how people think and more importantly, it tells you how people see themselves. What's so striking to me about this email thing today, which I will get to in a second. It's not that the email, it's not the emails or anything else. It's the levels of arrogance. At first though, let's go to Fauci himself. Listen to this man talk and think about the fact that just a few short years ago, the entire United States of America was handed over to this human being to control as he pleased. Science is integral to who you and I are. Unfortunately, during the COVID pandemic, significant anti-science forces tragically sometimes aligned with political ideology, accelerated and now society, and became louder and more entrenched over time. This phenomenon, which feeds on the denigration of scientific evidence and data, is deeply disturbing because the pathway from disparaging evidence and facts to undermining the foundation of our social order is a very slippery slope. We're going to pause right there. I'm going to let him keep going. He's got a bit more, but did you hear that last part? I'm going to rewind it just just a little bit and I'm going to play it again and I'll pause again. Listen to what he says here. I am. It takes me a second. This rewind button isn't exactly exact here. Data is deeply disturbing because this is the part. Listen, listen to this. The pathway from disparaging evidence and facts to undermining the foundation of our social order is a very slippery slope. A slippery slope. You start questioning things. Fauci says it's a slippery slope, but it's a slippery slope to undermining what? Did you hear what he called it? It's the most important part of the whole speech. You hear what he called it? It's a slippery slope to undermining the social order. You see how these people see themselves, and I'm making this about Fauci, but it's about so much more than him. This would apply to all of them, the Bill Gates of the world, the Bidens of the world that you name it, it would apply to all of these people, the social order. We can't have you undermining the social order. It's actually not about facts or science or any of those other things because by now Fauci has been proven wrong about virtually everything. And you, you deranged conspiracy theorist, you've been proven right about everything, but that's not important. The importance is the important thing is in his mind, in his mind, the important thing is the social order. You see, and what's he saying? What is the social order? Well, the social order is you are a stupid peasant who will do what you are told and should do what you're told and who gets to do the telling. Well, Fauci gets to do the telling. He is the cut above. He's the ruler. He's the elite. He's the blue blood. He's the one who knows. You're a peasant. He's supposed to give you orders in you, the peasants, as peasants always have, you are supposed to follow those orders. But when you start questioning him, then what you do is you mess up the whole social order that he and his friends have figured out that they've laid out for everything. You see, they've got it. They've got an order of things. And that order is they give direction. They issue commands. You follow the commands. They are the important people, the people who know you. I mean, you probably still think the vaccine doesn't stop the spread. You nutball. He, of course, knows. You don't know. And look, we're not even talking about individual cases in his mind. You can hear it in his voice. We're not talking about just COVID or individual cases. He's upset about the COVID thing because what it did was, and I'm going to play the rest of his speech, and it'll come into play here, what what COVID really did in his mind was they had built these institutions up and they built up their thrones. They had these throne rooms and they were ruling over you. And because, of course, they missed a couple of things and they made a couple of mistakes. Now you're questioning their authority. You can't question the king. When Fauci and people like him look at freedom, loving people like you who question things, Fauci views you as being a threat to all of civilization. He, the king, will save civilization as long as you peasants don't get in the way of a social order. That's how they see themselves. I'm going to leave it paused right there. You know what? You know what? No, stop. I'm stopping it. I'm going to start it over when we get back because he's got like a minute left. It's so revealing about how these people see themselves. And then we'll get to this email from his advisor emails. Plural, but first let's do this. Let's do something good. What's the worst thing you spend $11 on every month? The most wasteful thing. I can think of, gosh, I can think of a lot, to be honest with you. I can think of a sad amount of things I waste $11 on every single month. You know that Tonno de Towers, they're out there caring for widows and orphans, fallen first responder families, which we have way too many of now, gold star families, homeless veterans. Tonno de Towers is out there caring for these people every day. They do this with $11 a month from you or me. That's what they do it with. That's all they ask for. You sign up to give it automatically. You'll never know it's gone. You won't even miss those pizza rolls that I absolutely did not buy at the gas station for $11 a couple days ago. Go to tea the number two T dot org and sign up 11 bucks a month. T to T dot org will be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Don't forget you can email the show Jesse at chassis Kelly show dot com. We're going to get to Fauci's advisors emails and his well, all that stuff in front of Congress James Comber today. But I want to go back to this this commencement speech Fauci gave at Columbia and how revealing it is of how these people see themselves. Science is integral to who you and I are. Unfortunately, during the COVID pandemic, significant anti science forces, tragically, sometimes aligned with political ideology, accelerated and our society and became louder and more entrenched over time. I'd almost forgotten that all the people who were correct, like me, were called anti science the whole time, anti science. That was beautiful. Nomina, which feeds on the denigration of scientific evidence and data is deeply disturbing because the pathway from disparaging evidence and facts to undermining the foundation of our social order is a very slippery slope. That's what I paused it before. Just just think about that. You pointing out all the times Fauci lied. I mean, yeah, you were right. He was wrong about the facts, but what you really did was you you undermine the social order. He's worked for a long time to rule over you. And just because he turned out to be wrong about everything, that doesn't mean you should be allowed to just wreck the social order. And history has taught us that lesson multiple times. During the past four years, we have witnessed an alarming increase in the mischaracterization, distortion, and even vilification of solid evidence based scientific findings and of scientists themselves. At the same time, conspiracy theories arose that became intermixed with these anti science sentiments. The net result, understandably, was that public confusion was sowed and trust in evidence based public health principles was eroded. This became crystal clear as we fought to overcome false rumors about the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines during the vaccine roll out. Remember when man, I remember I just remember so much right now. Remember when Texas read Texas, which had closed, I should point out, when read Texas decided that they were going to do football again and Fauci ran to the television set. This is one of my favorite Fauci moments. And he said, this is a mistake. This is a mistake. This is going to turn it. It's going to turn into a huge COVID outbreak. It's going to be crazy. It's going to be that this is on this is madness. It's going to get people killed. And of course, Texas rolled out football and there was no, no great uptick in COVID, no great uptick in infections, no great uptick at all. And of course, they asked Fauci about about it. They went right to Fauci and they said, Hey, you just said there was going to be a huge uptick. And there wasn't any uptick at all. And then Fauci, he starts screaming in his chair and I forget exactly what he said. But he said, well, I mean, there's always a there's a lag and two or three weeks. There's going to be a lag. Another two or three weeks, nothing. Because he was wrong about every single thing. Maybe he lied. Maybe he's stupid. Maybe he was just wrong. But he misguided a nation, misguided a president. He more really than anybody I can think of is as responsible for the inflation. You see, you realize that Dr. Fauci is more responsible for the price of your eggs than Joe Biden, right? He is the price of your eggs, the mental health of your children. Speaking of children, the lack of education system in this country, what has happened to our education system in this country? How badly it's been destroyed. The vaccine injuries that was Dr. Fauci, as soon as that viral poison came out, who was out there on the television, said every day during the Super Bowl, everything take it, take it, take it. It's going to work. It's going to work. Oh, whoops. Did that one dose not work? I've got to go in for a second. Take your second one, your second one to work. Then you have full protection. Don't kill grandma. Oh, what? It didn't work? Oh, dang. Well, I mean, at least it stops the spread. Oh, wait, what? What? It doesn't stop the spread? Dang it. Oh, okay. It slows the spread, though. It's not stopped, but it slowed down big time. Huge help slows the spread. Oh, it doesn't. It doesn't slow the spread. Okay. Well, either way, I'll get it because you'll feel better and not announce a humility at all. In fact, the man who authored so much pain looks back on it all now. You know what bothers him about that whole thing? You, you and your questions and these conspiracy theories you had pretty revealing stuff. Now that was a long lead up to his advisor and the emails. And man, if this doesn't just put a little cherry on top of the arrogance of these people. And this is why this is exactly why I actually want to give him credit. Fauci says responsible as anybody for making me obsessed with natural herbal supplements. I watch the science community, the medical community. And I watch just how evil so many of them are. It's not all of them, obviously, but I am mortified by the medical institutions of this country, CDC, FDA, all of them. I'm mortified by them. I can't believe I spent 40 years following these people's advice. I believe in nature now more so than ever. Me personally, when I talk to you about chalk, the anti-communist at chalk that sell the natural herbal supplements, I go there first. Whenever anything's bothering me, no matter what it is, chalk is not my last stop. Well, I mean, I guess I see if, see if chalk has some, it's my first stop. First place I go, Go to chalk. Start taking something regularly. Watch your entire life improve. I personally take a male vitality stack every day. It's amazing. C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse gets you a special discount on subscriptions, promo code Jesse. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. We get to the life stuff in a second. I'm finally after a very, very long build up going to get to this testimony today. So what happened was James Comer. He's reading and David Morris was is an NIH advisor and I age member national institute of health. That's what it is. And I guess I'll just let him speak for itself here to Dr. David Moran, a senior advisor to Dr. Fauci for decades wrote in an email to Dr. Dasek quote, "I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIAed, but before the search starts. So I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail." End quote. Is that consistent with NIH document retention policies? It is not. Does the NIH FOIA office teach employees how to avoid... Okay. It's your wondering. FOIA is freedom of information act. You'll hear politicians and journalists refer to it as FOIA all the time as if we all know what that means. What it basically boils down to is government records, official government records in a free country, in a normal country, they're things that you, an American citizen, should be able to have access to because the government doesn't get to keep secrets from you. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. So if you do a freedom of information act request, they generally have to abide by the request, although they often don't, and hand you the information you're asking for. Whenever they say FOIA, that's what they mean. Transparenting. I certainly hope. He also later wrote Dr. Dasek, and I quote, "We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. And if we did, we wouldn't put them in emails. And if we found them, we would delete them." End quote. Is that consistent with NIH document retention policies? It is not. I just want to point out, I'll let them keep going here, that these are the quote scientists that Fauci was just complaining that you were complaining about. He was complaining about you complaining about these scientists, the government scientists who are busy scrubbing their email accounts, so you, stupid peasant, don't get a hold of this smoking gun style. Finally, emails show that Dr. Moran's would share internal discussions regarding upcoming FOIA releases with Dr. Dasek. He would then help Dr. Dasek craft responses to documents being released in these FOIA's. Are those actions consistent with NIH policies? If those actions occurred, they would not be consistent. So do these actions concern you, Dr. Tiber? It does indeed. What is Dr. Moran's current employment status? He is an employee of NIH. All the bad guys are still working. But you see how they see themselves, right? They know they're doing wrong, and they know you will be angry about it. But you're so stupid and they're so smart. So they just need to delete them so they don't have to deal with your questions. The levels of arrogance. I've said it before, the French Revolution was a terrible affair, and it's nothing you should ever want for your country, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever was awful murder mob violence. It was awful. The people rising up and murdering people in power. It was awful. I pray to God. I never experienced it. I'm glad I never saw it. I will say though, I do understand it more than I ever have before. I do. And I don't know. I'm not saying it like that, Chris. I just you see how they abuse people and abuse people and spit on them and spit on them and spit on them. Very Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake type thing. Oh, I don't care that the peasants are starving. And then you understand better, at least I do now how that anger in the public could eventually boil over onto these people. You should never cheer for it, but you should understand it more. Jesse, I think the Russians will homestead Ukraine once they take it. Zelensky is committing the suicide of his nation just to stuff his Swedish bank account full and full young loyal Russian soldiers and our private citizens will flood Ukraine and be given Ukraine the wives. No need to occupy Ukraine as Mother Russia will simply take over through the kids. What thank you. I think it's brilliant, actually. Look, remember, Zelensky is a dictator. You get that right. I'm not saying that that's not radio fodder. They declared martial law. They banned the opposition party and they've stopped elections. In fact, yesterday, Zelensky's official term as president ended. So like I said, I wasn't just tossing bombs out there for radio. He's a dictator. He's not an elected official. He has banned the opposition party. He refuses to hold a new election. He is a dictator. Yes. So do keep that in mind the next time you hear Democrats and Republicans talking about how we have to fight for freedom and democracy, the democracy and freedom and Ukraine and freedom and democracy. Neither of those countries are democracies. Pinkflower, why do certain right-wing radio personalities always say, we got to follow the Constitution in one breath and then say, we got to abolish birthright citizenship in the next doubt a jarhead can slash will answer. But if you do, you don't need to say my name. Just feed the bar. She's hungry. I don't know who you're talking about. I don't know who you're talking about. That says that because I don't look, I'm not trying to be coy. I don't listen to other shows. I already listened to the greatest show and that what Chris, I already listened to the greatest show in the history of radio. So I don't know who says those things. I mean, I don't know who says those things. Hey, Jess, did you ever have the privilege of meeting Andrew Breitbart while he was still alive? Sadly, he passed away before I had my political awakening, but I've spent some time watching his interviews. He seemed to confront opposition in a similar style to how you describe what should deal with communists. He seemed to be very ahead of his times from Vinny. He was very ahead of his time. He would describe what's going on because he'd been one. He'd been behind the scenes and he knew how evil these people were. And more importantly, he knew what they really wanted. He knew that they really just wanted destruction. He knew that the branding never mattered. The language never mattered. He knew the motivations behind everything they did. And that's why you can go listen to Breitbart and interviews or watch his speeches. He would talk to war. He said, no, no, no, no, it's on. You don't understand. You are in an existential struggle for America itself. And if you do not win, you realize that? How about this for up in the stakes? If you and I, if we don't win, America will fall. America, the United States of America rests on your shoulders. It really does. These people are that Eve. That's what they want to bring about. And he got that way before other people got it. As far as meeting him goes, I did meet him, but I can't sit and describe it for you because it would be the lamest description in the world. He had no idea. I was running. Okay, here's what happened. I was running for Congress. I had just started getting involved politically. So nobody knew who I was. I'd never run for office before and then didn't do any media. I didn't have any reputation whatsoever. I ended up at a party by invitation with some donor friends of mine who got an invitation to the party. It was Breitbart was putting out some video or movie. I forget what it was. And Andrew Breitbart happened to be there. So I met him. It was a very, very short kind of awkward conversation. He was pretty quiet. And he didn't know me from Adam. That's not an indictment of him. He had no idea who I was. I really wish I had some some world changing Andrew Breitbart story to share with you. But I just don't. I met him though. I didn't meet him. Anyway, there's that. I will say this. He didn't seem like he was in any pain. I wonder if he I wonder if he was a relief factor guy. He did seem pretty pain free. And to me, that says relief factor. Whenever I talk to someone and I think, wow, they're joints don't hurt. You know, their muscles, they don't seem like they have a lot of muscle pain. You know what? Their neck is in bother him. I automatically assume they're taking relief factor relief factors drug free. You see, it's natural. And what it does, you have pain because you have inflammation. Your body's already trying to fight it. Your body is not winning that fight. That's why you're in pain. What relief factor does is it supports your body's natural response to inflammation. So you take it daily. You don't run and grab it. When you're hurting, every day you take it and you get your body to where it can fight it on its own. It's glorious, glorious. Take relief factor for three weeks and tell me how you feel three weeks. 1 800 the number four relief or go to relief Try relief factor for three weeks. I'm telling you, whatever pain nags at you, it'll stop nagging at you. All right, we're going to do this pro life stuff. And then we'll do some other things. And then we're getting out of here. Hang on. Truth attitude. The Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show. All right, before we get to headlines, I want to do a couple things. Mary Miller, she's a Republican out of Illinois. She was interviewing the education secretary today. Or no, not education secretary. Health and Human Services secretary. Chris, what's secretary, but Cara? No, he is the education secretary. What did I screw this up? Anyway, here's how that went. You've put out this guidance and doctors do need to know. Yes. What are you going to do if they refuse to provide this care? A doctor. If that doctor has religious objections, that doctor under these rules is not required to offer. Okay. So you're committing here today that you will not withhold federal funding. Doctors don't get federal funding, ma'am. But the hospitals do. Okay. So now talk to me about the hospital. Don't confuse it to. Okay. But the doctors are working in these hospitals. Are you going to say today? Are you committing that you will not withhold federal funding from those health care facilities? If the health care facility is violating the law and not providing the service. The federal government steals your tax money and they handed out to hospitals and they won't hand it out to any hospital that refuses to perform abortions. It's not just that your federal government has opened up the border and is importing illegals into your country into your country on purpose. It's that every single thing that is evil and wrong is being gutted is being facilitated and paid for by the federal government with your tax money. That's the truth. And it's created a culture of death in this country. It's why I will never stop talking about life and why I don't respect people in politics, especially on the right who cave on the issue. No respect at all. We're fighting against demons. This is what we're up against. I was sitting in Los Angeles in my beautiful office of my own late night talk show. Soon I would be driving my hybrid car to my beautiful down to kiss my two beautiful and healthy children and my husband who had taken the year off to parent so I could focus on my career and I have all of this all of it because because I was allowed bodily autonomy at 15. I will not be shamed into being quiet. We will not be shamed into being quiet. Never I won't be quiet either when I oppose these demons and I don't care how many elections anyone says it costs us. This is evil. This is evil. Here's for this is from Life News from Democrats will end the filibuster to legalize abortions up to birth nationwide. That's barbaric. As techian, if that's even a word, that's evil on a whole nother level. And I do not feel bad about standing against it. I don't now. I never will. It's freaking wrong. All right. And this out of Chicago is just so perfect. One of the things that hit you about communist countries when you watch them is how brazen the corruption gets because again, they end up, they kill everyone who opposes them. They kill or intimidate or imprison everyone who opposes them. So eventually they're in control of everything and the country is just a big bank to be looted. And so they just hand out all these critically important positions to all their friends. Chicago because they're stupid. All the Democrats in Chicago are so stupid. They got rid of Lori Lightfoot Lori Lightfoot and then they picked this street activist piece of trash Brandon Johnson to be the mayor. And he he goes out and finds some dude with no transportation experience. And he puts him as the head of the RTA. As members of city council's transportation committee learn yesterday, Akri is far from a transit expert. While he grew up using public transportation, Akri told the committee as an adult, he occasionally uses it downtown. While transportation is facing a crisis, Akri says he needs more information to make any judgments about CTA chief. He doesn't have any experience per se. But I used to ride the bus when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure I know how these things work. That's just too good. And now he's a headline. Go you know the thing. Headlines we didn't get to you. AMC slaps trigger warning on Goodfellas for cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today's standards of inclusion and tolerance. I don't even remember the cultural stereotypes except for a bunch of Italian ones and Italians aren't even sensitive that stuff. That's why I give them so much crap. They're not sensitive to that good old fashioned old timey racism that used to make this country go. USA Today says to save America from Trump Biden must drop out of the race. I tell I'm telling you right now. They're gonna give that guy the heave ho at the convention and I will own it if they don't. I will own it if they don't. There's no way the system is going to let that guy run. Biden's DEA admits Mexican cartels are operating in all 50 states. The cartels are so ingrained in this society that I can point to you which I will not neighborhoods suburbs in this country which are cartel headquarters and the local police know about it. They have American operations. They've essentially Coca Cola with American offices now. Wild, wild moment driver Ramsa Lamborghini into an armed robber who stole his Rolex. I'm all about standing up for yourself and whatnot. I really genuinely am and I hate to sound like Chris here but doesn't this turn into a math equation at some point in time? I guess I'm unaware of the fancy watch thing. I wear watch my dad gave me. I'm glad he did. This is watch my dad gave me 20 years ago. So that's what I wear. How much does a Rolex cost if it's worth ramming your Lamborghini into it? What Chris? Chris said the car is insured. The watch isn't. Okay, that's a very fair point but I'm sure there are rich dudes who ensure watches and stuff like that. Who not either way? I don't know that I would I don't know that I would do that. We are West Virginia trans athlete defeated girls and track events over 700 times according to the dork according to the court documents. Well, yes, when you race dudes against women, the dudes are going to end up being faster. Shocking. This has been a podcast from WOR. It's time for today's lucky land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to lucky land. You know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at Available to players in the US excluding Washington in Michigan. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void repurhibited by law, 18 plus, turns in condition supply.