The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Struggle Through His New Hampshire Speech | 5.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie goes through everyone's favorite Biden cuts, and Howie takes more calls on the Mar-A-Lago raid. Then, we revisited the cross examination of Jen McCabe at the Karen Read trial.

Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We pray for the Iranian people who mourn the death of their president. Just this morning, you held a moment of silence to commemorate the mass murdering president of Iran. What's next? Will the council hold a moment of silence for Bin Laden? Will there be a vigil for Hitler? Live from the Matthew's brother's studios. The diddy couldn't get away with this stuff if there weren't a lot of people protecting him. Now, who booked me for this joke? All right, Alan, I'll be sitting there watching Diddy and all that. This is CNN. You switched to journalism, essentially. Would you think you're a journalist? Yes. [Laughing] Are you serious? I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... [Music] Howie Car. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. We have a lot of sound to play this hour. We've got all the Jen McCabe, Karen Reed. It's the Karen Reed trial, but it's really the McAlberts, as they say, that are on trial. You know, we're into the... Tomorrow will be the start of the fourth full week. And there's not... They haven't laid a glove on Karen Reed. It's just the McAlberts are the ones that are on trial. We'll play some of those cuts. And we've got some Biden cuts to play from his appearance this afternoon in Nashua. And again, I thank all the people from New Hampshire that are here today. Thank you. I know it was quite a choice between coming down for the VIP ceremony or for listening to President Brandon deliver his remarks, but that's okay because we've got the remarks for you. And so you didn't really miss anything. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. So I'm wondering, though, how... Well, we're going to start off with going with a little more than the Mar-a-Lago raid. And I'm just wondering, I'm asking myself, how is this going to be portrayed tonight on state-run media? You know, either they're going to give it a good leaving alone. That's most likely. If they mention it at all, it'll be, you know... The right-wing MAGA crazies are pretending that this is some kind of deep-state Gestapo operation. But it's a standard operating procedure. It's just, they're just, they have to take these precautions because you don't know who you're dealing with, with those Trump people. It could be like January 6th, man. The... You're beautiful. I'm doing it. So you're thick skull cover. [laughter] It's August, the dead of summer in Palm Beach. Mar-a-Lago has been closed for two and a half, three months in August. And they're prepared to go in. And if the staff doesn't turn over the keys, the skeleton key, like a skeleton key, that's out of it. Again, what is this, a black and white movie? Is this an RKO general movie? Is Robert Mitchum and Thomas Gomez going to get the skeleton keys from the house deck? That's the word they use, the skeleton keys. [laughter] Oh, man, this is like a, this is like those books I read, you know, just that I, that I buy for a Buck 98 on the used bookstores from 1950, a faucet gold metal book. They had a name. Did you see the name, Taylor, for the, for the operation? No. Plasmic Echo. Plasmic? Echo, Echo. H-L-A-S-M-I-C. Yes. Plasmic Echo, the FBI's code name for the government's investigation into Trump's alleged mishandling of national defense material. Which, again, a few weeks later, they issued a... Never mind. There was no national defense material there. Ugh. I'll just read, let me read it to you again. Should Mal guest reception be unwilling to provide a list of occupied guest rooms? Again, the rate took place on August the 3rd. I'm going to guess Mother's Day was May 15th, okay? So the rooms had been unoccupied since May 15th. Should Mal guest reception be unwilling to provide a list of occupied guest rooms? FBI search team will knock on each guest room door to determine occupation status. FBI will request a map list of rooms and skeleton key for all rooms from Mal's staff. A skeleton key. By the way, good thing this happened in the summer and the winter you could have been taken out by a stray bullet while walking Rosco. I'm a little north of Mar-a-Lago. This is... Oh my God. We're reporting live from Mar-a-Lago. Pop-bok enemy number one, Donald J. Trump is holed up in his palatial estate. Courageous G-men led by Inspector Efrem Zimbalist Jr. and Jimmy Stewart have him surrounded. This is the biggest shootout since John Bellinger was taken down by the lady in the red dress in Chicago. Thank being 35. This is your correspondent Walter Winchell reporting through it. Ladies and gentlemen and all the ships at sea, the shootout, the stalemate continues. They have it surrounded. They have Mar-a-Lago surrounded. I don't know. I'm just laughing because otherwise I'd be very angry about this. It's just so ridiculous. 844-542-42-43. Why didn't the FBI just send an Uber to pick up the boxes? 978. We absolutely now know for sure Biden had his hand in this because skeleton key is something people said back in the 1950s. People call it a master key at this point, but it really was a bunch of really old people who put this together. The FBI was simply following protocol, says 508, is defined by J. Edgar Hoover as taking down public enemies. Yeah. You know, it's true. As far as these people are concerned, Donald Trump is a public enemy. You know, he's number one through 10 on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. You know, well, maybe the kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs is currently number two or three, but he's the Harrison Butker, 844-542-42. Ron, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ron. How are you? How are you? Good. Hey, all the events since COVID leading up until now, they have basically, I believe, our country is in two mindsets. You're either in a bubble believing the propaganda and the lives of omission, or they've got us trapped in mental concentration camps afraid to speak out. So I think that we need to do more than vote this November and I'm not talking about violence, but I believe that we need to turn the independence against the Democrat left and just bury them. I think they're turning though, aren't they, Ron? I mean, look at the people that, you know, Caroline Levin was talking about it when the motorcade pulls up a Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue after he leaves the courthouse. They're throngs of people there. They're cheering him on. I mean, people see, they may not pay attention, but eventually they realize what's going on here. And this is just another indication. I mean, if they will do this to a former president of the United States and heaven, an armed invasion of his empty house, what will they do to you and me if we cross them, Ron? You know what they'll do. What they're doing to the people of the January 6 people, what they're doing to the woman who was praying outside the abortion clinic and they gave her 57 months, 57 months for saying a prayer on the sidewalk. It's ridiculous. We just need to, they poison the well on Trump. We need to poison the well. We just need to poison the well and public ridicule. Yeah. Well, I mean, don't you, nobody trusts any of these people anymore. Nobody trusts the colleges, nobody trusts the state run media. We talk about that. No one cared about the Pulitzer Prizes because they're all scams now, just like, you know, even, even Bill Maher, he was saying that, you know, he said, Harvard is a bodily orifice factory only. He didn't use the word bodily orifice and that's what, that's what it is. All these colleges are and nobody's joining the military, not because they hate the, the military, but because they hate the people that are running the military because they're all wokesters. I think it's, I think the tide is, is turning somewhat. We have to win this election though. We really have to win the election. 603 says they're using skeleton key because you're no longer allowed to use the word master. That, you know what? That's right. You can't, in a real estate listing, you can't use master bedroom. They used to call the teachers a deer field masters. I don't think, I think that's out the window. The head, the head, the head, head, there's no more head masters. There's just heads. It's like the, what's, what was wrong with selection by the way? I thought that was a good word. Selectman. Chairman? Is it, what's wrong with chairman? You know, I mean, in the English language, a chairman, traditionally could be a man or a woman. A selectman can be a man or a woman. You know, it's, it's just ridiculous. I got a little bit off the, the track there. Thanks Ron. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr Show will be right back. Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver map located in Ware, New Hampshire, The silver. They will work with you directly contact him at local silver That's local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what's your prediction for the Trump trial verdict in New York guilty, not guilty or hung jury, hung jury, 60% say hung jury, 21% say guilty, 19% say not guilty. All right. Okay. By the way, it's Father's Day is coming up and we have a special deal at the Howie Carr Show store. You can order paper boy read all about it. My book that was published last year, you for the standard price and if you order now, you can get a mystery t-shirt. You can get whatever we just tell us the size. You'll get the size you want and we'll give you one of our t-shirts right now. I'm wearing seems particularly appropriate for today. They are after you. I'm just in the way and that's the t-shirt that may be the t-shirt you get. You might get make guests cheap again. You might get cheaper to support and deport there. We've got a bunch of different t-shirts, but you just hit the size and the when you buy and the book and you'll get a t-shirt at the Father's Day special go to Click on store. All right, 844-542-42, so they were using skeleton keys out of the 50s. Do you think they had some prowl cars that they sent up from the Miami office? Was anyone wearing a fedora? It's just... Daphne Fred Velman Shaggy come out with Scooby-Doo. I mean, I don't know, it's ridiculous, but on the other plasma, where did that come from? What did they call the Russian collusion hoax, the temp to frame? That was street fighting man, right? I think, at least that was something identifiable, "plasmic echo." Oh, god, 844-542-42, Dan, you're next with howiecarshow. Boycar, go ahead, Dan. It's the gorgeous games on the Rockettes, you know, it's like that kind of vibe. Yeah. I got to say, man, it's all fun and games, electin' these red diaper-doper babies into power, but I got to remember getting them out of power again. Looks like World War I and World War II, and, you know, they are very, very comfortable with violent, you know, political violence, and, you know, they wield this fat, bad attitude. They are not bound by the normal constraints of a religious, ethical people, you know? That's the problem. This is... Howie, you know... These are the people John Adams warned us against. This is a government for a religious, moral people. They are not religious, they are not moral in any sense of the word. You know, we speculate that they're wearing these masks down there to hide their identity, but I don't think it is. I think it's like having a Che Gueverro or a Castro T-shirt on. You know, it's a fashion statement from the heyday of hippie fascism when we were all locked in our houses and had to show our vaccine card to go grocery shopping, you know? Right. It's crazy. The political, the way they are manifesting, and you're right, you're making fun of them like they were all these hippies from back in the day and using the stoner voices. And you would think they would be much more mellow when they got the chance at the levers of power, right? Right. Not at all. Yeah. I mean, the Jefferson airplane song, "If Only I Could Live to See the Dawning of the Dawn." I mean, the dawn has dawned and look what we've got. It's worse than when LBJ was president. Much worse. Remember the days where you thought you could run over to Canada if it ever hit the fan? Yeah. I mean, I would, that's the last place I would go now. You see how vicious they were? They're in that trucker rally and they're in the locker room. Yeah. They want to lock you up for hate speech down in Canada now. Yeah. It's a hurricane. That's it. That's what they call it. Crossfire Hurricane. You know, Crossfire Hurricane is a good name compared to Plasmic Echo. When do they call it Vanilla Fudge? Remember Vanilla Fudge? Thanks for the call, Dan. Joe, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Joe. Hello. Go ahead. Hey, Howie. It's Jim. I'm calling you from the Progressive Fest School of Romans and Vermont. I want to touch on a couple of things. First off, I like all your books and I like pugs. Thanks. People, people need to read, people really need to read about the history of the FBI. Yes, they do. The FBI, yeah. The FBI is really American version of the Nazi SS. Okay. When they went, when Diego, who was appointed to put the FBI together back in the late 20s, early 30s, to go after all the guys mafia or so. Yeah. You know, the public enemies, the bank robbers, he gave the mafia a good leaving alone, you know, because the mafia had stuff on him, you know, they, they, that going back with the Clyde Tolson and all that and plus they gave him tips on fixed horse races. He left the, he left the mafia alone. He never said there was a mafia. But go ahead. They had much, but they, the other thing was, you know, they, they have no rules. They have no regulations. Nothing matters to them. There's no constitutional rights with them. They do what they want to do. What they're told to do. Yeah. We just see it. You got to read this stuff. Taylor, let's say if you haven't tweeted it out, well, let's tweet out us one of these stories. We, we tweeted the story out to go to ad highway car show and just a, you got to check out these stories. And again, I don't, I don't think it's going to get the, the play that it should get. It's been out now for a couple of hours and I haven't seen it's, it hasn't really made it to the, I mean, they're still talking about this Trump trial in New York, which again, it, there's, there's room for more than one story out there in a, in a news cycle. Thanks for the call, Joe. I'm highway car. Live from the Matthews brother studios, eight four four, five hundred forty two, forty two. We haven't had a chance to get to many of these gen McCabe cuts, but it's just because of this break in news, but we'll, we'll, we'll get to me something to do today, I guess. It's, we got to, we got to play some of these Biden cuts, you know, it's nine, nine one seven says, I'm surprised the code name for the Mar-a-Lago raid was an agent orange. And again, what, what goes around comes around here because Biden was talking about agent orange today in the Nashua cut three. That's why a co-sponsored agent, our an act agent arms act to the center way back in 1991. The agent are an act you pray co-sponsored the agent are an act. You think you know, it's proctor trooper proctor trooper. She got confused. Turtle boy, by the way, put out a, he mentioned it briefly when he was on the show today, but they're having a big party at the Jen, Jen McCabe's house right now. I mean, again, it's, it's Tuesday afternoon and all these guys are just there. They're over the, you think they're having a few adult beverages on Tuesday afternoon that the court broke at one o'clock. I'll bet they were, but they were cracking them open at one 30. God. Now, when do they get into trouble? You know, drinking doubles don't make a party. That's an old country song. What made Milwaukee famous is made a loser of the McAlberts. It's a, it's a variation on the old, I think Jerry Lee Lewis cut nine, let me close with this after I signed the pack and pack at lack act into law. The packal act. Thank you for signing the packal act hybrid between a packer and a Cadillac. I told you I saw. Boy, I saw a beautiful packer. I think I mentioned this at Mar-a-Lago has the show every year, the auto show. They do a couple of, and they had a 32 Packard. It was the best looking car I ever saw. It would have been a shame if that if Bonnie and Clyde weren't killed in that 32 Packard, I'll tell you that. They were killed in like a model air or model tape. This thing was so beautiful. It would have been such a shame if it had been riddled with machine gun fire by those FBI agents. Let me hear that one again. Cut nine. What was this? After I signed the pack and pack at lack act into law. It's not the pack like it was the packal act rhymes with Cadillac. Cut eight. Hard and trained hundreds of additional mental health providers specifically to help veterans specifically. Okay. Well, what about Atlantically? What about Artically, Indianly? Expedentially. Cut seven. The pack act is finally getting them the VA benefits they deserve. Lisa is called as a game changer and says that volunteer and she volunteers. She's already given a lot. That volunteers, she's already given a lot. Okay. Cut five. It means tuition benefits for children to go to college to get job training. I'll never make up for the loss. I've been lost a piece of your soul. I'm husband, wife, son, daughter. But we owe it to folks all of them. Everyone, everyone we can to help put their lives back together because it's tough stuff. I thought maybe there's a moral. No, there ain't no moral. I just like that story. May we quote you on that, Mr. President. Now you see what you guys miss from New Hampshire by not going to this thing today. What are the women VIPs is bent over and laughter here? Not four. It expands access to disability benefits including monthly payments for folks who have fallen sick. We've made those benefits effective immediately. No, wait, immediately. The laws, look, prescription jugs. Give that man some more prescription jugs. He needed a drug test today before he got up on the stage. Cut two in America. We leave no veteran behind. That's the motto Afghanistan. It's another story. Right. Yeah, we leave no veteran behind except maybe in Kabul. And that's the motto. So much for Epler. But you know, cut one. I've long said, and this has gotten trouble for saying that about 30 years ago, America has a lot of obligations. Only one truly sacred obligation, sacred obligation. And that's to prepare those we send in the harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home. And if they don't come home, care for their families. And that's to prepare those we send in the harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home and if they don't come home, care for their families. Again, except for Afghanistan. And you know, if they're living in a modestly priced hotel in or motel in Massachusetts and their veteran, scroll row. We're going to put some illegal aliens into that hotel from Haiti. 844 542. Rocky year next with highway car. Go ahead, Rocky. Thanks, Holly. Hey, Barrett Jackson's got a pack of lakhs. They don't know how to price it. It's an unbelievable vehicle. And I want to throw this out there. What's his name? Mary Garrell. I don't know. Is it these? That though? Anyway, so he's going out to Donald Trump shoot to kill, but yet they tell the lawyers to move all the documents down in Hunter Biden's garage and Joe Biden, who had no right to have all this document because he wasn't the president. I know what the what is going on. I never really say this. Rocky brings up or was on his way to a good point. What happened to shooting people on the leg instead of shooting them to kill if they come at you with a gun? Yeah. I mean, this is you got to read these documents here. Listen to this. If feasible, a verbal warning to submit to the authority shall be given prior to the use of deadly force. If feasible, you think it would have been feasible to give Donald Trump a warning? I don't think it would have been feasible. Shooting shots are not permitted outside of the prison contest. I don't know what that meant. It's kind of faded. So instead of anybody coming at you, the first thing you do is shoot to kill. You shoot them in the leg. Unless you're at Mar-a-Lago. Officers should seek to gain voluntary compliance before using force. Isn't this the guy who was just talking about how black people are being gunned down in the streets, even though they're not being gunned down in the streets by unarmed blacks? But it's okay to use deadly force. That's the word they use. Deadly force for hitting Mar-a-Lago. Again, they have the directions on how to get to St. Mary's Medical Center. If anyone goes in there, just tell them how he sends his best. You did a great job with my broken femur. 844-542-42. Tom, your next with howie car. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, I've been trying to share that federalist article about the use of deadly force on my Facebook page. Yes. Facebook is not allowing me to share that. You know, I'm old enough to remember what Ferdinand Marcos did to his political opposition when Benigno Aquino stepped off a plane from wherever. And the second he hit Philippine soil, he had a handgun to his head, ordered and was shot dead. Yeah. Well, look at this guy that had the hard landing, the Iranian president so-called. I mean, I think all the people he killed, he was on what they call it, the death tribunal or something like that? Of course. And our former president, Barack, who's saying Obama, did everything he could to help out the Iranian government and need to remind you, the Green Revolution, which was a popular uprising of Iranian people that truly wanted democracy, right, who saying Obama did nothing to help them out. However, in Libya and Egypt and Tunisia, Barack Obama helped out radical Islamists to take over dictatorships. Yep. The Arab Spring, spring into fascism and spring into failed states. And we didn't do anything about Syria either. We set a red line in the sand and then we did nothing. Thanks for the call. 844-542-42, let's play a couple of Jen McCabe cuts from the Karen Reid trial today. She's talking about, she deleted all the phone calls that she made to John O'Keefe on the morning that he died. Cut 27. Did you delete any phone calls? I do not recall deleting any phone calls at all. I would have no reason to delete anything. That's very different than I didn't delete any phone calls. I do not remember deleting phone calls. Did you mind that? In day to day's life, people delete things. But I do not recall deleting any phone calls. In day to day life, did you delete any of the calls to John O'Keefe? No. Cut 28. He never went in that, tell them, he never went in the house was the story that had been concocted between and among this group that people on this chat, correct? Jackson. I love him. No. John never went in the house. It wasn't a story. It was the truth, and it is the truth. Just like she said I had it. Correct. Again, she was asked 12 times what Karen Reid said, and she never said I hit him. I hit him, I hit him, I hit him. She never said, she never said it once, let alone three times. Cut 22. Did you two discuss the calls that you made to Nicole Albert at 607 and 608, and the call that you made to Brian Albert at 623? No. Did you ever discuss the idea of potentially deleting any of those calls that were made that early morning? Absolutely not. Would you tell us what you did? Yes, because I'm an honest and truthful person. I should have kept a running count on how many times she said honest or honestly it was at least five or six. One more. Do you remember she said that she did not recall deleting the phone calls? This was earlier. Cut 25. The fact is that you deleted your call record between your phone and didn't you miss the face. That's what that report shows. Absolutely not. You sanitized your phone because you didn't want the police to know who you had been calling for the fact that you had been calling. John O'Keefe's phone incest, correct? Incorrect. I willingly turned over my phone. After you deleted your phone calls. Like Hillary. Correct. Absolutely not. So she didn't delete the phone calls. That was at about, I don't know, 10 o'clock at 1020. She said, I do not recall deleting the calls. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. The Howie Carr show is back. We have a new episode of Meet the Experts available now. This week's episode is all about divorce. A sad topic but you should know something about it. I spoke with attorney Joseph Roach of Eden Rafferty about what to do and what not to do if you're going through a divorce and how to attain the best outcome. Take a listen. The first step is to call the lawyer and then the second step is to avoid certain practices. Now let's go into those. The first thing you should do is call a lawyer but there are definitely things that you can do wrong at the initial phase of your separation. One of the things that I see people make mistakes about all the time when things start to break down because it is very emotional, right? If your wife's got a new boyfriend, you probably don't want to be around her too much. And so I get a lot of guys who call me and they say, I moved out. That was not a great thing to do. There needs to be a plan before you move up. The leverage you have is living under the same roof as your wife. She does not want you there anymore. What are some of the most difficult cases that you've dealt with? Guys who own your own business? You guys are the worst. You guys who are, we're filling out specific financial statements. We're working with your accountant. We're working with your investment guys. We're trying to figure out, oh, I own all these rental properties or I own this small restaurant. You guys are the hardest because I got to be honest, most guys that I've met who are running their own business. The books aren't always, you know, in the best order. Probably they think too. I put in the lion chair of the effort to accumulate this money. I have never met a single person who runs their own business who has ever told me that their business was anything other than me. Is it cheaper to keep her as this all song goes? I will tell you that I have told some people that that is true, but usually it's not. I've noticed an uptick maybe in divorces between people who are, let's say, 55 to 65. We're going to live to be 80, 90, 100 years old. And so if you're 55 and you're looking at your spouse, you're just thinking like, I'm just not happy. This isn't just doing it. This is not doing it for me anymore. 30 years a long time to live unhappy. At that point, I think, yeah, it's going to be a financial hit and you're not necessarily going to love the next 18 months, but you're going to live it on the 20, 30 years. It's probably better to get out now. Meet the experts with this week's guest attorney, Joseph Roach of Eden Rafferty, is available now on Apple Podcasts. Spotify, or wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. And some things have changed in recent years. You know, you with the write-offs and the lack of write-offs and child support and alimony. And you know, one thing I didn't ask him, I thought about it, but it seemed like a little much. But if you were a guy, I should ask Joseph Roach, should a guy ever get married in the state of Massachusetts? You came as close to asking that question as you could without asking it pretty much. It was a good one of my favorite episodes so far. I'm not interested in the topic so much, but the attorney Joe Roach, he was very enlightening. He had a good disposition about what he does and he enjoys his work as much as one can in that position. He had a good sense of humor about himself. And I knew the questions to ask, didn't I, Taylor? Yes, you did. It was almost as if I, you know, was somewhat of an expert in this object, but that's, we'll leave that, leave that for another time. That's a tease. Yes, that is a tease. I think it is pretty interesting. And you know, he said some things that, you know, that I, if I, in his field, I might not have said, you know, which is the preponderance of female judges. And he said, but he said he thinks males generally get a fair shake even with the preponderance of women on the bench. I'm Howie Carr. Oh, that's quite the tease.