The Howie Carr Radio Network

'Deadly Force' Was Authorized For Mar-A-Lago Raid | 5.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

It's being leaked that the FBI was given the green light for 'deadly force' at the Mar-A-Lago raid. Howie talks to callers to try and figure out if Biden would've been treated this way.

Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We pray for the Iranian people who mourn the death of their president. This morning you held a moment of silence to commemorate the mass murdering president of Iran. What's next? Will the council hold a moment of silence for Bin Laden? Will there be a vigil for Hitler? Live from the Matthew's brother's studios. The Diddy couldn't get away with this stuff if there weren't a lot of people protecting him. Now who booked me for this joint? All right, Alan, I'll be sitting around watching Diddy and all that. This is CNN. You switched to journalism, essentially. Would you think you're a journalist? Yes. [Laughter] You serious? I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's HowieCar. We've got the VIPs in here today and Kaloon's brought in a great spread from Sagas, Route 1 North. It's the best Asian dining in the greater Boston area. Check it out. Kaloon's on Route 1, excuse me, in Sagas. I just had a snack, a couple of chicken fingers, put a couple of side for Rosco, and then I had some fortune cookies here. In dreams and in life, nothing is impossible. In Canton, in Canton, nothing is impossible. You can butt dial many, many times. You can make text, delete themselves automatically. You can screw up the GPS. Nothing is impossible in Canton. Here's the other fortune cookie I had. Don't be discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. So I'm going to change that around to Canton. I'm going to put it in Canton, don't be discouraged because every butt dial is another step forward. So there it is, fortune cookies. You always learn something, a fortune cookie. All right, time now for the... And by the way, this thing about the FBI authorized to use deadly force in Mar-a-Lago, right? After the chum-plum, we're going to talk about this. This is amazing. This is astonishing that this would be allowed. They were going to go room to room to search for guests. This is in August. There aren't any guests at Mar-a-Lago now, it may. That's how much preparatory work the FBI did for their raid. They didn't know the place is closed in the summer. They were looking... They were going to be looking for guests. Come out with your hands! How long were they going to go and keep knocking on the doors of all the rooms? Before they found out nobody was there. God, how dumb! Just when you think the FBI could can't go any lower, they do. All right. Maybe that's why they valued Mar-a-Lago so low because they didn't think anybody was staying there. It's the darnest thing. It's supposed to be this exclusive club, and there was nobody there. So, Mr. IRS Auditor, I was only rebalancing my reads on that I thought I deserved. Yeah, that's the defense for all the COVID fraudsters, you know. They keep it every day. There's a couple more busted just out of the U.S. Attorney's Office here in Boston. It's going on all over the country. They were just rebalancing their accounts. That's all it was. Hey, Holly. I'm Darren Loyer Crossfellow. You said a four-letter word in a courtroom. Geez. You know, if I were the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District or wherever Michael Cohen operates, I'd be checking out if CFP got any of that PPP money, that COVID money, or the small business loans. There were all kinds of programs to rip off, you know. It sounds like it's a natural. It was like blowing a dog whistle for every fraudster, not just in the U.S. but in the world. And I bet, you know, it'd be worth a look. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain in the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code HOWEE20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Come on, man. I remember when I was vice president during the pandemic. President Wilson sent me to destroy. But we had a hard landing on the snow cap mountain in Ohio. So Corbop and I, we fought off the cannibals and hustled down the mountain and made the Chicago in time to stop the erectionist. Thank you, everybody. That was one of his better performances lately. And you know what? It's all it's all ripped from the headlines, as they used to say. The White House now says Joe Biden's 10% cut of Hunter's income was an unacknowledged bonus. You know, Hunter's got a new excuse for the 50% you know. He says that referred to when he was in college and he had to pay he had to pay Brandon back. And that's what he was really referring to. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm going to instruct you to go back in, re-deliberate and come up with the correct answer. Do you understand? Yeah, I know. I chuckled every time I said that they're negotiating the terms of the charge to the jury. As if this guy, meat merchant, really cares about, you know, any kind of legal niceties or any kind of constitutional rights. I was worried that Chris Sonunu might show us true colors today by greeting Brandon in the Hampshire with a big old Chris Christie inspired hug. Oh, God. Chris Sonunu, he doesn't like Trump, but he at least seems to have come to his senses about the Democrat continuing misrule for New Hampshire and for the United States. Donald Trump wanted Joe Biden to take a drug test before the debates is wrong headed. They need to give Biden a genetic test because I think he's an AI computer generation. If they would do a better job, if AI would do a lot better job, I haven't even gotten to the, to this, to the official White House transcript of the remarks in Detroit. It's just amazing. I mean, again, we can't, we can't catch them all. But some of the stuff he said was even was almost as ridiculous as the cuts we were playing last night. The butcher of Tehran has finally met his faith and truth be known, most Iranians think it's great. And we should be thrilled our enemy was killed, but sadly not sleepy Joe's department of state. Yeah, exactly. You know, did you see in his hometown, they were setting off fireworks, they were so happy he was dead. But, but they're, they're, they're weeping the buckets and foggy bottom. And at the United Nations, what does that tell you about our, our current regime? Hey, Howie Governor Patrick calling. Wow. Can you believe that helicopter crash in Iran? The first responder said it was the most gruesome crash they've seen since the last time he went over your handlebars. Hey, we're gonna be fine. I thought you were gonna make a joke about Jane Swift. But then you're both from the same part of Massachusetts now Berkshire County. All those Canton butdows all could have been cured by a tube of preparation age. I think I'll just let that one lie. Back in my Scranton day, I was practically raised in a courtroom. That's where I learned all the lingo like strike that from the record. Look that. Get ready Bell and erection. I mean objections of cases. By the way, the White House transcript spells erection. I R E C. That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the chumpline today. The chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message anytime between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new chumpline every day, we have one. It's called chopped chumps. And it's where we put the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. And if you want to hear the second chumpline of the day, chopped chumps, just go to wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. And we posted around 7 o'clock Eastern every weeknight. The chumpline is brought to you by ReadyWise. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Hey Howie, Governor Patrick calling. Wow, can you believe that helicopter crash in Iran? The first responder said it was the most gruesome crash they've seen since the last time you went over your handlebars. Hey, we're gonna be fine. I thought it was the most gruesome crash since he was hit on the head with an empty coke can, an aluminum coke can on the south side of Chicago. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. Howie Carr is back. That means it's election interference by sleepy Joe, our W's Iraq president who's destroying our country with the borders and destroying our country with the worst economy, worst inflation, who allowed Russia to go in to attack Ukraine, who allowed Israel to be attacked and that was how they could help in Israel. Our dumb is a rock president. I like that. But again, I mean, why does the audio sound so bad? There's just no reason for it. They're just trying to hamstring Dickulus. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver met located in where New Hampshire silver Dave will work with you directly contact him at local silver meant dot com local silver meant dot com. He ought to thank Brandon as long as he's in town today in New Hampshire for making his business so good. Silver is up 31% this year so far. Thanks Brandon. Good news for silver Dave not so good news for for you. Anybody's on a fixed income or making a wage and hasn't gotten any pay increases. Anyway, Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at how we car show dot com is what's your prediction for the Trump trial verdict in New York guilty not guilty or hung jury hung jury 60% say hung jury 20% say not guilty 20% say guilty. All right. Okay. eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. This is from the Federalist. FBI authorized to use deadly force in Mar-a-Lago raid. These are these are newly unsealed court documents shared on X by independent journalist Julie Kelly. The FBI was authorized to use deadly force quote unquote deadly force against former president Donald Trump when the branded administration raided Mar-a-Lago in search of classified documents. This is your FBI. Are these the same classified documents that the GSA asked Trump to pick up because they said they were tired of storing them? I think they I think it is. Yeah. So then they wanted to get them back and they were going to they were prepared to shoot anybody who got in their way. The good news is there was nobody at Mar-a-Lago just a couple of janitors. That's all maybe a pool boy because they keep that they keep the pool open across the street but that's that's it. There's nobody there's no guests. There's no there's no catcher and there's no bar. Attorney General Merrick Garland personally approved the unprecedented raid on Trump's Florida home in the summer of 2022 after which special counsel Jack Smith if that is indeed his name indicted Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents notably President Joe Biden also retained classified documents following his tenure as vice president but was not charged by his own justice department but because prosecutors said he would likely quote present himself to the jury as he did during our interview with him as a sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. So a newly unsealed operations order reveals the FBI was authorized to use deadly force deadly force against the former president if need be. This is what the filing by the legal team Trump's legal team says. According to an operations order produced in discovery the FBI believed its objective for the Mar-a-Lago raid was to quote was to seize quote classified information in the I national defense information and US government records is described in the search warrant. Remember that they Merrick Garland came out and said so we're not going to talk about what we got in the in in this seizing of these documents in the press. We're not going to discuss it and then two hours later the Washington Post had a story. We've they were looking for nuclear secrets that that story you know ran around the world in 10 10 seconds and then like a two months later they said oh there weren't any nuclear documents there were no secret documents it just had the same kind of markings that apparently the classified documents have special markings and so you know the you know the the the the mash note from a little rocket man had the same markings on it as the nuclear secrets but of course that story got buried on page 39 queue of the Saturday paper. The order contained a policy statement regarding use of deadly force which stated for example this is a quote law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary. This is according to the filing from Trump's lawyers. The agents plan to bring quote standard issue weapons ammo handcuffs and medium and large-sized bolt cutters but were instructed to wear quote unmarked polo or collared shirts and to keep quote law enforcement equipment concealed. The FBI also provided coordinating instructions on the use of deadly force. Screenshots of the filing posted by Kelly suggest that the the g men were prepared to confront Trump and his secret service agents if the need arose. Should former should the former president of the United States arrive at Mar-a-Lago FBI MM. I think that means Miami. EM and OCS. So that's that's that I think that's like the Washington office. Our will be prepared to engage with a former potus in USS security will be listen to will be prepared to engage with former president and USS security team. Well were they gonna what they thought they were gonna give throw Trump a gun like it's a gangster movie like it's like he's Jimmy Cagney in White Heat. Was he gonna crawl up on a on a oil storage tanker? Well that's that's what they would have you believe he did on January 6th in the beast. I mean I shouldn't be laughing about this make my day. Oh my god we're gonna take some uh we'll take some calls on this. I got some more stuff to read from the this is and they accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy. I'm how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. The raid involved 25 Miami FBI agents, four Washington FBI agents, one unidentified individual from FBI headquarters, one DOJ attorney and the assistant US attorney from the southern district of Florida. That's 30 31 32 g men. I'm gonna guess 31. The overunder on how many were Democrats is 31. I'll take the over. According to the operations order, this is a story breaking today. Law enforcement was not preparing a routine search for presidential papers. One section of the plan described how agents should handle the potential for use of deadly force. Firearms may be may not be fired solely to to uh disable moving vehicles. Specifically firearms may not be discharged at a moving vehicle unless then they say what when you can do it. Warning shots are not permitted. Are you kidding? This isn't Mar-a-Lago. And it's and again, there's nobody there except to help. You know, there's just a just a handful of maintenance people. And I don't mean like a full staff of waiters and waitresses. There are no waiters and waitresses there. It's just people that are, you know, mowing the lawn and uh you know, making sure there are no break-ins and this these people this is this is beyond beyond belief and they have the audacity to accuse Trump of uh of wanting to end democracy. This is this is this is this trial in New York is unprecedented. This this kind of behavior is unprecedented. This is this like something that will happen in Pakistan or Liberia. Mike, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mike. You know how I am sitting here and I you know, I know you're you're laughing only because it's it's unbelievable. But you know, do you imagine if these guys had done what they did and they kicked in the doors and someone did get killed? Do you know, do you know we'd all be in you know, in foxholes right now, I don't think the country really understands that. And you know, when they say to you, you know, when the Democrats always say, you know, watch out for the Republicans, you know, they're doing this and that, you know, that's what the Democrats it's it's projection. AGB stuff. Right. It's total projection. The FBI also considered various scenarios if the former president should unexpectedly arrive at his residence agent. Listen to this, agents were also prepared to go door to door to terrorize Mar-a-Lago. Yes, if staff refused to turn over room keys. And again, they're they're willing to do this, but they're not willing to like make a Google search, Mike, but would have taken them five minutes to see that Mar-a-Lago is closed for guests. This is how I mean, not only are they incredibly corrupt and authoritarian, they're also totally incompetent. I guess that's a good thing when you get right down to it, Mike. Know how we've been. I'm going to tell you right now, I mean, the people in this country, and especially the Democrats, and we're, you know, down here on the Cape, I mean, I'm surrounded, like you wouldn't believe. It's like, I'm in a blob wire house. I got to keep these people away, but I'm going to tell you right now that Democrats better wake up. I mean, the voters in this country better wake up because we are on the brink of a civil war. I mean, if this guy gets assassinated or whatever, these Democrats better be running for the Hill because a lot of people are not going to stand for it. They're not going to stand for it. That's just my opinion. Listen, no, I, it's just, this is outrageous. The FBI team also included a medic to treat anyone quote, unquote injured during the raid. The only thing is, do you want to play with? The greatest injuries in Mar-a-Lago come from bad ice cubes or people eating too much at the buffet, like me. The operations order identified a nearby trauma center with directions on how to get there. St. Mary's Medical Center. I've been there after I've fallen off my bike. This is this additional exhibits in the unsealed motion today also indicate agents ransacked the bedrooms of Melania and Barron Trump. Remember when Trump said this, that it had happened? Oh, that's ball. He's making it up. Well, here it is. Here are the documents. They're right out now. They're out and open. They've been unsealed. I'm holding them up for the Howie camp. 844-542-42. Beauford, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Beauford. Hey Howie, I've been listening to you for years and I can't believe the FBI authorized deadly force against the Secret Service who are pledged to protect the life of the president. That right there, that's a game changer right there. I know and again, the FBI will request a map list of rooms and skeleton key slash card for all rooms from MAL, Mar-a-Lago staff. Again, again, Beauford, they close the hotel, I think on Mother's Day, okay? So it's August. So at that point, the hotel has been June, July has been closed for almost three months. But the FBI, they're ready to go in, guns blazing and they don't even know the place is closed. How bad is that? Those guys are so incompetent they be shooting themselves in the foot and like the Secret Service would have to give them first aid. Oh, this is 781. Did the FBI take Barron's stash of Playboy magazines? 781, you're dating yourself. That was in our generation 781. This is absurd. 508, was there any guidance on throwdowns or how to plant evidence? Well, you know, they did plant evidence. We know that. I mean, well, we know we have suspicions they planted evidence. They positioned all the documents and then put them back in different orders. They've been forced to admit that themselves in their filings. And when they're doing things like that, you don't know what they're putting into the, you know, they have this thing called a chain of custody. You know, I've dealt with this myself with the FBI with tapes of one of the corrupt FBI agents who was a mafia hitman, Zip Connolly. And they were looking for a tape he made. They said, well, where's the tape been? They said, it's been in my desk for five years. They said, well, we can't use it then because there's no chain of custody. So this is just, this is so, they violated every rule in the book, including the chain of custody rules when they ripped out all those documents and just threw them on the floor at Mar-a-Lago so that they could have some pictures to go with their, with their front page scoop in the, in state-run media. Ed, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ed. Thanks for taking my call, Holly. Sure. It really freaked me out. I got home from work today, took a shower, yeah, sat down, cracked a pepsi. And then I saw my orc is on Fox News. Yeah, I just saw him myself, yeah, with Neil Cavuto. Yeah. That never happens. Right. These guys are in deep shit. Ed, you, you amuse the, you amuse the VIPs. But see, these are the things you see when you come into the studio. You know, it wasn't, it wasn't a, it's a word Trump uses. He used it in Wildwood, New Jersey, several times that evening. But you can't use it by per FCC regulations. Yeah, you're right. Well, what they're doing, way orcas is pushing this bill, they're again pushing a bill so they can say that Republicans stopped us from cleaning up the border. I mean, who's buying that? Who do they think they're kidding here? 844, 542, 42. Here's a Donald Trump just sent out his first tweet on this or truth social. Wow. I just came out of the Biden witch hunt trial in Manhattan, the ice box, and was shown reports that crooked Joe Biden's DOJ and their illegal and unconstitutional rate of Mar-a-Lago. And then this is all it caps from here. Authorized the FBI to use deadly lethal force. Now we know for sure that Joe Biden is a serious threat to democracy. He is mentally unfit to hold office 25th Amendment exclamation point. Deadly lethal. That's really bad. Deadly parentheses. Okay, parentheses lethal close parentheses. Just to retweet that if you can or just send it out so people can see it and tweet out the story from the Federalist who if you can. 844, 542, 42, Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Hey, Cap, thanks for taking my call. Sure. You know this ICC thing, Howie. Yeah, international criminal court. Yeah, the ones that issued the the warrants for the arrest of of Netanyahu and the savages from Hamas. Yeah, I call them the international chaos, communist or whatever. And you know, Howie, it's amazing to me, like Donald Trump got it right when he said that. And I've been thinking about this for years. We need to get away from the UN. This ICC new thing. We need to get the hell away from it. Well, you know, the thing is, Pete, here's the thing. I mean, we don't know about this. I, you know, we never think about this, the average people in the in this country. But this thing has been around the international criminal courts been around for a long time. Trump knew about it. Trump put sanctions on him. Sanctions. Senator James Rish, Republican Indiana, noted that in a hearing yesterday that Biden had reversed Trump's sanctions, just like they reversed Trump's sanctions on the Houthis, just like they released $40 billion for the Iranians to use to to arm the savages who massacred the Israelis, who, who, who used the money to get, they gave it to a Hezbollah to fire rockets into Northern Israel. So Rish asked, uh, Blinken, the secretary of state, if the administration would now consider signing legislation aimed at restoring those sanctions, just like they've restored the sanctions against the Houthis, now that they're armed to the teeth and firing at ships in the Red Sea, we're going to, we, we've restored the sanctions. So Blinken replied, let's look at it. I think from our perspective, going back and lifting sanctions that were previously implemented, who implemented them? Anthony. The intent, the purpose was to find the best way to protect our service members who served in Afghanistan. They, they lifted the sanctions before the 13th servicemen were killed before we surrendered. And we believe we did that. None of this makes any sense. What he's saying, I'm just reading this for the first time. But given the events of yesterday, I think we have to look at the appropriate steps to deal with again, what is a profoundly wrong headed decision. How come Trump could figure out it was a profoundly wrong headed organization, but you Reds couldn't eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. Officer Mark says, the good news here is that the FBI can't shoot straight. Remember when they opened fire on the car burglars outside Naomi Biden's house, they emptied their magazines and the crooks got away untouched. God. Oh, it's five away. Chris Ray would have commented, but he had a flight to catch. You know, the, you know, the leaves are out in the Adirondacks, you know, the weather's beginning to turn. He doesn't want to miss any big weekends there, especially with Memorial Day coming up. Eight, four, five hundred, 42, 42 will take some more calls on the Mar-a-Lago raid and the deadly force authorization by the FBI. It is, it is pretty, pretty appalling. I'm how we car. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the Chumpline. Eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. Press two and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at five to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. He's a lead car. There are, however, certain points I want you to know. First, I personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter. Second, come and get the department does not take such a decision lightly. Yeah, right. Right, which we had the cut of him saying, we're not going to try this case in the newspapers about it. You know, they were already setting the type at the Washington Post, the leaks. And again, it was all BS. It was more fake news. There were nuclear secrets. Oh, you could have sold them to our geopolitical enemies. You mean like the Iranians, the Biden gave billions upon billions of dollars to the Chinese who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Hunter Biden as for investments. Oh, eight, four, four, five hundred. By the way, Rish is not from Indiana. He's from Idaho. Thanks for correcting me on that five away. Mary, you're next with him. Mary, though, it looks like you and I are going to take that little ride together. Yeah. Oh, yes. I told you a little buzzard like you will never put any cuffs on me. They were there. You couldn't. No one would write a script like this for me. We're going to raid the former president's house. But you know, we're going to do so little research. We're going to make we're going to fight. We're going to realize it's going to be an empty house. It's going to be one of these empty. They're going to raid an empty. How many times is the FBI rated empty places? They leave no stone unturned except the one that the purpose hiding on there. If you want to hide something real good, I've used the line too many times, but it's true. Hide it in one of Merrick Garland's law books. Go ahead, Mary. Hi, Kelly. Well, that's what I don't understand now that the federal bureau of incompetence has been outed. But this news is not as planned documents, placing them. Right. How can this trial go forward about the documents? Why is it just not obliterated right now? I think one way or another, it's going to be obliterated after the election. But again, I mean, think of how much money and hassle that Donald Trump has been forced to expend on this abomination. It's not an aberration, an abomination. It's total lawfare. And all lawfare is just design. It has nothing to do with legal matters per se. It's just trying to influence what people think about unpopular, unpopular politicians. And that's all the raid was. And to leak out the phony information that he had nuclear secrets, which he didn't have, and we never found out until like a month ago that the GSA, the General Services Administration, had asked him to take these documents off their hands. And by the way, when the documents left the White House, was it, was it some of Trump's maggot deplorables? Guys were in red hats, taken it out. It was the, it was the federal bureaucracy was unloading this. And they were going to, they were going to leave the documents. They were leaving, they left them in the driveway at the White House. And he just, and Trump had to come and get them and make, make arrangements for him to go to a federal storage facility. And then the GSA said, get them out of here. And he got them out of there. And now the, then the FBI raids and we're willing to start, start shooting at people. God, as bad as you think these people are, they're worse. No matter what you think, they're worse on how we car.