The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karoline Leavitt & Turtleboy Join The Show To Talk About Both Trails | 5.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Trump 2024 National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt joins the show to give us an inside look at the Trump trial, and comment on Biden's New Hampshire trip. Then, Aiden "Turtleboy" Kearney joins the show to review today's events in the Karen Read trial.

Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We pray for the Iranian people who mourn the death of their President. This morning you held a moment of silence to commemorate the mass murdering President of Iran. What's next? Will the council hold a moment of silence for Bin Laden? Will there be a vigil for Hitler? Live from the Matthew's brother's studios. The Diddy couldn't get away with this stuff if there weren't a lot of people protecting him. Now who booked me for this joint? My violin. I always sit around watching Diddy and all that. This is CNN. You switched to journalism, essentially. Would you think you're a journalist? Yes. [ Laughter ] [ Laughter ] Are you serious? I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car. Welcome. 844-542-42. The VIPs are outside the studio right now. They're having their cowloons. We're getting our first cowloon spread of the season here today. The fine Asian dining experience from Saugas, Massachusetts on Route 1 North. My grandson William is having his first crab brand goon. He's a big fan of crab brand goons. Next, he's got to have a chicken finger. 844-542-442-844-542-442. As you know, Brandon is in New England. He just flew into Logan about less than an hour ago. He's doing some fundraisers up here. And we're going to be speaking to someone you're very familiar with here in just a moment. She now works for the Trump campaign. And it's Caroline Levitt. Thank you for being with us. Caroline Levitt, a spokeswoman for the National Trump campaign. Where are you right now, Caroline? Hey, Howie. Great to hear your voice and to talk to you. I am currently in New Hampshire. This is my first break from the witch hunt down in Manhattan. So I flew home to take a breather and then I'll be back to New York next week. What a mess that thing is. Are you actually sitting in the courtroom with him? I've been in the courtroom almost every single day, yes. Was it as bad as Alan Dershowitz was making it out to be yesterday with the judge screaming at Costello, the witness? It is. It's just as bad as Alan has said. First of all, the courthouse itself is atrocious. I mean, this is one of the dingiest, dirtiest, darkest buildings I've ever set foot into. I wouldn't let a real hardened criminal use the bathroom in this place. Never mind the former president of the United States. I mean, it really is a disgusting hellhole of a building that we've been cooped up in now for almost five weeks. And yes, Alan Dershowitz is right to point out that Judge Mershan absolutely has a bias towards President Trump and our team. I mean, he's highly conflicted. You know that very well, how you've been covering it for reasons that we can't even talk about because of the gag order, but he is and he has his daughter is a Democrat hack operative. Hey, you said it, not me. You don't have a gag order. I do. But yes, it's as bad as Alan has said it is. Yeah, and I mean, what's your take on the jury? I mean, when they see Cohen get up there or even Stormy Daniels says she's not going to pay any of the money she owes and Cohen admit Nikki Steele's money. I mean, do you get anything from the reads from the jurors' faces? It's very, very difficult to read a jury. I will say that. They seem focused. They seem as though they're paying attention. And it's just hearing what we've heard and seeing what we've seen inside of that courtroom. It is hard to imagine that any common sense individual that has a little bit of care in their heart for our justice system, in fairness, could ever vote to convict President Trump. Because the prosecution has not proven a case. They haven't even come close to proving a crime. And I don't even know. I don't even Caroline. I don't even know what crime he's charged with. I don't think they've barely made it clear, have they? They haven't. You know, they're bringing forth the 34 felony counts for the falsifying business records, but they still have yet to identify the felony that they are linking these misdemeanors to. And you know, they're, allegedly, they're doing that today in front of the judge. Well, shouldn't you have done that throughout the entire. How about the jury? Isn't it up to the jury to decide the trials over now? And then they wouldn't let you guys bring in expert witnesses. Since when does the defense not get to produce its own expert witnesses to give exculpatory evidence to the jury? Yeah, one would think, you know, that that would be allowed in our justice system. But everything we've seen has flown in the face of hundreds of years of fair and honest justice. And it really has honestly, how we on a personal level, it has been sad to watch. I sit in there every day and think to myself, what a tremendous waste of time in taxpayer resources. There are real criminals running on the streets of New York eating up cops in Times Square, and we're sitting in here. It's despicable. Yeah, and they're getting let go with the slaps on the wrist. And then they're just committing more crimes. And what's up with the microphones that they can't get a decent sound system there in the lobby, or wherever it is, that where he speaks every morning and every afternoon. What's going on there? I mean, is that another plotted so that he can't get his message across, or what? Well, we've seen that the court has certainly made guidelines, if you will, that have made it really difficult for us to get our message out there. Not only do they only allow President Trump and his attorney to approach the microphones twice a day, he can't do it during lunch break. Have to do it in the morning and can only do it after the afternoon. But then our supporters that come are not allowed to get anywhere near the courthouse. I mean, if you go to this place, you think you're pulling up to Fort Knox. There are miles of barricades outside of the courthouse to prevent pro-Trump supporters from protesting outside. And then whenever we bring our surrogates, like Alan Dershowitz, or, you know, Congressman Byron Donald, governor, President, we've had many friends of the president show up that when we do those press conferences out front, that's actually several blocks away from the courthouse. And they make us walk outside where there's a lot of very not nice people out there, rather than being able to address the media right out front. It's ridiculous. They're trying to make it as difficult as possible for President Trump and our team to get our message out there. Why can't he just wear a lav mic and just have it hooked up so that the campaign could just give out the sound and some video to the press every day, rather than have to make it sound like he's from deep in a hole somewhere? They want to make it as difficult as possible. And they actually have put up barricades for the press and the president inside. And there's like a tiny little, basically, box that he has to stand in when he addresses the media. And it's the only place that they allow them to do so. And the microphone to your point is, you know, several people wait for him because they, yeah, it's absurd. It really is. But, you know, you got all these when he, when he hit the motorcade leaves and it's heading back to to Fifth Avenue there, wherever he's going for the night, you know, there's a huge crowd. I mean, he's like, he's becoming a star. It's like, it's like V.J. Day or, you know, or Armistice Day. You know, they're everybody's thronging. They're creating him a superstar by persecuting him like this. They are. It's definitely backfiring. This was Joe Biden's entire strategy or his handler's strategy to shuffle him over the finish line is to wage all of this law fair against President Trump and confine him to that courtroom. And it has backfired. President Trump has, you know, he's remained defiant. He's in great spirits every day. God bless them. But to your point in New York, people are watching this and they're saying to themselves, this is a waste of, again, my tax dollars. And every time our motorcade pulls up to Trump Tower after court, there's cords of people outside with their cameras waiting to catch a glimpse of the president. I was there at the Bodega visit in Harlem, which was amazing spirit and energy. We have a big event coming up on Thursday in the Bronx, which we're looking forward to a crowd of thousands already. And, you know, this is, again, happening in deep blue New York City. It just shows how, how badly their strategy is backfiring and how this is really waking up all people to how corrupt the Democrats are. So where is Brandon going to be today in, in New Hampshire? Well, Brandon, I am told, is in Nashua and in Merrimack. And then he's heading down to Boston to raise some money from some glitzy donors down there. I'm not sure if they'll be addressing the state of emergency that your state is in. And the sanctuary city crisis, I doubt it. Do you think you could come down to like Norfolk or Kingston or Sagas or Marlboro? You know what, you know, I'm mentioning these, these particular communities, Caroline, these, these places are being overwhelmed with by his border insanity. Yes, and that's, he is not making a stop there. No, he's going right into the city to raise the money and then get back on his plane. And he's in New Hampshire today. It's not only fundraise, but also to make a speech about, I guess, some, some more money that the feds are pumping into our economy to clean up dirty sites and clean up the environment. Look, nothing wrong with that. But that's really not what people care about right now. I think he should would have been better off coming here to maybe say he's going to secure the northern border that's being traded or bring down the cost of energy. We have the highest energy bills in the country, but you haven't heard any mention any of that today. It just shows he's out of touch. And their campaign, how he doesn't have a message, the Biden campaign's message is don't believe what you see with your own eyes. Everything's good. Biden's taking care of it for you. And people just aren't buying it. And that's why he's declining in the polls every day. Yeah, the next time he mentions utility bills is anywhere, but especially in the Northeast, it'll be the first time he's ever mentioned utility bills. And you saw that, you saw that graph in the Wall Street Journal. It's everywhere now. The first 42 months of the Trump, Trump administration, average net household worth was up 16% adjusted for inflation for Biden. It's 0.7%, 0.7% versus 16%. And they wonder why they can't sell this pig in a poke that the economy is in great shape. And they wonder why they continue to decline in the polls. But it's because all Americans, I don't care what ratio are, what they you live in, how much money you make, we all have less than we did when President Trump was in office. Everyone is feeling the pain of Bidenomics. And if you notice, they don't use that term anymore, how they're not out there with their banners that they buy it on. If they're not talking about it anymore, because they've realized their branding was horrible and people don't view this economy as positive, yet they continue to do nothing about it. You know, today he's here to talk about billions more for environmental issues. Last week, it was announcing billions in student loan forgiveness for art students. And before that, he announced that illegal immigrants, DACA recipients will be put on Obamacare. So how is any of that helping the working man and woman? It's not. It's going to make our economy worse. And to imagine four more years of Bidenomics is a very, very scary, scary thought. We cannot afford it as a country. And there's many families that can't afford it either. Julie Kelly just put out some tweets about the Mar-a-Lago raid. Have you seen these yet? Caroline? Oh, I have. Oh, I have. SBI authorized the use of deadly, deadly force at Mar-a-Lago. It is unbelievable, Howie, and you are lucky you weren't there on that night and deadly force wasn't having to be used because they actually also authorized knocking on the door of every member's suite and shaking down every member in the building. That would have been you. That includes you, Howie Carr. Yeah. My daughter Charlotte is staying over there a couple of times. They were going to go door to door to terrorize Mar-a-Lago guests and even pick the locks. FBI, I'm just looking at these, these tweets that are coming out from Julie Kelly. FBI had a medic on the scene and identified a local trauma center for anyone injured during the raid. And by the way, by the way, Mar-a-Lago was not even open. When this was going, I mean, the beach club was open, but there was, there were no guests or anybody like that. And there was the summer. God. It's unbelievable. And the truth about these Biden, which is slowly, but surely they are being revealed. And it just shows Joe Biden and the Democrats, they are this true threat to democracy. This is outrageous. People need to be arrested and held accountable for this conduct. You can't say enough. It's the weaponization of our justice system against our own people. It's, it's despicable and it's scary. And it's, it's really, really sad to, to see this. Armed FBI agents were prepared to confront Trump and even engage secret service if necessary. This is like the latter days of the Roman Empire, you know, the Praetorian guards taking on the, the, the Emperor's personal bodyguards. I mean, this is insanity. It's insanity. It's Third World, you know, Banana Republic. Gestapo, whatever you want to call it, you know, in Merrick Garland approved it. And that's the key. Merrick Garland approved the raid. He lied about it at first, but he did approve it. And you know, who ultimately approved it as well, is of course, Joe Biden, all of these cases come from the top. It's election interference. And the earlier, in the earlier documents that have been unsealed by Judge Cannon have shown that, that the GSA told Trump to pick up these documents. So if he hadn't picked up the documents, would he be charged with abandoning the documents now? I mean, talk about catch 22. And the guy's the president of the United States. It's crazy. You know, the good news is I believe ultimately this case is going to be dismissed. Yes. The Supreme Court has a very important decision to make on presidential immunity. And we pray that they do the right thing. And this is more than just about President Trump. And he says it himself all the time. This is about protecting democracy. And it's, it's funny to even use that word anymore, because the Democrats have just abused it so much. But this, this is real democracy at stake, what we're witnessing right now. And we're hopeful this case will be dismissed. The Fulton County, Georgia case has come crashing down. And President Trump will ultimately be vindicated in New York as well. Thank you, Caroline Leavitt. Have a good time back in the lip free or dye state. And see, good luck back in the Big Apple. Talk to you soon. Always a pleasure. Omaha Steaks, nothing makes Father's Day better than Omaha Steaks. Dad, dear old dad, and I'm speaking as one and a dear old granddad, doesn't want to tie or a coffee mug, dear old dad wants steak. Or in my case, I really like the hamburgers. Jared, who's gracious producer, he loves the hot dogs. The pork chops are great. Everything from Omaha Steaks is great. And with Father's Day just around the corner, what do you give the man who has everything? Easy. You give him an experience he'll never forget. You give him Omaha Steaks, because a world class dad deserves a world class steak. The Father's Day experts at Omaha Steaks have made it easy to put a smile on the big guy's face this summer with hand selected gift packages starting at just 89 bucks. That's a really good Father's Day gift for 89 bucks. Just go to Omaha and use promo code Howie at checkout for an additional discount when you shop gourmet gift packages for Father's Day. With Omaha Steaks, the possibilities are endless. Endless flavor, endless variety and endless value. Truly, they have perfected more than steak and your dad is guaranteed to love every bite. Pick from premium proteins like the juicy pork chops, air chilled chicken and beefy burgers. I love the burger flights. All the different cuts of meat turned into a ground beef and they're all fantastic. Go to Omaha and use promo code Howie to get an exclusive savings shop for unforgettable gifts that are guaranteed to make dad's day. Because if there's one thing Omaha Steaks knows, it's the dad's want steak. That's Omaha promo code Howie at checkout to save and on exclusive packages starting at just 89 dollars. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The emperor of hate Howie Carr is back. 508 says the news about this raid today means our worst fear of taking Trump out is clearly in play. Yeah, I agree. I agree. This is outrageous. We'll be talking about this. But next we're going to have Turtle Boy to talk about the Karen Reed trial. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-42-4844-500-42-42. How was the Caloons, guys? I loved it. Everybody loved the Caloons. It's Boston's premier Asian dining experience. They brought it by the usual great spread. I just had a just had a great chicken finger going to grab a couple for Roscoe for the for the all right joining us now we we just were butt dialing around and guess who we came up with. We came up with Turtle Boy, Aidan Carney. Are you there? I'm not even going to ask you what you are doing when you were when you were butt dialing in what's right. Yeah, you don't want to know. Well, I mean that that whole thing I decided to lead my column with the with the but Canon is the butt dialing capital of the world I think. At least on January 29th, 2020 was especially on that day. What what what kind of story was she trying? I mean, how did she think she was going to sell that story to it to the jury? I mean, six butt dials in 19 minutes. She's so arrogant and she's just surrounded by yes men like at her house right now. So we go by there's like a 12 cars park there like people are not afraid to associate with this woman despite everything like around her because she's like Queen B of King. And so she got up like she just gets up there and is quite clearly lying like again today. What do we see? We saw another person who disputes phone records who has just handed their phone records and saying, see these calls these 20 deleted phone calls? What's up with that? And she just says, I don't know how they got deleted. I don't know. I didn't delete anything. It says, right here you deleted it. Well, I didn't. It says right here that there's two answers calls to you to use from you to your sister, Nicole. What's up with that? Oh, she didn't answer. Oh, okay. Well, I guess I guess all the forensic data is just wrong. All of it. And so it was like that back and forth today. And we didn't even get to the Google search. Yeah. And the GP and before that, the GPS, they they dispute the GPS findings too. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah, what they say that would they say that the daughter, the life 360, yeah, testified that the daughter is life 360 and that's how she tracks her. And now they're saying she's saying it's just not accurate because she doesn't like what the data said. And that's what her daughter is driving people around the 130 in the morning acting as a getaway driver for Colin Albert getting them out of, you know, out of dodge before the Popo comes. And yeah, I mean, another thing we found out today was that the text message from Ryan Nagle, he was there to pick up his sister Julie, was at 1223 and he said come outside. But the state police have been telling us that, whoa, whoa, whoa, John's phone doesn't arrive at 34 Fairview until 1225. So we couldn't have been inside the house when his phone was ascending and descending stairs from 1221 to 1224. Now we know that Ryan Nagle was there at 1223, which means John O'Keefe was there at 1223, which means he absolutely could have been ascending and descending stairs inside 34 Fairview Road. And then the fact, and I think this is probably going to be the lead in the news stories is the fact that she said that she remembers with 100% clarity that Karen Reed said, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him three times. But yet she, she was asked that 12 times in her grand jury testimony what Karen Reed said, and she never said, I hit him once let alone three times. Never today. I mean, she was in static about it today. She said it in the car. She said, she said it, you know, in front of a police officer, yet none of the police officers claimed that she said that not one. She has suddenly changed her story to a much more, like before it was like, you know, what she said that she said, could I have hit him? Yeah, did I hit him? Is he dead? Yeah, it's like, and she and she played dumb. They kept handing her grand jury testimony. And she looked at over playing dumb, like read, you know, taken forever to read it, and then asking stupid questions, like, I don't understand this. This is all order and blah, blah, blah. It was one point where he ended, you know, he ended up the cell phone data, and he said, you know, where is the call? We see on John's phone that you call them at 1214, 1218, and then six times between 1240 and 1220, 50. Yet these calls are not on your phone, right? So where, what, where is it? And she looked over the data, and she's just like playing dumb. She's like, Oh geez, I don't want to read this. There's so much stuff in here. Can you help me? I'm really dumb. It's like that's the whole thing. And every time I wish you would look to the jury, like trying to convict them. No, I know you pointed that out. That was a good tweet. And it's a tell. It's a tell like Biden saying, no, I'm serious, or, you know, or I'm not kidding. You know, you know, he's lying when he says that, right? You guys, you guys believe me, right? Like, totally. No joke. No joke. I don't know what happens. She kind of like it was like she's trying to get them to at one point. She said to the jury, we've all done this before. We've all deleted 20 messages before, haven't we? It's like, no, I've never felt the need to delete any of my multiple history. Maybe at least maybe text messages have become too full. But like, my actual phone calls, like, why would I delete those? Like, why would anybody do that? Well, the other thing too is, you know, like, can you imagine if you were involved or anyone just anyone who's listening to us, if you were involved in a case where a cop died under mysterious circumstances and the state police came and said, turn over your phone to us so we can see what happened. And you said, I'll do it. But can I first delete 20 messages before I turn over or by that? I mean, it's inconceivable. Yeah, that's what she said on the road today. She said, I have to delete all my messages between me and my daughter, as if it's personal stuff. The daughter was the getaway driver for Colin Alber. Yeah, listen, why would you want? Here's the cut. Here's the cut. Did you delete any of your calls before you turn your phone into law enforcement? I spoke with the two officers that I handed my phone over to. And I asked if I could delete the personal conversations with my daughters. And they said, absolutely, yes, that I could. So other than calls with your daughters that you deleted, should delete any other calls on your phone at all. They would text message it. It was actually text messages with my daughters that I deleted. And that was all I deleted. Sounds like Hillary Clinton talking about her yoga classes and Chelsea's wedding. Remember that? I mean, she might be more powerful than Hillary Clinton. How are you? You know, like, Lee Hillary Clinton has enemies. Like, I mean, she seems to everybody is protecting these people. It's the most bizarre thing. I don't know what's so special about them. But like in any other circumstance, somebody like Jim McCabe would be considered like a prime suspect in this. And she is just coddled by the district attorney's office and the state police. I don't, I don't get it. Like, like, what is it about this woman that they all want to, you know, tie their careers to? Good cousin. My cousin, Vinny, is the movie that came up and a lot of people have been texting about it and tweeting about it today that, you know, this thing about I hit him, I hit him. It sounds it sounds like cousin Vinny. Listen to that. What point did you shoot the clerk? I shot the clerk. Yes. When did you shoot him? I shot the clerk. I asked him if he did it. And he said, I shot the clerk. I asked him again. And again, he said, I shot the clerk. You on him? No further questions? My cousin, Vinny, in Norfolk County. It's such a similar movie. I mean, the relationship between the defense attorney and the judge in that movie is almost the exact same relationship between Alan Jackson and this judge adversarial. And, you know, you have this colorful attorney doing his best to prove his clients were framed. It's basically, it's a very similar story. But, yeah, I mean, today, it's like, like I said, we didn't even get to the good stuff today. We didn't even get to the Google search. She can have a lot more explaining to do. Like we found out today too that like Kerry Roberts, I guess, was in her house when she was being questioned by police. Like, why are all these interrogations happening inside the McCabe house? Yeah. Police workers. And she's she's listening. She's listening in on the police interrogation of this witness. And then she's she's texting to this group chat about what what the the witness is telling the cops. Yeah. She said it's going well. Okay. And she's saying the right thing. What does that even mean? If you're an uninvolved party like Jennifer McCabe claims to be, what is good? What does good mean? Like, what does that even mean? So it's like, she obviously was saying something that was favorable towards the theory that Karen Reed did it. And that's what she meant by that. And she said that she couldn't hear specifically what she was saying. Then how do you know it's good? I mean, she got caught in so many lives like that. And she tried to like kind of lie her way out of it, talk words out of her way out of it. And I just I mean, I wasn't there. But according to, you know, Jessica Machado's tweet, it seems like the jury wasn't buying it. Like they were just kind of rolling their eyes like, this lady for real. Like any neutral person watching her is just like, this lady is clearly hiring something. They're all hiding something. And, you know, it's again, who is on trial today? Karen Reed or Jennifer McCabe? It certainly felt like Jennifer McCabe. Oh, yeah. No question about it. Again, it's day 15 and they still haven't laid a glove. They haven't even tried to lay a glove on Karen Reed. Was there a Kevin Albert revelation? Did we learn something new about Kevin Albert today? Yeah, she was talking. She had him over the house, talking to him, I believe a couple, a day or two after John O'Keefe was killed after the Ken police had been, you know, kind of, you know, conflicted out of it. She went to Michael Linkhouse. The next day we found that with Kerry Roberts for some sort of, you know, meet and greet, even though the Ken police are no longer supposed to be on this case at all. And it's just, it's insane, the amount of protection that these people got. And meanwhile, Karen Reed's like, they started her off by asking like, you know, do you have, you have a lot of friends and family from Ken, right? Yeah, it's like, and Karen Reed did not. And that's why we are, where we, and John O'Keefe did not. And that's why we are. What about, what about Michael, Michael Link, the police officer, oh, no, I didn't have anything to do with him. No, I just drove up to his house and his wife came out and talked to me in the car. I mean, did I hear that correctly? His wife came out and started consoling Kerry Roberts or something like that. I don't know. Who knows? I mean, these people are all friends. They'll go to barbecues together. They also, you know, associate with each other. And they're all going to protect each other because they know each other and they don't know Karen Reed. She's a nobody. She's an easy person to kind of toss under the bus. Although speaking of throwing people under the bus, she threw Michael Proctor under the bus a couple times. You talking about Proctor Trooper? Talking about Proctor Trooper? Proctor Trooper. Proctor Trooper. Proctor Trooper. So we'll nervous it seems. Yeah. They said, you know, how come you didn't say in any of these reports with Michael Proctor that, you know, Karen Reed said, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him, where is that? And she said, well, I told him that. I guess he didn't write it down. So she's like, oh, so Michael Proctor's got it wrong. I mean, it's just amazing. These people lie. Nothing they claim happened as in any sort of reports. It's all, you know, conflicted by forensic data on their phones. And they just say, nope. Wasn't me. I don't know why it says that. I said that. It must be someone else's fault. Is the defense going to produce any witnesses to point out that, you know, the odds of this. It's like a, this is like DNA testing. I mean, it's, it's pretty much guaranteed that it's correct, isn't it? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, they have their own forensic expert doing this. Like he said, the FBI have their forensic experts determined that this happened. They have three crash reconstructionists that are going to testify in this. The prosecution is no crash reconstruction. They're not even attempting to explain how John O'Keefe was hit by our car. Like, which is the entire, you know, method in which they claim that Karen re-killed them. So they have no plan here. Tomorrow they're going to bring up the Gemma Cave. These two kicks from Aruba that, you know, think that Karen Rean was need to them and use an angry person. But they don't have any actual evidence that she did it. Like, I don't know what their plan is here. You know, another crazy thing was that when they said that, you know, she came, she came busting into the Albert house at like 6.30 in the morning. And the dog, this 70 pound German shepherd with a history of biting people is in the bedroom. And the dog, the dog doesn't make a move. It's the dog that didn't bark, right? Isn't there, isn't there a Sherlock Holmes story, like the dog that didn't bark? You know, the Chloe didn't bark. Where, what the hell had happened to Chloe at this point? Couldn't have been there. Well, Chloe was probably a Caitlin Albert's house. That's what most people think. She actually has her own German shepherd around the same size that lives there. I mean, if you, if it were you and that dog was covered at John O'Keeves, but you probably want to get the dog out of there. So it could have, I'm guessing you're going home with Caitlin Albert. That's my test. Was Kevin Redington is a Gemma Cabe's lawyer, right? That's correct. And he was in court today. He wasn't, so all these, all these people like, and, and Brian Albert, he has Greg Henning, the bust out would be district attorney. It's his lawyer, right? Correct. And he was there for his testimony. And, you know, I'm surprised. Does the jury ever, does the jury, you think the jury can put this together? You know, like, what is the, these are prosecution witnesses and they all have criminal attorneys with them? I mean, it's kind of weird, isn't it? Yeah, I don't, I don't know if that's pointed out in the court. This is her attorney, but it's definitely, there's several references. There's always references to this other, that they can't say what it was. Yeah. The proceedings, they called it the proceedings today. Yeah. The other proceedings. Yeah, the other one. Yeah. That's the feds. That's the feds. That's what they're talking about. The G-Men. The G-Men are all over this case. All right. So, so were we going to get to the Google searches or are they going to try to stop that from being presented? That's from tomorrow. The Google search will definitely come tomorrow. So I cannot wait to see how Jennifer McKee tries to word salad her out her way out of that one. It should be interesting. Hose long to die in cold. That's what she tweeted out at 227. And she's got to say, I don't know, that's what she, you know what, that's what she's going to say, turtle boy. I don't know about that. I don't know what the hell that's all about. That's an escape. I did that later on. That's what my say. I don't know why that says that. That's going to be your year that. All right. Thank you, Aidan Cairney, Turtle Boy. Where can people find you? or add Dr. Turtle Boy on Twitter or Turtle Boy Live on YouTube. Okay. You're doing a good, really good job on Twitter. You're, you're, you just put out more though. That's all I, that's all I ask, you know, it's good. Keep it coming. I'll keep it coming. All right. That's Aidan, Turtle Boy, Cairney, and he's doing a great job. 844-542-42. Experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows, $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use my pillows. Stylish scandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set. All available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during my pillows, $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it. Also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it stable, the premium my pillows with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long. So order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the mypillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay. Go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Car Show store. You're listening to the Howie Car Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver That's local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at Howie Car is what's your prediction for the Trump trial verdict in New York? Guilty, not guilty or hung jury? Hung jury. 61% say hung jury. 19% say either guilty or not guilty. All right. 844-542-42508 says Jen McCabe needs to go see perfect smiles. You said at 508 not me. I'm trying to be kind. Well, not really. I called her toothy in my column on Sunday. 844-500-4242. So tomorrow is going to be the biggest day, biggest day yet. I mean, with the how long to die in cold. And again, she's going to try. I don't know how she's going to try to get it get out from under that one. 844-542-42. We're going to talk. We're going to try to find out some more information about these unsealed court documents today that they were they were prepared. The FBI, the Gestapo of the Democrat Party was prepared to apparently fight it out with the Secret Service on their big raid on Marlago when nobody was there. I'm Howie Carr.