The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Karen Read Trial Resumed Today For The Cross Examination We've Waited For | 5.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

The Karen Read trial resumed today and Jen McCabe was on the stand for cross examination, plus Grace joins us for Grace's News.

Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. We pray for the Iranian people who mourn the death of their president. Just this morning, you held a moment of silence to commemorate the mass murdering president of Iran. What's next? Will the council hold a moment of silence for Bin Laden? Will there be a vigil for Hitler? Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. The Diddy couldn't get away with this stuff if there weren't a lot of people protecting him. Now, who booked me for this joint? All right, Alan, I'll be sitting around watching Diddy and all that. This is CNN. You switch to journalism, essentially. What, you think you're a journalist? Yes. [ Laughter ] ♪♪♪ [ Laughter ] You serious? I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Rump swabs, hacks and moonbats beware. It's... ♪♪♪ Howie Car... Jen Pisaki thinks she's a journalist. In case you didn't know, that's just another reason why I never call myself a journalist. Call me anything you want. Just don't call me a journalist. 844-542-42. Looking up at the kyron, I'm watching Fox because I can't get Newsmax or anything else. Now, key meeting on Trump trial jury instructions. As if we don't know what the judge is going to say, "Look, I don't care what these witnesses said. I know they're more crooked than Trump. You've got to convict them, though." This is the only chance to get a conviction before the election. It doesn't matter. It's important. You'll be run out of, you'll be run out of the big apple if you don't vote to convict. I mean, that's what it boils down to, doesn't it? 844-542-42. We have some VIPs in the house. We expect a couple more sooner or later. But we got at least four people in here from New Hampshire. I cannot believe that they would come down here on a day when the president of the United States, after welcoming one of the hostages that Hamas has been holding since October 7th to the White House yesterday. And after all of his great speeches over the last few days, I can't believe you would pass up the opportunity to see Brandon in person. But they have. They've come down here to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 844-542-442-844-542-442. And we're going to have a turtle boy on with us. It was, I mean, the cross-examination of Jen McKay was... I don't know what word to use. "Epic, absurd, a clown show." I don't know. It's 508, "How many drinks is D.A. Lally going to have tonight?" Wow. I want to know how many slices of pepperoni pizza, extra cheese, his boss is going to have. Meatball, Morrissey, "Oh, my God." He's got to be thinking, "What have I got myself into?" It turns out that there's this... Not only is there an epidemic of... Their word "grab ass" as it's pronounced by the locals. There is also an epidemic of butt dialing. It's not just those two guys that are butt dialing back and forth. One of them is doing his wife and the other one has got the phone on a nightstand and they're butt dialing each other. Now it turns out that Jennifer McCabe, when she was purportedly looking for John O'Keefe, the dead Boston cop, she had six butt dials in 19 minutes. I'm asking you about your prior testimony. And I'm asking... About these calls. Yes, I'm asking, can I see it, please? I'm asking you a different question. At this other proceeding, what's your understanding? Yes. Other proceeding. You explained... Federal grandeur. These calls were... What? Missed calls and sets up missed calls. What were they? You used the word, are not the two words. I believe I used the word butt dials. Six in 19 minutes. And this was the same morning that two of her fellow Mick Alberts were butt dialing back and forth. It's very strange. She also... She said today she could testify with 100 percent clarity. That's the phrase she used. Everybody wrote it now. 100 percent clarity that Karen Reed, who's accused of murder, had said three times in a row about her boyfriend. I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. I didn't ask questions. Well, I'd like you to direct me where to look. I want you to look at the entire grandeur testimony if you need to, and turn to the page where you ever said that my client said I hit him, I hit him, I hit him. I'm not sure if it's in this document, but I can tell you today with 100 percent clarity. She said I hit him. I hit him. I hit him on that morning. So it's not in that document? I'm not sure if I could take the time and do want me to read to over 200 pages. May I approach? Yes. 12, 12 references later, variations of did I hit him? Would I have hit him? Is it possible I hit him? Might I have hit him? Over and over. Said why? I heard her saying it to a Canton police, Canton police officer. Oh, really? What's his name? Oh, I don't know. Maybe she said it to a Cant, EMT female. No, no, here it is in the grandeur testimony on page 208. She said to the female EMT, did I hit him? Well, I know with 100 percent clarity. And then there were the two calls to her sister at 607 and 608, both of which were answered according to the phone data. They were answered, but she said that's not true. That's not true. So I wrote it, I tweeted it out, I said, I think my lead, the lead I'm going to use from my column tomorrow is Canton, Massachusetts is the but dial capital of the world. And I said, what does everybody think of that? And one guy texted back and said, that's okay, tweeted back. That's okay, but how about this one? Canton, Massachusetts, where data lies and Jen McCabe tells the truth. And she always says, she always preffices everything by saying, honestly, to be honest with you. So now I've started calling her honest Jen McCabe. You can trust her. She's not like the others. And we have even gotten the hose long to die in McCold. Did you discuss the calls that you made to McCold Albert at 607 and 608, and the call that you made to Brian Albert at 623? No. No. Did you ever discuss the idea of potentially deleting any of those calls that were made in that early morning? Absolutely not. Would you tell us what you did? Yes, because I'm an honest and truthful person. That's why we call her honest Jen McCabe. She used the word over and over and over again. Yikes. 844, 542, 844, 542, 542, 508. There's a cohort of people on X today saying the witness did a great job. Some people will never look at this objectively. Yeah. Again, it comes down to what I was just reading. I think I told you about it yesterday. HL Minkin said that it's not that people are so interested in crime, they're interested in drama. And so people decide which side they're on. And even though it's pretty clear to me and to most people that the McCalberts, as they're called, are wearing the black hats, that some people just gravitate towards it. That's what they want. I mean, as unbelievable as these stories are, 6 butt dials, and I think there's altogether there have been like nine butt dials now in this so far since in the last, what, four days that they've been talking about? 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, Bruce, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Bruce. Hey, how are you? Yes. Hey, Bruce, been here before, love your show. Thank you. Well, I was listening to Cooner this morning and they were talking about the Trump experience and the fact that, you know, these guys are trying to get rid of him and they've tried everything, what, four different ways, but Sunday. And you know, it looks like he's going to get off this one because, I mean, my God, even if I was a murderer, I'd get out of this one, right? All he needs is one juror. I think he's going to get the one, at least one. You know, I mean, now I brought that Tolman was saying on Grace's show that he thought that he could actually get an acquittal. I started hearing people, lawyers talking about that a couple of weeks ago and I thought, ah, you're crazy. I still think they're crazy. There's so many nuts on that jury, you know, but he's, he's going to, he's, there's no way they get a conviction, Bruce. I don't, I mean, again, maybe I'm foolish because you never really know which way a jury's going to go, but I just can't imagine it. This is, this is so bad. It's so embarrassing to have, I mean, and, and you know, Cohen was so bad, we've forgotten Stormy Daniels. I mean, what about the Stormy Daniels has said under oath that there was no affair. She signed a non-disclosure agreement. You get paid to keep your mouth shut. She took the money and opened up like a, like a, you know what, I don't know. It's just a, and, and she owes Trump over half a million dollars for, you know, in judgments against her for, against her for filing frivolous lawsuits and she says she's never going to pay. So you have these two people who despise Trump and didn't, and didn't he say that he would do anything to stay out of jail and then he said he would never ask for a, he wouldn't never ask for a pardon. And then he, and then, uh, Hope Hicks, uh, said, you know, we, everyone thought he was going to kill himself because he didn't get to be attorney generally, he sat on the witness stand. He didn't want a job in the administration. I mean, again, you know, not only is there an epidemic of butt dialing, there's an epidemic of lying under oath, not, and not just, not just in New York. It's all over the place eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, give yourselves a round of applause, VIP is glad to have you here. 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For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and so much more, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. I have them all over wherever I am, whether it's the office here or at my house. Back in stock now, order now at Use code howey3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code howey3. I'm howeycar. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howey's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. The Howey car show is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Whatever Dave will work with you directly, contact him at local silver Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's your prediction for the Trump trial verdict in New York, guilty, not guilty or hung jury? Hung jury. Fifty-seven percent say hung jury, twenty-two percent say guilty, twenty percent say not guilty. All right. The number's been climbing, I must say, with the people as pathetic as these witnesses have been and the whole case has been, but I don't, again, it's New York. Forget it, Jake. It's Manhattan. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, Nancy, you're next with Howey Car. Go ahead, Nancy. Nancy, I'm, this is Nancy. Yes. Thank you, Howey. I think I hold Trump as a hung jury because I think it should have been thrown out to begin with the whole thing as a kangaroo court. But anyway, back to this Karen Reed. The only thing I don't understand, why do you think he was beaten up and killed? Like, what was, what did they have against him? I don't, that's the piece he's missing. I don't. I don't know. I mean, you know, the thing is there's, it's, it's booze though, I think, is what it is, Nancy. I mean, the, the, these people drink every night and they, you know, you know the way it is. You just get, you just get drunk and into stupid fights and all like this. I mean, I don't know what happened. I'm not sure what happened, but all I know is he's got those cuts, you know, those lacerations on his arm that they've never explained and they wouldn't allow the defense team to take samples of his, so all they've got is what the state police said and, you know, anyone who trusts the state police in Massachusetts is, is crazy obviously. And they've never explained the, the, the blow on the back of his head. I mean, if he, if he got hit by the, by the SUV backing up, how did, how did he get this, this bludgeon type blow on the back of his head? And he fell down on the, on the ground, his, his body was found on the ground. So you know, you could say it, you couldn't say it's, you know, was because he was struck so hard. He hit the asphalt. I don't think he hit the asphalt, you know, I don't, I don't know. Nancy, I will, I don't think we're, I'm not sure we're ever going to know the, the answer to this. Because I think, I think they just, as I've said before, I think they, the, the DA's office at this point just wants to say, get it not guilty and say, Hey, turtle boys, you know, tainted the jury pool. We couldn't get a conviction. We did the best we could. Let's just move on. What's for what's, what's, what's at the, what's it the all you can eat buffet tonight at the Quincy house of pizza? That's, that's, that's what they're going to be going for in Nancy. I mean, what do you think happened? I think she killed him and I think I don't realize there's too many people. There's too many people. How many people are going to be putting their attention on the line to cover up for this jerk Boston cost that they don't even know. I don't believe it. Well, she was a dear, she was a, he was a dear friend and they loved him. She said, she said he was a friend. They loved him. She also said he was a man when they, when she called in man down on the ground. That's what, that was her original statement to 911 and a husband called him the guy. The guy. Yeah. Tell him the guy never went inside. The guy. Yeah. I don't, I don't, I don't think she, I don't think she killed him. It's just, it's, it's, it, they were, and the thing is they were, they were, they were snuggling in, in, in, in that bar where the two, where the McAlberts were playing, were grabbing each other's rear ends by their own, by their own statements. So I mean, I don't, I just don't see it. Thanks for the call, Nancy. Brian, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Brian. Hey, Howie. How are you? Good. I've been listening to, uh, Jen McQuaid and her testimony and, and listening about all the different buts dials. Yes. I'm just wondering why they, why they didn't issue her, uh, rid of habeas grab ass. Oh, thank you, Brian. Oh, a, a for, it's going to be that kind of day, probably. It's going to be that kind of next couple of days, probably the way things are going. So let's, let's play another kind of, again, now we're going to go back to the, uh, I hit them. I hit them. I hit them. There were a couple of good points. One was the butt dials. Uh, one was the, the, uh, mysterious, the, the, you know, the, the, the, uh, text messages, the leading themselves, the GPS malfunctioning, and then of course I hit them, I hit them, I hit them. What she, she now says, she know, she didn't think about that for, you know, the first, the first 12, 13 times she was asked about it, 15, cut 15. But you were asked that question, ma'am, on page 200, Nate, you were asked what she said in front of the female EMT who was asking her questions. And her answer was, I'm sorry, your answer was, she said, did I hit him, could I have hit him? Is he dead? Mm-hmm. Is that right? That is correct. That's been a good time to offer up that she confessed. I hit him. I hit him. And he sustained us to that thing. By the way, uh, Judge Antipev was, uh, was sustaining a lot fewer objections today. She seems to be playing to the, uh, to the crowd in the Mokley courthouse, if you know what I mean. The feds. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. I'm Maui Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You know, the estate trooper that's, that's the lead investigator, he's another guy from Canton. He speaks Cantonese fluently. I came from a text there. That's a good one. I wish I had a thought of that for my Sunday call. But Proctor is a, is a Canton native. So he's, he's in on the, he's on team, he's on Team McAlbert. And he's under investigation by the internal affairs unit of the state police. Apparently the first thing he did when he, uh, when he got the assignment was to start searching for nude photos of Karen Reed online. And he texted his buddies from, uh, hi about, about his, uh, his investigative techniques. So Jen was talking today about, uh, about their, their, their Canton homeboy. Cut six. Does that or does that not refresh the recollection? Regarding. What do you say to the trooper Proctor on the 29th? Well, I know what I said to track proctor trooper on the 29th. Okay. I have to do it this way. That's how we're rules. Proctor. Does that help you with your recollection of what I told you proctor trooper. Proctor trooper. All right. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two joining us now is grace with the nose. Yes. Howie. I'll update for you as you know, Senator gold bar Bob Menendez's trial started last week. And we have photos now showing a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in gold bars and four hundred and eighty thousand dollars in cash, including some bills that were stuffed inside of a boot. The pictures presented in court show gold bar small and large doesn't discriminate. Some appearing to be older with nicks and scratches on the surface while others are wrapped in clear plastic packaging. I always wrap my stolen gold bars in aluminum foil, I prefer. I think it's more effective than just plain Saran wrap. Well, you can't stack. You shouldn't be stacking the gold bars without something in between some sort of towel or something. You know, it's like, you know, ready wise has the grab and go buckets. I like grab and go bars of gold or grab and go cash. He also had thick stacks of cash inside various bags and even a pile of money stowed inside a well worn brown timberland. I prefer stashed as a word. It should be stashed, not stowed. Other photos show one hundred fifty and twenty dollar bills neatly laid out in grids. What what the what the nominations one hundred fifty and twenty one hundred's they're kind of they're kind of flashy. Give me the twenties. Jurs also Jurs also saw closet stuff to the gills with clothes and belongings, a tight bedroom with an exercise bike in it and other untidy spaces inside the modest one house. He doesn't use the exercise bike very often if you have ever seen Senator Menendez. It was a very cramped home. There wasn't a lot of space because there's so many gold bars. That's what happens. Yeah, it was chaotic looking. Go to the real stage and you have looking for a few more square feet. You know I need no no we don't have any young kids. I got but I got a lot of gold bars. But you know when you watch those like mob movies and stuff they usually put them they have ceilings like this like the squares they have hides that's what they call it a hide. He wasn't even putting in that much effort like Larry Bay own talks and he's bragging about his hide. There was no hide here. Yeah, that's where whitey had the guns the fifty plus guns. Do you think people are just getting lazy how the gangsters of today they're not trying to they don't want to go the extra step they just want to be able to see it all when they walk in the door? Well, I mean, you know the fact is no one's going to prison. So you know why do you have to invest in a hide you get to do a hide properly. You got to you got to know know something about carpentry or drywall. You know you're you got to bring in somebody or have a mattress. Yeah, they never happened to the mattress that was a nice. Stick it under the mattress. They used to Johnny Montorano told me once they had got they had guys in Boston back in the 60s who knew how to build hides into into the cars into like the door like the driver's side door. Very cool. So you could you know so if you you know if you got fired upon you can you know hit the button and come up with a gun your own gun. And so you know you know what double oh seven stuff I know you know well you know how they you know how the cops you know there's always a new technology. So the cops would just pull you over and plant a gun Oh, so they didn't have to worry about a hide. Pretty soon I think that guy got into a new line of work probably probably building hides in the house. It didn't seem like Bobbin had his cared about any of that. He just was very. He said them a crack until we crossed the brand that he he had no problems like a quaar. Quaar is probably still shocked. Now we also have updates on the Trump hush money trial. I know you hit on this a little bit in the opening talking about you know what the verdict is going to be. But what I thought was the most amazing today was Lawrence O'Donnell's excuse for why Michael Cohen stole $30,000 from the Trump organization which by the way he openly admitted some of the words I that I saw describing how he admitted this he coolly admitted or he calmly admitted that he stole $30,000. So this was Lawrence O'Donnell trying to run cover for Michael Cohen. Go ahead Taylor. Later when Cohen was asked about that on redirect by the prosecution it didn't really sound like stealing $30,000 and sounded a lot like Michael Cohen doing the little that he could within that calculation to rebalance of the bonus he thought he deserved. And it still came out as less than the bonus he thought he deserved and the bonus he'd gotten here before. The little that he could embezzling it was just the little that he could I bet there's a lot of people sitting in prison right now going that's what I was doing. I wasn't embezzling I was rebalancing the bonus that I never got from my company that I deserved. They needed Lawrence O'Donnell as their lawyer but yeah that's just one of the updates. The other thing. I thought the fact that he wants to run for Congress Michael Cohen. Yeah. Do you see that? Yeah Jonathan Turley was talking about that he said you know this is he would be a you know a novel person in Congress because usually usually they wait until they get sworn into office before they start committing felonies. You know this this guy's ahead of the curve. Yeah even for Congress he's he's a lot to take you know they have a pretty low bar for people but yeah well the other part of this too that came out last night and into today is that the judge Judge Merchant was very upset with Robert Costello who compared to Michael Cohen is a very reliable witness and it seemed to be kind of a straight shooter but the judge was very upset how he because he said that Costello was staring at him and this is a this is a quote from the judge and then if you don't like my ruling you don't give me side eye and you don't roll your eyes. He also said are you staring me down right now if you try to stare me down one more time I will remove you from the stand. Well you know I guess Dershowitz said no I was staring at him he said Costello was trying not to stare at him he said but I wasn't bothered here's a play cut too with from Alan Dershowitz I'm sure Costello was trying to hide his contempt for the court but the judge had such a thin skin that he threatened him he said he would strike the testimony and hold him in contempt if he rolled his eyes again you have a constitutional right to roll your eyes and to stare at anybody it was absurd. I love rolling my eyes it's like one of my favorite things to do. That's that's what I did at a certain hearing and a congressional hearing. Oh yeah you became it you were one of the first like gifts on Twitter for rolling your eyes. Yeah but Bulger wanted that would have thrown me in jail for doing that or thrown me under a bus. Yeah I also saw that Alan Dershowitz referenced the May West line where the judge says you're showing contempt of the court and she says no I'm trying not to show my contempt I'm trying to hide my contempt. That was probably the situation that Costello was in but at certain points how the other part of it too is that they said the judge was sustaining all these objections and kind of cutting off Costello when you compare it to how he treated Stormy Daniels and Michael Collins. Right. So obvious that he's changing his opinion. Right and the Trump defense was trying to was going to want to bring in like a former official from the federal elections commission to explain that this is not a crime and the merchant wouldn't allow men. I mean no stinking expert witnesses for you orange man bad. You know it is funny though. Everyone kept saying that Alvin Bragg had been looking for a crime and hoping one would appear throughout this trial. Now it has. Thanks Michael Cohen. He found one. It wasn't the one he thought but he found one. So congrats to Alvin Bragg you know good day for you. Howie Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC luxury tech and safety are built into the entire premium GMC line. TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson Mass invites you to experience a GMC Sierra. The new Acadia Yukon or terrain GMC professional grade search their inventory at I wanted to read you know we get a lot of headlines about the doom and gloom what will happen if Trump is elected. You guys remember the Boston Globe fake cover about all the things that will go wrong. Well here's another one to add to your list. First lady Jill Biden claims Trump would destroy public education if president is elected. I thought it had already been destroyed. Yeah. I don't think he's gonna have a lot of work to do on that Friday like oh the job's already been done. But yeah she's telling us that Donald Trump would only bring chaos and division. I always believe that Joe would be the best education. Chaos and division as opposed to what we've got in the United States right now. Donald Trump doesn't want to strengthen our public education system. He wants to destroy it. She said if Donald Trump is related and that's the Democrat. That's the Democrat's job. Damn it. Yeah. We're going full force. They also keep running with and Biden's been doing this too. The banning of the books like that fake news which has already been debunked. But they're really they're really going all the way. They want to move genderqueer out of the out of the pre-K section into the middle school section and that's somehow that's banning books and again I come back you know I was one of the DeSantis's most brilliant moves as a politician is when you know they accused him of banning the books and he said okay we're going to have a live press conference. They bet for it. The local TV station. They bet for it. They're broadcasting live and he starts reading from these books that are supposedly so benign and vanilla and the heads exploded in all local TV stations. They said we're going to lose our licenses if we keep going with this because it was so obscene. They all had to cut out instantly. He made his point. Yeah. Or he would have made his point if anyone had picked up other than the people who are watching that watching it on TV. And Howie I think which goes with what you're saying it's not only the woke far left progressive ideology that has people concerned it's also this real attack on anyone who's for school choice like that is that is now seen as something very very bad and she did say a world in which public schools are privatized and their funding is gutted. And Corey Deangelis who's on Fox a lot who's on Newsmax he does a lot of great things for that. His whole point is a lot of these politicians who ripped school choice and who ripped these charter schools they send their kids to private schools. Right. Like you have a new some as the best prime example right now. Yeah. And that's a big issue. I think that's an issue that it's not like the funnest thing to talk about all the time. But it is something that affects people especially in these low income communities. They're getting sick of it. They're getting sick of the fact that they have to send their kids in these schools which by the way ties in to the illegal immigration because you look at Chicago not only are they being told you can't choose what schools your kids get to go to but the school your kid does go to in which their reading levels are low is now going to be co-opted and used as a shelter for illegal aliens. So this is all I mean that's that's a large part of what it's what's going on in Massachusetts with that in places like Kingston and more recently Norfolk. Yeah. I mean people overpaid hugely overpaid to get into a good school system and now the school system is going to be decimated and when you look at I mean for her to talk about destroying public education. If you look at the reading levels right now across the country it is. And this is a woman who in her doctoral dissertation couldn't even come up with the right percentages to add to a hunt add up to a hundred. She is. I guess she's an early victim. She was just trying to. A bad public education. How is she just trying to rebalance the statistics to 100 as long as I that's it for me how we thank you very much. Oh, although I do want to remind people don't forget to book your reservations for the Aviva treachery a remote in hand over on May 31st will be celebrating my birthday but we'll really just be celebrating the kickoff. Yeah. And if you give a 20 if you run up a bill of 20 bucks and you can show it to us you get a free copy of paper boy read all about it. And by the way just one other thing I want to add in here how we is there were some great tweets today about this Trump hush money case and they're all on tweet beats if you go to That's up there now. All right. Thank you. Mr. Mark D. Stefano is back along with his chief of surgery Dr. Thomas brand together. They formed Northeast hair restoration and a pioneer a new groundbreaking procedure called precision follicular extraction or PFE. The PFE is becoming the gold standard in the most sought after hair transplant procedure in all of New England. Imagine no shaving, no scalpels, no stitches, no linear scarring while preserving the natural appearance of your existing hair and delivering transformational results. And just for our listeners with every PFE procedure you will get a free laser cap just like the one I use. I got it. I brought it in today so I won't forget it so I'll be able to show it on air. I use it though once once every other day for 20 minutes and it's going to my as good of job they did on my hair restoration. This will make it even thicker within two to three months. That laser cap is a $3,000 value free. The laser cap has been shown to speed up the healing process and help the hair grow faster. Call Northeast hair restoration today for your free consultation at 800-208-HARE. That's 800-208-HAIR or go to that's I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. He's Howie Carr and he's back. Anyone who was watching on the social media saw another VIP that was just in my lap. William, my grandson, 844-542-781 says your grandson hugs you like Zelensky, hugs Biden. Well, I don't know about that. Anyway, 844-542-422-919 when you wear that laser cap I want to see two men in white coats show up and walk you out to the short bus. The thing is I like wearing it at home because I can have the dog Rosco and he sees the red. It lights up. It has red flashes on it. He gets very perplexed about what's going on in the top of my head and says, "Hey, Mr. Carr, get back in the kitchen and give me a piece of astronomy." I want to play a couple more of these Gen McCabe cuts here. We had a lot to get to today. The White House actually put out the remarks by President Biden at a campaign event. We played a lot of them last night on the year, but this was a first with the actual White House transcript. They've got eight corrections in one speech, in the transcripts. Again, I don't know if it's an all-time record, but it's- Everybody's entitled to be an idiot. This is beyond idiocy, Mr. President. Maybe you can match it this afternoon up in New Hampshire. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Let's play cut 14. This is Gen McCabe. Honest Gen McCabe with the defense attorney for Karen Reed, Alan Jackson, cut 14. That's 12 times that you reiterate under oath, under penalty of perjury in April of 2022, what my clients statements were, either at the scene or needing up to get into the scene. Correct. Correct. Every single one of those. Separate times, you indicated that she asked a question, something like, "Could I have hit him or did I hit him?" Correct. Correct. Not one time in that testimony, did you say, "She declared, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him, did you?" The questions that were asked, when she said, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him," that was at the scene in response to an officer asking questions. What I just read was asked when she first called me or when we were driving in the car or when we were at John's house. I was answering the question that I was asked. I'm going to call BS on that. Tell us the name of the officer that she said it to, cut 13. So you believe that you weren't asked a question, "Did she say to an officer, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him," and if you're not asked a question, "Did she say to an officer, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him," you're not going to volunteer. That she said, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him, that's your testimony." No, that's not. My testimony is, officer was asking her what his name was. [MUSIC PLAYING]