The Howie Carr Radio Network

HUH? Lawrence O'Donnell's Excuse for Michael Cohen is Something Else | 5.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell is pulling out all the stops to defend Michael Cohen. Plus, Toby Leary joins the show to answer all of your 2A questions.

Broadcast on:
21 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattaria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in. By the way, we had former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman on the one o'clock. That will be posted shortly. So if you missed it, he really did cover a lot of ground for us. We talked about the Hush Money trial, which I have more updates on now. We talked about Karen Reed and the third party culprit defense, which I think is playing out pretty successfully for her team. Alan Jackson and her other lawyers, Yanetti, I think, is one of them. Is Yanetti's Karen Reed's lawyer, too? Yeah, it's Yanetti and Alan Jackson. I think they're doing a pretty decent job of creating reasonable doubt. And we also talked about Sean P. Diddy Combs, which is a huge story, especially with the video that came out on Friday from a Los Angeles hotel, which apparently, from what I've read, I sound like the kid from that viral clip, apparently. Or the kid? I don't. The apparently kid? I don't remember the apparently kid. Your loss. He was pretty funny. But yeah, apparently there was a video. We saw the video, but I think that P. Diddy bought the video or kept the video quiet by paying off the hotel or someone at the hotel. That's what I've read. And we talked about that. So he was able to cover a lot of different trials for us, a lot of different legal proceedings. You should check that out. We also played some sound from Bill Maher and Bill Maher was on with Greg Gutfeld, which is a funny combination because Greg Gutfeld now has a very successful show on late night. Usually, usually those two things don't go hand in hand. A late night show and actual ratings. Those are usually contradictory, but he was on with Greg Gutfeld and he was talking about how he, how he thinks that Republicans and Democrats can be friends. And we got a text from 3, 3, 9, who said, "You should play Maher talking about how he hates Trump and resents January 6, and you should play all those cuts." I didn't say here. You're actually illustrating the issue. I didn't say I agree with everything Bill Maher has ever said. And I bet I don't agree with everything you've ever said. But he can make a good point once in a while. That's a weird part of our current society where it's like, if you mention that someone had a solid point, then they go, "Well, do you know that his ex-wife said this about him?" No, but that has nothing to do with it. Relevance? Let's take Trump. He's speaking live outside the courtroom right now. Remember, I'm Greg. I'm not allowed to say what I'd like to really say. You'd be very impressed. But I'm gay. So why would I take the chance? We do want to defend our Constitution, so at some point maybe I will take the chance. It's a very serious situation where a Republican nominee for president, the Republican nominee, somebody that won easily and quickly and record time gets number one gag and number two is before a Democrat appointed judge. And you're playing with fire like this. It's very sad. But the good news is they've not proven a case. There is no crime. I'm going to read all of these experts. And you know the ones that have to go over their names again, but all experts are legal scholars, talented people, very smart people. And there was no crime. So maybe they'll try and devise one right now. The judge will help them out because the judge has been very helpful to the other side. Yeah, he has. That's a really good point. The judge, Judge Merchant, has been very helpful in advising the other side, which I don't know. I always tell people this. I don't claim to be any sort of legal expert, but I've never heard of a judge giving like tips to the prosecution and trying to steer them in the right direction when it comes to Donald J. Trump. It's very, very strange. And something else I wanted to talk about here because there's a lot to this case, Alan Dershowitz. Here's another example. Do I agree with everything Alan Dershowitz has ever written and said, no, I do not. Do I think that he made a very solid point when he was on TV last night? Yes, I do. And so I'm going to play it. Alan Dershowitz was talking about Robert Costello's testimony. Now, if anyone missed this in the beginning, Robert Costello was testifying in the Trump hush money case because he's not as reliable as sources. Say Stormy Daniels or Michael Cohen. He was getting a porn star. He was getting a lot of grief from the judge. Now, the judge says that he rolled his eyes. He gave him the side eye. And my favorite was he gave him a stare down. So, I don't think that there is anything that merchant or I'm sorry that Costello could have done in this case that wouldn't have warranted an admonishment from this judge. Staring straight ahead, you're in trouble, giving, staring to the side, you're in trouble, rolling your eyes. If rolling your eyes is worth admonishments, Jared, you would be admonishing me for three hours a day because it's my favorite thing to do. It helps me let off steam. It helps me think. I've got to roll my eyes. And so, he's mad at Costello and he's interjecting. He's sustaining all these objections. And Alan Dershowitz said it was absolutely insane. Can I get cut 17? I'm sure Costello was trying to hide his contempt for the court, but the judge had such a thin skin that he threatened him. He said he would strike the testimony and hold him in contempt. If he rolled his eyes again, you have a constitutional right to roll your eyes and to stare at anybody. It was absurd. You have a constitutional right to roll your eyes, Jared. I like that. I use mine multiple times a day and I think it's wonderful. But that's not even the craziest thing. That was Alan Dershowitz. And I'll play the next one because I do think that he's hitting the nail in the head when it comes to Judge Merchant and how bias and partisan he has been in this case. But then I do want to go to Lawrence O'Donnell. So let's play a cut 18 next Alan Dershowitz again. And then to sit so close to Cohen, watching him give lie after lie, would you believe he actually said he would not have accepted a pardon from Donald Trump after he had previously said he would do anything to avoid prison. He would essentially he would lie. He would cheat. He would do anything to avoid prison, but I won't accept the pardon from Donald Trump. If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. There were so many lies and then failure to allow a full testimony from the expert when the other side was allowed to introduce letters saying, and the jury will believe it, as Jonathan correctly said, that it was illegal. It was illegal. It was illegal. This expert was going to come in and rebut that. This judge has committed more reversible errors. And the one day I was in the courtroom than I've seen in years and years of practicing law. It's just an outrage. And just to piggyback off that, Brett Tolman, who we did have on the show in the one o'clock, he tweeted out something similar. He said, Judge Merchant is sustaining the prosecution's objections before a question is fully asked. It's so bad. The witness Costello blurts out G's under his breath. The contrast of how much Judge Merchant let in during Stormy's and Cohen's testimony to the handcuffing he's doing to the defense is unreal. So in other words, he lets Stormy Daniels, the porn star and Michael Cohen, the fraudster con man serial purger, go on and on and on and didn't put up any guardrails against them. But then when Costello gets out there and he's a reliable source, he's, you heard Brett Tolman say he's a respected lawyer. He was getting, he was getting stopped constantly. And yeah, he blurted out G's because he's probably thinking, this is beyond a kangaroo court. This is, we're going to turn into a banana republic. I don't blame him for getting frustrated. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. And I think that contrast is so important because it'd be one thing. If he was, if he was doing this to Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, if he had been as over the top in his interruptions of their testimony, but he was letting them go. He was letting them get their message across. And he only got his backup against the wall and started listening to all these objections when it was Robert Costello, who had a different story to tell. That is no worthy, but the craziest thing about Alan Dershowitz obviously makes a lot of sense. He's a brilliant legal mind. Lawrence O'Donnell is not a brilliant legal mind. And I loved his take on Michael Cohen admitting to stealing $30,000. If I ever steal $30,000, forget the lawyers, forget Michael Cohen, forget Michael Avenatti. I know I told him that I would go to him for any of my legal troubles, but he's all tied up right now. I want to go to Lawrence O'Donnell. I want to go straight to Lawrence O'Donnell and say, I want you to come up with my defense. Listen to Lawrence O'Donnell explaining why Michael Cohen stole $30,000 from the Trump Organization. I believe it was in 2017. This is cut 12. Later when Cohen was asked about that on redirect by the prosecution, it didn't really sound like stealing $30,000. It sounded a lot like Michael Cohen doing the little that he could within that calculation to rebalance of the bonus he thought he deserved. And it still came out as less than the bonus he thought he deserved and the bonus you've gotten here before. I want to live in Lawrence O'Donnell's fantasy land. I want to partake in this kind of Michael Cohen vigilante bonus justice where it's like, oh, I think, can you do that in a company? I've got to run this by Howie. Can I say, hey, I think my bonus should have been close to $30,000. So unbeknownst to you, I'm just going to do that myself. That's called embezzling money. But I'm just going to do that. I'm just going to steal that money myself. I'll make it right in here. You know, you don't have to worry about. Don't worry about the books. Don't worry about crunching the numbers. Don't worry about the fuzzy math. I will figure it out and I will make things right. Grace Curly accounting firm will make things right. Rebalancing. That's a good one. I like that one. He's balancing the books. I'm going to go home and rebalance my bank account. But I mean, Jared, no lawyer could come up with that. We're Michael Cohen. Alvin Bragg should have had this ready to go. Yeah, he stole $30,000, but he deserved it. He worked really hard. He needed a better bonus than the one he got. These people are out of their minds. The fact that Lawrence O'Donnell can say that with the street face and you know what's crazy is you have like Anderson Cooper and some people who are giving accurate reporting on what's happening. And then you have Lawrence O'Donnell. I didn't realize that on the scale of Trump derangement, he is so far gone. He's like Nicole Wallace territory at this point. 844-542-42. When we come back, we're going to be joined by Toby Larry from Cape Gunwork. So you can call in now. It's 844-542-42. And then of course, we've got Howie Carr joining us later in the show. By the way, something I want to mention. If you go to or and you click on the store and you buy a copy of Paperboy, you will get a free mystery t-shirt included with your purchase. It's Father's Day deal. Well supplies last, so get on it soon., click on store. You could even get this one, the Trump mugshot t-shirt. There's a bunch of really cool ones. So go to and click on store. We will be right back. The GraceCurlyShow will be right back. This is the GraceCurlyShow. Welcome back everyone to the GraceCurlyShow. We've got Toby Larry on the lines. Toby, thanks so much for joining us today. It's always a pleasure to be here. Grace, you so much for having me. You sound beautiful. Clear as a bell, Toby. Do I sound like I'm sitting right next to you? You really do. It kind of scared me a little bit. Toby, I want to go right to the callers here because we already have a lot of people on the lines. But by the way, you can keep calling in. It's 844-542-42. Let's start with Bill. Your first up with Toby. Go ahead, Bill. Yes, hi Toby. I've got a Glock 19 generation 5 and I swapped out the trigger to the performance trigger. And I'm just trying to find out what you think of it. Have you used one editor? Is it the Apex tactical trigger? Is that what we're talking about? Nope. It's the one manufactured by Glock. Glock came out with a performance trigger. And it's proprietary for, you know, came right from Glock. Cool. And I'm wondering if you've used one yet or? I have not. This is news to me, but I'm sure it's good. The Glock triggers aren't terrible to begin with. They typically are pretty good triggers as far as right out of the box for defensive pistol. But that's interesting that they came out with a performance trigger because there was several aftermarket companies. Probably I could think of four or five that made aftermarket Glock triggers. And so that tells you something that people want better than what you get out of the box. And the one that I was very familiar with is the Apex tactical one. But so Glock obviously felt they were missing a little bit of the market share on that and came out with a trigger, which is good because I hate putting aftermarket triggers in factory guns, to be honest with you. That's why I only recommend the Apex tactical one because that one I've had enough experience to be able to recommend it in good conscience. But the fact that Glock came out with their own version is actually very good news because then it means it won't void their warranty and etc like stuff like that. So I'm sure it just cleans up a little bit of the grittiness of the trigger and what's your experience with it so far? Well, it was light until I went to the Johnny Glock website and I put on a different trigger shoe and I put a heavier connector on it, which made all the difference in the world because he was saying you could blow right through it. Well, that's the thing about performance triggers. Yeah, so performance trigger generally means it's going to lighten the trigger pull and it's going to smooth it out because people are doing those for like competition and for steel challenge and that type of thing. They're not doing it necessarily on a carry gun. So for me, if it was a carry gun, I would stick with the stock trigger. But if you're getting a gun that you're trying to make competition ready, then yeah, put the performance grade trigger on it. But it sounds like you kind of did a hybrid of both. You got the performance and then you put some stuff back to make it a little bit heavier trigger pull but still smooth it out if I'm catching it correct. But that's good. And it's probably a different trigger angle, I would assume. So it's probably not the typical Glock curve. There's probably some changes to it, et cetera. But yeah, I'll have to check in looking at that and I'm glad to hear it. You know, I learned something new every day, Grace. Sometimes my listeners educate me and so I'll have to look into it myself and probably get some for the shop so we can do those upgrades for people. Well, thank you very much, Bill, for calling in. And Toby, I'm going to do the poll question here. But everyone, Peter, Mike, everybody else, Dan, we're going to be right back. There's still time to call in. So don't worry. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense, or some other legal concern. Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's The lawyers have returned to discuss jury instructions. We've been watching this hush money trial. Obviously we're not watching it. We don't have cameras, but we're getting a lot of descriptions and depending on who you go to for your news, you hear different things. Lauren, so Donald says Michael Cohen didn't steal. With that hair of an angel. $30,000 was just his way of kind of recalculating his bonus that he deserved. Other people are saying it was the nail in the coffin that Michael Cohen admitted he stole from the Trump organization. He cannot be trusted in case that's breaking news to you. Michael Cohen is a liar. And so that brings us to the poll question. Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how would a guilty verdict affect Trump help him hurt him or it won't have any impact? I'm going to say it won't have any impact. Jake Novak said that to me and everything else he said about this case so far. You can always check out this podcast by the way. Everything else he said was on the money about Alvin Bragg about the level of incompetence of this judge. And he said to me, Grace, you give these judges and these people in leadership too much credit. You don't understand how dumb they actually are. And everything he said so far is true beyond what I imagined. So I'm going to go with what Jake Novak said and say there's going to be no effect on it. 40% of the audience actually agrees with you on that says it won't have any impact. 50% think it will help him. 10% believe it will hurt him. And you know what? I was watching Trump outside the courthouse today and Caroline Levitt was standing right behind him. And I was on Caroline's Twitter because Joe Biden's going to New Hampshire today. I didn't even know that. But they were interviewing Granite Staters. You didn't know it either. And she put it on her Twitter. And it's really good sound of all of these people from New Hampshire just slamming Joe Biden and saying he's done a lot of work. Biden and saying he's done a lousy job. So I'm going to see. I'm going to work my magic here and see if we can get Caroline to join us tomorrow to talk about Biden's trip to New Hampshire. 844-542-42. More questions for Toby when we come back. Get on the line now. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We've got Toby Larry on the line from Cape Gun Works coming in as clear as a bell. He sounds better than I do Jared. Your voice sounds gorgeous Toby today. I want to go to the callers. We have people on the lines. If you're not on the line yet, but you're listening to this and you're saying I have a question for Toby. I want to get answered. Call 844-542-42. I'll also be monitoring the text line. Let's go to Mike. You've been waiting a while. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, how's it going guys? Good. What's up? Good. So my father-in-law passed away. He lives in Florida. He wanted to leave his guns to my wife. And there's nothing in writing about any of that. His wife just said that's what he wanted to do. So I'm not really sure how to do that. How do we go about that whole situation? Yeah. It gets a little murky if it's not specifically put in writing. But what you could do is I would say the only way to proceed would be to have them shipped to a local gun store. I assume you're in Massachusetts, Mike. Yep. We were in Westbridge water, but I was actually listening to you guys all the time. Okay. Cool. Well, what you could do is call us off the air and we will talk about what the guns are. We do have this thing called an approved pistol roster. And there's also some issues with assault weapons in the state. So if there's any guns that are on those lists or not on those lists specifically, I should say in the case of handguns, we wouldn't be able to facilitate a transfer. But ironically, but we'll work with you and make it as seamless as possible. But you could have them shipped up to us and we could facilitate the transfer for you. Most of the time it's not a big deal at all. And you can ship directly to us. You don't need to go to a local gun dealer. If you don't want to down there to have them shipped, just make sure you put a copy of your ID. But I would give us a call 508771 3600 and we'll take care of you. All right. Awesome. Thank you, Mike. Let's go to Peter. You're next up with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Peter. Hey, Toby. Hey, Grace. I was thinking about getting my first gun, but I don't think I'm ready for that responsibility kind of yet. So I heard some advertising about that non-lethal burnout gun. And I was wondering if you could give your opinion on that as far as the kinetic rounds and the tear gas. And maybe that's the first good stuff. Yeah. I mean, I like that gun a lot. We've talked about it a bunch on this show. Grace actually shot it out on a range a couple of times and did very well with it. So there's like no recoil. It doesn't have much sound. The I know of a guy who successfully used it to defend himself against armed attackers. There was two or three people that attacked him. And one of the rounds hit one of the attackers in the eye and actually knocked the guy's eye out. So that ended his fight, but these guys were all armed and he successfully defended himself with the burnup pistol. It is legal in all 50 states. It's a less lethal option. I'm not a huge chemical guy, but in the right scenario, it would be a good idea to have the chemical and the tear gas in there. The kinetic ground is just going to hurt and hopefully achieve a psychological stop, so therefore it's inferior to a firearm from guaranteeing a physiological stop. But the truth of the matter is it's going to be hard for someone to attack you. If you're peppering them with a ball that hits and hurts really bad and maybe even with the chemical ball, it gets into their mucus membranes and eyes and mouth and everything and makes it hard to breathe and see. So the only time that's a drawback is if you're in a confined space where the chemical agent can affect you or others around you that aren't the attacker. So for all those reasons, I like the product a lot and there are Massachusetts-based companies. We sell a ton of them. I have a hard time keeping their product in stock. And I think it has a better chance at achieving a psychological stop just by the fact that it looks like you get in shot by a gun and you're feeling pain as you're getting hit. So the good news about most attackers like that are their cowards and they don't like any type of resistance. That's why they pick people who they think are unarmed. So hopefully that helps and I would certainly recommend it. I would get one anyway, maybe for the car or the house or the camper or whatever you're doing, the backpack and have something. It's better than nothing. Let's put it that way. All right. Thank you, Peter. Very good question. Terry, you're next up with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Terry. Yes, thanks for your call. Do you sell a burner or the apex tackle tactical at your shop and how can I get it? Do I have to physically come down there? Hey, yeah, thanks for the call on that. We do sell both products. I sell the apex tactical triggers for the Smith & Wesson M&P series. Where I think it's the biggest benefit for all the listeners. If anyone has the Smith SDV series of pistols, they're phenomenal and it's like a $45 upgrade to your trigger on your gun that has kind of a horrible trigger from the factory. But it really cleans it up quite a bit and I have them for Glock and I can get them for the FN 509 series pistols as well. So I stock the most popular ones here at the shop and I have them as just the trigger kit and also with a replacement trigger that'll give you like a flat face trigger, et cetera. And I noticed on the Glock website about that performance trigger that they're offering, they also change the trigger angle like I thought and have a flat face trigger. And I carry most of the burn up products here at the shop. I have their backpack, which is awesome. It has bulletproof plates in it front and back that deploys very quickly. I have their pistols, I have their carbines, I have their pepper balls, I have even their pepper sprays here at the shop. So yeah, burn is a very good product for us in the shop and I can ship any of those products that we just talked about. So if you give us a call and you're not local and you don't want to make the trip down and see our wonderful shop and meet our great staff, then we'll ship it to you. But we're worth the drive. So jump in the car and come over the bridge and see us. Absolutely. Thank you for the call, Terry. Toby, I do want to get to one of the textures here who says Toby, I live in Springfield. I'm a 63 year old woman. I feel like it's too late for me to become a gun owner and I have no idea where I would start. Any advice would be appreciated. Yeah, it's never too late. 63 is not a problem. You're not too old for that. I would say, come on down. Jump in one of our girl in a gun classes, meet Nicole. She's our female instructor. You'll be surrounded by like-minded women who are also just starting their journey into firearms ownership as a female. And you'll love the passion. You'll love the excitement. You'll love the energy of this group. And you can also just do a private lesson with one of our instructors and we'll help you make the right choice on what gun it is you want to buy or should buy. And then also get you to put some rounds down range and get you comfortable behind the gun and give you some stuff to work on. So I would say if you're thinking about it, do it and we'll make it as comfortable as possible. Make a day of it. Make it an overnight weekend with some friends or something and come on down or visit a local gun store near you. I'm not trying to say you have to come to us. There's plenty of great gun shops in Massachusetts if you don't want to make the trip. So by all means, I would say do it. And if you decide that's not an option, like the last two callers that burn a pistol isn't a bad way to go as well or get some pepper spray. But at the very least, take a good self-defense class because self-defense is a mindset. It's not just a product in your hand. It is learning how to avoid the fight in the first place. It's also making yourself less of a threat when you're out in the public area and just being aware of your surroundings. So there's a lot of good classes out there regarding that. So hopefully that helps. But if you're thinking about it, just do it. You owe it to yourself. Toby Larry is from Cape Gun Works and you can learn more about Cape Gun Works by going to They're located on 96 Airport Road in Hyannis Mass. And Toby, where can people find you on social media? Yeah, thanks Grace. The social media has been stalling out thanks to the evil algorithms trying to keep good content down around the Second Amendment community. So please go to @CapeGunWorks and @RapidFireRadio and subscribe to both. We put stuff out there to both channels, but sometimes different things to each channel. So you don't want to miss out and you'll be alerted whenever we go live. We do a lot of live shows, do a couple other shows during the week. We have RapidFire Radio on Sunday on WXDK, which you can listen on the iHeartRadio app. It's on from noon to 1 on WXDK. It's called RapidFire Radio. And then Wednesday's show from 4 to 6 is a podcast and you can get the archive of that if you go to our website, All right. Thank you very much, sir. We'll talk to you again next week. Thank you to everyone for tuning in today. We're going to be joined by Howie when we come back. But I did want to read one text here because we were talking about Trump's arrangement syndrome. I was just discussing this with the VIPs who are in here a little bit early for Howie's show. And 919 says, "Most of my family lives in Boston in our big-time moon baths. One of my brothers will try to engage in politics, who I might add said he voted for Trump in 2016, but now says he'd never vote for him again, given his reasons with anger. I just replied, "How happy are you now compared to when Trump was president?" End of conversation. Yeah. There's a real difference between people who, and this is what we have to distinguish when dealing with potential voters. There are some people who are never going to vote for Donald Trump and they hate him so much and it makes them blind to anything. It makes them blind to any logic. It makes them blind to any statistics, percentages, even video. You show them videos of the Southern border. They'll see something totally different. Some of the Joy Behar types, okay? Those fall under Joy Behar. Then you have people who say, "I really don't like how Donald Trump does this or that." But it's not a burning passion. It is not who they are as people. It doesn't take up their entire personality. Their entire lives don't revolve around hating Donald Trump. But they might voice a little bit of, "I don't like this. I don't like that." Those people are movable. Those people can be pushed in the right direction. We should not try to change the hearts and minds of people who have made their entire existence about hating Donald Trump because that speaks to something that is above my pay crate. If hating Donald Trump is filling something in your soul that was lacking, if it's filling some sort of void, then that's beyond what a debate or a conversation about politics is going to do. That is something totally different. That's a loneliness. That's a sadness. That's a obsession that a conversation about policy is not going to move that person one way or the other. But the people who say, "Maybe I could hold my nose if my 401(k) looked better, if I was safer, if the world was safer, if less wars were breaking out, those are the people that we need." And something I keep hitting on. I'm sure people think I'm crazy, but you all know that already. You listen to the show, hopefully every day, so you're very well aware. But one thing I always say is that there's a good chunk of voters who Trump doesn't necessarily need to come out and vote for him. He just needs them not to go out and vote for Joe Biden. That could be a big difference. When you look at black voters, especially, you look at the numbers compared to previous Republican presidents, the numbers that Donald Trump is pulling in right now, if you believe the polls in that demographic, it could be a seismic shift for Republicans. It could really do the job just with that. But these other demographics, these other groups of voters, like the young, radical, Hamas-loving hippies at these colleges, I don't care. They're never going to vote for Trump, I don't think. But if they go in and they vote for free Palestine instead of Joe Biden, I'll consider that a win for Donald Trump. Not voting for Joe Biden is good enough for me. For the people who are going to actually go out and are deciding between the two options, I would say vote for Trump, obviously. But for the people who are out of their minds, I would say, if you feel so strongly about all of these causes, climate change, supporting Hamas, which so many people in this country now do, which is weird, I would say prove your commitment to the cause by not voting for Joe Biden, because he is betrayed you. He has really let you down. And I think that that could be your contribution is just stay home. And that would be enough for Donald Trump, because Joe Biden is relying on these young people coming out in full force. It's exactly, if you look at the 2022 midterms, I didn't think it was going to be this way. But Roe versus Wade really did motivate a lot of young people, a lot of women. Trump has an issue getting women to vote for him. But if these young people feel betrayed by Joe Biden and stay home, that could be an amazing thing for Donald J. Trump. And I think it's looking good. I think, depending on how this hush money trial goes, this verdict comes down. I don't know how much it's going to change things, but I think right now this is Trump's race to lose. I say that with a level of nervousness there, because we know that if he hears that, he's going to go, I'll take that challenge. So let's just keep our fingers crossed. And we'll be right back with how we will ask him about all of this. We'll ask him about the hush money, the Karen Reed, all of your questions for how he coming up next. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. We've got VIPs in here. Give yourselves a round of applause, VIPs. They're in here early for Howie Show. And I was talking with a few of them. They said they've already got their reservations for Hanover, for the birthday remote on May 31st at Aviva Trattoria. So make sure you call and make your reservations today. I'm joined now by Howard Lawrence Carr. Howie, something I wanted to ask you about. We've been focusing on Lawrence O'Donnell more than we like. And his recent excuse for Michael Cohen, stealing $30,000 from the Trump Organization, is that he was trying to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved. You've heard a lot of excuses when it comes to illegal activity in your time. Have you ever heard one like that? Well, again, you know, I'm working on this and Jullo project and and Jullo got beat the rap in a murder case in 1968. A guy was robbing card games that were run by one of his guys, Fat Pellegrini. So Jerry said, I went three of you to kill the one guy that set it up. And so they brought him all to trial, the four of them, including Jerry, the trial. And one of the guys was represented by Lawrence O'Donnell's father. They got him off. They got him all off. Of course, it helped. They bribed the jury. But, you know, I was just dad more than I would trust him. Why didn't Lawrence O'Donnell just say, look, sure, my client did it. But the guy had it coming. And the end, my client was going to get whacked. If he didn't whack the guy that hit fat fat card game. Yeah, he was trying to be the same excuse, right? Yeah, rebalancing things. He was trying to rebalance justice in a way that he thought made sense. He made a mistake. He was trying to make up for his mistake of sticking up fat card game. Now, Howie, on this note of the Michael Cohen hush money trial, I'm curious what you think if there is a guilty verdict. And we had Brett Tolman on today. He said, I'm not so sure at this point. It's been such a disaster. If there is a guilty verdict, what do you think it does? Because Caroline Levitt's been tweeting about the fundraising for Trump. His fundraising has been astronomical. Do you think it helps hurt or does everything stay the same if he gets a guilty verdict? I think I really think it helps him. I mean, look at these crowds when he leaves the courthouse and he's heading back, back uptown for the, you know, to, to Fifth Avenue. I mean, they're huge. Yeah. You know, but he has more people every day. This he's, this is like the blob. You know, remember that movie, the blob? The more stuff they threw at him, the bigger he got. Mm hmm. And you know what, Joe Biden's in New Hampshire and he's not having a blob effect today. The granted status, there's no blob in the granted state right now for Joe Biden. I can assure you of that. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got an excellent show plan for you. He's going to go over the Jennifer McCabe testimony and so much more. We'll see you all tomorrow. Howie Carr is coming up next. [MUSIC]